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    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习01
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习02
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习03
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习04
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习05
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习06
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习07
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习08
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习01
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习02
    新教材人教英语选择性必修第三册  UNIT 3 Period 3 PPT课件+练习03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection多媒体教学课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 Environmental Protection多媒体教学课件ppt,文件包含UNIT3Period3pptx、UNIT3Period3DOC等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Asking fr and giving adviceⅠ.Translate the fllwing expressins and keep them in mind1.每个人都知道……____________________2.许多人都认为……____________________
    3.众所周知……____________________4.毫无疑问……____________________5.我们都知道……____________________6.显而易见……____________________【答案】1.Everyne knws that… 2.Mst peple think that… 3.As is knwn t all… 4.There is n dubt that… 5.We all knw that… 6.It is bvius that…
    Ⅱ.WritingMake a shrt speech regarding envirnmental prtectin, using the abve mentined expressins. And then, read ut alud yur speech t yur classmates r yur partner. ________________________________________________
    One pssible versin:As we all knw, ur envirnment is getting wrse with the rapid develpment f agriculture and industry. Mst peple think that it is the gvernment that shuld be respnsible fr envirnmental prtectin. It is bvius that such view pint is quite wrng. We all knw that we can make a big difference if each f us individuals start ding ut bit.
    Therefre, it is my suggestin that each f us take an immediate actin by making sme small changes in ur daily life. There is n dubt that we can at least slw dwn the pace f glbal warming nce we all take actins t live a green lifestyle.
    turist destinatin dmestic and freign visitrs have effects n… thrw sth. int… cntribute t 
    end up natural envirnment take steps/measures waste water treatment facilities 
    hme waste set up spread envirnmental awareness at the same time carry ut in additin 
    1.Previusly, water quality in the Li River had suffered greatly frm an increasing vlume f turists, ________________ frequently threw garbage int the river. (数词+f+关系代词)以往,漓江的水质因游客量的增长遭到了严重破坏,一些游客频繁将垃圾扔入江中。
    2.Water pllutin levels increased, with mre husehld and cmmercial water ________________ in the river. (with+名词+现在分词)水污染程度加剧,越来越多的家庭和商业用水流入河流。
    3.Lcal fficials ________________ the pllutin was damaging the natural envirnment and felt that urgent steps shuld be taken t restre the river’s riginal beauty. (be cncerned that从句)当地官员担心污染正在破坏自然环境,认为应该采取紧急措施来恢复河流原始的美丽。
    4.With these measures, ________________ the beauty f the Li River will be preserved fr generatins t cme. (It is believed that…)有了这些措施,人们相信漓江的美丽将被世世代代保存下来。【答案】1.many f whm 2.ending up3.were cncerned that 4.it is believed that
    Ⅰ.阅读课文,判断信息正误(  )1.The Li River is the mst beautiful turist destinatin in China. (  )2.Turism has had a lt f negative effects n the envirnment f the Li River. (  )3.All the lcal peple were wrried that pllutin was damaging the natural envirnment.
    (  )4.The lcal gvernment imprved the water quality nly by carrying ut strict regulatins. (  )5.The authr is ptimistic abut China’s envirnment in the future. 【答案】1-5 FTFFT
    Ⅱ.阅读课文,选择正确选项(  )1.In the first paragraph, the authr is trying t ________ . A.intrduce his purpse f writing this textB.shw us the beauty f the Li RiverC.tell us abut the great number f visitrsD.prve the bad effects f turism in China
    (  )2.What cntributed t the pllutin f the Li River?A.Husehld garbage. B.Flurishing turism. C.Fishing bats. D.The lcal peple.
