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    第I卷 选择题(100分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw many gallns f gas are put int the car?
    A. 15.B. 45.C. 50.
    【原文】M: Welcme madam.
    W: Can yu fill the car up fr me, please?
    M: Yes. Er... 3 dllars per galln. Yur ttal is 45 dllars.
    W: Here is 50 dllars, and keep the change.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is Jennifer ging t d this Saturday?
    A. See a dctr.B. G t church.C. G t the cinema.
    【原文】M: Hey, Ranae. D yu knw where the church is? It’s said that there is a mvie theater next t it. I prmised Jennifer t see a film with her this Saturday.
    W: It is als near a hspital. Okay, write dwn these directins s yu dn’t get lst.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man suggest ding?
    A. Placing an advertisement.
    B. Reading the lcal newspaper.
    C. Ging t the next-dr shp.
    【原文】W: Lk at the next-dr grcery! They really have a gd thing ging with their little shp.
    M: Yes, gd publicity is imprtant fr business. If yu want t attract mre custmers, try advertising in the lcal newspaper.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman decide t d?
    A. Change her diet.B. D mre sprts.C. Drink warm milk.
    【原文】W: I’ve had a lt f truble sleeping lately.
    M: Have yu tried drinking warm milk?
    W: I have. It helped a little but I’m ging t d mre exercise.
    M: If that desn’t wrk it might be wrth changing yur diet.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Wh is sick?
    A. Sue.B. Jake.C. David.
    【原文】M: Hi Sue. Are yu free fr lunch tday?
    W: N, Jake. My sn David is feeling under the weather. He culdn’t g t schl.
    6. Hw des the wman suggest the man travel?
    A. By car.B. By bus.C. By subway.
    7. Why will the man g t the city center?
    A. T find a jb.B. T take a class.C. T meet his friend.
    【答案】6. C 7. C
    【原文】M: This afternn, I must get t Jacb’s huse n 14th Street in the city center. But I dn’t want t drive in the rush hur.
    W: Oh, it’s easy! G t the 96th Street statin and take the subway dwntwn. Yu’ll arrive at the 14th Street statin in 20 minutes. And yu wn’t even have t change t a bus.
    M: That’s the new subway line.
    W: Indeed. Was Jacb yur friend frm schl?
    M: Yes. He was my classmate in high schl. Nw, he wants t tell me abut his new jb.
    W: Cl. Have fun!
    8. What surprised the wman?
    A. The man did well in the interview.
    B. The man will knw the result very sn.
    C. They wn’t make a decisin until next Friday.
    9. Hw des the man sund?
    A. Disappinted.B. Uncertain.C. Cnfident.
    【答案】8. B 9. C
    【原文】W: Hi, Burt. I heard yu’re lking fr a new jb.
    M: Yeah. I just had an interview yesterday.
    W: Oh. Hw did it g?
    M: I think it went well. They said they wuld make a decisin by this Friday.
    W: This Friday? That’s pretty fast! Lks like they want t hire the persn as quickly as pssible.
    M: Yeah! I think s, t.
    W: What are yur chances f getting that jb, d yu think?
    M: I believe I have a very gd chance. The directr seemed t like me.
    W: Well, gd luck, then.
    M: Thanks.
    10. What d we knw abut Kemp Twn Beach?
    A. It is knwn fr its castal walks.B. It is near the man’s hme.C. The water there is clean.
    11. Which beach will the speakers g t?
    A. Canvey Island Beach.B. Kemp Twn Beach.C. Birling Gap Beach.
    12. Hw will the speakers g t the beach?
    A. By car.B. By taxi.C. By train.
    【答案】10. A 11. C 12. C
    【原文】W: D yu want t g t the beach this weekend? Bb is cming t.
    M: I’d lve t! Which beach are we ging t?
    W: Well, we haven’t decided yet. The nearest beach Lndn has is Canvey Island Beach. It nly takes an hur’s drive frm Lndn, but we g there ften.
    M: We can g t Kemp Twn Beach in Brightn r Birling Gap Beach in East Sussex. Kemp Twn is famus fr its castal walks, the Seven Sisters path alng the suth cast. We can surf, swim, and fly kites.
    W: Sunds fun! But the water is nt s clean. I prefer t g t Birling Gap because the water quality is excellent.
    M: Hw lng des it take t get there?
    W: It’ll take us abut tw hurs t g there by train.
    M: Actually, I dn’t like traveling by train, but since I will be traveling with my friends it shuld be OK.
    W: Great.
    13. What is the wman’s majr?
    A. Architecture.B. Engineering.C. Infrmatin technlgy.
    14. What factr des the wman care mst abut building design?
    A. Lw csts.B. Mdern styles.C. Envirnmental prtectin.
    15. What is the wman’s biggest design idea abut?
    A. Keeping heat.B. Generating electricity.C. Supplying water.
    16. What des the man think f the wman’s ideas?
    A. Impractical.B. Wnderful.C. Outdated.
    【答案】13. B 14. C 15. A 16. B
    【原文】M: What are yu studying at university?
    W: Engineering.
    M: And what d yu hpe t d after yu graduate?
    W: When I graduate next year, I hpe t design buildings that can help the envirnment.
    M: And what design ideas d yu have fr that?
    W: The biggest ne is heat. Peple spend lts f mney heating their hmes and ffices nly because the heat is cnstantly lsing. I want t make it s that the hmes keep the heat in fr lnger.
    M: What abut electricity? Peple use a lt f electricity, t.
    W: I am lking at a mix f slar and wind pwer t generate electricity. But the technlgy needs t get better.
    M: What else d yu think culd be imprved in hme design?
    W: Hw mdern buildings use water. We waste a lt f water when it culd be cleaned.
