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    译林牛津版高中英语必修第一册 UNIT 3 Welcome to the unit & Reading(共88页)课件PPT
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    英语必修 第一册Unit 3 Getting along with others教课课件ppt

    这是一份英语必修 第一册Unit 3 Getting along with others教课课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Lead-in,trust,company,Reading,Summary ,Extension等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Welcme t the unit
    Read the qutatin at the beginning f this unit and answer the questins.The glry f friendship is nt the utstretched hand, nr the kindly smile, nr the jy f cmpaninship; it is the spiritual inspiratin that cmes t ne when he discvers that smene else believes in him and is willing t trust him.—Ralph Wald Emersn
    1. What des Ralph think is the glry f friendship?2. What d yu think is the glry f friendship?
    glry f friendship
    cmmn interests
    Teenagers may have difficulty maintaining their friendships. Watch the vide and finish the fllwing exercises.
    Bill’s prblem:Bill and his best friend d nt share the same interests nw.Jane’s prblem:Jane misses her best friend frm junir high.Harry’s prblem:Harry is t shy t make friends with the ther bys in his class.
    视频脚本Hst: Hell,everyne! Tday we are ging t talk abut friendship. The English pet Jhn Dnne wrte:“N man is an island,entire f itself.” We all lng fr the cmpany f friends,yet smetimes we are nt sure hw t start r keep a friendship. Bill,Jane and Harry are three teenagers wh are faced with such prblems. Let’s find ut abut what they have t share with us.Bill: Hell,I’m Bill. I have a best friend whm I have knwn since primary schl and I’m really glad that we are at the same senir high schl. Hwever,things have changed. We n lnger share the same interests. We used t be crazy abut cmics,and we always read cmic bks tgether. Nw I still lve cmics,but my friend has drpped the hbby. Whenever I suggest reading a cmic bk tgether,he always disagrees,saying he wuld prefer t play ftball instead. I feel we have less and less in cmmn and nw we dn’t have much t talk abut.Jane: Hell,my name is Jane. It’s been nearly a mnth since I entered senir high schl,but I still miss my best friend frm junir high. She and I have been best friends fr three years and we used t stick tgether,sharing everything with ne anther. But nw we dn’t see each ther very ften and smetimes I can’t help thinking whether she has fund anther best friend.Harry: Hi,I’m Harry. I lve my new schl. My teachers and fellw students are fantastic. I have every hpe f making friends with the ther bys in my class. Whenever I see them tgether,I wish t jin in,t talk and laugh with them,but I dare nt. I’m afraid they dn’t like me,and that they wuld laugh at me. Am I a bit t shy?Hst: Nw that we’ve heard Bill’s,Jane’s and Harry’s prblems,d yu have any suggestins fr them? And have yu had any similar experiences? We lk frward t hearing frm yu.
    What advice can yu give these teenagers?
    Bill can talk t his friend abut this prblem first. If his friend als feels the same, perhaps it is time t rethink their friendship and let g f it.Jane can keep in tuch with her friend n scial media. She can als pick a day t meet her friend in persn.Harry needs t be brave enugh t be the first t say hi t his classmates. Then he will find they are friendly and a friendship naturally grws.
    What friendship prblems have yu had? Share yur experience.
    I nce had a quarrel with my best friend because I thught she said smething mean abut me behind my back. When it turned ut that I misunderstd her, I aplgized t her and we became gd friends again.
    D yu agree with Emersn that trust is the mst imprtant thing in friendship? Why r why nt?
    1. D yu think there are “friends fr life”?2. D yu have smene wh nce was yur friend but never talks t yu any mre nw? If s, wuld yu mind sharing yur experiences?
    While reading
    1. Read the title and think.(1) What culd “n the rcks” in the title pssibly mean? Hw can yu tell that?(2) Can yu predict what will be talked abut in the text?
    2. Scan the frum exchange and finish A1 n Page 32.
    (1) Amy’s friend was ut having fun with smene else. (2) Amy received a hrrible surprise. (3) Save the friendship because eight years is a lng time. (4) Rethink this friendship and if necessary, mve n.
    3. Read the text again and answer the questins in A2 n Page 32.
    1 Hw did Amy view her friend befre?2 What did Amy and her friend plan t d last Saturday afternn?3 Hw did Amy learn that her friend went t a café?4 What des Cindy mean by “her behaviur” in line 20?5 In what case is it time t rethink a friendship,accrding t David?
