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    这是一份北京市昌平区2021届高三年级二模考试英语试题及答案,共12页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    As I watched the bus driver set my luggage n the sidewalk, I realized my anxiety had begun. This was my first visit t the internatinal airprt, and nthing was 1 . I culd nt make sense f any f the signs. I had been in this cuntry fr a whle term, but I culd nt even recgnize the basic characters. I began t 2 . I had t find help because I culd nt be late!
    Frtunately, anther 3 arrived and the passengers came ut. I dragged my suitcase behind me and fllwed the grup. We finally reached the elevatrs. Oh, n! They all fit in it, but there was nt enugh 4 fr me. I watched in despair as the elevatr drs clsed. I gt n the elevatr when it returned and stared at all the buttns. I pressed buttn 3.
    I 5 nervusly when I stepped ut f the elevatr. Tears frmed in my eyes as I saw the deserted lbby (大厅) and 6 that I culdn’t find the inspectin cunter. Just then an airprt emplyee appeared. He saw that I was 7 and asked if he culd help. He gave me his handkerchief t dry my eyes as I related my difficult situatin. He smiled kindly, and 8 me dwn a lng hallway. We walked up sme stairs, lines f peple and pushed my luggage t the inspectin cunter.
    When I turned t thank him fr all his help, he was gne. I will never knw that kind man’s name, but I will always 9 his unexpected pliteness. He helped me when I needed it the mst. I can nly hpe that ne day I will be able t d the same fr anther 10 wh is suffering thrugh a terrible jurney.
    1. A. newB. familiarC. beautifulD. difficult
    2. A. panicB. wnderC. regretD. dream
    3. A. busB. train C. planeD. car
    4. A. timeB. mney C. airD. rm
    5. A. brke dwnB came inC. lked arund D. drpped by
    6. A. revealedB. respndedC. recalledD. realized
    7. A. busyB. hurtC. lseD. bred
    8. A. fllwedB. racedC. ledD. pushed
    9. A. reprtB. rememberC explainD. suggest
    10. A. piltB. travelerC. wrkerD. driver
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    Dn Stephensn used t live in the streets a few years ag. He was hmeless and pr. “I didn’t knw 11 my next meal was cming frm,” he says. Nw Stephensn has a hme and makes a living as a mechanic. But he has nt frgtten the peple in the streets. One night a week he ges t the pr side f the twn. He stands n street crners and hands ut $5 r $10 t anyne 12 needs it. In additin, he gives away fd and clthing. “I dn’t want t see anyne 13 (hunger),” he says. “I understand these peple because I 14 (be) there.”
    A warning system t prevent peple frm falling asleep while driving 15 ( intrduce) at the China Internatinal Fair fr Trade in Services. It can judge whether the driver is sleepy 16 mnitring hw lng the driver’s eyes clse r if his r her head drps. 17 the driver enters a state f tiredness, the system will immediately sund an alarm until the driver’s eyes repen.
    Recently, the Dunhuang Academy and Tencent have cperated 18 (launch) a series f cartns t help peple better understand the cultural relic. The cartns adapted frm the 19 (stry) painted in the caves in Dunhuang cnsist f five episdes(集), each running less than five minutes. Visitrs can watch the cartns n a mini-prgram n the scial media platfrm WeChat. In additin t the ppular cartn series, sme ther creative cultural prductins 20 (list) in the Yunyu Dunhuang prgram als include an interactive game f clring and a VR cave explratin.
    Future City Cmpetitin
    Future City starts with a questin—hw can we make the wrld a better place? T answer it, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students imagine, research, design, and build cities f the future that shwcase their slutin t a citywide sustainability issue. Past tpics include Urban Agriculture, Public spaces, and Green energy while the tpic f this year is Living n the Mn. Teams will design a futuristic lunar city and prvide examples f hw the city uses Mn resurces t keep its residents safe and healthy.
    Participants cmplete five deliverables: a 1,500-wrd city essay: a scale mdel; a prject plan; a presentatin vide; and a virtual/nline Q&A sessin with /judges. Reginal winners represent their regin at the internatinal Finals. After cmpleting Future City, student participants are nt nly prepared t be citizens f tday’s cmplex and technical wrld, but als ready t becme the drivers f tmrrw.
