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    1.— !Smene has left the dr pen.
    —Dn't lk at me.( )
    A. Cme nB. Thank gdnessC. Dear meD. Hi,there
    2.Jane is in a hurry because the train t the airprt in half an hur.( )
    A. will be leftB. leavesC. has leftD. will have left
    3. I have a wrd with yu?It wn't take lng.( )
    A. MustB. MayC. ShallD. Need
    4.Tm made up his mind that he a new car nce Larry changed jbs.( )
    A. wuld buyB. bughtC. have bughtD. had bught
    5.It tk them abut ne mnth t hw t start the equipment.( )
    A. turn utB. cme up withC. figure utD. lk thrugh
    6.When we passed the wds,we were surprised t find a man in a tree.( )
    A. sleptB. sleepingC. having sleptD. sleep
    7.Students shuld take part in after schl activities they can gain experience fr grwth.( )
    A. whenB. whichC. thatD. where
    8.He wn't ck until all the preparatins .( )
    A. are being madeB. will be madeC. have been madeD. had been made
    9.I reached the statin nly _______ that my train had already left.( )
    A. t findB. fundC. findingD. find
    10.There is a ntice n the wall, "N Parking!"( )
    A. saidB. saysC. sayingD. having said
    Great Eurpean Cities PARIS
    Paris is the capital and largest city f France,situated n River Seine.It is ne f the mst beautiful cities in the wrld and is visited by mre than eight millin turists every year.The mst ppular place fr turists is the Eiffel Twer,the famus symbl f Paris.One f the wrld's largest art galleries,the Luvre,is als lcated in Paris.The city is als famus fr its restaurants,cafes and theatres.Abut tw-thirds f France's artists and writers live in Paris.
    Barcelna is the secnd largest city f Spain and is situated n the nrtheast cast,abut five hundred kilmetres east f the Spanish capital,Madrid.One f Barcelna's mst famus landmarks is the Church f Sagrada Familia (圣家族大教堂),which was designed by an architect called Antni Gaudi.Gaudi wrked n the prject frm 1882 until his death in 1926.The church hasn't been finished yet!
    Flrence is an Italian city which became famus because f the Renaissance(文艺复兴),a great artistic mvement which began in the 1300s and lasted fr three hundred years.During the Renaissance,sme f the greatest painters f all time lived and wrked in Flrence.Many f Flrence's mst beautiful paintings and sculptures were prduced by great artists such as Lenard da Vinci and Michelangel.Flrence is visited each year by abut a millin turists wh cme t see the art galleries,churches and museums.The Uffizi Palace(乌菲兹美术馆) is the mst famus art gallery in the city.
    Athens,the capital f Greece,is knwn as the birthplace f western civilizatin(明).Tw thusand fur hundred years ag,it was the wrld's mst pwerful city.Buildings such as the Parthenn (帕特农神庙) n the Acrplis(雅典卫城) Hill were built during this perid.Greece's best writers lived in ancient Athens.Their wrk has influenced ther writers ever since.
    11.Which f the fllwing is TRUE abut Paris? ______
    A. Paris is the biggest city f Eurpe.
    B. Luvre is the famus symbl f Paris.
    C. The Eiffel Twer stands in the centre f Paris.
    D. Paris is famus fr its art galleries,restaurants,cafes and theatres.
    12.What d we knw abut Barcelna? ______
    A. It's the capital f Spain.
    B. It's t the east f Madrid.
    C. It's the largest city f Spain.
    D. The Church f Sagrada Familia was cmpleted after Gaudi's death.
    13.What can we learn frm Paragraph 3? ______
    A. Flrence is knwn fr the Renaissance.
    B. Flrence is a city with a histry f three hundred years.
    C. The Uffizi Palace is the mst ppular art gallery in Italy.
    D. Lenard da Vinci and Michelangel prduced mst f Flrence's paintings and sculptures.
    14.Accrding t Paragraph 4,Athens ______ .