    Amy thught her friend was almst like a sister t her.
    They wanted t see a film.
    Amy’s classmate tld her abut it.
    Amy’s friend said she was t ill t see the film with Amy but went t a café with anther girl anyway.
    If ne’s friend ignres their feelings r makes them suffer.
    What are the similarities and differences between Cindy’s and David’s advice?
    4. Read the tw replies again and answer the fllwing questin.
    (1) They bth think Amy shuld talk t her friend. (2) Cindy thinks that the friendship is wrth saving, while David suggests that if Amy’s friend regularly ignres her feelings, it shuld be time t rethink the relatinship.
    1. Discuss the fllwing questin in pairs.Imagine yur friend has lied t yu. Hw wuld yu respnd?
    I had a friend wh did smething similar t me. We planned t g t the Science Museum tgether, but he pulled ut at the last minute. I was upset that he cmpletely ignred my feelings. I frankly explained t him hw I felt, and he tld me his side f the stry. We are still best friends tday because we are s hnest with each ther. The key is cmmunicatin. Try nt t be negative.
    2. Think abut the fllwing questins abut the stry.(1) Is there any slid evidence that Amy’s friend has lied t her? (2) D yu think Amy shuld have asked her friend abut that afternn befre being angry? Why d yu think she did nt?
    Let’s review the qutatin at the beginning f this unit.The glry f friendship is nt the utstretched hand, nr the kindly smile, nr the jy f cmpaninship; it is the spiritual inspiratin that cmes t ne when he discvers that smene else believes in him and is willing t trust him.—Ralph Wald Emersn
    3. Discuss in grups abut the fllwing questin.What helpful advice can yu ffer Amy? Draw n yur wn experiences t give a reply t her pst.
    I wuld expect that he/she has a gd reasn fr nt telling the truth. I wuld talk t him/her immediately and ask him/her the reasn. Then I wuld tell him/her that even thugh I understand what he/she has dne, I dn’t like lies and that friends shuld be frank with each ther.
    4. What d yu think wuld happen next? Discuss in grups and prvide an ending t the stry between Amy and her best friend.
    Review the text and tell Amy’s prblem and the tw pieces f advice in yur wn wrds.
    Read the definitin f the elements f a stry’s plt line and cmplete the diagram with these elements.
    ③ ② ④ _____①______ _______⑤______
    Reading strategy
    Expsitin: Rising actin:Climax: Falling actin: Reslutin:
    is the turning pint in the stry.
    ccurs after the climax as things start t wrk themselves ut in the stry.
    is the slutin t the cnflict.
    is a series f elements and actins that mve the stry t a climax.
    prvides the backgrund infrmatin that is needed t understand the stry, such as the main character, the setting, the basic cnflict (冲突), and s n.
    Read the text and wrk ut the elements f the frum exchange. The first has been given t yu.(1) Expsitin: Amy and her best friend have been clse fr eight years. Hwever, last Saturday Amy felt betrayed by her friend.(2) Rising actin:(3) Climax:(4) Falling actin:(5) Reslutin:
    Originally, Amy and her best friend planned t … On that Saturday mrning, Amy’s friend psted …Amy …
    Tday, Amy was tld …
    During schl all day, Amy …Nw, Amy is asking fr … Cindy and David …
    Wrk tgether and summarize what happened between Amy and her best friend and retell the tw replies.
    OriginallySaturday mrningTdayDuring schl all dayOthers’ suggestinsCindyDavid
    Finish B1 n Page 33.
    Carl:Hi,Jenny! It lks like yu’re under a lt f stress. What’s wrng?Jenny: I feel(1)    . Amy misunderstd me. She is really angry and I’m(2)_________what t d.Carl:What happened between yu tw?Jenny: Amy felt like watching a film last Saturday but the plan was cancelled because I was ill. I spent the mrning(3)     at hme. Then I gt a call frm a friend whm I hadn’t cntacted fr a lng time. She asked me ut fr cffee.Carl:S yu went t meet her?Jenny: Yes,I did. When Amy fund ut,she explded with anger. I wanted t explain,but she just kept(4)     me. I sent her several messages,but she never(5)     . I really dn’t want t(6)     ur friendship. D yu think I shuld (7)     ?Carl: N,yu aren’t(8)     . But yu shuld talk t her face t face. Amy is a generus persn. She’ll understand.
    aplgize   ignre    hrrible   in the wrngrecver    respnd   let g f   at a lss
    B2, Page 33
    1. Read the instructins in B3 and knw what cntrastive linking wrds and phrases are.2. Underline all cntrastive linking wrds and phrases in the text.3. Can yu name mre cntrastive linking wrds and phrases?4. Culd yu try t imprve the shrt paragraph in B3?