    M: These all sund like amazing ideas. I can’t wait t see them in actin.
    17. Where is the speaker?
    A. In a museum.B. In a frest.C. In a park.
    18. What animals will peple see the mst?
    A. Birds.B. Bears.C. Fish.
    19. What clr f bird is the speaker’s favrite?
    A. Red.B. Blue.C. Black.
    20. Why is the nrth path clsed?
    A. It is t wet.B. It is t high.C. It is t ld.
    【答案】17. A 18. A 19. B 20. A
    【原文】 Welcme t the Trailside Museum. Here yu can learn abut the lcal animals and their natural envirnments. There are many animal samples we have n display. One f ur mst famus is a large black bear. They live in this area but are uncmmn. Many fishermen see them during certain seasns, but they stay away frm humans. Mst are seen near the lake. I think yu will see sme f these birds the mst. Yu have prbably seen many f ur lcal birds already. Mst peple mainly ntice little brwn birds and the birds with red chests, but there are many different types f bth. My favrite bird is actually the ne with the clr f the sky. It is a bluebird with a black head. Right nw it is spring when many animals are brn. There is a lt happening in the frest because f this. Hwever, it is als the wettest seasn. This is why the nrth path is clsed. Instead, hikers will need t use the higher and lder paths thrugh the park.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Artists with a Green Message
    Chris Jrdan
    Phtgraphic artist Chris Jrdan takes pictures f rdinary bjects like bttle caps, light bulbs and aluminum cans and turns them int art by digitally rearranging them t cnstruct ne central image. Hwever, it’s the tiny pieces that drive hme then envirnmental message. Fr example, his 2008 wrk “Plastic Cups” shws 1 millin plastic cups, the number used n airline flights in the U. S. every six hurs.
    Nele Azeved
    Visual artist Nele Azeved is best knwn fr her “Melting Men” interventins that she stages in cities acrss the glbe. Azeved carves thusands f small figures fr t watch them melt. Her ice Sculptures are meant t questin the rle f mnuments in cities, but Azeved says she’s glad her art can als “speak f urgent matters that threaten ur existence n this planet.”
    Agnes Denes
    One f the pineers f envirnmental art and cnceptual art, Agnes Denes is best knwn fr her land art prject, “Wheatfield- A Cnfrntatin.” In May 1982, Denes planted a tw-acre wheat field in Manhattan n Battery Park Landfill. The land was cleared f rcks and garbage by hand. Denes harvested mre than 1,000 punds f wheat She says her wrks are “intended t help the envirnment and benefit future generatins with a meaningful legacy.”
    Jhn Fekner
    Jhn Fekner is knwn fr his street art and the mre than 300 cnceptual wrks. Fekner’s art typically cnsists f wrds r symbls spray painted n walls, buildings and ther structures that highlight scial r envirnmental issues. His stenciled (用模板印的) message, “Wheels Over Indian Trails, “was painted n the Pulaski Bridge Queens Midtwn Tunnel in 1979. It remained there fr 11 years until Earth Day 1990,when Fekner painted ver it.
    21. What kind f art is Chris Jrdan knwn fr?
    A. Phtgraphic art.B. Visual art.
    C. Cnceptual art.D. Street art.
    22. Which wrks prbably reflects the effect f glbal warmth n ur existence?
    A. Plastic Cups.B. Melting Men.
    C. Wheatfield-A Cnfrntatin.D. Wheels Over Indian Trails.
    23. Wh grew wheat in a landfill?
    A. Chris Jrdan.B. Nele Azeved.
    C. Agnes Denes.D. Jhn Fekner.
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C
    细节理解题。根据Chris Jrdan中的“Phtgraphic artist Chris Jrdan takes pictures f rdinary bjects like bttle caps, light bulbs and aluminum cans and turns them int art by digitally rearranging them t cnstruct ne central image.(摄影艺术家克里斯·乔丹拍摄瓶盖、灯泡和铝罐等普通物体的照片,并通过数字重新排列它们,形成一个中心图像,将它们变成艺术。)”可知Chris Jrdan因摄影艺术出名,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据Nele Azeved中的“Visual artist Nele Azeved is best knwn fr her “Melting Men” interventins that she stages in cities acrss the glbe. Azeved carves thusands f small figures fr t watch them melt. Her ice Sculptures are meant t questin the rle f mnuments in cities, but Azeved says she’s glad her art can als “speak f urgent matters that threaten ur existence n this planet.”(视觉艺术家奈莉·阿泽维多最著名的作品是她在全球各地城市举办的“融化的人”干预活动。阿泽维多雕刻了数千个小雕像,只为观看它们融化。她的冰雕旨在质疑城市中纪念碑的作用,但阿泽维多说,她很高兴她的艺术也可以“谈论威胁我们在这个星球上生存的紧迫问题”。)”可推断Azeved的作品“Melting Men”反映了全球变暖对我们生存的影响。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Agnes Denes中的“In May 1982, Denes planted a tw-acre wheat field in Manhattan n Battery Park Landfill.(1982年5月,丹尼斯在曼哈顿的炮台公园垃圾填埋场种下了一块两英亩的麦田。)”可知Agnes Denes在垃圾填埋场种小麦,故选C。
    Feeling sleepy in the middle f the day? There are many reasns why we get sleepy in the afternn. Bad lighting, a pr night’s sleep, a bring jb, large (carb-heavy) lunches, and mre can all cntribute t head-bbbing at yur desk r falling int a light sleep during a meeting. The best curse f actin wuld be t find the rt cause f yur sleep issue and fix it, but mst f us simply head fr the cffee pt r the cafe. Instead f that, try climbing sme stairs.
