高中英语上教版必修一 Unit4.同步资料含课文翻译(含答案)
Unit 4 Customs and Traditions
In this unit,we are going to
·describe customs and traditions,around the world
·develop an awareness of underlying cultural values in various customs and traditions
·find common ground with a diagram
·listen for key words,achieve paragraph unity,and give an introduction to a presentation
Reading A
Why are there coming-of-age ceremonies in different cultures?How are they celebrated?Read the text and learn about coming-of-age ceremonies.
Entering adulthood is an important step in everyone’s life. It means that a young person must soon leave childishness behindleave sth behind: 留下…
leave sb. alone 让某人独自呆着
and start to shoulderV-T If you shoulder the responsibility or the blame for something, you accept it. 肩负
He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father's mistakes.
grown-up responsibilities.
In Germany, there’s a ceremony called “Jugendfeier,” or “youth celebration,” a coming-of-age ceremony for 14-year-olds. They go to school to prepareprepare /prɪˈpɛə/
V-T If you prepare something, you make it ready for something that is going to happen. 准备
On average each report requires 1,000 hours to prepare.
V-T/V-I If you prepare for an event or action that will happen soon, you get yourself ready for it or make the necessary arrangements. (为…) 作准备; 准备 (做某事)
He had to go back to his hotel and prepare to catch a train for New York.
for the occasion, studying topics thought to be important for young citizens of the future. The things these young people learn about includeinclude /ɪnˈkluːd/
V-T If one thing includes another thing, it has the other thing as one of its parts. 包括
The trip has been extended to include a few other events.
multiculturalism and general responsibilities in society.
“Jugendfeier” began in the 19th century, when awareness of civiccivic /ˈsɪvɪk/
ADJ You use civic to describe people or things that have an official status in a town or city. 市政的 [ADJ n]
...the businessmen and civic leaders of Manchester.
ADJ You use civic to describe the duties or feelings that people have because they belong to a particular community. 市民的; 公民的 [ADJ n]
...a sense of civic pride.
practices was on the risebe on the rise 呈上升趋势 ; 上升
. At the ceremony, a teacher makes a speechmake a speech 发表演说
about values, such as having respect forrespect /rɪˈspɛkt/
V-T If you respect someone, you have a good opinion of their character or ideas. 尊重
I want him to respect me as a career woman.
N-UNCOUNT If you have respect for someone, you have a good opinion of them. 敬重
I have tremendous respect for Dean.
other people and having a sense ofa sense of… …感:a sense of humour 幽默感
duty. The idea is that该句是表语从句,that不做句子成分,只起引导作用且不能被省略。
the young people taking part in the ceremony will take ontake on
PHRASAL VERB If you take on a job or responsibility, especially a difficult one, you accept it. 承担
No other organization was able or willing to take on the job.
PHRASAL VERB If something takes on a new appearance or quality, it develops that appearance or quality. 呈现 [no passive]
Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took on a feverish intensity.
these values for themselves. Perhaps it’s fairfair /fɛə/ ),常考的多义词:
ADJ Something or someone that is fair is reasonable, right, and just. 公平的
I wanted them to get a fair deal.
fairly ADV 公平地
...demonstrating concern for employees and solving their problems quickly and fairly.
ADJ A fair amount, degree, size, or distance is quite a large amount, degree, size, or distance. 相当大的; 相当远的 [ADJ n]
My neighbours across the street travel a fair amount.
ADJ A fair guess or idea about something is one that is likely to be correct. 合理的[ADJ n]
It's a fair guess to say that the damage will be extensive.
ADJ If you describe someone or something as fair, you mean that they are average in standard or quality, neither very good nor very bad. 一般的
Reimar had a fair command of English.
ADJ Someone who is fair, or who has fair hair, has light-coloured hair. 浅色头发的
Both children were very like Robina, but were much fairer than she was.
ADJ 金发的
...a tall, fair-haired man.
ADJ Fair skin is very pale and usually burns easily. 白皙的
It's important to protect my fair skin from the sun.
ADJ When the weather is fair, it is quite sunny and not raining. 晴的 [正式]
Weather conditions were fair.