    (  )3.The third paragraph mainly tells us abut _______ . A.the water quality f the Li River after the treatmentB.the gvernment’s determinatin t deal with pllutinC.the lcal peple’s awareness in envirnment prtectinD.the measure that have been taken t deal with pllutin
    (  )4.This text mainly tells us abut ________ . A.the beautiful scenery f the Li RiverB.hw many factries were clsedC.hw pllutin was reduced in the Li RiverD.the necessity t prtect the Li River
    (  )5.This text can be classified as a(n) ________ . A.advertisementB.reprtC.reviewD.diary【答案】1-5 ABDCB
    1.restre vt. 恢复;使复原;修复(P32)Lcal fficials were cncerned that the pllutin was damaging the natural envirnment and felt that urgent steps shuld be taken t restre the river’s riginal beauty. 【翻译】当地官员担心污染正在破坏自然环境,认为应该采取紧急措施恢复河流原始的美丽。
    (1)t restre sth. (t sb. )=t bring back a situatin r feeling that existed befre 恢复(某种情况或感受)(2)restre sb. /sth. t sth. =t bring sb. /sth. back t a frmer cnditin, place r psitin 使复原;使复位;使复职
    (3)restre sth. =t repair a building, wrk f art, piece f furniture, etc. s that it lks as gd as it did riginally 修复;整修;使复原(4)t restre a law/traditin, way f wrking=t bring a law, traditin, way f wrking, etc. back int use 重新采用(或实施);恢复
    The peratin restred his sight. 手术使他恢复了视力。He is nw fully restred t health. 他现在完全恢复了健康。Order was quickly restred after the rits. 暴乱过后秩序很快得到了恢复。
    We hpe t restre the garden t its frmer glry. 我们想把这花园变得和过去一样美丽。Such kindness restres yur faith in human nature. 这样的善心使你又一次相信人性善良。The measures are intended t restre public cnfidence in the ecnmy. 这些举措旨在恢复公众对经济的信心。
    [针对练习]完成句子(1)Her jb is ________________ . 她的工作是修复旧画。(2)Sme insist n ________________ . 一些人主张恢复严格的法规。
    (3)Physical sprts can help t ____________________ . 体育运动可以帮助你恢复健康。(4)The lcal peple expect t ________________ . 当地人希望恢复他们的习俗。【答案】(1)restring ld paintings(2)restring strict rules(3)restre yu t health(4)restre their custms
    2.cnservatin n. 对(环境、文物等)保护;保持(P32)The cnstructin f waste water treatment facilities imprved the water quality and water cnservatin. 【翻译】污水处理设施的建设,提高了水质和节水水平。
    (1)cnservatin f energy能量守恒(定律)cnservatin area保护区envirnmental cnservatin环境保护water cnservatin水资源的保护(2)cnservatinist n. (自然环境、野生动植物等)保护主义者(3)cnservatinal adj. 保护性; 保存的(4)cnserve vt. 保护;节省(5)cnserved adj. 保守的
    The district will be turned int a cnservatin area. 这个地区将变成一个保护区。The cnservatin wrk we are ding tday will benefit all the generatins t cme. 我们的自然保护工作将让我们的后代受益。
    Energy cnservatin is f vital imprtance t us because ur sciety is facing energy shrtage. 节约能源对于我们而言至关重要,因为我们的社会面临能源短缺的问题。
    [针对练习]单句语法填空(1)The gvernment has realized the imprtance f farmland ________ (cnserve). (2)It is quite imprtant fr us t ________ (cnservatin) ur natural resurces n the earth. (3)Sme strict ________ (cnserve) measures shuld be taken t prtect the wild animals.
    (4)Mike is t ________ (cnserve) t take such aggressive steps in his life. (5)As a ________ (cnserve), Mr Brwn is always spreading envirnmental awareness in the public. 【答案】(1)cnservatin (2)cnserve (3)cnservatinal (4)cnserved (5)cnservatinist
    3.fine vt. 对……处以罚款(P33)At the same time, they started t carry ut inspectins regularly and fine turist rganisatins fr abuses. 【翻译】与此同时,他们开始定期进行检查,并对有陋习的旅游组织进行罚款。
    fine sb. fr (ding) sth. 因某事而惩罚某人be fined fr (ding) sth. 因某事而被惩罚
    She was fined fr speeding. 她因超速而被罚款。The cmpany was fined £20,000 fr breaching safety regulatins. 这家公司因违反安全条例而被罚款2万英镑。
    【答案】(1)He was fined 50 yuan fr smking in the public place. (2)The enterprise was fined fr plluting the river.
