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    2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 . 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What des the wman want the man t d?
    A. G shpping.B. Pick sme flwers.C. Clean the kitchen flr.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A trip.B. A mvie.C. The Internet.
    3. Hw much did the wman pay fr the blue shirt?
    A. $25,B. $50.C. $100.
    4. Hw des the man's leg feel?
    A. It is sre.B. It aches a lt.C. It can't bend easily.
    5. Which teacher will be staying at the schl?
    A. The histry teacher.B. The English teacher.C. The gegraphy teacher.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两 遍。
    .6. What is the by eating?
    A. A burger.B. Salad.C. Nuts.
    7. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a shp.B. In a restaurant.C. In the schl canteen.
    8. Wh tk the diamnd in the TV shw?
    A. The sister.B. The brther.C. The wife.
    9. What des the man say abut the TV shw?
    A. It is silly.B. It is n t late.C. Il is badly made.
    10. Hw will the man see the TV shw in the future?
    A. By recrding it.
    B. By seeing it n the Internet.
    C. By watching a repeat n TV.
    11. Where did the wman hear the man play?
    A. At a wedding.B. At a cncert.C. At a party.
    12. When did the man start t play the pian?
    A. At 7 years ld.B. At 12 years ld.C. At 18 years ld.
    13. What is the man's dream jb?
    A. Being a pianist.B. Being a cmpser.C. Being a music teacher
    14. What des the wman say abut basketball?
    A. She nly plays it indrs.
    B. She likes playing it casually.
    C. She wants t play n a team.
    15. Why des the wman want t try waterclrs?
    A. Because she wants t teach art.
    B. Because she learned abut it in cllege.
    C. Because she was inspired by sme paintings.
    16. Hw will the wman prbably be able t have tw extra activities?
    A. By vlunteering at a museum.
    B. By getting free swimming lessns.
    C. By wrking at the cmmunity center.
    17. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Cach and player.B. Father and daughter.C. Teacher and student.
    18. Hw has the weather been in the suth since yesterday?
    A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Cludy.
    19. What has mved int central and eastern parts f Eurpe?
    A. The warmth.B. The cluds.C. The cld.
    20. In which place has it rained?
    A. Suthern England.B. Nrthern England.C. Nrthern Ireland.
    第一节(共12小题;每小题2. 5分,满分30分)
    Winter Classes
    Winter Term: December 7, 2020 — January 29, 2021
    Whether yu are a current SUNY Crning Cmmunity Cllege student r attending anther cllege r university, yu can take winter classes that can help yu get ahead and stay n track. in cllege.
    Available Classes:
    Financial Accunting • Intrductin t Human Bilgy • Business Cmmunicatins • Principles f Business • Prfessinalism • Business Applicatins & Slutin • Envirnmental Chemistry • Math fr Nursing II • Cllege Cmpsitin I • Cllege Cmpsitin II • The Slar System • American Histry I • American Histry II • Issues/Perspectives in Nursing • Walking Click here: View the schedule f classes
    Schedule an appintment t meet with Admissins:
    607-962-9151 , admissins@crning-cc.edu
    Current SUNY CCC Students
    Schedule an appintment with an Enrllment Specialist if yu wuld like assistance with scheduling classes.
    Nn-CCC Students
    If yu are a visiting student wh plans t transfer (转移)credits t anther cllege r university, check with that institutin t make sure the credits yu take at SUNY CCC satisfy requirements there.
    Click here: Tuitin and fees
    Why take winter classes at SUNY CCC?
    • SUNY CCC tuitin and fees are lw
    • Transfer-friendly curses
    • Online curses ffer flexibility
    • Take just ne curse and fcus yur attentin n it
    • Experience smething new this winter
    Apply nline tday!
    21. Which f the fllwing statements is NOT TRUE accrding t the text?
    A. Nursing students can chse t learn Math r Issues.
    B. Taking winter classes tends t help yu take a step ahead.
    C. The winter classes are expected t last mre than 50 days.
    D. The credits taken at SUNY CCC will surely meet yur demands.
    22. Which f the fllwing is the best slgan (口 号)fr the winter classes?
    A. Dn't Put Cllege On Ice!
    B. Let's Transfer the Credits At Will!
    C. Sign Up Fr Winter Term Fr Fun!
    D. It's Time T Schedule Classes At Ease!23. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T intrduce the winter classes f the cllege.
    B. T prmte the winter curses f SUNY CCC.
    C. T infrm students f different cllege enrllment chices.
    D. T explain the reasns fr taking winter classes at SUNY CCC.
    Michael McFarlen, ne Michigan chef and the Vice President f Fd and Beverage at FireKeepers Casin Htel, culdn't stand thrwing away perfectly gd fd any mre since he knew hw many peple in his cmmunity faced fd insecurity. S he decided t d smething.