    Wrds and sentences
    1. When I was an awkward primary schl student, she was the ppular girl wh was willing t make friends with me. She was a ppular girl. The ppular girl _________ willing t make friends with me.
    2. Whether we’re walking t schl, ding hmewrk r just hanging ut at the weekend, we’re hardly ut f each ther’s sight. Smetimes we ____________ t schl, ding hmewrk. Smetimes we ___________ ut at the weekend. Whatever, we’re hardly ut f each ther’s sight. We hang ut at the weekend. We ____________________________ at the weekend.
    3. But last Saturday, she brke my trust, and I’m still picking up the pieces. I’m still ___________________________
    4. But in the mrning, my friend psted a message n scial media saying she had a cld. But in the mrning, my friend psted a message n scial media _______ _________ she had a cld.
    5. The stress f this situatin is killing me, and I’m at a lss what t d next. The stress f this situatin is ___________ me. I ________________ what t d next.
    6. I als had a friend whm I trusted a lt. I als had a friend. I trusted _______ _________ a lt. I als had a friend ________/_________ I trusted a lt.
    7. When I fund ut that I was tricked by him, I was really hurt and let g f ur friendship. I was really hurt and ___________ ur friendship.
    1. Share mre qutatins abut friendship with yu.N man is an island, entire f itself. Every man is a piece f the cntinent, a part f the main.—Jhn DnneIt’s nt enugh t be friendly. Yu have t be a friend.—R. J. PalaciIf yu can get thrugh middle schl withut hurting anyne’s feelings, that’s really cl beans.—R. J. Palaci
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. Wh did Amy view her friend as befre?A. Her sister. B. Her teacher.C. Her partner. D. Her clse classmate.2. What did Amy want t d last Saturday?A. T call her friend t get sme rest.B. T see a film with her friend.C. T pst a message n scial media.D. T chat with her friend in a café.3. What shuld Amy d accrding t Cindy?She shuld be quick t judge her friend.B. She shuld aplgize t her friend at nce.C. She shuld ask sme explanatin frm her friend.D. She shuld slve the prblem with her friend.
    4. In what case is it time t rethink ne’s friendship,accrding t David?A. When her friend misunderstands her feelings.B. When she is tricked by her friend.C. When her friend ignres her feelings.D. When her friend has a frank talk with her.5. What is the passage mainly abut?A. Ways t make friends.B. Amy’s prblem and suggestins.C. Ways t manage friendship.D. The terrible friendship.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文) Amy has been clse with her 1    (gd)friend since primary schl. They always stay tgether,2    (d) lts f things. They had planned 3    (g) t the cinema tgether last Saturday afternn,but 4    the mrning her friend said she had a cld and culdn’t make 5    . She believed what her friend said. Hwever,smene tld her that herfriend 6    (chat) with anther girl in a café n Saturday afternn. Her friend’s“illness”was 7    cmplete lie,which made her very 8    (anger).Cindy thinks that she shuld find an pprtunity t talk with her friend 9     (frank) and slve the prblem tgether with her friend. David thinks that she shuld talk t her friend and decide whether their 10    (friend)will last. He has said that Amy has t accept the fact that friends cme and g in life.
