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    Tm was a clever by, but his parents were pr, s he had t wrk in his spare time and during his hlidays t pay fr his educatin. In spite f this, he managed t get t the university, but it was s expensive t study there that during the hliday he fund it necessary t get tw jbs at the same time s as t make enugh mney t pay fr his studies.
    One summer he managed t get a jb in a butcher's shp(肉店)during the day-time, and anther in a hspital at night. In the shp, he learnt t cut meat quite nicely, s the butcher ften left him t d all the serving while he went t the back rm t d the accunts(账目). In the hspital, n the ther hand, he was, f curse, allwed t d the simplest jbs, like helping t lift peple and t carry them frm ne part f the hspital t anther. Bth at the butcher's shp and at the hspital, Tm had t wear white clthes.
    One evening at the hspital, Tm had t carry a wman frm her bed t the place where she was t have an peratin. The wman was already feeling frightened at the thught f the peratin befre he came t get her, but when she saw Tm, that finished her. "N! N!" she cried."Nt my butcher! I wn't be perated n by my butcher!" and fainted away(昏厥).
    (1)Tm made enugh mney by ________.
    A.ding tw jbs
    B.wrking in a butcher's shp
    C.cutting meat well
    D.studying in the university
    (2)Tm was a student, but at the same time he was__________.
    A.a butcher and a dctr
    B.a manager and a dctr
    C.an assistant
    D.a manager
    (3)The wman patient recgnized Tm because ____________.
    A.he was wearing white clthes
    B.he was ging t perate n her
    C.he was nw wrking in the hspital
    D.he had sld meat t her
    (4)The underlined sentence "when she saw Tm, that finished her" means that the sight f Tm _________.
    A.plunged her int deep srrw
    B.tk all her strength and curage away
    C.brke her heart
    D.made her decide t have an peratin
    Sda is refreshing and delicius, but it is nt part f a healthy, balanced diet. Mst sdas are packed with sugar. In fact, a can f sda can be hiding up t 10 teaspns f sugar! The sugar des make sft drinks delicius, but definitely nt nutritius. T much sugar in a persn's diet can lead t diabetes (糖尿病), heart disease, and tth prblems. One f the biggest sugary sda prblems is that drinking much can lead t weight gain and even besity.
    There are diet ptins available fr almst every kind f pp (汽水), which means that yu dn't have t drink all that sugar in rder t enjy a can f sda. Many studies have been dne n whether r nt aspartame (甜味剂), the sugar substitute in diet sda, is bad fr yu. Up t nw, there are still cnflicting pinins n this issue. The Eurpean Fd Safety Authrity recently cncluded that aspartame is safe fr mst peple, even in fairly large amunts. Aspartame still might nt be gd fr yu, thugh. Studies have shwn that peple wh drink diet sdas may actually gain mre weight than thse wh drink regular sda, perhaps because, strangely enugh, drinks laded with fake sugar may actually make yu want t eat mre.
    Maybe yu've decided it's time t cut dwn n yur sda drinking, but what shuld yu drink instead? Water is abslutely the healthiest thing that yu can drink. Yur bdy needs water t stay hydrated (水合物) and functin prperly, and water cntains n calries r fat. Drinking fruit juice ccasinally is nt a bad thing, but yu shuld be careful what juice and hw much juice yu're drinking. Fruit juices can cntain almst as much sugar as pp!
    As with mst things t d with yur health, mderatin is really at the base f any healthy diet. Yu can ttally drink sda, even the sugary kind just, make sure yu're nt drinking t much!
    (1)What can we knw abut sugar in Paragraph 2?
    A.Sugar is a necessary material in making Sda.
    B.Sugar can make Sda delicius and nutritius.
    C.T much sugar may cause health prblems.
    D.Sugar can lead t much fat r even besity.
    (2)What des the authr think f aspartame in diet Sda?
    A.He believes large amunts f aspartame is safe fr peple.
    B.He agrees that aspartame might nt be gd fr health.
    C.He thinks that aspartame may d great harm t health.
    D.He insists that aspartame is much safer than sugar.
    (3)What des the authr advise us t drink mre?
    B.Fruit juice.
    What if we culd replace il with a fuel which prduced n pllutin and which everybdy had equal access t? The gd news is that we can, in fact, we are swimming in it -literally.
