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    2020-2021学年江苏省常州市高二上学期期末考试英语试题 (word版,有答案)
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    2020-2021学年江苏省常州市高二上学期期末考试英语试题  (word版,有答案)01
    2020-2021学年江苏省常州市高二上学期期末考试英语试题  (word版,有答案)02
    2020-2021学年江苏省常州市高二上学期期末考试英语试题  (word版,有答案)03
    2020-2021学年江苏省常州市高二上学期期末考试英语试题  (word版,有答案)01
    2020-2021学年江苏省常州市高二上学期期末考试英语试题  (word版,有答案)02
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    江苏省常州市2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 (word版,有答案)

    这是一份江苏省常州市2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 (word版,有答案),文件包含江苏省常州市20202021学年高二年级第一学期英语期末试卷docx、江苏省常州市20202021学年高二年级第一学期英语期末试卷答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共9页, 欢迎下载使用。

    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一 小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. When will the man meet Jhn?
    A. Tmrrw.B. Tnight.C. The day after tmrrw.
    2. What clr is the wman's dress?
    A. BlueB. Red.C. Black.
    3. What des the man hate?
    A. Telephning while driving.B. Sme wmen drivers.C. Traffic lights.
    4. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A hrse.B. A mvie.C. A girl.
    5. What des the man want smene t d?
    A. Find his lst bags.B. Wait fr him dwnstairs. C. Carry the bags fr him.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What is imprtant in playing vlleyball?
    A. Being tall and strng.
    B. Figuring ut the methd.
    C. Cperating with each ther.
    7. Hw many peple are playing vlleyball?
    A. 4.B. 5.C. 6.
    8. What is usually sld in a yard sale?
    A. Used gds.B. Treasures and furniture.
    C. Bks, recrds and cffee.
    9. Why d American peple lve t buy secnd-hand gds?
    A. T make mney.B. T save mney.C. T cllect mney.
    10. Why did the first McDnald's restaurant have n seats?
    A. T save mney.B. T avid washing dishes.
    C. T make peple eat quickly
    11. Which McDnald's sells the mst hamburgers in the wrd?
    A. One in New Yrk.B. The first McDnald's. C. The Hng Kng's.
    12. What d we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A. Ray Krc bught McDnald's frm Mac and Dick.
    B. Mac and Dick sld the business t McDnald's.
    C. There are many chain stres f McDnald's nly in New Yrk.
    13. What leads t the man's prblem?
    A. N such experience.B. The lwer pressure. C. Pain in the ears.
    14. Hw can the man get rid f his prblem?
    A. By wearing an eyeshade.
    B. By having regular meals.
    C. By chewing gum r peanuts.
    15. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a plane.B. In a restaurant.C. In the hspital.
    16. What will the man d next?
    A. Try t sleep.B. Press the buttn.C. Take sme pills.
    17. What will make ur life lnger?
    A. One hur's exercise each day.
    B. Sitting fr eight hurs a day.
    C. Eating mre than three times a day.
    18. What is as dangerus as smking?
    A. Taking a five minute break every hur.
    B. Watching TV nw and then.
    C. Sitting in a chair all day.
    19. What des being inactive prbably bring abut?
    A. Headache and laziness. B. Heart disease and cancer. C. Cancer and besity. 20. What des the researcher advise peple t d?
    A. Give up smking.B. Avid unhealthy snacks. C. D physical activities.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分).
    请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Pingvellir Natinal Park was funded by law in 1930. The Act states that "Pingvellir shall be prtected natinal shrine(圣地)fr all Icelanders." In 2004 Pingvellir was added t the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List.
    Facilities At Pingvellir Natinal Park
    The Natinal Park Infrmatin Center at Leirar can prvide advice n camping, fishing and hiking as well as ther general infrmatin n the park. There is a small and cmfrtable cafeteria where drinks and light meals can be btained.
    At Haki Visitr center is an interactive exhibitin where the natinal park's histry and nature cmes alive. Guests can als find there suvenir shp and small cafeteria.
    Pingvellir Natinal Park Rules
    • All nature in the Natinal Park is prtected. Dn't disturb any natural r man-made feature.
    • D nt damage vegetatin. Fires are prhibited.
    • D nt litter in the Natinal Park.
