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    时量:120分钟 满分:150分
    第一部分 考试听力
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What des Len want t d this term?
    A. Make mney. B. Earn mre credits. C. Get experience.
    2. What is Maggie prbably ding nw?
    A. Eating eggs. B. Ding the laundry. C. Cking breakfast.
    3. What will the wman keep?
    A. A cat. B. A dg. C. A turtle.
    4. Hw des the man sund in the end?
    A. Annyed. B. Excited. C. Cnfident.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Neighbrs.
    B. Husband and wife.
    C. Grandfather and granddaughter.
    6. Wh is the wman?
    A. A shp assistant. B. The man’s wife. C. A cashier.
    7. What is the man ging t d with the bluse?
    A. Return it. B. Pay fr it. C. Exchange it.
    8. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a museum. B. At a parking lt. C. At a bus statin.
    9. Hw lng des it take the wman t the park by taxi?
    A. 20 minutes. B. 25 minutes. C. 30 minutes.
    10. What advice des the man give t the wman?
    A. Taking a bus. B. Taking a taxi. C. Walking t the park.
    11. Why des Eric quit?
    A. He wants t wrk clse t his parents.
    B. He desn’t get enugh paid hlidays.
    C. He finds a new jb with a higher salary.
    12. In which cuntry des Eric wrk?
    A. China. B. Finland. C. The U.S.
    13. What des Ms. Thmas think f Eric’s jb perfrmance?
    A. It’s pr. B. It’s rdinary. C. It’s great.
    14. What is Tina’s weakest part f learning English?
    A. Speaking. B. Writing. C. Reading.
    15. What matters mst in learning a language accrding t Clin?
    A. Being patient.
    B. Making friends with freigners.
    C. Living in an English-speaking cuntry.
    16. What des Clin suggest Tina d?
    A. Get up earlier t learn.
    B. Read newspapers every day.
    C. Practice English every mrning.
    17. What is the biggest difference between weak AI and strng AI?
    A. Cst. B. Service time. C. Human invlvement.
    18. Which f the fllwing belngs t strng AI?
    A. Apple’s Siri. B. A self-driving car. C. AlphaG.
    19. What is many experts’ attitude tward the future f Al?
    A. Supprtive. B. Uncertain. C. Depressed.
    20. What will be discussed abut AI next?
    A. The prblem t deal with.
    B. An example f weak AI.
    C. The benefit f it.
    第二部分 阅读理解
    There are apps fr almst everything. Here are sme f the best free apps that are well received by smartphne users.
    StrySign is designed t help deaf children learn t read. With a bk in hand, just pint yur phne’s camera at the page and an animated character in StrySign will read the page in sign language. And children will bth enjy the bks and learn t read in the prcess. Even in its limited frm, StrySign is well wrth trying if yu have a deaf child yung enugh t appreciate it, but we expect this app will keep getting better as its library grws.
    Wherever yu are, chances are there are hundreds f different plant species within walking distance, and mst f us have n idea what all but the mst cmmn are called. PlantNet aims t make identifying them easier — simply take a pht and the app will attempt t identify what kind f plant yu’re seeing.
    Ggle Phts
    Ggle Phts stands ut amng hundreds f pht apps, as it gives yu unlimited strage fr phts and vides. But with basic editing tls and the ability t make albums, it’s mre than just pht and vide strage. It aims t be yur first and last stp after taking a picture. T achieve that, it will need a few mre steps, but it’s well n its way.
    Sn is an app that lets yu create lists f bks yu want t read, mvies yu want t watch, restaurants yu want t try and mre. Yu can select frm a number f categries, including games, shps, bars, museums and TV shws and then make a list f the nes that interest yu. It’s a great app fr anyne struggling t remember the things they want t watch, visit, read, play and listen t.
    1. Wh is StrySign mainly intended fr?
    A. Any child fnd f stries.B. Children with hearing lss.
    C. Any child wh enjys reading.D. Children interested in sign language.
    2. What d Ggle Phts and StrySign share?
    A. They bth need imprving.B. They bth allw users t share.
    C. They bth ffer unlimited strage.D. They bth fcus n phts and vides.
    3. What can we learn abut the apps frm the text?
    A. Users can learn t write and talk thrugh StrySign.
    B. Ggle Phts can nly be used t stre data.
    C. PlantNet helps identify and plant r animal.
    D. Sn is especially suitable fr frgetful peple.
    When Capt. Greg Galeazzi jined the Army seven years ag, he was well aware f the risks f injuries r even death he wuld face. In 2011, the risks became Galeazzi’s reality — he gt terribly injured in an explsin where he lst his duble legs. “I was a shell f a man,” he said. “Wh I was, was gne.”
    Befre his injury, playing the guitar had been a special pastime fr Galeazzi. Music had always been imprtant t him. He felt deep sadness because he thught he’d lst his ability t play music.
