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    Unit 24 Society

    1.Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted to building a harmonious society.
    2.As a member of society, I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.
    3.It isn't hard to grow up into a responsible member of society.
    4.We must adjust ourselves to the changing society unless we want to be left behind.
    自主排查 夯基固本

    Ⅰ 核心单词
    (1)inequality (n.) 不平等→equality (n.) 平等→equal (adj.) 相等的;平等的;能胜任的 (vt.) 等于;抵得上
    (2)voluntary (adj.) 自愿的→voluntarily (adv.) 自愿地→volunteer (v.) 自愿做 (n.) 志愿者
    (3)abundant (adj.) 大量的,充裕的,丰富的→abundantly (adv.) 大量地→abundance (n.) 充裕,丰富
    (4)deposit (vt.& vi.) 存放,储蓄 (n.) 存款;押金,保证金
    (5)govern (vt.) 统治,管理→governor (n.) (美国的)州长→government (n.) 政府
    (6)accumulate (v.) 积累→accumulative (adj.) 累积的,逐渐增加的→accumulation (n.) 积累
    (7)burden (n.) 重担,负担
    (8)vacant (adj.) 未住人的,空置的→vacantly (adv.) 神情茫然地
    (9)adjustment (n.) 调整,调节→adjust (vi.) 调整,调节→adjustable (adj.) 可调整的,可调节的
    (10)diverse (adj.) 多种多样的→diversity (n.) 多样性,多元化
    (11)bare (adj.) 赤裸的
    (12)resign (vt.& vi.) 辞职→resignation (n.) 辞职,辞职信
    (13)choke (vi.) 窒息,噎住
    (14)delete (vt.) 删除
    (15)shrink (vi.) (使)收缩,缩小→shrinkage (n.) 缩小,缩小量
    (16)elect (vt.) 选举,推选→election (n.) 选举,推选
    (17)undertake (vt.) 承担,从事
    (18)preservation (n.) 维护,保存→preserve (vt.) 维护,保护;保持,维持
    (19)squeeze (vt.) 挤
    (20)relay (vt.) 转达;传送 (n.) 接力赛
    (21)fine (n.) 罚款
    (22)sentence (n.& v.) 判决;宣判
    (23)abolish (vt.) 废除
    (24)moreover (adv.) 再者,此外
    (25)furthermore (adv.) 此外,而且
    Ⅱ 阅读单词
    (1)homelessness (n.) 无家可归→homeless (adj.) 无家可归的→home (n.) 家庭
    (2)signature (n.) 签名
    (3)ownership (n.) 所有权
    (4)rag (n.) 破旧衣服;破布;碎片
    (5)pension (n.) 退休金,养老金
    (6)pregnant (adj.) 怀孕的
    (7)virtue (n.) 优点,长处→virtuous (adj.) 品行端正的;品德高尚的
    (8)surplus (n.) 盈余,剩余 (adj.) 过剩的,剩余的
    (9)merciful (adj.) 宽大的,仁慈的→merciless (adj.) 冷酷无情的,残忍的→mercy (n.) 仁慈,宽恕
    (10)collision (n.) 相撞→collide (v.) 相撞
    (11)skip (v.) 跳过;略过;遗漏
    (12)fragrant (adj.) 有香味的→fragrance (n.) 香味
    (13)robbery (n.) 抢劫
    (14)thirst (n.) 口渴→thirsty (adj.) 口渴的
    (15)consequently (adv.) 所以,因此→consequent (adj.) 作为结果的;随之发生的→consequence (n.) 后果
    1.Hannah started to think about how she could help, but, of course, there is not a lot one five­year­old can do to solve the problem of ________ (homeless).
    2.The ________ (volunteer) service saved you a sum of money that you otherwise would have spent on the agency responsible for finding your pets.
    3.Once we make the ________ (adjust) for inflation, the fall in interest rates is quite small.
    4.In an economy where income per head used to rise by ________ (bare) 1% a year, current growth rates feel like a miracle.
    5.Remember to ask them to drink some water every 20 minutes even if they do not feel ________ (thirst).
    6.The ________ (resist) to vaccine (疫苗) has continued for decades, and it is driven by a real but very small risk.
    7.I think my uncle's death was a ________ (mercy) release for my poor aunt.
    8.Well before the arrival of freezers, there was a demand for ice for food ________ (preserve) and catering.
    9.While he claimed to have witnessed the ________ (rob) at the bank just now, he couldn't give any informative evidence to help with the investigation.
    10. ________ (consequent), clothes do seem to help make a good impression on others, and gain more respect.
    ①currency 货币
    ②efficiency 效率;功效
    ③emergency 紧急情况;突发事件
    ④frequency 频繁;频率
    ⑤privacy 隐私;私密
    ⑥tendency 趋向;趋势
    ⑦fluency 流畅度,流利度
    ⑧accuracy 准确性/度;精密(性)
    ⑨delicacy 脆弱;周到;仔细
    ⑩adequacy 足够
    ①undertake 着手做,从事
    ②underground 地下的
    ③underwrite 承担经济责任;承销;包销
    ④underline 画线于……下
    ⑤undersea 海底的
    ⑥underwear 内衣
    ⑦underestimate 对……估计不足;低估
    ⑧undersized 小于正常的
    ⑨underdeveloped 生活水平低的;欠发达的
    ⑩underplay 低调处理;降低……的重要性