    4.have (an) effect n… 对……有影响;起作用(P32)Hwever, its reputatin as a tp destinatin has had negative effects n the river’s water quality. 【翻译】然而,它作为顶级目的地的声誉对河流的水质产生了负面影响。
    effect n. 影响;效果have n/little/a great effect n…对……没有影响/几乎没有影响/有很大的影响put/bring sth. int effect…使……生效cme int effect生效take effect开始实施;生效;开始起作用in effect事实上;实际上;有效
    The medicine has n effect n him. 这种药对他没有效果。The new law will sn cme int effect. 新的法规很快就会生效。We’ll put the new measures int effect next mnth. 下个月,我们的新措施将生效。In effect, that man knws nthing abut medicine. 事实上,那个人对医药一无所知。
    [针对练习]单句语法填空(1)That man claims t be an experienced dctr. ___________ effect, he knws little abut medicine. (2)The new law will cme ________ effect at the beginning f next year. (3)I really think this kind f medicine has little effect ________ my cugh.
    (4)This trend has had sme side ________ (effect) such as verweight and heart disease — the very thing the medical cmmunity was trying t fight. 【答案】(1)In (2)int (3)n (4)effects
    5.dzens f许多;很多(P32)Dzens f plluting enterprises were clsed r mved. 【翻译】许多的企业都被关闭或迁走了。
    (1)dzen n. 一打;12个(2)dzen前有具体数字时或有“a, many, several”等表示数量的词语修饰时,dzen后不加s。如:three dzen eggs三打鸡蛋(3)dzen所修饰的名词前有these、thse时,或是dzen后面接代词时,dzen后要加上介词f。如: three dzen f these eggs;three dzen f them
    —Hw many eggs d yu want t buy?——你要多少鸡蛋?—Well, tw dzen, please. ——给我来两打吧。Give me tw dzen f thse sck, please. 从那些袜子中给我拿两打。Dzens f students are playing n the playgrund. 许多学生在操场上玩耍。
    [针对练习]完成句子(1) ________________ (许多的孩子) are singing and dancing under the big tree. (2)Give me ________________ (两打橘子) please. (3) ________________ (他们当中的三十六个人) will be sent t wrk there.
    【答案】(1)Dzens f children (2)tw dzen ranges(3)Three dzen f them
    6.carry ut执行(P33)At the same time, they started t carry ut inspectins regularly and fine turist rganizatins fr abuses. 【翻译】与此同时,他们开始定期进行检查,并对有陋习的旅游组织进行罚款。
    (1)carry ut a plan/ne's prmise/duty执行计划/履行诺言/履行职责(2)carry n继续下去carry n ding sth. 继续做某事carry n with sth. 继续做某事(3)carry ff赢得;获得(奖品、荣誉等); 带走(某物)(4)carry thrugh帮助渡过(难关等);维持;完成
    Mike carried ff the first prize in the cmpsitin cmpetitin. 迈克在作文比赛中获得了一等奖。I’ll d what I can t help carry yu thrugh the difficulty. 我将尽我所能帮助你渡过难关。
    We must carry n till success in spite f the extremely difficult cnditins. 尽管条件极其困难,我们必须坚持下去,直到成功。The experiment shws that prper amunts f exercise, if carried ut regularly, can imprve ur health. 实验表明,适量的运动,如果经常进行,可以改善我们的健康。
    [针对练习]在句子的空格处填上适当的介词或副词(1)Thugh it was late at night, Mike still carried ________ wrking n the farm. (2)The new law will be carried ________ at the beginning f next mnth.