    Hwever, everything changed when Galeazzi jined MusiCrps, a music rehabilitatin(康复) prgram fr severely wunded sldiers wh are recvering at Walter Reed Natinal Military Medical Center. “We match the injured trps with prfessinal musicians,” said Arthur Blm, wh funded the prgram in 2007. “They help wunded sldiers play music and recver their lives.”
    Blm, a graduate f the Yale Schl f Music, ffers his services t patients at Walter Reed wh have an interest in playing an instrument. Prgram participants practice technique, write and recrd music. Or they may just get tgether fr a jam sessin(即兴演奏会).
    The jurney t recvery fr many sldiers is a lng ne. It can require dzens f peratins and many years spent in hspitals. There’s s much dwntime at Walter Reed, and that’s what they fill up with music.
    Since 2007, Blm and his grup have helped hundreds f wunded sldiers. Fr Galeazzi, jining MusiCrps has helped restre his cnfidence and made him mre ptimistic abut his future. “Smething survived that hrrible injury in Afghanistan,” Galeazzi said. “Arthur and his prgram changed my utlk n what is pssible.”
    “I’ve seen guys ging thrugh such a hard time with their injuries that they are very withdrawn,” Blm said. “The music becmes their new way f cmmunicating. It can be just as pwerful as the spken wrd. By injecting music int this space, we can inject life.”
    4. Which f the fllwing is NOT true abut Greg Galeazzi?
    A. He clearly knew the risks he wuld take f being a sldier.
    B. He was at ne time in ttal depressin abut lsing his legs.
    C. Jining MusiCrps started up his enthusiasm in playing music.
    D. It was music that played a key rle in healing his sul.
    5. What des the MusiCrps mainly aim t d accrding t Arthur?
    A. T ffer the participants prfessinal help n hw t prduce music.
    B. T reduce the pain in the participants’ medical treatment.
    C. T rganize music perfrmances by the participants.
    D. T help the injured sldiers regain cnfidence in life thrugh music.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “withdrawn” in the last paragraph mst prbably mean?
    A. Odd.B. Shy.C. Scared.D. Painful.
    7. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Music heals the wunded
    B. Cnfidence rebuilds ne in hpelessness
    C. He wh lses faith, lses all
    D. Music knws n brders
    It is interesting when yu think abut hw Japan is a natin that appreciates silence and gd manners, and yet when it cmes t eating ndles, Japanese peple can be the ludest in the wrld.
    Accrding t lifestyle website gm/Tee.jp, slurping (发出“哧溜”声) when eating ndles is encuraged in Japanese culture. It is believed that taking air int yur muth can imprve the flavr f the ndles, and that it helps cl dwn the ndles. It is als cnsidered t be a way t shw appreciatin fr the dish. Smetimes, just making the nise alne seems t make the ndles mre enjyable.
    It was nt until a new expressin “ndle harassment (骚扰)” r “hu-hara” in Japanese came ut last year n scial media that Japanese peple started t realize that the slurping nise is making sme freign visitrs uncmfrtable.
    As a respnse, Japanese instant ndle maker Nissin intrduced a s-called nise-canceling frk last mnth. The frk, which lks like an electric tthbrush, is cnnected t a smartphne. When the persn using the frk starts t slurp, the frk sends a signal t the persn’s phne, making it play a sund t mask the slurping nise. “The frk is a slutin t the ‘ndle harassment’ issue, particularly as the number f turists visiting Japan increases,” said the cmpany, accrding t Eurnews.
    But is it really necessary?
    Dining traditins d vary. What is cnsidered t be prper table manners in ne cuntry is likely t be seen as rude in anther. In India, fr example, peple eat with their hands because they think in this way they build a cnnectin with the fd. Hwever, peple wh are used t eating with utensils (餐具) might find it uncmfrtable t get their hands cvered in il and bits f fd. But this eating methd is part f India’s culture, just like Japan’s slurping. It is cmmn and an everyday part f the natin’s culture.
    Reprter Brian Ashcraft n blg Ktaku wrte “if anyne gets annyed while yu are slurping, pay them n mind because they are missing the pint entirely.”
    8. Which f the fllwing is NOT a reasn fr Japanese t slurp when eating ndles?
    A. It makes the ndles taste mre delicius.
    B. It enables their dining experience t be mre pleasant.
    C. It shws appreciatin fr the fd they eat.
    D. It keeps the ndles warm in their muth.
    9. What d we knw abut the nise-canceling frk?
    A. It stps its users frm slurping.
    B. It plays a sund t cver the slurping.
    C. It needs a smartphne t be cnnected.
    D. It functins as an electrnic tthbrush.
    10. The dining traditin in India is mentined t __________.
    A. give an example f different table manners
    B. shw a mre annying eating habit than slurping
    C. indicate the Indians’ dislike f slurping
    D. prve the cnflicts between different dining traditins
    11. Hw des Brian Ashcraft feel abut slurping?
    A. Annyed.B. Embarrassed.C. Favurable.D. Indifferent.
    Climate change demands a fd revlutin. Faced with heat, drught, pests and diseases, the crps we eat every day might disappear in a generatin r less, at least where they are currently grwn. Frm beef and fish t chclate and wine, ne belved fd after anther is jining the at-risk list.
