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    新高考全国卷I同源文本语法填空练习班级       考号        姓名       总分     (一)普洱茶是中国著名茶树良种,以云南省一定区域内的云南大叶种晒青茶为原料,采用特定工艺、经后发酵加工形成的散茶和紧压茶。原产云南省西南部和南部澜沧江流域。听医生说,普洱茶中含有多种茶素,维生素C,可以起到强身健体的作用。同时,普洱茶含有多种活性成分,具有消炎杀菌的功效,可以预防菌斑的生成。普洱茶具有最强的抗氧化功效,很早以前就有护肤高手将喝剩下的茶渣敷在脸上当做面膜。它能改善人体排毒和防御功效,给肌肤带来前所未有的清新感觉。能提高人体的新陈代谢,淡化色素,使皮肤变得更加白皙和光滑。陈年普洱有越陈越浓越香的特点。因为普洱茶和其他追求鲜爽的茶类不同,即使是优质普洱生茶,新茶阶段也涩感重、茶性寒,经过一段时间的陈放后,饼面颜色由绿转褐,香气、滋味、口感进一步提升风味更佳。Aged Pu'er TeaDrinking pu'er tea means you have come of age as a tea  36  (drink) in China—it's something you drink only after you've worked your way through white and green teas, then oolongs(乌龙茶), to reach  37 fully fermented(发酵的), fully oxidized(氧化的) tea of southern Yunnan.Pu'er's complex flavors and aromas—its hints of forest floor, wet leaves, stones after rain—  38  (shape) by the altitude, soil composition, drainage(排水), and amount of sunshine and rainfall in the place  39  it's grown.These earthy, mineral qualities are enhanced by  40  (age) the tea for anything from a year to more than a century.And,   41  good aged wine, premium aged pu'er is something mere common people like  42  (I) are unlikely to ever drink, except at the hand of a generous friend.I was fortunate enough  43  (meet) a pu'er grower in rural Yunnan who let me taste some of her  44  of these extraordinary and complex aged teas, some of them 50 years old, and it was a gift I can never  45  (pay).(168)
    36.              37.              38.              39.              40.              41.              42.              43.              44.              45.             
     小时候的记忆里,曾经有一段日子是和小伙伴们一起跟风追捧流行歌曲的。记得小学三年级的时候,几乎班里每个小伙伴都有视若珍宝的本子,用来收集明星贴画或者抄写流行歌词。记得也从同学那里抄写过根本不明所以的“酒干倘卖无”。那时候,苏芮用浑厚有力的声音激情燃烧的演唱让“酒干倘卖无”传遍大街小巷,当时只觉得余音绕梁回旋不绝却不懂其涵义。长大了才知道这句闽南语的意思和这首歌背后的感人故事。怪不得有人说,“你有故事我有酒,我能陪你唠一宿。”酒让人放开了兴奋了渐入佳境了,于是话越说越多故事越讲越HIGH。绍兴酒,又称绍兴黄酒、绍兴老酒,随着时间的久远而更为浓烈,所以绍兴酒称老酒,越陈越香。绍兴酒具有诱人的馥郁芳香。绍兴酒自古以来就以糯米为原料,而且在选择时要选用当年产的米粒洁白、颗粒饱满、气味良好、不含杂质的上等优质糯米。在全国众多的酒类中,绍兴老酒是获奖次数最多的品种之一。陈宝国代言的绍兴黄酒的广告片,其广告语是"数风流人物,品古越龙山",既气势磅礴又恰到好处,脍炙人口且充满了文化气息。听说绍兴有风俗,在女儿出生之后,封存坛装绍兴酒以备嫁妆,至女儿出嫁时,将封存绍兴酒取出,在坛面上塑雕上各种彩色花鸟图案,随稼而出,故名花雕(又称女儿酒)。Shaoxing WineShaoxing is known for its mist and rain, its ancient canals crossed with stone bridges, and the  36  (good) traditional rice wine in China.I first tried the latter in one of the  37  (city)old wine shops, surrounded by tall jars filled with aged wines.There, it was served from a small ceramic flask(瓷瓶)that was warmed in a bath of hot water  38  (raise)the drink's aroma and flavor—perfect for sipping on a cold, damp winter day.39  (give)its long history (we're talking over two and a half thousand years), it's no surprise  40  variations abound.The wine, made by fermenting(发酵的) glutinous rice(糯米) with wheat and aging it in deep earthenware vessels for up to several decades, can be anywhere  41  light amber to deep brown in color.And, though  42  slight raisiny sweetness and mellow sherry-like flavor are typical, the wine ranges from quite dry to  43  (extreme) sweet.Pay a visit to a specialty wine purveyor(供应商) or a reputable Chinese market.A good bottle will  44  (age) for at least five years and cost a minimum of $10.Once you've got your hands on true Shaoxing wine, make the most of it, incorporating it into your cooking and sipping  45  on its own.(205)
    36.              37.              38.              39.              40.              41.              42.              43.              44.              45.             