    was chatting
    Language pints
    核心词汇 教材原句p.30 ... We’re hardly ut f each ther’s sight . ……我们几乎都形影不离。1 sight n. 视野;视力;看见I dn’t dare let the children ut f my sight in the crwd.在人群中,我不敢让孩子们离开我的视线。 [词汇复现]The child laughed at the sight f the exchanged ty.一看到交换的玩具,这个孩子就笑了。 [词汇复现]We’re lking fr a huse which is within sight f the muntains.我们正在找一所能看到群山的房子。The castle came int sight as we went rund a bend in the rad.我们在路上拐了个弯,城堡就映入了眼帘。I caught sight f my frmer teacher while I was ut shpping tday,but she turned a crner and I lst sight f her. 今天我出去买东西时看到了以前的老师,但她转过街角,就看不见了。
    单句语法填空(1)I watched the train leaving slwly until it was ut      sight.(2)As we turned the crner,the tp f the Eiffel Twer came      sight.(3)[词汇复现]We’d tured the amazing      (sight) f Beijing.完成句子(4) [词 汇 复 现]—Did yu            (看见)the main character just nw?—Yes,and nw it’s            (看不见).(5)The lst by was starving and ate everything           (看见的).(6)He sn            (看不见)his father in the crwd.
    catch sight f
    in /within sight 
    lst sight f
    教材原句p.30 When I called her, she said she might nt be able t make it t the cinema.当我给她打电话时, 她说她可能去不了电影院了。 2 make it 能够出席;准时到达;获得成功 Tgether,I think we can make it. 团结一致,我认为我们可以做到。【归纳拓展】make full use f 充分利用make friends with 与……交朋友make fun f 取笑,嘲笑make up 构成,组成make up fr 补偿,弥补make up ne’s mind 下定决心make fr 冲向;前往make a difference 有影响;起作用 make ne’s way 前进12 members make up ur team. 12 名成员组成了我们队。Hard wrk can make up fr a lack f intelligence. 勤能补拙。When the bell fr supper rang,all the students made fr the dining rm. 晚饭铃响了,学生们都涌向餐厅。I will make a difference in this wrld! 我要让这世界有所不同!
    单句语法填空(1)Stick t(坚 持) it and yu’ll surely make     in time.(2) Carline desn’t have a gift fr music,but she makes up     it with hard wrk.(3) The schl bard      (make)up f parents wh have been elected t makedecisins abut schl affairs.完成句子(4) [词汇复现] We shuld           (充分利用)ur ptential ability.(5) Yu shuldn’t          (对别人的困难幸灾乐祸).(6)We’ll d smething t          (起作用) t envirnment.(7) He managed t          (走出树林) in the end.
    make full use f
    make fun f ther’s difficulties
    make a difference
    make his way ut f the wds
    教材原句p.30 A classmate tld me she had seen my friend chatting with anther girl in a café n Saturday afternn. 一位同学告诉我,她看到我的朋友周六下午在咖啡馆里和另一个女孩聊天。3 chat vi. & n.聊天,闲聊D yu still remember the days when we chatted with each ther all night? 你还记得我们彻夜聊天的那些日子吗?What were yu chatting abut? 你们聊了些什么?Mr Smith had a chat with me abut my bilgy quiz.史密斯先生和我聊了聊我的生物测验。
    单句语法填空(1) They sat there freely,chatting     nthing in particular.(2)He chatted     his friend     the charity cncert which was t be held thenext week.(3) We had     nice chat ver a cup f tea.完成句子(4)I enjy            (和父母聊天).
    chatting with my parents
    教材原句p.30 Instead f recvering at hme, she was ut having fun with smene else. 她没有在家休养,而是出去和别人一起玩。4 recver vi.恢复健康;恢复常态 vt. 全额收回;寻回;重新获得;恢复,重新控制It tk a lng time fr him t recver frm a bad cld.他患重感冒很长时间才康复。【词语积累】recvery n. 恢复;复苏;痊愈make a recvery frm 从……中恢复过来Mira made a full recvery frm the peratin.米拉手术后完全康复了。
    单句语法填空(1)Have yu fully      (recver) frm yur illness?(2) The dctrs had given her up but she made an excellent      (recver).(3)Jennie made a great effrt t recver      (she).完成句子(4)It tk her a lng time                 (心脏动手术后痊愈).