    A. used t be the capital f Greece
    B. used t be the centre f pwer
    C. was a birthplace f great buildings
    D. was hme t mst Greek writers
    15.Where is the passage prbably taken frm? ______
    A. A curse guide.B. A summer camp ntice.
    C. A turist brchure.D. A business magazine.
    One day,the father was ding sme wrk and his sn came and asked,"Daddy,may I ask yu a questin?" Father said, "Yeah sure,what is it?"S his sn asked, "Dad,hw much d yu make an hur?"Father was a little upset and said, "That's nne f yur business.Why d yu ask such a thing?" Sn said,"I just want t knw.Please tell me."S,the father tld him that"I make $ 50 per hur."
    "Oh,"the little by replied,with his head dwn.Lking up,he said, "Dad,may I please brrw $30?" The father angrily said, "if the nly reasn yu asked abut my pay is s that yu can brrw sme mney t buy a silly t y r ther nnsense,then march yurself t yur rm and g t bed.Think why yu are being s selfish.I wrk hard every day and d nt like this childish behavir."
    The little by quietly went t his rm and shut the dr.The man sat dwn and started t get even angrier abut the little by's questins.Hw dare he ask such questins nly t get sme mney?After abut an hur r s,the man had calmed dwn and started t think, "Maybe there was smething he really needed t buy with that $30 and he really didn't ask fr mney very ften!" The man went t the dr f little by's rm and pened the dr. "Arc yu sleeping.sn?"He asked."N daddy,I'm awake,"replied the by."I've been thinking,maybe I was t hard n yu earlier",said the man."It's been a lng day and I tk ut my anger ut n yu,here's the $30 yu asked fr."
    The little by sat straight up,smiling "Oh thank yu,dad!"He yelled(尖叫).Then,reaching under his pillw he pulled sme ntes.The man,seeing that the by already had mney,started t get angry again.The little by slwly cunted ut his mney,then lked up at his father.
    Why d yu want mney if yu already had sme?" the father cmplained."Because I didn't have enugh,but nw I d," the little by replied."Daddy I have $50 nw.Can I buy an hur f yur time?Please cme hme early tmrrw.I wuld like t have dinner with yu." Father was dumbstruck.
    16.Accrding t Paragraph 1,what was the father's initial reactin t his sn's questin? ______
    A. He felt nervus.B. He was scared.
    C. He felt angry.D. He was a little uneasy.
    17.When his sn asked him fr sme mney,the father thught ______ .
    A. his sn must be crazy
    B. he was t selfish with his sn
    C. his sn wanted t purchase smething he liked
    D. he shuld stp treating his sn like a child any mre
    18.What was the father's purpse in ging t his sn's rm? ______
    A. T aplgize.
    B. T make sure his sn was asleep.
    C. T find ut why his sn asked fr mney.
    D. T give his sn mre mney.
    19.What did the sn need the mney fr? ______
    A. He wanted t buy a ty.
    B. He wanted t save up t buy smething silly.
    C. He wanted his father t spend mre time with him.
    D. He wanted t have dinner with his father every day.
    20.What des the underlined wrd"dumbstruck"in the last-paragraph mean? ______
    A. Frightened.B. Astnished.C. Grateful.D. Bitter.

    Mst peple suffer frm what is knwn as"Just-me-ism".What is that?Well,say yu leave the tap running while yu brush yur teeth,leave a light n when yu g ut r yu drp a piece f litter (垃圾) and can't be bthered t pick it up.Yu knw that all thse things are wrng ut s what?What difference can it pssibly make?" yu say t yurself."There are millins f peple in the wrld and I'm just me.Hw can it matter if I leave ne little tap running,ne little light n r leave a little piece f litter n the rad?And anyway,n ne will knw," Of curse,it wuldn't matter if there were just a few peple in the wrld.But just think f all the millins f peple saying t themselves:"It desn't matter. It's just me.And,anyway,n ne knws." Millins f gallns f water wuld be wasted millins f lights wuld be left n;millins f pieces f litter wuld be drpped.And all f this wuld be very harmful.
