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    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等信息填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Wh prbably has the infrmatin?
    A. Kate. B. Jhn. C. Ginger.
    2. What shuld the man d?
    A. Keep n practising. B. Cntrl his anger. C. Adjust the schedule.
    3. What is the man ging t d next?
    A. Perfrm magic. B. D hairdressing. C. Teach painting.
    4. Hw is the man feeling nw?
    A. Cnfused. B. Ashamed. C. Anxius.
    5. Why des Steven still live in the ld flat?
    A. He can't affrd a new ne.
    B. He has friendly neighbrs.
    C. He wants t save mney.
    6. What is the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Ptential business partners.
    B. Prject cmpetitrs.
    C. Bss and secretary.
    7. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The price. B. The quality. C. The standard.
    8. What disease is the man suffering frm?
    A. Brain cancer. B. Tensin headache. C. Flu infectin.
    9. What des the wman suggest fr further questins?
    A. Fllwing the instructins. B. Searching the Internet. C. Cnsulting the dctr.
    10. Why des Bb call Tina?
    A. T ask fr a favur. B. T arrange a meal. C. T explain a change.
    11. When will the cncert be held?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday.
    12. What des Bb finally decide t d tnight?
    A. Attend a cncert. B. G t wrk. C. See a play.
    13. What des the man think f the hstess?
    A. Wnderful. B. Average. C. Grateful.
    14 Which cuntry will the man visit next?
    A. Nrway. B. America. C. Netherlands.
    15. What will the man d right after the cnversatin?
    A. Seek a jb. B. Take a taxi. C. Write a letter.
    16 Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At a travel agency. B. At a guesthuse. C. At an airprt.
    17. What did the speaker enjy mst when picking strawberries?
    A. Tasting strawberries. B. Weeding the garden. C. Sunbathing.
    18. Hw many rws f nins did the speaker plant?
    A. 1. B. 2. C. 3.
    19. Why did Granddad say the nins the speaker planted were bigger?
    A. T make her prud. B. T tell her the truth. C. T make fun f her.
    20. What is the speaker?
    A. A prfessr. B. A gardener. C. A student.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Mind-Bending Facts Abut Yga
    It’s been arund fr rughly 5,000 years, but yga is mre ppular tday than ever. Here are sme mind-bending facts abut yga.
    Vinyasa yga, als called flw, is ne f the mst ppular styles in the West. It fcuses n linking a series f pses with the breath at a quick, smth pace. Ashtanga is like Vinyasa, but mre structured: it is made up f a series f pses dne in the same rder every time. Ht yga is perfrmed in a rm heated between 33-40℃. The heat is said t increase vitality, flexibility and kiljule (千焦尔) burn.
    Already int yga and lking t change up yur practice? Try ne f the many mdern yga variatins, such as Aerial and Animal yga. Aerial yga invlves hanging frm a silk swing attached t the ceiling; it reduces jint pressure that sme peple feel while ding flr pses. Animal yga, n the ther hand, is less abut mastering pses and mre abut decreasing stress and bsting yur md by practicing alngside puppies, gats and even hrses.
    Savasana lks simple, but it can be difficult t master, as it calls fr a state f calm. Typically the final psitin f a yga class, the purpse f this pse is t allw yur practice t settle in yur mind and bdy, and it’s ideally dne fr at least five minutes. After that, yu and yur classmates typically acknwledge each ther with a greeting that even nn-ygis knw: Namaste.
    1. Why is Ashtanga mre structured than Vinyasa?
    A. It cnsists f a fixed rder f pses.B. It emphasizes slw mvements.
    C. It is practiced in a ht envirnment.D. It des nt link pses with breath.
    2. Which helps t ease stress n jints?
    A. Vinyasa yga.B. Ht yga.C. Aerial yga.D. Animal yga.
    3. What is the aim f the final psitin in a yga class?
    A. T bst verall vitality and flexibility.B. T acknwledge each ther’s prgress.
    C. T prepare fr subsequent yga sessins.D. T integrate practice int mind and bdy.
    OAK HARBOR, OHIO — “Over there!” A tall yung man pints abve the crwd. “A magnlia is mving in the branches.” Named after the tree in which they were discvered, male magnlia warblers are eye-catching birds, with a cal-black mask and a brilliant yellw belly. Bdies and binculars twist fr a lk. Camera shutters (快门) click vilently, and then nly birdsng fills the air again.
    I’m at the bardwalk f Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, fr the annual 10-day Biggest Week in American Birding Festival, created in 2010 by the cnservatin rganizatin, Black Swamp Bird Observatry. Migrating sngbirds, especially warblers, stp here every May, ne f the majr flyways fr bird migratin. As the largest birding festival in the U.S., it attracts upward f 90,000 peple, bringing in arund $40 millin t the lcal ecnmy.
    Birding enthusiasm is hard t cntain. “I pretty much spent whatever I had cming in, and it went ut just that fast. Plus five credit cards,” said Greg Miller, a Biggest Week guide and birder. Miller is famus in the avian (鸟类的) wrld: He inspired the character Brad Harris, played by Jack Black, in the mvie The Big Year, in which Jack crsses the cuntry t cmpete fr the Big Year recrd—a type f treasure hunt t see the mst bird species in a year.
    A similar energy spreads thrugh the gathering tday. When a rare bird shws up at Magee Marsh, peple will leave wherever they’re at and run t see whatever has shwn up. After an exciting mrning, I head t Blackberry Cmers Tavern, a well-knwn stp fr many Biggest Week attendees. The restaurant is packed with faces I saw earlier n the bardwalk. Birders frm acrss the wrld are sharing stries and dessert—a mixed crwd n their wn migratin, fllwing the birds.
    4. What des the authr intend t d in paragraph 1?
    A. Intrduce a particular bird.B. Explain the rules f birding.
    C. Unfld a picture f birding.D. Present ways f watching birds.
    5. Why is Magee Marsh chsen fr the Biggest Week?
    A. It is ppular amng birders.B. It advcates bird cnservatin.
    C. It matters t the lcal ecnmy.D. It is a main stpver fr migrating birds.
    6. What d we knw abut Greg Miller in paragraph 3?
    A. He is a frmer Big Year recrd winner.
    B. He hunts fr treasure acrss the cuntry.
    C. He is willing t invest heavily in birding.
    D. He mtivates Jack t becme an actr.
    7. What is the text?
    A. A mvie review.B. A research reprt.
    C. An eclgy leaflet.D. A news feature.
    If yu have used Ggle lately and been lucky — r unlucky — enugh t encunter an answer t yur query (查询) rather than a bunch f links, yu have been subjected t smething called AI Overviews, a new cre feature that Ggle has been rlling ut.
    What’s different abut AI Overviews is that answers are nt simply extracted frm relevant surces but generated behind the scenes by Ggle’s generative AI technlgy. The cmpany’s gal is t give yu a persnalized, n-demand answer instead f a standard set f dcuments matching yur query. But there’s mre t the picture.