    t recver frm her heart peratin
    教材原句p.30 I was s angry that I avided her during schl all day, and I still dn’t feel like respnding t any f her nline messages. 我很生气,在学校一整天都躲着她,我仍然不想回复她的任何在线信息。 5 respnd vi. & vt.回答,回应;作出反应,响应 I asked her what the time was,but she didn’t respnd.我问她几点了,但是她没理我。 【词语积累】 Yu then change in respnse t that.之后你会作出反应,会有变化。 【误区警示】回复电子邮件:respnd t emails(√) respnd emails(×)
    单句语法填空(1) Dn’t respnd      any emails requesting persnal infrmatin,n matter hw fficial they lk.(2)We cmplained t the travel agency abut the terrible service during ur trip,but n ne     (respnd) by nw.(3) He made n respnse      my questin,and went n with his mvie.完成句子(4)他对我的提议报以大笑。He       my ffer      a laugh.(5)医生回答说他无法说出她的病名。The dctr                he culd nt tell the name f her disease.
    respnded that
    教材原句p.30 The stress f this situatin is killing me, and I’m at a lss what t d next . 这种情形带给我的压力简直要了我的命,我不知道下一步该怎么办。6 lss n.失去,丧失;亏损;去世;损失Fr a mment,Tm was at a lss hw t respnd t her questin.汤姆一时不知怎么回答她的问题。[词汇复现]【词语积累】lse v. 丢失;错过 lst adj. 迷路的,丢失的
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] Yu must d smething t prevent their      (lse)and I think yu canmake it.(2) [词汇复现] I was     a lss fr hw t respnd.完成句子(3) The teacher is           (不 知 所 措)t knw hw t teach thenaughty by.(4)They               (蒙受了巨大的损失) in the earthquake.
    suffered a great lss
    教材原句p.31 Dn’t be s quick t judge yur friend.不要急于评判你的朋友。7 judge vt.,vi. & n. (1)vt. & vi. 评价,(尤指)批评;判断,认为Dn’t judge a bk by its cver. 勿以貌取人。The meeting was judged (t have been) a success.会议被认为是成功的。As far as I can judge,it is wrng fr them t let students carry mbilephnes. 依我判断,他们让学生带手机是错误的。(2)n. 法官;裁判员a British high-curt judge 英国高等法院法官
    【词语积累】judgement n. 评价;判断力;判决As a judge,he has gd judgement and never judges a persn by his/her appearance. 作为一名法官,他有很好的判断力,从不以貌取人。【误区警示】judging by/frm“从……来看;根据……判断”,在句中作独立成分,不受句子主语的影响和限制。Judging by the lk n Adam’s face,the news must be hrrible.从亚当的表情来看,肯定是可怕的消息。 [词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1)I think I’m hpeless at      (judge)distance(s).(2)Peple in Rme believe that the civilizatin fa city can      (judge) by peple’s awareness f animal prtectin.(3)Judging      her lk,she seemed t be tired.(4) I judged them      (be) the best plays I had ever met.(5)In Britain,     (judge) wear white wigs in curt.完成句子(6) He’s t yung           (不能判断哪一个更好).(7)I judged him           (大约 40 岁).(8)          (从……判断) his accent,he must be a sutherner.
    t judge which is better
    t be abut frty
    Judging by/frm
    教材原句p.31 Perhaps she knws she’s in the wrng and wants t aplgize , r maybe she has a simple explanatin fr her behaviur. 也许她知道自己错了,想要道歉,或者她对自己的行为有一个简单的解释。8 aplgize vi. 道歉,谢罪搭配:aplgize t sb. fr (ding) sth. 因(做)某事向某人道歉 He aplgizes t her fr nt ging t her party.他因未出席她的派对向她表示歉意。【词语积累】aplgy n. 道歉;辩护make/ffer an aplgy t sb. fr(ding)sth. 因(做)某事向某人道歉accept/refuse an/ne’s aplgy 接受 / 拒绝某人的道歉He ffered me an aplgy fr lsing my bk.他为遗失我的书而向我道歉。
    单句语法填空(1) Jhn aplgized      Mary fr keeping her waiting t lng.(2)I have an      (aplgize)t yu— I’m afraid I pened yur letter by mistake.一句多译你应该为你的粗鲁向老师道歉。(3)                         (aplgize)(4)                             (aplgy)
    Yu shuld aplgize t the teacher fr being rude
    Yu shuld make an aplgy t the teacher fr being rude.