    Take cffee. Right nw, Arabica and Canephra, the mst ppular tw species in the industry, are under urgent threat wrldwide — as are the 125 millin peple wh depend n cffee crps fr their incme. Cffee Arabica plants, which prduce 70% f all cmmercial cffee, can be negatively affected by even a half-degree change in typical weather cnditins. This sensitivity t temperature puts the plant at increased risk f the effects f climate change.
    In Central America the average temperature has risen by a full degree Celsius since 1960. In Ethipia the average temperature has increased by 1.3 degrees. This increase is enugh t have significant effects n the plants. In Tanzania the prductivity per hectare f cffee has fallen by 45% since the 1960s due t changes in temperature.
    Indeed, studies claim that by 2050 the area f the wrld suitable fr grwing cffee will be cut by 60%. Cffee prductin is likely t then be pushed t higher elevatins(海拔) t take advantage f lwer temperatures, but this will nt be enugh t make up fr lst lwland areas.
    Cffee is the secnd mst traded gds by develping natins, and the inability f prducer natins t exprt it culd cause dramatic chain reactins in their ecnmies. Millins f peple make a living in the prductin, prcessing, transprt, and sale f cffee; their livelihds wuld stand t take a blw as grwing areas decrease and prices rise.
    As the temperature keeps rising, yur cup f cffee will becme much mre expensive, and it may als carry an aftertaste bitterer than usual, fr all thse wrkers in the cffee belt left withut the means t make a living as cnditins wrsen. Nt nly that, but the ecnmic effects will cst the West millins in increased freign aid.
    12. Which is NOT ne f the cntributrs t the disappearing fd species?
    A. Drught.B. Pverty.C. Climate change.D. Pests.
    13. Hw des the authr prve the effects f climate change n cffee planting?
    A. By listing examples f fds.B. By presenting figures.
    C. By making a predictin.D. By analyzing causes and effects.
    14. Why will peple have t grw cffee in highland areas?
    A. T adapt t the change f temperature.
    B. T increase the quality f the prduce.
    C. T reduce the cst f cffee prductin.
    D. T get access t water supply mre easily.
    15. What can be learnt frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. The rich will get richer and the pr prer.
    B. It will cst yu mre t have a cup f cffee.
    C. Develped cuntries ught t aid pr cuntries.
    D. Cffee trade will eventually disappear in the wrld.
    第三部分 七选五
    It is said that hnesty is the best plicy. But we’re cnstantly disturbed by lies. Why is it imprtant fr us t avid lying in turn? ___16___
    Being hnest is easier than lying. Have yu ever tld a lie and then frgtten the details abut it? Sure, yu may have been able t be safe fr the time being, but lies have t be maintained with even larger lies. ___17___
    Yu will be fund ut if yu lie. ___18___ Yur kids’ hamster dies and yu say that it has run away. Ten years later they accidentally dig it up in the backyard and they’ll realize that yu have lied. Trust in the fact that the truth always finds a way t rise t the surface.
    The wrst truth is better than the best lie. Smetimes a lie can cause much mre wrries, like telling kids that their grandmther “went t sleep” instead f letting them knw that she had died. If they’re yung, they’ll end up terrified f ging t bed fr fear that they’ll never wake up again.
    ___19___ If smene finds ut that yu’ve lied t them, they will never be able t fully trust yu again. Even if yu spend the rest f yur life sticking with hnesty, the persn yu’ve lied t wn’t ever have true faith in yu again. There’s n such thing as a gd lie. ___20___
    A. Here are sme reasns why reality may be cruel.
    B. If yu stick with the truth, yu’ll always respnd the same way.
    C. The lie that yu tell will unavidably cme back arund t bite yu.
    D. Yu’ll have a hard time keeping track f it.
    E. Once trust is brken, it can never be fully regained.
    F. Hwever perfect yur lie is, smene will find ut abut it eventually.
    G. Let’s take a lk at a few reasns why being hnest is preferable t lying.
    第四部分 完形填空
    One day it was raining heavily and nearing dusk. I was ___21___ fr an appintment in a nearby city that I knew nly by GPS, and nw my phne had ___22___. The usual interstate (州际公路) exits were clsed, and I culdn’t ___23___, because it was raining s much. I culdn’t ___24___ hw t get where I was ging r hw t let my partners knw that I was ___25___ t make it n time.
    I stpped at a McDnald’s f a twn and walked up t what appeared t be a mther and her teen daughter. “I’m srry,” I said,” but d yu mind if I search a number n yur ___26___ and make a call? I need t let them knw I’m ___27___.” She handed me her phne and then tld me I was lucky. She was abut t turn it ff because she didn’t have enugh ___28___ t pay her bill.
    The yung girl and the mther seemed t be dependent n each ther and talked tgether ___29___ I made the call. I managed t get in tuch with the peple. They thankfully knew where I was and tld me hw t get there.