    What yu can learn
    This flexible, crss-curricular(跨课程的) educatinal prgram gives students an pprtunity t d the things that engineers d-identify prblems: brainstrm ideas; design slutins; test, retest and build; and share their results. With this at its center, Future City is an engaging way t build students’ 21st century skills. Students participating in Future City als learn hw their cmmunities wrk and becme better citizens and develp strng time management and prject management skills.
    What yu need
    Future City csts just $25 per rganizatin—and yu can register I team r 100. The price always stays the same.
    We keep the price affrdable s everyne can participate. Nt nly that, we limit the budget fr materials fr the City Mdel and City Presentatin t $100 and encurage teams t use recycled materials. Yu dn’t need expensive equipment t excel. Creativity, hard wrk, and cmmitment are all yu need t get ahead.
    Please nte: Sme regins limit the number f teams an rganizatin can bring t the Reginal Cmpetitin. Please check with yur Reginal Crdinatr t find ut the guidelines in yur regin.
    21. In Future City Cmpetitin 2021, students need t ________.
    A. cmplete mre than five taskes
    B. design a city with green energy
    C. address prblems n the mn
    D. make use f lunar resurces
    22. What lies at the cre f Future City Cmpetitin?
    A. Designing cities.
    B. Identifying prblems.
    C. Training better citizens
    D. Engineering design prcess
    23. If yu want t succeed in the cmpetitin, yu need ________.
    A. t be creative and devted
    B. t use the recycled materials
    C. t buy sme expensive equipment
    D. t ask mre peple t jin in yur team
    Tbias Weller is nthing shrt f extrardinary.
    At 9-years-ld, he’s dealt with things mst f us wn’t face in ur lifetimes. Simple tasks, like standing n his wn tw feet, are impssible fr him and he requires assistance fr mst activities we cnsider basic. But Just because he’s smene wh needs help, that desn’t mean he can’t give help.
    At first Tbias decided t cmplete a spnsred ne-kilmeter walk. But fr sme reasns, the race was canceled, and Tbias’ plans were destryed.
    The mment yung Weller learned abut Captain Tm, a 100-year-ld British vet wh has nw raised 41 millin dllars fr charities by walking in his walker, he decided if a century-year-ld man culd walk fr miles, he culd als make it happen.
    Frget the ne kilmeter, Tbias was ging t walk a marathn—26.2 miles—in rder t raise mney fr his tw favrite charities. He went up and dwn his street fr mnths. First with 50 meters a day, but as he grew strnger, the distance expanded and eventually he built up t 750 meters a day. It tk him 70 days t crss that finish line, but he did it.
    His mther, Ruth Garbutt, presented him with a medal as he crssed the finish line.
    She said: “I’m s, s prud f Tbias. I’m bursting with pride fr all he’s achieved and hw hard he’s wrked during the marathn…He culdn’t push the walker at the start f the marathn and nw he can, he can push it n the flat and he’s prved tday he can push it uphill as well.”
    Hnestly, just ww. The amunt f pain and extreme tiredness he must have suffered during his walks is unimaginable. But he never stpped, he just kept pushing, and in the end he raised ver $111, 000 fr his charities.
    “I’m pleased t raise lads f mney. Other children wh aren’t as lucky as me can benefit frm the mney that’s been raised.” Tbias said.
    24. Tbias decided t walk a marathn mainly t ________.
    A. challenge himself
    B. strengthen his bdy
    C. cntribute t charities
    D. cmpete with Captain Tm
    25. What d we knw abut Tbias’s marathn?
    A. It was canceled finally.
    B. It lasted mre than tw mnths.
    C. Tbias finished it withut a walker.
    D. Tbias was awarded the first prize.
    26. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Tbias?
    A. Ambitius and calm.B. Strng-willed and kind.
    C. Curageus and hnest.D. Determined and cperative.
    Regardless f hw famus they are, and despite the star treatment they receive, many celebrities make it a pint t give back t charities. Sme have even set up their wn private fundatins. Their widely publicised visits t trubled areas f the wrld help t raise awareness f issues such as famine and pverty. Accrding t Jane Cper f Unicef UK, celebrities have a unique ability t reach huge numbers f peple, many f whm might nt therwise be engaged in charitable causes. She pinted ut that famus faces had played a significant rle in raising funds in recent years, and their energies had prduced tangible results, such as enabling millins f children in prer cuntries t attend schl.
