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      河北省石家庄市辛集市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题(含听力) Word版含解析.docx
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      河北省石家庄市辛集市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题(含听力) Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份河北省石家庄市辛集市2022-2023学年高一下学期期末英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含河北省石家庄市辛集市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题含听力Word版含解析docx、河北省石家庄市辛集市2022-2023学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题含听力Word版无答案docx、辛集市高一期末英语听力202306mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Father and daughter.B. Teacher and student.C. Dctr and patient.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where is Mike nw?
    A. In the classrm.B. On the playgrund.C. In the library.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman mean?
    A. The man shuldn’t g dwntwn.
    B. She wants t g with the man.
    C. The man shuld cmeback sn.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw much did the mther give t the by altgether?
    A. $400.B. $500.C. $700.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What d we knw abut the man?
    A. He is a teacher.B. He is a guest.C. He is a ck.
    6. What is wrng with the man?
    A. He has a headache.B. He has gt the flu.C. He has gt a fever.
    7. When did the prblem begin bthering the man?
    A. Tw weeks ag.B. Tw mnths ag.C. Three mnths ag.
    8. Why des the wman call the man?
    A. T change their appintment.
    B. T discuss a business plan.
    C. T arrange an exhibitin.
    9. When are the tw speakers ging t meet?
    A. On Wednesday.B. On Thursday.C. On Friday.
    10. Hw des the wman feel abut her recent wrk?
    A. It’s t bring.B. It’s wrthwhile.C. It’s difficult t finish.
    11. What makes the wman feel lucky?
    A. She has finished her task.
    B. She will finish her task sn.
    C. Smene will help her with the task.
    12. What caused the wman t give up drinking?
    A. She lst interest in drinking.
    B. She thught it was bad fr her health.
    C. Her mther frequently tld her t d s.
    13. What des the wman think f America?
    A. Great.B. Diverse.C. Big.
    14. When did the man arrive in America?
    A. Tw weeks ag.B. Tw mnths ag.C. Tw years ag.
    15. Where is the man ging next?
    A. T his hme.B. T the classrm.C. T the library.
    16. Which cuntry is the wman frm?
    A. China.B. America.C. Britain.
    17. What did Jhn enjy ding in his childhd?
    A. Turing France.B. Playing utdrs.C. Painting pictures.
    18. What did Jhn d after he mved t the US?
    A. He did business.B. He studied bilgy.C. He wrked n a farm.
    19. Why did Jhn g hunting?
    A. Fr fd.B. Fr pleasure.C. Fr mney.
    20. What is the subject f Jhn’s wrks?
    A. American birds.B. Natural scenery.C. Family life.
    Histry Fair Cmpetitin
    Understanding histry is vital t understanding urselves as a peple and as a natin. Histry is much mre than the study f dusty ld bjects and events lng past. It is an essential part f wh we are tday and wh we will becme. Thrntn Middle Schl Histry Fair Cmpetitin makes understanding histry exciting engaging, and fun!
    This Year's Theme
    All participants must address hw cmmunicatin r transprtatin technlgy has prmted the quality f life fr Americans thrughut histry. T many peple, technlgy means cmputers, hand-held devices, r vehicles that travel t distant planets. Hwever, technlgy is als the applicatin f scientific knwledge t slve a prblem, tuching lives in cuntless ways.
    Individuals r grups may enter ne f the fllwing categries:
    •Essay Writing
    Categry Requirements
    Perfrmance: A dramatic presentatin f the tpic n mre than 10 minutes lng. If special clthes are used, they shuld truly represent a given perid.
    Dcumentary: A visual presentatin (such as a vide, slide shw, r cmputer prject) n mre than 10 minutes lng. A desktp cmputer, screen, prjectr, and ludspeakers will be available. Students must prvide their presentatins n CDs befre Friday, March 23.
    Essay Writing: An academic paper f 2,000 t 2,500 wrds. N illustratins (图解)are allwed, please d nt include cvers. A list f references must be included.
    Imprtant Dates
    January 5 Submit a tpic prpsal t yur histry teacher The teacher may require a secnd prpsal if the first is ff-tpic r unclear.
    February 19 A cmmittee f teachers will evaluate materials and give pinins. Students then have an pprtunity t imprve their prducts.
    March 9 Submit a final draft f yur essay.