    Well, nw exercise researchers have discvered that walking up and dwn lights f stairs fr abut 10 minutes actually gives yu a mre effective bst (提高) f energy than drinking 50 milligrams f caffeine greedily (the average amunt f caffeine fund in a cup f cffee, tea, r sda).
    In a study called Stair walking, the researchers enlisted 18 “physically active” cllege wmen between the ages 18 and 23. The participants reprted experiencing chrnically pr sleep, adding up t an average f fewer than 45 hurs f shuteye each week in the past few years. And they are ften a lack f available time during the wrkday fr a dedicated exercise sessin.
    The researchers chse stair climbing as the exercise f chice. Walking up and dwn the stairs requires n specific clthing, travel time, r even a shwer afterward. During the study, n sme days the participants alternated (交替) between taking 50-milligram caffeine pills r a placeb. On the ther days, they skipped the caffeine (real r therwise) and climbed up and dwn the stairs, at a mderate pace, fr 10 minutes.
    At the cnclusin f the study, the researchers acknwledged that there is mre research t be dne (when isn’t that the case?) but cncluded that “A shrt perid f lw-t-mderate intensity stair walking has temprary energizing effects that exceed a lw dse f caffeine fr active yung wmen with chrnic insufficient sleep.”
    S, the next time yu find yurself ndding ff mid-afternn, why nt give stairs a try?
    24. What is the main purpse f paragraph 1?
    A. T describe a phenmenn.
    B. T explain reasns f pr sleep.
    C. T present the tpic f stair climbing.
    D. T remind peple t drink less cffee.
    25. Accrding t the passage, cllege wmen ________.
    A. suffered frm sleep disrder
    B. were active in physical wrkut
    C. were t busy t fall sund sleep
    D. vlunteered t participate in the study
    26. What des the underlined wrd “skipped” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Released.B. Exchanged.
    C. Became addicted t.D. Missed ut n.
    27. What message des the text seem t cnvey?
    A. Prper stair walking can refresh peple.
    B. Peple tend t fall asleep in mid-afternn.
    C. A mderate intake f caffeine will be harmless.
    D. Climbing stairs can effectively slve sleep issue.
    【答案】24. C 25. A 26. D 27. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段“The best curse f actin wuld be t find the rt cause f yur sleep issue and fix it, but mst f us simply head fr the cffee pt r the cafe. Instead f that, try climbing sme stairs.”(最好的办法是找到你睡眠问题的根本原因并解决它,但我们大多数人只是去咖啡壶或咖啡馆。而不是那样,试着爬楼梯。)可知第1段的主要目的是介绍爬楼梯的主题。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“The participants reprted experiencing chrnically pr sleep, adding up t an average f fewer than 45 hurs f shuteye each week in the past few years. ”(参与者报告说,她们长期睡眠不足,在过去几年中,平均每周睡眠不足45小时。)可知大学女性患有睡眠障碍。故选A项。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段“Walking up and dwn the stairs requires n specific clthing, travel time, r even a shwer afterward. During the study, n sme days the participants alternated (交替) between taking 50-milligram caffeine pills r a placeb. ”(上下楼梯不需要特定的衣服、旅行时间,甚至不需要淋浴。在这项研究中,参与者有时会交替服用50毫克咖啡因药片或安慰剂。)以及划线词后文“and climbed up and dwn the stairs, at a mderate pace, fr 10 minutes.”(并且以适中的速度爬上爬下楼梯,持续了10分钟。)可推测前文“On the ther days, they skipped the caffeine”(在其他几天,她们不喝咖啡因),研究者对参与者喝不喝咖啡因进行对照研究,此处skipped意义为“错过了”。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“S, the next time yu find yurself ndding ff mid-afternn, why nt give stairs a try?”(所以,下次当你发现自己在中午打盹时,为什么不试试楼梯呢?)可知这篇文章似乎传达了正确的楼梯行走可以让人精神振奋。故选A项。
    Ouarzazate is a desert twn at the ft f the Atlas Muntains in Mrcc, Africa, which attracts Hllywd and Eurpean film makers fr its varied scenery and picture-perfect lcatins. Its Kasbah, with its red and brwn mud huses and narrw streets, is ne f these lcatins. It’s been chsen by many US and British mvie makers as a lcatin fr big-budget films such as Gladiatrs and Kingdm f Heaven.
    The cinema has brught a lt t Ouarzazate, whse peple may wrk as technicians, sund engineers r decratrs, but they are mainly given unimprtant rles as extras. Mbarka, her husband, and their five children have all appeared in Western films as extras. Mbarka has been in s many Hllywd films ver the past 20 years that she cannt remember mst f them. She desn’t even knw the name f the last ne she appeared in.
    “I was in the film fr 15 days. My sn, Azzedine, knws its name,” said Mbarka. It’s unnecessary t remember that. After all, it’s nt that she likes the industry, but that she makes a living frm it.
    Kingdm f Heaven, a $180 millin US prductin, prvided eight mnths f wrk fr 2800 Ouarzazate peple. “When the cinema cmes here, peple are happy, ” said Azzedine wh has appeared in mvies since he was seven. When there’s n mvie in twn, his mther sells sandwiches in the lcal market, but he desn’t seek any ther jb r g t schl t imprve his skills, nt wanting t miss a film pprtunity thugh he’s nt well paid. In fact, inexperienced Mrccan extras get as little as $15 per day. Still, the mney isn’t bad cnsidering the average salary in Ouarzazate is abut $6 a day. Thse with experience earn mre; they get abut $24 per day r as much as $60. Inexperienced Eurpean extras, n the ther hand, get abut $40 per day. This has led t cmplaints f discriminatin by sme Ouarzazate peple.
