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    A.G hiking.
    B.Read at hme.
    C.Watch ver the tents.
    2.(1.5分) What is the wman?
    A.A teacher.
    B.A student.
    C.A plice fficer.
    3.(1.5分) What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.A supermarket.
    B.A restaurant.
    C.A party.
    4.(1.5分) Where des Mary prefer t study?
    A.In Britain.
    B.In Germany.
    C.In New Zealand.
    5.(1.5分) What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A.Jin a health club.
    B.Have a gd rest.
    C.Stay with the yung.
    第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.(3分)(1)When did the man begin t play the guitar?
    A.8 years ag.
    B.10 years ag.
    C.18 years ag.
    (2)What is the mst difficult fr the man?
    A.The pian.
    B.The guitar.
    C.The drums.
    7.(4.5分)(1)Hw many peple will eat ut tnight?
    (2)Where will the speakers eat tnight?
    A.At the Sil.
    B.At the Bing's.
    C.At the Sunshine Beach.
    (3)What will Mike d next?
    A.Bk a table.
    B.Make a phne call.
    C.Buy sme ice cream.
    8.(4.5分)(1)Hw ften des Tny usually get pcket mney?
    A.Once a week.
    B.Every ther week.
    C.Once a mnth.
    (2)Which club did Tny give mney t?
    A.The Sprts Club.
    B.The Anima l Club.
    C.The Envirnment Prtectin Club.
    (3)When did Jack dnate mney t the Sprts Club?
    A.This week.
    B.Last week.
    C.Last mnth.
    9.(4.5分)(1)Hw lng will the wman stay in the cuntryside?
    A.Abut ne day.
    B.Abut tw days.
    C.Abut three days.
    (2)What will the man d during his trip?
    A.G camping.
    B.Watch the sunset.
    C.Swim in the river.
    (3)What des the wman think f riding a mtrbike?
    10.(6分)(1)What is Julie celebrating fr?
    A.An award f a cmpetitin.
    B.The publicatin f a new nvel.
    C.Her graduatin frm university.
    (2)Wh is Julie?
    A.The speaker's daughter.
    B.The speaker's friend.
    C.The speaker's student.
    (3)What did Julie d as a child?
    A.She gave sme lectures.
    B.She jined a writing club.
    C.She wn several cmpetitins.
    (4)Why des the speaker leave a message?
    A.T ask Julie abut her new nvel.
    B.T encurage Julie in her writing.
    C.T send his cngratulatins t Julie.
    第二部分 阅读第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Exciting celebratins and festival s arund the wrld
    Vivid Sydney,Australia:A Festival f Light,Music,and Ideas.
    When:Friday,26 May 2023 t Saturday,17 June 2023
    Age grup:All ages,a family﹣friendly event
    Abut:Vivid Sydney is ne f the mst ppular annual events in Sydney.While it is the light installatins(装置) shining n the Sydney Opera Huse and Harbur Bridge that gain the mst attentin,the festival cmbines dzens f light installatins,musical perfrmances,and ideas t encurage and celebrate creativity.
    Merrie Mnarch Festival,USA
    When:Sunday,9 April 2023 t Saturday,15 April 2023
    Age grup:All ages,althugh better fr lder kids and teens interested in Hawaiian culture
    Abut:It includes a 3﹣day celebratin f traditinal and mdern Hawaiian hula dancing that takes place n the Big Island f Hawaii.It's an intense hula cmpetitin with participants(参与者) frm all arund the wrld.There are als incredible Hawaiian craft fairs,a parade,and ther activities.
    Parintins Flklre Festival,Brazil When:24,25,and 26 June 2023
    Where:Parintins Twn,Amaznas State,Brazil
    Age grup:Kids between 10 years ld and lder are allwed int the utdr sprts grund.