    (3)Jack carried ________ my dictinary when he left my hme. (4)Yu ught t carry ________ yur hmewrk befre I can take yu t the cinema. 【答案】(1)n (2)ut (3)ff (4)thrugh
    1.(P32) Water pllutin levels increased, with mre husehld and cmmercial waste ending up in the river. 【翻译】水污染程度增加,越来越多的家庭和商业用水流入河流。
    【句式剖析】本句中的“with mre husehld and cmmercial waste ending up in the river”是一个“with+名词+现在分词”构成的介宾复合结构,在句中作原因状语。
    He fell asleep at the desk with his radi still wrking beside him. With the temperature rising s fast, all the ice in the plar areas will sn melt.
    (2)“with+名词/代词+动词不定式”。这个结构中的动词不定式表示这个动作是前面的名词或代词发出的动作,但通常不定式表示这个动作还没有发生。With a lt f wrk t d, he was nt allwed t g ut. With a lt f things t buy, she had t ask her husband t g t the supermarket with her.
    (3)“with+名词/代词+过去分词”。这个结构中的过去分词表示前面的名词或代词是这个过去分词所表动作的承受者。A yung man was brught in with his hands tied behind. With her key left in the huse, she had t wait fr her husband at the dr.
    (4)“with+名词/代词+介词短语”。这个介宾复合结构在句中常用作伴随状语或方式状语。The teacher came int the classrm with sme bks in his hand. The sldiers marched t the frnt, with guns n their shulders.
    (5)“with+名词/代词+副词”。这个结构中的副词主要是由介词转化而来的副词,如n, in, ver, ut, up, dwn, ff, away等。He fell asleep with the light still n in his rm. He had t g t bed with the last TV play ver.
    (6)“with+名词/代词+形容词”。这个结构中的形容词表示前面名词或代词所处的状态。The little by came back with his hands red with cld. In ht summer days many peple will sleep with the windw pen.
    [针对练习]单句语法填空(1)With his ft ________ (bite) by the snake, the ld man beat it t death. (2)With the wman ________ (lead) the way, we had n truble finding Smith’s huse. (3)With s much hmewrk ________ (d), the by stayed up late int the night.
    (4)Yu’d better sleep with the windw ________ (pen) s as t let in fresh air. (5)A middle-aged wman came int the dctr’s ffice ________ a baby in her arms. (6)With the light ________,we culdn’t see anything in the dark rm.
    完成句子(7)The wman walked n ___________ (孩子在她的怀里哭). (8) ________________ (她周围有那么多的蚊子飞来飞去), she culdn’t fall asleep the whle night. (9) ________________ (由于还有许多的问题要解决), the meeting may last anther hur. (10) ________________ (由于还有一些额外的工作要做), the wrkers are nt allwed t leave.
    【答案】(1)bitten (2)leading (3)t d(4)pen (5)with (6)ff/ut(7)with her baby crying in her arms(8)With s many flies flying up and dwn arund her(9)With s many prblems t settle(10)With sme extra wrk t d
    2.(P32)Lcal fficials were cncerned that the pllutin was damaging the natural envirnment and felt that urgent steps shuld be taken t restre the river’s riginal beauty. 【翻译】当地官员担心污染正在破坏自然环境,认为应该采取紧急措施来恢复河流原始的美丽。
    【句式剖析】本句中的“that the pllutin was damaging the natural envirnment”是一个形容词性的宾语从句,前面的were cncerned是一个系表结构。
    【归纳拓展】(1)宾语从句具体可细化为“形容词性宾语从句”“动词性宾语从句”和“介词性宾语从句”三大类。本句就属于形容词性的宾语从句。类似的形容词还有sure, certain, glad, please, happy, srry, afraid, satisfied, surprised, cnfused等,构成系表结构后,后面都可以接that引导的宾语从句。
    (2)注意把握be cncerned后面的其他搭配:be cncerned with sth. 与某事有关be cncerned abut/fr sb. /sth. 关心/担心某人/某物as far as sb. /sth. is cncerned就某人/某物而言
    We are all cncerned fr/abut her safety. 我们都担心她的安全。He is nt cncerned with that matter any lnger. 他不再担心那件事情了。
    As far as traffic is cncerned, things d get a bit wrse than usual. 就交通而言,情况的确比平时糟糕些。Many peple are cncerned that such things will take place nce mre. 很多人担心类似的事情还会发生。
    [针对练习]完成句子(1)The plice has cnfirmed that ________________ (李先生与那件事故无关). (2)The ld granny ________________ (总是担心她的孙子).