    Hydrgen is ne f the building blcks f the universe. Our wn sun is basically, a big,dense clud f the stuff. And hydrgen can be used t create electricity fr pwer, heat and light.
    The prblem is that hydrgen is everywhere and nwhere at the same time. It des nt exist as a material n its wn, but is always part f smething else. S it has t be separated befre it can be used.
    Mst cmmercial hydrgen in use nw is created frm natural gas. As il will start t run ut in arund the year 2030. It makes sense t prduce as much hydrgen as pssi­ble as sn as we can. But natural gas supplies will als begin t run ut sn after. Anther surce is needed.
    Researchers are nw using electricity t make water int hydrgen. Cmpanies are wrking n the prblem in their wn areas. The first cmmercial hydrgen "fuel cells" fr cmputers and mbile phnes have already cme n t the market Aut cmpanies have als invested ver US $2 billin in the prductin f hydrgen fuelled cars.
    The natins f a hydrgen fuelled planet wuld nt fight ver energy recurses. There wuld be a great reductin in pllutin, the nly by-prduct f creating hydrgen is pure drinking water smething that is very scarce in many parts f the wrld. But that is nt where the gd news ends, nce the csts f prducing hydrgen have been brught dwn, it will pssibly prvide pwer fr a third f the Earth's ppula­tin that has n electricity.
    And electricity creates wealth. In Suth Africa ver the last decade there has been a large prgrammer f electrificatin. Thanks t the prgrammer, peple d nt have t spend their days lking firewd t burn fr heat and with electric light, they can wrk lng int the night
    Sme scientists see radical changes in the way the human race c-perates. Hydrgen creates electricity, and is als created by it. With dual use fuel cells, everyne wh cnsumes energy culd als prduce it. Late at night, a man drives hme in Lndn and cnnects his car int the "wrldwide hydrgen web", which it supplies with electricity. A few hurs later, a man in Beijing uses that electricity t pwer the hydrgen cell in his car. Hydrgen culd be the first demcratic energy surce.
    Like all dreams f the future, it seems very far away. But the threat f war and terrrism in the Middle East has made gvernments and businesses mre aware f the need t end il dependency and spend mre time and mney n hy­drgen resurce. S maybe the threat f war is nt a cmpletely bad thing fr the future f the human race.
    (1)What is the prblem with using hydrgen as energy?
    A.It has by-prducts.
    B.It has t be separated frm ther materials.
    C.It will make energy t cheap.
    D.It is t far away frm us.
    (2)Why des the authr give the example in the last but ne paragraph?
    A.T tell us that we prduce energy while using hydr­gen pwer.
    B.T tell us that hydrgen pwer des nt prduce pllutin
    C.T shw hydrgen pwer can stp war.
    D.T shw hydrgen pwer is cheap.
    (3)What is the authr's attitude abut the future?
    (4)What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.War and energy.
    B.The future f hydrgen as an energy resurce.
    C.The disadvantages f il.
    D.Hw t end war.
    Can We Stp Fd Lnging Thrugh Imaginary Eating?
    Are yu fighting an urge t reach fr chclate? Then, let it melt in yur mind, nt in yur muth. Accrding t the recent research, imagining eating a specific fd reduces yur interest in that fd, s yu eat less f it.
    This reactin t repeated expsure t fd—being less interested in smething because yu've experienced it t much—is called habituatin.________
    The research is the first t shw that habituatin can ccur thrugh the pwer f the mind. "If yu just think abut the fd itself—hw it tastes and smells—that will increase yur appetite," said Carey Mre wedge, a well-knwn psychlgist. "It might be better t frce yurself t repeatedly think abut chewing and swallwing the fd in rder t reduce yur lnging.________Visualizing yurself eating chclate wuldn't prevent yu frm eating lts f cheese," he added.
    Mre wedge cnducted an interesting experiment. 51 subjects were divided int three grups. One grup was asked t imagine putting 30 cins int a laundry machine and then eating three chclates.________Anther grup was asked t imagine putting three cins int a laundry machine and then eating 30 chclates. Lastly, a cntrl grup imagined just putting 33 cins int the machine—with n chclates.________When they said they had finished, these were taken away and weighed. The results shwed the grup that had imagined eating 30 chclates each ate fewer f the chclates than the ther grups.
