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    人教版高中英语必修第一册UNIT 3 SPORTS AND FITNESS PPT课件
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness备课课件ppt

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第一册Unit 3 Sports and fitness备课课件ppt,文件包含Part1pptx、Part2pptx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共120页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1.主题语境:人与自我——自我身心健康发展。2.语篇类型:健康簿。3.课文内容分析: 本文是一篇描述主人公健身前后变化的文章,第一段描述过去的担忧和饮食问题,第二段描述观念和饮食上的改变,第三段描述自己现在的行动与之前的做法作对比。学生通过学习本文可以学会正确描述健康方面的问题,并找到解决办法,形成正确的健康观。
    Ging Psitive
    nly bananas
    1.An athlete shuld think abut hnur and his/her fans if he/she is cmpeting fr his/her cuntry.(教材第41页) 如果一个运动员在为他/她的国家比赛,他/她应该考虑荣誉和他/她的粉丝。 ◆cmpete vi.竞争;对抗
    Museums must cmpete fr peple’s spare time and mney with ther amusements.(2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷,语法填空)博物馆必须和其他娱乐活动竞争人们的业余时间和金钱。Only by cmpeting with/against each ther can we make great prgress in ur study.只有相互竞争,我们才能在学习上取得巨大进步。
    巧学助记All the excited cmpetitrs are cmpeting fr the hnur f winning the gld medal in the cmpetitin.所有激动的参赛者都在为在比赛中赢得金牌的荣誉而竞争。
    单句语法填空①The tw players cmpeted with each ther     a gld medal. ②The yung     (cmpete) wn a gld medal in the match. ③N ne can entirely keep away frm the     (cmpete) wrld. ④I’m writing t invite yu      (cmpete) in Chinese paper-cutting art exhibitin. 
    2.That desn’t make any sense!(教材第41页) 那没有任何意义! ◆make sense有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
    This sentence just desn’t make sense,n matter hw yu read it.无论你怎样读这个句子,它还是不通。He desn’t talk much,but what he says makes sense.他话不多,但言之有理。Can yu make sense f the pem written by Du Fu?你能读懂杜甫写的这首诗吗?
    词语升级①There were s many new wrds in the passage that I culd hardly understand them at all. →There were s many new wrds in the passage that I culd hardly             them at all. 完成句子②你能理解他在说什么吗? Can yu            what he is saying? ③我没有很好的方向感,因此我容易迷路。 I haven’t a very gd          ,s I easily get lst. 
    make sense f
    sense f directin
    3.A sccer player shuld nt pretend t fall dwn even if it helps his/her team.(教材第41页) 一名足球运动员不应该假装摔倒,即使这对他/她的球队有帮助。 ◆pretend vi.&vt.假装;装扮
    It’s implite t pretend nt t see the teacher.装作没看见老师是不礼貌的。We must nt pretend t knw what we dn’t knw.我们不能不懂装懂。
    单句语法填空①When his bss came in,he pretended            (d) his wrk. 翻译句子②他假装没注意到。  ③当问到这本书的内容时,他假装已经读过它了。  
    He pretended nt t ntice.
    When asked abut the cntent f the bk,he pretended t have read it.
    4.I wrried abut my weight and tried every new diet I read abut nline. (教材第42页) 我十分担心我的体重,也尝试了网上看到的每一种新的减肥饮食方案。 ◆diet n.规定饮食;日常饮食vi.节食
    Eat a balanced diet t stay healthy.均衡饮食以保持健康。
    单句语法填空①She is     a diet,hping t becme slimmer. ②N sugar in my cffee,please.I’m     (diet). ③During festivals and celebratins,dctrs remind peple t have     balanced diet. 完成句子④脂肪和盐是日常饮食中很重要的部分。 Fat and salt are very imprtant parts        . 