    March 15 Perfrmance and dcumentary cmmittee preview
    21. What’s the main purpse f understanding histry?
    A. T preserve natinal traditins・
    B. T prepare fr a histry cmpetitin.
    C. T better knw the present and future.
    D. T further explre histrical mysteries.
    22. What is the theme f this year's cmpetitin?
    A. Technlgy advances science.
    B. Science interacts with technlgy.
    C. Science has made the study f histry easy.
    D. Technlgy has imprved the life f Americans.
    23. What will the cmmittee f teachers d n February 19?
    A. Make cmments n the materials.
    B. Imprve the participant's secnd prpsal.
    C. Preview perfrmances and dcumentaries.
    D. Cllect a secnd prpsal frm the participant.
    Evelyn Tpper likely drpped her wallet when she and her granddaughter, Mikayla Gunard, were leaving a lcal cffee shp in San Rafael, Califrnia, but Tpper didn’t realize it was missing until she gt hme. With her credit card, mney, and medical card gne, she was understandably upset.
    The next day, hwever, Tpper gt a call that put her mind at rest. Sean Curry had fund the wallet in a trashcan behind the cffee shp. Except fr the cash, its cntents were intact (完整无缺的). Even thugh he’d been hmeless fr five years, rather than take advantage f the pprtunity, Curry reached ut t Tpper.
    While Tpper praised his behavir and declared (宣称) it a mitzvah, a gd deed that’s perfrmed with a gd heart simply because it’s the right thing t d, Curry didn’t believe he’d dne anything ut f the rdinary. He’d dne it, he explained in an interview with NBC, because that was the way he was brught up.
    What Curry didn’t knw, hwever, was that there was a surprise in stre fr him. Mikayla Gunard had already planned a scially distant “drive-by” party fr her upcming 12th birthday. Rather than presents, shed decided t ask fr cntributins t be dnated t charity in her name.
    Gunard hadn’t yet chsen which charity the mney wuld g t, but after learning mre abut the man wh’d s selflessly returned her grandmther’s wallet, the chice seemed bvius.
    It was Gunard’s turn t set her wn mitzvah in mtin. On the day f her party, the 12-year-ld girl placed a pht f Curry and a cllectin basket next t ballns and party favrs n an utdr table in the driveway. By the end f her “Happy Birthday!” party, she had raised several hundred dllars. When Gunard and her mm met up with Curry the next day and gave him the mney, he admitted that he was truly tuched by the heartwarming gesture. Rather than merely pay lip service t a mitzvah, like Curry, Gunard chse t make anther gd deed happen — because she knew it was the right thing t d.
    24. What can we knw abut Sean Curry?
    A. He witnessed the theft f Tpper’s wallet.
    B. He discvered Tpper’s nn-cash prperty.
    C. He enjyed wandering arund cffee shps.
    D. He called Tpper t cmfrt her fr her lss.
    25. Hw did Curry react t Tpper’s cmment n his behavir?
    A. By turning his attentin t his lifestyle.
    B. By chsing t put it n scial media.
    C. By apprving f her idea abut a mitzvah.
    D. By putting less value n what he had dne.
    26. What des the underlined part “a surprise” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. An unexpected party.
    B A charity sale in Curry’s name.
    C. The spread f Curry’s gd deed.
    D. A generus dnatin frm Gunard.
    27. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. D Well and Have WellB. Be the Best — Yu Can Make It
    C. Mre Self-cntrl, Less DesireD. Be Nice — Yu Wn’t Finish Last
    Set t launch n Octber 16, the Lucy spacecraft is designed t study Jupiter’s Trjan asterids (小行星). These asterids are small bdies leftver frm the frmatin f ur slar system’s large planets. They share an rbit with Jupiter as the planet ges arund the sun. The missin’s aim is t gather new infrmatin abut the slar system’s frmatin 4.5 billin years ag.
    Lucy will bserve eight asterids ver 12 years. One f the eight asterids rbits in what is knwn as the Asterid Belt , an area between Mars and Jupiter. Mst knwn asterids rbit within this area. The spacecraft will als bserve seven Trjan asterids. Scientists cnsider the Trjan asterids t be the ancient remains f the frmatin f the slar system. They have stayed captured in Jupiter’s rbit fr billins f years. The Trjans circle the sun in tw grups. One grup leads Jupiter in its rbital path, while the ther fllws behind it. Lucy will be the first spacecraft t visit these asterids.
    The spacecraft was named Lucy after the ancient fssil discvered in Ethipia in 1974. Lucy was ne f the mst famus scientific finds f the 20th century. The cllectin f skeletal bnes gave scientists a better understanding f the evlutin f humans. Cathy Olkin, the deputy lead investigatr fr the Lucy missin, cmpared the NASA spacecraft t the Lucy fssil. “Just like the Lucy fssil transfrmed ur understanding f human evlutin, the Lucy missin will transfrm ur understanding f slar system evlutin.” she said.