    1.be trapped in     被困在……中,陷入……的困境
    2.in the hope that 怀着……的希望
    3.come into being 形成
    4.wind sb. up 使某人振奋起来,惹恼某人
    5.show off 炫耀
    6.knock_into_sb. 撞上某人
    7.turning_point 转折点
    8.break_into 闯入
    9.on_principle 根据原则
    10.sentence_sb._to_death 判某人死刑
    1.The girl went home crying because some boys in her class________________ (戏弄她).
    答案:wound her up
    2.The researchers are working on how such a cave ________________ (形成) in the mountains.
    答案:came into being
    3.He drinks a cup of hot milk every night ______________ (照例).
    答案:on principle
    4.Of the 3,900 exhibitors at the show more than a dozen ________________ (炫耀) their inventions on VR technology.
    答案:showed off
    5.That was a ________________ (转折点) in his life. He made a decision to devote his life to helping others.
    答案:turning point
    6.Dozens of people ____________________ (被困在) the rubble when the building collapsed.
    答案:were trapped in
    7.He was so deep in thought that he ______________ (撞上) the tree without noticing it.
    答案:knocked into
    8.He ran to the station ____________________ (希望) he could catch the last bus.
    答案:in the hope that
    9.When the police ________________ (闯入) the room, they found the man lying in bed, dead.
    答案:broke into
    10.In fact, Socrates was a very religious man. His enemies had him arrested, and he ____________________ (被判处死刑).
    答案:was sentenced to death
    ①on principle 根据原则
    ②on purpose 故意地
    ③on balance 总的说来
    ④on holiday 休假
    ⑤on average 平均地
    ⑥on business 出差
    ⑦on show/exhibition 在展出
    ⑧on duty 值日;值班
    ⑨on sale 出售
    ⑩on the air在广播中

    1.Sometimes we try to deposit a little or change our money into different countries' currencies in the hope that we can make even more money.
    in the hope that ... 怀着……的希望
    We work hard ______________________ we have a good future.
    2.In this spending circle, on the one hand, we accumulate possessions but never feel like we have enough. On the other hand, we work towards the ownership of bigger and better houses and cars and never have time to enjoy them.
    on the one hand ... on the other hand ... 一方面……另一方面……
    ______________________, many college graduates are out of work now, but ________________, they won't take jobs that do not pay much.

    答案:1.in the hope that 2.On the one hand; on the other hand
    直击重点 突破考点

    ① abundant adj. 大量的;丰富的;充裕的(P33)

    ①The ocean floor near the continents is ________ (abundance) in mineral and oil deposits.
    ②American government spends ________ (abundant) on school­age kids but much less than other rich countries on the first two or three years of life.
    ③Fruit and vegetables grew in ________ (abundant) on the island.
    答案:①abundant ②abundantly ③abundance
    South Africa is a developing country which is rich in natural resources.
    =South Africa is a developing country which is ________ in natural resources.

