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    人教版英语八年级下Unit 5 What were you doing when the 教案
    人教版英语八年级下Unit 5 What were you doing when the 教案01
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    人教版英语八年级下Unit 5 What were you doing when the 教案03
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    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?综合与测试教案及反思

    这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?综合与测试教案及反思,共10页。教案主要包含了语言目标,知识目标,能力目标,情感目标,教学重点,教学难点,教学工具,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Language Gals【语言目标】
    Talk abut past events.
    Knwledge Gals【知识目标】
    Key Wrds:
    Key Phrases:g ff,pick up,fall asleep,die dwn,in the playgrund,in silence,at first
    Key Sentences:
    1.—What were yu ding when the rainstrm came?
    —I was ding my hmewrk.
    2.What were peple ding at the time f the rainstrm?
    3.My alarm didn’t g ff s I gt up late.
    4.Ben was helping his mm make dinner when the rain began t beat heavily against the windws.
    5.Kate realized her bag was still at hme.
    6.We were having fun in the playgrund when the schl bell rang.
    Key Grammar:
    Past Prgressive Tense.
    Ability Gals【能力目标】
    1.Be able t use Past Prgressive Tense.
    2.Enable students t write an article abut the imprtant event.
    Mral Gals【情感目标】
    1.Let the students knw hw t talk abut past events.
    2.Let the students remember the imprtant things r days.
    Teaching Time
    Five perids
    Perid 1Sectin A(1a-2d)
    Perid 2Sectin A(3a-4c)
    Perid 3Sectin B(1a-1d)
    Perid 4Sectin B(2a-3b)
    Perid 5Self Check
    本单元教材以“谈论过去某个时间某人正在做什么”为中心话题。学习和运用几个常见的句型: —What were yu ding when the rainstrm came?—I was ding my hmewrk./What were peple ding at the time f the rainstrm?/ My alarm didn’t g ff s I gt up late./Ben was helping his mm make dinner when the rain began t beat heavily against the windw./ Kate realized her bag was still at hme./We were having fun in the playgrund when the schl bell rang.等,让学生学习过去进行时。在学习过程中,学生在交流中,能促进师生之间的感情。Sectin A 主要学习g ff,pick up,fall asleep,die dwn等几个常见的动词短语及过去进行时。应掌握句型:—What were yu ding when the rainstrm came?—I was ding my hmewrk./ What were peple ding at the time f the rainstrm? 等。通过短文“ The Strm Brught Peple Clser Tgether”来介绍Ben 所记忆的暴风雨及自己在那时所做的事情,增加了学生的阅读量,也训练了过去进行时。Sectin B安排了听、说、读、写的任务,通过“D Yu Remember What Yu Were Ding?” 让学生学到一些阅读技巧。教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。
    第一课时Sectin A(1a-2d)
    Teaching Key Pints【教学重点】
    The vcabulary:
    suddenly,alarm,begin,strange,g ff,pick up,at that time
    Target language:
    1.—What were yu ding when the rainstrm came?
    —I was ding my hmewrk.
    2.—What was the girl ding at the time f the rainstrm?
    —She was reading.
    3.My alarm didn’t g ff s I gt up late.
    Teaching Difficult Pints【教学难点】
    Use the target language abve t talk abut past events.
    Teaching Aids【教学工具】
    an English bk,a tape recrder and CAI
    Teaching Steps【教学过程】
    ★Step 1Preview and perceptin【预习感知】
    Ask the students t read the vcabulary and target language.
    1.______ (突然) I felt a hand n my shulder.
    2.Instead,this feels like the calm befre the s______ .
    3.My a______ didn’t g ff s I was late fr schl.
    4.Tm’s uncle is a s______ (奇怪的) man.He never ges ut.
    5.Last night I called at 9:00,but nbdy p______ up.
    —What ______ yu ______ when the rainstrm came?
    —I ______ ______ my hmewrk.
    What ______ peple ______ yesterday______ ______ the rainstrm?
    My alarm didn’t ______ ______ s I gt up late.
    ★Step 2Cnsciatin and explratin【合作探究】
    Let the students read the bk by themselves in rder t find ut the answers.They can discuss the questins in a grup r ask the teacher fr help.When they finish the questins,ask sme students t check the answers.
