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    英语优秀教案(人教版):必修二(Unit5 Music--Period1 Reading)
    英语优秀教案(人教版):必修二(Unit5 Music--Period1 Reading)01
    英语优秀教案(人教版):必修二(Unit5 Music--Period1 Reading)02
    英语优秀教案(人教版):必修二(Unit5 Music--Period1 Reading)03
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    高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 5 Music教案设计

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 5 Music教案设计,共7页。

    Period 1  Reading


    The General Idea of This Period

    This period includes Warming upReading and Comprehending of Unit 5.It introduces different kinds of music and a band called The Monkees.Students will enlarge their knowledge of music by listening to the music.Meanwhile students can learn how The Monkees got successful by some reading strategies such as skimmingscanningand intensive reading.Students should think carefully about the outlook on society and on personal value after reading the story of The Monkees.Students will realize the importance of hard workright attitude towards workand bravery on meeting the challenge.

    Teaching Aims

    1.Train the students reading ability.

    2.Learn some useful wordsexpressions and some important sentences.

    classicalfolkformpasser-byearnextrainstrumentpretendhitdream ofbe honest withplay jokes onbe based onput on advertisementor sobe serious aboutbreak up

    a.Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concertwith everyone clapping and enjoying your singing?

    b.If we are honest with ourselvesmost of us have dreamed of being famous.

    c....bands are formed by high school students who practise their music in someones home.

    d.They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.

    e.The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music.

    f.Their music and jokes were based loosely on the band called The Beatles.

    g.Actors may not be able to sing so at first other musicians sang the songs for the programme while the band pretended to sing them.

    h.Howeverafter a year or so in which they became more serious about their work.

    3.Enable the students to sum up the main idea of each paragraph.

    4.Express their opinion by answering the questions.

    Teaching Important Points

    1.Help the students to understand the passage better.

    2.Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period.

    3.Help the students to understand the details of the text by helping them to answer the following questions.

    Teaching Difficult Points

    1.How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.

    2.How to master the important language points in this passage.

    3.How to help the students express their ideas on the two questions.

    a.Do you think the TV organizers were right to call The Monkeesa band when they did not sing or write their own songs?Why?

    b.Do you agree that the jokes were more important than the music for this band?Give a reason.

    Teaching Methods

    1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

    2.Careful reading to understand the passage better.

    3.Explanation to help the students master some language points.

    4.Discussion to help the students understand better what theyve learned and to use the knowledge theyve learned in this period.

    Teaching Aids

    1.A tape recorder.

    2.A multimedia.

    Teaching Procedures

    Step 1 Lead-in

    1.Greet the students as usual.

    2.Introduce the topic of music.

    TDo you know who they are?The teacher shows the pictures of some famous singers.



    SsSHEJayJacky ZhangCeline Dion.

    TCorrect.So you all like listening to music.Then what kind of music do they sing?

    S1Pop music.

    TWhat other kinds of music do you like listening to?

    S2RapClassical musicfolk musicRock n Roll

    TWellgood job.It seems you know quite a lot about music.Now let we check whether you are really good at music.Have a look at the eight pictures.Then Ill play a tape to you and you will hear 8 kinds of music.After listeningyou have to tell me what kind of music you hearclear?Lets enjoy some kinds of music.

    Suggested answers

    ChoralCountry musicRapFolk musicRock n RollOrchestraJazzClassical music

    TExcellent.I am sure you are interested in music and know a lot about songs and music.Now Id like to have a discussion.What kinds of music do you like betterChinese or Westernclassical or modern?How does music make you feel?And why do you like to listen to music?Ill give you 5 minutes to talk with your partners.

    TOK.Who is ready to share with us your opinions?

    S3I like Chinese music.Because I think Chinese music is easier to understand.And I like listening to modern musicbecause it reflects the modern life.

    S4I like Western music.Because I think Western music is lively and the singers voices are beautiful.I like classical music since it can make me calm down if I have a bad mood.And the classical music often inspires us.It can last longer than the modern music.

    TI enjoy your talk.Continue.Who would like to talk more?How does music make you feel?

    S5I feel inspired when listening to music.When Im not having a good moodmusic can calm me down.When I listen to the beautiful musicI feel happy and recall some good memories and beautiful things in life.

    S6When I am readingI would like to listen to musicbecause it helps me concentrate on my reading.

    TWellso music can be used as the background music which helps us to be concentrated.Whats more?

    S7I like to listen to musicbecause I feel relaxed when listening to music.Music tells us the real life.