    ________Physical signals—that full stmach feeling—are nly part f what tells us we've finished a meal. The research suggests that psychlgical effects, such as habituatin, als influence hw much a persn eats. It may lead t new behaviral techniques fr peple lking t eat mre healthily, r have cntrl ver ther habits.
    A. What's mre, this nly wrks with the specific fd yu've imagined.
    B. Peple were advised t try different methds t perfrm the experiment.
    C. Fr example, a tenth bite is desired less than the first bite, accrding t the study.
    D. All f them then ate freely frm bwls cntaining the same amunt f chclate each.
    E. It meant thse wh repeatedly imagined eating wuld cncern abut sme specific fd.
    F. This requires the same mtr skills as eating small chclates frm a packet, the study says.
    G. This study is part f the research lking int what makes us eat mre than we actually need.
    In primary schl, I 1 felt different r alne just fr in a wheelchair. My life flwed like a river. I tk part in lts f 2 , like dance and music. I even went nstage in my wheelchair and perfrmed dances and wn prizes.
    Then came the 3 fr surgery (外科手术) that might help me walk. 4 I went int the perating rm, I was hpeful and shut my eyes, and the wrld 5 arund me. After my surgery, I was in s much pain that stepped int state f 6 , shutting ut everybdy. I even 7 having the surgery and nearly gave up n my lifelng 8 — walking.
    My life began t turn back arund when I went t an inpatient rehabilitatin center (住院康复中心), alng with my mm. At first, I didn't 9 staying there, with all kinds f therapies (疗法) and dctr visits. There was s much I culdn't d, like playing at the nearby playgrund when my dad and brther 10 . What was wrse, it was 11 t make friends.
    As I felt better, things began t get 12 . I made a gd friend, and the playgrund became a harbr fr my 13 . I culd paint pictures with my mind and bring characters t life. I was 14 puzzle pieces f myself and putting them back tgether.
    Lately, I've been able t stand with help fr five minutes straight. I feel 15 again and am dreaming big. I want t 16 cmpanies t create rle mdels fr disabled kids t lk up t — like maybe a disabled her in a mvie. I've als 17 the Just Say Hi campaign, which encurages everyne nt t be afraid t accept and greet peple wh have a 18 .
    This jurney has changed my life. It's made me brave and 19 . My message is: stay strng, stay determined, and dn't ever think yur 20 are ut f reach.
    ________(Make) new friends means putting yurself ut n a limb(孤立无援) and asking thers nt nly t accept yu, but t like yu and want t be arund yu as well. ________ (unfrtunate), there is n magical slutin t this part f prcess, s if yu want t make friends, take a deep breath and jump right in.
    ________first step t making friends is figuring ut what is hlding yu back. A lt f times peple ________are interested in making new friends dn't knw why they dn't have them already. They can't see that ________. (they) wn wrking against them.
    Once yu can identify what is keeping yu frm making new friends, yu need t wrk thrugh these cncerns. This can be painful because yu will need t put yurself utside f yur cmfrt znes t see any real ________(difference) .
    The next step is t shine in these scial setting s that thers will leave with a psitive ________ (impress). If yu find scial situatins hard, just rely ________ a few simple rules.
    When yu feel ________ (cnfidence) that yu've made sme great new friends, get ut there and celebrate it with them! N matter what yu decide ________(d), the imprtant thing is t celebrate yur new friends and hpefully cntinue cultivating (培养) mre.