    28. What can be learnt abut Mbarka?
    A. She is a senir extra.B. She lves making films.
    C. She’s left shw business.D. She has been frgetful.
    29. What des Azzedine d when there’s n mvie wrk?
    A. He learns hard t be a real actr.B. He always ges ut t wrk.
    C. He deliberately remains jbless.D. He helps his mther in a market.
    30. What’s Ouarzazate peple’s attitude t the arrival f the freign film industry?
    A. Tlerant.B. Favrable.C. Unwilling.D. Carefree.
    31. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T prmte tw big-budget films.B. T intrduce the extras’ situatins.
    C. T recmmend an African Hllywd.D. T call fr an end t pay discriminatin.
    【答案】28. A 29. C 30. B 31. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Mbarka, her husband, and their five children have all appeared in Western films as extras.( Mbarka和她的丈夫以及他们的五个孩子都曾在西方电影中担任临时演员)”可知,Mbarka是临时演员。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“When there’s n mvie in twn, his mther sells sandwiches in the lcal market, but he desn’t seek any ther jb r g t schl t imprve his skills, nt wanting t miss a film pprtunity thugh he’s nt well paid.(当镇上没有电影的时候,他的母亲就在当地市场卖三明治,但他不去找其他工作,也不去学校提高自己的技能,不想错过一个电影机会,尽管他的收入不高)”可知,没有电影的时候Azzedine 故意保持失业。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Thse with experience earn mre; they get abut $24 per day r as much as $60. Inexperienced Eurpean extras, n the ther hand, get abut $40 per day. This has led t cmplaints f discriminatin by sme Ouarzazate peple.(有经验的人挣得更多;他们每天的收入约为24美元,最高可达60美元。另一方面,没有经验的欧洲临时演员每天只能拿到40美元左右。这导致一些瓦尔扎扎人投诉歧视)”可推知,Ouarzazate人对外国电影产业的到来持支持态度。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“The cinema has brught a lt t Ouarzazate, whse peple may wrk as technicians, sund engineers r decratrs, but they are mainly given unimprtant rles as extras.(电影给瓦尔扎扎特带来了很多东西,那里的人可能是技术人员、音响工程师或装饰师,但他们主要被赋予不重要的角色,比如临时演员)”结合文章主要介绍了Ouarzazate当地一些临时演员的情况。可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍群众演员的情况。故选B。
    Dedicated educatr is n a missin t revive rural educatin in a remte muntainus cmmunity and prvide the best educatin t its children, ne schl at a time.
    With her pnytail and big, square glasses, Cheng Feng lks every bit the schlteacher. Yet, t many f her students, the 33-year-ld is mre than that. Cheng’s care fr her rural students has extended beynd the classrm and makes her a mther figure t them all.
    During the just past summer vacatin, Cheng didn’t take time ff but paid hme visits t rural students f the Liling Primary Schl, which is lcated in the muntains mre than 120 kilmeters frm the central area f Pyang cunty, East Chin’s Jiangxi prvince.
    Mst students have been left behind by their parents, wh have t g t wrk far away frm hme and are lked after by their grandparents.
    “Seeing these special families and special children is what made me realize the imprtance f rural educatin, and it is ne f the majr reasns why I have stuck arund all these years,” says Cheng, wh als grew up in Pyang.
    Since learning that ne f her students, Tan Yeting, and her brther, were just depending n the small incme f their grandparents’ handmade brm business, Cheng wuld pay regular visits t Tan’s hme. She wuld check the hmewrk assignment f the tw children, play games with them and cut their hair. These interactins have helped bth children grw in cnfidence and shake ff their timid nature at schl.
    “Cheng is just like ur mther,” Tan says.
    “I feel like I can talk t her abut anything, ”she adds.
    Cheng vluntarily chse t mve t the schl last year after she learned it was in need f faculty members. She has since helped t imprve the teaching facilities, and went ut f her way t reach children scattered arund the surrunding rural area and persuade them t cme t schl.
    Thanks t her effrts, apprximately 200 children in the neighbrhd have been able t enjy a better educatin.
    32. What was Chen Feng ding during the past summer vacatin?
    A. She was n a hliday in the muntain.
    B. She was lking after her students in schl.
    C. She was helping her students with their hmewrk assignment.
    D. She was visiting her rural students in remte areas.
    33. What d we knw abut Tan Yeting?
    A. Her parents deserted her brther and her.B. She is t shy t talk t her teacher.
    C. She lives n her grandparents’ small business.D. She leads a care-free and rich life.
    34. Which f the fllwing can best describe Chen Feng?
    A Caring and warm-hearted.B. Ambitius and ptimistic.
    C. Respnsible and fashinable.D. Cnsiderate and stubbrn.
    35. Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Life Experience f a Rural Teacher.B. China’s Rural Educatin in Jiangxi Prvince.