    As I readied myself t leave, I ___30___ int my wallet. I didn’t usually have ___31___, but tday I fund a $ 20 bill. In gratitude, I ___32___ it int the mther’s hand and then turned t leave quickly. As I walked thrugh the drs, I heard the mther ___33___. Her daughter called after me and said,” Yu have n idea hw yu just ___34___ us.”
    I still think back t that day. Even nw, they had n idea hw much they helped me, yet I was the ne being thanked. It’s funny hw that ___35___.
    21. A. hungryB. readyC. lateD. nervus
    22. A. startedB. diedC. chargedD. disappeared
    23. A. findB. sleepC. leaveD. see
    24. A. figure utB. set utC. pick utD. take ut
    25. A. pssibleB. quickC. unlikelyD. able
    26. A. phneB. mapC. pictureD. bk
    27. A. lstB. anxiusC. scaredD. gne
    28. A. timeB. effrtC. energyD. mney
    29. A. sB. becauseC. asD. fr
    30. A. putB. reachedC. lkedD. turned
    31. A. changeB. cinsC. cardsD. cash
    32. A. passedB. pressedC. handedD. sent
    33. A. talkingB. listeningC. cryingD. laughing
    34. A. helpedB. mvedC. trubledD. annyed
    35. A. pushesB. makesC. paysD. wrks
    第五部分 语法填空
    The music tk me ___36___ the twists and turns f a classic stry abut a yung cuple trn apart by their families. When the tw lvers, Liang Shanb and Zhu Yingtai, first meet, the music is light and ___37___ (please), as if ___38___ (whisper) t the audience. It ___39___ (fllw) by a fast and cheerful sectin which represents their three happy years f schl. Then the music gets dramatic with ___40___ (heavy) ntes and that is ___41___ the lvers are separated because Zhu’s father frces her t marry anther man. Angry and sad, Liang falls sick and ___42___(die). Zhu weeps bitterly ver the ___43___(lse) f her lve. ___44___(vercme) with srrw, she jumps int his grave. Finally, during the mst exciting part, the music takes ___45___ sfter turn and ends n a bittersweet nte, telling us hw the cuple transfrm int butterflies and fly away t be tgether frever.
    第六部分 书面表达
    46. 假定你是李华,当今网络已经把世界变成了真正的“地球村”,你应学校校报的邀请投稿,就“网络对教育的影响”谈谈你的看法。内容包括:
    1. 网络对教育的影响(利与弊);
    2. 你的建议。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Influences f the Internet n Educatin
    第七部分 读后续写
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Ada lked thrugh the bservatin windw at the kids belw, all waiting in line t get int the pl. She turned t her mther with an angry expressin n her face. “Mm, they’re all little kids! I’m 15 already! This is ridiculus, isn’t?”
    “I knw, Ada,” replied her mther, “but yu’re a beginner, t, and yu have t start smewhere!”
    Ada had never been t a swimming lessn in her life. Between schlwrk and helping n her grandfather’s farm, she hadn’t had time fr lessns. The clsest swimming pl Ada had been t was the inflatable (充气的) alligatr pl her mther bught her when she was five. Nw that Ada was lder, her mther had fund a new jb in the city, and Ada faced a new challenge — schl field trips t the lcal pl.
    The first day that Ada went with her class t the pl, she had n idea what she was in fr. What culd be s difficult abut swimming? Ada cnfidently slipped(溜) int the water and held nt the side f the pl, expecting t be able t tuch the bttm with her feet. But when Ada let g f the side f the pl, she slipped under the water — the whle pl was ne big deep end! Ada threw her arm tward the side f the pl and grabbed(抓住) the ledge (池壁), ut f breath. “I really can’t swim! Everyne’s ging t laugh at me!” she thught t herself in a panic.
    On the next field trip t the pl, Ada sat n the side f a bench, frzen with fear. She huddled (蜷缩) with a twel ver her shulders, t embarrassed t try again. When she came hme, her mther nticed right away that Ada was upset. “Hney, I want yu t take Bella’s swimming lessns at the lcal pl. Sn yu’ll learn hw t swim just like everyne else,” she cnvinced Ada, shwing phts f Bella with her prize-winning students. Ada felt dubtful whether the lessns wuld help, but she had t vercme her fear.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Still, when the time came t take her first lessn, Ada was even mre embarrassed than befre.
    Sn Bella came ver t where Ada sat and intrduced herself.