    At ne pint, McFarlen decided t get invlved with the Suth Central Fd Bank f Michigan Inc. t help give back t thse in need. After that, he knew he had t d mre t help his cmmunity and reduce his fd waste.
    McFarlen came up with a plan t pen a restaurant in the cmmunity that wuld als help supprt a fd pantry (储藏室).After presenting the idea t FireKeepers leadership, they immediately apprved the plan and agreed t help McFarlen realize his dream.
    In April f 2016, the wners f the FireKeepers Casin Htel bught Fire Statin N. 4, a histric firehuse near dwntwn that had been clsed fr years and was due t be pulled dwn. The grup started transfrming the fire statin int a restaurant and fd pantry t help peple struggling fr their next meal.
    On April 19, 2017, the restaurant pened t the public fr the first time. At the same time, the fd pantry pened its dr in the back f the building.
    "It's really unique, Kathy Gerge, an Officer f FireKeepers, tld Secnd Wave Media. "A number f casins d utreach, but we're nt aware f anyne wh actually created a restaurant and fd pantry directly.”
    The first year f peratin went beynd their expectatins. Nt nly did the restaurant attract custmers, but the fd pantry helped mre peple than they ever imagined.
    Apart frm prviding the typical pantry gds, McFarlen wanted t figure ut a way t lwer fd waste at the Casin Htel. "We flash-freeze fd frm the buffet (自助餐)and make family trays ut f them. Once packaged, the fd is delivered t fd pantries in the area.” Gerge explained.
    24. Mcfarlen created a restaurant and fd pantry.
    A. t expand the business f FireKeepers Casin Htel
    B. t realize his dream f creating his wn restaurant industry
    C. t assist the cuntry in fighting pverty tgether with ther fd pantries
    D. t help peple with fd insecurity in his cmmunity and cut fd waste 25. Which wrds can be used t describe Mcfarlen?
    A. Smart and utging.B. Mdest and warm-hearted.
    C. Caring and thughtful.D. Cautius and quick-minded.
    26. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Fire Statin N. 4 was pulled dwn and rebuilt as a restaurant.
    B. The restaurant and the pantry went mre successfully than expected.
    C. The Suth Central Fd Bank nly deals with fd left in restaurants.
    D. Sme leaders at FireKeepers Casin Htel disapprved McFarlen's plan.
    27. What can be cncluded frm Mcfarlen's stry?
    A. Actins speak luder than wrds.
    B. Achieve many things at ne strke.
    C. Thery shuld be cmbined with practice.
    D. All things are difficult befre they are easy.
    As temperatures drp, leaves begin t turn fr us t enjy glrius autumnal clrs. When temperatures rise again in spring, the grwing seasn fr trees starts again. Thrughut the warmer mnths, trees take carbn dixide frm the atmsphere and stre it, releasing xygen as a byprduct. This is the prcess f phtsynthesis (光合作用).The mre phtsynthesis, the mre carbn is lcked away.
    Carbn dixide is a majr driver f climate change, s the mre is taken ut f the atmsphere by plants, the better. With the warmer climate leading t a lnger grwing seasn, sme researchers have suggested mre carbn dixide wuld be absrbed by trees and ther plants than in previus times. But a new study has turned this thery n its head.
    The researchers, led by Debrah Zani at the Swiss Federal Institute f Technlgy, studied the degree t which the timing f clur changes in autumn tree leaves was determined by the grwth f the plant in spring and summer.
    Traditinally, temperature and day length were accepted as the main factr determining when leaves changed clur and fell, leading sme scientists t assume that warming temperatures wuld delay this prcess until later in the seasn. Hwever, in a new study abut deciduus (落叶的)Eurpean tree species, researchers recrded hw much carbn each tree absrbed per seasn and hw that finally affected when the leaves fell. They fund that as the rate f phtsynthesis increased, leaves changed clur and fell earlier in the year.
    In a wrld with increasing levels f carbn in the atmsphere, these new findings imply that warmer weather and lnger grwing seasns will nt allw deciduus trees t take in mre carbn dixide. The study's predictive mdel suggests that by 2100, when tree grwing seasns are expected t be between 22 and 34 days lnger, leaves will fall frm trees between three and six days earlier than they d nw.
    28. In which clumn f a newspaper is the passage likely t appear?
    A. Educatin.B. Ecnmy.C. Nature.D. Turism.
    29. The underlined part “turned this thery n its head" in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by
    A. changed the thery cmpletely
    B. raised questins abut this thery
    C. stressed the significance f the thery
    D. prvided sme evidence fr the thery
    30. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. There is a limit t the amunt f carbn dixide trees can take in.