    Peple’s searching needs dn’t end with factual infrmatin. They lk fr ideas, pinins and advice. Lking fr suggestins abut hw t keep the cheese frm sliding ff yur pizza? Ggle will tell yu that yu shuld add sme glue t the sauce. While a reasnable user can understand that such shcking answers are likely t be wrng, it’s hard t detect that fr factual questins. Ggle has acknwledged issues with AI Overviews and said it has addressed them. But the cncern remains: Can yu really trust any answers yu receive thrugh this service?
    There are alternatives. Yu can always g back t the traditinal Ggle search with its 10 blue links. Yu can then d what yu have likely dne fr decades nw — sift thrugh sme f the tp results, visit a few f thse sites and decide fr yurself. It des take a little wrk, but it gives yu back the ability t examine multiple sites and evidence t supprt r disprve smething. Mre imprtantly, yu leave pen the pssibilities fr learning and discvery.
    AI Overviews is like fast fd that gets delivered thrugh a drive-thrugh windw—it’s quick, ht and cnvenient, but nt the healthiest chice. Perhaps yu can’t affrd t eat ut at a nice restaurant every time, but it’s imprtant t avid ending up ging thrugh a drive-thrugh fr all yur nutritin. After all, yu are what yu eat, and similarly, yu are hw yu search.
    8. What is a feature f AI Overviews?
    A. It highlights the credibility.B. It prvides individualized answers.
    C. It prduces ptinal dcuments.D. It upgrades generative AI technlgy.
    9. What des the authr indicate by mentining “cheese” and “pizza”?
    A Cheese is an imprtant ingredient f pizza.
    B. Peple’s needs g beynd mere infrmatin.
    C. AI Overviews deals with factual infrmatin well.
    D. AI Overviews smetimes ffers unreasnable respnses.
    10. What des the underlined phrase “sift thrugh” prbably mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Srt thrugh.B. Wait fr.C. Predict.D. Summarize.
    11. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. AI Overviews: A Reliable Surce fr Query
    B. AI Overviews: The End f Traditinal Search Engines
    C. AI Overviews: Cnvenience at the Cst f Nutritin
    D. AI Overviews: The Future f Learning and Discvery
    Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, published 200 years ag, is ften called the first mdern wrk f science fictin — s much s that even peple wh haven’t read it knw the stry: an ambitius yung scientist named Victr Frankenstein creates a human-like creature frm the spare parts f dead bdies, but he lses cntrl f his creatin, and chas fllws. It reflects the anxieties ver new ideas and new scientific knwledge that were abut t transfrm the very fabric f life in the 19th century.
    Frankenstein is, f curse, a wrk f fictin, but a gd deal f real-life science infrms Shelley’s masterpiece, beginning with the adventure stry that frames Victr Frankenstein’s tale: that f Captain Waltn’s vyage t the Arctic. Waltn hpes t reach the Nrth Ple where he might “discver the pwer that attracts the needle” — referring t the then-mysterius frce f magnetism (磁力). The links between electricity and magnetism were a majr subject f investigatin during Shelley’s time, and a number f expeditins departed fr the Nrth and Suth Ples in the hpe f discvering the secrets f the planet’s magnetic field.
    Erasmus Darwin is mentined in the intrductin t Frankenstein. There Shelley claims that Darwin “preserved a piece f vermicelli in a glass case, till by sme extrardinary means it began t mve with a vluntary mtin”. She adds, “Perhaps a dead bdy wuld be brught back t life; galvanism (电击法) had shwn signs f such things: perhaps the cmpnent parts f a creature might be made, brught tgether, and given life.”
    Hwever, Frankenstein serves as mre than just a reflectin n scientific effrt; it is als a warning tale abut the mral respnsibilities f the creatr. Victr’s scientific experiments blind him t the ptential cnsequences f his wrk. When he realizes what damage the creature has dne, he is verwhelmed with regret. But he fails t relate t the creature, which leads t the miserable events that fllw. Victr Frankenstein’s failing isn’t his ver-enthusiasm fr science but his failing t cnnect emtinally with his creatin.
    12. What d we knw abut Frankenstein?
    A. It is influential.B. It reflects pp culture.
    C. It targets scientists.D. It is based n a real stry.
    13. Why des Captain Waltn cnduct his Arctic expeditin?
    A. T map nrthern regins.
    B. T uncver a mysterius frce.
    C. T trace the rute f great vyagers.
    D. T distinguish electricity frm magnetism.
    14. What d Shelley’s wrds in paragraph 3 fcus n?
    A. The significance f galvanismB. Her inspiratin fr the creature.
    C. The prcedure fr creating a being.D. Her supprt fr Darwin’s research.
    15. What message des Frankenstein cnvey?
    A. Adventure can inspire creativity.
    B. Regret can lead t miserable events.
    C. Creatrs shuld wrk ut the rigin f life.
    D. Scientific creatins shuld include mral cnsideratins.
    Many parents are lking fr ways t help their kids learn at hme. Tys advertised as teaching STEM might seem like ne way t achieve this gal. ____16____
    The answer is yes. Tys can indeed teach science, technlgy, engineering and math cncepts — but dn’t fcus n advertising r fancy labels t find the best bets. There’s n minimum educatinal requirement that tys must reach t label themselves a “STEM ty”, s almst everything n the market is untested. ____17____ Sme prven winners? Tinkertys, bard games, decks f cards and building blcks.
    ____18____ In preschl, fr example, the cnstructin f cmplex blck buildings is assciated with an imprvement in math learning. Blcks, puzzles and shape tys bst spatial skills. Spatial skills, in turn, are assciated with later math learning, suggesting that the early explratin f shapes acts as a springbard fr mre cmplex math cncepts.
    There are five characteristics that make fr a gd educatinal ty: active, engaging, meaningful, encuraging scial play and fun. Gd play has these characteristics built in. Tys that allw children t build and create als have the advantage f being renewable. ____19____ It means that kids dn’t becme bred with them easily.
    Thugh adults certainly dn’t have t participate in the building f every blck twer, sme grwn-up guidance can help bst kids’ learning frm play. One useful tl adults can use while playing with their children is “math talk”. This kind f talk encurages kids t think mre deeply abut math. ____20____ Parents can play guessing games with their kids like “Which is the mst?” r play simple screkeeping games like drp-the-clthespins-in-the-jar.
    A. But d they really wrk?
    B. Are the advertisements misleading?
    C. They’re different every time children return t them.
    D. Parents get invlved by having math talks with kids.
    E. Cnveniently, math talk desn’t require any ty purchases at all.
    F. Instead, lk fr tys that encurage pen-ended, active play and prblem-slving.
    G. Research shws creative, pen-ended play is hw yung children learn STEM cncepts.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I was driving dwn a busy rad yesterday. Traffic was extremely heavy and I was in a bad ____21____.
    I ____22____ at the lights at a busy intersectin and there was a man with a really tall unicycle (独轮脚踏车) ding ____23____ at the lights. This n its wn wasn’t ____24____. I had seen street perfrmers at these lights befre.
    But in the lane (车道) next t me was a truck with three men, wh began shuting and cheering n the unicycle man. They were s excited and ____25____ him up s much. I lked arund and everyne was ____26____ the perfrmance with them cheering him n. It was funny: these three big men in a big truck being s excited every time he did a new trick. Their ____27____ culd be heard by everyne at the intersectin. And they had ____28____ lit up the face f the street perfrmer. There was a big grin n his face.
