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    这是一份2024年天津市部分区中考一模英语试题(原卷版+解析版),文件包含2024年天津市部分区中考一模英语试题含听力原卷版docx、2024年天津市部分区中考一模英语试题含听力解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    本试卷分为第I 卷(选择题)、第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。第I 卷为第 1页至第9页, 第Ⅱ卷为第10页至第12页。试卷满分120分。考试时间100 分钟。
    答卷前, 请务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考点校、考场号、座位号填写在 “答题卡”上, 并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答题时, 务必将答案涂写在 “答题卡”上, 答案答在试卷上无效。考试结束后, 将本试卷和“答题卡”一 并交回。
    第 I卷
    1. 每题选出答案后, 用2B 铅笔把“答题卡”上对应题目的答案标号的信 息点涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号的信息点。
    2. 本卷共五大题, 共80分。
    一、听力理解(本大题共20小题, 每小题1 分, 共20分)
    A) 在下列每小题内, 你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C 三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. B. C.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】

    A. B. C.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. B. C.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. B. C.
    B) 下面你将听到十组对话, 每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容, 从每组所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。
    5. What is Tm ding nw? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Having dinner.B. Having a birthday party.C. Playing the pian.
    6. Hw des the wman wish t travel arund the wrld? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. By bike.B. By car.C. By train.
    7. What is the wman lking fr? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Her phne.B. Her desk.C. Her dictinary.
    8. Where is the museum? 此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. On New Street.B. At the first crssing.C. Acrss frm the library.
    9. Wh can help the speakers g hme? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. A driver.B. Tm.C. A rider.
    【原文】M: We have n mney and the last bus has gne. Hw can we g hme?
    W: Dn’t wrry. Tm will drive hme frm wrk at this time. We can ask him fr a ride.
    10. Which subject des the man like best? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Maths.B. English.C. Histry.
    11. Where will the speakers meet? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. At the schl gate.B. At the bus stp.C. At the gate f the park.
    12. Which seasn des the man like better? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Winter.B. Autumn.C. Summer.
    13. When did the wman get up this mrning? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. At 6:25.B. At 6:15.C. At 6:00.
    14. Where are the speakers? 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. On the train.B. In the taxi.C. At hme.
    C) 听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题, 从题中所给的A、 B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
    15. Which f the fllwing is the girl’s hbby?
    A. Swimming.B. Cllecting stamps.C. Playing the vilin.
    16. Hw many stamps has the by gt?
    A. Abut 5,000.B. Abut 500.C. Abut 50.
    17. When will the speakers meet?
    A. This Sunday.B. This Saturday.C. This Friday.
    【答案】15. C 16. B 17. A
    18. Where is Lushan Muntain?
    A. In the nrth f Jiangxi.B. In the west f Jiangxi.C. In the suth f Jiangxi.
    19. Hw can peple get t Lushan Muntain?
    A. By plane r by bus.B. By ship r by bus.C. By train r by bus.
    20. What’s the price f a bus ticket?
    A. 30 yuan.B. 40 yuan.C. 50 yuan.
    【答案】18. A 19. C 20. B
    二、单项填空(本大题共15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)
    从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。
    21. Jerry is eating _______ ice cream in _______ sun.
    A. an; theB. an; /C. a; theD. a; a
    考查冠词。the定冠词,表特指;a不定冠词表泛指,用于辅音音素开头的词前;an不定冠词表泛指,用于元音音素开头的词前。分析第一处可知,此处表泛指“一个冰激凌”,又因为ice首字母发元音,所以用an;结合句意,分析第二处可知,考查in the sun“在阳光下”,所以用the。故选A。
    22. —Have we gt _______ apples?
    —N, we haven’t. We’ve gt _______ ranges.
