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    = 1 \* ROMAN I.听力(共两节,满分20分) 略
    = 2 \* ROMAN II.阅读(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共11小题;每小题2分,满分22分)
    21. Wh may be with the children in this summer camp?
    A. Parents and caches.B. Caches and vlunteers.C. Vlunteers and parents.
    22. What may the children need in the camp?
    A. Mney. B. Mbile phnes. C. Swimming suits.
    23. Where is the article abve mst prbably frm?
    A. A pster bard.B. A textbk.C. A bk reprt.
    The term “scial phbia(社交恐惧症)” seems t have taken n ppularity these days. Yung peple in particular are describing themselves as having “scial phbia”. They prefer nt t g ut much, saying that it’s nt easy fr them t make new friends r scialize. But is this a “real” disrder?
    In fact, this is just a reactin t certain scial situatins. US researcher Ty Tashir wrte the bk Awkward: The Science f Why We’re Scially Awkward and Why That’s Awesme. He explains that sme peple dn’t “read” scial situatins crrectly and therefre end up feeling uncmfrtable. Fr example, they might be afraid f breaking sme unspken rules. Therefre, they start t act awkwardly(笨拙地) because they dn’t want this t happen. This might make them unwilling t scialize. They prefer t stay in instead f ging ut t meet new peple, but this desn’t mean they have scial phbia.
    “Real” scial phbia — als knwn as scial anxiety — is much mre serius. Peple with scial anxiety want t g ut and interact(互动) with peple but are s terrified f ding it that they cannt leave their hmes. Their brains simply wn’t allw them t interact with thers in a nrmal way. Peple with scial phbia disrder can even experience panic attacks(惊恐发作) because f the mental illness.
    Frtunately, scial anxiety can be treated. Sme peple use self-help bks t help them gain mre cntrl ver their minds. Therapy(心理治疗) can als help.
    24. What des Paragraph 1 say abut sme yung peple?
    A. They find it hard t scialize.
    B. They dn’t like making friends.
    C. Scial phbia makes them mre ppular.
    25. What was Tashir’s pinin abut these yung peple?
    A. They are suffering frm scial phbia.
    B. They shuld avid uncmfrtable situatins.
    C. They smetimes misunderstand scial situatins.
    26. What des the underlined wrd “mental” mean in Paragraph 3?
    A. 身体的B. 精神的C.社会的
    27. What des the article try t explain?
    A. Wh has scial phbia.
    B. Why peple have scial phbia.
    C. What real scial phbia is like.
    The British are well knwn fr the amunt f tea that they drink. The average persn in the UK cnsumes(消耗) arund 1.9kg f tea every year. That’s arund 876 cups f tea. Tea is drunk by all sectins f sciety. But tea des nt grw in Britain. Mst f the tea is grwn in India and China. S, hw did it becme an imprtant part f British culture?
    Tea arrived in Lndn in the 1600s. At this time, British ships were explring the wrld and came acrss the drink in China. It was nt lng befre green tea was available in Britain t buy. Hwever, it was nly available t the richer f the sciety.
    At the beginning f the 1700s, the amunt f tea arriving in Britain increased gradually. Black tea arrived at this time. At first, peple drank this kind f tea exactly as it was drunk in China. They sn discvered that it mixed really well with a little milk and sugar, giving the drink a special British characteristic.
    In the 1800s, tea was still a prduct enjyed nly by peple with mney. At this time, they began t have afternn tea. This includes drinking tea with a snack arund 4 p.m. t avid feeling hungry between lunch and dinner. It is a traditin that is still ging tday but has becme less ppular in recent times.
    In the late 1800s, the price f tea decreased sharply as mre tea began t arrive n ships frm India and China. It was n lnger a drink just fr rich peple. Tearms where yu culd buy and drink tea started t appear acrss the cuntry. Peple enjyed drinking tea and scializing in these places. At the start f the 20th century, the British began t make tea in their hmes whenever they felt like it. Kettles(水壶) became necessary in every kitchen. Just like Samuel Jhnsn said, “tea fr pleasure at dusk, tea fr cmfrt at night, and tea t welcme the new day in the mrning.”