    T inspire yung peple t take actin fr the envirnment,animals and their cmmunity,Rts & Shts was established.Thus institute was set up in the early 1990s by Dr.Jane Gdall,a scientist wh's the wrld's best-knwn expert n wild chimpanzees (黑猩猩).In additin t her research,she has been whle-heartedly cmmitted t envirnmental prtectin,the whle purpse f Rts & Shts is t educate yung peple,frm preschlers t university students,s they can help t build a future that is secure and live tgether in peace with nature.The rganisatin is called Rts & Shts because rts(根) mve slwly under the grund t make a firm(坚实的)fundatin,and shts seem small and weak,but they can break pen brick walls t reach the light.The rts and shts are yu,yur friends and yung peple all arund the wrld.Hundreds and thusands f rts and shts can slve the prblems,change the wrld and make it a better place t live in.
    D yu think yu help t make the wrld a better place when yu make a sad persn smile,when yu make a dg wag(摇摆) its tail,and when yu water a thirsty plant?One cheered-up persn,ne happy dg,ne flwering plant,and yu.That's what Rts&Shts is all abut the value and imprtance f each individual -- human,animal r Gdall believes that the mst imprtant thing is that:"Every individual matters.Every individual has a rle t play.Every individual makes a difference.Yu get t chse:D yu want t use yur life t make the wrld a better place fr peple,animals and the envirnment?D yu want t make Rts & Shts rted in everyne's heart?D yu want t be a part f a cmmunity fr a shared future?Yu cannt be absent.
    26.What des the underlined part in Paragraph 1 prbably mean? ______
    A. I can d whatever I like and nbdy knws.
    B. I'm unique and n ne realizes it.
    C. I'm lnely.And,n ne in the wrld knws me.
    D. This is wh I am.And,I dn't want peple t knw me.
    27.The ultimate gal f Dr.Jane Gdall is t ______ .
    A. establish Rts & Shts
    B. educate peple t build a safer future
    C. cmmit t envirnmental prtectin
    D. guide yung peple t create a future in harmny with nature
    28.Accrding t Dr.Jane Gdall,wh are the shts? ______
    A. All the peple.B. The yuth.C. Adults.D. Our friends.
    29.What is Dr.Jane Gdall's attitude twards the rle f the individual? ______
    A. Wait-and-see.B. Skeptical.C. Admiring.D. Encuraging.
    30.What is the purpse f the passage? ______
    A. T intrduce Rts & Shts.
    B. T pint ut the disadvantages f"Just-me-ism".
    C. T call n yung peple t jin Rts & Shts.
    D. T call peple t pay mre attentin t animals and plants.
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。
    It was an early was getting ready fr his ffice when his wife asked him t put just a few clthes ut fr a laundry (洗衣房) tday.He asked his wife,"Why?" She tld him,"Because ur maid(女仆) is planning t visit her Grand Daughter tday,she will have t leave early t (1) ______ the bus and she will nt be cming fr tw days." Mr.Khanna asked her, "Where is she ging fr tw days?" She tld him,"Tmrrw is the birthday f her Grand Daughter,s she is ging t spend time with her and(2) ______ ." Mr.Khanna tld her,"OK,n prblem."
    But then his wife asked him,"Oh ne mre thing!Shuld I give her $50 as a bnus (奖金)?" Mr.Khanna said,"Why nw?We will give her during the Christmas."His wife said,"Well,She is (3) ______ able t manage her expenses (费用) and she is visiting her Grand Daughter,I feel she can use a little bnus."
    Mr.Khanna said, "Oh dear,I feel yu are getting t(4) ______ and wrrying t much".His wife said, "Dn't Wrry,I will cancel (取消) ur plan t g ut and have a pizza,that way we can give her (5) ______ $ 50 as a bmus." Mr.Khanna said with a smile,"Yu are ready t (6) ______ the pizza ut f my ,d as yu feel if yu're willing t let g f 6 sliced pizza,it's fine."