    The spacecraft is equipped with several imaging instruments designed t capture infrmatin abut the cmpsitin f materials n the surface f asterids. Other equipment will be used t recrd asterid surface temperatures and measure the size f the bjects the space-craft bserves. Lucy will depend n slar pwer t perate. NASA says the missin expects t set a recrd because Lucy will travel farther frm the sun than any past slar pwered spacecraft.
    Lri Glaze is the directr f NASA’s planetary science divisin. She said “Whatever Lucy finds will give us vital clues abut the frmatin f ur slar system.”
    28. What is the missin f the Lucy spacecraft?
    A T explre the surface f Jupiter.
    B. T cllect sil samples frm Mars.
    C. T find ut the rigin f slar system.
    D. T search fr life n Trjan asterids.
    29. What can we learn abut Trjan asterids frm paragraph 2?
    A. They all rbit in the Asterid Belt.
    B. They were discvered 12 years ag.
    C. They share the same rbit with Jupiter.
    D. They are the ldest planets in slar system.
    30. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The inspiratin fr the name f Lucy.
    B. The significance f the Lucy fssil.
    C. The intrductin t the Lucy missin.
    D. Cathy Olkin’s study n human evlutin.
    31. What d we knw abut the Lucy spacecraft?
    A. It has a large space inside.
    B. It is pwered by sustainable energy.
    C. It mves faster with its lwer weight.
    D. It gets clser t the sun than ther spacecraft.
    Carnival, a festival marked by merrymaking and prcessins, is celebrated thrughut Brazil, but the biggest party is in Ri de Janeir.
    ____32____ Yu may wish t participate in it when yu visualize thusands f peple in cstumes, dancing tgether, fllwed by lights, musical instruments and singing sngs alud with the help f a crwd f almst 100,000 viewers sitting in the avenue stands.
    But the parade (游行) preparatins are nt easy.____33____ Everything must be dne by the time the parade is held in February, summertime in Brazil.
    The sng creatin is ne f the mst imprtant parts f the celebratin. The samba music is the life f the parade. A grup f musicians and writers chses a histrical theme and transfrms it int an upbeat piece f music. ____34____ It must make it impssible fr thse wh are listening t stand still.
    In the same way, the cstumes add beauty and clr t the parade.____35____ Satin, feathers, and many ther flashy materials are used. The cstumes are chsen accrding t the theme. Mst parade grups allw turists t participate, but they als must wear the cstumes, which can cst frm $300 t mre than $1,400. Every parade participant can chse which part f the grup they want t be, and then they plan their cstumes accrdingly.
    Put it all tgether and add the mst excited and happy peple, and it is easy t see why the parade is the centerpiece f the carnival. The mix f culture, art and fun attracts peple. S, what are yu waiting fr?____36____
    A. The rhythm needs t be inviting.
    B. They help t illustrate the theme.
    C. It’s definitely an impressive event.
    D. The parade is divided int 14 grups.
    E. It requires mre than eight mnths t plan.
    F. Shw the wrld what a rich culture yu have.
    G. Start practicing yur samba nw fr the next carnival.
    Twenty years ag I drve a taxi. One time, I was called at midnight t pick smene up. When I arrived the building was cmpletely dark _____37_____ne light in a windw.
    I walked t the dr and kncked. A small wman in her eighties std befre me. By her side was a____38____. I tk it and we walked slwly t the street. She kept thanking me.
    “It’s nthing. I try t treat my passengers hw I want my mther _____39_____”
    When we gt int the taxi, she gave me the_____40_____and then asked me1 drive thugh the dwntwn. But I tld her it was nt the shrtest way.
    “Oh. I’m in n hurry.” she said. “I’m n my way t a hspice (临终安养院).The dctr says I dn’t have much time _____41_____.”
    I quietly_____42_____the meter (计价器). Fr hurs, we drve thrugh the city. She shwed me the building where she had nce wrked, the _____43_____where she had lived. Smetimes she asked me t just _____44_____while she sat staring int the darkness, saying nthing.
    As the sun was cming up, she suddenly said, “I’m tired. Let’s g nw.”
    We drve in _____45_____t the hspice. As I_____46_____, tw nurses were waiting fr us. They helped her int a wheelchair.
    “Hw much d I ______47______yu?” she asked, reaching fr her purse.
    I said nthing, leaned dwn and gave her a______48______. She said. “Yu gave me a little mment f jy. Thank yu.”
    I squeezed her hand and then walked back t my taxi. Fr the rest f that day, I culd ______49______talk.
    I believe I have never dne anything mre imprtant in my life. We usually think that ur lives are______50______by great mments. But I nw realize that great mments catch us by surprise, because they ften seem quite ______51______.