    5.I had n idea a letter culd make such a difference!(教材第42页) 我没有料到一词之差,区别竟如此之大! ◆make a difference有作用或影响
    qualities make the difference between men f great achievement and men f average perfrmance—curisity and discntent.(2020年天津卷,阅读理解D)……非凡人和一般人的区别在于好奇心和不满足。
    完成句子①Luckily,my teacher ften tells me that every small thing can            (有重大影响). ②Her wrds             (没作用)t him,fr he is quite stubbrn. ③I hpe my behaviurs will           (起作用). 
    make a big difference
    make n difference
    make a difference
    1.A sccer player shuld nt pretend t fall dwn even if it helps his/ her team.(教材第41页) 一名足球运动员不应该假装摔倒,即使这对他/她的球队有帮助。 ◆even if/thugh即使;虽然,引导让步状语从句。
    We knw each ther very well,even if/thugh we dn’t always agree with each ther.我们彼此非常了解,即使我们不总是意见一致。He is willing t help us even if/thugh he is very busy.虽然他很忙,但是他还是愿意帮我们。
    完成句子             (即使这次我失败了),I will try again. 
    Even if/thugh I fail this time
    2.Once I started thinking abut fitness rather than weight,things began t change.(教材第42页) 一旦我开始考虑健康而不是体重,事情就有了变化。 ◆nce意为“一旦”,引导条件状语从句。
    Once he is determined t d smething he is interested in,Mr Wang seldm changes his mind.一旦王先生决定做一些他感兴趣的事,他就很少改变主意。Once yu make a prmise,yu shuld keep it.一旦你许下诺言,你就应该遵守承诺。
    完成句子①            (一旦你开了头),yu must cntinue. ②              (一旦你有了自信),yu are mre likely t succeed. ③            (一旦出版),this bk will be a best-seller. 
    Once yu begin
    Once yu have cnfidence
    Once published
    I agree with the idea that a sccer player shuld never pretend t fall dwn even if it helps his/her team.(教材第41页)我同意这样的观点,即足球运动员不应该假装摔倒,即使这对他/她的球队有帮助。此句为主从复合句。that引导同位语从句,解释idea的内容;even if引导让步状语从句。
    1.Once I started thinking abut fitness rather than weight,things began t change.(教材第42页)
    一旦我开始考虑健康而不是体重,事情就有了变化。rather than而不是Rather than getting caught up in hw yu culd have dne better,why nt ffer yurself a cmpassinate respnse? (2020年全国Ⅰ卷,七选五)不要老是在想自己如何做得更好,为什么不给自己一个有同情心的回应呢?I think I’ll have a cld drink rather than cffee.我想要冷饮,不要咖啡。I’d like t g there by train rather than by air.我宁愿坐火车而不是乘飞机去那儿。
    完成句子①When classical,        pp,music was playing,diners spent mre. 单句语法填空②I’m mre     glad t receive yur letter. 一句多译多数男士喜欢在家过周末而不愿去购物。③Mst men prefer t spend the weekends at hme            . ④Mst men            the weekends at hme than g shpping. ⑤Mst men wuld spend the weekends at hme         g shpping. 
    rather than
    rather than g shpping
    wuld rather spend
    2.Finally,I stpped cmparing myself with actresses and mdels and lking fr things that were wrng with my face r bdy.(教材第42页) 最后,我不再拿自己跟女演员和模特相比,不再寻找自己的脸蛋或身材还有哪里 不美。 与……比较
    Stp cmparing yurself with thers.(2020年全国Ⅰ卷,七选五)停止把自己和别人进行比较。Yung peple are ften cmpared t the rising sun.年轻人常被比作冉冉升起的太阳。
    单句语法填空①When cmpared    the size f the whle earth,the highest muntain des nt seem high at all. ②I’d like t cmpare     (nte)with my parents n hw t make friends. 翻译句子③与城市生活相比,农村生活宁静平和。  
    In cmparisn with city life,the cuntry life is quiet and peaceful.