    28. Which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    A. Mst f the tea cnsumed in Britain is grwn lcally.
    B. The British learned t add milk t tea frm the Indians.
    C. Green tea arrived in Britain befre black tea.
    29. What can we learn abut afternn tea in the UK frm the article?
    A. It was enjyed by the cmmn peple at first.
    B. It is t avid feeling hungry between lunch and dinner.
    C. It has becme mre and mre ppular recently.
    30. Why did the price f tea decrease sharply in the late 1800s in Britain?
    A. Because peple in Britain gt bred with drinking tea.
    B. Because mre tea was shipped frm India and China.
    C. Because the British culd grw tea arund their hmes.
    31. What is the article mainly abut?
    A. The histry f tea drinking in the UK.
    B. Ways t drink tea crrectly in the UK.
    C. Reasns behind British peple’s lve fr tea.
    When yu think f the seafd, yu may nt think f Xinjiang r Inner Mnglia. Especially after Japan put nuclear-cntaminated water(核污染水) int the sea, peple arund the wrld are much mre scared f eating the seafd. 32. _________
    In Nilka cunty in Xinjiang, abut 6,000 tns f rainbw trut(虹鳟鱼) will be prduced this year. Rainbw trut belngs t the same family as salmn(鲑鱼), which is a kind f well-knwn seafd. It tastes like salmn t.
    33. _________ The weather in sme parts f Xinjiang is seldm ht, and the rivers are fed by meltwater frm the Tianshan Muntains. Water deeper than 6 meters always stays at 10°C. As the meltwater is very clean and cld, it’s a “cmfrtable” hme fr fish, Li Chunyu, а wrker at a fish cmpany in Xinjiang, tld China Daily. T make sure the river stays clean, the cmpany uses machines t clean fish waste in the water. 34. _________ The nets are abut 51 meters wide and lie 25 meters deep in the river.
    Meanwhile, in Inner Mnglia, whiteleg shrimps(南美白对虾) grw well. Saline sil(盐碱土) cvers a large part f the desert where few plants are able t grw. Farmers used t put water frm the Yellw River nt the farmland t wash away the salt. This was a waste f salty water. 35. _________ Then whiteleg shrimps can live well in this kind f water. They taste n different frm the same kind f shrimp that grws in the sea.
    Since a lt f effrts have been put in t help us have safe seafd, we dn’t need t wrry abut n seafd any mre.
    第一节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    When the bell rang and the exam ended, the classrm became nisy. It seemed that they all did a gd jb except me. I went ut f the classrm alne, feeling 36 . After all, I culdn’t accept 37 the exam. The sky was cvered with dark cluds and the wind was blwing hard, which made me even sadder.
    On the way hme, I kept my eyes n the grund. As sn as I entered my hme, my mm came t ask me abut the 38 with great expectatin. Hwever, I just walked tward my bedrm and clsed the dr withut a 39 . Lying n the bed, I culdn’t stp thinking abut hw I wuld let my mm and the teacher dwn. I began t 40 .
    Mm must have heard what happened t me, as she gently pened the dr and asked me t 41 the windw. She pinted t a flwer utside, which was suffering frm a large strm. Its leaves and petals(花瓣) were shaking 42 as if it wuld be brken int pieces. But t my surprise, the small flwer remained 43 against the wind and rain. Nthing seemed t beat it. The wind finally died dwn and the rain stpped. The flwer survived successfully.
    I finally understand it. Althugh there are lts f 44 , we always have t g n and fight bravely. Life is never a smth ride. Just d yur best. After the strm, we’ll see the brightest rainbw. The rainbw 45 us that the sunshine fllws the rain. That flwer in the strm is the mst beautiful ne that I’ve ever seen.
    36. A. dwnB. excitedC. calm
    37. A. takingB. failingC. passing
    38. A. teacherB. strmC. exam
    39. A. schlbagB. gradeC. wrd
    40. A. cryB. smileC. sleep
    41. A. lk up tB. lk ut fC. lk at
    42. A. hardB. quietlyC. peacefully
    43. A. afraidB. strngC. weak
    44. A. slutinsB. challengesC. memries
    45. A. warnsB. prmisesC. reminds
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Recently, I had the chance t listen t a special speech. It 46. _______ (give) by the British explrer and envirnmentalist Rbert Swan. He was the first persn t walk t bth the Nrth and Suth Ples(极地) and make the great achievement f 47. _______ (reach) the Suth Ple nly n renewable energy.
    Swan’s stries f his trips really tuched me. It was mre than 30 years ag. There were n cmmunicatin tls and the 48. _______ (near) human being t them was 2,500 kilmeters away. Fr the next six mnths, they had t face all the prblems by 49. _______ (they). He als tld us a funny thing: When taking a shwer during the trip, they had t take ff all their clthes in the tent, rushed as 50. _______ (fast) as pssible in the temperature f minus(零下) 30℃ t the shwer and then ran back t the tent.
    In 2017, Swan set ft n the Suth Ple again, this time with his sn. The trip was a great event nt nly 51. _______Swan was already 61 years ld, well past the average age f 35 fr an explrer, but als because it was 52. _______ wrld’s first trip t Antarctica(南极洲) t be made nly using renewable energy. And nw Swan is still wrking hard in envirnmental prtectin.
