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    第一部分  听力(共两节,满分30分)




    例:How much is the shirt?

    A. £19.15.   B. £9.18.   C. £9.15.


    1What does the woman probably want to buy?

    ACoke. BMineral water. CFruit juice.

    2Where is the woman going to hold her birthday party?

    AAt home. BAt a pub. CAt a restaurant.

    3What are the speakers talking about?

    AVisiting a friend. BHolding a party. CMaking a shopping list.

    4What time is it now?A7:00. B7: 40. C8: 00.

    5What will the woman probably do this evening?AWatch TV. BLearn to dance. CStudy for the exam.



    6What is the weather like now?

    AWindy. BSunny. CFoggy.

    7What is the weather like in April of Britain?

    ASteady. Blovely. CChangeable.


    8Why does the man make the call?

    ATo ask about the meeting place.   BTo arrange for an appointment.   CTo change the meeting place.

    9Where will the man probably go next?

    AThe cycling centre. BThe swimming pool. CThe stadium.

    10What will the woman do tonight?

    AWatch TV. BMake a meal. CVisit her friend.

    11Where did Mary go last year?

    ASpain. BFrance. CPortugal.

    12What will the man do next?

    AMake a plan. BCall his friends. CBuy some hot dogs.


    13What has the man been offered?

    AA better job at work.         BA large sum of money.     CA business opportunity.

    14Who provided the offer?

    AA hotel manager. BThe man’s friend. CThe man’s co-worker.

    15What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

    AHusband and wife.         BBusiness partners.       CBoyfriend and girlfriend.

    16What does the woman say about the offer?

    AShe is pleased with it.    BShe doesn't care about it.    CShe is concerned about it.


    17What is the speaker talking about?

    AA list of problems the planet faces.       

    BSome wavs to solve health problems.

    CEfforts being made to help the planet.

    18How does the speaker feel about the planet's future?

    AOptimistic. BNegative. Cunconcerned.

    19Which does the speaker think is the most important?

    ASorting the daily garbage.

    BBanning shiny pieces on greetings cards.

    CRaising children's awareness of protecting the earth.

    20What step does the speaker intend to take?

    AStarting recyciing.     BBuying an electric car.    CChoosing organic food.

    第二部分  阅读理解共两节满分40




    Lake Tekapo lies in the center of the South Island in an area known as the Mackenzie Basin in New Zealand. Tekapo Tourism provides one of the most comprehensive accommodation listings in the region. All accommodation providers in Tekapo are listed as follows.

    The Chalet Boutique Motel

    Description: It’s only a short distance from the Church of the Good Shepherd. You’ll find the Chalet Boutique Motel very close to the shores of Lake Tekapo.

    At the Chalet Boutique Motel you have the choice of six self-contained apartments varying in size from two-bedroom apartments to studio apartments. Some offer extraordinary views of the lake and mountains.

    Price: $185—$295 for two people per night

    Address: Pioneer Drive, PO Box 2, Lake Tekapo

    ● Tekapo B2 Apartment

    Description: Tekapo B2 apartment is a self-contained, one-bedroom, upstairs apartment with views overlooking Lake Tekapo. It’s only a short walk from the town center. The bedroom is suitable for two people. A sofa bed is available for a third person. Any third person in the same room will be charged half price.

    Price: $210—$270 for two people per night

    Address: 2 Murray Place, Lake Tekapo

    ● Mt John Historic Homestead

    Description: Built in 1911, the Mount John Homestead has recently been renovated. An original collection of art by a local artist and thousands of local photos are displayed throughout the rooms.

    The yard is also available for special occasions such as weddings, family reunions or small parties. A minimum booking of two nights is required.

    Price: $470—$600 for two people for two nights

    Address: State Highway 8, PO Box 91, Lake Tekapo

    21What’s your best choice if you want to enjoy views of the lake?

    ATekapo B2 Apartment. BThe Chalet Boutique Motel.

    CMt John Historic Homestead. DThe Church of the Good Shepherd.

    22How much will three persons sharing the same room for two nights pay in Tekapo B2 Apartment?

    ALess than $420. B$600 at most. C$630 at least. DOver $850.

    23Which is true about Mt John Historic Homestead?

    AIt has newly built apartments. BA birthday party can be held there.

    CYou can book a room for one night. DWorld-wide artworks are often displayed .