    •D nt drive ff-rad r park utside a designated(指定的)parking areas.
    • Dgs must be kept n a leash(皮带),and wners must clean up after their pets.
    •Nte that the Pingvellir area has many rck fissures and cracks. Stay careful.
    • Camping is nly permitted at designated campsites. Observe quiet between midnight and 8 am.
    • Fishing permits are sld at the service center. Nte that bats must nt be launched frm Natinal Park land.
    • Park rangers and service center staff will be pleased t prvide further infrmatin.
    • Pingvellir Natinal Park is a haven f peace. Drunkenness is inapprpriate here, and disturbs ther visitrs. The Natinal Park reserves that right t expel drunken visitrs.
    21. What's this picture?
    A. A warning ntice.B. A museum guide.
    C. A travel leaflet.D. An advertisement.
    22. Hw shuld visitrs act accrding t the Rules?
    A. With permissin and dnatin.
    B. With freedm and pleasure.
    C. With attentin and calmness.
    D. With cautin and respect.
    23. What can a visitr t the Park d?
    A. Ask fr advice at Visitr Center.
    B. Walk pet dgs with dg leashes.
    C. Fish in the lake withut permits.
    D. Camp nly within the given time.
    Minimalism(极简主义)is ht, culturally, and fr years, science has assured us that it was als the path t the greatest happiness. The ppular wisdm is that peple wh want the mst happiness fr their mney shuld buy experiences, nt things. The idea is that jy f an experience begins befre it even starts, and cntinues when yu lk back n the fancy dinner r vacatin. Experiences prvide, in ther wrds, bth mre anticipatry(预期)happiness and afterglw(回味)happiness.
    But a recent study suggests that sweaters and iPhnes might make yu just as happy, in a way, as cncerts d. There is a third type f happiness - mmentary happiness — and it tends t last lnger with material gds because peple use them fr mre time than they typically experience their experiences fr.
    Fr the study, researchers Aarn Weidman and Elizabeth Dunn frm the University f British Clumbia gave 67 participants $20 t spend n either an experiential r material purchase f their chice, and then t reprt ne experiential r material gift they had recently received. Then they quizzed them abut their happiness levels.
    They fund that the study subjects gained mre frequent mmentary happiness frm material gds, but strnger mmentary happiness frm the experiences. In ther wrds, they enjyed their material gds n a greater number f ccasins than they did their experiences even thugh the happiness felt frm the experiences was slightly strnger.
    S shuld yu spend much mney n the -latest iThing r n Hamiltn tickets? It depends n whether yu are "seeking a strng but fleeting frm f happiness," Weidman and Dunn write, "r a mre subtle(微 弱 的),frequent frm f happiness that will last fr weeks r mnths.”
    24. What did the study f Weidman and Dunn find abut happiness?
    A. Minimalism can bring real happiness.
    B. Experiences bring strnger mmentary happiness.
    C. Peple shuld buy fewer materials in rder t be happy.
    D. Experiences can prvide mre frequent mmentary happiness.
    25. Which f the fllwing can bring mre frequent mmentary happiness?
    A. Enjying an pera.
    B. Attending a birthday party.
    C. Travelling arund the wrld.
    D. Buying a desired bicycle.
    26. What des the underlined wrd “fleeting" mean?
    A. shrtB. lasting' C. equalD. mixed
    27. What's the authr's attitude twards material purchase?
    A. Favrable.B. Dubtful.C. Neutral.D. Cautius.
    The jurney t discver myself, care fr myself and lve myself has been a lng ne. But, it's been a jurney that has finally saved my life.
    I remember thrwing up fr the first time when I was 8 years ld. Smehw I had develped the belief that being thin was the nly way t be accepted and lved. This way f thinking intensified(加剧) as I gt lder and bulimia(神经性贪食)became mre and mre deeply rted in my life.
    When I was 15 years ld my family said gdbye t everything we had ever knwn and barded the plane fr New Zealand. I felt alne and scared in a wrld that was cmpletely different t anything I had ever knwn. Eating helped numb(麻木)my pain and thrwing up helped keep me thin.
    By the time I went t university I was thrwing up ver 15 times a day. I was s ashamed f what I had becme.