    Als, he talked abut the 53. _______ (imprtant) f saving energy and prtecting ur planet. He tld us that the future f ur planet rested in ur hands, and he wanted us 54. _______ (believe) that we yung peple culd make a difference.
    Thanks 55. _______ his talk, I als believe that each f us has the pwer t create a brighter future fr ur planet.
    = 4 \* ROMAN IV.读写综合(共两节,满分25分)
    第一节 简答(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    Which arts were Chinese ancient schlars(学者) expected t learn? Accrding t UNESCO, they were calligraphy(书法), painting, chess and the guqin.
    The guqin, ne f the ldest Chinese traditinal musical instruments, culd date back t ver 3,000 years ag. With lnger strings(弦) than many ther musical instruments, the guqin can prduce rich tnes(音调).
    Bringing traditinal musical instruments t life is a traditin in Wu Wenguang’s family. Wu Wenguang is a 78-year-ld inheritr(继承者) f the guqin. He nt nly perfects his wn musical skills but als wrks hard t keep guqin music alive. Wu said guqin music was ften written in simple wrds. Althugh sme wrds were given t describe hw t use the hands and play the seven strings, there were n instructins n hw fast r slw t play it. S even if there were abut 3,000 ancient sngs fr guqin music, different musicians had different understandings, accrding t Wu.
    T keep guqin music alive, Wu and his father Wu Jinglue(1907-1987), wh was als gd at playing the guqin, re-created mre than 100 ancient pieces. Besides ancient guqin sngs, Wu has als changed music wrks frm tday and put them int his perfrmances t increase the ppularity f guqin music.
    “Mre and mre yung peple grw t lve guqin playing with a new wave f interest in the natin’s traditinal culture,” said Wu Ye, Wu’s daughter, als an inheritr f the guqin.
    T attract yung peple, Wu and ther inheritrs als rganize a series f guqin cncerts with different themes.
    56. Hw lng is the histry f the guqin?
    57. Why did different musicians have different understandings f guqin music?
    58. What did Wu and his father d t keep guqin music alive?
    59. Is guqin playing mre and mre ppular amng yung peple?
    60. As students, what can we d t keep the guqin alive?
    第二节 书面表达(满分15分)
    61. 歌曲中唱到 “不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。” 在成长过程中,我们在很多方面都会经历困难和挑战,比如:学习方面,运动方面,才艺提升方面,人际交往方面等。请以 “Challenge Myself” 为题,写一篇英语短文,分享一个你的成长故事。
    (1) 短文必须包含图示中所有要点,可适当发挥;
    (2) 80词左右 (标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数);
    (3) 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名。
    Challenge Myself
    Life is full f challenges. Sme are small and easy t vercme, while thers are big and difficult. But it is these challenges that make us grw and learn.

    英语 参考答案

    Ⅰ.听力技能 略
    Ⅲ. 语言运用
    36—40:ABCCA 41—45:BABBC
    46. was given47. reaching48. nearest49. themselves
    50. fast51. because52. the53. imprtance
    54. t believe55. t
    Ⅳ. 读写综合
    56. Over 3,000 years.
    57. Because there were n instructins n hw fast r slw t play guqin.
    58. They re-created mre than 100 ancient pieces and changed music wrks frm tday and put them int his perfrmances.
    59. Yes (, it is).
    60. We can learn playing guqin r watch a series f guqin cncerts.
    The summer hliday is cming. In rder t get the children ut f the rm, the cmmunity is ging t rganize a camp this summer.
    Camper Handbk(手册):
    We’ve created a handbk and if yu have any questins abut DEC Summer Camp, yu can check it here If yu’ve already signed up yur kid fr this camp, yu can check yur email bx fr a cpy f the handbk as well.
    Camper Huses:
    Abut ten peple share a wd huse, including a cach and a camp vlunteer.
    A general bath huse is within 200 feet f each huse. The size f a huse may nt be the same.
    Camp Rules:
    1. Mney: There is n place fr yu t spend mney here and all the valuable things shuld remain at hme.
    2. Electrnics(电子产品): Electrnics like mbile phnes and cmputer games are nt allwed at camp.
    Camp Schedule(安排)
    Generally, campers get up at 7:00 am and have an early bird activity like swimming r fishing. After breakfast, there are mre activities, such as envirnmental lessns, bilgy experiments, hiking, bating, r field trips. Enjying yur time arund the campfire will be a great experience fr yu at night.
    A. Why d farmers there chse t grw fish?
    B. It als uses net cages that are gd fr the envirnment.
    C. But the “seafd” prduced in these places has already becme ppular.
    D. Maybe in the future we can’t enjy the seafd freely.
    E. Scientists decided t create “seawater” by adding sme ther things.

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