    (3) ________________ (就人口而言),ur city is the biggest city in the prvince. (4) ________________ (我担心) Mr Wang will be fired by his cmpany. 【答案】(1)Mr Li was nt cncerned with the accident(2)is always cncerned abut her grandsn(3)As far as the ppulatin is cncerned(4)I’m cncerned that
    3.(P33)With these measures, it is believed that the beauty f the Li River will be preserved fr generatins t cme. 【翻译】有了这些措施,人们相信漓江的美丽将被世世代代保存下来。【句式剖析】本句中的it是一个形式主语,其后的that从句是本句中的真正的主语。
    【归纳拓展】(1)“It is+过去分词+主语从句”这个结构中,最常见的就是由连词that引导的主语从句,它表示一个肯定的意义或确定的内容。(2)结构中的过去分词通常是said, believed, knwn, thught, required, reprted, hped等。
    (3)“It is…that…”通常译为“据说、据报道、有人……”,相当于“Peple say that…”的意思。其中的it在句中作形式主语。
    (4)该结构还可以改变成“sb. /sth. is said t d…”结构。根据动词不定式和is said动作之间的时间关系使用不定式的不同形式:一般式(t d)、进行式(t be ding)、完成式(t have dne)。It is said that that strange ld man is a great artist. =The strange ld man is said t be a great artist. 据说那个怪老头是一位艺术大师。
    It’s said that he has gne abrad. =He is said t have gne abrad. 据说他出国了。It is said that his grandpa is writing a nvel. =His grandpa is said t be writing a nvel. 据说他的祖父正在写一部小说。
    It is required in the schl rules that all the students shuld wear schl unifrm every Mnday mrning. =All the students are required t wear schl unifrm every Mnday mrning. 学校的校规要求周一早上所有学生必须穿校服。
    [针对练习]改写句子(1)It is reprted that the yung man has saved a by frm the river. →The yung man is said ________________ a by frm the river.
    (2)It is said that Li Ming is learning Russian. →Li Ming is said ________________ Russian. (3)It is reprted that a new railway will be built between the tw cities. →A new railway is reprted ________________ between the tw cities.
    完成句子(4) ________________ (有人认为) her uncle has made great cntributins t the city. (5)Her mther ________________ (据说) t be a famus dctr in this hspital. (6)Her elder brther is said ________________ (在学习) in Peking University.
    (7)A new schl is reprted ________________ (修建) in ur twn next year. (8)Lily is believed ________________ (树立) a gd example t all the students. 【答案】(1)t have saved (2)t be learning(3)t be built (4)It is believed that(5)is said (6)t be studying(7)t be built (8)t have set
    Ⅰ.配对练习请从后面的七个选项中选出最恰当的一个补全句子。1.Water pllutin levels increased, ________ . 2.With these measures, it is believed ________ . 3.Kitchens n bard were using a lt f il, ________ .
    4.At the same time, they started t carry ut inspectins regularly ________ . 5.Lcal fficials were cncerned that the pllutin was damaging the natural envirnment ________ .
    A.a cmprehensive initiative was startedB.which was ften thrwn int the waterC.and fine turist rganizatins fr abusesD.urgent steps shuld be taken t restre the river’s beautyE.with mre husehld and cmmercial waste ending up in the river
    F.that the beauty f the Li River will be preserved fr generatins t cmeG.and felt that urgent steps shuld be taken t restre the river’s riginal beauty
    【答案】1-5 EFBCG
    Ⅱ.课文语法填空As a famus turist destinatin in the wrld, the Li River attracts millins f 1.________ (visitr) every year. Hwever, the thriving turism als resulted in great damages 2.________ its envirnment, especially the water quality f the River.
