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    这是一份江苏省2020-2021学年上学期高二英语期中解析版试卷精选汇编:七选五专题(含解析),共12页。试卷主要包含了 E 17,5分,满分12等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    In June 9, 1870, Charles Dickens died at the age f 58.The next day, a headline in The New Yrk Times read:“ Death f the Great by the Peple f Tw Cntinents.”
    ___16___Even tday, the British nvelist is lved by readers all ver the wrld.Dickens created sme f the mst unfrgettable characters in English literature.Yu must have heard f r even read sme f his nvels: Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carl and A Tale f Tw Cities.___17___Since 1897,there have been mre than 300 film and televisin adaptatins f Dickens’ wrks.
    Natalie McKnight is a literature prfessr wh studies Dickens and his wrks.She explains why the nvelist has remained s ppular.One imprtant reasn, she says,is that Dickens wrte frm his heart.___18___A Christmas Carl,fr example,was written t make every reader think abut hw they culd make a difference t their sciety.Peple always enjy wrks that make them laugh ut lud,cry and think.___19___Hwever, few f them wrked as hard as Dickens t attract readers' minds.
    Dickens wrte abut situatins and emtins that still interest peple tday.___20___His wrks led t many imprtant scial changes.
    This year marks the 150th year f Dickens’ death. It’s anther chance t remember this great writer.Will yu read (r re-read) sme f his mst famus wrks?
    A. He tried hard t prduce emtinal effects amng his readers.
    B. He used his pen t fight scial inequality and gave vice t the pr.
    C. Dickens’ early life was very hard.
    D. A Tale f Tw Cities has sld mre than 200 millin cpies.
    E. The headline was nt verstating the fame f Dickens.
    F. Their wrks became the best sellers f that time.
    G. Many ther 19th century nvelists wrte entertaining wrks.
    【答案】16. E 17. D 18. A 19. G 20. B
    根据下一句“Even tday, the British nvelist is lved by readers all ver the wrld.”可知,即使在今天,这位英国小说家仍然受到全世界读者的喜爱,可见狄更斯的作品闻名于世,成就斐然。因此,E项“The headline was nt verstating the fame f Dickens.(标题并没有夸大狄更斯的名声)”切题,该选项与下一句构成因果关系,且该选项中的“nt verstating the fame f Dickens.”与下一句“is lved by readers all ver the wrld”相呼应,故选E项。
    根据第二段最后一句“Since 1897, there have been mre than 300 film and televisin adaptatins f Dickens’ wrks.(自1897年以来,已经有300多部影视作品改自狄更斯的作品)”可知,自1897年以来,已经有300多部影视作品改自狄更斯的作品,可见狄更斯的作品非常受欢迎,在那时候就是畅销书了。因此,D项“A Tale f Tw Cities has sld mre than 200 millin cpies.(《双城记》已售出2亿多册)”切题,选项中的“mre than 200 millin cpies”与下文中的“mre than 300 film and televisin adaptatins”两组数据相呼应。故选D项。
    根据上一句“One imprtant reasn, she says, is that Dickens wrte frm his heart.(她说,一个重要的原因是狄更斯发自内心的写作)”及下文“Peple always enjy wrks that make them laugh ut lud, cry and think(人们总是喜欢能让他们笑、哭泣和思考的作品)”可知,狄更斯是发自内心的写作,他努力在读者中产生情感影响,他的作品能让读者产生共鸣,让他们哭,让他们笑,引起他们的思考。因此,A选项“He tried hard t prduce emtinal effects amng his readers.(他努力在读者中产生情感影响) ”切题,该选项中的“emtinal”与下文中的“laugh ,cry ,think”相呼应。故选A项。
    根据下一句“Hwever, few f them wrked as hard as Dickens t attract readers’ minds.(然而,他们中很少有人像狄更斯那样努力地吸引读者的思想)”可知,在这里作者提到了其他一些作家,并把作家的作品与狄更斯的作品作对比,因此,G选项“Many ther 19th century nvelists wrte entertaining wrks(许多其他19世纪的小说家写了一些有趣的作品) ”切题,选项中的“Many ther 19th century nvelists”与下一句中的“them”相呼应,故选G项。
    根据下一句“His wrks led t many imprtant scial changes.(他的作品导致了许多重要的社会变革)”可推知,狄更斯的很多作品描述的是社会的不平等,才引起读者的共鸣,导致了社会的变革。因此,B项“fight scial inequality and gave vice t the pr(他用笔与社会不平等作斗争,为穷人发声)”切题,该选项中的“scial inequality”与下一句中的“scial changes.”相呼应。故选B项。
    Yu might have nticed hw everyne is engaged in their electrnic devices(设备) during family gatherings r bnding with friends. Discnnecting frm electrnic devices might be challenging, but there are ways t spend time with yur friends withut using them. ___16___Here are sme things yu and yur friends can d and enjy.