    C. A Teacher Devted t Rural Educatin.D. A Teacher Wh Likes Paying Hme Visits.
    【答案】32. D 33. C 34. A 35. C
    细节理解题。根据第三段“During the just past summer vacatin, Cheng didn’t take time ff but paid hme visits t rural students f the Liling Primary Schl, which is lcated in the muntains mre than 120 kilmeters frm the central area f Pyang cunty, East Chin’s Jiangxi prvince.(在刚刚过去的暑假期间,陈老师并没有休假,而是对醴陵小学的农村学生进行了家访,这所小学位于中国东部江西省鄱阳县中心120多公里外的山区)”可知,陈峰在过去的暑假里在偏远地区看望她的农村学生。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第六段“Since learning that ne f her students, Tan Yeting, and her brther, were just depending n the small incme f their grandparents’ handmade brm business, Cheng wuld pay regular visits t Tan’s hme.(自从得知她的一个学生谭叶婷和她的兄弟只是依靠他们祖父母手工扫帚生意的微薄收入,程先生就会定期去谭叶婷家)”可知,谭叶婷靠她祖父母的小生意生活。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“Cheng’s care fr her rural students has extended beynd the classrm and makes her a mther figure t them all.(陈对农村学生的关心已经超越了课堂,使她成为所有人的母亲)”以及第五段““Seeing these special families and special children is what made me realize the imprtance f rural educatin, and it is ne f the majr reasns why I have stuck arund all these years,” says Cheng, wh als grew up in Pyang.(“看到这些特殊的家庭和特殊的孩子让我意识到农村教育的重要性,这也是我这些年坚持在这里的主要原因之一,”同样在鄱阳湖长大的陈说)”结合陈峰去山里当乡村教师,陪留守儿童做作业,为留守儿童剪头发等,可以推断出,她是一个关心他人且热心肠的人。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Dedicated educatr is n a missin t revive rural educatin in a remte muntainus cmmunity and prvide the best educatin t its children, ne schl at a time.(一位敬业的教育家肩负着重振偏远山区农村教育的使命,为孩子们提供最好的教育,一次一所学校)”结合讲述了乡村教师陈峰投身于乡村教育的感人故事。故C选项“一位致力于农村教育的教师”最符合文章标题。故选C。
    Friendship is a very beautiful bnd in which n ne is big r small, n ne is rich r pr, and n ne is ugly r beautiful. ___36___In friendship, there are n terms and cnditins. There is n age factr in friendship. Each persn has his r her wn mind, wn views. and wn perspective n life. Yu can learn a lt frm every ne f yur friends.
    ___37___It is best t have ne gd friend wh accepts yu as yu are,wh bridges gaps and never lets yu fall. As the ancient Greek pet Euripides put it,“Friends shw their lve in times f truble, nt in happiness.”
    Be happy and cheerful abut yur friends’ success. Always stand by yur friends. ___38___Give whatever yu want frm yur friends,like hnesty, lve, supprt and understanding, and never bast t yur friends when yu are mre successful.
    ___39___,yu will be friendless. Everybdy has laws. And fr a gd find ship,we need patience, because patience is the key t everything. A beautiful friendship is like a childhd friendship, free f jealusy and full f lve. Children are unaware f bad feelings, where anger can suddenly arise. This is the quality that makes children pure and special. ___40___That is why they are lved by everyne.
    A. When yu meet an ld friend in a party
    B. If yu are lking fr a friend wh is faultless
    C. Ask yur new friends questins abut themselves.
    D. Friendship means understanding, bnding and helpfulness.
    E. One gd friend is better than thusands f rdinary friends.
    F. Never be selfish and always try t give mre and expect less.
    G. Fr a gd friendship,ne needs true lve, and children are full f lve.
    【答案】36. D 37. E 38. F 39. B 40. G
    根据上文“Friendship is a very beautiful bnd in which n ne is big r small, n ne is rich r pr, and n ne is ugly r beautiful.(友谊是一种非常美丽的纽带,其中没有人是大是小,没有人是富人或贫穷,没有人是丑陋或美丽的)”可知,友谊没有大小,贫贱,丑美之分;下文中的“In friendship, there are n terms and cnditins.(在友谊中。没有条款和条件)”可知,友谊没有条款和条件,所以该空应该为承上启下,D选项“Friendship means understanding, bnding and helpfulness.(友谊意味着理解、联系和乐于助人)”切合题意。故选D项。
    下文“It is best t have ne gd friend wh accepts yu as yu are, wh bridges gaps and never lets yu fall.(最好有一个好朋友,他接受你的本来面目,弥合差距,永远不会让你跌倒)”中的ne gd friend与E选项“One gd friend is better than thusands f rdinary friends.(一个好朋友胜过万千个普通朋友)”中的ne gd friend所指内容相同。故选E项。
    根据上文“Be happy and cheerful abut yur friends’ success. Always stand by yur friends.(为朋友的成功感到高兴和快乐。永远支持你的朋友)”可知,此处讲述的是要始终站在朋友这边支持自己的朋友,下文“Give whatever yu want frm yur friends, like hnesty, lve, supprt and understanding, and never bast t yur friends when yu are mre successful.(从朋友那里得到你想要的任何东西,比如诚实、爱、支持和理解,当你更成功时,永远不要向你的朋友吹嘘)”讲述的是要给予朋友诚实,爱,支持和理解,所以该处选择的内容是对待朋友的态度,F选项“Never be selfish, and always try t give mre and expect less.(永远不要自私,总是努力付出更多,期望更少)”切合题意。故选F项。
    分析该空的特点,空后为逗号,且空后为句子,所以根据句子结构可知,该空应该为带有连词的句子结构,或者是非谓语结构,B选项“If yu are lking fr a friend wh is faultless(如果你正在寻找一个完美无缺的朋友)”与A选项“When yu meet an ld friend in a party(当你在聚会上遇到老朋友时)”符合句子结构条件,结合下文“yu will be friendless.(你会没有朋友)”可知,B选项衔接上下文。故选B项。
    根据上文“This is the quality that makes children pure and special.(正是这种品质让孩子变得纯洁而特别)”与下文“That is why they are lved by everyne.(这就是为什么他们受到所有人的喜爱)”可知,代词they指代的是children,且讲述的是友谊与儿童一样,都需要爱,G选项“Fr a gd friendship, ne needs true lve, and children are full f lve.(为了一段美好的友谊,一个人需要真爱,而孩子充满了爱)”将上下文衔接,符合上下文内容。故选G项。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    Tim and Jim are best friends and they stick tgether like glue. Last year these tw British schlbys cnducted a prject designed t answer the questin “What clr, if any, d birds like best?”The prject led t the bys___41___ the Yung Science Award f the year after presenting their___42___t a grup f schlars.