    Abut:It is an imprtant part f Brazilian culture because it celebrates an ld lcal legend (传说) abut a lady and an x.It cmbines the lcal legend and culture with mdern rhythms and themes frm the whle cuntry,which is why it is recgnized as a cultural heritage f Brazil.
    (1)What can yu d when attending Vivid Sydney?
    A.Yu may gain the mst attentin.
    B.Yu are encuraged t be mre creative.
    C.Yu have a chance t take part in a hula cmpetitin.
    D.Yu can enjy musical perfrmances and shining lights.
    (2)What d Merrie Mnarch Festival and Parintins Flklre Festival have in cmmn?
    A.They are family﹣friendly.
    B.They bth last three days.
    C.They're bth suitable fr lder children.
    D.They're celebrated t prmte traditinal dances.
    (3)Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A.An art magazine.
    B.A turism website.
    C.An academic article.
    D.A gegraphy textbk.
    12.(10分) A 32﹣year﹣ld Australian runner has set a new wrld recrd fr cntinuus daily marathns as a wman.
    Erchana Murray﹣Bartlett set ut frm Cape Yrk,the tip f Australia,in August 2022.She then ran a marathn every day fr 150 days— a3 ,900﹣mile jurney that ended in Melburne n Mnday,January 16,2023.
    By running the entire nrth﹣suth distance f Australia,Murray﹣Bartlett beat the recrd held by British runner Kate Jayden,wh ran a marathn fr 106 cntinuus days last year.In additin t the new Guinness Wrld Recrd,Murray﹣Bartlett was running t raise mney fr a cnservatin(保护) charity,the Wilderness Sciety.She raised $70,000 during her jurney acrss Australia.
    "Yesterday was everything,"she said."When I std n the start line n August 20,I culd never have imagined what the next 22 weeks wuld can't put int wrds hw gd crssing that finish line felt,and t be hnest,I think I'll be prcessing fr a few weeks,mnths,and even years t cme."
    Murray﹣Bartlett has been running prfessinally(专业地) fr many years.When she missed ut n qualifying fr the 2020 Tky Olympics,she decided n a new gal:running the length f Australia and setting a new female recrd fr cntinuus marathns.
    T state the bvius:it wasn't always easy.Murray﹣Bartlett experienced three injuries during the first 3 weeks f the jurney.But she didn't give up,and her bdy adapted as she ran alng her cuntry's casts,rain frests,dirt rads and highways.She ran thrugh heavy rain and intense heat.
    The jurney als served t raise awareness f Australia's extinctin(灭绝) crisis.Many f the island natin's plants and animals are fund nwhere else — yet 500 f them are threatened with extinctin.Thrughut the trip,Murray﹣Bartlett highlighted her cuntry's bidiversity n scial media.When she finally crssed the finish line n Mnday evening,she learned she'd raised nearly duble her fundraising(募捐) gal.
    (1)What's ne gal f Murray﹣Bartlett's running?
    A.T enter the next Olympics.
    B.T g n running prfessinally.
    C.T cllect mney fr prtecting wildlife.
    D.T help bring back lst plants and animals.
    (2)Hw did she feel when crssing the finish line?
    (3)What d we knw abut the jurney frm paragraph 6?
    A.Murray﹣Bartlett finished the jurney uninjured.
    B.The gd weather cntinued during her jurney.
    C.There were many challenges during the jurney.
    D.The jurney raised awareness f extinctin crisis.
    (4)Which wrds can best describe Murray﹣Bartlett?
    A.Energetic and frank.
    B.Tugh and determined.
    C.Psitive and adventurus.
    D.Cnsiderate and generus.
    13.(10分) Accrding t the United Natins, "The urban(城市的) ppulatin f the wrld has grwn rapidly frm 746 millin in 1950 t 3.9 billin in 2014.Sixty﹣six percent f us will likely live in urban envirnments by 2050."
    Alng with cncerns abut climate change and the distances,much f ur fd travels frm farm t plate,which has spurred(刺激) a renewed interest in prducing fd where peple live.Urban agriculture wn't slve all fd prductin and distributin prblems,but it culd help take pressure ff rural land while prviding ther advantages.