    (1)abundance n. 丰富
    an abundance of 丰富的,许多的
    in abundance 大量;富裕
    (2)abundantly adj. 大量地
    abundantly clear 显而易见
    At the feast there was an abundance of foods and drinks. It's obvious that people live in abundance.
    ② burden n. 负担,重担 vt. (使)担负(沉重或艰难的任务、职责等);加重压于(P34)

    ①Until now, Tokelau has been 100% dependent on diesel (柴油) for producing electricity. That ________ (burden) the country with heavy economic and environmental costs.
    ②Pupils of China today are burdened ________ a lot of academic tasks.
    ③Dealing with piles of letters is ________ burden to most public figures.
    答案:①has burdened ②with ③a
    ________________ you take in before bedtime, ________________ you will put on your body at night.
    答案:The more fat; the greater burden

    (1)be/become a burden to/on 是……的负担
    bear/carry/reduce/share/throw the burden 承受/担负/减少/分担/卸下重担
    (2)burden sb./oneself with sth. 装载……;使……负担……
    be burdened with ... 负重;为……所累
    ③ resign vt.& vi. 辞职,辞去;放弃(工作、权利);使顺从(P35)

    ①—Do you know why Michael resigned ________ the board?
    —He held out for higher wages, but was turned down in the end.
    ②I had to resign ________ (me) to making a loss on the sale.
    ③He handed in his ________ (resign) to the boss, complaining (抱怨) that the boss didn't value hardworking workers.
    答案:①from ②myself ③resignation
    He ________________ (辞去职务) because he had been offered a better job.
    答案:resigned his post/position

    (1)resign one's job/post/position 辞去工作/职位
    resign from 辞职
    resign oneself to (doing) sth. 顺从……;使自己安于(做)某事
    resign as ... 辞去……的职务
    (2)resignation n. 放弃;辞职;顺从;辞职信
    hand in/submit a resignation 提出辞职/递交辞呈
    It is with both regret and anticipation that I submit this letter of resignation, to resign from my present position.
    ④ elect vt. 选举,推选;选择(P36)

    ①Because of her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected ________ a model teacher several times.
    ②Putin ________ (elect) president of Russia for the third time in 2012.
    ③To learn more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an ________ (elect) course.
    ④What's the chance of there being a general ________ (elect) this year?
    答案:①as ②was elected ③elective ④election
    He ________________________ a lawyer.
    答案:elected to become

    (1)elect sb. to ... 选举某人进入……
    elect sb. (as/to be) ... 选举某人为……
    elect to do sth. 选择做某事
    (2)election n. 选举
    win/lose the election 选举获胜/失败
    run for election 参加竞选
    (3)elective adj. 选修的;选举的;选任的 n. 选修课程

    ⑤ merciful adj. 宽大的,仁慈的(P36)

    ①He is regarded as a ________ (mercy) man by his neighbours.
    ②I'm not going to put myself at ________ mercy of others.
    答案:①merciful ②the
    ①________________ me! I daren't do it next time.
    ②She ____________ (怜悯) the orphan and gave him some food and clothes.
    答案:①Be merciful to ②showed mercy to

    (1)be merciful to 对……宽厚/仁慈
    (2)mercy n. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯
    without mercy 残忍地
    at the mercy of 任由……摆布
    show mercy to=have mercy on 对……仁慈/怜悯
    ⑥ cast vt.& vi. 投掷;扔,撒,抛;投射(光线、视线、影子);(眼光)扫视(某物) n. 投,掷,抛;演员阵容(P38)

    ①The town is still trying to cast ________ its dull image.
    ②Hearing the news that he didn't pass the final exam, he became cast ________ at once.
    ③He cast a critical look ________ the laughing woman.
    答案:①off ②down ③at
    People not only ________________ (在线投票) themselves, but also urge others to vote for competitions like the “Most Beautiful Teacher” and the “Cutest Baby”.
    答案:cast on­line votes

    cast aside 抛弃
    cast away 使失事/流落
    cast down 使沮丧/不愉快
    cast off 丢弃
    cast a look at sth. 将视线/目光投向
    cast one's mind back to sth. 回顾,回想
    cast light on/onto=throw light on 弄清楚
    cast a shadow over ... 给……蒙上阴影
    ⑦ undertake vt. 着手做;从事;担任;承担;许诺(P38)

    ①The study ________ (undertake) to determine the financial impact of this project.
    ②I will undertake ________ (feed) your dogs while you are away.
    答案:①is/was undertaken ②to feed
    University professors both teach and ________________ (从事研究工作).
    答案:undertake research

    undertake+n./pron. 承担……
    undertake to do ... 着手做……;答应做……
    undertake that ... 答应……;保证……
    ⑧ sentence vt. 判决;宣判;判刑 n. 判决;宣判;句子(P40)