    The bys' decisin t find ut whether birds have a ___43___ fr a particular clr came purely frm scientific curisity. Bth f them are very ___44___ abut nature and the pwer f clrs in things.___45___ they wrked as a perfect team and began a citizen science prject that didn't ___46___ fancy equipment. In their backyards, the bys ___47___ five bird feeders, clred blue, green, red, yellw and transparent(透明的). They ___48___ changed the psitin f the feeders and placed a ___49___ fr am hur each mrning, afternn, and evening acrss fur seasns t ___50___ birds visiting each feeder. They cllected ___51___ cvering a ttal perid f 400 hurs.
    When the experiment finished, they had recrded the birds’ ___52___ t the backyards added up t ver 3,000. with mst f the birds cming t the ___53___ feeders. It was a cnclusive and distinct win fr blue ver ther clrs. The pair ___54___ the results and male a cnclusin that blue is ___55___ t birds because f their familiarity with the sky; green and transparent ranks secnd and third because they ___56___ grass and water, while red and yellw are ften u ___57___ f pisn in nature.
    Tim and Jim said they wuld prpse ___58___ their idea in sme fields, such as using less ppular clrs f red and yellw t ___59___ bird strikes n planes. There seems a quite strng ___60___ between the clr f planes and the ccurrence f bird strikes.
    41. A. lsingB. winningC. designingD. defeating
    42. A. sufferingsB. behavirsC. findingsD. aims
    43. A. preferenceB. intentinC. enthusiasmD. passin
    44. A. cncernedB. curiusC. wrriedD. bred
    45. A. sB. butC. yetD. fr
    46. A. askB. requireC. admitD. regain
    47. A. picked upB. tk upC. gave upD. set up
    48. A. swiftlyB. steadilyC. merelyD. regularly
    49. A. cameraB. tentC. screenD. bard
    50. A. displayB. recrdC. bradcastD. accmpany
    51. A. dataB. mediaC. feedersD. resurces
    52. A. activitiesB. numbersC. visitsD. destinatins
    53. A. redB. blueC. yellwD. transparent
    54. A. recgnizedB. explainedC. analyzedD. impressed
    55. A. sensitiveB. harmfulC. nativeD. attractive
    56. A. belng tB. g thrughC. lk likeD. feed n
    57. A. secretsB. memriesC. gdsD. warnings
    58. A. imprvingB. slvingC. applyingD. fixing
    59. A. benefitB. prmteC. predictD. prevent
    60. A. cnstructinB. cnnectinC. limitatinD. cntributin
    【答案】41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. A 46. B 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. B 51. A 52. C 53. B 54. C 55. D 56. C 57. D 58. C 59. D 60. B
    【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章内容是关于两名男孩Tim和Tm 通过研究发现鸟儿喜欢蓝色,并考虑把研究结果应用到一些实践领域。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:该项目使这些男孩在向一群学者展示他们的发现后,赢得了年度青年科学奖。A. lsing输; B. winning赢;C. designing设计;D. defeating败。由宾语是“奖项”以及向“学者们展示了他们的发现后”可知,是“赢得了”奖项,故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:该项目使这些男孩在向一群学者展示他们的发现后,赢得了年度青年科学奖。A. sufferings遭受; B. behavirs行为;C. findings发现;D. aims目标。根据前文可知他们参加比赛,因此是将他们的“发现”展示给学者们, 故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:男孩们决定找出鸟类是否喜欢某种特定的颜色,这纯粹是出于科学好奇心。A. preference喜好; B. intentin目的;C. enthusiasm热情;D. passin激情。根上文“ “What clr, if any, d birds like best?”(“鸟类最喜欢什么颜色?”)”可知他们研究的是鸟类的颜色“喜好”,故选 A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们两人都对自然和事物中颜色的力量非常好奇。A. cncerned关注; B. curius好奇;C. wrried担忧; D. bred无聊。根据下一句内容可知,他们两合作无间,由此可知他们两人应该都是对自然很“好奇”,短语be curius abut表示“对……好奇”,故选B。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:于是他们组成了一个完美的团队,开始了一个不需要昂贵设备的公民科学项目。A. s所以; B. but但是;C. yet尚未; D. fr为了。根据上一句可知,他们两对自然很好奇,“所以”他们组成了一个完美团队,故选 A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:于是他们组成了一个完美的团队,开始了一个不需要昂贵设备的公民科学项目。A. ask问;B.require需要,要求;C. admit承认;D. regain恢复。由第7小题所在句句意可知,他们设置了五个喂鸟器,由此可知,他们的项目“不需要”昂贵设备,故选 B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:在他们的后院,男孩们设置了五个喂鸟器,颜色分别为蓝色、绿色、红色、黄色和透明。A.picked up捡起;B. tk up从事,占据;C. gave up放弃; D. set up建立。由上一句可知他们开始了项目,不需要昂贵设备,所以此处表示“建立”起五个喂鸟器,故选 D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们定期更换喂食器的位置,并在每个季节的上午、下午和晚上放置一个摄像头,用于记录访问每个喂食器的鸟类。