    Turn Off Electrnic Devices
    If yu want t spend quality time with each ther, yu and yur friends need t sacrifice yur screen time. Turning ff yur electrnic devices culd be the first step yu can d. ___17___Hwever, everyne in the grup must be willing t cperate, r the purpse might be defeated.
    By turning ff yur gadgets, it wuld fcus the atmsphere t yur bnding. Everyne culd feel mre welcmed and invited.
    Start Playing With Classic Bard Games
    A bard game had always been the surce f entertainment when a grup f friends wanted t have sme fun. Since ne f its side effects is laughter, yu and yur friends culd release the stress away and start having a gd time.
    ___18___They are designed fr scial interactin, and players wuld be required t engage and cmmunicate. Therefre, it culd be the perfect way t build a harmnius relatinship with yur friends.
    Play Questin Games
    Anther helpful way t initiate a cnversatin with yur friends is thrugh playing questin games. The rules depend n the players, but the main idea is t take turns in asking questins. Hwever, there are many different versins f questin games yu can search nline.
    ___19___Make sure t prepare many questin games ahead f time. Aside frm these games being easy t play, they wuld als help yu t knw and learn mre abut each ther.
    Have A Heart-T-Heart Talk
    ___20___While it is essential t enjy yur get-tgether, ging int a purpseful cnversatin is als imprtant. Yu dn't knw what yur friends are ging thrugh, and making rm fr a heart-t-heart talk might be what they need.
    Sme peple want t spend time with their friends because they want t frget their prblems fr a while. But sme might need sme cmpany. Aside frm amusing games and pleasant talks, yu can als encurage intimate cnversatins with yur friends.
    A. Design questins in a prper way.
    B. It culd als be ne f the huse rules when yu are tgether.
    C Sincere cmmunicatin is vital in making friends.
    D. Entertainment isn't the nly way t interact with yur friends.
    E. Yu can change the mechanics(运作方式) f the games a bit,depending n yur preference.
    F. The fundatin f playing bard games is cperatin.
    G. Yu can cnnect mre and have fun with the right activities.
    【答案】16. G 17. B 18. F 19. E 20. D
    本文是说明文。文章主要介绍当和家人朋友聚会时,人们总是痴迷于手机,作者给出了一些方法 ,在不使用手机的情况下,如何参与一些合适的活动,使聚会更愉快。
    上文“Discnnecting frm electrnic devices might be challenging, but there are ways t spend time with yur friends withut using them.”(远离电子设备也许会是挑战,但是这里有很多方法可以让你们在没有使用电子设备的情况下一起度过。)可知,与朋友在一起时作者不赞成使用电子设备,想要介绍一些除电子设备以外的活动,空后接着就是“Here are sme things yu and yur friends can d and enjy.”(这里有一些是你和你朋友一起可以做的并且会很喜欢的事情。)说明作者想要进一步详细地介绍这些活动,所以空处应该是对这些活动进行描述的,而且这些活动是好的、积极的,结合选项,故选G。
    空前“Turning ff yur electrnic devices culd be the first step yu can d.”(关掉电子设备应该是你们第一步要做的。)且根据空后“Hwever, everyne in the grup must be willing t cperate, r the purpse might be defeated.”(不管怎么样,团队里的每个人必须自愿合作,否则这个目标就会被击败。)可知空,处应该是讲为了同一个目标,关掉电子设备应该是大家在一起时需要遵守的规则,结合选项,故选B。
    本段小标题是“Start Playing With Classic Bard Games”(开始玩经典棋盘游戏)是在讲棋盘游戏,选项F“playing bard games”与之呼应,同时下文提到“it culd be the perfect way t build a harmnius relatinship with yur friends.”( 它应该是一个与你朋友建立和谐关系的完美的方法。)可知,棋盘游戏可以让你和朋友建立一种关系,与选项F中描述的关系cperatin呼应,故选F。
    上文“there are many different versins f questin games yu can search nline.”(这里有许多版本的可以在网上找到的问答游戏。)可知游戏有很多种,下文就说到“they wuld als help yu t knw and learn mre abut each ther.”(它们会帮你们更好的了解彼此。)可知,问题游戏也是可以帮你们更好地加深彼此的了解,所以空处应该是在众多版本游戏里怎么选择合适的有助于了解的游戏,结合选项,故选E。
    由上面文章可知作者在前面介绍的那几个活动都是以娱乐为目的的,而空后“While it is essential t enjy yur get-tgether, ging int a purpseful cnversatin is als imprtant.”(享受你们的聚会固然重要,但进行有意义的聊天也很重要。)可知,这个活动不一样,所以空处应该先是说与朋友互动不仅仅就是靠前面的几个项目进行娱乐,再引出后面的聚会也需要聊天,结合选项,故选D。
    Since the DISEASE fficially began in March,we've been tld staying hme is the best way t avid catching Cvid-19.But being hmebund(居家隔离)fr s lng affects the bdy,weakening the heart and lungs and even damages the brain. 36 This is what half a year f staying hme can d t yur bdy.