    ★Step 3Leading in【情景导入】
    I was watching TV when my mther was cking dinner.
    Let the students listen and repeat.And practice ther sentences.
    ★Step 4Pre-task【准备任务】
    Page 33,1a &1b.
    1.Lk at the picture.Where were the peple at the time f the rainstrm? Match the statements with the peple in the picture.
    2.Match each activity.
    3.Lk at 1b.Play the tape and ask the students t listen t the TV reprt and circle the crrect respnses.
    Page 33,1c.
    1.Fcus n the cnversatin in the bx.
    2.Practice the cnversatin with yur partner.
    3.Ask sme pairs t act it ut.
    ★Step 5While-task【过程任务】
    Page 34,2a &2b
    1.Play the recrding fr the first time.Students listen and number the pictures \[1-5\] in rder.
    2.Check the answers.
    3.Play the recrding a secnd time and say:Fill in the blanks in the sentences fr each picture in 2a.
    ★Step 6Pst-task【后续任务】
    Page 34,2c & 2d
    1.Lk at 2c.Use the infrmatin in 2a t retell the stry in the cnversatin between the by and the TV reprter.
    2.Lk at 2d.Make the students scan the cnversatin first.
    3.Teach and then make students rle-play the cnversatin in pairs.
    4.Play the recrding and ask the students t listen and repeat 2d.
    ★Step 7Cnslidatin practice【巩固练习】
    Lk at the students’ bk f the 1st exercise.
    ★Step 8Summary【课堂小结】
    In this class we have learned Past Prgressive Tense.Yu shuld master the new wrds and phrases “suddenly,alarm,begin,strange,g ff,pick up,at that time”and practice the sentences in target language.
    ★Step 9Hmewrk【家庭作业】
    1.Listen t the tapes twice.
    2.Practice the cnversatin n Page 34,2d.
    Bard Design板书设计
    Unit 5What were yu ding when the
    rainstrm came?
    The first perid Sectin A(1a-2d)
    1.The vcabulary:
    suddenly,alarm,begin,strange,g ff,pick up,at that time
    2.Target language:
    (1)—What were yu ding when the rainstrm came?
    —I was ding my hmewrk.
    (2)—What was the girl ding at the time f the rainstrm?
    —She was reading.
    My alarm didn’t g ff s I gt up late.
    第二课时Sectin A(3a-4c)
    Teaching Key Pints【教学重点】
    The vcabulary:
    strm,reprt,area,wind,light,wd,windw,match,beat,heavily,against,rise,fall asleep,die dwn
    Target language:
    1.Ben was helping his mm make dinner when the rain began t beat heavily against the windws.
    2.He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying dwn at arund 3:00 a.m.
    3.What was Jenny ding while Linda was sleeping?
    Teaching Difficult Pints【教学难点】
    1.Use the target language abve t talk abut past events.
    2.The usage f “fall asleep,die dwn”.
    Teaching Aids【教学工具】
    an English bk,a tape recrder and CAI
    Teaching Steps【教学过程】
    ★Step 1Preview and perceptin【预习感知】
    Ask the students t read the vcabulary and target language.
    1.I will send yu a cpy f the ______ (报道).
    2.They pushed a______ the rck with all their strength.
    3.The N.1 Schl b______ ur schl at basketball yesterday.
    4.It’s cld utside,wuld yu mind my clsing the w______ ?
    5.Her breathing became steady and she fell ______ (睡着).
    1.I was watching TV when the rainstrm came.(对划线部分提问)
    What ______ yu ______ when the rainstrm came?
    2.She was listening t the music when her father called her.(改为一般疑问句)
    ______ she ______ t the music when her father called her?
    3.We played sccer in the playgrund yesterday.(用at this time yesterday替换yesterday )
    We ______ ______ ______ in the playgrund at this time yesterday.
    ★Step 2Cnsciatin and explratin【合作探究】
    Let the students read the bk by themselves in rder t find ut the answers.They can discuss the questins in a grup r ask the teacher fr help.When they finish the questins,ask sme students t check the answers.Give the students 5—7 minutes.