    Kumar is ten years old and works with his father in New Delhi. Every morning, while carrying plastic bags on his shoulders, he runs into children walking to school, ashamed at not being in a school uniform like them. Kumar is one of India’s five million school dropouts. These are the children of villagers who moved to New Delhi but end up living in slums (贫民窟). Many of them, like Kumar’s father, can’t afford to send their children to school. Others are not able to provide birth certificates for their children, which are necessary for school admission.

    However, two yellow buses — equipped as mobile schools with teaching materials such as books, whiteboard, pens and toys are helping them. They are part of the government’s project which started in 2003. The books and school bags are free. Every morning, the yellow bus mobile schools arrive near selected slums. “If the children can’t go to school, we have to take the school to them, to their doorstep,” said Sharma, a mobile school teacher. Sharma said that at first parents hesitated to send their children to the mobile school because they were afraid that their children would be cheated. It took the teachers a long time to build their confidence.

    Financed by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in India, the mobile schools project has helped reduce the number of dropouts from 25 million to 5 million. The children are proud because the mobile school comes specially for them. It has changed their lives and given them hope. After joining the bus school, eleven-year-old Meena is very happy with her new life. Although she is young, she understands that education is the key to escaping the poverty. So impressed by her progress, other mothers were convinced to let their daughters attend the mobile school.

    The mobile school teachers provide children with primary education to get them up to the level and then they go on with their studies in public schools.

    24What keeps Kumar from going to school in New Delhi?

    AHis father has been uneducated. BHe has no birth certificate of his.

    CHis family has no enough money. DHe has no interest in learning.

    25How did the parents feel about the mobile schools at the beginning?

    AProud. BTolerant. CImpressed. DSkeptical.

    26Which of the following can best describe the bus schools?

    AThey’ve cost India a lot. BThey have been fruitful.

    CThey’ve come to an end. DThey are inconvenient.

    27In which section does the text appear most probably in an education magazine?

    AKindergarten. BPrimary school.

    CJunior high school. DSenior high school.


    Before COVID-19, there was widespread movement (运动)in the U. S. -shoppers in many American states were required to bring reusable bags to food stores or pay money to receive a bag; restaurants in some areas were told not to use plastic takeout boxes. But COVID-19 has changed everything.

    In just a few days, governors in Massachusetts and Illinois became strongly against the use of reusable cloth bags that were often brought to food stores; Oregon put off its new ban on plastic bags; and cities from Bellingham, Washington, to Albuquerque, New Mexico have stopped plastic bag bans for the time being. "Those who use reusable bags do not often wash them. People are frightened as COVID-19 continue, so the environment is taking a back seat," said Glen Quadros, owner of the Great American Diner & Bar in Seattle, Washington.

    There is an increase in takeout food and a ban on reusable cups and straws (吸管) at the few coffee stores that remain open. Many environmentalists worry that COVID-19 would impede their efforts to reduce plastic products.

    According to a study by the U. S. National Institutes of Health, the virus can stay on plastics for up to three days. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it appears possible for a person to get COVID-19 by touching something that has the virus on it and then touching their face. As a result, the Plastics Industry Association says that one-use plastic bags are safer now.

    California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont have all banned plastic bags statewide. The Plastics Industry Association recently sent a letter to Alex Azar, who is head of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Association asked him to do something about the plastic bag bans, saying that the rules are putting people at risk.

    28What is the movement about in the U. S. mentioned in the text?

    ASaving food and decreasing waste. BMaking full use of plastic products.

    CRemoving one-use plastic products. DEncouraging cooking at home.

    29What happened after COVID-19?

    APlastic bans received support from more states.    BPlastic bans prevented people ordering takeout food.

    CPlastic bans were overlooked by the public.       DPlastic bans sped up the spread of viruses.

    30Which of the following can replace the underlined word "impede" in Paragraph 3?

    Areward Brequire Cincrease Dstop

    31What does the Plastics Industry Association want to do?

    ATo improve the quality of one-use plastic bags.    BTo teach people the right way to use plastic bags.

    CTo ask Alex Azar to remove the plastic bag bans.   DTo support Alex Azar in fighting against COVID-19.


    In 2016, Japanese scientists found a kind of bacteria, which they called Ideonella sakainesis, could “eat” plastic.

    The secret for Ideonella sakainesis is enzymes () used by bacteria and other cells to make chemical changes happen. It uses two enzymes to turn plastic into something it can eat. What's left over afterward could be used to make new plastic. One of them, called “PETase”, is the one that breaks down the plastic. Recently, scientists have figured out a way to make the bacteria eat plastic even faster. They did some chemical work with the enzyme PETase. They thought what they did would make it eat plastic even slower. However, they were surprised to find that the change made it eat 20% faster.

