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专题08 解锁情感表达的七大密码 讲义+练习
这是一份专题08 解锁情感表达的七大密码 讲义+练习,共11页。试卷主要包含了 有点道理,爱丽丝什么也没说, 她松了一口气, 爱丽丝下了车,脸红了, 她对怀疑司机感到很抱歉等内容,欢迎下载使用。
“抓住”类动词:如 seize、grasp、grip、take hld f,这些词形象地描绘出情感如何紧紧抓住人心。
例句:“Fear gripped her heart.”(恐惧紧紧抓住她的心。)
解释:grip 意为“抓住”,这里将恐惧比作一只强有力的手,紧紧抓住她的心,生动地表现出恐惧对她的强烈控制。
例句:“Jealusy seized her.”(嫉妒如手般抓住了她。)
解释:seize 同样表示“抓住”,描绘出嫉妒像突然伸出的手,一把抓住她,使她瞬间被嫉妒的情绪所掌控。
“覆盖”类动词:如 cver,表现情感的全方位笼罩。
例句:“Anger and bitterness cvered me fr weeks.”(愤怒和痛苦笼罩了我数周。)
解释:cver 表示“覆盖”,这里用覆盖来形容愤怒和痛苦,就像一层厚重的情绪之网,将“我”笼罩其中,长达数周之久。
“撕扯”类动词:如 tear int pieces,展现情感对人的强烈冲击。
例句:“Anxiety tre her int pieces.”(焦虑将她撕得粉碎。)
解释:tre 是 tear 的过去式,表示“撕扯”,形象地将焦虑比作一只手,把她的内心撕扯得支离破碎,体现出焦虑对她身心的严重影响。
情感常被视作与人对抗的对手,这种隐喻在英语中并不局限于情绪负面。常用动词结构如 get the better f 或 get the best f,形象地描绘出情感与人之间的较量。
“He std up, hugged his parents, and smiled, trying nt t let his emtins get the better f him.”(他站起来,抱住父母,露出笑容,努力不让情绪占据上风。)
解释:get the better f 表示“胜过”,这里形象地体现出情感如同一个强大的对手,试图战胜他,而他则努力抗争,不让情感占据上风。
“Enthusiasm gets the better f me.”(热情战胜了我,让我无法自已。)
解释:enthusiasm 意为“热情”,此句表明热情这种情感如同一个强大的对手,战胜了“我”的理智,让“我”完全沉浸在激动之中。
“Bredm ften gets the best f them.”(无聊常常战胜他们,让他们陷入无趣。)
解释:bredm 即“无聊”,这里表示无聊这个对手常常在他们的情绪较量中胜出,使他们频繁陷入无聊的状态。
情感有时会化身为无形的压迫者,掌控并压迫我们。这种隐喻通过动词如 ppress(压迫)、deprive(剥夺)、prey(折磨)来体现情感的强大力量。
“Wrrying deprived him f sleep.”(担忧剥夺了他的睡眠。)
解释: 表示“剥夺……”,这里形象地说明担忧这种情感剥夺了他的睡眠,就像一个压迫者,无情地夺走了他正常入睡的权利。
“Excitement deprived me f all pwer f speech.”(激动让我无法言语。)
解释:同样是 结构,激动的情感剥夺了“我”说话的能力,生动地展现出激动情绪的强大影响力。
“Astnishment and hrrr ppressed her.”(惊讶和恐惧压迫着她。)
解释:ppress 意为“压迫”,惊讶和恐惧像沉重的压迫者,压得她透不过气来,使她陷入惊恐的状态。
“Anger and bitterness had preyed upn me cntinually.”(愤怒和痛苦不断折磨着我。)
解释:prey 本意是“捕猎”,在这里巧妙地引申为“折磨”,形象地将愤怒和痛苦比作猎人,而“我”则如同猎物,不断遭受这两种情绪的折磨。
“Happiness crawls up t the tips f his brws.”(幸福爬上了他的眉梢。)
解释:crawl 表示“爬”,形象地描绘出幸福像一只可爱的小动物,慢慢爬到他的眉梢,生动地展现出他内心的喜悦之情溢于言表。
“A slight feeling f fear slwly crept n him.”(一丝恐惧悄悄爬上他的心头。)
解释:crept 是 creep 的过去式,意思是“爬”,这里描绘出恐惧像一只悄悄靠近的小动物,缓缓爬上他的心头,细腻地体现出恐惧逐渐蔓延的过程。
“Self-dubt began t gnaw away at her cnfidence.”(自我怀疑开始啃噬她的自信。)
解释:gnaw 表示“咬”,这里将自我怀疑比作一只不断啃咬的动物,形象地说明自我怀疑正一点点侵蚀她的自信心。
“Fear swallwed her.”(恐惧吞噬了她。)
解释:swallw 表示“吞噬”,极其形象地展现出恐惧像一只凶猛的动物,将她完全吞噬,突出她惊恐的程度之深。
“Jy shne frm his brw.”(喜悦从他的眉梢散发出来。)
解释:shine 本意是“照耀”,这里用“喜悦从他的眉梢照耀出来”,形象地表达出他内心的喜悦如同光线般从眉梢散发出来。
“Happiness radiates frm her face.”(幸福从她的脸上散发出来。)
解释:radiate 意为“发散,发光”,生动地描绘出幸福像光芒一样从她脸上散发出来,突出她的喜悦之情表露无遗。
“Smile spread acrss his face.”(笑容在他脸上扩散开来。)
解释:spread acrss 表示“传播,扩散”,笑容像光一样在他脸上扩散开来,展现出他开心的状态。
“She has been in a dark md this week.”(她这周一直情绪低落。)
解释:a dark md 用黑暗来形容心情 md,就像光线晦暗一样,形象地表达出她这周心情低落,如同处于黑暗之中。
“His face cluded ver when he heard the news.”(听到消息后,他的脸变得阴沉。)