     (三小时候的记忆里,曾经有一段日子是和小伙伴们一起跟风追捧流行歌曲的。记得小学三年级的时候,几乎班里每个小伙伴都有视若珍宝的本子,用来收集明星贴画或者抄写流行歌词。记得也从同学那里抄写过根本不明所以的“酒干倘卖无”。那时候,苏芮用浑厚有力的声音激情燃烧的演唱让“酒干倘卖无”传遍大街小巷,当时只觉得余音绕梁回旋不绝却不懂其涵义。长大了才知道这句闽南语的意思和这首歌背后的感人故事。怪不得有人说,“你有故事我有酒,我能陪你唠一宿。”酒让人放开了兴奋了渐入佳境了,于是话越说越多故事越讲越HIGH。绍兴酒,又称绍兴黄酒、绍兴老酒,随着时间的久远而更为浓烈,所以绍兴酒称老酒,越陈越香。绍兴酒具有诱人的馥郁芳香。绍兴酒自古以来就以糯米为原料,而且在选择时要选用当年产的米粒洁白、颗粒饱满、气味良好、不含杂质的上等优质糯米。在全国众多的酒类中,绍兴老酒是获奖次数最多的品种之一。陈宝国代言的绍兴黄酒的广告片,其广告语是"数风流人物,品古越龙山",既气势磅礴又恰到好处,脍炙人口且充满了文化气息。听说绍兴有风俗,在女儿出生之后,封存坛装绍兴酒以备嫁妆,至女儿出嫁时,将封存绍兴酒取出,在坛面上塑雕上各种彩色花鸟图案,随稼而出,故名花雕(又称女儿酒)。Shaoxing WineShaoxing is known for its mist and rain, its ancient canals crossed with stone bridges, and the  36  (good) traditional rice wine in China. I first tried the latter in one of the  37  (city)old wine shops, surrounded by tall jars filled with aged wines. There, it was served from a small ceramic flask(瓷瓶)that was warmed in a bath of hot water  38  (raise)the drink's aroma and flavor—perfect for sipping on a cold, damp winter day.39  (give)its long history (we're talking over two and a half thousand years), it's no surprise  40  variations abound. The wine, made by fermenting(发酵的) glutinous rice(糯米) with wheat and aging it in deep earthenware vessels for up to several decades, can be anywhere  41  light amber to deep brown in color. And, though  42  slight raisiny sweetness and mellow sherry-like flavor are typical, the wine ranges from quite dry to  43  (extreme) sweet. Pay a visit to a specialty wine purveyor(供应商) or a reputable Chinese market. A good bottle will  44  (age) for at least five years and cost a minimum of $10. Once you've got your hands on true Shaoxing wine, make the most of it, incorporating it into your cooking and sipping  45  on its own. (205)
    36.              37.              38.              39.              40.              41.              42.              43.              44.              45.             
     (四哈尔滨红肠,原产于东欧的立陶宛,原称“立陶宛肠”,俄文音译为“利多夫斯”。传到哈尔滨已有近百年的历史。由于立陶宛濒临波罗地海,气候湿润,不便于风干,且森林资源丰富,为加速该产品的风干,当地用木屑熏烤。木材燃烧过程产成一种混合气体,可大量杀伤微生物,大大延长了其保质期,久而久之形成了一种具有熏烤的芳香之味的特色香肠。因为肠的外表呈枣红色,所以被哈尔滨人称之为红肠。生产红肠用的主要原料有肉、肠衣、淀粉、大蒜、盐等。大列巴是哈尔滨最有个性的特产,哈尔滨是中国唯一有正宗烘烤俄罗斯面包的地方,成为当地特色食品,它被称为哈尔滨风味食品一绝。大列巴体现了中西文化的融合,“列巴”是俄语“面包”,因为个大,所以被称为“大列巴”。它的体积比半个篮球还大一圈,标准直径在23-26厘米之间,厚度也在16厘米以上,面包净重有2公斤,拎在手里沉甸甸的。所以,如果有朋友从哈尔滨给你带来了大列巴作为礼物,那可真是礼重情谊更重啊。Hong Chang (Ha'erbin Pork Sausage)I know, I know, this doesn't look anything like Chinese food,which goes to show 36 wide range of influences at play in the country's cuisine. In China's far-north province of Heilongjiang, bordering Russia, 37 (lie) the city of Ha'erbin, famed for its annual ice festival. A century ago, Russian 38 (migrant) fleeing the revolution found a safe shelter in Ha'erbin, and, 39 few of their descendants remain, their food culture has left its long-lasting imprint on the city. This pork sausage, 40 (know) as hong chang, or "red sausage," is smooth-textured and 41 (fine)studded with fat, with a slightly sweet and pleasant 42 (smoke) flavor. It's eaten with local dalieba(大列巴) sourdough bread and creamy Ha'erbin cow's milk butter—this is one of the few places in China outside the Tibetan regions 43 butter is eaten. It's a dish that feels somehow 44 (fit) in this remote part of China, as you're standing 45 the copper-green onion domes of the Saint Sophia Cathedral in the main square.(166)
    36.              37.              38.              39.              40.              41.              42.              43.              44.              45.             