    3.Introduce The Monkees.

    TExcellent!I really enjoy your opinions and I also have learnt a lot from your ideas.So you are really music fans.NowI have a problem and I would like you to give me some advice.I want to listen to some bands music.Would you recommend some bands and their famous songs for me?

    S1There are several famous bandslike Beatles.I like their style of performances.Their famous song is Let it be.It is fantastic.Every time I listen to itI recall the good old days with my classmates.

    S2I like Back-street Boy best.The musicians in the band always seem very young and handsome.Their performances are perfect.Their famous song is The Call.The rhythm of the song is very strong and it is often used as the catwalk background music.

    S3I like West life best.Their songs are full of deep feelings.They tell us about the love between loversfriends and parents and children.When listening to their songsmy heart is full of warm.Their famous song is My Love.Its really worth listening.

    TGood.Thank you for your recommendation.I have many choices to consider.But here I have a photo of a band.Can you tell me who they are?

    S4The Monkees.

    TGreat!Can you tell more about them?

    S5It is a band formed of 4 persons.They followed the style of The Beatles.

    TRight.Wellit seems you know little about them.It doesnt matter.Now lets go on to the reading and find more information about themThe Band That Wasnt.

    Step 2 Skimming

    TFirstI would like you to skim the passage about The Monkees and find out the main ideas of each paragraph.Time is limited to 3 minutes.

    Suggested answers

    Paragraph 1Dreaming of being famous musician or singer.

    Paragraph 2How musicians form bands.

    Paragraph 3How the band got their start.

    Paragraph 4How The Monkees became serious about their business.

    Step 3 Scanning

    TNow you have got the general idea about the passage.For this timeI would like you to scan the text and find out whether the following statements are true of false.Time is limited to 4 minutes.

    1.Most musicians meet and form a band because they like to write and play music.

    2.The TV organizers had looked for five musicians who were lovely and who could make good music.

    3.Each week the group that was called The Beatles would play a song or two written by other musician.

    4.The Monkees broke up in about 1960but reunited in 1980.

    Suggested answer

    1.T  2.F  3.F  4.T

    Step 4 Intensive Reading

    Ask the students to look through the questions on the screen and read the text silently.Students are expected to find out all the answers by themselves.

    TOKboys and girls.Now lets read the text in detail and answer the following questions.


    1.Why do most musicians like to be in a band with others?

    2.Which two musical bands are mentioned in the passage?

    3.How do bands that are formed by high school students earn some extra money?

    4.When did The Monkees break up and when did it reunite?

    5.Why was The Monkees successful in their work?

    Suggested answers

    1.Because they want to write and play music together.

    2.Beatles & Monkees

    3.They may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money.

    4.They broke up in about 1970 and it reunited in the mid-1980.

    5.Because they were serious about their work and they also worked very hard.

    TYou are so smart to get all the answers right.Then let me check whether you have really understood the passage.Have a look at the Ex.2 on Page 35.Try your best to review what you have learnt in your heart without looking back to the passage.And see who can get all the answers right.Time is limited to 2 minutes.

    After 2 minutesthe teacher checks the answers.

    Suggested answers

    1.DThey produced a new record in 1996 to celebrate their time as a band.

    2.EMost musicians get together and form a band because they like to write and play music.

    3.AThey put an advertisement in the newspaper looking for four rock musiciansbut only one person was accepted.

    4.BThe first TV show was a big hit.

    5.CHoweverthe band broke up about 1970but reunited in the mid-1980s.

    Step 5 Retell the Story

    TSince you have read the text for three timesI guess you have totally understood the text.Now lets check whether you have comprehended the text.On the blackboardits the summary of our reading text.But its not complete.You have to think out a proper word to fill in each blank without reading your textbook.After filling the missing wordsyou will have a complete summary of the text.NowI will give you 5 minutes to do this task.

    If we are ______ ______ ourselvesmost of us have ______ ______ being famous sometimes in our lives.Most musicians often meet and ______ a band.Sometimes they play in the street to ______ so that they can earn some ______ money and this also gives them a ______ to realize their dreams.There was once a band started ______ ______ ______ ______.The musicians of whom the band was formed ______ ______ ______ each other as well as played musicwhose music and jokes were loosely ______ ______ The Beatles.Their exciting performances were copied by other groups.The Monkees played their own ______ and wrote their own music.Though it ______ ______ in 1970it ______ in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today.