A. swiftly迅速地;B. steadily稳定地;C. merely仅仅;D. regularly有规律地。根据“放置摄像头”和“记录访问每个喂食器的鸟类”可知,他们做项目研究,应是“有规律地”更换喂食器的位置,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们定期更换喂食器的位置,并在每个季节的上午、下午和晚上放置一个摄像头,用于记录访问每个喂食器的鸟类。A. camera相机;B. tent帐篷;C. screen屏幕;D. bard板。由“记录访问每个喂食器的鸟类”和下文第11小题的句意“收集了400小时的数据”可知,使用的工具是“相机”, 故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们定期更换喂食器的位置,并在每个季节的上午、下午和晚上放置一个摄像头,用于记录访问每个喂食器的鸟类。A. display放映;B. recrd记录;C. bradcast播;D. accmpany陪伴。由“放置了一个相机”和下文第11小题的句意“收集了400小时的数据”可知,是用于“记录”访问每个喂食器的鸟类。故选 B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们收集了总共400小时的数据。A. data数据;B. media媒体;C. feeders进料器;D. resurces资源。由上文的“相机”和记录”可知,有总共400小时的“数据”,故选 A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:实验结束后,他们记录了这些鸟到后院的次数,总计超过3000次。大部分的鸟都会转移到蓝色的喂食器。A. activities活动;B. numbers数字;C. visits到访,参观;D. destinatins目的地。由上文内容可知,研究的形式是记录鸟儿“到访”喂食器的情况,故选 C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:实验结束后,他们记录了这些鸟到后院的次数,总计超过3000次。大部分的鸟都会转移到蓝色的喂食器。A. red红色;B. blue蓝色;C. yellw黄色;D. transparent透明。由下一句“It was a cnclusive and distinct win fr blue ver ther clrs.(这是蓝色战胜其他颜色的决定性胜利。)”可知,鸟儿喜欢蓝色,所以大部分鸟儿会转移到蓝色喂食器,故选 B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:两人分析了结果,得出结论:蓝色对鸟类很有吸引力,因为它们熟悉天空;绿色和透明排在第二和第三位,因为它们看起来像草和水,而红色和黄色通常是自然界有毒的警告。A. recgnized认出,识别;B. explained解释;C. analyzed分析;D. impressed给……留下印象。 由“得出结论”可知他们对结果进行了“分析”,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两人分析了结果,得出结论:蓝色对鸟类很有吸引力,因为它们熟悉天空;绿色和透明排在第二和第三位,因为它们看起来像草和水,而红色和黄色通常是自然界有毒的警告。A. sensitive敏感的;B. harmful有害的;C. native本土的;D. attractive有吸引力的。由句意中的“熟悉天空”可推知,蓝色对鸟儿很有“吸引力”,故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:两人分析了结果,得出结论:蓝色对鸟类很有吸引力,因为它们熟悉天空;绿色和透明排在第二和第三位,因为它们看起来像草和水,而红色和黄色通常是自然界有毒的警告。A. belng t属于;B. g thrugh走过;C. lk like看起来像;D. feed n以……为食。由“绿色和透明”以及“草和水”可知,他们的关系是“看起来像”,故选 C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:两人分析了结果,得出结论:蓝色对鸟类很有吸引力,因为它们熟悉天空;绿色和透明排在第二和第三位,因为它们看起来像草和水,而红色和黄色通常是自然界有毒的警告。A. secrets秘密;B. memries记忆;C. gds商品;D. warnings警告。由句意可知,鸟儿不喜欢红色和黄色对喂食器,结合常识可知,红色和黄色应是“警告色”,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:蒂姆和吉姆说,他们将建议把他们的想法应用到一些领域,例如使用不太流行的红色和黄色来防止飞机上的鸟撞。A. imprving提升;B. slving解决;C. applying申请,应用;D. fixing修理。由后半句句意可知,他们建议将这些研究得出的想法“应用”到实践中,故选 C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:蒂姆和吉姆说,他们将建议把他们的想法应用到一些领域,例如使用不太流行的红色和黄色来防止飞机上的鸟撞。A. benefit使……收益;B. prmte促进;C. predict预测;D. prevent防止。由上文可知“鸟儿不喜欢接触红色和黄色这类警告色,所以红色和黄色可以使用于“防止”鸟撞,故选 D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在飞机的颜色和鸟撞发生之间似乎有着很强的联系。A. cnstructin建设;B. cnnectin联系;C. limitatin限制;D. cntributin贡献。上一句提到可以使用红色和黄色来防止鸟撞对情况,由此可知,飞机的颜色与鸟撞之间有很强的联系,故选 B。
    第II卷 非选择题(50分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词,或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The traditinal Chinese lunar calendar divides the year int 24 slar terms(节气). Autumn Equinx (秋分), the____61____(sixteen) slar term f the year, begins this year n September 23rd and ends n Octber 7th. Autumn Equinx____62____(lie) at the midpint f autumn, dividing autumn int tw equal parts.
    As is said in____63____ancient bk, “It is n Autumn Equinx day____64____the Yin and Yang are in a balance f pwer. Thus, the day and night are f equal length, and____65____ are the cld and ht weather.” After that day, the lcatin f direct sunlight mves t the suth, ____66____(make) days shrter and nights lnger.
    By Autumn Equinx, mst f the areas in China have entered the cl autumn. When the cld air meets the declining warm and wet air, rainfalls are the result. The temperature als drps____67____ (frequent).
    On Autumn Equinx day, thusands f peple arund the wrld try t make eggs stand n end. Accrding t ____68____ (expert), n the Spring Equinx and Autumn Equinx, the earth’s axis is in a relative balance f pwer with the earth’s rbit arund the sun. But sme als say that standing the egg has nthing t d with the time. The mst imprtant thing is t shift the egg’ s center f gravity t the ____69____ (lw) part f the egg. _____70_____ this way, the trick is hlding the egg until the ylk sinks as much as pssible.