    But in spite f these successes there is evidence t suggest that celebrity endrsement (代言) may be verrated. In a survey f members f the public t find ut if celebrity invlvement wuld encurage peple t dnate, researchers fund that the impact was nt as great as previusly thught. When shwn a list f well-knwn rganisatins and famus peple wh represent them, ver half f respndents were unable t match the celebrity with the cause. What’s mre, three quarters claimed that they didn’t respnd t celebrity endrsement in any way. The survey als shwed that a few names did stand ut as being assciated with particular charities. But the presence f a celebrity in a campaign, was nt a significant factr when it came t a decisin t dnate time r mney. Instead, the majrity f peple cntribute because f persnal cnnectins in their lives and families which make a charity imprtant t them.
    In anther study aimed at yung peple, mst participants cited a cmpelling (无法抗拒的) missin as their main mtivatin t give. The secnd mst imprtant incentive was if a friend r peer recmmended supprting a particular cause. Only tw per cent f respndents said they were mtivated by celebrity endrsement. This seems t cntradict the general assumptin that teenagers are particularly influenced by famus peple. One pssible explanatin is that there is a general fatigue (疲倦) with celebrity culture. There is als a suspicin that the stars are the ne wh benefit mst when they ffer t d charity wrk. Sme critics have accused that celebrities might actually take attentin away frm issues by attracting mre attentin than the causes they represent.
    S taking all these issues int accunt, is it time fr charities t rethink their campaign strategies and lk fr alternative ways t reach new audiences? Whichever pint f view yu favur, there seems t be pprtunities fr mre research int hw charity campaigns might develp relatinships with celebrities t maximise their ptential. This in turn will pen up mre engagement, and better targeted campaigns-which can nly benefit thse wh really matter—the peple and animals that are in need f assistance.
    27. What des the underlined wrd “tangible” in paragraph I prbably mean?
    A. Definite.B. Cmplicated.C. Limited.D. Temprary.
    28. Accrding t the passage, mst peple cntribute t charities because ________.
    A. they gain benefit frm the charities
    B. they are frced t finish a necessary task
    C. they believe in the famus peple they like
    D. they are inspired by the peple arund them
    29. The third paragraph is mainly abut ________.
    A. what celebrities achieve in ding charities
    B. Hw yung peple react t celebrity culture
    C. why yung peple are hardly influenced by celebrities
    D. wh is t blame fr taking attentin away frm charities
    30. What is the authr's attitude twards celebrity ding charities?
    A. Objective.B. Psitive.
    C. Negative.D. Unclear
    Effective mnitring f endangered species is key t their survival. Studying the mvement, range and habits f wild animals is essential in rder t ensure their habitat remains free frm pachers (偷猎者) and develpment. Traditinal methds f mnitring wild animals, especially large nes, include radi-tagging. T d this, individual animals must at first be captured s that cllars r tags can be fitted.
    One rganisatin that adpted this technique was WildTrack. In the late 1990s, the team was using radi-cllars t mnitr black rhin in Namibia. Hwever, the team sn realised that the chemicals used t immbilize the rhin in rder t fit the cllars had a negative impact n female fertility. Nt nly that but a large prprtin f the radi-cllars failed within the first 6 mnths and had t be replaced. Mrever, as animals grew, the cllars wuld tighten, irritating r even hurting the animal. The methd was nt nly expensive, but it was als cunterprductive, as it changed the rhin’s behaviur, thus invalidating (使失效) the data cllected. At the same time, the team was wrking alngside lcal trackers. Animal tracking is ne f the ldest human skills, and these experts had years f experience in identifying individual animals by their ftprints. They culd effectively create a true picture f individual rhins’ activities withut the use f any invasive techniques. Cnsequently, the team were interested t knw whether the trackers’ knwledge culd be successfully translated int an effective, cmputerised technique fr mnitring animal mvement.