    【答案】1. B 2. A 3. D
    1. 细节理解题。根据StrySign部分的“StrySign is designed t help deaf children learn t read. (StrySign旨在帮助失聪儿童学习阅读)”可知,StrySign是用来帮助聋哑儿童学习阅读的。故选B。
    2. 细节理解题。根据StrySign部分的“Even in its limited frm. StrySign is well wrth trying if yu have a deaf child yung enugh t appreciate it, but we expect this app will keep getting better as its library grws.(即使是有限的形式。如果你的孩子是聋哑人,那么StrySign是值得一试的,但是我们希望这个应用程序能够随着它的文库的增长而越来越好)”及Ggle Phts部分中的“T achieve that, it will need a few mre steps, but it’s well n its way.(要实现这一目标,还需要更多的步骤,但一切都在顺利进行中)”可知,这两款免费应用的共同之处是它们还有需要改进的地方。故选A。
    3. 推理判断题。根据Sn部分的“It’s a great app fr anyne struggling t remember the things they want t watch, visit, read, play and listen t(对于任何想努力记住他们想看的,访问的,阅读的,播放的和想听的东西的人而言,这是一个伟大的应用程序)”推知,Sn对于容易忘记东西的人很有用。故选D。
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. D 7. A
    1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“He felt deep sadness because he thught he’d lst his ability t play music.(他感到非常悲伤,因为他认为他已经失去了演奏音乐的能力。)”可知,他是对自己失去演奏音乐能力而感到悲伤。并不是因为自己失去双腿而感到悲伤,故B选项描述与原文不符。故选B。
    2. 细节理解题。根据第三段“Hwever, everything changed when Galeazzi jined MusiCrps, a music rehabilitatin(康复) prgram fr severely wunded sldiers wh are recvering at Walter Reed Natinal Military Medical Center. “We match the injured trps with prfessinal musicians,” said Arthur Blm, wh funded the prgram in 2007. “They help wunded sldiers play music and recver their lives.”(然而,当盖拉齐加入MusiCrps后,一切都改变了。MusiCrps是一个音乐康复项目,专门为在沃尔特里德国家军事医疗中心康复的重伤士兵服务。“我们把受伤的士兵和专业音乐家配对,”2007年创立该项目的Arthur Blm说。“他们帮助受伤的士兵演奏音乐,恢复他们的生活。”)”可知,MusiCrps主要是通过音乐帮助受伤士兵重拾对生活的信心。故选D。
    3. 词义猜测题。根据最后一段中“I’ve seen guys ging thrugh such a hard time with their injuries.(我看到过一些球员因为伤病经历了如此艰难的时期)”可知,这些伤病是如此艰难的,划线词与此同意,即伤口是痛苦的。故选D。
    4. 主旨大意题。根据根据第三段“Hwever, everything changed when Galeazzi jined MusiCrps, a music rehabilitatin(康复) prgram fr severely wunded sldiers wh are recvering at Walter Reed Natinal Military Medical Center. “We match the injured trps with prfessinal musicians,” said Arthur Blm, wh funded the prgram in 2007. “They help wunded sldiers play music and recver their lives.”(然而,当盖拉齐加入MusiCrps后,一切都改变了。MusiCrps是一个音乐康复项目,专门为在沃尔特里德国家军事医疗中心康复的重伤士兵服务。“我们把受伤的士兵和专业音乐家配对,”2007年创立该项目的Arthur Blm说。“他们帮助受伤的士兵演奏音乐,恢复他们的生活。”)”可知,MusiCrps主要是通过音乐帮助受伤士兵重拾对生活的信心。故该文章的大意讲述的是MusiCrps以音乐为手段,治愈战场上那些受伤的士兵,让他们对生活的重拾信心。故选A。
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. C
    1. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“It is believed that taking air int yur muth can imprve the flavr f the ndles, and that it helps cl dwn the ndles. It is als cnsidered t be a way t shw appreciatin fr the dish. Smetimes, just making the nise alne seems t make the ndles mre enjyable.(人们认为,吸入空气可以改善面条的味道,并有助于面条冷却。它也被认为是一种表达对菜肴欣赏的方式。有时候,仅仅是制造噪音似乎就能让面条更美味。)”可知,日本人在吃面条会发出声音的原因是可以让面条看起来似乎更美味,因此可以有助于用餐体验更愉快,表示对面条的感谢。故不包括D选项“这样可以保持面条在他们嘴里的温度。”故选D。
    2. 细节理解题。根据第四段中“The frk, which lks like an electric tthbrush, is cnnected t a smartphne. (这把看起来像电动牙刷的叉子与一部智能手机相连。)”可知,这种叉子需要连接智能手机。故选C。
    3. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Dining traditins d vary. What is cnsidered t be prper table manners in ne cuntry is likely t be seen as rude in anther. In India, fr example, peple eat with their hands because they think in this way they build a cnnectin with the fd.(餐饮传统也各不相同。在一个国家被认为是得体的餐桌礼仪,在另一个国家可能会被视为粗鲁。例如,在印度,人们用手吃饭,因为他们认为这样可以与食物建立联系。)”可知,文章中提到了印度的饮食方法的目的是举例说明不同的用餐传统。故选A。
    4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“if anyne gets annyed while yu are slurping, pay them n mind because they are missing the pint entirely.(如果有人在你吃东西的时候生气,不要在意,因为他们完全没有意识到这一点。)”可知,Brian Ashcraft对于吃东西发出响声的态度是,不要在意别人的生气,因为别人并没有意识到不同文化当中的用餐传统。故对吃东西发出响声是支持的态度。故选C。