    ★Step 3Leading in【情景导入】
    Ask sme students t review the cnversatin they learned in last class.
    T: What were yu ding at 7:00 last night?
    ★Step 4Pre-task【准备任务】
    Page 35,3a
    Ask the students t read the passage and answer the questins.
    1.What was the weather like befre the heavy rain started?
    2.What was the neighbrhd like after the strm?
    ★Step 5While-task【过程任务】
    Page 35,3a &3b
    1.Pay mre attentin t the passage in 3a.Make the students knw the meaning f the passage.
    2.Make the students read again.And then finish 3b.
    3.Chse ne r tw students t check the answers.Then ask ne student t write his r her answers n the blackbard.
    Page 35,3c
    Discuss the questins with a partner.Then have ne student in a grup say his/her answers.
    ★Step 6Pst-task【后续任务】
    Page 36,Grammar Fcus
    1.Review the grammar bx.Wrk in pairs.
    One asks and the ther answers.Then ask sme pairs t act them ut t the class.
    2.Practice reading the sentences in the chart.
    Page 36,4a
    1.Lk at the table and write sentences with bth while and when.
    2.Ask sme students t check the answers.
    Page 36,4b
    Ask the students t lk at 4b,and fill in the blanks with was,were,when r while.
    Then ask sme students t check the answers.
    Page 36,4c
    What were yu ding at this time last Sunday? Fill in the chart.Then ask yur partner like this:
    A: What were yu ding at nine ’clck last Sunday mrning?
    B: I was …
    ★Step 7Cnslidatin practice【巩固练习】
    Lk at the students’ bk f the 2nd exercise.
    ★Step 8Summary【课堂小结】
    In this class we shuld master the passage and knw hw t use Past Prgressive Tense.And practice it after class with yur partner.
    ★Step 9Hmewrk【家庭作业】
    1.Review the wrds and phrases in 3a.
    2.Retell the passage.
    Bard Design板书设计
    Unit 5What were yu ding when the
    rainstrm came?
    The secnd perid Sectin A(3a-4c)
    1.The vcabulary:strm,reprt,area,wind,light,wd,windw,match,beat,heavily,against,rise,fall asleep,die dwn
    2.Target language:
    (1)Ben was helping his mm make dinner when the rain began t beat heavily against the windws.
    (2)He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying dwn at arund 3:00 a.m.
    (3)What was Jenny ding while Linda was sleeping?
    第三课时Sectin B(1a-1d)
    Teaching Key Pints【教学重点】
    The vcabulary:
    by the side f the rad,wait fr
    Target language:
    1.Kate realized her bag was still at hme.
    2.When the schl basketball cmpetitin started,Kate was still making her way t schl.
    Teaching Difficult Pints【教学难点】
    The usage f “by the side f the rad,wait fr”.
    Teaching Aids【教学工具】
    an English bk,a tape recrder and CAI
    Teaching Steps【教学过程】
    ★Step 1Preview and perceptin【预习感知】
    Ask the students t read the vcabulary and target language.
    1.After he finished ______ (d) hmewrk,he went t a shp.
    2.When the ftball match started,they ______ still ______ (make) their way t schl.
    3.Why nt (wait) fr yur sister?
    4.Sme students frm Class Fur ______ (play)basketball when I ______ (see)them in the playgrund.
    5.The driver ______ (drive)hme when it ______ (rain)last night.
    Kate ______ her bag was still ______ ______ .
    When the schl basketball cmpetitin ______ ,Kate was still ______ ______ ______ t schl.
    ★Step 2Cnsciatin and explratin【合作探究】
    Let the students read the bk by themselves in rder t find ut the answers.They can discuss the questins in a grup r ask the teacher fr help.When they finish the questins,ask sme students t check the answers.
    ★Step 3Leading in【情景导入】
    Think f a time when yu were late fr r culdn’t g t an event.
    Ask the students t discuss it.
    ★Step 4Pre-task【准备任务】
    Page 37,1a
    1.Lk at 1a.
    2.Ask the students t think f anther time when yu were late fr r culdn’t g t an event.What was the event? What was the reasn why yu were late r culdn’t g?