    9 behaviur n.行为,举止,态度Children shuld be praised fr their gd behaviur.孩子们应该因他们良好的品行而受到称赞。【词语积累】behave vt. 表现 vi. & vt. 表现得体;有礼貌behave well/badly 表现好 / 不好behave neself 守规矩;举止得体D behave! 规矩点!Behave yurself in public places and yu will win the respect f thers. 在公众场合举止得体才能赢得别人的尊重。 [词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) It is imprtant t reward gd      (behave).(2) [词 汇 复 现] He tld his pupils t behave      (they) and nt t chat whilelistening t a lecture.完成句子(3) They felt a sense f achievement,because their children all          (表现得好).
    behaved well/behavedthemselves 
    教材原句p.31 In any case, find an pprtunity t have a full and frank talk with her. 无论如何,找个机会和她深入、坦诚地谈一谈。10 case n. 具体情况,事例;案件;容器Yu must keep the appintment in any case. 您无论如何也要赴约。There’s n cffee left? In that case I’ll have tea.没咖啡了?既然如此,我就喝茶吧。In n case shuld yu give up. 你决不能放弃。
    【误区警示】in case f 与 in case 都有“假如,以防万一”的意思,但是 in case f为介词短语,而 in case 为连词词组。 I dn’t think I’ll need any mney but I’ll bring sme just in case.我想我不会用到钱的,不过我还是要带一些以防万一。Take an umbrella in case f rain. 带把伞吧,以防下雨。
    单句语法填空(1)          (既然这样),why dn’t yu take charge f the farm instead fhim?(2)           (无论如何都不)will we agree with yur idea.(3)            (孩子总是这样),Amy was cmpletely better by the time the dctr arrived.用 in case 或 in case f 填空(4)        fire,all exits must be kept clear.(5) [2018· 天 津 3 月 卷] Make sure yu save all yur wrk n screen         the cmputer breaks dwn.(6)Bring a map        yu get lst.
    In this case 
    As is ften the case with children
    11 frank adj. 坦率的,直率的搭配:t be frank 坦白地说(常作插入语)(=frankly speaking)T be frank with yu,I dn’t think she’s the persn fr the jb. 坦诚地告诉你,我认为她不适合做那份工作。【归纳拓展】常用不定式作插入语的其他表达:t tell the truth 说实话(=t be hnest)t be exact 确切地说(=exactly speaking)t cnclude 总而言之t be brief 简言之t begin/start with 首先T cnclude,I wish t thank all f yu nce again fr yur supprt.最后,我再次感谢你们所有人的支持。
    单句语法填空(1)     be frank,I dn’t like the jb.(2)      (frank)speaking,I think yu have very little chance f getting the jb.           完成句子(3)He ffered          (真诚的道歉)t her fr hurting her feelings. (4) Mther’s day is cming sn. May 10th           (确切地说).(5) [词汇复现]          (首先),I think he is an hnest persn whm we can cunt n.
    a frank aplgy 
    T begin/start with
    教材原句p.31 When I fund ut that I was tricked by him, I was really hurt and let g f ur friendship. 当我发现被他欺骗了,我真的很伤心,并且放弃了我们的友谊。12 trick vt. & n. (1)vt. 欺骗,欺诈 Dean tricked the ld lady int giving him eight hundred dllars.迪安骗这个老妇人给了他 800 美元。Her partner tried t trick her ut f her share.她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份。(2)n. 诡计,花招;戏法
    单句语法填空(1) We were tricked int      (buy) a pr car,which made me very upset.(2)He shuld(竟 然) trick the ld lady ut      mney.(3) If the neighbrs d nt give any sweets,the children might play a trick      them.完成句子(4) Dn’t take it seriusly;she just wants t               (跟你开个玩笑).
    play a trick n yu
    教材原句p.31 Hwever , if yur friend ignres yur feelings r makes yu suffer , it‘s time t rethink yur relatinship . 然而,如果你的朋友忽视你的感受或者让你痛苦,那么是时候重新考虑你们的关系了。13 ignre vt. 忽视,对……不予理会I wanted t have a chat with her,but she ignred me and went away.我想和她说话,可是她没有理我就走了。 [词汇复现]【词语辨析】verlk 与 ignre(1) verlk 指因草率、放任或未留意而忽略某事。verlk a small detail 忽略一个小细节(2) ignre 指故意不予理睬,强调主观态度。ignre ne’s advice 不理会某人的建议I smiled at her but she just ignred me. 我对她笑了笑,可她根本没理睬我。【词语积累】ignrance n. 无知,愚昧
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] He purpsely      (ignre)her call because he just didn’t feel likerespnding t her.(2) Hw can we persuade her nt      (ignre) her gd friends?选词填空(verlk/ignre)(3)Last week a tennis ball hit me n the head,but I tried t      the pain,believingthat it wuld g away sner r later.(4)It’s abnrmal(不正常)fr him t      such an imprtant detail(细节).