    Althugh my bulimia had cmpletely turned my life upside dwn, I knew ne thing fr sure that I lved my family mre than anything in the wrld. This belief eventually made me pick up the phne and bk my first appintment with a therapist(治疗专家).
    The first sessin I had with my therapist, Amanda, was amazing. I walked ut f her ffice feeling like I had finally dne smething psitive fr myself Amanda made me realize that I wasn't alne in my suffering and there were thusands upn thusands f girls just like me.
    I met regularly with Amanda fr the best part f a year, ver which time I learnt hw t treat myself kindly, respect myself and lve myself. I said gdbye t bulimia after ver a decade f suffering.
    Just turn t face the directin f self-discvery, self-lve and self-acceptance and keep walking until yu get there. It will be the jurney f a lifetime.
    28. What is the best title f this passage?
    A. The pwer f lve.B. Lve yurself.
    C. Thrwing up and bulimia.D. Say gdbye t bad habits.
    29. Why did the authr thrw up s ften at university?
    A. As a way t cure bulimia.B. Because she lves t bebeautiful.
    C. Fr sme psychlgical reasn,D. Due t her wish t save herself!
    30. Hw did Amanda cure the authr f bulimia?
    A. By giving cmfrt.B. By making friends withher.
    C. By giving medicines.D. By cntrlling her fd.
    31. What can we say abut the authr accrding t this passage?
    A. Creative.B. Dishnest.C. Clever.D. Respnsible.
    Mzart was a genius, but he struggled like an average persn during early twenties. He had t wrk t make ends meet. Underpaid and unsatisfied by his average perfrmances, he felt a burning desire t devte mre time and energy t his art. S after a perid f dubt and thinking, that's exactly what he did. He quit his jb and began what turned ut t be the mst creative perid f his life.
    Even if yu never hpe t reach Mzart's level f mastery, yu may relate t his need t break free frm cnventin(传统).Maybe yu've dne everything right - std ut at schl, and gt a high-paying jb — but yu're tired f being just like everyne else. Maybe yu lng t achieve smething that is unmistakably yu.
    What, then, is hlding yu back? Rich Karlgaard, the publisher f Frbes magazine and authr f Late Blmers, argues that ur culture's bsessin(痴迷)with early achievement discurages us frm ging after what we lve. Instead f having varied interests, studying widely, and taking ur time --- essentials(要素)fr self-discvery - we're encuraged t pass tests, becme specialists right away, and pursue safe and secure careers. As a result, mst f us end up chsing prfessinal excellence ver persnal achievement, and ften we lse urselves in the prcess.
    As yu mve frward, there are a few things t keep in mind. First, it's never t late t “becme” yurself. Aristtle, fr example, didn't fully devte himself t writing and philsphy until he was nearly 50. There are als benefits t taking a lng, winding path t achievement. Remember that age usually brings wisdm, self-knwledge, and creativity. This is ne reasn the average age f funders f high- grwth start-ups is 45.
    If yu ever get stuck, think f Janne, a talented and creative wman wh bunced frm jb t jb thrughut her twenties. She felt like a ttal failure. But she tk that feeling f hpelessness and chse t d what she'd always wanted t d: write fantasy nvels fr children. As she wuld later recunt, "I stpped pretending t myself that I was anything ther than what I was.”
    Yu've prbably heard f her. Her pen name is J.K. Rwling.
    Nw get t wrk.
    32. What des the example f Mzart (in the first paragraph) shw?
    A. Genius is nthing but labr.
    B. Suffering makes a man wise.
    C. Yu shuld stick t what inspires yu.
    D. Yu need t be different frm thers.
    33. In Rich Karlgaard's pinin, what prevents peple frm ging after what they lve?
    A. Desire fr early achievement.
    B. T wide a range f interests.
    C. A waste f time n self-discvery.
    D. A wrng chice in prfessins.
    34. What des the underlined sentence in the furth paragraph imply?
    A. Age can be an advantage in ne's life.
    B. Failure is f great value t success.
    C. 45 is the right age fr ne t start business.
    D. The path t achievement is full f difficulties.
    35. What's die main purpse f the passage?
    A. T share success stries f sme famus peple.
    B. T stress the imprtance f prfessinal excellence.
    C. T analyze the reasns fr failure t make early achievements.
    D. T encurage peple t becme themselves whatever the age.
    Hw t Be Happy: 3 Habits t Add t Yur Rutine
    Happiness lks different fr everyne. Fr yu, maybe it's being at peace with wh yu are. Or having a secure netwrk f friends wh accept yu uncnditinally. Or the freedm t pursue yur deepest dreams. 36 A few adjustments t yur regular habits can help yu get there.