    A. any; anyB. sme; anyC. sme; smeD. any; sme
    考查代词辨析。sme一些,常用于肯定句或希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中;any常用于否定句和疑问句中。“Have we gt ... apples?”是疑问句,应用any;“We’ve gt ... ranges.”是肯定句,应用sme。故选D。
    23. All _______ received fresh flwers n Wmen's Day.
    A wman teachersB. wmen teacherC. wmen teachersD. wman teacher
    考查复合名词复数的用法。根据句中“All”可知,此句主语应为复数,wman teacher表示“女教师”,其变化规则为两个名词都变成其复数形式。故选C。
    24. I ften take part in the Taijiquan training in my free time and I’m _______excellent cnditin.
    A. fB. inC. withD. at
    25. We _______ watch shrt vides n the phne fr a lng time. It’s bad fr ur eyes.
    A. shuldn’tB. canC. mustD. needn’t
    考查动词辨析。shuldn’t不应该;can能;must必须;needn’t不必。根据“ shrt vides n the phne fr a lng time.”可知,不应该长时间在手机上看短视频。故选A。
    26. I like playing the pian. I think it is _______ thing in the wrld.
    A. the mst enjyableB. as enjyable asC. mre enjyableD. less enjyable
    考查形容词最高级。the mst enjyable最愉快的;as enjyable as一样令人愉快;mre enjyable更愉快;less enjyable不太愉快。根据前文说喜欢,后文的限制范围是“in the wrld”,所以是最高级。故选A。
    27. My sister is gd at all the subjects at schl, _______ maths.
    A. prperlyB. immediatelyC. suddenlyD. especially
    考查副词辨析。prperly适当地,正确地;immediately立即;suddenly突然;especially尤其。根据“My sister is gd at all the subjects at schl”可知,是指尤其数学这门学科非常好,故选D。
    28. —Is yur mther at hme nw?
    —N. She ________ the market t buy sme vegetables.
    A. has gne tB. has been tC. is ging tD. has been in
    考查动词短语。has gne t已经去了(还未回来);has been t曾经去过(已回来);is ging t打算(还没去);has been in已经待在……了。根据“Is yur mther at hme nw?”和回答“N.”可知,妈妈现在不在家,说明她去了市场,还没有回来。has gne t符合语境。故选A。
    29. It’s s quiet here that I can hardly _______ we’re in the city centre.
    A. cughB. believeC. cuntD. fight
    考查动词辨析。cugh咳嗽;believe相信;cunt数数;fight打架。根据“It’s s quiet here that I can ’re in the city centre.”可知,不敢相信市中心竟然如此安静。故选B。
    30. Peple ften cllect things ________ smething imprtant in their lives.
    A. t rememberB. rememberC. rememberingD. remembered
    考查不定式结构作目的状语。根据“Peple ften cllect imprtant in their lives”可知,横线上是讲述收集东西的目的,所以是不定式结构t remember。故选A。
    31. —What day is it tday?
    —It is Wednesday and it’s my _______ birthday.
    A. sixteenB. the sixteenthC. sixteenthD. the sixteen
    考查序数词。sixteen十六;sixteenth第十六。根据“it’s ”可知,此处应是表示今天是“我”十六岁的生日,空处应用序数词sixteenth,表顺序,且序数词前有形容词性物主代词my,此时序数词前无需加the。故选C。
    32. A new hspital _______ near my hme last year, it’s easy t see a dctr nw.
    A. will buildB. was builtC. is builtD. will be built
    考查时态语态。will build一般将来时;was built一般过去时的被动语态;is built一般现在时的被动语态;will be built一般将来时的被动语态。根据“last year”可知,新的医院是去年被建造的。故选B。
    33. ________ he was tired, he went n wrking.
    A. SB. ThughC. BecauseD. As
    考查连词辨析。S所以;Thugh虽然;Because因为;As因为。根据“he was tired, he went n wrking.”可知,句子前后是让步关系,用thugh引导让步状语从句。故选B。
    34. — D yu knw _______?
    — In the gym.
    A. when we will hld the sprts meetingB. when did we hld the sprts meeting
    C. where we will hld the sprts meetingD. where will we hld the sprts meeting
    考查宾语从句。根据回答“In the gym.”可知,此处应是询问地点,疑问词应用where,故排除选项A和B;空处应填入宾语从句,用陈述句语序,C是陈述句语序,D为疑问句语序。故选C。
    35. —I gt a full mark in the maths exam.