    In the past, a lt f rubbish 3.________ (thrw) int the river by turists. Many bats n the river threw lts f il int the river. With the number f turists 4.________ (increase) s rapidly, mre peple came t wrk and mre factries were set up in the area. As a result, mre waste was piped int the river, 5.________ made the number f fish species drp fast.
    6.________ (stp) such a trend n its tracks, the lcal gvernment was determined t take actins t restre the river’s 7.________ (rigin) beauty. They first built waste water treatment facilities t imprve the water quality and cnserve water, and imprved the 8.________ (cllect) and transprt f husehld waste.
    Aside frm clsing plluting factries, they als set up strict regulatins abut 9.________ (far) industrial develpment, the rutes f turist bats and their garbage dispsal methds. The gvernment widely spread the envirnmental awareness, inspected 10.________ (regular) and fined rganizatins which brke the regulatins. With these measures, the beauty f the Li River has returned.
    【答案】1.visitrs 2.t 3.was thrwn 4.increasing5.which 6.T stp 7.riginal 8.cllectin9.further 10.regularly
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.There is n dubt ________ ur cuntry will be mre and mre pwerful in the future. 2.As we all knw, Guilin is ne f the mst famus ________ (tur) destinatins in China. 3.It is bvius ________ smething has gne wrng with the machine.
    4.Things are getting better and better in ur city, ________ we all knw. 5.A lt f teachers were praised at the meeting yesterday, tw f ________ are frm ur schl. 6.With s many peple ________ (fix) their eyes n her, the little girl felt very nervus. 7.She is much cncerned ________ she wn’t earn enugh mney t supprt her family.
    8.Steps shuld be taken t imprve water ________ (cnserve) in the city. 9.___________ is believed that ur life will be greatly imprved in the next few years. 10.We ught t study hard at schl ________ (learn) mre knwledge t serve ur cuntry better. 【答案】1.that 2.turist 3.that 4.as 5.whm6.fixing 7.that 8.cnservatin 9.It 10.t learn
    Ⅱ.选词填空have an effect n, be thrwn int, cntribute t, end up, take steps, set up, at the same time, carry ut, in additin, dzens f1.Yu didn’t d well in the examinatin last time. Yu shuld ________________ t imprve yur study. 2.Yu can see ________________ ballns at the gate, bringing up an atmsphere f happiness.
    3.I wn’t g t the cinema. It’s s late nw. ___________________,I have seen it already. 4.If yu break the law like that, yu will __________ ____________ in prisn. 5.The increasing turism has ________________ serius pllutin in this area. 6.The micr chips are quite able t ________________ repairs inside yur bdy and help t restre yur health.
    7.Every day, a lt f rubbish ________________ the pnd, making the water dirtier and dirtier. 8.The little girl is getting taller day by day and ________________,she is getting mre and mre lvely. 9.It is said that anther new hspital will be _________ _______ in the city next year. 10.As we all knw, ur persnality ________________ ur life and wrk.
    【答案】1.take steps 2.dzens f 3.In additin4.end up 5.cntributed t 6.carry ut7.is thrwn int 8.at the same time 9.set up10.has an effect n
    Ⅲ.完成句子1.The tw children went t schl happily, ________ a schlbag ________ their back. 这两个孩子背着书包高高兴兴地上学去了。2.___________________ tw ships crashed int each ther in the central river. 据报道,在中心河道上,有两艘船相撞了。
    3.___________________,glbal warming is getting mre and mre serius. 众所周知,全球变暖越来越严重了。4.Parents ________________ their children’s safety. 父母们总是担心孩子们的安全。5.___________ s many peple ________ arund, I can’t cncentrate my mind n my bk. 周围这么多人在说话,我不能集中注意力看书。
    【答案】1.with; n 2.It is reprted that3.As is knwn t all 4.are always cncerned abut5.With; talking
    写一篇环境保护方面的报道动笔前,你的大体构思: ________________________ ________________________________________
    【引人入胜的开头句】1.Lcal peple/citizens have been cmplaining abut…2.Peple have been cncerned abut the dirty smke given ff by…3.A survey carried ut by the evening news abut the plluted water pumped ut by…4.An investigatin was made in…
    【精彩纷呈的篇中句】1.The survey/investigatin shws/indicates that…2.Accrding t the survey,…3.The terrible nise is s lud that it can be heard ver a lng distance, keeping them unable t sleep well at night. 4.The water in the river has been s severely plluted that n fish can be fund in it.