    Suggested answer

    honest withdreamed offormpassers-byextrachancein a different wayplayed jokes onbased oninstrumentsbroke upreunited

    Step 6 Language Points Focus

    Teacher explains the important words and expressions from the reading.Try to use as many examples as possible to illustrate the point.After illustrationteacher can give students some exercises to consolidate their understanding.

    1.Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people at a concertwith everyone clapping and enjoying your singing?


    dream of 向往、梦想

    She often dreams of being a teacher.


    The oversea students often dream of his hometown.


    with 复合结构构成状语

    He came into classroomwith a book in his left hand.


    With the day coming nearthey felt excited.


    2.Do you sing Karaoke and close your eyes and pretend you are Coco Li or Liu Huan?



    He pretended not to know the facts.他佯装不知实情。

    He pretended to be reading an important paper when the boss entered.


    He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home.


    3.The musicians of whom the band was formed played jokes on each other as well as played music.


    play jokes onspeak lightly or amusingly about sb./sth.拿某人开玩笑,与某人开玩笑。

    Dont play jokes on the disabled.


    ...of whom the band was formed...定语从句中把介词提前时,常用关系代词whichwhom 而不用关系代词that

    This is the factory in which she works.


    Mr White is the person to whom you should send e-mail.


    4.Their music and jokes were based loosely on the band called The Beatles.


    be based onuse something as grounds 根据……,以……为基础

    The story is based on real life.故事以真实生活为蓝本。

    This news report is based entirely on fact.


    Judgment should be based on factsnot on hearsay.


    5.Howeverthe band broke up in about 1970but reunited in the mid-1980s.


    break upmake something separated using force 解散,分裂,解体,驱散

    The crowd started to break up when the night fell.天快黑时人群开始散开了。

    The police broke up the fighting crowd.警察驱散了打架的人群。

    Their marriage broke up.


    Step 7 Discussion

    TLets come back to our discussion.Since now you have a complete understanding of the band The MonkeesI have two questions for you.

    a.Do you think the TV organizers were right to call The Monkees a band when they did not sing or write their own songs?

    b.Do you agree that the jokes were more important than the music for this band?Give a reason.

    TAfter your discussion with your partnersI would like you to report your discussion.Time is limited to 5 minutes.Go.

    After 5 minutes.

    TOKwho would like to be the first to give your report on the discussion?

    S1Let me try.I think it was right for them to call The Monkees a band.Though they didnt sing or write their songsthey really get people to appreciate music.Its such a creative idea that many people become their fans.It was a band formed in an unusual way.And as it was an unusual bandI think jokes were more important than the music for the band.It was their special style.

    S2NoI dont think it was a band.They didnt write or sing their own songs.How can we call it a band?I dont think jokes were more important than the music for this band.The purpose of forming a band is getting people to enjoy the spirit of their music.Its more important than playing jokes just to make people laugh.

    TGood point.One more.Who would like to continue?

    S3I dont think we should call it a band eitherbecause singing and writing its own songs is the basis of a band.I dont think jokes were more important than the music either.I think the content of music is more important than the jokes.The content is the soul of the music.

    Step 8 Summary and Homework

    TToday weve learned a text about the band The Monkees and learnt several different kinds of musicincluding classical musicrock n rollorchestrarapfolk musicjazzcountry music and choral.In additionwe know their success lies in their hard work and unique style of performance.The Monkees worked hard to be a famous band and their special performance styles were loved by people all over the world.

    TSo much for today.Here is the homework for you to do so that your knowledge can be consolidated.

    1.Recite the key sentences on the text.

    2.Finish the word exerciseEx.1 on Page 35Ex.2 on Page 36.Ex.1&2 on Page 70.

    3.Collect some information about your favourite music or musicians.

    Step 9 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

    Unit 5  Music

    Period 1

    Main idea of each paragraph

    Paragraph 1Dreaming of being famous musician or singer.

    Paragraph 2How musicians form bands.

    Paragraph 3How the band got their start.

    Paragraph 4How The Monkees became serious about their business.

    Words and expressions

    1.dream of 向往、梦想

    with 复合结构构成状语

    2.pretend 假装,装扮

    3.play jokes on 拿某人开玩笑,与某人开玩笑

    ... of whom the band was formed... 定语从句中把介词提前时,常用关系代词whichwhom而不用关系代词that

    4.be based onuse something as grounds 根据……,以……为基础

    5.break upmake something separated using force 解散,分裂,解体,驱散

    Step 10 Record after Teaching





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