    S,after a cuple f days,when the ma id had (7) ______ ,she was cleaning the was sitting n his chair.He asked her,"Did yu enjy a gd time with yur Grand Daughter?"The Maid replied,"Yes Sir,I enjyed a lt,I spent whle S 50 in tw days!" Mr.Khanna said,"Oh really!Hw did yu spend$ 50 s (8) ______ ? "
    The Maid replied (9) ______ a happy smile, "Fr$ 15,I bught a dress fr my Grand Daughter,bught sweets fr $ 5,paid $ 10 fr bus tickets,bught bangles fr $ 5 fr my daughter,fr my sn in law I bught a belt fr $ 5 and (10) ______ $ 10,I gave t my Grand Daughter t buy pencils and papers fr her schl."
    Mr.Khanna was (11) ______ .He started thinking abut the 6 slices f pizza.Each slice started hitting in his mind.He started (12) ______ the cst f the pizza with his maid's expense.He was (13) ______ in thughts that hw she bught smething fr everyne in her family and spent a(n)(14) ______ time with them fr her Grand Daughter's birthday.And all these just fr the (15) ______ f the pizza.He realized smething that day.
    31.A. gainB. runC. getD. catch
    32.A. gB. cmmentC. cmplainD. celebrate
    33.A. neverB. hardlyC. alwaysD. shrtly
    34.A. difficultB. sensitiveC. carefulD. cmfrtable
    35.A. enughB. rightC. extraD. cmplete
    36.A. takeB. bringC. reachD. fetch
    37.A. blwnB. leftC. returnedD. disappeared
    38.A. quicklyB. lvelyC. sftlyD. suddenly
    39.A. withB. frC. inD. by
    40.A. minrB. latterC. virtualD. last
    41.A. happyB. surprisedC. prudD. satisfied
    42.A. cnsideringB. cuntingC. cmparingD. reminding
    43.A. lstB. cnfusedC. dreamedD. deepened
    44.A. littleB. entireC. ddD. quality
    45.A. cstB. sliceC. memryD. bite
    In ur class Mayank is the (1) ______ ( nisy)—f all bys.His vice is like that f a bull frg,but the vlume is luder.In this nisy bunch is a girl wh hardly ever pens her muth and her name is Padma.The by wh (2) ______ ( sit) next t me is such a gentle and sft creature.
    Then there is Disha,ur class mnitr.She sits right in frnt f the teacher's table.She is such a mdel student (3) ______ all the teachers lve her.We all lve her because she des nt bss us arund.All she des is t make sure that the (4) ______ (teacher) have sufficient chalk t write n the bard and that the classrm is clean.
    Right at the back f the class sits ur sleepy-head.Manish seems t need mre sleep than thers.He catches cat-naps(5) ______ between lessns.The funny thing is that he can fall asleep almst(6) ______ ( instant).(7) ______ mment the teacher leaves after a lessn,Manish's snres(鼾声) start up and we knw he is at it again.
    Every class has a clwn.Our class has Jimmy.He is always up t sme prank r the ther,putting tails n the bys' pants,frgs in the girls' desks and pwdered chalk n the teacher's chair.S when we hear a girl scream r see men-teachers (8) ______ ( walk) arund with chalk n the seat f their pants,we knw that Jimmy has (9) ______ ( strike) again.
    The ther classmates t have their wn unique (10) ______ ( persnal).All in all,we are a grup f yung children wh perhaps are a bit nisy at times,but n the whle,are well-behaved and pleasant t be with.
    47.One night fur cllege students were ut partying late and didn't study fr the test which was scheduled fr the next day.In the mrning,they thught f a plan.
    They made themselves lk dirty with grease (油脂) and dirt
    Then they went t the Dean (系主任) and said they had gne ut t a wedding last night and n their way back the tire f their car burst and they had t push the car all the way back.S they were in n cnditin t take the test.
    The Dean thught fr a minute and said they can have the re-test after 3 days.They thanked him and said they will be ready by that time.
    On the third day,they appeared befre the Dean.The Dean said that as this was a Special Cnditin Test,all fur were required t sit in separate classrms fr the test.They all agreed as they had prepared well in the last 3 days.