    Frmer Vancuver city cuncillr Peter Ladner writes in The Urban Fd Revlutin(革命), "When urban agriculture flurishes(兴旺),ur children are healthier and smarter abut what they eat,fewer peple are hungry,mre lcal jbs are created,lcal ecnmies are strnger,ur neighbrhds are greener and safer,and ur cmmunities are mre inclusive."
    A 2016 study frm the US Jhns Hpkins Center fr a Livable Future fund that urban agriculture culd "increase scial capital,cmmunity well﹣being,and civic engagement with the fd system",as well as enhance fd security,prvide ecsystem services,imprve health and build peple's skills.
    Urban agriculture isn't new.During the First and Secnd Wrld Wars,Canada,the US,the UK and Germany encuraged"victry gardens"t imprve peple's life by reducing pressure n fd systems and farms.Gardens and chicken cages appeared in yards,parks,schl fields,glf curses,railway edges and empty lands.Peter Ladner ntes that,during the Secnd Wrld War,the UK had 1.5 millin small land prducing 10 percent f the cuntry's fd,including half f its fruit and vegetables;and by war's end,mre than 20 millin hme gardens prvided 40 percent f the US dmestically(国内的) cnsumed prducts.
    Indeed,there were fewer peple and mre pen spaces then,but it's still pssible t grw fd in urban areas tday,especially with new technlgies and enriched sil techniques.Peter Ladner writes that Trnt plans t prvide 25 percent f its fruit and vegetable prductin within city limits by 2025.
    (1)What are mentined by Peter Ladner and Jhns Hpkins Center?
    A.The revlutins f urban fd.
    B.The well﹣being f ur children.
    C.The develpment f fd prductin.
    D.The benefits f urban agriculture.
    (2)What d we knw abut "victry gardens"?
    A.They first appeared in the US.
    B.They were built in varius places.
    C.They helped reduce peple's stress.
    D.They prvided 40% f the UK's fd.
    (3)Cmpared with"victry gardens",what's the advantage f tday's urban agriculture?
    A.Mre pen spaces.
    B.Mre variety in fd.
    C.Advanced technlgy.
    D.Increased prductin.
    (4)What's the authr's purpse in writing the text?
    A.T advertise Trnt urban planning.
    B.T analyse the prblem f urban fd.
    C.T call fr attentin t urban ppulatin.
    D.T intrduce the idea f urban agriculture.
    14.(10分) Pandas are famusly picky caters.They nly eat bamb— a pr quality diet lw in fat.
    But the creatures appear t have evlved t get the mst ut f what they d eat,accrding t a new study.
    Their gut bacteria (肠道细菌) change in late spring and early summer when bamb is at its mst nutritius—while it's prducing prtein﹣rich green shts.The bacteria make the bear gain mre weight and stre mre fat,which researchers said may make up fr a lack f nutrients later in the year when bamb plants have nly leaves t feed n.
    T see hw the gut bacteria culd affect a panda's metablism(新陈代谢),the team first cllected the waste f eight wild giant pandas during bth leaf﹣eating seasn and sht﹣eating seasn and then examined hw the waste samples differed.
    They fund that a bacterium called Clstridium butyricum was mre abundant in the pandas' guts during the seasn when they enjy the fresh bamb shts.
    T find whether this bacteria help the pandas gain and stre weight,the researchers perfrmed a waste transplant (移植),putting the panda waste they cllected int lab mice.
    Researchers fund that mice,transplanted with panda waste cllected during sht﹣eating seasn,gained significantly mre weight,despite eating the same amunt f fd.
    Wei Fuwen,a cauthr f the study,said that further wrk is needed t prve the cnnectin.He added that their wrk culd help imprve the health f captive giant pandas.
    (1)What des the underlined wrd"shts" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A.Fresh leaves.