N-COUNT A county, state, or country fair is an event where there are, for example, displays of goods and animals, and amusements, games, and competitions. 集市
Every autumn I go to the county fair.
to say that “Jugendfeier” is treated differently from other coming-of-age events in the world—it’s more serious thanthan 既可以做介词,也可以做连词;此句中than引导比较状语从句。
it is fun.
In Latin American, there is a coming-of-age tradition called “quinceanera.” It is a celebration for girls on their 15th birthday, marking V-T Something that marks someone as a particular type of person indicates that they are that type of person. 表明 (为某一种类的人)
Her opposition to feminism marks her as a convinced traditionalist.
a girl’s entry into womanhood. In the past, “quinceanera” was connected withV-T If you connect a person or thing with something, you realize that there is a link or relationship between them. 将 (某人、某物与某事物) 联系起来
I hoped he would not connect me with that now-embarrassing review I'd written seven years earlier.
【固定搭配】 be connected with…与…联系
marriage. Girls were taught cooking, sewing, and other general household skills before the special day to get prepared for their upcoming marriage. Traditional ceremonies began when the teenager arrived, with her father. He would dance with her, and then “give her away” to dance with other males from among their family and circle of friends.
Today, the ceremony has become more like an individual celebration of the young person’s coming-of-age—similar tobe similar to…与…相似
how one’s 18th birthday is considered an important day in other cultures.
In some Indian families, the sacredsacred /ˈseɪkrɪd/ adj. 神圣的;宗教的
The owl is sacred for many Californian Indian people.
thread ceremony is performed when a boy is grown-up. He is given three strands of the sacred thread which representrepresent作动词时,常用以下义项:
V-T To represent an idea or quality means to be a symbol or an expression of that idea or quality. 代表; 象征; 反映
New York represents everything that's great about America.
V-T If you represent a person or thing as a particular thing, you describe them as being that thing. 描写; 描绘
The popular press tends to represent him as an environmental guru.
three promises he makes: to respect knowledge, to respect his parents and to respect society.
It is said that the sacred thread ceremony marks a new life. The child, traditionally, leaves his family to go and live with the Guru (teacher).At this point the boy becomes “twice-born.” In Indian traditions, a human being has at least two births—the first one is his physical birth and the second one his intellectualintellectual adj 智力上的;和智力有关的
birth through a teacher’s care. At this ceremony, a Guru accepts a child and drawsdraw做动词时,有托、拉的意思;本句中翻译成引领。
him towards knowledge.
Coming-of-age traditions vary significantlysignificantly 意义重大地,重要地;显著地
from culture to culture. Nearly every society has specific ritualsritual /ˈrɪtʃuəl/
n. 仪式;惯例;礼制
adj. 仪式的;例行的;礼节性的
, ceremonies, and traditions to symbolisesymbolize
V-T If one thing symbolizes another, it is used or regarded as a symbol of it. 象征
The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolized the end of the Cold War between East and West.
or celebrate one’s transitiontransition 既可以作动词,也可以是名词;注意和“to”搭配:
transitions from one state or activity to another, they move gradually from one to the other.
from childhood to adulthood.
Digging in
I.Answer the questions.
1.How many coming-of-age ceremonies are described in the text?
2.What do young people need to do to prepare for the “youth celebration” in Germany?
3.How has “quinceanera” changed over time in Latin America?Why?
4.What do the three strands of the sacred thread symbolise in India?
5.What are the two births that a human being experiences in Indian traditions?
II.Tick (√) the expectations related to coming-of-age ceremonies in different cultures.Support your choices with the sentence(s) from the text.An example is given.
Latin America
Evidence from the text
1.having respect for other people
Germany: “having respect for other people” (lines 18-19)
India: “to respect knowledge,to respect his parents and to respect society” (lines 51-53)
2.developing a sense of responsibility
3.acquiring a multicultural perspective
4.being ready for household tasks
5.showing great respect for knowledge
III.Look at the apps and choose the ones that might appeal to the young people who are entering adulthood from Germany,Latin America or India.Note that one app might appeal to young people from different cultures.