    3.stress(教材第43页) n.压力;紧张;重音 vt.强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi.焦虑不安
    A gd way t reduce stress is t talk abut feelings with yur best friend.减少压力的好方法就是与你的好朋友聊聊感受。But the sprt’s strange frm des place cnsiderable stress n the ankles.(2020年全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解C)但是这项运动的奇怪形式确实对脚踝造成很大的压力。He stressed that we shuld pay mre attentin t ur safety in particular.他强调我们尤其要多注意安全。
    巧学助记After a stressful week f examinatins,all the students were very stressed and tired,s they ften get angry under stress.经过一周紧张的考试,所有的学生都非常紧张和疲惫,所以他们经常由于压力而生气。
    单句语法填空①It is als a virtue t frgive,especially in such a cmpetitive and      (stress) sciety. ②When     stress,even a mst gentle persn can get angry easily. 翻译句子③他强调了诚实在社会中的重要性。  
    He stressed the imprtance f hnesty in sciety.
    Write a page in a wellness bk
    1.文体类型:描述健康方面的今昔对比,属于记叙文范畴。2.要点内容:本单元的写作主题是“健康”。从健康角度探讨体育与人们的日常生 活的关系。
    首段常用句式:I was wrried I have been cncerned bthers me is that...中段常用句式:I tried t d the fllwing things.I tk part mst imprtant thing that I have dne is...尾段常用句式:Thanks t my effrt, am mre than happy t see the imprvements in...
      假设你是李华。过去由于一些不健康的生活习惯,你的健康出现了问题。之后你改变了生活方式,现在又恢复了健康。请你根据此经历写一篇英语短文。 内容包括:  1.之前不健康的生活习惯:吃垃圾食品,很少锻炼; 2.导致的问题:肥胖,易生病; 3.解决的办法:保持均衡饮食,积极锻炼,早睡早起; 4.给其他同学的建议:尽快改掉不健康的生活习惯,以保持身体健康。 注意:写作词数应为80个左右。
    Ⅰ.对接单元词汇1.       n.规定饮食;日常饮食vi.节食 2.     vt.决定;影响 3.       adj.均衡的 4.       停止做(或使用、食用) 5.       宁愿 6.      与……相比 
    wuld rather
    cmpared t/with
    Take my diet fr example,I liked eating junk fd befre.
    I did little physical exercise,and as a result,I became t fat and ften fell ill.
    Firstly,I began t have a balanced diet.
    I develped the habit f ging t bed and getting up early.
    I suggest that ther students get rid f unhealthy living habits as sn as pssible.
    Take my diet fr example,what I liked best befre is junk fd.
    I did little physical exercise,resulting in my becming t fat and falling ill ften.
    I fell int sme unhealthy living habits in the past.Take my diet fr example,what I liked mst befre is junk fd.Besides,I did little physical exercise,resulting in my becming t fat and falling ill ften. Luckily,I became aware f the harm and I determined t get rid f these bad habits.Firstly,I began t have a balanced diet instead f eating junk fd.Secndly,I tk exercise every day.Last but nt least,I develped the habit f ging t bed and getting up early.Cmpared with the frmer versin f myself,I have becme healthier. I suggest that ther students get rid f unhealthy living habits as sn as pssible,fr health is mre valuable than anything else.
    假设你是李华,你的外教Mary已经完成教学任务回国了。她在教你的时候,你身体不好。她很担心你的身体,写信问你的身体状况,请根据以下内容用英语给Mary写一封回信。 要点如下: 1.所采取的措施和理由; 2.描述自己的身体变化。 注意:写作词数应为80个左右。
    Yurs,Li Hua
      One pssible versin:Dear Mary,Hw are yu getting alng with yur life?I’m delighted t have received yur letter.When yu were in China,yu were cncerned abut my health.At that time I ften stayed up late and had n time fr exercise,s that I suffered frm besity and neck pain.I was wrried abut my fitness and decided t change that.First,I d exercise actively,such as jgging,swimming and push-ups.Besides,I pay attentin t my diet and keep a gd state f mind.By being psitive abut my bdy,I becme happier and healthier.Thanks again fr yur cncern!Have a nice day!Yurs,Li Hua
    Ⅰ.语境填词1.Jbs can be      (stress)smetimes,but yu can becme mre pwerful with pressure n yu. 2.The athlete missed the early bus,and was late fr the      . (cmpete). 3.We shuld take a      (psitively)attitude twards life. 4.We believe that the yung generatin can make a      (different) t the wrld. 