    B. With the rate f phtsynthesis increasing, less xygen is prduced.
    C. By the year 2100, trees will take in mre carbn dixide t grw strnger.
    D. The lnger the spring and summer are, the later leaves change clr and fall.
    31. The furth paragraph is rganized by.
    A. giving examplesB. listing sme data
    C. analyzing the causesD. making a cmparisn
    32. What is the main idea f the passage?
    A. Carbn dixide tends t help plants grw faster and strnger.
    B. The lnger grwing seasns are, the better effects trees bring.
    C. Warmer climate is making autumn leaves change clr earlier.
    D. Phtsynthesis plays an imprtant part in leaves changing clr.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。
    Everybdy eats, and what yu eat is getting mre expensive all the time. Fd prices have risen 15 percent in the past 3 years — t abut $240 a week. Can yu really cut a grcery bill that size in half? 33 .
    It's n surprise that cking at hme is a huge step in the right directin, and it may require less time than yu think. 34 It smewhat makes sense, whether yu are grwing a garden r investing sme vlunteer time with a cmmunity garden.
    35 If yu save yur receipts (收据)frm grceries and eating ut fr a few weeks, yu'll have all the data yu need t start making plans. Make ntes n yur buying patterns, which is gd fr yur wallet. When researchers frm the University f Utah analyzed the fd buying patterns f 10,000 Americans, they fund many flks were spending nearly half f their fd dllars n restaurants and fast fd. 36 Abut 7 percent spent ver a third f their fd budget n alchl.
    Once yu have knwn where yu stand, yu can start changes in yur diets t reduce fd csts. 37 There are three paths t fllw: develp a fd-efficient diet, keep a fd-efficient kitchen, and spend yur fd dllars as wisely as pssible. And even better, yu may find yu truly enjy sme f these strategies, which are nt nly gd fr yur wallet, but maximize flavr and nutritin.
    A. Grwing sme f yur wn fd is a big help, t.
    B. Yu can get prducts directly frm a farm at a lw price.
    C. Remember that yu dn't need t change everything at nce.
    D. They are gd fr yur health, and can save yu a lt f mney.
    E. Yu must als take an hnest lk at where yur fd dllars are ging.
    F. Yu bet yu can, and yu will als imprve the quality f yur fd supply.
    G. Only abut 30 percent f the peple tended t buy fresh fd t ck and eat at hme.
    第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分37.5分) 第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。
    I was a ten-year-ld girl wh lved t sprts and build tree huses in the wds. I wuld spend time with friends — just as I did n the night my life 38 . My mther and 1 were driving hme frm a party. 39 after skating all night, I fell asleep.
    I 40 t find myself in the hspital. I had a spinal crd (脊髓)injury, which meant I'd spend the rest f my life in a wheelchair. Mm had sme brken bnes, but that was 41 cmpared with what wuld happen t her. Having been driving drunk, she was 42 t three years in prisn and lst her 43 rights t me.
    I was adpted by a family — Sue and Chris and their tw sns. I had t 44 having tw brthers, which was different fr me because I'd never had a brther, 45 tw.
    Sue encuraged me t try 46 therapy (疗法)t see if I culd learn t walk again. Thugh I struggled as hard as pssible, it didn't 47 . That's 48 I realized I had t make a chice.
    Finally, I fund a(n) 49 basketball team in ur area. I tried ut and 50 the team! We fly t turnaments in different states ver weekends. Getting invlved in smething s funny and rewarding shws me that things are pssible, whatever yur 51 . Life keeps changing, but we have t 52 anyway — with r withut the peple we lve.
    When she was 10 years ld, Ana Mren watched buses full f turists pull int her village. They had cme t see the mnarch butterflies, 53 arrive in grups each Nvember and stay the winter in the Sierra Madre's frested peaks. At that pint, Ana's gal was 54 (becme) a butterfly guide, leading turs int the frest.
    This year, 55 , Ana wn't be leading turists int the Cerr Peln Butterfly Sanctuary (保护区)wing t the effect that the CO VID-19 has had 56 ecturism frm dmestic and internatinal visitrs alike. Frest cmmunities are lsing turist incme, which has led t them 57 (return) t farms, while thers restart cutting dwn trees 58 (legal).
    But frest cmmunities acrss the cuntry hld the 59 (believe) that under pressure, slutins als tend t becme clear. They 60 (step) up t invite the utside wrld in and seek new ways t supprt 61 (they).