    7.请你以Jane Gdall为题写一篇短文,词数120左右。内容要点如下:
    1)著名的动物学家(zlgist)Jane Gdall, 1934年出生于英国,毕业于剑桥( Cambridge University)大学。
    ①在Jane Gdall 之前,没有人完全了解猩猩的行为:吃肉;一起狩猎;像家庭成员一样交流,生活;
    ③获得许多荣誉( hnurs )。
    参考词汇:适应adjust t
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua
    1.答案: (1)A
    (1)根据第一段中的“he fund it necessary t get tw jbs at the same time s as t make enugh mney t pay fr his studies”.可知,Tm必须同时做两份工作才能赚足够的钱交学费。故选A。
    (2)根据第二段中的“One summer he managed t get a jb in a butcher's shp(肉店)during the day-time, and anther in a hspital at night.”可知,一个夏天,他设法白天在肉店工作,晚上在医院里工作。结合第一段内容可知,Tm是个学生,因此推断,Tm为了交大学学费不得不在肉店打工,也在医院帮忙,所以我们可知,Tm既是学生,又是an assistant(助手、伙计)。故选C。
    (3)根据最后一段中的“‘N! N!’ she cried.‘Nt my butcher! I wn't be perated n by my butcher!’ and fainted away(昏厥).”“不,不”她尖叫着,“不是我的屠夫! 我不会让我的屠夫给我动手术!”然后昏厥过去)可推断,这位女士认出了Tm,因为他曾经卖肉给她,故选D。
    (4)根据最后一段中的"‘N! N!’she cried. ‘Nt my butcher! I wn't be perated n by my butcher!’ and fainted away(昏厥). ”“不,不”她尖叫着,“不是我的屠夫!我不会让我的屠夫给我动手术!”然后昏厥过去。可以推断出,这位女患者在医院里认出了Tm,因为Tm另一份工作就是在肉店里帮忙,曾经卖肉给她,让一个曾砍过肉的人现在要给她做手术,她应该是感到害怕,因此推断划线部分意思是:看到Tm让这位女士失去了她所有的力量和勇气,昏厥过去。故选B。
    2.答案: (1)C
    (2)考查推理判断。根据第二段中的“Aspartame still might nt be gd fr yu, thugh. Studies have shwn that peple wh drink diet sdas may actually gain mre weight than thse wh drink regular sda, perhaps because, strangely enugh, drinks laded with fake sugar may actually make yu want t eat mre.” 不过阿斯巴甜也许对你不好。研究表明,喝碳酸饮料的人比那些喝普通苏打水的人体重增加更多,也许奇怪的是,含有假糖的饮料实际上会让你想多吃东西。由此可知,他认为这种含有阿斯巴甜的苏打水对人体还是不好的。故选B。
    (3)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“but what shuld yu drink instead?Water is abslutely the healthiest thing that yu can drink. Yur bdy needs water t stay hydrated (水合物) and functin prperly, and water cntains n calries r fat。Drinking fruit juice ccasinally is nt a bad thing, but yu shuld be careful what juice and hw much juice yu're drinking. Fruit juices can cntain almst as much sugar as pp!。”水绝对是你能喝的最健康的东西。你的身体需要水来保持水分(水合物)和功能正常,水不含热量或脂肪。可能果汁中含有的糖几乎和汽水一样多!由此可知作者建议我们多喝水,故选C。
    3.答案: (1)B
    (2)考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“And electricity creates wealth. In Suth Africa ver the last decade there has been a large prgrammer f electrificatin. Thanks t the prgrammer, peple d nt have t spend their days lking firewd t burn fr heat and with electric light, they can wrk lng int the night”可知举这个例子就是为了告诉我们在使用hydrgen的时候,也产生电能。故选A。
    4.答案: C;A;F;D;G
    解析:分析:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了心理因素对人们饮食数量的影响,例如 "habituatin"。
    (1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前句"This reactin t repeated expsure t fd—being less interested in smething because yu've experienced it t much—is called habituatin"可知当我们多次接触到某一食物的时候,我们对它的兴趣就会减少,因为我们已经熟悉了它。本句是对这一理论的举例说明,C.Fr example, a tenth bite is desired less than the first bite, accrding t the study与前面一句相吻合,故选C。