Vocabulary Focus
I.Key Vocabulary
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words to complete the passage.
The experience of “coming-of-age,” the transition from childhood to ,is a significant stepping stone in the lives of most people.
In Germany,the coming-of-age ceremony is called “Jugend-feier,” which means
celebration.It is an important for 14-year-olds to think about various topics related to their future as citizens.At the ceremony,teachers deliver speeches about certain values such as having a sense of .This make the ceremony more serious.
In Latin America, “quinceanera” is a celebration for girls transitioning into woman-hood.In the past,girls were taught household skills in order to be prepared for .Now the ceremony is as an individual event like one’s birthday.
At an Indian coming-of-age ceremony,a boy is given three strands of the sacred thread,which three promises.
The start of adulthood is celebrated in different cultures with their own
rituals,ceremonies,and traditions.
II.Word Formation:Conversion
1.Read the two sentences and pay attention to the underlined words.Do they belong to the same word class?
(1) “Jugendfeier” began in the 19th century,when awareness of civic practices was on the rise.
(2) Their voices rose when they talked about the coming homecoming celebration.
Conversation is a word formation process whereby a word of one class is shifted into a word of another class without adding an affix.Here are some of the major types.
(1)Noun to verb conversion (e.g. view,voice,target,stage,mail,flash)
The foreign student values his exchange.
experience in the Chinese high school.
(2)Verb to noun conversion (e.g. desire,compare,match,like,decline,protest)
On the cover page is the New Year celebration in the China town.
(3)Adjective to verb conversation (e.g. pale,sour,calm,slow,narrow,yellow)
The host cleared his throat before giving a speech of the ceremony.
(4)Adjective to noun conversion (e.g. chief,Chinese,professional,chemical)
A native of Britain tends to talk about the weather in English.
2.Fill in the blanks in Column B by converting a word in Column A.Change forms where necessary.
(1)The photograph of the coming-of-age ceremony from 20 years ago have become yellow with age.
I can still recognise my mother although the photographs with age.
(2)At “Jugendfeier” yesterday.Mr Kaufmann expressed the hope that young students would take more responsibilities from then on.
Young students started to shoulder their responsibilities and Mr Kaufmann .
(3)The students are asked to match the traditions with the festivals.
Some of the traditions are not the right for the festivals.
3.Study the underlined converted words in the passage.Try to explain the original sentence or make another sentence with another form of the word.An example is given.
In ancient China,when a girl was aged 15,a hair-pinning ceremony (Ji Li) would be held to mark the occasion on the third day of the third month according to the Chinese lunar calendar.Girls would wash and comb their hair and a ceremony master would put a pin in it.
The coming-of-age ceremony for boys used to take place when they were 20.Respectable seniors were invited to perform the capping ceremony (Guan Li) for the boys.
Becoming an adult is an important stage in one’s life.It means that you need to shoulder grown-up responsibilities while also enjoy a bigger say in your own affairs.
v. In ancient China,when a girl was aged 15,a hair-pinning ceremony would be held...
n. In ancient China,at the age of 15,a girl would attend a hair-pinning ceremony which was held...
n. Inuit boys go out the wilderness with their fathers between the ages of 11 and 12 to test their hunting skills.
Grammar in Use
Passive (review+present continuous passive and present perfect passive)
I.Read the sentences.Underline the passive verbs and discuss why the passive voice is used.
1.In some Indian families,the scared thread ceremony is performed when a boy is grown-up.
2.It is said that the scared thread ceremony marks a new life.
Grammar Highlights
We use the passive voice to focus on the parson or thing affected by an action.Sometimes,we use the passive voice because we do not know or do not want to mention the one who performs the action.
Basic structure of the passive
subject+auxiliary verb (be)+main verb (-ed form)
National flags are often designed with many kinds of shapes on them,such as the sun,stars,the moon,animals and bars.
Present continuous passive
subject+am/is/are going+main verb (-ed form)
When the national flag is being raised,students should stand at attention and salute according to the constitution.
Present perfect passive
subject+has/have been+main verb (-ed form)
Laws have been made to govern the use of the national flag.
II.Read the birth traditions in different countries.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.