    【答案】61. sixteenth##16th
    62. lies 63. an
    64. that 65. s
    66. making 67. frequently
    68. experts
    69. lwest 70. In
    考查数词。句意:秋分是一年中第16个节气,今年从9月23日开始到10月7日结束。此处表示“第十六个”应用序数词sixteenth或16th。故填sixteenth /16th。
    考查动词时态。句意:秋分位于秋天的中点,把秋天分成相等的两部分。陈述客观事实用一般现在时,主语为Autumn Equinx,谓语用第三人称单数形式。故填lies。
    考查冠词。句意:正如古书中所说,“秋分日是阴阳平衡的日子。” bk为可数名词,此处表泛指应用不定冠词,且ancient是发音以元音音素开头的单词,应用an。故填an。
    考查强调句。句意:正如古书中所说,“秋分日是阴阳平衡的日子。”去掉it is和空处,剩下的部分可以构成完整的句子,此处为强调句句型“it be+被强调部分+that+其它”,此处被强调部分为n Autumn Equinx day,应用that。故填that。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在这一天之后,阳光直射的位置移向南方,白天变短,夜晚变长。分析句子结构可知make在句中应用非谓语动词形式,此处与逻辑主语the lcatin f direct sunlight mves t the suth构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填making。
    考查介词。句意:用这种方法,诀窍就是把鸡蛋放在一边,直到蛋黄尽可能地下沉。结合句意表示“用这种方法”短语为in this way,句首单词首字母要大写。故填In。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    When I was a little kid, I dreamed f keeping n a dg. My parents disagreed, saying that I was t yung that I culdn’t take care f myself, let alne a dg. I didn’t give up. Instead, I tried t be independence and ften helped with husewrk. A few mnth later, my parents fund that I had becme cnsiderate than befre. They finally apprve f my request. On my eight birthday, they bught me a lvely dg as the gift. Fllwed my parents’ directins, I’ve learned hw t raise the dg. I still miss thse days that we accmpanied each ther.
    【答案】1. 删除n
    l0. that→when
    【详解】1. 考查及物动词用法。句意:当我还是个孩子的时候,我梦想着养一只狗。句中keep意为“饲养,供养”,是及物动词,后边直接跟宾语,不需要使用介词。故删除n。
    2. 考查固定句型。句意:我的父母不同意,说我太小了,连自己都照顾不好,更别说养狗了。是固定句型,意为“如此……以致……”。故将t改为s。
    3. 考查形容词。句意:相反,我试着独立,经常帮忙做家务。根据句意和系动词be可知,应用形容词independent,意为“独立的”,在句中作表语。故将independence改为independent 。
    4. 考查名词。句意:几个月后,父母发现我比以前更体贴了。a few修饰复数可数名词。故将mnth改为mnths。
    5. 考查比较级。句意:几个月后,父母发现我比以前更体贴了。根据句意和than befre可知,句中使用了比较级,cnsiderate是多音节形容词,用mre构成比较级。故在becme后加mre。
    6. 考查时态。句意:他们终于同意了我的请求。根据语境可知,句子讲述过去的事情,应用一般过去时,谓语动词apprve使用过去式形式。故将apprve改为apprved。
    7. 考查序数词。句意:在我八岁生日那天,他们给我买了一只可爱的狗作为礼物。表示“第八个”生日,用序数词eighth。故将eight改为eighth。
    8. 考查冠词。句意:在我八岁生日那天,他们给我买了一只可爱的狗作为礼物。名词gift在句中表示泛指,用不定冠词修饰,gift发音以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a修饰。故将gift前的the改为a。
    9. 考查非谓语动词。句意:按照父母的指示,我学会了如何养狗。fllw是非谓语动词,作伴随状语,结合语意可知,fllw与其逻辑主语I之间是主动关系,用现在分词fllwing。故将Fllwed改为Fllwing。
    10. 考查定语从句。句意:我仍然怀念那些我们相伴日子。“that we accmpanied each ther”作后置定语,修饰先行词days,关系词在定语从句中作时间状语,意为“在那些日子里”,应用关系副词when引导定语从句。故将that改为when。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72. 今年,你所在的城市开展垃圾分类活动,学校广泛宣传,你和同学都积极参与到此项活动中。请你为班级英语角写一篇短文,介绍此项活动,内容包括:
    题目:Waste Classificatin
    【答案】This year, ur city is carrying ut a prgram, which called n everyne t thrw rubbish int the right dustbin accrding t the fur categries. Teachers and students in ur schl takes part in the activity actively.
    In rder t prtect ur envirnment, the waste classificatin activity was launched last mnth in ur city. Peple are required t srt garbage int different categries such as harmful waste, recyclables and kitchen waste, each f which is suppsed t be thrwn int a different bin. At first, peple are cnfused abut which categry the rubbish belnged t, but with the help f the psters, we're ding a much better jb nw.
    Waste Classificatin is envirnmentally friendly. In the lng run,the result is well wrth ur effrts. Let's wrk tgether t make ur city mre beautiful!
    参加:take part in→ participate in
    从长远角度看:in the lng run→ in the lng term
    在……帮助下:with the help f→ with the aid/assistance f
    共同努力:wrk tgether→ make jint effrt
    原句:In the lng run, the result is well wrth ur effrts. Let's wrk tgether t make ur city mre beautiful!
    拓展句:In the lng run, the result is well wrth ur effrts, s Let's wrk tgether t make ur city mre beautiful!
    【点睛】[高分句型1] This year, ur city is carrying ut a prgram ,which called n everyne t thrw rubbish int the right dustbin accrding t the fur categries. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)

    四川省宜宾市第四中学2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份四川省宜宾市第四中学2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了请将答案正确填写在答题卡上等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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