    T keep their six frest guardians n the muntain, Ana's brther and his wife have designed virtual tur packages. "I'm hping it can save us this year," says Sharp. These virtual turs ffer visitrs an experience they culdn't get in persn: up-clse 62 (bserve) f the clnies n an nging basis.
    第三节单词拼写(共15小题;每小题0.5分,满分7. 5分)
    63. He might have said smething implite t yu, but I'm sure he meant n ▲ .
    64. With their friendship s▲ the tw cuntries have made cperatin in varius fields.
    65. When intrducing yur prduct, yu shuld give a detailed d ▲ f it s that custmers can be infrmed f what it is like.
    66. It's wise t set aside sme time t a ▲ ur elderly parents hwever busy we are.
    67. Althugh she appeared quite cld and strict, her smiling eyes b ▲ her true nature.
    68. With mre mney made, he became even g ▲, trying t gain mre frm his wrkers.
    69. When children ▲ difficulties n their wn, they develp nt nly new skills but als cnfidence in their abilities.
    70.I▲ I disagreed with his prpsal, but later I changed my mind.
    71. Teachers shuld adpt effective methds t increase students' ▲ (动力)and interest in study.
    72. When the pst finally fell ▲ (空缺的),they ffered it t Fina.
    73. With the Spring Festival appraching, ur city is preparing varius ▲ (庆祝活动).
    74. He fixed his eyes n the bk he was hlding,▲ (假装)nt t have heard me.
    75. The firefighters were praised fr their ▲ (勇敢)and devtin t duty.
    76. Yur cmpsitin reads well, but it still needs▲ up (润色).
    77. Be careful with yur wrds as Jenny is ▲ (敏感的)t what peple say abut her.
    假如你是李华,是学校的学生会主席,你校即将开展为期一个月的“环保节” (the Envirnmental Prtectin Festival)活动,请你在学校的英文报上对全体学生发出倡议,号 召大家积极参加这个活动。内容包括:
    Dear fellws,
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    It was Saturday and I was lying in bed daydreaming abut what I wanted t d tday when Dad just called me t get up at seven 'clck. I wanted t stay at hme and play my favurite games. I wanted t listen t sme music and then play ftball with my friends. I wanted t hang ut with my friends and watch a mvie. I wanted t enjy a big meal in the restaurant and chat with my friends till midnight.
    At 7:30, Dad was again shuting at me t get up. S, I gt up, put sme casual clthes n and lay in the sfa in the sitting rm fr a little bit.
    My dad walked in, urging me t put n sme nice clthes that were suitable fr me t walk arund in n such a ht day. I asked, "Why shuld I d that? I wn't g ut. I'm just staying at hme. I have a lt f businesses t deal with.,, Lking me directly in the eyes, Dad tld me smething abut the place called Give Kids the Wrld. It was designed fr the families t spend a vacatin with their children wh had a very serius illness. Abut fur years ag, my dad became a vlunteer, ding several jbs there, including serving fd and giving gifts. I thught that wuld be very bring, but Dad insisted that I shuld g with him, prmising that I wuld like it.
    Thugh I was unwilling, I still gt dressed and went int the car. Dad drve me t a village nt very far frm ur cmmunity. When we arrived at the strehuse in the middle f the village, there were already sme peple srting ut the fd and gifts. We immediately jined them,
    putting the fd int bxes and the gifts n the back f a cart.
    Then, Dad tld me that we were ging t deliver a ty t every child frm dr t dr in the village.
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    Once back in that cart, Dad tld me that they all had a life-threatening illness and that they might nt live t see tmrrw. .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    38. A. wrsened
    B. changedC. pausedD. prgressed
    39. A. Excited
    B. Satisfied
    C. Tired
    D. Amazed
    40. A. came
    B. happened
    C. remembered
    D. awke
    41. A. meaningless
    B. severe
    C. temprary
    D. mild
    42. A. sentenced
    B. applied
    C. limited
    D. cmmitted
    43. A. parental
    B. financial
    C. civil
    D. individual
    44. A. live by
    B. rely n
    C. adjust t
    D. ty with
    45. A. regardless f
    B. let alne
    C. far frm
    D. rather than
    46. A. mental
    B. physical
    C. chemical
    D. technical
    47. A. wrk
    B. match
    C. matter
    D. heal
    48. A. what
    B. hw
    C. when
    D. where
    49. A. beginner
    B. adlescent
    C. adult
    D. wheelchair
    50. A. wn
    B. made
    C. gt
    D. favred
    51.A. age
    B. gal
    C. cst
    D. situatin
    52. A. g n
    B. stand by
    C. speed up
    D. reach ut

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