    5.     (cmpare)t big cmpanies,the smaller nes are faced with mre challenges. 6.Rather than cutting ut the fds I enjyed,I added healthy fds    my meals. 7.He pretended      (read) the newspaper when his mther came in. 8.Accrding t the research,this restaurant ffers      healthy diet. 9.I feel highly      (hnur) t be given such a gd chance t share my experience with yu. 
    t be reading
    Ⅱ.单句情境写作1.            (即使) yu exercise fr nly 30 minutes every day,it will be gd fr yur health. 2.It was the culture                (而非语言) that made it hard fr him t get used t the new envirnment abrad. 3.The stry that he tld didn’t           (讲得通) t me. 4.Each f us can            (起作用) in prtecting the wildlife. 5.We shuld            (不再食用)junk fd in rder t keep fit. 
    Even if/thugh
    rather than the language
    cut ut eating
    Ⅰ.阅读理解A Hw ften d yu exercise?A new study fund that mst kids aged 12 t 15 weren’t getting enugh physical activity.The results were based n abut 800 kids.As part f the study,the kids tracked and reprted n their wn activity levels,and tk physical exams. US fitness guidelines suggest an hur r mre f physical activity every day.Accrding t the study,nly 1 in 4 US kids get enugh physical activity. “It’s certainly wrrying t see that ur kids have such a limited amunt f physical activity each day,” said Dr Stephen Pnt.He is an expert n children’s health. Few kids in the study met the guidelines n physical activity that raises the heart rate and makes peple breathe harder.Overall,abut 25% said they gt an hur f that kind f exercise every day.Kids als reprted n which activities they did mst ften utside f schl gym class—basketball fr bys and running fr girls.
    The study fund that fat teenagers were less active than nrmal-weight girls and bys.Fat girls were slightly less active than nrmal-weight girls,but levels were similar amng verweight and nrmal-weight bys.The study als said that the percent f fat children aged 2 t 19 was 17%,r abut 12.5 millin kids. “There’s always rm fr imprvement,” said Tala Fakhuri,wh was the leader f the study.She als said the results prvide useful infrmatin t help with fitness campaigns such as Let’s Mve.T inspire kids t eat right and get in shape,she visits schls and hlds exercise events.She als calls n schls t ffer regular gym classes. The study als fund kids wh get physical educatin at schl may get better grades.
    1.What is the result f the new study? A.800 kids dn’t get enugh physical activity. B.Mst US kids dn’t get enugh exercise. C.Kids shuld get physical activity every day. D.It’s imprtant t take physical exams.
    1.B 细节理解题。本题考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第一段中的“A new study fund that mst kids aged 12 t 15 weren’t getting enugh physical activity.”可知,一项新的研究发现,大多数12岁到15岁的美国孩子缺乏足够的体育锻炼,故B项正确。
    2.Which f the fllwing sprts d girls like best? A.Swimming. B.Basketball. C.Running. D.Gym.
    2.C 细节理解题。本题考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第四段中的“Kids als reprted n which activities they did mst ften utside f schl gym class—basketball fr bys and running fr girls.”可知,男生在体育课之外常做的运动是打篮球,女生则是跑步,故C项正确。
    3.What’s the purpse f the campaign Let’s Mve? A.T help kids t keep fit. B.T prvide useful infrmatin. C.T ffer regular gym classes. D.T hld exercise events.