    A. That’s the main thingB. I’m nt sureC. Pretty gdD. Cngratulatins
    考查情景交际。That’s the main thing这是最重要的事情;I’m nt sure我不确定;Pretty gd非常好;Cngratulatins祝贺。根据“I gt a full mark in the maths exam.”可知,应该对对方的好成绩表示祝贺,故选D。
    三、完形填空(本大题共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
    阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B 、C、D四个选项中 选出最佳选项。
    Elephants are the biggest land animals alive tday. We have wrked with elephants ___36___ a lng time, but there are still many misunderstandings abut elephants.
    Sme peple think that elephants are afraid f mice. They will run away ___37___ if they see a muse. This is untrue. In fact, elephants have such pr eyesight that they wuld nt usually ___38___ a muse, even if ne came very near them. “Elephants never frget.” is anther fallacy (谬见). N evidence (证据) suggests that elephants have ___39___ memries than any ther animals. Finally, there is the myth (神话) that when the time cmes fr an elephant t die, it ges t sme kind f elephant graveyard (墓地), but n ne has ever ___40___ such a graveyard. What elephants prbably d when they are ld and ___41___ is finding a cave and staying in it, s they will be safe until they either get better ___42___ die.
    In Thailand, in the ld days, if smene fund a ___43___ elephant, they gave it t the king because it was rare (少见的). The king kept the animal and ___44___ it, even thugh it had n use fr him. Frm then n, we use the expressin, “a white elephant”, t describe ___45___ unuseful.
    A. inB. frC. sinceD. at
    A. quicklyB. excitedlyC. happilyD. sadly
    A. readB. smellC. seeD. taste
    A. gdB. badC. wrseD. better
    A. thughtB. brushedC. watchedD. fund
    A healthyB. yungC. sickD. excited
    A. butB. andC. untilD. r
    A. whiteB. blackC. brwnD. yellw
    A. killedB. fedC. beatD. washed
    A. nthingB. everythingC. anythingD. smething
    【答案】36. B 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. D 41. C 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. D
    【导语】本文主要讲述了一些关于大象的误解及谚语“a white elephant”的来历。
    in在某年/月/季节;fr表示一段时间;since自从;at在某刻。根据“a lng time”可知,应用fr表示一段时间。故选B。
    quickly迅速地;excitedly兴奋地;happily开心地;sadly伤心地。根据“Sme peple think that elephants are afraid f mice.”可知,此处是指大象看到老鼠会迅速跑开。故选A。
    read读;smell闻;see看见;taste品尝。根据“elephants have such pr eyesight”可知,此处是指大象看不见老鼠。故选C。
    gd好的;bad坏的;wrse更糟的;better更好的。根据“‘Elephants never frget.’ is anther fallacy (谬见).”可知,此处是指没有证据表明大象有更好的记忆力。故选D。
    thught思考;brushed刷;watched看;fund发现。根据“but n ne has ever ... such a graveyard”可知,此处是指从来没有人发现过这样的墓地。故选D。
    healthy健康的;yung年轻的;sick生病的;excited兴奋的。根据“What elephants prbably d when they are ld and ... is finding a cave and staying in it”可知,此处是指当大象年老或生病时。故选C。
    white白色的;black黑色的;brwn棕色的;yellw黄色的。根据下文“a white elephant”可知,此处是指白色的大象。故选A。
    killed杀死;fed喂养;beat打;washed洗。根据“The king kept the animal and ... it, even thugh it had n use fr him.”可知,此处是指喂养大象。故选B。
    nthing没有什么;everything所有事物;anything任何事物;smething某事物。根据“Frm then n, we use the expressin, ‘a white elephant’, t describe ... unuseful.可知,此处是指某些无用的东西。故选D。
    四 、阅读理解(本大题共15小题, 每小题2分, 共30分)
    阅读下面的材料, 从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Dear Family,
    Everything has been s much fun during the trip. I am srry that it has taken me s lng t write. When we arrived in New Yrk City yesterday, we went t ur htel at nce, tk shwers, and began ur trip in the city! We saw the Statue f Liberty, Wall Street, and Times Square, all in just ne day.