    It had instantly ____29____ my md s I was desperately searching my car fr _____30_____ but nly had 45 cents t give him. It wasn’t necessary thugh, because as sn as the unicycle man _____31_____ and right befre the lights went green, the men in the truck _____32_____ $10 ut the windw fr him. They gave him wrds f _____33_____ and befre we all knew it, we were n the _____34_____ again.
    I didn’t _____35_____ the traffic fr the rest f the jurney hme.
    21. A. strmB. mdC. vehicleD. accident
    22. A. pulled upB. brke dwnC. gt ffD. set ut
    23. A. sprtsB. deliveriesC. tricksD. repairs
    24. A. unclearB. effrtlessC. unusualD. meaningless
    25. A. ringingB. keepingC. dressingD. pumping
    26. A. discussingB. instructingC. interruptingD. enjying
    27. A. warningB. singingC. celebratinD. cnversatin
    28. A. abslutelyB. respectivelyC. frequentlyD. initially
    29. A. ruinedB. liftedC. detectedD. mnitred
    30. A. cardsB. changeC. keysD. water
    31. A. finishedB. repliedC. arrivedD. accepted
    32. A. heldB. draggedC. drppedD. shwed
    33. A. cmfrtB. wisdmC. encuragementD. welcme
    34. A. sceneB. stageC. airD. mve
    35. A. directB. mindC. handleD. avid
    第二节 语法填空(共3篇,10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The past decades have witnessed a dramatic change in the ____36____ (glbe) climate. The cause fr the increase in the surface temperature is the “man-made” greenhuse effect. When peple prduce huge amunts f extra greenhuse gases by burning fssil fuels, mre heat energy is trapped in the atmsphere and ____37____ (cause) Earth’s surface temperature t rise quickly. Climate scientists have claimed that the warming trend will cntinue and cause serius damage. S, climate change requires ur attentin and we shuld take ____38____ (measure) t reduce greenhuse gas emissins.
    In ancient China, calligraphy, petry and painting were practiced ____39____ (separate), either at curt r privately amng the elites (精英). In the 7th century, the civil examinatin system gave rise t a new class f schlar-fficials ____40____ gained their status thrugh knwledge. Many f them were excellent pets, calligraphers, and painters. Ever since, these three arts have been cnnected and appreciated ____41____ the ultimate (极致) in the visual arts, knwn simply as “the three perfectins”.
    White-cllar wrker Zheng Yishan nw calls herself ____42____ “ffice farmer”, harvesting her first desktp bananas earlier this mnth. She said grwing fruit was a fantastic stress reliever, ____43____ (explain) that when a green banana, whse Chinese name is similar t “anxiety”, turns yellw, it symblizes the passing f wrry. Zheng is amng a grwing number f ffice wrkers in favr f fruit-bearing plants. Such plants are easy t care fr because mst ____44____ (deliver) with half-ripened fruits. The “ffice farmers” need nly t change water regularly, give the plant’s ____45____ (cntain) a gentle brush, and add plant nutrient slutins.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
    46. 你校英文报正在举办以“The Pwer f Perseverance”为题的征文活动。请你结合具体事例,写一篇短文投稿,谈谈对“Great wrks are perfrmed nt by strength, but perseverance.”的理解。
    The Pwer f Perseverance
    As the saying ges, great wrks are perfrmed nt by strength, but perseverance.
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I had bked the flights in smewhat f a hurry with just a carry-n bag, thinking 7 kgs was enugh fr a 3-day trip t Taup. I thught I’d given myself enugh time t get t the airprt, hwever, as ften was the case, I was running late and had t pack my bag with little time left. Cnfused abut what t carry, I stuffed all the clthes in my little bag, taking n ntice f the weight.
    Thirty minutes befre the flight, I was waiting at my terminal (航站楼) in the airprt and culdn’t stp smiling. I was t excited t g n a much-needed trip. A little while later, I heard an annuncement “Passengers flying t Taup n Flight NZ5091 are requested t weigh yur cabin luggage and cllect yur tag”. I std in the line waiting fr my turn, clueless abut hw much my bag wuld weigh, deep inside hping nt ver the weight limit.
    When it was my turn I placed my bag n the weighing scale and whaaaa!! It was 9.4 kgs. I asked the flight attendant if I culd buy $20 extra luggage allwance (行李费) as shwn n the app but I was t late fr it. Instead, I was asked t pay an additinal fee f $65. I either had t pay r leave smething away t bring it dwn t 7 kgs. I asked the attendant whether they wuld give my stuff back t me if I returned 3 days later and surprisingly I was tld I wuldn’t get it back.
    T me, a bad luggage experience had the pwer t cmpletely sur a trip. With n ther alternatives, I decided t give up sme f my stuff. Unsettled, annyed, disappinted! As I started remving the items, I saw a lady appraching me. It lked like she had heard the whle thing. She sat dwn next t me. “Are yu OK? I shuld be able t help yu.” She said.
    I lked up, surprised, and saw her pinting at her bag.
    While I was wrried whether I culd get my stuff back, the plane landed.
    第五部分 口语交际(10分)
    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等信息填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. Wh prbably has the infrmatin?
    A. Kate. B. Jhn. C. Ginger.
    2. What shuld the man d?
    A. Keep n practising. B. Cntrl his anger. C. Adjust the schedule.
    3. What is the man ging t d next?
    A. Perfrm magic. B. D hairdressing. C. Teach painting.
    4 Hw is the man feeling nw?
    A. Cnfused. B. Ashamed. C. Anxius.
    5. Why des Steven still live in the ld flat?
    A. He can't affrd a new ne.
    B. He has friendly neighbrs.
    C. He wants t save mney.
    6. What is the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Ptential business partners.
    B. Prject cmpetitrs.
    C. Bss and secretary.
    7. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The price. B. The quality. C. The standard.
    8. What disease is the man suffering frm?
    A. Brain cancer. B. Tensin headache. C. Flu infectin.
    9. What des the wman suggest fr further questins?
    A. Fllwing the instructins. B. Searching the Internet. C. Cnsulting the dctr.
    10. Why des Bb call Tina?
    A. T ask fr a favur. B. T arrange a meal. C. T explain a change.
    11. When will the cncert be held?
    A. On Wednesday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday.
    12. What des Bb finally decide t d tnight?
    A. Attend a cncert. B. G t wrk. C. See a play.
    13. What des the man think f the hstess?
    A. Wnderful. B. Average. C. Grateful.
    14. Which cuntry will the man visit next?
    A. Nrway. B. America. C. Netherlands.
    15. What will the man d right after the cnversatin?
    A. Seek a jb. B. Take a taxi. C. Write a letter.
    16. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At a travel agency. B. At a guesthuse. C. At an airprt.