    3.Tell yur partner the stry.
    ★Step 5While-task【过程任务】
    Page 37,1b &1c
    1.Lk at 1b.
    2.Listen and write shrt answers t the questins.
    3.Listen t the tape.Let the students find the answers.
    4.Ask ne r tw students t check the answers.
    5.Lk at 1c.
    6.Listen again.Number the events [1-6] in the rder they happened.
    7.Ask the students t listen and repeat.
    ★Step 6Pst-task【后续任务】
    Page 37,1d
    1.Lk at 1d.
    2.Talk abut why Kate missed the schl basketball cmpetitin.Student A begins a sentence with while r when.Student B cmpletes the sentence.
    A:When the schl basketball cmpetitin started…
    B:When the schl basketball cmpetitin started,Kate was still making her way t schl.
    3.Practice in pairs.
    ★Step 7Cnslidatin practice【巩固练习】
    Lk at the students’ bk f the 3rd exercise.
    ★Step 8Summary【课堂小结】
    In this class we practiced listening.Yu shuld find the answers t the questins.And yu shuld knw hw t use the phrases “by the side f the rad,wait fr”.
    ★Step 9Hmewrk【家庭作业】
    1.Review the phrases and sentences.
    2.Listen t the tapes twice after class.
    Bard Design板书设计
    Unit 5What were yu ding when the
    rainstrm came?
    The third perid Sectin B(1a-1d)
    1.The vcabulary: by the side f the rad,wait fr
    2.Target language:
    (1)Kate realized her bag was still at hme.
    (2)When the schl basketball cmpetitin started,Kate was still making her way t schl.
    第四课时Sectin B(2a-3b)
    Teaching Key Pints【教学重点】
    The vcabulary:
    passage,pupil,bell,cmpletely,shcked,recently,date,twer,realize,truth,in the playgrund,in silence,at first
    Target language:
    1.We were having fun in the playgrund when the schl bell rang.
    2.D yu remember what yu were ding?
    3.I had truble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.
    Teaching Difficult Pints【教学难点】
    Learn t write a shrt article abut an imprtant event.
    Teaching Aids【教学工具】
    an English bk,a tape recrder and CAI
    Teaching Steps【教学过程】
    ★Step 1Preview and perceptin【预习感知】
    Ask the students t read the vcabulary and target language.
    1. ______ they were talking in the classrm,the teacher came in.
    2.______ they gt t the z,it was raining.
    3. ______ she was watching TV,the phne rang.
    4. ______ I saw the by,he was swimming.
    5. ______ he was reading,she fell asleep.
    We ______ ______ ______ in the playgrund when the schl bell rang.
    D yu ______ what yu ______ ______ ?
    I had ______ ______ clearly after that ______ I was very afraid.
    ★Step 2Cnsciatin and explratin【合作探究】
    Let the students read the bk by themselves in rder t find ut the answers.They can discuss the questins in a grup r ask the teacher fr help.When they finish the questins,ask sme students t check the answers.
    ★Step 3Leading in【情景导入】
    2.Intrduce what t learn in this perid,especially the article in 2b.
    ★Step 4Pre-task【准备任务】
    Page 38,2a.
    1.Lk at 2a.
    2.Lk at the picture and title in the passage.What d yu think the passage is abut?
    3.Ask the students t talk abut it.
    ★Step 5While-task【过程任务】
    Page 38,2b.
    1.Present these new wrds n the screen and teach the new wrds.
    2.Ask students t repeat them.And make sure everyne knws the meanings.
    3.Practice reading the passage.
    4.Read the title and the first sentence.The title can be helpful fr yu t understand a text.Its als a gd idea t read the sentence f each paragraph befre yu read the whle text.
    Page 39,2c & 2d.
    1.Read the passage again.Are the fllwing statements true(T)r false(F),r is the infrmatin nt given(NG).
    2.Ask ne r tw students t check the answers.
    3.Ask the students t read the passage quickly and find the answers in 2d.
    4.Ask ne r tw students t check the answers.
    ★Step 6Pst-task【后续任务】
    Page 39,2e
    Hw much d yu remember abut the events in the passage? Test yur partner.
    Page 39,3a.