    ①Involved in the attempted murder, Jack ________ (sentence) to 12 years in prison.
    ②The judge sentenced the murderer ________ death.
    答案:①was sentenced ②to
    The prisoner ____________________ (服刑期满) and will be released tomorrow.
    答案:has served his sentence

    (1)serve a sentence 服刑
    pass sentence 宣布判决
    a death/life sentence 死刑/无期徒刑
    (2)sentence sb. to sth. ... 给某人判……刑 (常用被动语态)
    be sentenced to death/three years in prison 被判死刑/三年徒刑

    sentence最常见的意思是“句子”;sentence 当“判决,宣判,判刑”讲时既是名词,也可作动词,常用被动语态。

    ① come into being 形成;存在;出现;产生(P34)

    During the Qin Dynasty, to keep the enemy out of his empire, Emperor Qin Shihuang had all the walls joined up. Thus, the Great Wall came ________ being.
    ①I took a few steps. Then the faces of the boys and girls ________________ (进入视野).
    ②China, a huge dragon in the east, has seen a number of great changes since President Xi _________________(执政).
    答案:①came into view/sight ②came into power

    come into existence 开始存在,建立,产生
    come into effect/force 生效
    come into use 开始使用
    come into power 掌权
    come into sight/view 看见;进入视野
    come into fashion 开始流行
    come into office 就职
    ② show off 炫耀,夸耀;卖弄;显示(P36)

    ①Some of the high­school teenagers want to show ________ their pride by smoking.
    ②Melissa Hildebrand doesn't own a cell phone. She just leaves if her friends don't show ________ on time for an event or meeting.
    ③Quite a number of world famous paintings are ________ show in this exhibition.
    答案:①off ②up ③on
    ①We ________________ the school by one of the students.
    ②Thank you for your coming to see me; my secretary will ________________.
    答案:①were shown around ②show you out

    (1)show sb. out 领某人出去
    show ... in 带……进来
    show sb. around/round/over ... 领某人(到处)参观
    show sb. to ... 带某人去某处
    show sb. the way to ... 给某人指路
    show up 出席;到场;显现出来
    (2)on show=on display 在展出
    talk show 脱口秀
    ③ knock into sb. 撞上某人(P36)

    ①Seeing a man getting close to her, Xiao Hua couldn't stop it and as a result, she knocked ________ the man.
    ②When Dad took off the lid, the smell nearly knocked us ________.
    ③I was conducting a workshop when someone knocked ________ the classroom door.
    答案:①into ②out ③at/on

    knock down/over 撞倒;打倒;拆除
    knock at/on 敲(门、窗、墙等)
    knock out 淘汰;摧毁;使某人失去知觉
    knock off 干掉;减价;中断,停止

    knock into表示“撞上”时,相当于run into;表示“遇上”时,相当于come across, meet with或meet by chance。
    ④ break into 强行闯入;破门而入;突然做……(P40)

    ①No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke ________ thunderous applause.
    ②Because he had too much pressure at work, my uncle's health finally broke ________.
    ③If they need clarification, or cannot believe what has been said, or have something to add, they can break ________ on the conversation.
    答案:①into ②down ③in
    Thieves broke into and stole ¥10,000 worth of computer equipment.

    break into a song/a laugh/tears 突然唱起来/笑起来/哭起来
    break ... into pieces 将……打成碎片
    break in 打断;插嘴说;闯入
    break down 毁掉;拆分;发生故障;垮掉
    break off 突然中断或停止
    break through 突破;冲破
    break up 打碎,破碎;分裂

    break into 中的 into 是介词,后可以跟宾语,而 break in 中的in 是副词,不能直接跟宾语。

    ① [教材原句]As a society, it's high time that we took these issues more seriously.

    ①He insisted that he ________ (be) right, and he insisted that his plan ________ (carry) out at once.
    ②I'd rather you ________ (post) the letter right away.
    ③I suggest we ________ (visit) the Metropolitan Museum of Art first.
    ④She demanded that he ________ (finish) the work within an hour.
    答案:①was; (should) be carried ②posted ③(should) visit ④(should) finish
    It's high time we go to the library.
    ①—I'd rather that you ________________ (别抽烟) in our home.
    —I won't.
    ②It's about time ____________________________ (你开始认真读书).
    答案:①didn't smoke ②you got/should get down to reading

    “一、二、三、四”记虚拟:一个“坚持”(insist);两个“命令”(order, command);三条“建议”(advise, suggest, propose);四项“要求”(demand, require, request, ask)。
    (3)It's (high/about) time that句式中,that从句中的谓语动词常用过去式或should do, should不能省略。
    ② [教材原句]What if some married people have affairs?