    17. What did the speaker enjy mst when picking strawberries?
    A. Tasting strawberries. B. Weeding the garden. C. Sunbathing.
    18. Hw many rws f nins did the speaker plant?
    A. 1. B. 2. C. 3.
    19. Why did Granddad say the nins the speaker planted were bigger?
    A. T make her prud. B. T tell her the truth. C. T make fun f her.
    20. What is the speaker?
    A. A prfessr. B. A gardener. C. A student.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Mind-Bending Facts Abut Yga
    It’s been arund fr rughly 5,000 years, but yga is mre ppular tday than ever. Here are sme mind-bending facts abut yga.
    Vinyasa yga, als called flw, is ne f the mst ppular styles in the West. It fcuses n linking a series f pses with the breath at a quick, smth pace. Ashtanga is like Vinyasa, but mre structured: it is made up f a series f pses dne in the same rder every time. Ht yga is perfrmed in a rm heated between 33-40℃. The heat is said t increase vitality, flexibility and kiljule (千焦尔) burn.
    Already int yga and lking t change up yur practice? Try ne f the many mdern yga variatins, such as Aerial and Animal yga. Aerial yga invlves hanging frm a silk swing attached t the ceiling; it reduces jint pressure that sme peple feel while ding flr pses. Animal yga, n the ther hand, is less abut mastering pses and mre abut decreasing stress and bsting yur md by practicing alngside puppies, gats and even hrses.
    Savasana lks simple, but it can be difficult t master, as it calls fr a state f calm. Typically the final psitin f a yga class, the purpse f this pse is t allw yur practice t settle in yur mind and bdy, and it’s ideally dne fr at least five minutes. After that, yu and yur classmates typically acknwledge each ther with a greeting that even nn-ygis knw: Namaste.
    1. Why is Ashtanga mre structured than Vinyasa?
    A. It cnsists f a fixed rder f pses.B. It emphasizes slw mvements.
    C. It is practiced in a ht envirnment.D. It des nt link pses with breath.
    2. Which helps t ease stress n jints?
    A. Vinyasa yga.B. Ht yga.C. Aerial yga.D. Animal yga.
    3. What is the aim f the final psitin in a yga class?
    A. T bst verall vitality and flexibility.B. T acknwledge each ther’s prgress.
    C. T prepare fr subsequent yga sessins.D. T integrate practice int mind and bdy.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Ashtanga is like Vinyasa, but mre structured: it is made up f a series f pses dne in the same rder every time.(阿斯汤加就像串联体式,但更有条理:它由一系列姿势组成,每次都以同样的顺序完成)”可知,阿斯汤加比串联体式更有条理因为它由固定的姿势顺序组成。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Aerial yga invlves hanging frm a silk swing attached t the ceiling; it reduces jint pressure that sme peple feel while ding flr pses.(空中瑜伽包括悬挂在天花板上的丝绸秋千上;它减少了一些人在做地板姿势时感受到的关节压力)”可知,空中瑜伽有助于缓解关节的压力。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Typically the final psitin f a yga class, the purpse f this pse is t allw yur practice t settle in yur mind and bdy, and it’s ideally dne fr at least five minutes.(这通常是瑜伽课的最后一个姿势,这个姿势的目的是让你的练习在你的思想和身体中安定下来,最好至少做五分钟)”可知,瑜伽课最后一个体式的目的是将练习融入身心。故选D。
    OAK HARBOR, OHIO — “Over there!” A tall yung man pints abve the crwd. “A magnlia is mving in the branches.” Named after the tree in which they were discvered, male magnlia warblers are eye-catching birds, with a cal-black mask and a brilliant yellw belly. Bdies and binculars twist fr a lk. Camera shutters (快门) click vilently, and then nly birdsng fills the air again.
    I’m at the bardwalk f Magee Marsh Wildlife Area, fr the annual 10-day Biggest Week in American Birding Festival, created in 2010 by the cnservatin rganizatin, Black Swamp Bird Observatry. Migrating sngbirds, especially warblers, stp here every May, ne f the majr flyways fr bird migratin. As the largest birding festival in the U.S., it attracts upward f 90,000 peple, bringing in arund $40 millin t the lcal ecnmy.
    Birding enthusiasm is hard t cntain. “I pretty much spent whatever I had cming in, and it went ut just that fast. Plus five credit cards,” said Greg Miller, a Biggest Week guide and birder. Miller is famus in the avian (鸟类的) wrld: He inspired the character Brad Harris, played by Jack Black, in the mvie The Big Year, in which Jack crsses the cuntry t cmpete fr the Big Year recrd—a type f treasure hunt t see the mst bird species in a year.
    A similar energy spreads thrugh the gathering tday. When a rare bird shws up at Magee Marsh, peple will leave wherever they’re at and run t see whatever has shwn up. After an exciting mrning, I head t Blackberry Cmers Tavern, a well-knwn stp fr many Biggest Week attendees. The restaurant is packed with faces I saw earlier n the bardwalk. Birders frm acrss the wrld are sharing stries and dessert—a mixed crwd n their wn migratin, fllwing the birds.
    4. What des the authr intend t d in paragraph 1?
    A. Intrduce a particular bird.B. Explain the rules f birding.
    C. Unfld a picture f birding.D. Present ways f watching birds.
    5. Why is Magee Marsh chsen fr the Biggest Week?
    A. It is ppular amng birders.B. It advcates bird cnservatin.
    C. It matters t the lcal ecnmy.D. It is a main stpver fr migrating birds.
    6. What d we knw abut Greg Miller in paragraph 3?
    A. He is a frmer Big Year recrd winner.
    B. He hunts fr treasure acrss the cuntry.
    C. He is willing t invest heavily in birding.
    D. He mtivates Jack t becme an actr.
    7. What is the text?
    A. A mvie review.B. A research reprt.
    C. An eclgy leaflet.D. A news feature.
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. C 7. D
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“OAK HARBOR, OHIO—“Over there!” A tall yung man pints abve the crwd. “A magnlia is mving in the branches.” Named after the tree in which they were discvered, male magnlia warblers are eye-catching birds, with a cal-black mask and a brilliant yellw belly. Bdies and binculars twist fr a lk. Camera shutters (快门) click vilently, and then nly birdsng fills the air again.”( OAK HARBOR, OHIO——“在那里!”一个高大的年轻人指着人群上方。“一朵木兰在树枝间移动。” 雄性木兰莺是一种引人注目的鸟类,有着煤黑色的面具和亮黄色的腹部,以它们被发现的树木命名。身体和双筒望远镜扭动着看。相机的快门猛烈地咔嚓一声,然后空气中又充满了鸟鸣。)可知,第一段作者展现了一幅观鸟的画面。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Migrating sngbirds, especially warblers, stp here every May, ne f the majr flyways fr bird migratin.”(每年五月,尤其是林莺等候鸟,都会在这里停留,这是鸟类迁徙的主要通道之一。)可知,Magee Marsh被选为最大周的地点是因为它是候鸟迁徙的主要停留地。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段“I pretty much spent whatever I had cming in, and it went ut just that fast. Plus five credit cards,” said Greg Miller, a Biggest Week guide and birder.”(“我几乎花掉了我所有的收入,而且钱出去的速度非常快。另外还有五张信用卡,”最大周的导游和观鸟者格雷格·米勒说。)可知,Greg Miller愿意在观鸟上投入大量的资金。故选C。
    If yu have used Ggle lately and been lucky — r unlucky — enugh t encunter an answer t yur query (查询) rather than a bunch f links, yu have been subjected t smething called AI Overviews, a new cre feature that Ggle has been rlling ut.