    The Test cnsisted f nly 2 questins with the ttal f 100 Pints:
    ① Yur Name?______(1 Pints)
    ② Which tire burst?______(99 Pints)
    Optins–(a) Frnt Left (b) Frnt Right (c) Back Left (d) Back Right
    (1) What caused them nt t prepare fr the test?(n mre than 8 wrds) ______
    (2) Why did they make themselves dirty?( n mre than 10 wrds) ______
    (3) What did the Dean decide after hearing their reasns?(n mre than 10 wrds) ______
    (4) Why did the Dean ask them t sit in separate classrms fr the test?(n mre than 8 wrds) ______
    (5) What d yu think f their test results?Please give yur reasn(s). (n mre than 20 wrds) ______
    48.假设你是晨光中学英语俱乐部主席李津。为了提倡"光盘行动",反对舌尖上的浪费,你将用英语代表俱乐部向全校同学发起"Clear Yur Plate Campaign"的倡议。内容包括:
    Dear friends,
    With best wishes.
    English Club
    【解析】A.cme n加油;B.Thank gdness谢天谢地;C.dear me哎呀(表示惊讶);D.Hi,there嗨。根据语境及Smene has left the dr pen.可知此处表示惊讶。
    【解析】根据句意和in half an hur可知这句话使用一般现在时,因为这里表示按照时刻表,火车即将离开,用一般现在时表示将来的动作,主语是单数,谓语用三单。
    【解析】根据句意可知"买车"发生在"决定之后",表示将来的动作,根据Tm made up his mind可知这里表示过去的将来的动作,用wuld d。
    【解析】A.turn ut结果是;B.cme up with想出,提出;C.figure ut弄明白;D.lk thrugh浏览。根据句意和hw t start the equipment可知这里表示"弄清楚如何启动设备"。
    【解析】man与sleep之间是主谓关系,根据前文中passed the wds可知,sleep正在发生,要用"find+宾语+现在分词"结构,现在分词作宾语补足语。B项正确。C项是现在分词完成式,强调sleep发生在find之前,不符合语境。
    【解析】根据句意和结构可知这句话使用定语从句,先行词是schl activities,定语从句中缺少地点状语,用where引导定语从句。
    【解析】根据句意和结构可知这句话使用主从复合句,主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时或现在完成时,根据句意"在所有准备工作做好之后,他才会做饭"可知这里用现在完成时,而且the preparatins和make是被动关系,用现在完成时的被动语态,主语是复数。
    【解析】根据句意和结构可知这句话使用there be句型,此空应该是非谓语动词,a ntice和say是主动关系,用现在分词作状语。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据PARIS部分One f the wrld's largest art galleries,the Luvre,is als lcated in Paris.The city is als famus fr its restaurants,cafes and theatres.(世界上最大的艺术画廊之一卢浮宫也位于巴黎。这座城市也以其餐馆、咖啡馆和剧院而闻名。)可知巴黎以其艺术画廊、餐馆、咖啡馆和剧院而闻名。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据BARCELONA部分Barcelna is the secnd largest city f Spain and is situated n the nrtheast cast,abut five hundred kilmetres east f the Spanish capital,Madrid. (巴塞罗那是西班牙第二大城市,位于西班牙首都马德里以东约500公里的东北海岸。)可知巴塞罗那在马德里的东边。故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第三段Flrence is an Italian city which became famus because f the Renaissance(文艺复兴),a great artistic mvement which began in the 1300s and lasted fr three hundred years.(佛罗伦萨是一座因文艺复兴而闻名的意大利城市,文艺复兴是一场始于14世纪并持续了300年的伟大艺术运动。)可知我们可以从第三段中学到佛罗伦萨因文艺复兴而闻名。故选A。