    37. A. withB. except frC. instead fD. in spite f
    38. A. suitcaseB. catC. wheelchairD. purse
    39. A. curedB. caredC. treatedD. fed
    40. A. addressB. mneyC. mapD. directin
    41. A. spentB. cuntedC. takenD. left
    42. A. turned nB. turned ffC. set upD. set dwn
    43. A. schlB. destinatinC. hspiceD. neighbrhd
    44. A. slw dwnB. speed upC. set ffD. hurry up
    45. A. advanceB. timeC. excitementD. silence
    46. A. pulled upB. went thrughC. walked awayD. passed by
    47. A. weB. lveC. chargeD. give
    48. A. presentB. smileC. hugD. prmise
    49. A. hardlyB. merrilyC. ludlyD. gently
    50. A. dividedB. decratedC. declaredD. defined
    51. A. gratefulB. smallC. painfulD. inspiring
    52. I selected a Cantnese restaurant that served its fd n beautiful china plates. (英译汉)
    53. The Challenger disaster that ccurred n 28 January 1986 resulted in the deaths f five NASA astrnauts and tw specialists. (英译汉)
    54. Tday’s festivals have a wide range f rigins, including the seasns f the year, famus figures, imprtant events, and religins. (英译汉)
    55. The directr f the pera decided immediately during the wman’s auditin(试唱) that the rle suited her perfectly. (英译汉)
    56. What started as a residential area fr Chinese immigrants then turned int a centre tr Chinese culture. (英译汉)
    The Chinatwn in San Francisc is the biggest in America, and als_____57_____(ld). The climate is mild all year rund, _____58_____(mean) it is always a gd time t visit. Nw, the_____59_____(majr) f residents in Chinatwn are still ethnic Chinese, many f whm d nt speak English ____60____(fluent). This allws visitrs t experience a real taste f China. Mst f Chinatwn _____61_____(destry) in the 1906 earthquake, but the city and residents rebuilt it. Visitrs can spend hurs just_____62_____(explre) the interesting sights smells, and sunds f China. The stres in the Chinatwn ffer_____63_____unique range f suvenirs, gds, and clthing. All kinds f traditinal Chinese herbal medicine can be fund, t, and there are Chinese tea stres,_____64_____visitrs can taste and buy varieties f Chinese tea. But perhaps _____65_____many turists and San Franciscans treasure mst abut Chinatwn is its fd. There is Chinese fd t suit everyne’s taste,______66______traditinal dishes frm all ver China.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 句子翻译(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
    67. 学习这个国家的历史将使你的参观更加愉快。(汉译英)
    68. 均衡的饮食和规律的运动可以帮助你每天保持精力充沛。(汉译英)
    69. 一个人也不认识,我独自坐在我的座位上。(汉译英)
    70. Henry对音乐非常感兴趣,他在高中时就开始创作原创作品(riginal cmpsitins)。(汉译英)
    71. 中国的春节持续15天,被认为是一年中最重要的节日。(汉译英)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    72. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “Is this allIgt?” asked my daughter, Allisn. “I asked fr a new cellphne!”
    “What kind f birthday is this?” asked my sn, Blake.
    Blake and Allisn are twins. Every year, I gave them birthday presents. But they always felt unhappy abut nt receiving smething n their wish list.
    I knew I had smewhat spiled(宠坏)them, but I had n idea it was this bad . I was in shck. Hw self-centered and unappreciative culd my children be?
    I was determined t d smething.
    I fund a family living n a farm that badly needed help. There were fur children in the family aged frm three t eight. I began t visit them every tw mnths.
    Sn, Allisn and Blake’s birthday was drawing near. I decided t intrduce them t the new friends. One day, I wke the kids early and drve them t the farm.
    When we arrived, I tld my children t take tw bags ff the car, f which ne was filled with fd and the ther with many bxes full f presents my children wuld never be satisfied with.
    We were welcmed inside with smiles and appreciatin. Obviusly, Alisn and Blake were shcked by what they saw. I culd guess they had never expected peple wuld live such a difficult life.
    “Lk! Presents fr yu. ”Allisn was trying t make the kids happier.
    With their parents’ permissin(允许), the kids began t pick the bxes up, shake them, and guess what was inside. They were s excited. Allisn and Blake encuraged the kids t pen the bxes. They did. And there were shuts f surprise and jy: a mdel car, chclate …then laughter. Then grateful hugs(拥抱)and sincere “thank-yus” .
    At first Alisn and Blake lked cnfused but sn jined the children. Befre lng, they were laughing, t, prud that they brught happiness there.
    On the way hme, Alisn and Blake were a little quiet. When it was time t g t bed that day, my kids hugged me and said, “Thank yu, Mum. ”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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    The next year, with their birthday nearing, I asked Alisn and Blake what presents they wanted.
    I agreed and ffered t drive them t the farm.

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