    What’s different abut AI Overviews is that answers are nt simply extracted frm relevant surces but generated behind the scenes by Ggle’s generative AI technlgy. The cmpany’s gal is t give yu a persnalized, n-demand answer instead f a standard set f dcuments matching yur query. But there’s mre t the picture.
    Peple’s searching needs dn’t end with factual infrmatin. They lk fr ideas, pinins and advice. Lking fr suggestins abut hw t keep the cheese frm sliding ff yur pizza? Ggle will tell yu that yu shuld add sme glue t the sauce. While a reasnable user can understand that such shcking answers are likely t be wrng, it’s hard t detect that fr factual questins. Ggle has acknwledged issues with AI Overviews and said it has addressed them. But the cncern remains: Can yu really trust any answers yu receive thrugh this service?
    There are alternatives. Yu can always g back t the traditinal Ggle search with its 10 blue links. Yu can then d what yu have likely dne fr decades nw — sift thrugh sme f the tp results, visit a few f thse sites and decide fr yurself. It des take a little wrk, but it gives yu back the ability t examine multiple sites and evidence t supprt r disprve smething. Mre imprtantly, yu leave pen the pssibilities fr learning and discvery.
    AI Overviews is like fast fd that gets delivered thrugh a drive-thrugh windw—it’s quick, ht and cnvenient, but nt the healthiest chice. Perhaps yu can’t affrd t eat ut at a nice restaurant every time, but it’s imprtant t avid ending up ging thrugh a drive-thrugh fr all yur nutritin. After all, yu are what yu eat, and similarly, yu are hw yu search.
    8. What is a feature f AI Overviews?
    A. It highlights the credibility.B. It prvides individualized answers.
    C. It prduces ptinal dcuments.D. It upgrades generative AI technlgy.
    9. What des the authr indicate by mentining “cheese” and “pizza”?
    A. Cheese is an imprtant ingredient f pizza.
    B. Peple’s needs g beynd mere infrmatin.
    C. AI Overviews deals with factual infrmatin well.
    D. AI Overviews smetimes ffers unreasnable respnses.
    10. What des the underlined phrase “sift thrugh” prbably mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Srt thrugh.B. Wait fr.C. Predict.D. Summarize.
    11. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. AI Overviews: A Reliable Surce fr Query
    B. AI Overviews: The End f Traditinal Search Engines
    C. AI Overviews: Cnvenience at the Cst f Nutritin
    D. AI Overviews: The Future f Learning and Discvery
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. A 11. C
    【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了谷歌新推出的AI Overviews功能,该功能虽提供便利但可能牺牲搜索结果的全面性和可靠性。
    细节理解题。根据第二段的“The cmpany’s gal is t give yu a persnalized, n-demand answer instead f a standard set f dcuments matching yur query.(该公司的目标是为您提供个性化的、按需的答案,而不是一组与您的查询相匹配的标准文档)”可知,AI Overviews的一个特点是它提供个性化的答案。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段的“Lking fr suggestins abut hw t keep the cheese frm sliding ff yur pizza? Ggle will tell yu that yu shuld add sme glue t the sauce.While a reasnable user can understand that such shcking answers are likely t be wrng, it’s hard t detect that fr factual questins.(想知道如何防止奶酪从披萨上滑落吗?谷歌会告诉你,你应该往酱料里加些胶水。尽管一个理智的人可以理解,这种荒谬的答案很可能是错误的,但对于事实性问题,很难检测其准确性)”可推知,作者提到“奶酪”和“披萨”是为了说明AI Overviews有时会给出不合理的回答。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段的“There are alternatives. Yu can always g back t the traditinal Ggle search with its 10 blue links.(还有其他选择。你总是可以回到传统的谷歌搜索,它有10个蓝色链接)”以及划线单词所在的句子“visit a few f thse sites and decide fr yurself.(访问其中一些网站,并自己做出决定)”可知,回到传统的谷歌搜索,通过十个链接去搜索答案,在这些答案中可以筛选一些顶尖的结果,然后自己做出决定。所以“sift thrugh”的意思是“筛选,整理”。故选A。
    主旨大意题。通读全文尤其是最后一段的“AI Overviews is like fast fd that gets delivered thrugh a drive-thrugh windw—it’s quick, ht and cnvenient, but nt the healthiest chice.(AI Overviews就像通过免下车窗口提供的快餐——它快速、热、方便,但不是最健康的选择)”可知,根据全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了谷歌新推出的AI Overviews功能,该功能虽提供便利但可能牺牲搜索结果的全面性和可靠性。所以“人工智能概述:以营养为代价的便利”适合作本文的标题。故选C。
    Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, published 200 years ag, is ften called the first mdern wrk f science fictin — s much s that even peple wh haven’t read it knw the stry: an ambitius yung scientist named Victr Frankenstein creates a human-like creature frm the spare parts f dead bdies, but he lses cntrl f his creatin, and chas fllws. It reflects the anxieties ver new ideas and new scientific knwledge that were abut t transfrm the very fabric f life in the 19th century.
    Frankenstein is, f curse, a wrk f fictin, but a gd deal f real-life science infrms Shelley’s masterpiece, beginning with the adventure stry that frames Victr Frankenstein’s tale: that f Captain Waltn’s vyage t the Arctic. Waltn hpes t reach the Nrth Ple where he might “discver the pwer that attracts the needle” — referring t the then-mysterius frce f magnetism (磁力). The links between electricity and magnetism were a majr subject f investigatin during Shelley’s time, and a number f expeditins departed fr the Nrth and Suth Ples in the hpe f discvering the secrets f the planet’s magnetic field.
    Erasmus Darwin is mentined in the intrductin t Frankenstein. There, Shelley claims that Darwin “preserved a piece f vermicelli in a glass case, till by sme extrardinary means it began t mve with a vluntary mtin”. She adds, “Perhaps a dead bdy wuld be brught back t life; galvanism (电击法) had shwn signs f such things: perhaps the cmpnent parts f a creature might be made, brught tgether, and given life.”
    Hwever Frankenstein serves as mre than just a reflectin n scientific effrt; it is als a warning tale abut the mral respnsibilities f the creatr. Victr’s scientific experiments blind him t the ptential cnsequences f his wrk. When he realizes what damage the creature has dne, he is verwhelmed with regret. But he fails t relate t the creature, which leads t the miserable events that fllw. Victr Frankenstein’s failing isn’t his ver-enthusiasm fr science but his failing t cnnect emtinally with his creatin.