    【答案】12. B 13. D 14. A 15. C
    1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“Faced with heat, drught, pests and diseases, the crps we eat every day might disappear in a generatin r less, at least where they are currently grwn.(面对高温、干旱、病虫害,我们每天食用的作物可能在一代人或更短的时间内消失,至少在目前种植的地方是这样。)”可知,高温、干旱和病虫害会导致食物物种的消失。而B选项中的pverty不在其中,在文中并未提及,故选B。
    2. 推理判断题。根据第二段中“Cffee Arabica plants, which prduce 70% f all cmmercial cffee, can be negatively affected by even a half-degree change in typical weather cnditins. This sensitivity t temperature puts the plant at increased risk f the effects f climate change.(阿拉比卡咖啡的产量占所有商业咖啡产量的70%,在典型的天气条件下,即使是半度的变化也会对其产生负面影响。这种对温度的敏感性使植物面临更大的受气候变化影响的风险。)”可知,在本段中,以咖啡为例。分析了气温的变化导致了咖啡产量的减少。由此通过分析原因和阐述结果,来证明气候变化对咖啡种植的影响。故选D。
    3. 细节理解题。根据第四段中“Cffee prductin is likely t then be pushed t higher elevatins(海拔) t take advantage f lwer temperatures, but this will nt be enugh t make up fr lst lwland areas.(咖啡生产很可能会被推到海拔更高的地方,以利用较低的温度,但这不足以弥补失去的低地地区。)”可知,人们在高海拔地区种植咖啡是为了,利用较低的气温,适应温度的变化,来提升咖啡的产量。故选A。
    4. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Cffee is the secnd mst traded gds by develping natins, and the inability f prducer natins t exprt it culd cause dramatic chain reactins in their ecnmies. (咖啡是发展中国家第二大贸易量的商品,生产国无法出口咖啡可能会在经济中引发巨大的连锁反应。)”以及倒数第一段中“ As the temperature keeps rising, yur cup f cffee will becme much mre expensive, and it may als carry an aftertaste bitterer than usual, fr all thse wrkers in the cffee belt left withut the means t make a living as cnditins wrsen. (随着气温的持续上升,你喝的咖啡会变得更贵,而且回味起来可能会比平时更苦,因为随着环境的恶化,所有那些在咖啡带工作的人都没有办法谋生。)”可知,就是在咖啡上这些小的变化,结果产生了巨大的连锁反应,导致咖啡成本的上升,你喝的咖啡会更贵。故选C。
    【答案】16. G 17. D 18. F 19. E 20. C
    1. 根据上文“It is said that hnesty is the best plicy. But we’re cnstantly disturbed by lies. Why is it imprtant fr us t avid lying in turn? (据说诚实是上策。但我们总是被谎言所困扰。为什么避免轮流说谎对我们来说很重要?)”结合后文说明了诚实比说谎更重要的几个原因。故G选项“让我们来看看为什么诚实比说谎更可取的几个原因”符合语境,故选G。
    2. 根据上文“Being hnest is easier than lying. Have yu ever tld a lie and then frgtten the details abut it? Sure, yu may have been able t be safe fr the time being, but lies have t be maintained with even larger lies.(诚实比说谎容易。你是否曾经撒过谎,然后忘记了细节?当然,你可能暂时能够安全,但谎言必须用更大的谎言来维持)”可知,上文提到忘记撒谎的细节,即很难记住撒的谎。故D选项“你很难记住它”符合语境,故选D。
    3. 根据上文“Yu will be fund ut if yu lie.(如果你说谎,你会被揭穿的)”以及后文“Yur kids’ hamster dies and yu say that it has run away. Ten years later they accidentally dig it up in the backyard and they’ll realize that yu have lied. Trust in the fact that the truth always finds a way t rise t the surface.(你孩子的仓鼠死了,你说它跑了。十年后,他们在后院不小心挖出来,他们会意识到你撒谎了。相信这样一个事实:真相总会浮出水面)”可知,上文提到谎言会被揭穿,真相总会浮出水面,故本句承接上文说明谎言总会被发现,故F选项“不管你的谎言多么完美,总有一天会被发现的”符合语境,故选F。
    4. 根据后文“If smene finds ut that yu’ve lied t them, they will never be able t fully trust yu again. Even if yu spend the rest f yur life sticking with hnesty, the persn yu’ve lied t wn’t ever have true faith in yu again.(如果有人发现你对他们撒谎,他们就再也不能完全信任你了。即使你的余生都在坚持诚实,那个被你欺骗的人也不会再对你有真正的信心了)”可知,后文提到被发现撒谎会让别人不信任你,故E选项“信任一旦被打破,就再也无法完全恢复”符合语境,故选E。
    5. 根据上文“There’s n such thing as a gd lie.(没有所谓好的谎言)”可知,上文提到没有所谓好的谎言,说明撒谎总会得到坏的结果。故C选项“你说的谎会不可避免地反过来咬你一口”符合语境,故选C。
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. D
    1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我在附近的一个城市约会迟到了,我只能通过GPS来定位,现在我的手机又没电了。A. hungry饥饿的;B. ready准备好的;C. late晚的;D. nervus紧张的。根据下文“r hw t let my partners knw that I was ________ t make it n time”可知,约会迟到了。故选C。
    2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我在附近的一个城市约会迟到了,我只能通过GPS来定位,现在我的手机又没电了。A. started开始;B. died没电;C. charged使充电;D. disappeared消失。根据下文““I’m srry,” I said “but d yu mind ________ I search a number n yur ________ and make a call? I need t let them knw I’m ________?”可知作者借电话来打一通电话,这说明作者的手机没电了。“die”描述的是手机电量就要耗尽的状态。故选B。