1.When a baby turns one mouth old in China,a Full Moon ceremony (hold) to celebrate the first full month of life.
2.In Finland,babies come with a boxl For the past 75 years,Finland’s mothers-to-be
(give) a box by the government.It’s a starter kit of nappies,clothes,sheets and toys.
3.In a hospital in Brazil,different kinds of gifts (choose) b a soon-to-be mother as she asks her husband for advice.The gifts (give) to each penson who comes to the hospital when the baby is born.
4.In Jamaica,a mother who gave birth to a baby girl yesterday is now busy in the garden.The afterbirth and the card already (bury) by her in person in a specially chosen location and a tree now (plant) on that spot.The tree
(provide) by her parents before the birth of the baby.This tradition comes from a Jamaican expression that says, “Home is where your navel string is buried.”
Listening and Viewing
I.Answer the questions before listening to the radio programme.
1.In your opinion,at what age does one enter adulthood?
2.What does becoming an adult mean to you?
II.Listen and tick (√) the celebrations of Coming-of-Age Day in South Korea.
□A haircut
□Traditional clothes
□A bow to parents
□Traditional food
□A speech of encouragement
III.Listen again and complete the passage.One word for each blank.
The third Monday of May is the day to celebrate the occasion for those who turn
Years old that year.More than young people are to come of age this year.This means they will be able to enjoy the rights that come with adulthood,such as being able to .It also reminds them to take on real as adults.
Young participants dressed up in traditional South Korean clothes attended the Coming-of-age Day in Seoul.The event ended with the young adults offering a graceful bow to their parents so as to .The gesture also symbolised the beginnings of their journeys in the real world them.
IV.List some elements or activities that are necessary to describe a coming-of-age ceremony.
Culture Link (Coming-of-Age Tradition in Vanuatu)
In Vanuatu,a small island nation in the middle of the South Pacific,young boys come of age by jumping of a 98-foot-tall tower with a bungee-like vine tied to their ankles,just barely preventing them from hitting the ground.Boys there begin jumping at around 7 or 8.In their first dives their mother will hold an item representing their childhood,and after the jump the item will be thrown away,respecting the end of childhood.As boys grow older they will jump from taller towers,showing their manliness.
Birthday Traditions (Vodcast)
I.Watch the video in silent mode and count how many birthday traditions have been mentioned.
II.Watch again and complete the table with the information about birthday traditions.
A man’s friends will hang a “sockencranz,” or sock wreath,outside of his house.
are a symbol of his old age.
Girls have a bat mitzvah and boys have a bar mitzvah.
The ceremonies mean .
South Africans
Parents give their child a .
It stands for responsibility and the future.
The baby is placed in front of books,flowers,stationery,coins,toys,etc. and asked to get something.
The items the baby reaches for indicate its .
III.Answer the questions.
1.Which of the above celebrations is(are) shared by your family or friends on their birthdays?
2.What other birthday traditions have you experienced or heard about?
Moving Forward
Introducing a Coming-of-Age Ceremony in China
I.Writing:Writing an introduction to a coming-of-age ceremony in China
A school in China is holding a coming-of-age ceremony when students from a US high school come to pay a visit.Chinese participants are asked to write an introduction to a certain Chinese coming-of-age ceremony to explain its history and celebrations to the American students.
Step 1:Work in groups.Each group collects information about a coming-of-age ceremony in a certain place or of a certain ethnic group such as the Miao or the Yi people.The information can include time,celebration,meaning,etc.
Step 2:Sort out the collected information and put the sentences in the right order.
Step 3:Write a paragraph in 60-80 words with a topic sentence,supporting sentences and a concluding sentence to achieve paragraph unity.
Writing Strategy (Achieving paragraph unity)
Paragraph unity is the quality of sticking to one idea from star to finish,with every supporting sentence contributing to the topic sentence of that paragraph and the concluding sentence echoing the topic sentence.