    A week hmebund,whether yu are wrking,eating r sleeping, seems t give yu a sense f cmfrt. 37 That's because it can take mnths t build muscle and just ne week t lse it. When yu lse muscle, yu're nt necessarily lsing shape, but yu are lsing strength. The strnger we stay, the easier it is fr us t live lnger.
    If yu're nt exercising,yu're nt raising yur heart rate. And when yur heart isn't pumping
    as hard, it gets weaker. 38 Many patients have felt their breathing functin becme wrse, because they're n lnger cnditined t exercise.Exercise is the nly key t imprving bth heart and lung functin. If it's nt safe t leave the huse,dctrs recmmend dancing r finding husehld bjects fr hme strength training.
    39 Exercise prduces certain chemicals in the brain that break dwn txins in the bld and even prevent them frm ging t the brain, where they can kill brain cells.
    The effects f hmebund are hidden-like the DISEASE,the physical reactins after mnths f staying hme ften aren't bvius until they becme harmful r extreme. Keeping yur mental
    and physical health while staying hme requires sme wrk, but it's a better preparatin fr uncertainty until Cvid-19 is ver. _ 40
    A. But actually, it can ruin hard-wn fruit.
    B. Pssibly, yu can wrk ut in the gym.
    C. This kind f lifestyle can slw yur brain, t.
    D. The effects may stay with us beynd DISEASE' s end.
    E. And when it's safe t live fully again,yu'll be prepared.
    F. The same thing happens t yur lungs when yu're inactive.
    G. Hpefully, the day will cme when the DISEASE is swept away.
    7选5阅读答案:36-40 DAFCE
    第36题 D 这里是these effects 代指的前句的affects the bdy, weakening the heart and lungs and even damages the brain. 能够与前文形成很好的衔接。
    第37题 A hard-wn fruit 代指的是后文的mnths t build muscle and just ne week t lse it. 也就是运动得来的成果很不容易,但是毁灭起来超快。
    第38题 F 这里的lungs 与前句的Heart形成一种并列关系,而且lungs与后文的breathing是同类相关词。
    第39题 C 根据选项中的brain以及后句中的they can kill brain cells可知,这里讲的是居家在家对大脑的损害。运动能够减少有毒物质对大脑细胞的损害。
    第40题 E 根据prepared一词,我们可知它与上句的it is a better preparatin fr uncertainty until the Cvid-19 is ver.
    Carving pumpkins is a classic Hallween activity. Families and friends can cme tgether t create amazing scenes and faces ut f pumpkins while enjying each thers' cmpany in a family friendly envirnment.
    16. After chsing yur pumpkin, yu shuld make sure yu have all f the right carving tls. Once yu have the right pumpkin, the tls, and perhaps a template, it is time t start carving.
    First, use a saw t cut ut the tp, arund the stem f the pumpkin, s yu can reach inside. Yu can cut the tp f the pumpkin rund. Of curse, yu can cut a ntch in it. 17. Once yur tp is ff, reach inside with a large spn and take ut all f the seeds and stuff insides f the pumpkin.
    When all f the insides are taken ut and the inside f yur pumpkin lks clean, yu are ready t start carving. Yu can use a pen t draw yur pattern nt the pumpkin s it's easier t carve r yu can draw yur design. 18.
    After yur pumpkin is carved, it is time t put it utside f the huse and light it. 19. That gives it the flaming quality which is the best n Hallween. Yu can als use sme lights that are battery pwered rather than actually n fire.