    (4)细节理解题。根据第四段Buildings such as the Parthenn (帕特农神庙) n the Acrplis(雅典卫城) Hill were built during this perid. (雅典卫城山上的帕特农神庙等建筑就是在这一时期建造的。)可知根据第4段,雅典是伟大建筑的发源地。故选C。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Father was a little upset and said, "That's nne f yur business.Why d yu ask such a thing?" (父亲有点不高兴,说:"那不关你的事,你为什么要问这样的事?")可知,父亲对儿子的问题最初的反应是生气。故选C。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第二段if the nly reasn yu asked abut my pay is s that yu can brrw sme mney t buy a silly ty r ther nnsense,then march yurself t yur rm and g t bed.(如果你问我工资的唯一原因是为了借点钱买一个愚蠢的玩具或其他无聊的东西,那么你就去你的房间睡觉吧。)可知,当儿子向他要钱时,这位父亲认为儿子想买一些他喜欢的东西。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第三段After abut an hur r s,the man had calmed dwn and started t think, "Maybe there was smething he really needed t buy with that $30 and he really didn't ask fr mney very ften!" (大约一个小时后,这名男子平静下来,开始思考:"也许他真的需要用那30美元买点什么,而且他真的不经常要钱!")可知,父亲去儿子房间的目的是找出儿子要钱的原因。故选C。
    (4)细节理解题。根据最后一段Can I buy an hur f yur time?Please cme hme early tmrrw.I wuld like t have dinner with yu.(我能帮你争取一个小时的时间吗?请明天早点回家。我想和你一起吃晚饭。)可知,儿子需要钱,因为他想让父亲有更多的时间陪伴他。故选C。
    (5)词义猜测题。根据最后一段."Daddy I have $50 nw.Can I buy an hur f yur time?Please cme hme early tmrrw.I wuld like t have dinner with yu." Father was dumbstruck.("爸爸,我现在有50美元。我能请你抽出一个小时的时间吗?请明天早点回家。我想和你一起吃晚饭。"父亲目瞪口呆。)可知,儿子用钱买爸爸多陪他一点时间,爸爸感到惊讶。A.Frightened害怕的;B.Astnished惊讶的;C.Grateful感激的;D.Bitter痛苦的。故选B。
    【解析】(1)句意理解题。根据第一段Hw can it matter if I leave ne little tap running,ne little light n r leave a little piece f litter n the rad?And anyway,n ne will knw," Of curse,it wuldn't matter if there were just a few peple in the wrld.But just think f all the millins f peple saying t themselves:"It desn't matter. It's just me.And,anyway,n ne knws." (如果我让一个小水龙头开着,一盏灯亮着,或者在路上留下一小块垃圾,这又有什么关系呢?无论如何,没有人会知道,"当然,如果世界上只有几个人也没关系。但想想数百万人对自己说:"这没关系。只有我。而且,不管怎样,没有人知道。")可知,划线句意思是:我可以做任何我喜欢的事,没有人知道。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段she has been whle-heartedly cmmitted t envirnmental prtectin,the whle purpse f Rts & Shts is t educate yung peple,frm preschlers t university students,s they can help t build a future that is secure and live tgether in peace with nature(她一直全心全意地致力于环境保护,根与芽的全部目的是教育年轻人,从学龄前儿童到大学生,让他们能够帮助建设一个安全的未来,与自然和平相处)可知,Jane Gdall博士的最终目标是引导年轻人创造一个与自然和谐相处的未来。故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第二段The rts and shts are yu,yur friends and yung peple all arund the wrld.(根和芽是你,你的朋友和世界各地的年轻人。)可知,简•古德博士认为,年轻人是幼苗。故选B。
    (4)观点态度题。根据最后一段Dr.Jane Gdall believes that the mst imprtant thing is that:"Every individual matters.Every individual has a rle t play.Every individual makes a difference.(Jane Gdall博士认为,最重要的是:"每个人都很重要。每个人都有自己的角色。每个人会有所作为。")可知,Jane Gdall博士对个人角色的态度是令人鼓舞的。A.Wait-and-see观望的;B.Skeptical怀疑的;C.Admiring令人敬佩的;D.Encuraging令人鼓舞的。故选D。