解释:clud ver 这个词组形象地把“乌云密布”这种景象与他的表情联系起来,生动地表现出他听到消息后的忧愁。
负面情感常被比作沉重的负担,需要人们去承受。这种隐喻通过动词如 bear(承受)、carry(背负)以及 unburden(卸下)来体现情感的重量。
“Grief bears heavily n her.”(悲伤沉重地压在她身上。)
解释:bear n 表示“压在……上面”,生动地描绘出悲伤如同沉重的负担,重重地压在她身上,突出她承受的巨大痛苦。
“He was burdened with wrries.”(他被忧虑所压垮。)
解释:burden 作动词表示“使负重”,这里形象地说明他被忧虑所负重,就像汉语中“心事重重”,体现出他内心充满忧虑。
“The manager carried his anger.”(经理带着愤怒前行。)
解释:carry 本意是“携带”,这里表示经理带着愤怒,形象地展现出经理愤怒的状态,仿佛愤怒是他背负的一种沉重情绪。
“After I lst my temper, I felt lighter.”(发完脾气后,我感到轻松多了。)
解释:lst my temper 字面意思好像是“失去了脾气”,实际意思是情绪失控,发脾气。这里形象地表达出发脾气后,如同卸下了某种负担,所以感到轻松。
“Unburdening herself f her anger gave her a sense f relief.”(释放愤怒后,她感到解脱。)
解释:unburden 表示“卸去负担”,生动地体现出她释放愤怒后,如同卸去重担般获得解脱的感觉。这种隐喻让情感的沉重与解脱变得触手可及。
情感常被比作液体,具有流动和变化的特性。这种隐喻通过名词如 ripple(波纹)、wave(波浪)、fld(洪流)以及动词如 well up(涌起)、surge(涌动)、sweep(冲)来表现情感的动态变化。
“Panic surged up within him.”(恐慌在他体内涌起。)
解释:surge 意为“涌起”,字面意思是“恐惧在他身体里涌起”,形象地描绘出恐慌如同汹涌的液体在他体内涌动,让他陷入不安。
“The terrible scene filled her with fear.”(恐怖的场景让她内心充满恐惧。)
解释: 表示“使……充满……”,这里将恐惧比作液体,恐怖的场景让她内心充满恐惧,如同容器被液体填满。
“A wave f panic swept ver her.”(一阵恐慌席卷而来。)
解释:sweep 表示“冲;卷”,“一阵恐慌像波浪一样席卷她”,生动地体现出惊恐情绪的突然与强烈,如同海浪般扑面而来。
“His heart is verflwing with jy.”(他的内心满溢着喜悦。)
解释:verflw 表示“漫出,溢出”,他的心像一个装满喜悦的容器,喜悦已经满得溢出来了,生动地表现出他极度喜悦的心情。
“I culd feel anger biling up inside me.”(我感到怒火中烧。)
解释:bil 表示“沸腾”,这里将愤怒比作在体内沸腾的液体,形象地描绘出愤怒情绪的强烈,仿佛要喷发出来。
“He was brimming with srrw when she left him.”(她离开时,他满心悲伤。)
解释:brim 作动词表示“溢出”,这里形象地说明悲伤这种情绪像液体一样,从他内心满溢出来,突出他极度悲伤的状态。这种隐喻让情感如同液体般流动,展现出其动态与强度。
Alice had just been appinted in the multinatinal bank. After ne mnth f severe training, tday was her first day t g t wrk.
She gt up a bit earlier than usual, and decided t skip her gym wrkut as she did nt want t risk being tired r getting late t her ffice n her first day. She went thrugh her mrning rutine and spent a lt f time in selecting what t wear. Nne f her dresses seemed t appeal t her -they were either a little t casual r t dull and she definitely wanted t make an impressin right frm the start. Finally she settled n a white embridered(刺绣的) dress.
She waved bye t her mm and set ff cheerfully twards the bus stp. But she saw a bus leaving the stp just as she crssed the street. Nw she wuld have t wait fr a gd 15 minutes. 15 minutes passed and then 30 minutes and there was n sign f the bus. "It must be stuck in heavy traffic," a kind lady wh was als waiting fr the bus tld her. Hearing that, Alice gt anxius. She had t reach her ffice n time. Then she saw a taxi appraching but when she tried t stp it, the taxi driver sped by withut even taking a glance at her. Alice was wndering what she culd d.