    5.The factry sends ff dirty air all day lng, making it difficult fr the neighbrs t breathe. 6.The reasn why…is that…7.That…cntributes t/leads t…8.With years f hard wrk, great achievements have been made in envirnment prtectin.
    9.The rivers in ur hmetwn have becme s clean that fishes return t the rivers. 10.With s many trees here and there, the air has becme s fresh and clean again. 11.Because smke is n lnger permitted t send ut, we can see clear sky again.
    【回味无穷的结尾句】1.Lts f practical measures have been taken t keep all kinds f pllutins under cntrl since five years ag. 2.All the citizens have cme t realize the imprtance f envirnment prtectin. 3.It is demanded that all the dirty air/water shuld be treated befre it can be sent int the atmsphere/rivers.
    4.N rubbish is allwed t be thrwn freely. Instead, it shuld be srted and packed in bags s that it can be well recycled. 5.It is suggested that we take bus r ride bikes t and frm wrk s that less carbn dixide is prduced in rder t keep the air clean. 6.An rder has been issued by the city gvernment, demanding the cmpany t…
    7.Their business permit has been cancelled s that…8.Persnally, I believe/think that…9.In my pinin, I think that we shuld…10.The public has been appealing t the lcal gvernment t pay mre attentin t…
    【答案】1.release/give ff 2.investigatin/survey3.disturb 4.music f high/great vlume5.implement an rder
    Ⅱ.本单元语块、语法运用1.完成句子(1)当地市民一直在投诉一间酒吧发出的噪音。The lcal citizens ________________ the lud nise which is released by a bar. (2)这个酒吧位于文华路56号。This bar ________________ NO. 56 Wenhua Rad.
    (3)校报记者近来对其进行了调查。Jurnalists frm ur schl newspaper ___________ _________ n it recently. (4)酒吧深夜了还发出巨大的噪音。The bar ________________ even late int the night. (5)高音量的噪音影响了周围的居民。The nise f high vlume ________________ .
    【答案】(1)have been cmplaining abut(2)is lcated n(3)made an investigatin(4)releases lud nise(5)disturbs the citizens nearby(6)The lcal citizens have been cmplaining abut the lud nises released by a bar.
    (7)The lcal citizens have been cmplaining abut the lud nises given ff by the bar which is lcated n NO. 56 Wenhua Rad f ur city. (8)An investigatin was made recently by jurnalists frm ur schl newspaper. (9)It releases lud nise even late int the night, which disturbs the nearby citizens.
    One pssible versin:Lcal citizens have been cmplaining abut the lud nises given ff by a bar which is lcated n N. 56 Wenhua Rad f ur city. An investigatin was made recently by jurnalists frm ur schl newspaper.
    Accrding t ur investigatin, this bar begins t cme int service at eight ’clck in the evening. It releases lud nise even late int the night, which disturbs the nearby citizens. The music f great vlume can be heard in the distance, keeping the neighbrs awake at night. T prtect the neighbrs frm these lud nises, the city gvernment shuld implement an rder t stp such chas n the spt.
    One pssible versin:Quite a lt f citizens have been cmplaining abut the serius water pllutin caused by the chemical factry by the river. T give a reply, we made an immediate investigatin n the spt. Accrding t ur investigatin, the factry pumps dirty water directly int the river withut treating it. As time ges n, the water in the river has been s severely plluted that n fish can be fund in it, leaving water plants unable t live as well.
    As we all knw, we have but ne earth. We shuld d ur wn duty t prtect the earth frm being destryed. It is high time that this factry were aware f their misbehavirs. It is demanded that the dirty water shuld be treated befre it can be sent int rivers.

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