    This is an important step, but it will still be a while before we will know if Ideonella sakainesis can really make a difference. Everything has to be just right for it to do its work. It can't be too hot or too cold. The scientists say they'll keep exploring to make it work in all kinds of conditions. Besides, it only eats one kind of plastic called PET, which is usually used for making bottles. But scientists think it is possible that there may be other kinds of bacteria that eat other kinds of plastic. They think that even if these bacteria don't already exist, they may come along soon. Bacteria can change their habits quickly, compared to bigger life forms.

    Most plastic can already be recycled, and this is really just a new way to recycle it. However, as scientists warn seriously, Ideonella sakainesis' new function does not change the fact that only about 9% of plastics actually get recycled, while the rest get thrown away. They also point out that harmful chemicals are added when plastic is made. If bacteria break down plastic in natural areas, those poisons will be given off, and could affect plants, animals, or humans.

    32How did the scientists find the fact that the bacteria eat plastic faster?

    AThey made changes to PETase.

    BThey added more PETase to plastic.

    CThey mixed plastic's two enzymes.

    DThey removed enzymes from plastic.

    33What do we know about Ideonella sakainesis from paragraph 3?

    AIt breaks down some special kinds of plastic.

    BIt eats plastic under demanding conditions.

    CIt stops other bacteria possessing PETase.

    DIt produces enzymes when eating plastic.

    34What do the scientists convey about plastic recycling in the last paragraph?

    AThey are confident to do it. BIt's hard to recycle plastic.

    CIts situation worries them. DIt has been well done so far.

    35What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

    ATo advocate recycling plastic.

    BTo praise scientists' hard work.

    CTo show severe plastic pollution.

    DTo introduce a new discovery.



    I decided to go single travel. The goal was to escape the four comers of my small room and the boring daily routines. There are comments from family and friends, saying it’s impossible and unsafe.___36___ Therefore, I reminded myself why I decided to travel alone:

    ___37___ Traveling alone allows me to be the “Captain of My Own Destiny”. It’s an experience of complete freedom.___38___ I can rest when I want and move on when I feel ambitious. I can taste—test anything like and alternatively I won’t be forced to eat anything dislike.

    Challenge myself. I’m responsible to no one but myself. Every wrong turn is mine—and mine alone. Traveling alone is the greatest yet most rewarding challenges. It forced me to be confident in my choices. Every decision is based upon my own sense of self-belief. There’s no one to turn to or rely upon, and so trusting my own instincts(本能) becomes a necessary survival skill.___39___

    Reflect deeper senses. When traveling alone, there’s no need for boring dialogues.___40___ Even so, I enjoy the long-lost freedom of becoming “one”. It leads to my deepest reflections about myself and the world around. I give my undivided attention to myself and the experience, which makes the most of the potential for personal reflection.

    Travel alone helped me spread my wings and go beyond my greatest hopes and dreams.AEnjoy myself completely.

    BEnjoy complete freedom.

    CLoneliness can’t be avoided.

    DI want to do what I think is right.

    EI can choose to satisfy my every desire.

    FI was determined to prove them wrong.

    GIt’s exactly these challenges that make me stronger.

    第三部分  语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

    第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


    While looking for a job in Denmark, Alberto found his spare time activities an advantage.

    In his spare time, Alberto was pleasantly ___41___to find a lot of outdoor facilities in Denmark. ___42___moving there, he had thought that because of the___43___, locals would probably ___44___ spending time indoors. “I like to ___45___life outdoors with friends: walking in the forest, playing sports and swimming. We even ___46___ a camping trip to the beach. ”

    Alberto also enjoys ___47___training in spare time. ___48___, he is more than willing to help others in the gym. “Making ___49___and helping friends have taught me how to ___50___and understand the ___51___of a person,which helps me when dealing with people or anywhere where empathy(共鸣)and attention are ___52___. I have also learned to become more ___53___ , since I have to observe and then change or ___54___ the plan based on their __55__. Finally, I have also learned how to be a better __56__-I had to design the schedules in a fun and entertaining way to ___57___people. ”

    Alberto found these experiences helpful in ____58____. “Nowadays, companies are not so focused on certain ___59___, but more interested in getting to know the person behind the CV(简历). Spare time activities serve as a means for the company to get a better ___60___ of employees.”