    Unluckily, we culd nly spend ne day in New Yrk, because we had t take the train t see Niagara Falls. I am riding the train nw as I write. We shuld arrive in a few hurs, and I think we’ll g straight t bed as it will be past midnight when we arrive. After Niagara Falls, we will visit Trnt in Canada since it is nly a little further nrth. I’ve never been t Canada, s it will be exciting. Frm Trnt, we’re ging t fly t Ls Angeles. That’s where we will stay fr the rest f the trip. I’m sure we’ll g t Disneyland. And, f curse, we will surf in the Pacific Ocean!
    We will try t write again sn, but we are ding s much that I can’t make any prmises.
    Lve yu
    Francis and Sam
    46. What is the passage?
    A. A sngB. A nticeC. A reprt.D. An email.
    47. Where did they visit yesterday?
    A. Wall Street, Niagara Falls and Times Square.B. Wall Street, Statue f Liberty and Times Square.
    C. Statue f Liberty, Niagara Falls and Times Square.D. Statue f Liberty, Wall Street and Niagara Falls.
    48. Hw lng did they stay in New Yrk?
    A. Three daysB. Tw days.C. One dayD. A few hurs.
    49. Hw did they g t see Niagara Falls frm New Yrk?
    A. On ftB. By train.C. By bat.D. By car
    50. What des the underlined sentence mean?
    A. They maybe t busy t write again.B. They miss their family very much.
    C. They have frgtten their prmises.D. They will write again very sn.
    【答案】46. D 47. B 48. C 49. B 50. A
    细节理解题。根据“Dear Family”和“Lve yu Francis and Sam”可知本文是一封电子邮件,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“When we arrived in New Yrk City yesterday, we went t ur htel at nce, tk shwers, and began ur trip in the city! We saw the Statue f Liberty, Wall Street, and Times Square, all in just ne day.”可知他们参观了华尔街,自由女神像和时代广场,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Unluckily, we culd nly spend ne day in New Yrk, because we had t take the train t see Niagara Falls. ”可知他们只待了一天,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Unluckily, we culd nly spend ne day in New Yrk, because we had t take the train t see Niagara Falls.”可知他们做火车去的大瀑布,故选B。
    There was a little girl named Emily. She lved playing utside, reading bks, and spending time with friends. Hwever, she was afraid f the dark, especially when she had t g t bed at night, she was afraid that smene r smething was hiding in the shadws (阴影). Emily’s parents tried t make her feel better by telling her there was nthing t fear, but she still culdn’t shake ff her fear. They als gave her a nightlight, but that didn’t help either. Emily just culdn’t get ver her fear f the dark.
    One day, Emily had a sleepver (留宿聚会) at Lily’s. After playing games, the tw friends put n their pyjamas (睡衣) and gt ready fr bed. Emily nticed that Lily wasn’t afraid f the dark at all. She didn’t even have a nightlight in her rm! Emily asked Lily why she wasn’t afraid f the dark, and Lily tld her that she used t be afraid t, but she learned hw t vercme (克服) her fear. Lily shared sme ways with Emily, such as taking deep breaths (呼吸), thinking happy thughts, and even imagining that she was a super her.
    Emily decided t try ut Lily’s ways that night. She clsed her eyes, tk sme deep breaths, and then started thinking abut hw much fun she had playing with Lily. Befre she knew it, she was asleep.
    The next day, Emily wke up at abut 7 am. She realized that she had vercme her fear f the dark! Frm that day frward, Emily stpped using her nightlight and wasn’t afraid f the dark any mre.