Coming-of-age ceremonies are rituals held all over the world to celebrate a young person’s transition from childhood to adulthood.For example,Inuit boys go out to the wilderness with their fathers to test their hunting skills;Senufo girls receive the girls’ ritual training including a ceremonial dance called the Ngoron to achieve womanhood.The age varies from culture to culture.The rituals are also diverse and likely to change as time goes by.But one thing that all coming-of-age ceremonies have in common is that they prepare a young person to take on rights and responsibilities as an adult.
II.Speaking:Making a presentation about coming-of-age ceremonies in China
Give a presentation on the Chinese coming-of-age ceremony based on the written paragraph.
Step 1:Work out a draft or an outline of the presentation based on the passage from the writing activity.
Step 2:Make a list of key words and summarise the main points in different part of the presentation.
Step 3:Use examples or pictures to make your introduction interesting.
Step 4:Take turns to give your presentations in class.
Speaking Strategy (Introducing a presentation)
A good introduction in a formal presentation in meant to achieve three goals:
·to catch the audience’s attention
·to identify the topic and the purpose r care message of the presentation
·to provide a brief overview of what you will cover in the presentation
Here are some useful opening techniques to catch the audience’s attention:
·quoting someone else, e.g. “Tradition is a guide and not a jailer.” by W. Somerset Maugham
·asking a question, e.g. “Have you ever smashed a cake on a birthday?Do you know where the tradition is from?”
·telling a joke or sharing a story, e.g. “One of the most famous April Fools’ pranks occurred in 1957,when BBC news programme Panorama reported on Switzerland’s spaghetti harvest.”
·making a bold statement, e.g. “In fifty years,there will be no schools.”
Reading B
Homecoming refersrefer to…和…有关。
V-I If you refer to a particular subject or person, you talk about them or mention them. 谈及
In his speech, he referred to a recent trip to Canada.
V-I If you refer to someone or something as a particular thing, you use a particular word, expression, or name to mention or describe them. 称
Marcia had referred to him as a dear friend.
V-I If a word refers to a particular thing, situation, or idea, it describes it in some way. 描述
The term electronics refers to electrically induced action.
V-T If a person who is ill is referred to a hospital or a specialist, they are sent there by a doctor in order to be treated. 把…送往 [usu passive]
She was referred to the hospital by a neighbourhood clinic.
V-T If you refer a task or a problem to a person or an organization, you formally tell them about it, so that they can deal with it. 提交
He could refer the matter to the high court.
V-T If you refer someone to a person or organization, you send them there for the help they need. 介绍
Now and then I referred a client to him.
V-I If you refer to a book or other source of information, you look at it in order to find something out. 参考; 查看
He referred briefly to his notebook.
V-T If you refer someone to a source of information, you tell them the place where they will find the information they need or that you think will interest them. 指点…查阅
Mr. Bryan also referred me to a book by the American journalist Anthony Scaduto.
to a tradition at many universities, colleges, and high school in the United States. It is a time to celebrate the school you are attendingattend做动词时,有参加,出席(会议),上(学)的意思;此外,还有照料、处理的意思。
V-T/V-I If you attend a meeting or other event, you are present at it. 参加; 出席
The meeting will be attended by finance ministers from many countries.
V-T If you attend an institution such as a school, college, or church, you go there regularly. 上 (学); 去 (教堂)
They attended college together at the University of Pennsylvania.
V-I If you attend to something, you deal with it. If you attend to someone who is hurt or injured, you care for them. 处理; 照料
He took a short leave of absence to attend to personal business.
. And after you have graduated, it is a time to go back to your town and the campus, see old friends, and reminisce
V-I If you reminisce about something from your past, you write or talk about it, often with pleasure. 缅怀往事; 叙旧 [正式]
I don't like reminiscing because it makes me feel old.
【固定搭配】reminisce about sth. 缅怀… 回忆…
about your school days.
There are many activities that centre aroundcentre around 集中于;围绕着;以…为中心
homecoming, and they vary from school tovary是“变化、各不相同”的意思
vary from…to…因…而异。
Vary from person to 因人而异
vary with… 随…而变化
school. The celebrations generally start at the school with current students on Monday and last all the way throughall the way 副词短语,一直的意思。
the weekend when the alumni show up.