    ①I grew anxious: ____________ (要是……怎么办) the family had simply left the cat behind?
    ②Our exhibits will feed your mind but ________________ (怎么样) your body? Our café offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options.
    ③—Someone might see us.
    —____________ (那又怎么样)? We're not doing anything illegal.
    答案:①what if ②what about ③So what

    (1)What if ...?意为“如果……将怎么办?”可以看作What will happen if ...?或What shall I/we do if ...?的省略形式;还可表示“即使……又有什么关系”;“要是……又怎样”, 看作是What does it matter if ...?的省略形式。
    what if是连词词组,引导条件状语从句。其后句子可用陈述语气(一般现在时),也可用虚拟语气(动词用过去式/had done或should+动词原形)。
    (2)What about ...? ……怎么样?
    So what? 那又如何?
    What though ...? 尽管……有什么关系?
    ③ [教材原句]They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, which made it easier to keep an eye on people's movements.

    ①Lots of people find ________ hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock.
    ②While we should provide “safe spaces” within colleges, we must also make it safe ________ (express) opinions and challenge majority views.
    ③People in the West make it ________ rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends.
    答案:①it ②to express ③a
    This ________________ (使……可能) for agriculture and industry to develop quickly.
    答案:makes it possible

    (3)在英语中,动词“let, make, have, feel, listen to, look at, notice, observe, see, watch, hear”等后要跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,但用于被动语态时,省掉的to必须加上。
    课文回练 升华运用
    Many of us in developed societies __1__ (trap) in a spending circle. We work hard in order to earn more money. Sometimes we deposit a little __2__ the hope of making even more money. And we spend money we don't even have. But the more money we earn, the __3__ (little) often we see it. Besides, we're taxpayers so the more we earn the more tax we have to pay to those __4__ govern us.
    In this spending circle, we accumulate possessions __5__ never feel we have enough. On the other hand, we work hard for bigger and better houses and cars and never have time __6__ (enjoy) them. Instead, they feel like __7__ big burden because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them.
    There is a growing resistance to the consumer society which is affecting the youth of today. The government should make some __8__ (law). If such laws came into being, a huge adjustment would be required and there __9__ (be) diverse reactions. As a society, we should take these issues more __10__ (serious). We should remember that “being” and “doing” are much more important than “having”.
    1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________
    5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________
    9.________ 10.________
    答案:1.are trapped 2.in 3.less 4.who 5.but 6.to enjoy 7.a 8.laws 9.would be 10.seriously
    基础达标 自主训练
    1.He was ________ (burden) with a heavy box on his back.
    答案:burdened 句意:他背上背着一个很重的箱子。短语be burdened with “负有……,背着……”。
    2.She put down ________ deposit on the house last week.
    答案:a 句意:上周她付了房子的定金。这里表示泛指,用不定冠词a。
    3.A just cause enjoys ________ (abundance) support while an unjust cause finds little support.
    答案:abundant 句意:[名言]得道多助,失道寡助。修饰后面的名词support, 用形容词abundant。
    4.A car comes into ________ (be) through a series of complex operations.
    答案:being 句意:汽车经过一连串复杂的操作程序而被制成。come into being “产生”。
    5.Though Tom was physically challenged, he did not resign ________ (he) to his fate.
    答案:himself 句意:尽管汤姆生理有缺陷,但他没有顺从命运的安排。短语resign oneself to sth. “顺从……”。
    6.It's high time that he ________ (come) home for dinner.
    答案:came/should come 句意:到了他回家吃饭的时候了。It's high time that后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用“should+动词原形”,但should不可省略。
    7.They demanded that the military government ________ (freedom) all political prisoners.
    答案:(should) free 句意:他们要求军政府释放所有政治犯。demand后面接的宾语从句用虚拟语气“should+动词原形”,should可省略。
    8.If I ________ you, I would accept the job.
    答案:were 句意:我要是你,我会接受这份工作。If引导虚拟条件句,表示对现在的虚拟,be动词用were。
    9.She was greatly cast ________ by criticism of her job.