    On Hallween night, yur fantastic pumpkin creatins will surely amaze all f the trick-r-treaters. 20. Hpefully, yu have fun carving pumpkins with all f yur favrite peple and sharing yur creatin with the wrld.
    A.The tp shuld be big and beautiful.
    B.Ensure that all necessary items are available.
    C.The naughty children will stp by yur huse.
    D.Yu can use an actual candle inside yur pumpkin.
    E. Children will pay a visit t every family in their cmmunity.
    F. The mst imprtant part f pumpkin carving design is t be creative.
    G. Because it's simpler t remember hw the tp and the pumpkin fit tgether.
    【答案】16-20 BGFDC
    16.根据后文“After chsing yur pumpkin, yu shuld make sure yu have all f the right carving tls. Once yu have the right pumpkin, the tls, and perhaps a template, it is time t start carving.(选好南瓜后,你应该确保你有所有合适的雕刻工具。一旦你有了合适的南瓜,工具,也许还有模板,就该开始雕刻了)”由此可知,本段主要说明的是,选好南瓜后要确认所有雕刻南瓜的工具都可用。后文中all f the right carving tls可对应到B选项中all necessary items。故B选项“确保所有必要的物品都可用”符合语境,故选B。
    17.根据上文“First, use a saw t cut ut the tp, arund the stem f the pumpkin, s yu can reach inside. Yu can cut the tp f the pumpkin rund. Of curse, yu can cut a ntch in it.( 首先,绕着南瓜的茎,用锯子切掉南瓜的顶部,这样你就可以够到里面了。你可以把南瓜的顶部切成圆形。当然,你可以在上面切一个凹口)”以及后文“Once yur tp is ff, reach inside with a large spn and take ut all f the seeds and stuff insides f the pumpkin.(打开南瓜顶后,用一个大勺子把手伸进里面,取出所有的种子和里面的东西)”可知,本句应当是承接上文说明要先雕刻南瓜顶部的原因,且上文中the tp可对应到G选项中the tp。故G选项“因为这样更容易记住顶部和南瓜是如何结合在一起的”符合语境,故选G。
    18.根据上文“Yu can use a pen t draw yur pattern nt the pumpkin s it's easier t carve r yu can draw yur design.( 你可以用笔在南瓜上画出你的图案,这样雕刻起来更容易,或者你也可以画出你的设计)”可知,本句应是承接上文说明南瓜雕刻设计的注意事项,且上文中design可对应到F选项中pumpkin carving design。故F选项“南瓜雕刻设计最重要的部分是要有创意”符合语境,故选F。
    19.根据后文“That gives it the flaming quality which is the best n Hallween. Yu can als use sme lights that are battery pwered rather than actually n fire.(这给了它燃烧的感觉,这在万圣节是最好的。你也可以使用一些电池供电的灯,而不是点火照明)”可知,本句应当是在说明让南瓜亮起来的方式,后文提到了使用电灯,而不是点火照明,可知本句是在说明在使用点火照明南光灯的一种方式。后文中That可对应到D选项中use an actual candle inside yur pumpkin。故D选项“你可以在南瓜里面使用真正的蜡烛”符合语境,故选D。
    20.根据上文“On Hallween night, yur fantastic pumpkin creatins will surely amaze all f the trick-r-treaters.( 在万圣节的晚上,你神奇的南瓜创造一定会让所有的“不给糖就捣蛋”的人感到惊奇)”可知,上文提到的“不给糖就捣蛋”的人指的是万圣节晚上出来的孩子们,此处承接上文,讲的还是关于万圣节晚上孩子们出来捣蛋的内容,故C选项“淘气的孩子们会在你家停下来”符合语境,故选C。
    Using Healthy Cking Methds Is Imprtant
    Eating healthier meals is a big part f taking gd care f yurself and yur family, but eating healthier meals desn't mean yu have t give up yur favrite fd. 16.
    Bil vegetables and meats withut using any ils r fats. 17. . It's nt nly healthier than using lts f fats, but als it keeps the nutrients f the fds. All yu need t bil fd is a large pt, water, and a little bit f salt. Carrts, cabbages, ptates, chicken and beef are just a few chices fr fd yu can bil.
    Steam vegetables and fish t keep all the nutrients unbrken. Yu can place a steaming basket ver a pt f biling water and place them in the steamer basket t cntain all the juices. Simply bring a pt f water t bil. 18. . Add yur fd t the basket. Add sme salt r lemn juice t yur steamed vegetables r fish fr sme extra flavr.