    12. What d we knw abut Frankenstein?
    A. It is influential.B. It reflects pp culture.
    C. It targets scientists.D. It is based n a real stry.
    13. Why des Captain Waltn cnduct his Arctic expeditin?
    A. T map nrthern regins.
    B. T uncver a mysterius frce.
    C. T trace the rute f great vyagers.
    D. T distinguish electricity frm magnetism.
    14. What d Shelley’s wrds in paragraph 3 fcus n?
    A. The significance f galvanismB. Her inspiratin fr the creature.
    C. The prcedure fr creating a being.D. Her supprt fr Darwin’s research.
    15. What message des Frankenstein cnvey?
    A. Adventure can inspire creativity.
    B. Regret can lead t miserable events.
    C. Creatrs shuld wrk ut the rigin f life.
    D. Scientific creatins shuld include mral cnsideratins.
    【答案】12. A 13. B 14. B 15. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, published 200 years ag, is ften called the first mdern wrk f science fictin — s much s that even peple wh haven’t read it knw the stry”(玛丽·雪莱的《弗兰肯斯坦》出版于200年前,常被誉为第一部现代科幻小说,即使是那些没有读过这本书的人也知道这个故事)可推知,《弗兰肯斯坦》具有很大的影响力。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Waltn hpes t reach the Nrth Ple where he might “discver the pwer that attracts the needle” — referring t the then-mysterius frce f magnetism”(沃尔顿希望能够到达北极,那里他可能“发现吸引指针的力量”——这是指当时神秘的磁力)可推知,沃尔顿进行北极探险的目的是为了揭示一个神秘的力量。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Perhaps a dead bdy wuld be brught back t life; galvanism (电击法) had shwn signs f such things: perhaps the cmpnent parts f a creature might be made, brught tgether, and given life.”(她还说:“也许死人会复活;电击法已经表明了这类事情迹象:也许一个生物的组成部分可以被制造出来,组合在一起,并赋予生命。”)可推知,雪莱在这段话中主要关注的是她对生物的创造灵感。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Hwever, Frankenstein serves as mre than just a reflectin n scientific effrt; it is als a warning tale abut the mral respnsibilities f the creatr.”(然而,《弗兰肯斯坦》不仅仅是对科学努力的反思;这也是一个关于造物主道德责任的警示故事。)可知,科学创造应该包括道德方面的考虑。故选D。
    Many parents are lking fr ways t help their kids learn at hme. Tys advertised as teaching STEM might seem like ne way t achieve this gal. ____16____
    The answer is yes. Tys can indeed teach science, technlgy, engineering and math cncepts — but dn’t fcus n advertising r fancy labels t find the best bets. There’s n minimum educatinal requirement that tys must reach t label themselves a “STEM ty”, s almst everything n the market is untested. ____17____ Sme prven winners? Tinkertys, bard games, decks f cards and building blcks.
    ____18____ In preschl, fr example, the cnstructin f cmplex blck buildings is assciated with an imprvement in math learning. Blcks, puzzles and shape tys bst spatial skills. Spatial skills, in turn, are assciated with later math learning, suggesting that the early explratin f shapes acts as a springbard fr mre cmplex math cncepts.
    There are five characteristics that make fr a gd educatinal ty: active, engaging, meaningful, encuraging scial play and fun. Gd play has these characteristics built in. Tys that allw children t build and create als have the advantage f being renewable. ____19____ It means that kids dn’t becme bred with them easily.
    Thugh adults certainly dn’t have t participate in the building f every blck twer, sme grwn-up guidance can help bst kids’ learning frm play. One useful tl adults can use while playing with their children is “math talk”. This kind f talk encurages kids t think mre deeply abut math. ____20____ Parents can play guessing games with their kids like “Which is the mst?” r play simple screkeeping games like drp-the-clthespins-in-the-jar.
    A. But d they really wrk?
    B. Are the advertisements misleading?
    C. They’re different every time children return t them.
    D. Parents get invlved by having math talks with kids.
    E. Cnveniently, math talk desn’t require any ty purchases at all.
    F. Instead, lk fr tys that encurage pen-ended, active play and prblem-slving.
    G. Research shws creative, pen-ended play is hw yung children learn STEM cncepts.
    【答案】16. A 17. F 18. G 19. C 20. E
    根据上文“Tys advertised as teaching STEM might seem like ne way t achieve this gal.”(宣传教STEM的玩具似乎是实现这一目标的一种方式。)以及下文“The answer is yes.Tys can indeed teach science, technlgy, engineering and math cncepts — but dn’t fcus n advertising r fancy labels t find the best bets.”(答案是肯定的。玩具确实可以教授科学、技术、工程和数学概念——但不要把注意力集中在广告或花哨的标签上,以找到最好的选择。)可知,下设空处为一般疑问句,就宣传教STEM的玩具是否真的能够帮助孩子学习进行提问。故A选项“它们真的有效吗?”切题。故选A项。
    根据上文“There’s n minimum educatinal requirement that tys must reach t label themselves a “STEM ty”, s almst everything n the market is untested.”(玩具要贴上“STEM玩具”的标签并没有最低的教育要求,所以市场上几乎所有的东西都是未经测试的。)可知,选项与上文为转折关系,说明要寻找哪类的玩具。故F选项“相反,寻找那些鼓励开放式、积极的游戏和解决问题的玩具。”切题;下文“Sme prven winners? Tinkertys, bard games, decks f cards and building blcks.”(一些被证实的赢家?修补玩具、棋盘游戏、扑克牌和积木。)承接F选项,列举了一些被证实具有教育功能的玩具。故选F项。
    下文“In preschl, fr example, the cnstructin f cmplex blck buildings is assciated with an imprvement in math learning. Blcks, puzzles and shape tys bst spatial skills. Spatial skills, in turn, are assciated with later math learning, suggesting that the early explratin f shapes acts as a springbard fr mre cmplex math cncepts.”(例如,在学前教育中,建造复杂的积木建筑与数学学习的提高有关。积木、拼图和形状玩具可以提高空间技能。反过来,空间技能与后来的数学学习有关,这表明早期对形状的探索是学习更复杂数学概念的跳板。)通过举例,具体说明了创造性的、开放式的游戏是幼儿学习STEM概念的方式。所以选项总起下文说明创造性的、开放式的游戏是幼儿学习STEM概念的方式。故G选项“研究表明,创造性的、开放式的游戏是幼儿学习STEM概念的方式。”切题。故选G项。
    上文“Tys that allw children t build and create als have the advantage f being renewable.”(让孩子们建造和创造的玩具也具有可再生的优势。)指出,让孩子们建造和创造的玩具具有可以变换更新的特点;C选项“每次返给孩子们时,他们都不一样。”承接上文,继续阐述这些玩具的特点,选项中“They”指代上文中的“Tys that allw children t build and create”,“different every time children return t them”与上文“renewable”相对应;下文“It means that kids dn’t becme bred with them easily.”(这意味着孩子们不会轻易对它们感到厌倦。)承接C选项,阐述这些玩具每次都不同所带来的益处,“It”指代C选项的内容。故选C项。
    根据上文“One useful tl adults can use while playing with their children is “math talk”. This kind f talk encurages kids t think mre deeply abut math.”(成年人可以使用与他们的孩子玩耍是“数学谈话”。这种谈话鼓励孩子们更深入地思考数学。)可知,选项承接上文说明“数学谈话”的优势。故E选项“方便的是,数学谈话根本不需要购买任何玩具。”切题。故选E项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I was driving dwn a busy rad yesterday. Traffic was extremely heavy and I was in a bad ____21____.