    Within each species, each individual has its wn unique ft characteristics, in the same way that humans have fingerprints. Thus, if an animal is sighted and identified just nce, and the characteristics f its ftprints prperly phtgraphed and measured, its ftprint can be recgnised whenever it is sighted again. If dne repeatedly, cnservatinists can draw up a database f all, r at least a significant prprtin f the individuals within the ppulatin. After that cnservatinists can use it t identify an animal and its mvements by its print. The data gathered can be used fr a range f purpses, fr example t mnitr bidiversity. WildTrack is currently using ftprint identificatin technlgy in Greece t study the ptential effect f a large highway cnstructin thrugh brwn bear habitat.
    Identifying an animal frm its ftprint is nt withut its challenges, hwever, as each time the individual places its ft n the grund, it leaves a slightly different track, accrding t the type f grund it is walking n, misture levels and the way it is mving. In rder t accunt fr these variatins, it is necessary t cllect several tracks frm each individual, including impressins frm all fur feet, n a range f surfaces.
    31. Cmpared with radi-cllars, traditinal animal tracking ________.
    A. is less accurate
    B. csts mre mney
    C. has less side effects
    D. depends mre n cmputers
    32. Accrding t the passage, the ft-print identificatin technlgy ________.
    A. needs mre data t run better
    B. develps frm radi-cllars
    C. has nt been put int practice
    D. wrks under certain envirnment
    33. What des the passage imply?
    A. Technlgy hlds the key t develpment.
    B. Traditinal skills make better cnservatinists.
    C. Animal tracking sets a new trend in cnservatin.
    D. Creativity lies in the cmbinatin f the ld and new.
    34. What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A. T present WildTrack’s extrardinary wrk.
    B. T prvide a new way f mnitring animals.
    C. T cmpare tw different methds f catching animals.
    D. T explain hw t identify animals ftprints effectively.
    False Memries r Parallel (平行的) Realities?
    Here is a cmmn situatin: Yu’re talking with smene abut an event, nly t discver that yu bth remember things quite differently. Usually, yu’d put it dwn t a pr memry, but what if it wasn’t just ne persn wh remembered things differently? What if it was millins?
    In fact, this isn’t a “what if” situatin. It’s knwn as the Mandela Effect, and it was first nticed in 2009 by paranrmal researcher Fina Brme. Brme was chatting with peple abut the Suth African activist Nelsn Mandela, and she cmmented hw sad it was that he had died in prisn in the 1980s. 35 Actually, he'd been released in 1990, becme president f Suth Africa, and died in 2013.
    Brme was s shcked at this that she started an investigatin. 36 Peple have memries f mvies that never existed, and famus wrds that were never spken. There is even a grup wh clearly recall seeing maps shwing that New Zealand was nrtheast f Australia (it’s sutheast ). S what in the wrld is ging n?
    37 In each reality, histry is shaped by different events, and the Mandela Effect ccurs when sme f us shift frm ne reality t anther. Therefre, thse wh remember Nelsn Mandela dying in the 1980s aren’t wrng. They’re just remembering events frm their riginal reality.
    Mre likely, hwever, is that the Mandela Effect has t d with hw ur brains stre infrmatin. 38 Many peple remember Pikachu’s tail having a black tip n the end f it, when in fact it was always yellw. “Aha!” yu cry. “Parallel realities!” Prbably nt. Cnsider instead that peple ften ignre unfamiliar details and transfrm infrmatin t make it mre understandable. In the Pikachu example, his tail may nt have a black tip, but his ears certainly d. Thus, bth his ears and tail are misremembered as having black tips. 39
    All things cnsidered, if yu’re stuck arguing win smene abut whse versin f events is crrect, it may indeed be easier t agree that neither f yu is wrng. Yu just cme frm different realities.
    A. Befre we explain let’s lk at an example.
    B. It turns ut she wasn’t the nly ne wh’d experienced this.
    C. If several peple make these memry errrs, the false memry gets strnger scially.
    D. The stry f Nelsn Mandela is nt the nly example f this type f false grup memry.
    E. Sme claim the Mandela Effect happens because we live in ne f many parallel realities.
    F. Many in her grup agreed, while thers mentined that Nelsn Mandela had nt died in prisn.
    G. As mre incidents f the Mandela effect cntinue t ccur, perhaps mre research int the rigins will tell us the causes.
    A team f scientists has cme up with a plan hey say culd help rebuild the Arctic ice cap. The ice cap is a huge area f sea ice that cvers mst f the Arctic Ocean all year rund.