    51. What prblem did Emily use t have?
    A. She was afraid f the dark.B. She spent little time with her friends.
    C. She ften went t bed late.D. She was afraid f hiding in the shadws.
    52. What des the underlined phrase “shake ff” in Paragraph 1 mean?
    A. 抖落B. 摆脱C. 显摆D. 出发
    53. Which is nt mentined in Lily’s ways?
    A. Taking deep breaths.B. Thinking happy thughts.
    C. Ding exercise every mrning.D. Imagining that she was a super her.
    54. Hw might Emily feel after she wke up the next mrning?
    A. Afraid.B. Happy.C. Tired.D. Sad.
    55. What is the main idea f the passage?
    A. Emily’s parents are wrried abut her.B. Lily and Emily are gd friends.
    C. Emily vercame her fear f the dark.D. Emily had a nightlight in her rm.
    【答案】51. A 52. B 53. C 54. B 55. C
    细节理解题。根据“There was a little girl named Emily. She lved playing utside, reading bks, and spending time with friends. Hwever, she was afraid f the dark,”可知,Emily以前怕黑。故选A。
    词句猜测题。根据“Emily’s parents tried t make her feel better by telling her there was nthing t fear, but she still culdn’t shake ff her fear.”可知,Emily的父母试图安慰她,告诉她没什么好害怕的,但她仍然无法摆脱恐惧。划线词组shake ff意为“摆脱”。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Lily shared sme ways with Emily, such as taking deep breaths (呼吸), thinking happy thughts, and even imagining that she was a super her.”可知,文章中提到Lily克服怕黑的方法有三种,分别是深呼吸、想一些开心的事情、想象自己是一个超级英雄。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“The next day, Emily wke up at abut 7 am. She realized that she had vercme her fear f the dark!”可知,Emily第二天醒来之后,意识到自己已经克服了对黑暗的恐惧,她应该会感到开心。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据“There was a little girl named Emily. She lved playing utside, reading bks, and spending time with friends. Hwever, she was afraid f the dark...”,“Frm that day frward, Emily stpped using her nightlight and wasn’t afraid f the dark any mre.”及通读全文后可知,本文主要讲述Emily克服了对黑暗的恐惧的故事。故选C。
    The Palace Museum is ne f the must-see places in Beijing and has millins f cultural relics (遗产) inside its walls. Hwever, the museum can nly shw a small part f its relics t the public. Experts (专家) can’t fix as many cultural relics as they want. And mre imprtantly, the museum can’t prvide a prper service if the number f visitrs ges ver 80, 000 every day. Why? Because there is nt enugh rm inside the museum!
    Fr nearly ten years, the Palace Museum has planned n its new building-a secnd hme fr the cultural relics, a secnd ffice fr the experts, and a secnd museum fr peple t visit. Thirty kilmetres away frm the Palace Museum, the new museum will include places fr the display, restratin and strage (展览、修复 和贮存) f the cultural relics. And there is even a garden. Experts can better wrk n the prtectin and restratin f the cultural relics. And mre visitrs will be able t see the relics and learn mre abut ur culture and histry.
    Althugh the new museum lks like a traditinal Chinese building and has similar clurs t the Palace Museum, it is mdern and envirnmentally friendly. Fr example, it can save a lt f energy: The walls n the suth side can let in a lt f air during the summer and keep it cl; during the winter, the walls n the nrth side can keep the cld air ut and help the building stay warm.
    The cnstructin (施工) f the new Palace Museum started in December 2022, and it may be pen t the public in 2025. The Palace Museum will be 100 years ld then. The new museum will surely be a great birthday gift fr it.