    14 suffer vi. 受苦,受折磨;变差 vt. 遭受,蒙受Jhnny suffers(frm)asthma.约翰尼患有哮喘。I think he suffered a lt when his wife left him.我想他妻子离开他时,他非常痛苦。单句语法填空(1)Yu never knw what hardship I     (suffer)in thse days.完成句子(2)She’s been             (患重感冒)fr seven days.
    suffering(frm)a bad cld
    原句p.33 Amy misunderstd me.埃米误会我了。15 misunderstand vt. & vi. 误解,误会 Dn’t misunderstand me—I feel cntent with all yu’ve dne.别误解我的意思——我对你所做的一切都很满意。【词语积累】understand v. 理解→ misunderstand vt. & vi. 误解;误会→ misunderstanding n. 误解;误会clear up the misunderstanding between yu and me消除你和我之间的误会There must be sme misunderstanding. I didn’t rder these bks.一定是弄错了,这些书不是我订的。【归纳拓展】mis- 为否定前缀:mistake v. 弄错 n. 错误  mislead v. 误导
    单句语法填空(1)In her teens,she felt frustrated(灰心) and      (misunderstand).(2) They cleared up the      (misunderstand),which left them in a gd md.(3) Yu can make yur child feel hurt,r      (misunderstand)by what yusay withut realizing it yurself.
    教材原句p.33 Then I gt a call frm a friend whm I hadn’t cntacted fr a lng time . 然后我接到了一个很久没有联系的朋友的电话。16 cntact vt. & n. 联系,联络 He made cntact with the lcal branch f the cmpany t share feelings and ideas with the manager.为了与经理交流感受与想法,他与当地分公司取得了联系。I have kept in cntact with my relatives by telephne.我一直与亲戚保持着电话联系。I lst cntact with my clse friend several years ag.几年前我和我的密友失去了联系。In her jb she ften cmes int cntact with carpenters.她在工作中常与木匠接触。
    单句语法填空(1) I’m still      cntact with her—we write a cuple f times a year.(2) I’d hate t lse cntact      my cllege friends.完成句子(3) We decided t                (与……取得联系)the famus star in the city t raise mney fr the Prject Hpe.(4)I                (与……失去联系) Sarah ten years ag when she went t live in Australia.
    make cntact with
    lst cntact/ tuch with
    教材原句p.33 When Amy fund ut, she explded with anger.埃米发现后勃然大怒。17 explde vi. (愤怒等感情)爆发,迸发;爆炸 vt. 使爆炸【词语积累】explsin n. 爆炸;爆发;激增【图示比较】explde,burst 与 erupt
    单句语法填空(1) He was driving s fast that his car tyre      (explde).(2)Shppers fled the street in panic after hearing a lud      (explde)in centralLndn.完成句子(3) The bss               (勃然大怒)and asked him t leave in n time;in ther wrds,he was fired.(4)              (人 口激增)in the last ten years.
    explded with anger
    The ppulatin has explded
    教材原句p.33 Amy is a generus persn . She’ll understand.埃米是个慷慨的人。她会理解的。18 generus adj. 宽宏大量的,仁慈的;慷慨的Althugh he was nt rich,he was very generus t his needy friends.他虽然不富有,但对贫困的朋友却很慷慨。Jim is very generus with his time. 吉姆很不吝惜他的时间。It was generus f them t ask Anna alng.他们邀请安娜一起去,真是大方。
    单句语法填空(1)The ld lady is always very generus     the kids.(2) It was generus     him t ffer t pay fr us bth.(3) They are very generus      their mney.(4) Thse peple,in turn,will cnnect better with thers and treat them mre__________(generus).(5)Nt everyne like him has such      generus mind.(6) His      (generus)t the pr is well-knwn.