    3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:通常的州际公路出口都关闭了,因为雨下得太大,我看不见。A. find找到;B. sleep睡觉;C. leave离开;D. see看到。根据“because it was raining s much”结合常识,可知雨下的大,会使人看不到路。故选D。
    4. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我想不出如何到达我要去的地方,也不知道如何让我的伙伴知道我不太可能准时到达。A. figure ut想出;B. set ut出发;C. pick ut挑选;D. take ut取出。根据后文“hw t get where I was ging r hw t let my partners knw”可知,对于如何到达要去的地方以及如何伙伴知道作者不太可能准时到达,作者想不出好的方法。故选A。
    5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想不出如何到达我要去的地方,也不知道如何让我的伙伴知道我不太可能准时到达。A. pssible可能的;B. quick快的;C. unlikely不太可能的;D. able能的。上文说作者迷路了,手机也没电了,所以是不太可能准时赴约。故选C。
    6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“对不起,”我说,“如果我在您的电话上查一个号码并打个电话,您介意吗?”A. phne电话;B. map地图;C. picture图画;D. bk书。根据“She handed me her phne”可知在借电话。故选A。
    7. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我需要让他们知道我迷路了。A. lst迷路的;B. anxius担忧的;C. scared害怕的;D. gne离去的。根据“I culdn’t ________ hw t get where I was ging”可知作者迷路了。故选A。
    8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为她没有足够的钱付账单,所以她打算关机。A. time时间;B. effrt努力;C. energy能量;D. mney钱。根据“t pay her bill”并且结合下文,小女孩说作者给她们的钱帮了她们很大忙,可知小女孩和母亲非常贫穷,没有钱付账单。故选D。
    9. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:我打电话的时候,年轻的女孩和母亲似乎相互依偎在一起,一起聊天。A. s所以;B. because因为;C. as当……时候;D. fr为了。引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时候”应用as。故选C。
    10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我准备离开时,把手伸进了钱包。A. put放;B. reached伸进;C. lked看;D. turned变成。根据“but tday I fund a $20 bill”可知,作者把手伸进钱包取出了20美金。故选B。
    11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我平常没有现金,但今天我发现了一张20美元的钞票。A. change零钱;B. cins硬币;C. cards卡片;D. cash现金。根据“a $20 bill”可知,此处指作者平常不带现金,但是今天却在钱包里找到一张现金。故选D。
    12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:怀着感激之情,我把它塞到这位母亲手里,然后迅速转身离开。A. passed传递;B. pressed将……塞进;C. handed交;D. sent送。根据“int the mther’s hand and then turned t leave quickly”可知作者害怕这位母亲不接受这些现金,所以把钱塞到她的手里。故选B。
    13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我穿过大门时,我听到这位母亲在哭。A. talking说话;B. listening听;C. crying哭;D. laughing大笑。根据“Her daughter called after me and said, “Yu have n idea hw yu just ________ us.””可知作者给她们的这些钱对于她们来说,帮了大忙,所以这位母亲感动得哭泣。故选C。
    14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的女儿在我身后叫道:“你不知道你刚刚帮了我们大忙。” A. helped帮助;B. mved移动;C. trubled困扰;D. annyed使烦恼。上文说母女两穷的都没有钱交手机费了,由此推知作者给她们的这笔钱帮了她们大忙。故选A。
    15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:那是如何发生的真的很有趣。A. pushes推动;B. makes制作;C. pays支付;D. wrks产生。根据“I still think back t that day, even nw, they had n idea hw much they helped me, yet I was the ne being thanked.”可知作者认为那天那对母女帮了作者大忙,但是母女却因作者给她们20美金感谢作者,所以作者想起那天的经历觉得狼狈又有趣,认为发生这样的事真的很有趣。故选D。
    【答案】36. thrugh 37. pleasant 38. whispering 39. is fllwed 40. heavier 41. when 42. dies 43. lss 44. Overcme 45. a
    1. 考查介词。句意:这首歌带我领略了一个关于一对年轻情侣被家庭拆散的经典曲折故事。后跟名词作宾语,表示“通过”应用介词thrugh。故填thrugh。
    2. 考查形容词。句意:当梁山伯和祝英台这对恋人第一次见面时,音乐轻快悦耳,仿佛在向观众低语。作表语,表示“轻快悦耳”应用形容词pleasant,故填pleasant。
    3. 考查非谓语动词。句意:当梁山伯和祝英台这对恋人第一次见面时,音乐轻快悦耳,仿佛在向观众低语。分析句子结构可知whisper在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语music构成主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填whispering。
    4. 考查时态语态。句意:接下来是快速而欢快的部分,代表了他们快乐的三年学校生活。主语与谓语构成被动关系,根据后文represents可知为一般现在时的被动语态,主语为it,谓语用单数。故填is fllwed。
    5. 考查比较级。句意:然后音乐变得戏剧性,音符更沉重,因为祝的父亲强迫她嫁给另一个男人,这对恋人被分开了。结合句意表示“更沉重”应用比较级。故填heavier。
    6. 考查表语从句。句意:然后音乐变得戏剧性,音符更沉重,因为祝的父亲强迫她嫁给另一个男人,这对恋人被分开了。空处引导表语从句,从句中缺少时间状语,故用when。故填when。
    7. 考查时态。句意:因为愤怒和悲伤,梁生病并且死了。根据上文falls可知为一般现在时,主语为Liang,谓语用第三人称单数形式。故填dies。