    (五与健胃消食片相比,我更喜欢冰糖葫芦。 “都说冰葫芦儿酸,酸里面它裹着甜;都说冰葫芦儿甜,可甜里面它裹着酸;糖葫芦好看它竹签儿穿,象征幸福和团圆;把幸福和团圆连成串,没有愁来没有烦;站得高你就看得远,面对苍山来呼唤,气也顺那个心也宽,你就年轻二十年。” 小时候的学唱的歌,现在仍深深地印在脑海里。英语中有个谚语, When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.(当生活给你又酸又苦的柠檬时,要把它做成又甜又好喝的柠檬汁。)一串冰糖葫芦,一杯柠檬汁,由酸变成了甜,由苦变成了乐。正因为因为现实酸涩,才需要这丝丝缕缕的甜。这甜是酸楚里的蜜糖是逆境中的希望。 酸酸甜甜是生活、幸福团圆是期盼、气顺心宽是祝愿。就在这酸酸甜甜和苦苦乐乐中我们体会着生活向往着人生。一串冰糖葫芦饱含了人生哲理、寥寥数语的歌词道尽了生活真谛也写满了美好寓意。冰糖葫芦又叫糖葫芦,在有的地方叫作糖梨膏,在有的地方叫作糖墩儿,还有的地方叫作糖球。冰糖葫芦是北方冬天常见的小吃,一般将山楂在竹签上串成串,糖稀被冻硬,吃起来又酸又甜又冰。冰糖葫芦具有开胃、养颜、增智、消除疲劳、清热等作用。每到隆冬时节,总能见到卖冰糖葫芦的vendors, 或推车或肩扛,红彤彤的山楂在糖膜的包裹下格外诱人。现在市场上的冰糖葫芦品类繁多、口味多样。除了传统的山楂冰糖葫芦外,根据制作原料的不同还有蓝莓冰糖葫芦,菠萝冰糖葫芦,巧克力冰糖葫芦,奶油冰糖葫芦,红豆沙冰糖葫芦,绿豆沙冰糖葫芦,花生冰糖葫芦,苹果、草莓冰糖葫芦等等。在这个万物皆可葫芦的年代,我只爱简单纯粹晶莹剔透的山楂ligao。Crystal Sugar HawthornsThe arrival of winter means that hawthorns—which are related to rose hips—are  36  season. Actually, even though there're more and more kinds of ice-sugar gourd(葫芦), Hawthorns are still the  37  (popular). The round red berries have a cream-colored flesh with a flavor close to  38  of a tart green apple, peppered with dark brown seeds. They're found in China's colder provinces, north of the Yangtze. Because they're so astringent(涩), usually hawthorns  39  (pair) with something sweet. Some string them together on  40  (stick) and roll them in toffee(太妃糖), like a row of red lanterns or tiny candied apples—   41   preparation called bingtang hulu. But I prefer them lightly oiled, then  42  (coat) in confectioners' sugar(细砂糖). These bingtang shanzha, or crystal sugar hawthorns, are downright  43  (resist), with a crisp, white crust that  44  (pack)a satisfying sweet-sour punch. I always eat the glutinous rice paper on the outside  45  enjoying the candied haws. Once you taste such Crystal Sugar Hawthorns,that charming sweet and sour will never finish up. (168)
    36.              37.              38.              39.              40.              41.              42.              43.              44.              45.             
            :参考答案(一)36.drinker  37.the  38.are shaped  39.where  40.aging41.like    42.myself  43.to meet  44.collection  45.Repay36.Best 37.city's 38.to raise 39.Given 40.that41.from 42.a 43.extremely 44.have been aged 45.it36.Best 37.city's 38.to raise 39.Given 40.that41.from 42.a 43.extremely 44.have been aged 45.It36.the 37.lies 38.migrants 39.although 40.known 41.finely 42.smoky 43.where 44.fitting 45.below36.in  37.most popular 38.that 39.are paired 40.sticks41.a 42.coates 43.irresist able  44.packing  45.before        


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