Many schools start their homecoming celebrations with Spirit Week. Starting on Monday, each day of the week is themed
themed ADJ A themed place or event has been created so that it shows a particular historical time or way of life, or tells a well-known story. 特定历史时期的; 围绕特定主题的
themed restaurant
, and students are encourageencourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事;
其被动式为sb. be encouraged to do sth.
to participate. For example, Monday could be “crazy hair day,” Tuesday could be “rent a senior day,” Wednesday could be “wear your pajamas to school day.” Some schools have competitions among the classes to see who has the most school spirit.
Some schools hold elections for Homecoming King and Queen with an accompanyingaccompany /əˈkʌmpənɪ/
V-T If you accompany someone, you go somewhere with them. 陪伴 [正式]
She was accompanied by her younger brother.
V-T If one thing accompanies another, it happens or exists at the same time, or as a result of it. 与…相伴 [正式]
This volume of essays was designed to accompany an exhibition in Seattle.
V-T If you accompany a singer or a musician, you play one part of a piece of music while they sing or play the main tune. 为…伴奏
On Meredith's new recording, Eddie Higgins accompanies her on all but one song.
Homecoming Court of Princes and Princesses. Homecoming Court elections are different from school to school, but are generally held like this: the king and queen are selected from among the upper-level students while the court are first-year students. Since homecoming is all about school spirit, the students elected to the court are usually quite involved be involved in…参加
be actively involved in… 活跃参与
in school activities.
Some towns stage a homecoming parade with the school’s marching band, sports teams, and classic cars. It is a time for the whole town to get together, socialise, cheer on the football team and celebrate their town and high school.
A homecoming dance is just for the students of the school, and it usually takes placetake place 发生
on the Friday or Saturday night after Spirit Week. It is usually open tobe open to… 向…开放。
every student no matter what grade they are in. Some schools keep it casualcasual adj. 随便的;非正式的;临时的;偶然的
, while others make it a semi-formal affairaffair n 事务
. There is always a DJ or a band, but the place is up tobe up to… 取决于…;由…负责。
the school—sometimes it is in the gymnasium or cafeteria, and other times it is at an outside place. Either way, a homecoming dance is a time for the entire school to come together and partyparty做动词时,有开派对,尽情欢乐的意思:
They come to eat and drink, to swim, to party.
Comprehension Plus
I.Answer the questions.
1.What is homecoming?
2.What do homecoming celebrations usually start with?
II.Fill in the blanks with the activities that centre around homecoming.
Homecoming Activities
Tradition:Each day of the week has a theme, e.g. “crazy hair day,” “rent a senior day.”
(2) for Homecoming King and Queen and Homecoming Court of Princes and Princesses
Tradition:The king and queen are upper-level students;the court are first-year students.
(3)Homecoming parade
Tradition:The whole town celebrates it with .
Tradition:There is a DJ or a band at the party,open to every student on Friday or Saturday night.
Critical Thinking
I.Summarise the traditions of the coming-of-age ceremonies,birthday and homecoming celebrations mentioned in this unit in the diagram.An example is given.
purpose of keeping traditions
to show respect:Jugendfeier in Germany/coming-of-age ceremony in South Korea
to develop a sense of responsibility: /
II.Look at the diagram you have completed.Explain the shared values between traditions in different cultures.
Further Exploration
Preparing a poster about customs around the world
Work in groups.Make a poster about customs in different cultures.
Step 1:Choose one type of the customs and three countries from the table.You can add more customs or countries to the table.
Customs in Different Cultures
South Africa
Step 2:Search for information about the chosen custom in these three countries and put it in your poster.An example is given.
Step 3:Present the poster in class.
Look at the expected learning outcomes of this unit and answer the questions.
A.Following coming-of-age customs,birthday traditions and homecoming traditions
B.Describing coming-of-age customs in a certain place of China
C.Making and presenting a poster about customs around the world
D.Figuring out similarities between traditions in different countries
E.Listening for key words in a report
F.Writing a unified paragraph on a coming-of-age ceremony in China
G.Using proper strategies to begin a presentation
Which of the above have you done well?Why and how?
Which of the above do you still find difficult?Why?
What do you plan to do if you find something difficult?