    (5)写作意图题。根据最后一段D yu want t make Rts & Shts rted in everyne's heart?D yu want t be a part f a cmmunity fr a shared future?Yu cannt be absent.(你想让根与芽植根于每个人的心中吗?你想成为一个命运共同体的一部分吗?你不能缺席。)可知,这篇文章的目的是号召年轻人加入根与芽。故选C。
    本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Jane Gdall博士创立公益组织"根与芽"的背景和目的。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.gain获得;B.run跑;C.get得到;D.catch赶上。句意:因为我们的女仆今天要去看她的孙女,所以她必须早点离开去赶公共汽车,这两天她不会来。根据空后the bus可知是赶公交。故选D。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.g去;B.cmment评论;C.cmplain抱怨;D.celebrate庆祝。句意:明天是她孙女的生日,所以她要花时间陪她庆祝一下。根据空前s she is ging t spend time with her可知此处是指花时间庆祝她的生日。故选D。
    (3)考查副词及语境理解。A.never从不;B.hardly几乎不;C.always总是;D.shrtly不久。句意:嗯,她几乎负担不起自己的开销,而且她要去看望她的孙女,我觉得她需要一点奖金。根据下文I feel she can use a little bnus可知此处是指负担不起自己的开销。故选B。
    (4)考查形容词及语境理解。A.difficult困难的;B.sensitive敏感的;C.careful仔细的;D.cmfrtable舒适的。句意:哦,天哪,我觉得你太敏感了,担心得太多了。根据下文wrrying t much可知此处是指丈夫觉得女人太敏感了。故选B。
    (5)考查形容词及语境理解。A.enugh足够的;B.right正确的;C.extra额外的;D.cmplete完整的。句意:别担心,我会取消我们出去吃披萨的计划,这样我们就可以多给她50美元作为小费了。根据空后as a bnus可知这50美元是额外的小费。故选C。
    (6)考查动词及语境理解。A.take拿走;B.bring带来;C.reach到达;D.fetch(去)拿来。句意:你准备把披萨从我嘴里拿走了。根据空后ut f my muth可知是把到嘴的披萨拿走。故选A。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.blwn(风)吹;B.left离开;C.returned返回;D.disappeared消失。句意:于是,过了几天,仆人回来打扫地板时,卡纳先生正坐在椅子上。根据下文she was cleaning the flr可知仆人已经回来了。故选C。
    (8)考查副词及语境理解。A.quickly迅速地;B.lvely可爱的;C.sftly温柔地;D.suddenly突然地。句意:你怎么这么快就花光了50美元?根据上文I enjyed a lt,I spent whle S 50 in tw days!可知此处男人是在问她怎么花得这么快。故选A。
    (9)考查介词及语境理解。A.with用;B.fr为了;C.in在……里;D.by通过。句意:女佣高兴地笑着回答说。根据空后a happy smile可知此处表示带着微笑说。故选A。
    (11)考查形容词及语境理解。A.happy开心的;B.surprised惊讶的;C.prud骄傲的;D.satisfied马满意的。句意:卡纳很惊讶。根据下文hw she bught smething fr everyne in her family and spent a(n)(14)______ time with them fr her Grand Daughter's birthday.可知,他对仆人用这么少的钱做这么多的事感到惊讶。故选B。
    (12)考查动词及语境理解。A.cnsidering考虑;B.cunting数数;C.cmparing比较;D.reminding提醒。句意:他开始比较披萨的花费和他的女仆的花费。根据下文with his maid's expense.可知此处是比较两者之前的费用。故选C。
    (13)考查形容词及语境理解。A.lst迷失的;B.cnfused困惑的;C.dreamed梦想的;D.deepened加深的。句意:他沉浸在她给家里的每个人都买了东西,并和他们一起度过了孙女生日的美好时光的想法中。根据in thughts可知此处使用lst表示沉浸在这些想法中。故选A。
    (15)考查名词及语境理解。A.cst费用;B.slice薄片,片;C.memry记忆;D.bite一口的量。句意:所有这些仅仅是披萨的价格。根据空后f the pizza可知此处是指披萨的费用。故选A。
    (5)考查介词。句意:他在课间小睡一会儿。in between"在……期间",为固定搭配,故填in。
    (7)考查冠词。句意:老师一下课,曼尼什的鼾声就想起来,我们知道他又在打呼噜了。the mment"一……就",名词作连词用,引导时间状语从句,句首单词首字母大写,故填The。
    (8)考查固定搭配。句意:因此,当我们听到一个女孩尖叫,或者看到男老师在裤子上涂着粉笔走来走去时,我们就知道吉米又犯了错。see sb.d sth."看见某人做了某事",故填walk。
    47.【答案】【小题1】They didn't study fr the test.