    Usually, the sea ice gets thicker and spreads further each winter, but this hasn’t happened fr the past few years. Last mnth, the ice cap had shrunk t its smallest size since scientists began keeping recrds f it 38 years ag. The weather in the Arctic has been unusually warm this winter. Sme days, temperatures have been 20℃ higher than is nrmal fr this time f year. In March, the temperature was abve 0℃ at least ne day.
    The Arctic ice cap is needed t be rebuilt because sea ice reflects heat and light frm the sun back int space. With less ice, the cean wuld absrb mre heat. The Arctic wuld warm up even mre quickly, and mre ice wuld melt. Withut sea ice, many animals wuld lse their natural habitats and culd becme endangered. It culd als affect the weather, with mre strms and ersin alng the cast.
    Dr. Steven Desch and a grup f scientists frm Arizna State University in the United States think they can help t build up Arctic sea ice again. They want t set up wind-pwered pumps n the existing sea ice. During the winter, the pumps wuld spread water frm the cean ver the surface f the ice where it wuld freeze and frm a new layer f ice. The scientists say that in 10 years, this culd add an extra metre f ice t the ice cap.
    The plan wuld require abut 10 millin pumps and it wuld be very expensive—abut $655 billin. Sme ther scientists are wndering if the pumps wuld actually wrk in severe Arctic cnditins. They are als cncerned abut hw the prject might affect the envirnment.
    Dr. Desch said his team hped their prpsal wuld get mre peple interested in lking fr a slutin t the prblem f melting sea ice. He said the nly plan peple have right nw is t try t reduce greenhuse gas emissins (排放) frm cars and ther man-made surces. He and his team dn’t think that will be enugh t save the sea ice, s they’re ging t wrk n their plan and hpe that it will give everyne a gd start n saving the Arctic ice cap.
    41. Why is Arctic ice cap imprtant?
    42. What is Dr. Steven Desch’s slutin t the prblem?
    43. Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    Sme scientists were wrried abut the prject and Dr. Desch hped mre peple culd help imprve it.
    44. Please briefly present yur wn slutin(s) t the greenhuse gas emissin prblem in yur daily life. (abut 40 wrds)
    假设你是李华,你在高中毕业后,被邀请回到母校,作为嘉宾参加学校英文社团举办的英语朗诵比赛(English Reciting Cmpetitin),并在赛后跟大家分享提高英语朗诵的方法。请你根据以下提示写一篇发言稿,内容包括:
    Gd afternn, everyne!
    Thank yu fr yur listening!
    高三英语 参考答案 2021.5
    第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    6.D7.C8.C9.B10. B
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    11.where 12.wh/ that13.hungry14.was/have been
    15.was intrduced 16.by 17.If/ When/Once
    18.t launch 19. stries 20.listed
    第一节(共4小题;第1-2题 每小题 2 分,第3小题 3 分,第4题 5 分,共12分)
    40. Because it reflects heat and light frm the sun back int space.
    41. Dr. Steven Desch and sme scientists want t set up wind pumps n the ice and the pumps spread the water n the surface f the ice where it might frm a layer f ice.
    42. Sme scientists were wrried abut the prject and Dr. Desch hped mre peple culd help imprve it.
    Accrding t the passage, Dr. Desch simply wants mre peple t search fr mre slutins t the prblem f Arctic ice disappearing instead f imprving his wn prject.
    43. I think green living is the best slutin t slve the prblem. First, we can chse t use the public transprt when ging t schl r wrk, which might result in fewer cars n the rad. Secnd, we shuld remember t turn ff the electric devices in ur hme.
    三、One pssible versin:
    Gd afternn, everyne. I am hnnred t stand here! Let me cngratulate all the participants n their wnderful reciting perfrmances. Watching the cmpetitin, I suddenly recalled the time when I tk part in the cmpetitin in the high schl. I feel very excited and delighted.
    As a frmer winner f the cmpetitin, I d want t share sme reciting skills with yu. Reading alud every mrning is a best way t develp yur sense f English. It is als effective t use the English Dubbing Apps t imprve yur wn prnunciatin. The mre we try t speak like a native speaker, the better the accuracy and tnes will be imprved.
    At last I d hpe all f yu can take an active part in such kind f activities and fall in lve with English learning. Thank yu fr yur listening!

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