    答案:down cast down “感到沮丧”。
    10.The young man was ________ (sentence) to six years in prison for stealing too much money.
    答案:sentenced 句意:那个年轻人因偷了太多钱而被判了六年徒刑。be sentenced to “被判处……”。
    1.This is your chance to ________ (炫耀) your talents to the people interviewing you.
    答案:show off
    2.________ (要是……该怎么办) Jeremy Lin is absent from the basketball game?
    答案:What if
    3.Paul doesn't have to be made ________. He always works hard.
    答案:to study
    你今天下午别去看电影了,你首先应该完成你的工作。我宁愿你明天再去。(would rather)
    答案:Don't go to the cinema this afternoon, and you should finish your work first. I'd rather you went tomorrow.
    答案:It's high time that you went/should go to bed.
    (2019·湖北名校联盟高三第三次模拟测试卷押题第四套)When Victor Gao was growing up in rural China in __1__ 1970s, cars and trucks were so rare that he would chase them with the other children through the dirt roads, __2__ (thrill) by the strange sight. Today, China is the world's largest automobile producer, __3__ more than double the capacity (产能) of the United States.
    “I never __4__ (expect) that an ordinary Chinese family would own a car and China would be a major automobile making country,” Gao said, “It would be __5__ (complete) beyond my wildest dreams that China would produce more automobiles than the US.”
    December 18, 2018 marks four __6__ (decade) since China started the process, __7__ would transform it from a poor country into an economic superpower. This era of great change __8__ (know) broadly as “Reform and Opening”. At the beginning of the reform era, China's GDP was just under $150 billion. Today, it has sharply increased to over $12 trillion (万亿), following only the United States. China holds about 10% of global wealth. In the last 20 years alone, wealth per adult has quadrupled (成四倍), __9__ (leave) fewer than 1% of the population in extreme poverty (贫困). China now has 600 billionaires, a __10__ (high) number than anywhere else in the world.
    1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________
    5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________
    9.________ 10.________
    1.the 考查冠词。表示年代应用定冠词,故填the。
    2.thrilled 考查非谓语动词。he与thrill之间为被动关系,用过去分词作状语,故填thrilled。
    3.with 考查介词。句意:如今,中国是世界上最大的汽车生产国,产量是美国的两倍多。分析句子结构可知,此处用with引导介词短语作伴随状语,故填with。
    4.expected 考查动词的时态。句意:我从没想过一个普通的中国家庭会拥有一辆汽车,中国会成为一个主要的汽车生产国。此处应用一般过去时表示过去发生的动作,故填expected。
    5.completely 考查词性转换。句意:中国的汽车产量超过美国,这完全是我没想到的。修饰介词短语beyond my wildest dreams用副词,故填completely。
    6.decades 考查名词。前有数词“four”修饰,故用可数名词复数形式,故填decades。
    7.which 考查定语从句的引导词。关系词指代先行词process在非限定性定语从句中作主语,故填which。
    8.is known 考查固定结构。句意:这个大变革的时代被广泛称为改革开放。be known as “作为……而出名”。主语是第三人称单数,且为客观事实,故填is known。
    9.leaving 考查非谓语动词。此处用现在分词短语作结果状语,表示一种自然而然的结果,故填leaving。
    10.higher 考查形容词的比较级。根据下文中的“than”判断此处应用比较级形式。故填higher。
    Dear Mary,
    I read your text message this morning. You suggested that we went to the concert this Saturday. I'm terrible sorry, because I have to see my parents at the airport. They are going to the Thailand for traveling but they will set out this Saturday. To be honesty, I'd like to go with you to the concert. There is said that the performance will last two week. How about go there next Saturday? Please let me know that it will be OK. I'm looking forward to receiving your call.
    Yours truly,
    Li Hua
    Dear Mary,
    I read your text message this morning. You suggested that we to the concert this Saturday. I'm sorry, because I have to see my parents at the airport. They are going to Thailand for traveling they will set out this Saturday. To be , I'd like to go with you to the concert. is said that the performance will last two . How about there next Saturday? Please let me know it will be OK. I'm looking forward to receiving your call.
    Yours truly,
    Li Hua
    第一处:went→go 考查虚拟语气。suggest后接虚拟语气时,谓语动词用(should)+动词原形,故将went改为go。
    第七处:There→It 考查固定句型。It is said that ... “据说……”,it作形式主语,故将There改为It。
    第十处:that→if/whether 考查连词。句意:请告诉我这是否可以。本句为询问意见,故将that改为if/whether。






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