    (2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后"Visualizing yurself eating chclate wuldn't prevent yu frm eating lts f cheese"可知观察自己吃巧克力的样子不会阻止你吃奶酪。也就是说我们要想象自己吃某种具体的食物,这样才会减少你对这种食物的渴望。A.What's mre, this nly wrks with the specific fd yu've imagined.恰好与此吻合,故选A。
    (3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前"Mre wedge cnducted an interesting experiment. 51 subjects were divided int three grups."可知研究人员对此问题进行了分组研究。第一组的研究对象被要求想象把30个硬币扔进洗衣机,然后想象吃了3个巧克力。这和从口袋里拿出巧克力来吃有类似的运动神经技巧,所以研究人员才会这样开展研究。F.This requires the same mtr skills as eating small chclates frm a packet, the study says.与上下文语境一致,故选F。
    (4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后"The results shwed the grup that had imagined eating 30 chclates each ate fewer f the chclates than the ther grups."可知在这些人吃完以后,进行称重。结果发现想象每次吃了30个巧克力的人实际上吃了最少。也就是说在他们实验结束以后,会让他们自由地吃巧克力。D.All f them then ate freely frm bwls cntaining the same amunt f chclate each.符合上下文语境,故选D。
    (5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后"The research suggests that psychlgical effects, such as habituatin, als influence hw much a persn eats."可知本次研究说明心理方面的因素会影响人们吃的东西的量。由此可见这个研究是关于人们饮食数量的话题。G.This study is part f the research lking int what makes us eat mre than we actually need.符合中心思想,故选G。
    5.答案: (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)A;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9)B;(10)B;(11)C;(12)C;(13)A;(14)A;(15)A;(16)D;(17)B;(18)D;(19)C;(20)A;
    (1)考查副词。句意:在小学的时候,我从来没有因为坐在轮椅上而感到不同或孤独。A. still“仍然”;B. never“从不”;C. just“只是”;D. smetimes“有时候”。根据下文“My life flwed like a river.”以及“I even went nstage in my wheelchair and perfrmed dances and wn prizes.”可知,我从来没有因为坐在轮椅上而感到不同或孤独。故选B。
    (2)考查名词。句意:我参加了很多活动,像跳舞和音乐。A. sprts“运动”;B. camps“露营”;C. activities“活动”;D. discussins“讨论”。根据下文“like dance and music”可知,我参加了很多活动。故选C。
    (3)考查名词。句意:然后,我有机会接受也许可以帮助我走路的外科手术。A. chance“机会”;B. rm“房间,空间”;C. reasn“原因”;D. price“价格”。根据下文“that might help me walk”及常识可知,此处指“有机会接受外科手术”。故选A。
    (4)考查状语从句。句意:当我走进手术室的时候,我满怀希望地闭上眼睛,我周围的世界就改变了。A. Because“因为”;B. If“如果”;C. Thugh“尽管”;D. When“当……的时候”。根据语境可知,当我走进手术室的时候。故选D。
    (5)考查动词。句意:当我走进手术室的时候,我满怀希望地闭上眼睛,我周围的世界就改变了。A. changed“改变”;B. wrked“工作”;C. cntinued“继续”;D. std“站立”。根据上文“Then came the 3 fr surgery (外科手术) that might help me walk.”可知,接受这场外科手术,我周围的世界会发生改变。故选A。
    (6)考查名词。句意:手术后,我是如此疼痛,以至于陷入了一种悲痛的状态,把所有人都拒之门外。A. cnfusin“混乱,困惑”;B. safeness“平安”;C. sadness“悲痛”;D. relaxatin“放松”。根据上文“I was in s much pain”可知,我陷入了一种悲痛的状态。故选C。
    (7)考查动词。句意:我甚至后悔做了手术,几乎放弃我一生的目标——走路。A. regretted“后悔”;B. imagined“想象”;C. enjyed“享受”;D. avided“避免”。根据上文“After my surgery, I was in s much pain that stepped int state f 6 , shutting ut everybdy.”可知,我甚至后悔做了手术。故选A。