    I ____22____ at the lights at a busy intersectin and there was a man with a really tall unicycle (独轮脚踏车) ding ____23____ at the lights. This n its wn wasn’t ____24____. I had seen street perfrmers at these lights befre.
    But in the lane (车道) next t me was a truck with three men, wh began shuting and cheering n the unicycle man. They were s excited and ____25____ him up s much. I lked arund and everyne was ____26____ the perfrmance with them cheering him n. It was funny: these three big men in a big truck being s excited every time he did a new trick. Their ____27____ culd be heard by everyne at the intersectin. And they had ____28____ lit up the face f the street perfrmer. There was a big grin n his face.
    It had instantly ____29____ my md s I was desperately searching my car fr _____30_____ but nly had 45 cents t give him. It wasn’t necessary thugh, because as sn as the unicycle man _____31_____ and right befre the lights went green, the men in the truck _____32_____ $10 ut the windw fr him. They gave him wrds f _____33_____ and befre we all knew it, we were n the _____34_____ again.
    I didn’t _____35_____ the traffic fr the rest f the jurney hme.
    21. A. strmB. mdC. vehicleD. accident
    22. A. pulled upB. brke dwnC. gt ffD. set ut
    23. A. sprtsB. deliveriesC. tricksD. repairs
    24. A. unclearB. effrtlessC. unusualD. meaningless
    25. A. ringingB. keepingC. dressingD. pumping
    26. A. discussingB. instructingC. interruptingD. enjying
    27. A. warningB. singingC. celebratinD. cnversatin
    28. A. abslutelyB. respectivelyC. frequentlyD. initially
    29. A. ruinedB. liftedC. detectedD. mnitred
    30. A. cardsB. changeC. keysD. water
    31. A. finishedB. repliedC. arrivedD. accepted
    32. A. heldB. draggedC. drppedD. shwed
    33. A. cmfrtB. wisdmC. encuragementD. welcme
    34. A. sceneB. stageC. airD. mve
    35. A. directB. mindC. handleD. avid
    【答案】21 B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. D 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. B 31. A 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:交通如此拥堵,我心情很不好。A. strm风暴;B. md心情;C. vehicle车辆;D. accident事故。根据后文的提示“It had instantly ____9____ my md”可知,作者后来心情变好了,故此处指因为交通太拥堵,因此作者心情不好,be in a bad md“心情不好”,故选B。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:在很繁忙的十字路口处,我停下来等红绿灯,旁边有个人骑着一辆很高的独轮脚踏车,在红绿灯处表演杂耍。A. pulled up停车;B. brke dwn分解,出故障;C. gt ff下车;D. set ut出发。根据前文“I was driving dwn a busy rad”可知,我开着车在路上行驶,故此处指我在十字路口停下车来,故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. sprts运动;B. deliveries递送;C. tricks杂耍;D. repairs修复。根据后文的词义复现“It was funny: these three big men in a big truck being s excited every time he did a new trick.”可知,此处指旁边那个人在表演杂耍,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它本身并不罕见。A. unclear不清楚的;B. effrtless不费力的;C. unusual不常见的;D. meaningless无意义的。根据后文“I had seen street perfrmers at these lights befre.”可知,我之前在十字路口看到过街头表演,故觉得这并不是什么不常见的,罕见的事情。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们很激动,给他打气。A. ringing打电话;B. keeping保持;C. dressing穿戴;D. pumping涌出。根据前文“They were s excited”可知,他们如此激动,如此兴奋,因此给杂耍表演者打气,pump sb. up“给某人打气,鼓励某人”,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看看了周围,每个人都在欣赏着表演,他们都在为他打气。A. discussing讨论;B. instructing指导;C. interrupting打扰;D. enjying欣赏。根据后文“with them cheering him n”可知,他们都在为他打气,因此他们在欣赏着他的表演,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们的欢呼声在十字路口都能被听到。A. warning警告;B. singing唱歌;C. celebratin庆祝,欢呼;D. cnversatin对话。根据前文“They were s excited and ____5____ him up s much.”可知,他们为他欢呼,故此处指大家都能听到欢呼声,故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们的确让街头表演者开心起来。A. abslutely绝对地;B. respectively各自地;C. frequently频繁地;D. initially最开始。根据后文“There was a big grin n his face.”可知,街头表演者咧着嘴笑,故此处指他们绝对让表演者开心起来了,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:立刻,我的心情变好了,因此我极力地想要在车里寻找零钱,却只找到45分给他。A. ruined毁掉;B. lifted提升;C. detected检测;D. mnitred监测。根据后文“s I was desperately searching my car fr ____10____”可知,我想在车里给他找零钱,因此此处指我的心情好了起来,lift ne’s mn“心情好起来”,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. cards卡片;B. change零钱;C. keys钥匙;D. water水。根据后文“but nly had 45 cents t give him”可知,却只找到45分,故此处指我在车里寻找零钱,故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是,却并不需要了,因为他表演一结束,就在绿灯亮之前,卡车里的人就把10美元递给了他。A. finished完成,结束;B. replied回复;C. arrived到达;D. accepted接受。根据后文“and right befre the lights went green, the men in the truck ____12____ $10 ut the windw fr him.”可知,就在交通信号灯变绿时,卡车里的人就给了他10美元,故此处指他表演结束,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. held拿起;B. dragged拖;C. drpped掉落,扔;D. shwed展示。根据空后“$10 ut the windw fr him”可知,卡车里的人要把手伸出来,把钱递给他,用固定短语hld smething ut。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们给了他鼓励的话,在我们知道之前,我们已经再次开车了。A. cmfrt安慰;B. wisdm智慧;C. encuragement鼓励;D. welcme欢迎。根据前文“They were s excited and ____5____ him up s much.”可知,他们一直在给表演杂耍的人加油打气,故此处指给了他鼓励的话语,故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. scene场景;B. stage舞台;C. air空气;D. mve移动。根据前文“right befre the lights went green”可知,信号灯变绿了,因此我们要开车走了,n the mve“汽车开动”,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在回家剩下的路上,我不再介意拥堵的交通了。A. direct指导;B. mind介意;C. handle处理;D. avid避免。根据前文“It had instantly ____9____ my md”可知,因为街头表演者和那三个人的互动让我的心情变好,因此不再介意拥堵的交通了,故选B。
    第二节 语法填空(共3篇,10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The past decades have witnessed a dramatic change in the ____36____ (glbe) climate. The cause fr the increase in the surface temperature is the “man-made” greenhuse effect. When peple prduce huge amunts f extra greenhuse gases by burning fssil fuels, mre heat energy is trapped in the atmsphere and ____37____ (cause) Earth’s surface temperature t rise quickly. Climate scientists have claimed that the warming trend will cntinue and cause serius damage. S, climate change requires ur attentin and we shuld take ____38____ (measure) t reduce greenhuse gas emissins.