    重点句式 教材原句p.30 A classmate tld me she had seen my friend chatting with anther girl in a café n Saturday afternn . 一位同学告诉我,她看到我的朋友周六下午在咖啡馆里和另一个女孩聊天。【句式分析】本句使用了“see+ 宾语 + 宾补”的结构,宾语补足语既可以是不带 t 的动词不定式,也可以是现在分词和过去分词。若宾语与宾补之间是主动关系,且强调动作发生的全过程,用 d;若宾语与宾补之间是主动关系,用 ding;若宾语与宾补之间是被动关系,用 dne。
    1 see sb./sth. ding 看到某人 / 某物正在做…… I saw him wrk in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。 I saw them playing basketball n the playgrund.我看见他们正在操场上打篮球。The mment he entered the ffice,he saw his cup brken.他一进办公室就看到他的杯子被打碎了。 [词汇复现]
    【归纳拓展】除 see 外还有一些动词,如 watch,bserve,ntice,lk at,hear,listen t 等,也可用不带 t 的不定式、现在分词和过去分词作宾语补足语。【误区警示】不带 t 的不定式作宾语补足语时,如变成被动句,则需加上 t,这时不定式成为主语补足语。I heard her sing an English sng.(我听到她唱了一首英文歌。)→ She was heard t sing an English sng.
    完成句子(1) [词汇复现] We are glad t see sme cmpanies      (make)the mst f the resurces.(2)I lked up and nticed a snake      (wind)its way up the tree t catch its breakfast.(3) [词汇复现] The manager was satisfied t see many new prducts      (develp)after great effrt.(4) Hardly had she sat dwn when she heard smene      (knck)at the dr.(5) [词汇复现] He was nticed      (sht)a rare bird;as a result,he gt punished.
    完成句子(6) I knw her very well fr I have seen her            (从小长大).(7) When I visited him yesterday,I nticed             (他正在花园里干活).(8) He was seen            (救了一只受伤的鸟).(9) I heard him            (在一次车祸中受伤了).
    grw up frm childhd
    him wrking in the garden
    t save an injured bird
    injured in a car accident
    教材原句p.30 The stress f this situatin is killing me , and I’m at a lss what t d next . 这种情形带给我的压力简直要了我的命,我不知道下一步该怎么办。【句式分析】本句使用了“疑问词 + 不定式”结构。2 疑问词 + 不定式“wh/which/when/where/hw/what + 不定式”在句中起名词的作用,可充当主语、表语、宾语等。Hw t aruse the students’ interest in learning is imprtant.如何激发学生的学习兴趣很重要。(作主语)He was in a puzzle abut what t d next.下一步做什么,他感到困惑不解。(作宾语)The questin is when t ablish the law.问题是何时废除这条法律。(作表语) I have n idea whether t d it r nt.我不知道做还是不做。(作同位语)
    单句语法填空(1) [词汇复现] After graduatin,he was at a lss and didn’t knw      t d next.(2) I knw where      (find)that ambitius(有志向的)yung man.完成句子(3)He has n idea                  (是否做这个实验).(4)T knw                  (做什么)is wisdm;t knw        (怎么做)is skill.
    whether t d this experiment r nt
    what t d,hw t d it
    教材原句p.31 But this friendship is wrth saving : eight years is a lng time ! 但是这段友谊值得挽回:八年时间可不短【句式分析】本句使用了 is wrth saving 值得挽回,saving 为主动形式表示被动意义。3 sth. be wrth ding某事值得做I dn’t think the bk is wrth 20 dllars.我认为这本书不值二十美元。I think the expert ’ s suggestin is well wrth cnsidering.我认为那个专家的建议很值得考虑。 [词汇复现]
    The bk is wrth reading. =The bk is wrthy f being read/t be read. =It is wrthwhile reading/t read the bk. 这本书值得一读。【误区警示】be wrth ding (√)   be wrth being dne (×)
    单句语法填空(1) If yu have interest in ancient India,this bk is well wrth      (read).(2)The museum is wrth      visit.(3)This jb is wrth      (d),but it isn’t wrthwhile       (spend) smuch time n it.(4)Such wrk is wrthy t      (d),because it will bring us nt nly incme butals experience.一句多译这本书值得仔细研究。(三种译法)(5)                              (wrth)(6)                              (wrthy)(7)                              (wrthwhile)
    t spend/spending
    The bk is wrth studying carefully.
    The bk is wrthy f being studied/t be studied carefully.
    It is wrthwhile t study the bk carefully.

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