    * Smile mre ften. Yu tend t smile when yu're happy. 37 We smile because we're happy, and smiling causes the brain t release dpamine, which makes us happier. That desn't mean yu have t g arund with a fake smile n yur face all the time. But the next time yu find yurself feeling lw, crack a smile and see what happens. Or try starting each mrning by smiling at yurself in the mirrr.
    * 38 Yu arrive fr an appintment with 10 minutes t spare. What d yu d with that time? Pick up yur cell phne t scrll thrugh scial media? Wrry abut the busy week yu have ahead f yu? 39 At the start f each mnth, make a shrt list f happy memries r things yu're lking frward t n a small piece f paper r n yur phne. When yu find yurself waiting fr a ride, standing in line at the grcery stre, r just with a few minutes t kill, break ut the list.
    * Face stress head-n. Life is full f stress, and it's impssible t avid all f them. There's n need t. It's said that stress isn't always harmful, and we can even change ur attitudes abut stress. Learn mre abut the upside f stress. Fr the stress yu can't avid, remind yurself that everyne has stress --- there's n reasn t think it's all n yu. 40 Instead f letting yurself get verwhelmed, try t face the stress head-n. This might mean starting an uncmfrtable cnversatin r putting in sme extra wrk, but the sner yu handle it, the sner the pit in yur stmach will start t shrink.
    A. Take time t reflect.
    B. Create a thught list.
    C. But it's actually a tw-way street.
    D. And chances are, yu're strnger than yu think yu are.
    E. Take cntrl f yur thughts during these brief windws f time.
    F. Remind yurself f any fun activities yu nce enjyed, but that have fallen by the wayside.
    G. Regardless f yur versin f happiness, living a happier, mre satisfied life is within reach.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My life cmpletely changed tw weeks int my junir year f high schl, when I was diagnsed with a rare bld cancer.
    I watched my plans fr cllege 41 as my life turned upside dwn. I culd n lnger attend schl, and my life became a balancing act between dctr's 42 and studying at hme.
    I spent the fall semester teaching myself at hme. I never realized hw much I 43 schl until I wasn't able t attend. My 44 was t cmplete the same assignments as my classmates s that I wuld nt be 45 when I was able t return.
    There were days which were nt easy, 46 I cmpleted my study. I received 47 news twards the end f the year - I was vted hmecming princess fr the junir class. Fr that ne 48 day, I was able t experience life as a “nrmal kid”.
    Befre my diagnsis, I was president f the Making-A-Wish Fundatin club at my schl and tk pride in raising mney fr children 49 . Nw it all tk n a new meaning because I culd truly _50 their fears. Helping them achieve their 51 became a tp cncern. I pushed my club t g further and rganized a list f creative activities. We raised $8,000 ver fur mnths, enugh t grant tw wishes. It was hard wrk, but when I saw phts f the smiling children, I knew it was all 52 .
    Every day I am getting a little bit 53 .I have prved t myself that I am a much strnger persn than I thught I was. Nthing can stp me nw! I want t g t cllege, and I knw I will succeed there -and 54 . Difficulties may 55 me a little lnger, but I will get t that finish line.
    China successfully launched its Chang'e 5 lunar missin (任务),named 56 an ancient Chinese mn gddess, 57 (bring) mn rcks back t Earth. The unmanned Chang'e 5 cllected as much as 4.4 punds f lunar rcks frm a 58 (previus) unvisited area n the mn. The missin makes China the third cuntry, after the US and the Sviet Unin, t have cllected samples frm the mn.
    The Chinese mn prgram, 59 displays ne f the strengths f China's apprach t space explratin, 60 (begin) with the Chang'e-1 rbiter launches. China was late t the space race, but it 61 (catch) up fast in the past few years. 62 return f new samples has filled a majr gap in ur understanding f hw the mn develped and helped China decide whether 63 (it) future missins n ther planets are practical.