    (8)考查名词。句意:我甚至后悔做了手术,几乎放弃了我一生的目标——走路。A. jurney“旅行”;B. search“搜索”;C. idea“主意”;D. gal“目标”。根据上文“I went int the perating rm, I was hpeful and I shut my eyes, and the wrld 5 arund me.”可知,走路曾经是我梦寐以求的事情,此处指“我一生的目标——走路”。故选D。
    (9)考查动词。句意:起初,我不喜欢待在那里,接受各种治疗和医生巡诊。A. mind“介意”;B. like“喜欢”;C. suggest“建议”;D. admit“承认”。根据下文“There was s much I culdn't d, like playing at the nearby playgrund when my dad and brther 10 .”可知,起初,我不喜欢待在那里。故选B。
    (10)考查动词。句意:有很多事情我不能做,比如当爸爸和哥哥来的时候,在附近的操场上玩。A. talked“说话”;B. visited“拜访”;C. passed“通过”;D. agreed“同意”。根据语境可知,我正在接受康复治疗,爸爸和哥哥会来看望我。故选B。
    (11)考查形容词。句意:更糟糕的是,很难交到朋友。A. easy“容易的”;B. imprtant“重要的”;C. hard“困难的”;D. dangerus“危险的”。根据语境及常识可知,我需要接受康复治疗,在这里我很难交到朋友。故选C。
    (12)考查形容词。句意:我感觉好些了,情况也开始好转。A. clearer“更清晰的”;B. wrse“更糟糕的”;C. better“更好的”;D. stranger“更奇怪的”。根据上文“As I felt better”可知,情况开始好转。故选C。
    (13)考查名词。句意:我交了一个好朋友,操场成了我记忆的港湾。A. memry“记忆”;B. perfrmance“表现”;C. tur“旅行”;D. creativity“创造力”。根据下文“I culd paint pictures with my mind and bring characters t life.”可知,操场成了我记忆的港湾。故选A。
    (14)考查动词短语。句意:我把自己的拼图碎片捡起来,重新拼在一起。A. paying fr“支付”;B. picking up“拾起,捡起”;C. thrwing ut“扔掉”;D. turning ver“翻”身。根据“putting them back tgether”可知,我捡起自己的拼图碎片。故选A。
    (15)考查形容词。句意:我又有了希望,有了远大的梦想。A. hpeful“有希望的”;B. lucky“幸运的”;C. awful“可怕的”;D. unsatisfied“不满意的”。根据下文可知,我又有了希望。故选A。
    (16)考查动词。句意:我想说服公司为残疾儿童树立榜样——就像电影中的残疾英雄一样。A. teach“教”;B. invite“邀请”;C. rder“命令”;D. persuade“劝说”。我想说服公司为残疾儿童树立榜样。故选D。
    (17)考查动词。句意:我还参加了“说声你好”活动,鼓励大家不要害怕接受和问候残疾人士。A. believed“相信”;B. jined“参加”;C. remembered“记得”;D. left“离开,留下”。根据下文“the Just Say Hi campaign”可知,我参加了“说声你好”活动。故选B。
    (18)考查名词。句意:我还参加了“说声你好”活动,鼓励大家不要害怕接受和问候残疾人士。A. try“尝试”;B. stry“故事”;C. right“权利”;D. disability“残疾”。根据语境可知,此处指“残疾人士”。故选D。
    (19)考查形容词。句意:它让我变得勇敢和坚强。A. plite“礼貌的”;B. hnest“诚实的”;C. strng“坚强的”;D. friendly“友好的”。根据下文“My message is: stay strng, stay determined”可知,我变得勇敢和坚强。故选C。
    (20)考查名词。句意:我要说的是:要坚强,要有决心,永远不要认为你的梦想遥不可及。A. dreams“梦想”;B. methds“方法”;C. csts“代价”;D. needs“需求”。根据语境可知,我实现了我一生的目标——走路,因此我想告诉人们“永远不要认为你的梦想遥不可及”。故选A。
    6.答案: Making;Unfrtunately;The;wh/that;their;differences;impressin;n;cnfident;t d
    (4)考查定语从句。句意:很多时候,对交新朋友感兴趣的人并不知道为什么他们没有新朋友。 are interested in making new friends修饰前面的名词peple,所以这是一个定语从句;分析定语从句句子成分可知,从句缺少主语,所以要用关系代词;先行词peple指人,所以要填that或wh。故填wh/that。
    (5)考查代词。句意:他们看不到他们自己的行动与他们的期望背道而驰。根据句意可知,ne's wn+名词,“某人自己的”。故填their。
    (8)考查介词。句意:如果你发现社交场合很艰难的时候,可以依靠一些简单的规则。rely n,固定短语“依靠,依赖”,故填n。
    (10)考查非谓语动词。此空充当decide的宾语,要用动词不定式。故填t d。
    7.答案: Jane Gdall, brn in England in 1934, was a wrld famus zlgist, wh graduated frm Cambridge University. Since her childhd she had wanted t wrk with animals in their natural envirnment. In 1960, she achieved her dream—she arrived in Africa t study the chimps.