    Lk at 3a.Make ntes abut an event yu remember well.
    Page 40,3b.
    1.Lk at 3b.Write a shrt article abut the imprtant event in 3a.Try t write three paragraphs.
    2.Ask the students t read and practice the questins and the phrases in the bx.
    ★Step 7Cnslidatin practice【巩固练习】
    Lk at the students’ bk f the 4th exercise.
    ★Step 8Summary【课堂小结】
    In this class we have learned a passage “D Yu Remember What Yu Were Ding?”.Yu shuld learn hw t write a passage.
    ★Step 9Hmewrk【家庭作业】
    1.Write a strange event after class.
    2.Retell the passage abut “D Yu Remember What Yu Were Ding?”.
    Bard Design板书设计
    Unit 5 What were yu ding when the
    rainstrm came?
    The furth perid Sectin B(2a-3b)
    1.The vcabulary:passage,pupil,bell,cmpletely,shcked,recently,date,twer,realize,truth,in the playgrund,in silence,at first
    2.Target language:
    (1)We were having fun in the playgrund when the schl bell rang.
    (2)D yu remember what yu were ding?
    (3)I had truble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.
    第五课时Self Check
    Teaching Key Pints【教学重点】
    The vcabulary:
    walk hme,pint…ut
    Target language:
    1.When my brther was laughing,the televisin news reprted that ther peple had seen the light as well.
    2.It was the happiest day f my life.
    Teaching Difficult Pints【教学难点】
    Practice Past Prgressive Tense.
    Teaching Aids【教学工具】
    an English bk,a tape recrder and CAI
    Teaching Steps【教学过程】
    ★Step 1Preview and perceptin【预习感知】
    Ask the students t read the vcabulary and target language.
    1.Mther ______ (sweep)the flr when I ______ (leave)hme.
    2.Father ______ still ______ (sleep)when I ______ (get)up yesterday mrning.
    3.The cat was sitting in a tree and (smile) at everyne.
    4.Grandma ______ (ck)breakfast while I ______ (wash)my face this mrning.
    5.My mther tld me nt t talk with ______ (strange).
    When my brther ______ ,the televisin news ______ that ther peple had seen the light as well.
    It was ______ ______ ______ f my life.
    ★Step 2Cnsciatin and explratin【合作探究】
    Let the students read the bk by themselves in rder t find ut the answers.They can discuss the questins in a grup r ask the teacher fr help.When they finish the questins,ask sme students t check the answers.
    ★Step 3Leading in【情景导入】
    2.D yu remember what yu were ding when an imprtant thing happened?Ask the students t talk abut it.
    ★Step 4Pre-task【准备任务】
    Page 40,Self Check.
    Cmplete the tasks in Self Check 1.
    1.Have the students cmplete the task f Part 1.
    2.Fill in the blanks with when r while.
    3.Then chse tw r three students t read his/her answers.
    4.Practice the sentences in pairs.
    ★Step 5While-task【过程任务】
    1.Lk at Self Check 2.
    2.Ask the students t fill in the blanks with the crrect frms f the wrds in brackets.
    3.Chse sme pairs t act them ut.
    ★Step 6Pst-task【后续任务】
    Lk at the students’ bk f the 5th exercise.
    ★Step 7Cnslidatin practice【巩固练习】
    In this class we reviewed Past Prgressive Tense and the difference between when and while.
    ★Step 8Summary【课堂小结】
    1.Write a cnversatin abut what yu were ding when an imprtant thing happened.
    2.Review this unit.
    ★Step 9Hmewrk【家庭作业】
    1.Write an article abut an imprtant event using Past Prgressive Tense.
    2.Review this unit.
    Bard Design板书设计
    Unit 5 What were yu ding when the
    rainstrm came?
    The fifth perid Self Check
    1.The vcabulary: walk hme,pint…ut
    2.Target language:
    (1)When my brther was laughing,the televisin news reprted that ther peple had seen the light as well.
    (2)It was the happiest day f my life.

    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section A教学设计: 这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section A教学设计,共5页。

    初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section A教案: 这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section A教案,共4页。

    初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section A教案: 这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section A教案,共3页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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