    56. What can we learn frm Paragraph 1?
    A. The Palace Museum needs mre rm these days.
    B. 80, 000 peple visit the Palace Museum every day.
    C. Experts frm the Palace Museum dn’t have a place t wrk.
    D. Mst f the cultural relics f the Palace Museum are n display?
    57. What des the new Palace Museum mean fr the experts?
    A. A secnd hme.B. A secnd museum.C. A secnd ffice.D. A new building.
    58. Hw des the writer explain that the new Palace Museum is envirnmentally friendly?
    A. By making a jke.B. By giving an example.C. By telling stries.D. By shwing numbers.
    59. When will the new Palace Museum be ready fr the public?
    A. In 2022.B. In 2025.C. In 2122.D. In 2125.
    60. What’s the best title fr the passage?
    A. New Palace MuseumB. Places fr the display
    C. Birthday gift fr ChinaD. Nt enugh rm fr visitrs
    【答案】56. A 57. C 58. B 59. B 60. A
    推理判断题。根据“And mre imprtantly, the museum can’t prvide a prper service if the number f visitrs ges ver 80, 000 every day. Why? Because there is nt enugh rm inside the museum!”更重要的是,如果每天的参观人数超过80、000人,博物馆就无法提供应有的服务。为什么?因为博物馆里面没有足够的空间!所以是需要更多的空间。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“a secnd ffice fr the experts”可知,是第二个专家办公室。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Fr example, it can save a lt f energy: The walls n the suth side can let in a lt f air during the summer and keep it cl; during the winter, the walls n the nrth side can keep the cld air ut and help the building stay warm.”可知是举例子。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“it may be pen t the public in 2025”可知,2025年可能向公众开放。故选B。
    五、补全对话(本大题共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)
    A: Hey, James! I saw yur cl pht n Duyin last night. ____61____
    B: I used my drne.
    A: Sweet. I’d like t get a drne. ____62____
    B: Last mnth.
    A: ____63____ With a remte cntrl (遥控器)?
    B: N, I cntrl it with an app n my smart phne. It’s s much fun t fly!
    A: ____64____
    B: A little. It takes a lt f practice t fly it well.
    A: I’m sure. Because yu’re n the grund, and it’s in the air.
    B: Right. I see thrugh the drne’s camera n my phne. The sights frm up high are amazing.
    A: ____65____ I’d lve t take pictures with ne.
    A. Where was it?
    B. Hw did yu take it?
    C. Is a drne (无人机) hard t fly?
    D. Hw d yu cntrl it?
    E. I really need t get ne!
    F. When did yu get yurs?
    G. I want t study hard.
    【答案】61. B 62. F 63. D 64. C 65. E
    根据“I saw yur cl pht n Duyin last night.”及“I used my drne.”可知,此处询问用什么拍的照,选项B“你怎么拍的?”符合情景,故选B。
    根据“Last mnth.”可知,此处询问时间,选项F“你什么时候买的?”符合情景,故选F。
    根据“With a remte cntrl (遥控器)?”可知,此处询问怎么控制无人机,选项D“你如何控制它?”符合情景,故选D。
    根据“A little. It takes a lt f practice t fly it well.”可知,此处询问控制无人机的难易程度,选项C“无人机难飞吗?”符合情景,故选C。
    根据“I’d lve t take pictures with ne.”可知,此处表示自己想要一个无人机来拍照,选项E“我真的需要得到一个!”符合情景,故选E。
    第 Ⅱ 卷
    1. 用黑色字迹的签字笔将答案写在“答题卡”上。
    2. 本卷共四大题, 共40分。
    六、完成句子(本大题共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)
    根据所给中文意思完成句子, 每空限填一词。
    66. 我到他家时,他正在看电视。
    He was watching TV when I ________ ________ his huse.
    【答案】 ①. arrived##gt ②. at##t
    【详解】arrive at/get t“到达”,根据“He was watching TV”可知,从句时态用一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式arrived/gt。故填arrived/gt;at/t。
    67. 这个湖占据了公园多半的面积。
    The lake ________ ________ ver half f the park area.
    【答案】 ①. takes ②. up
    【详解】take up“占据”,此处描述事实,时态用一般现在时,主语是三单,动词也用三单。故填takes;up。
    68. 你的房间有点乱。请把这些衣服收好。
    It’s a bit mess in yur rm. Please ________ _______ yur clthes.
    【答案】 ①. put ②. away
    【详解】根据中英文对照横线上缺的是“收好”put away,由于是祈使句,所以是动词原形。故填put;away。
    69. 至少我们尝试过了,就没有遗憾了。
    _______ _______ we have tried. There is n regret nw.
    【答案】 ①. At ②. least
    【详解】at least“至少”,固定短语,句首首字母大写,故填At;least。
    70. 天津以美食而闻名世界。
    Tianjin is ________ ________ its delicius fd in the wrld.