    【答案】36. glbal
    37. causes 38. measures
    考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:当人们燃烧化石燃料产生大量额外的温室气体时,更多的热能被困在大气中,导致地球表面温度迅速上升。空处作主句的谓语,结合“is trapped”可知,时态为一般现在时,主语mre heat energy是不可数名词,cause“导致”应用第三人称单数形式。故填causes。
    考查名词复数。句意:因此,气候变化需要我们的关注,我们应该采取措施减少温室气体排放。空处作take的宾语,空前没有表示单数概念的修饰语,可数名词measure“措施,办法”应用复数形式,表泛指,动词短语take measures意为“采取措施”。故填measures。
    In ancient China, calligraphy, petry and painting were practiced ____39____ (separate), either at curt r privately amng the elites (精英). In the 7th century, the civil examinatin system gave rise t a new class f schlar-fficials ____40____ gained their status thrugh knwledge. Many f them were excellent pets, calligraphers, and painters. Ever since, these three arts have been cnnected and appreciated ____41____ the ultimate (极致) in the visual arts, knwn simply as “the three perfectins”.
    【答案】39. separately
    40. wh 41. as
    White-cllar wrker Zheng Yishan nw calls herself ____42____ “ffice farmer”, harvesting her first desktp bananas earlier this mnth. She said grwing fruit was a fantastic stress reliever, ____43____ (explain) that when a green banana, whse Chinese name is similar t “anxiety”, turns yellw, it symblizes the passing f wrry. Zheng is amng a grwing number f ffice wrkers in favr f fruit-bearing plants. Such plants are easy t care fr because mst ____44____ (deliver) with half-ripened fruits. The “ffice farmers” need nly t change water regularly, give the plant’s ____45____ (cntain) a gentle brush, and add plant nutrient slutins.
    【答案】42. an 43. explaining
    44. are delivered
    45. cntainer
    考查冠词。 句意:白领郑怡珊现在称自己为“办公室农民”,本月早些时候收获了她的第一批桌面香蕉。空处需要不定冠词表示泛指,此处指“郑怡珊称自己是一个‘办公室农民’”。由于空后为元音音素开始的单词,所以用不定冠词an。故填an。
    考查非谓语动词。 句意:她说种水果是一个极好的缓解压力的方法,解释说当一个绿色的香蕉(其中文名与“焦虑”相似)变黄时,它象征着忧虑的消逝。空处需要非谓语动词作伴随状语,该动词和其逻辑主语she之间为主动关系,且与主句的动作同时发生,所以用现在分词作伴随状语。故填explaining。
    考查时态和语态。 句意:这样的植物很容易照料,因为大多数植物在交付时都带着半熟的果实。空处为原因状语从句的谓语动词。句子描述一般事实,所以用一般现在时态,且主语mst (plants)和该动词之间为被动关系。故填are delivered。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
    46. 你校英文报正在举办以“The Pwer f Perseverance”为题的征文活动。请你结合具体事例,写一篇短文投稿,谈谈对“Great wrks are perfrmed nt by strength, but perseverance.”的理解。
    The Pwer f Perseverance
    As the saying ges, great wrks are perfrmed nt by strength, but perseverance.
    【答案】The Pwer f Perseverance
    As the saying ges, great wrks are perfrmed nt by strength, but perseverance. Cnsider Thmas Edisn, wh faced many failures befre inventing the light bulb. His persistence paid ff, lighting up ur wrld. Similarly, J.K. Rwling, after numerus rejectins, kept writing, and created the magical wrld f Harry Ptter. These examples shw us that success cmes t thse wh keep trying, nt just thse wh are strng. It’s the pwer f perseverance that drives us t achieve the extrardinary.
    详解】1. 词汇积累:
    伟大:great→magnificent, utstanding
    毅力:perseverance→tenacity, determinatin
    发明:inventin→creatin, innvatin
    拒绝:rejectin→refusal, denial
    2. 句式拓展:
    原句:His persistence paid ff, lighting up ur wrld.
    拓展句:His persistence paid ff, which lit up ur wrld.
    【点睛】【高分句型 1】Cnsider Thmas Edisn, wh faced many failures befre inventing the light bulb.(wh 引导的定语从句,介词+动名词结构)
    【高分句型 2】It’s the pwer f perseverance that drives us t achieve the extrardinary.(强调句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    I had bked the flights in smewhat f a hurry with just a carry-n bag, thinking 7 kgs was enugh fr a 3-day trip t Taup. I thught I’d given myself enugh time t get t the airprt, hwever, as ften was the case, I was running late and had t pack my bag with little time left. Cnfused abut what t carry, I stuffed all the clthes in my little bag, taking n ntice f the weight.
    Thirty minutes befre the flight, I was waiting at my terminal (航站楼) in the airprt and culdn’t stp smiling. I was t excited t g n a much-needed trip. A little while later, I heard an annuncement “Passengers flying t Taup n Flight NZ5091 are requested t weigh yur cabin luggage and cllect yur tag”. I std in the line waiting fr my turn, clueless abut hw much my bag wuld weigh, deep inside hping nt ver the weight limit.
    When it was my turn, I placed my bag n the weighing scale and whaaaa!! It was 9.4 kgs. I asked the flight attendant if I culd buy $20 extra luggage allwance (行李费) as shwn n the app but I was t late fr it. Instead, I was asked t pay an additinal fee f $65. I either had t pay r leave smething away t bring it dwn t 7 kgs. I asked the attendant whether they wuld give my stuff back t me if I returned 3 days later and surprisingly I was tld I wuldn’t get it back.
    T me, a bad luggage experience had the pwer t cmpletely sur a trip. With n ther alternatives, I decided t give up sme f my stuff. Unsettled, annyed, disappinted! As I started remving the items, I saw a lady appraching me. It lked like she had heard the whle thing. She sat dwn next t me. “Are yu OK? I shuld be able t help yu.” She said.
    I lked up, surprised, and saw her pinting at her bag.
    While I was wrried whether I culd get my stuff back, the plane landed.
    【答案】 I lked up, surprised, and saw her pinting at her bag. She said he didn’t take many things and culd help me share sme f my belngings. I culdn’t believe the help frm a stranger. But, I thught t myself “this is the best way.” I am grateful t her fr her kindness and transferred my verweight items t her bag. I managed t get n the plane withut paying any extra fees. When we gt n the plane, ur seats were far apart and we didn’t cmmunicate much, s I knew very little abut this stranger.
    While I was wrried whether I culd get my stuff back, the plane landed. There were a lt f peple getting ut f the plane. I was waiting fr my turn and waiting fr the strange wman t pass me by and return my stuff. In fact, I had been prepared fr the wrst. All srts f disturbing thughts ran thrugh my mind. Just then, the strange wman tapped me n the shulder. And vluntarily returned my things. I thanked the strange wman frm the bttm f my heart. It als gave me a new faith in humanity.
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:作者惊呆——得到陌生人的帮助——成功登机——不了解陌生人——有些担忧——陌生人主动归还物品——感激——感悟
    3. 词汇激活
    ①交流:cmmunicate /interact
    ③成功做某事:manage t d sth/succeed in ding sth
    【点睛】【高分句型1】When we gt n the plane, ur seats were far apart and we didn’t cmmunicate much, s I knew very little abut this stranger. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
    【高分句型2】She said he didn’t take many things and culd help me share sme f my belngings. (运用了省略that引导的宾语从句)
    第五部分 口语交际(10分)

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