    Nbdy befre Jane fully understd chimp behavir. She fund that chimps hunt and eat meat. She als discvered hw chimps cmmunicate with each ther. She argued that wild animals shuld be left in the wild. Thanks t her help, sme special reserves have been set up, where chimps can live safely.
    Having devted all her time t studying chimps, Jane Gdall gained many hnurs. Her spirit inspires many peple.
    解析:分析:请你以Jane Gdall为题写一篇短文,词数120左右。内容要点如下:1. 著名的动物学家(zlgist)Jane Gdall, 1934年出生于英国,毕业于剑桥( Cambridge University) 大学。2. 她从小就梦想在自然环境中研究动物并于1960年去非洲研究黑猩猩(chimps)。3. 取得的成就:1)在Jane Gdall 之前,没有人完全了解猩猩的行为:吃肉;一起狩猎;像家庭成员一样交流,生活;2) 帮助建立动物自然栖息地;3) 获得许多荣誉( hnurs )。写作时不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯同时要把所提示的点写全,语句通顺,同时要注意准确运用时态、语态、上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。根据句意适当使用并列连词,同时也要合理运用高级词汇和高级句子为文章增色添彩。
    点评:Jane Gdall, brn in England in 1934, was a wrld famus zlgist, wh graduated frm Cambridge University.句中运用非限制性定语从句;Since her childhd she had wanted t wrk with animals in their natural envirnment.过去完成时态(本来想做某事)的使用非常经典;She fund that chimps hunt and eat meat. She als discvered hw chimps cmmunicate with each ther.连续运用两个宾语从句;She argued that wild animals shuld be left in the wild.虚拟语气在宾语从句中体现;Having devted all her time t studying chimps, Jane Gdall gained many hnurs.现在分词的完成式做状语。
    8.答案: Dear
    I'm s srry t hear yu fail t adjust yurself t Senir High Schl life. Here are sme tips fr yu.
    Firstly, take everything new in Senir High as it is. Dn't be t anxius, which will prevent yu enjying life. Besides, it is knwn that a well-balanced learning plan matters. Als, yu can take part in sprts as much as pssible, which des gd t making friends. Apparently mre friends will make yu away frm lneliness.
    I believe yu will get used t it sn and I'll wait fr yur gd news.
    Li Hua
    点评:本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I'm s srry t hear yu fail t adjust yurself t Senir High Schl life. 运用了不定式作原因状语和宾语从句;Here are sme tips fr yu.运用了倒装句; Firstly, take everything new in Senir High as it is. 运用了祈使句和方式状语从句;Dn't be t anxius, which will prevent yu enjying life. 运用了祈使句和非限制性定语从句;Besides, it is knwn that a well-balanced learning plan matters. 运用了主语从句;Als, yu can take part in sprts as much as pssible, which des gd t making friends.运用了非限制性定语从句;I believe yu will get used t it sn and I'll wait fr yur gd news.运用了宾语从句和并列句。
    1. A. still
    B. never
    C. just
    D. smetimes
    2. A. sprts
    B. camps
    C. activities
    D. discussins
    3. A. chance
    B. rm
    C. reasn
    D. price
    4. A. Because
    B. If
    C. Thugh
    D. When
    5. A. changed
    B. wrked
    C. cntinued
    D. std
    6. A. cnfusin
    B. safeness
    C. sadness
    D. relaxatin
    7. A. regretted
    B. imagined
    C. enjyed
    D. avided
    8. A. jurney
    B. search
    C. idea
    D. gal
    9. A. mind
    B. like
    C. suggest
    D. admit
    10. A. talked
    B. visited
    C. passed
    D. agreed
    11. A. easy
    B. imprtant
    C. hard
    D. dangerus
    12. A. clearer
    B. wrse
    C. better
    D. stranger
    13. A. memry
    B. perfrmance
    C. tur
    D. creativity
    14. A. paying fr
    B. picking up
    C. thrwing ut
    D. turning ver
    15. A. hpeful
    B. lucky
    C. awful
    D. unsatisfied
    16. A. teach
    B. invite
    C. rder
    D. persuade
    17. A. believed
    B. jined
    C. remembered
    D. left
    18. A. try
    B. stry
    C. right
    D. disability
    19. A. plite
    B. hnest
    C. strng
    D. friendly
    20. A. dreams
    B. methds
    C. csts
    D. needs

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