    The famus Chang'e 5 lunar missin is part f the fur-phase Chinese Lunar Explratin Prgram 64 (run) by the Chinese gvernment, and is a 65 (prepare) twards sending Chinese taiknauts t the mn in future, perhaps arund 2030.
    第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是李华,你的外国朋友Alex将去中国朋友家做客,发邮件向你询问有关习俗。请你给 他回一封邮件提一些建议。
    Dear Alex,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。续写的词数应为150词 左右。
    Carter enjyed riding the schl bus hme. The ride hme gave him sme time t relax after a busy day f fifth grade. He usually sat alne, and he enjyed that t. With fur siblings(兄弟姐妹)he didn't get much alne time.
    The bus stpped and the tallest by in his class, Dexter Fisher, stepped ff fllwed by his yunger brther, Billy. Their huse was the last stp befre Carter's huse. As the bus pulled away, Carter lked
    back ver his shulder t watch the bys. Dexter was yelling and waving his hands at his little brther. Billy said smething Carter culd nt hear. Dexter yelled smething and gave his yunger brther a hard shve (猛推)and kncked him t the grund.
    Carter leaned tward the windw t get a better view. Billy was still n the grund and Dexter was walking away. Carter watched as Billy wiped at his eyes. The pr kid was crying.
    Carter turned in his seat. He felt nauseus (恶心的).He hated seeing little kids get picked n. It just wasn't right. The sight f Billy n the grund crying was burned int his memry. He tried t think f smething else.
    He thught f the mdel car he was wrking n at hme, a 1967 Crvette. He started building it ver a week ag and just finished putting it tgether last night. Tnight, as sn as he finished his hmewrk, he culd start painting the car. That was his favrite part. He already had the perfect clr f blue picked ut.
    He hurried ff the bus, ran thrugh his yard, and breezed thrugh the kitchen with a quick hell t his mm. She was making spaghetti. His favrite. It smelled delicius.
    He ran up the stairs tw at a time and rushed int his rm.
    “Surprise!” his brther Jacksn said, thrwing his arms int the air.
    Carter lked dwn at his desk in hrrr. His Crvette! Jacksn had painted it red. An awful dull shade f red that didn't lk gd n a car at all. Like the clr f Dad's tractr!
    Carter's heart started t beat faster while his breath was cming faster t.
    After hearing what Jacksn explained, Carter felt really guilty.41. A. disappear
    B. accmplish
    C. rise
    D. burst
    42. A. advice
    B. sufferings
    C. appintments
    D. gdwill
    43. A. wed
    B. affected
    C. acquired
    D. enjyed
    44. A. slgan
    B. guess
    C. recmmendatin
    D. gal
    45. A. late
    B. behind
    C. absent
    D. unbearable
    46. A. s
    B. but
    C. r
    D. and
    47. A. great
    B. real
    C. familiar
    D. severe
    48. A. amusing
    B. urgent
    C. unfrgettable
    D. riginal
    49. A. in favur
    B. in need
    C. in a rush
    D. in high spirits
    50. A. relate t
    B. stick t
    C. appeal t
    D. adapt t
    51. A. health
    B. mney
    C. scres
    D. wishes
    52. A. alternative
    B. different
    C. wrthwhile
    D. equal
    53. A. happier
    B. healthier
    C. pruder
    D. weaker
    54. A. beynd
    B. belw
    C. befre
    D. between
    55. A. face
    B. assist
    C. take
    D. cst

    江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷含答案docx、江苏省常州市第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年江苏省常州市高三上学期期中考试英语试题(word版有答案,有听力音频有文字材料): 这是一份2022-2023学年江苏省常州市高三上学期期中考试英语试题(word版有答案,有听力音频有文字材料),文件包含常州市2022-2023学年第一学期高三英语试题docx、2023届常州高三上学期期中考试英语解析docx、2022秋高三期中测试英语参考答案docx等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共21页, 欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省新丰中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(word 版,有答案和听力): 这是一份江苏省新丰中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(word 版,有答案和听力),文件包含高二年级英语答案doc、高二年级英语试题doc、高二年级英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

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        2020-2021学年江苏省常州市高二上学期期末考试英语试题 (word版,有答案)
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