    3.A 细节理解题。本题考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据倒数第二段中的“She als said the results prvide useful infrmatin t help with fitness campaigns such as Let’s Mve.”可知,“动起来”活动的目的是帮助儿童保持健康,故A项正确。
    4.Accrding t the study children with enugh exercise may    .  A.be less active than fat children B.be mre willing t help thers C.d better in their studies D.try their best t get in shape
    4.C 推理判断题。本题考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据最后一段的“The study als fund kids wh get physical educatin at schl may get better grades.”可知,研究还发现,在学校接受体育教育的儿童可能会取得更好的成绩,由此可知,进行足够锻炼的儿童学习成绩可能会更好,故C项正确。
    B There are many ways t travel within a city.We can walk,cycle,r take a bus.But n matter which way we travel,we have t stick t the rute(线路) the city planners laid dwn fr us. Parkur practitiners (跑酷爱好者),hwever,see the city in a cmpletely different way.T them,there are n fixed rutes.There are n walls and n stairs—since they jump,climb,rll and crawl t mve acrss,thrugh,ver and under anything that they find in their path.The city is their playgrund. The Internatinal Gymnastics Federatin (FIG) has nticed that this activity is drawing mre and mre peple t it—there are 100,000 peple taking part in parkur tday in the UK alne,accrding t the Guardian—and hw it is helpful fr peple t be much strnger: It trains crdinatin and balance.S the rganisatin is thinking abut recgnising parkur as a new sprt and adding it t the Olympics by 2024.
    But parkur practitiners themselves dn’t seem t be happy with the idea.They see parkur as “a lifestyle”,wrte the website NextSprtStar.“It’s a cmpetitin against the cnditins rather than just a sprt.” Indeed,many d parkur just t “escape the daily rutine and experience the city in different ways”,wrte reprter Oli Muld n The Cnversatin.They see parkur as a way t express themselves thrugh relaxing mves and creative rutes while freeing themselves frm the pressure. It’s great that the FIG wants t develp new sprt and stay clse t a new cultural frm.But it wuld be greater if they knew that nt everything in life is a cmpetitin.
    5.Hw d the parkur practitiners d parkur? A.They mve n as they wish. B.They plan the way themselves. C.They run faster than thers. D.They stick t certain rutes.
    5.A 推理判断题。本题考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据第二段中的“T them,there are n fixed rutes.There are n walls ... crawl t mve acrss,thrugh,ver and under anything that they find in their path.”可知对他们来说,没有固定的路线。没有墙,也没有楼梯——因为他们通过跳跃、攀爬、翻滚和爬行来穿越、穿过、翻越和从任何他们发现的东西下面移动。由此可推知,跑酷爱好者会按照自己的意愿移动。故选A。
    6.Why des the FIG want t add parkur t the Olympics? A.It’s a special way f life. B.It draws their attentin. C.It’s gd fr peple t keep healthy. D.It needs sme rules and instructins.
    6.C 细节理解题。本题考查学生识别和理解文本中具体信息的能力。根据第三段可知,国际体操联合会已经注意到这项运动正吸引着越来越多的人——据《卫报》报道,目前仅在英国就有10万人参加跑酷——以及跑酷如何有助于人们变得更强壮:它可以锻炼协调性和平衡性。因此,该组织正在考虑接受跑酷为一项新运动,并在2024年将其加入奥运会。由此可知,国际体操联合会考虑将跑酷加入奥运会,因为它有助于人们保持健康。故选C。
    7.What is the authr’s idea n parkur? A.It is mre frmal than ther sprts. B.It helps peple t be creative. C.It’s wrth adding t the sprting event. D.It calls n peple t wrk as a team.