    41Adisappointed Banxious Csurprised Dannoyed

    42ABefore BUpon CWithout DFor

    43Atradition Bweather Ctraffic Dpassion

    44Adeny Bcontinue Cresist Dprefer

    45Aenjoy Bexpect Cdiscuss Dappreciate

    46Awitnessed Bneeded Cdid Dchose

    47Afitness Bmilitary Cprofessional Dacademic

    48AEventually BHopefully CTherefore DMoreover

    49Ainterviews Bplans Cchanges Ddecisions

    50Aadmire Bprove Cfollow Ddetect

    51Aadvantages Bimaginations Cneeds Dabilities

    52Auseless Bstrange Curgent Dnecessary

    53Aproud Borganized Cexcited Dmerciful

    54Asupport Brecommend Cadapt Dmake

    55Areaction Bmovement Cimpression Dposition

    56Aclassmate Bleader Csportsman Dsalesman

    57Adistract Binterest Camuse Dencourage

    58Aschooling Btruth-seeking Cjob-hunting Dsurviving

    59Askills Bopinions Cpersonalities Dweaknesses

    60Aside Bhalf Cpicture Dfuture

    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


    During festive occasions we often see a “lion” ____61____(crazy) shake its head, twist ears and scratch cheeks, accompanied with the sounds of gongs () as well as drum beats. This traditional lion dance, ____62____ (list) as a national intangible culture heritage in 2016, dates from the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). It’s been one of the ____63____ (well) known among so many arts.

    Breathtaking though, this challenging art can never ____64____ (perform) easily. Dancing on poles shows far more than just caution and ____65____ (brave). There’re 21 poles between 1.2 m and 2.5 m high, with up to 1.8 m in between. Any single false step leads to these dancers falling to the ground below. ____66____they don’t practise together every move hard enough, they end up sweating all over in vain.

    Still, to younger generations, this ancient art seems less appealing than before. Besides funding, coaches are difficult to find, and that is ____67____it has become tougher for lion dancers to survive. Yet, nothing can ever keep them ____68____ going forward. “We’re all struggling ____69____ (pass) on the heritage,” Deng Minghua, a national inheritor of the cultural heritage, _____70_____ (say) in an interview last week.

    第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

    第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    What is the best way to learn a language? We should remember that we all learn our own language well when we were children. If we could learn a second language in the same way, then it would not seem so difficulty. Think of what small children does. They listen what people say and try to imitate about what they hear. It is important to know that we learn our language with hearing. At school, I learn to write and read. Now, we need to spend less time speaking and hearing. But let’s try to learn new words through our ear.

    第二节  书面表达(满分25分)


    1. 时间,地点;2. 交流内容(谈理想未来,参观艺术作品展等);3. 期待回复。

    注意: 1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。

    参考词汇:International Youth Exchange Programme   国际青少年交流活动

    Dear Sam,


    Best wishes!


    Li Hua




    1B 2C 3B 4A 5C 6A 7C 8A 9B 10C

    11B 12B 13C 14B 15C 16C 17C 18A 19C 20C



    21B 22C 23B 24C 25D 26B 27B 28C 29C 30D             

    31C 32A 33B 34C 35D 36F 37B 38E 39G 40C



    41C 42A 43B 44D 45A 46C 47A 48D 49B 50D

    51C 52D 53B 54C 55A 56D 57B 58C 59A 60C



    61crazily  62listed  63best  64be performed 65bravely

    66If   67why   68from 69to pass  70said



    1. learn → learnt/learned    2. difficulty → difficult   3. does → do  4. listen后加to

    5. 去掉about           6. with → by       7. I → we      8. less → more

    9. But → So            10. ear → ears



    Dear Sam,

    At the first day of next month, our school will organize an activity focusing on International Youth Exchange Programme, which is to be held in the science building. To help you learn more about Chinese culture , I am writing to invite you to take part in this activity. More details about the activity are as follows.

    To begin with, there will be a welcome ceremony, which is aimed to welcome exchange students attending the activity. Afterwards, some exchange students chosen as representatives will give a speech on their ambition. Last but not the least, an art exhibition will be arranged, including paper-cutting, which you are interested in. It is a rare chance for you to appreciate such a unique art form. I’m sure it inevitably light your enthusiasm for Chinese culture.

    Looking forward to your early reply.

    Best wishes!


    Li Hua



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