    8. 考查名词。句意:祝因失去爱人而痛哭流涕。作宾语,表示“失去”应用名词lss。故填lss。
    9. 考查非谓语动词。句意:她悲痛欲绝,跳进了他的坟墓。分析句子结构可知vercme在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语she构成被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。句首单词首字母要大写。故填Overcme。
    10. 考查冠词。句意:最后,在最激动人心的部分,音乐转向柔和,在苦乐参半的音符中结束,讲述了这对情侣如何变成蝴蝶,飞向远方,永远在一起。turn为可数名词,此处为泛指且sft是发音以辅音音素开头的单词,所以用不定冠词a。故填a。
    【答案】Influences f the Internet n Educatin
    The Internet has transfrmed the wrld int a glbal village, altering all aspects f ur life, especially educatin. Here, I’d like t share my thughts n its psitive effect as well as negative ne.
    The mst bvius advantage lies in the wide chice f curses. Learners can have access t the curses tailred fr persnal needs regardless f time and space. As a result, learning ccurs in such an efficient way that gaining knwledge is easier than ever. The dwnside is just as nticeable. Alng with individualized curses, the Internet presents half-truths that puzzle the yung minds where self-cntrl and judging pwer are still frming.
    Therefre, I strngly suggest that the use f the Internet shuld be under supervisin f adults. And parents and teachers shuld prvide guidance t ensure it best serves the mental and physical grwth f the teens.
    1. 词汇积累
    转换:transfrm → turn
    积极的:psitive→ active
    困惑:puzzle→ cnfuse
    建议:suggest→ advise
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:The Internet has transfrmed the wrld int a glbal village, altering all aspects f ur life, especially educatin.
    拓展句:The Internet has transfrmed the wrld int a glbal village, which is altering all aspects f ur life, especially educatin.
    【高分句型1】Alng with individualized curses, the Internet presents half-truths that puzzle the yung minds where self-cntrl and judging pwer are still frming.(运用了关系代词that、关系副词where引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Therefre, I strngly suggest that the use f the Internet shuld be under supervisin f adults.(运用了that引导宾语从句)
    【答案】Paragraph 1:
    Still, when the time came t take her first lessn, Ada was even mre embarrassed than befre. She felt very anxius, thinking, “I’m 13, and I’m mre scared f the water than they are — this is hpeless!” Ada slwly walked t the side f the pl and sat dwn with her legs swinging lsely in the water, and lked arund seeking sme help.
    Paragraph 2:
    Sn Bella came ver t where Ada sat and intrduced herself. She said t Ada, “Hi, Ada! I’m Bella, yur swimming instructr. I’ll bet yu feel a little strange here with all these yung kids, right?” Ada ndded her head silently, flushing with embarrassment. “Yu knw what, Ada?” Bella said in a sft vice. “I didn’t begin t learn t swim until I was 20 years ld!” Ada was astnished. “Ww! Didn’t yu feel stupid?” “Of curse I did,” Bella said with a brad smile. “But I really wanted t swim, and I’ll bet yu d, t.” Ada culdn’t help but smile, realizing that she wuld sure have fun trying.
    1. 段落续写:
    ②由第二段首句内容“很快,Bella走到Ada 坐的地方,做了自我介绍。”可知,第二段可描写教练对Ada的心理和技术辅导,和Ada的进步。
    2. 续写线索:焦虑——退缩——求助——得到帮助——增强自信——欣慰
    3. 词汇激活
    ①.退缩:shrink back / dare nt advance
    ②.求助:seek sme help /turn t sb. fr help
    ③.得到帮助:get help /be given assistance
    ①.焦虑:feel very anxius /have wrries/be wrried
    ②.欣慰:be relieved/ feel gratified
    [高分句型1]. Ada slwly walked t the side f the pl and sat dwn with her legs swinging lsely in the water, and lked arund seeking sme help.(运用了with加复合宾语作状语以及现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. Ada culdn’t help but smile, realizing that she wuld sure have fun trying.(运用了现在分词作状语和宾语从句)

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