    7.B 推理判断题。本题考查学生根据文本信息进行推断归纳的能力。根据倒数第二段中“They see parkur as a way t ... while freeing themselves frm the pressure.”可知他们把跑酷视为一种表达自己的方式,通过放松的动作和创造性的路线,同时释放自己的压力。由此可推知,作者认为跑酷帮助人们变得有创造力。故选B。
    8.What is the best title fr the passage? A.A New Sprts Cmpetitin B.Parkur Practitiners C.Training in a Different Way D.Making the City Their Own
    8.D 主旨大意题。本题考查学生理解文本主旨要义的能力。根据第二段可知,跑酷练习者对城市的看法却完全不同。对他们来说,没有固定的路线。没有墙,也没有楼梯——因为他们通过跳跃、攀爬、翻滚和爬行来穿越、穿过、翻越和从任何他们发现的东西下面移动。城市就是他们的游乐场。文章主要介绍了跑酷这项体育运动,跑酷爱好者将城市作为自己的游乐场,按照自己的意愿在城市中移动。由此可知,D选项(将城市归为他们自己所有)是最合适的文章标题。故选D。
    Ⅱ.完形填空 N ne is brn a winner.Peple make themselves int winners by their wn  1 .  I learned this lessn frm an experience many years ag.I tk the head  2  jb at a schl in Baxley,Gergia.It was a small schl with a weak ftball prgram.  It was a traditin fr the schl’s ld team t play against the new team at the end f spring practice.The ld team had n cach,and they didn’t even practise t  3  the game.Being the cach f the new team,I was excited because I knew we were ging t win,but t my disappintment we were defeated.I culdn’t believe I had gt int such a situatin.Thinking hard abut it,I came t  4  that my team might nt be the number ne team in Gergia,but they were depending n me.I had t change my  5  abut their ability and ptential. 
    I started ding anything I culd t help them build a little pride.Mst imprtantly,I began t treat them like  6 .That summer,when the ther teams enjyed their  7 ,we met every day and  8  passing and kicking the ftball.  Six mnths after suffering ur  9  n the spring practice field,we wn ur first game and ur secnd,and cntinued t  10 .Finally,we faced the number ne team in the state.I felt that it wuld be a  11  fr us even if we lst the game.But that wasn’t what happened.My bys beat the best team in Gergia,giving me ne f the greatest  12  f my life!  Frm the experience I learnt a lt abut hw the attitude f the leader can  13  the members f a team.Instead f seeing my bys as lsers,I pushed and  14  them.I helped them t see themselves  15 ,and they built themselves int winners.  Winners are made,but brn.
    1.C 根据前一句“N ne is brn a winner.”以及常识可知,只有依靠自己的努力才能成为赢家。故选C。2.D 根据后文“Being the cach f the new team,I was excited because I knew we were ging t win,but t my disappintment we were defeated.”可知,作者在一所学校担任主教练工作。故选D。3.B 老队没有教练,他们甚至从不练习来准备比赛。故选B。
    B.tests C.effrtsB.editing C.cnsulting frB.prepare fr C.help withD.finish with
    4.A 作者开始意识到失败的原因是作者的队也许不是佐治亚州头号队伍。故选A。5.B 因为失败,作者不得不改变对队员们能力和潜力的态度。故选B。6.C 根据后文“Instead f seeing my bys as lsers,I pushed and  14  them.”以及文中最后一句提示可知,作者开始像对待获胜者一样对待他们。故选C。 
    B.claim C.permitB.attitude C.cnclusinB.partners C.winnersD.learners
    B.vacatins C.healthB.missed C.cnsideredB.decline C.accidentD.mistake
    7.B 根据That summer可知,当其他队队员享受着他们假期的时候,他们在忙着训练。故选B。8.D 根据上文“The ld team had n cach,and they didn’t even practise t  3  the game.”提示可推知,这里指练习传球和踢球。故选D。 9.A 根据上文“but t my disappintment we were defeated.”提示可知,在春季训练赛遭受失败之后。故选A。
    B.imprve C.expandB.burden C.victryB.thrills C.cncernsD.ffers
    10.B 根据前句“we wn ur first game and ur secnd,and cntinued t”可知,所填词是褒义词,因为是足球队,所以水平是“提高”。故选B。11.C 根据后文“even if we lst the game”可知,前后文是让步关系,所以前文与后文相反,所以此处表达“即使我们输掉比赛,我们感觉它会是一场胜利”。故选C。12.B 根据前句“My bys beat the best team in Gergia”可推知,这是作者一生中最激动人心的一次!故选B。
    B.serve C.interestB.bserved C.prtectedB.individually C.calmlyD.differently
    13.D 结合前文内容可知,通过这次经历,作者学到了很多关于领导者的态度是如何影响(affect)团队成员的。故选D。14.A 根据“I pushed”可知,作者在推动和鼓励他们。故选A。15.D “我”帮助他们以不同的方式看待自己。故选D。
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