    【小题2】T shw that they had an accident.
    【小题3】They can have the re-test after 3 days.
    【小题4】It's t test if they're lying.
    【小题5】The result was terrible,they didn't have a flat tire,f curse they dn't knw which ne it was.
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段One night fur cllege students were ut partying late and didn't study fr the test which was scheduled fr the next day.In the mrning,they thught f a plan.(一天晚上,四个大学生在外面聚会到很晚,他们没有为第二天的考试复习。早上,他们想出了一个计划。)可知他们不准备考试的原因是他们没有为第二天的考试复习。故填They didn't study fr the test.
    (2)推理判断题。根据第三段 Then they went t the Dean (系主任) and said they had gne ut t a wedding last night and n their way back the tire f their car burst and they had t push the car all the way back.S they were in n cnditin t take the test.(然后他们去找院长,说他们昨晚出去参加一个婚礼,在回来的路上车子的轮胎爆了,他们不得不一路推着车回来。所以他们没有条件参加测试。)可知他们把自己弄脏是为了表明他们出了事故。故填T shw that they had an accident.
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段The Dean thught fr a minute and said they can have the re-test after 3 days.(院长想了一分钟,说他们可以在3天后重新测试。)可知院长说他们可以在3天后重新测试。故填They can have the re-test after 3 days.
    (4)推理判断题。根据第五段On the third day,they appeared befre the Dean.The Dean said that as this was a Special Cnditin Test,all fur were required t sit in separate classrms fr the test.(第三天,他们出现在院长面前。院长说,因为这是一项特殊情况测试,所以四个人被要求坐在不同的教室里进行测试。)可知院长让他们坐在不同的教室里考试是为了测试他们是否说谎。故填It's t test if they're lying.
    (5)推理判断题。根据第三段 Then they went t the Dean (系主任) and said they had gne ut t a wedding last night and n their way back the tire f their car burst and they had t push the car all the way back.S they were in n cnditin t take the test.(然后他们去找院长,说他们昨晚出去参加一个婚礼,在回来的路上车子的轮胎爆了,他们不得不一路推着车回来。所以他们没有条件参加测试。)可知他们没有爆胎,当然不知道是哪个轮胎爆了,所以结果是选的不一致。故填The result was terrible,they didn't have a flat tire,f curse they dn't knw which ne it was.
    48.【答案】Dear friends,
    Recently,I have nticed a hrrible thing that astnished me.A number f classmates dn't cherish the fd.They buy much fd and nly eat a little.Then,they thrw the rest int the dustbins.(存在的各种浪费粮食现象)And everyne is called n t jin a campaign,called "Clear Yur Plate Campaign",which requires peple t eat up all ur fd.【高分句型一】(发起本次运动的目的)
    As fr me,I think it's an extremely gd idea t fllw. (呼吁同学们节约粮食)And there are lts f things we can d t cntribute ur effrts t it.Fr example,when we g ut fr dinner,we can just rder as much fd as we can eat t make sure little will be wasted.Of curse,if we really can't eat up ur fd,it's als OK t take it hme,s we can eat it later.Besides,nce we have a chance t have meals with ther peple,wh dn't realize the imprtance,we can explain the purpse f the campaign and cnvince them nt t waste fd.【高分句型二】(建议)
    Sme may questin whether the campaign have any effect,but,I think,ne thing we shuld keep in mind is that n matter what a small effrt we make,it des make a difference.(总结)
    With best wishes.
    English Club
    【解析】高分句型一:And everyne is called n t jin a campaign,called "Clear Yur Plate Campaign",which requires peple t eat up all ur fd.
    高分句型二:Besides,nce we have a chance t have meals with ther peple,wh dn't realize the imprtance,we can explain the purpse f the campaign and cnvince them nt t waste fd.

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