    【答案】 ①. famus ②. fr
    【详解】be famus fr“因……而闻名”,形容词短语。故填famus;fr。
    七、任务型阅读(本大题共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)
    An Astrnaut’s Day
    Every mrning yu get up, wash yur face, brush yur teeth, eat breakfast and get ready fr yur day. These daily actins are s cmmn that yu dn’t think abut them much. But what if yu were in space? There is n gravity (地心引力) there, s weights are nt as heavy as they are n Earth. When yu drp smething, it desn’t fall t the flr. It flats (漂浮) slwly away in the air. This means that astrnauts can’t just put dwn a tl. They need t tie it dwn. And hw d astrnauts drink? In space, water just breaks int small drps and hangs in the air.
    Well, astrnauts eat and drink differently in space. They have special plates s that their fd desn’t flat away. They use special bags fr drinks s that the drink stays inside. Sleep is als different in space. Astrnauts tie themselves t the wall s that they dn’t flat arund when they are sleeping. Since they have t wrk hard, they need t get plenty f rest. The sun rises and sets s ften that it can be cnfusing (令人迷惑的). The astrnauts have alarms (闹钟) and smetimes music t wake them up.
    Exercise is imprtant fr astrnauts as well. Since there is n gravity and astrnauts flat instead f walking r running, their muscles (肌肉) becme weak very quickly. They have t exercise n special machines every day s that this desn’t happen. N ne wants t becme ill in space and exercise helps them stay healthy.
    Hwever, it is nt all hard wrk in space. When they are nt ding science experiments, writing reprts r exercising, there is a little time fr fun. They watch mvies, read the news and call family members and friends. The astrnauts n the Internatinal Space Statin can even cnnect t the Internet.
    71. In space, weights are nt as heavy as they are n Earth because ________.
    72. Astrnauts use special plates t eat and drink s that the fd ________.
    73. Astrnauts ________ t the wall when they are sleeping.
    74. In rder t stay healthy, the astrnauts must ________ every day.
    75. Astrnauts dn’t always wrk hard, they can als have ________.
    【答案】71. there is n gravity##there is n gravity there
    72. desn’t flat away
    73. tie themselves
    74. exercise##exercise n special machines
    75. a little time fr fun
    根据“There is n gravity (地心引力) there, s weights are nt as heavy as they are n Earth.”可知,在太空中,重量不像地球上那么重,是因为那里没有地心引力。故填there is n gravity/there is n gravity there。
    根据“They have special plates s that their fd desn’t flat away.”可知,宇航员用特殊的盘子,以便食物不会漂走。故填desn’t flat away。
    根据“Astrnauts tie themselves t the wall s that they dn’t flat arund when they are sleeping.”可知,宇航员在睡觉的时候把自己绑在墙上。故填tie themselves。
    根据“They have t exercise n special machines every day s that this desn’t happen.”可知,为了保持健康,宇航员每天必须在特殊的机器上锻炼。故填exercise/exercise n special machines。
    根据“Hwever, it is nt all hard wrk in space. When they are nt ding science experiments, writing reprts r exercising, there is a little time fr fun.”可知,宇航员不总是辛苦工作,他们也可以有一点娱乐的时间。故填a little time fr fun。
    八、综合填空(本大题共10 小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)
    Have yu ever wndered what PE classes are like in ther cuntries? In China, PE tests are required t graduate (毕业) frm b____76____ middle schl and high schl. T get gd grades n the PE tests, Chinese students will need t p____77____ running and ding sit-ups and pull-ups (引体向上). H____78____, this is nt the way that PE classes wrk in US high schls.
    In my high schl, we are required t take tw semesters (学期) f PE t graduate. We play real sprts during PE classes, such as basketball and v____79____. There are als sme ther typical (种类) American sprts that we ften play, such as kickball and ddgeball (躲避球). I didn’t knw the r____80____ f kickball and ddgeball when I first came t the US. The teacher allwed me t sit n the sidelines, and w____81____ hw ther students played it in rder t let me figure ut (弄清楚) the rules.