It was then that a car stpped near her and a man waved t her. The driver asked her where she was ging and after Alice tld him that she was ging t the bank at Nariman Pint, the man said, "Oh, my ffice is in the nearby building. Can I give yu a lift?" Alice hesitated fr a mment and gt int the car. They exchanged names and began t talk fr a while. Then the driver switched n the radi and was absrbed in the sng. Alice lked ut f the windw and imagined her first day at wrk, wrrying whether she was capable f the new jb, and if she culd get alng well with her clleagues. After abut ten minutes, Alice realized they were nt n the familiar rute t her ffice.
Paragraph 1: She began t wrry that she might get int the car f a bad man.
Paragraph 2: Then the car turned arund a crner and Alice saw the tall building where her ffice was unexpectedly.
1. 所以她小心翼翼地问他们是否要去她的银行。
2. 司机说,他们走了一条新的捷径,因为通常在这个时候其他道路上都是繁忙的交通,并继续他的歌曲。
3. 有点道理,爱丽丝什么也没说。
4. 又过了十五分钟,这条路对她来说更是陌生。
5. 那人开得很快,爱丽丝越来越着急。
6. 她决定当汽车在下一个红绿灯处停下来时,她就跳下车。
7. 她松了一口气。几分钟后,他们到达了大楼的大门。
8. “我们到了!”司机把车停下来说。
9. 爱丽丝下了车,脸红了。
10. 她对怀疑司机感到很抱歉。
11. 她相信世界上确实有更多善良的人。
12. 她说:“非常感谢!”带着满脸笑容,带着满腔期待匆匆赶往她的办公室。
13. 她知道她会有一个美好的一天。
1. 所以她小心翼翼地问他们是否要去她的银行。
S she asked cautiusly whether they were ging t her bank.
2. 司机说,他们走了一条新的捷径,因为通常在这个时候其他道路上都是繁忙的交通,并继续他的歌曲。
The driver said that they tk a new shrtcut, as there was usually heavy traffic n the ther rads at this hur, and cntinued his sng.
3. 有点道理,爱丽丝什么也没说。
That made sme sense and Alice didn’t say anything mre.
4. 又过了十五分钟,这条路对她来说更是陌生。
Anther fifteen minutes passed, and the rad was even stranger t her.
5. 那人开得很快,爱丽丝越来越着急。
The man was driving speedily and Alice became mre and mre anxius.
6. 她决定当汽车在下一个红绿灯处停下来时,她就跳下车。
She decided that when the car stpped at the next traffic lights she wuld jump ut.
7. 她松了一口气。几分钟后,他们到达了大楼的大门。
She breathed a sigh f relief. Within minutes, they reached the gate f the building.
8. “我们到了!”司机把车停下来说。
"Here we are!" the driver pulled up and said.
9. 爱丽丝下了车,脸红了。
Alice gt ut f the car, her face turning red.
10. 她对怀疑司机感到很抱歉。
She felt quite srry fr having dubted the driver.
11. 她相信世界上确实有更多善良的人。
She believed there were indeed mre kind peple in the wrld.
12. 她说:“非常感谢!”带着满脸笑容,带着满腔期待匆匆赶往她的办公室。
She said, "Thank yu very much!" with a big smile, and hurried t her ffice with great expectatins.
13. 她知道她会有一个美好的一天。
She knew she wuld have a gd day.
Paragraph 1:
She began t wrry that she might get int the car f a bad man. S she asked cautiusly whether they were ging t her bank. The driver said that they tk a new shrtcut, as there was usually heavy traffic n the ther rads at this hur, and cntinued his sng. That made sme sense and Alice didn’t say anything mre. Anther fifteen minutes passed, and the rad was even stranger t her. The man was driving speedily and Alice became mre and mre anxius. She decided that when the car stpped at the next traffic lights she wuld jump ut.
Paragraph 2:
Then the car turned arund a crner and Alice saw the tall building where her ffice was unexpectedly. She breathed a sigh f relief. Within minutes, they reached the gate f the building. "Here we are!" the driver pulled up and said. Alice gt ut f the car, her face turning red. She felt quite srry fr having dubted the driver. She believed there were indeed mre kind peple in the wrld. She said, "Thank yu very much!" with a big smile, and hurried t her ffice with great expectatins. She knew she wuld have a gd day.
这是一份练习 专题八:情感描写---感动、惊讶与生气,文件包含试题导练八docx、最新名校真题含答案解析docx、情感描写---感动惊讶与生气docx等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份练习 专题七:情感描写---伤心与失落,文件包含试题导练七docx、最新名校真题含答案解析docx、情感描写---伤心与失落docx等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。
这是一份练习 专题六:情感描写---害怕与紧张,文件包含试题导练六docx、最新名校真题含答案解析docx、情感描写---害怕与紧张docx等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。