    19. Barbecue is great frm a certain pint f view because it makes yur meat sft and tasty while als letting the fat drip away frm it, which is healthier fr yu. It als passes n a nice flavr t meats and vegetable. Yu can rast steak and chicken, as well as vegetables, like ptates, peppers, nins, and even lettuce.
    Try eating raw fds t avid lsing any nutrients thrugh cking. Fcus n eating uncked fds. 20. Eating nly raw fds isn't recmmended fr children r fr wmen wh are pregnant.
    A.Place yur steam basket n tp
    B.Rast meats and vegetables fr less fat
    C.Fruit and vegetables are gd fr health
    D.Biling is a simple and healthy way t ck
    E. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds can be eaten uncked
    F. Eating healthy means cking less meat but mre vegetables
    G. Learn hw t ck fd in a healthier way may help eat healthily
    【答案】16-20 GDABE
    16.根据上文“Eating healthier meals is a big part f taking gd care f yurself and yur family, but eating healthier meals desn't mean yu have t give up yur favrite fd.(吃健康的食物是照顾好你自己和你的家人的重要组成部分,但是吃健康的食物并不意味着你必须放弃你最喜欢的食物)”结合后文主要说明了烹饪方式,可知本句属于过渡句,承上启下说明以更健康的方式烹调食物可能有助于健康饮食。故G选项“学习如何以更健康的方式烹调食物可能有助于健康饮食”符合语境,故选G。
    17.根据上文“Bil vegetables and meats withut using any ils r fats.(煮蔬菜和肉类时不要使用任何油或脂肪)”以及后文“It's nt nly healthier than using lts f fats, but als it keeps the nutrients f the fds.(这不仅比使用大量脂肪更健康,而且还能保持食物的营养)”可知,本句属于过渡句,说明“煮”这种烹饪方式的好处。上文中Bil可对应到D选项中Biling。故D选项“煮是一种简单又健康的烹饪方法”符合语境,故选D。
    18.根据上文“Simply bring a pt f water t bil.(只要烧开一壶水)”以及后文“Add yur fd t the basket.(把你的食物放到篮子里)”可知,本句应当是在说明蒸食物的操作过程,后文the basket可对应到A选项中steam basket。故A选项“把蒸篮放在上面”符合语境,故选A。
    19.根据后文“Barbecue is great frm a certain pint f view because it makes yur meat sft and tasty while als letting the fat drip away frm it, which is healthier fr yu. It als passes n a nice flavr t meats and vegetable. Yu can rast steak and chicken, as well as vegetables, like ptates, peppers, nins, and even lettuce.(从某种角度来说,烧烤是很棒的,因为它让你的肉变得柔软可口,同时也让脂肪从肉中流失,这对你来说更健康。它也能给肉类和蔬菜带来好味道。你可以烤牛排和鸡肉,也可以烤土豆、辣椒、洋葱甚至生菜等蔬菜)”由此可知,本段主要是在说明“烤”这种烹饪方式。后文中Barbecue 与Yu can rast steak and chicken可对应到B选项中Rast。故B选项“烤肉和蔬菜脂肪更少”符合语境,故选B。
    20.根据上文“Fcus n eating uncked fds.(吃不经过烹饪的食物)”以及后文“Eating nly raw fds isn't recmmended fr children r fr wmen wh are pregnant.(只吃生的食物不推荐给儿童或孕妇)”由此可知,本句承接上文进一步列举可以生吃的食物。上文中uncked fds可对应到E选项中be eaten uncked。故E选项“水果、蔬菜、坚果和种子可以生吃”符合语境,故选E。

    江苏省2020-2021学年上学期高二英语期中解析版试卷精选汇编:语法填空专题(含解析): 这是一份江苏省2020-2021学年上学期高二英语期中解析版试卷精选汇编:语法填空专题(含解析),共12页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分15分), t see, a 38, wh/that, frm 41, had been saved, imprving, recgnitin等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省2020-2021学年上学期高二英语期中解析版试卷精选汇编:阅读理解专题(含解析): 这是一份江苏省2020-2021学年上学期高二英语期中解析版试卷精选汇编:阅读理解专题(含解析),共49页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省2019-2020学年下学期高二英语期中解析版试卷精选汇编:七选五专题: 这是一份江苏省2019-2020学年下学期高二英语期中解析版试卷精选汇编:七选五专题,共7页。试卷主要包含了 B 57, F 52等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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