    We als learn sme useful life skills in PE. Last year, I learned hw t d CPR (心肺复苏), which is a life-saving skill. We were als taught hw t p____82____ first aid t smene wh is chking (窒息). These skills are a large part f the final grade fr the PE class in my h____83____ schl. Self-defense (自卫) is taught in PE class as w____84____. This includes sme taekwnd (跆拳道), karate (空手道) skills and Chinese kung fu. It is practical.
    I p____85____ PE classes in the US t the nes in China. I think they are mre fun and useful. What d yu think?
    【答案】76. (b)th
    77. (p)ractice##(p)ractise
    78. (H)wever
    79. (v)lleyball
    80. (r)ules
    81. (w)atch
    82. (p)rvide
    83. (h)igh 84. (w)ell
    85. (p)refer
    句意:在中国,初中和高中毕业都需要参加体育考试。根据“b... middle schl and high schl”可知,是指初中和高中,“两个都”,固定短语,故填(b)th。
    句意:为了在体育考试中取得好成绩,中国学生需要练习跑步、仰卧起坐和引体向上。根据“Chinese students will need t p... running and ding sit-ups and pull-ups”可知,是指要练习跑步、仰卧起坐和引体向上以取得好成绩,practice/practise “练习”;need t d sth. “需要做某事”,不定式符号t后跟动词原形,故填(p)ractice/(p)ractise。
    句意:然而,这并不是美国高中体育课的运作方式。分析句子结构可知,前后两句是转折关系,且空后有逗号隔开,hwever “但是,然而” 符合语境,故填(H)wever。
    句意:我们在体育课上做真正的运动,比如篮球和排球。根据“such as basketball and v...”可知,是指球类运动,vlleyball“排球”符合语境,故填(v)lleyball。
    句意:刚来美国时,我不知道踢球和躲避球的规则。根据下文“ let me figure ut (弄清楚) the rules”可知,是指作者刚开始不知道规则,rule“规则”,此处应用名词复数表泛指,故填(r)ules。
    句意:老师让我坐在场边,看其他学生怎么玩,以便我弄清楚规则。根据“The teacher allwed me t sit n the sidelines, w... hw ther students played it”可知,是指坐在旁边看别人玩,watch“观看”;此处与动词sit并列,应用动词原形,故填(w)atch。
    句意:我们还被教导如何为窒息的人提供急救。根据“hw t p... first aid t smene wh is chking”可知,是指为窒息的人提供急救,prvide“提供”,不定式符号t后跟动词原形,故填(p)rvide。
    句意:这些技能是我高中体育课期末成绩的很大一部分。根据上文“this is nt the way that PE classes wrk in US high schls”可知,是指作者高中的体育课,high schl“高中”,故填(h)igh。
    句意:自我防护也在体育课上被学习。根据上文“We were als taught hw t p... first aid t smene wh is chking (窒息).”可知,体育课上学生会被教导如何为窒息的人提供急救,也会被教自我防护的方法,as well“也”,固定短语,故填(w)ell。
    句意:比起中国的体育课,我更喜欢美国的体育课。根据“I p... PE classes in the US t the nes in China.”可知,作者更喜欢美国的体育课,prefer A t B “比起B更喜欢A”;时态为一般现在时,主语是I,动词用原形,故填(p)refer。
    九、 书面表达(本大题共15分)
    86. 你是一名中学生,有时候厌烦父母的管教。但是父母出差后你独自生活的经历使你改变了观点。请根据以下提示信息写一篇作文。
    Last week, my parents went away n business.
    Last week my parents went away n business. I had t live by myself. On the first day, I ate snacks and played games happily after schl. And the next day, things gt wrse. I was late fr schl and had n time t eat breakfast. I didn’t hand in my hmewrk in time. I felt s tired that I had n energy t play. Unfrtunately, I burned my meal and cut my finger. It was really a bad day. I realized that I culdn’t have a nice day withut my parents.
    ①n business出差
    ②by neself独自
    ③be late fr迟到
    ④hand in上交
    ①I felt s tired that I had n energy t play. (引导的结果状语从句)
    ②I realized that I culdn’t have a nice day withut my parents.(that引导的宾语从句)

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