    B.Gut bacteria.
    C.Heavy weights.
    D.Newly﹣grwn branches.
    (2)Why did researchers perfrm the waste transplant?
    A.T prve their thughts.
    B.T challenge thers' belief.
    C.T help pandas gain weight.
    D.T find differences in samples.
    (3)What is Wei Fuwen's attitude twards their wrk?
    (4)What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Why Grass﹣eating Pandas Are Rund
    B.What Giant Pandas Are Fnd f Eating
    C.Hw Gut Bacteria Change in Late Spring
    D.Wh Is t Blame fr the Pr Diet f Pandas
    第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    15.(12.5分) Wh is a genius?This questin has greatly interested humankind fr centuries.
    Let's state clearly:Einstein was a genius.His face is almst the internatinal symbl fr genius.But we want t g beynd ne man and explre the nature f genius itself.Why is it that sme peple are s much mre intelligent r creative than the rest f us? (1)
    In the sciences and arts,thse praised as geniuses were mst ften white men,f Eurpean rigin. (2) It's said that histry is written by the victrs,and thse victrs set the standards fr admissin t the genius club.But in fact,many cntributins were made by geniuses utside the club.(3)
    A study recently published by Science fund that as yung as age six,girls are less likely than bys t say that members f their gender(性别) are"really,really smart."Even wrse,the study fund that girls act n that belief.Arund age six they start t avid activities said t be fr children wh are "really,really smart."Can ur planet affrd t have any great thinkers becme discuraged and give up? (4)
    (5) In a wrld with cnstant glbal cmmunicatin,we're all psitined t see flashes f genius wherever they appear.And the mre we lk,the mre we will see that scial factrs(因素) like gender,race,and class d nt determine the appearance f genius.As a writer says,future geniuses cme frm thse with "intelligence,creativity,perseverance(毅力),and simple gd frtune,wh are able t change the wrld."
    A.And wh are they?
    B.Here's the gd news.
    C.Perhaps this cmes as n surprise.
    D.Nine times ut f ten,the answer is"yes".
    E.Frtunately,they are nw taken mre seriusly.
    F.It des nt take a genius t knw the answer:abslutely nt.
    G.Mst f them,due t their different clr r belief,were ignred.
    第三部分 语言运用第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    16.(15分) I've stpped arguing with my mum this year.Almst every cnversatin we used t have wuld end with (1) .We wuld argue abut everything,frm jb t family.N cnversatin was(2) .I've never dubted my mum's(3) .I knew she wasn't ging t(4) me.But nw in her 70s,she is weak frm having (5) cancer,and left with hearing lss;I'm aware that we're running ut f (6) .We've been standing at the ppsite (7) f a bridge,ur arms utstretched,nt knwing hw t get t each ther fr t lng.
    At the age f 47,I finally scratched the CD that Mum and I had been playing n a lp(循环播放) fr years.I began ending cnversatins early t (8) arguments,I stpped filling silences,and I didn't ask questins whse (9) I wuldn't like.
    I began t see my mum as a persn separate frm me.Mum came t England frm Karachi in 1973 when she was 23 years ld.At the time,everything was (10) .She did nt have the energy t be angry like me.
    This year,I have cme t understand that my (11) was nt fr her,but grief(悲伤) fr the peple and experiences that I feel I had (12) ,fr having had t fight alne.But my mum had als had her battles,and she'd dne her best.We lve each ther,and lve requires (13) .
    We're nt fully there yet.I'm still raw,and I get the sense that my mum is still nervus,but we are walking twards each ther,and (4) ur hands will meet in the (15) f that bridge.
    第二节 根据提示,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    17.(1.5分)I als had a friend I trusted a lt. (用适当的词填空)
    18.(1.5分)I fund maths quite easy and (enjy) because the material was less advanced in the UK than in China.
    19.(1.5分) Jining clubs (be) usually a great way t meet British students and make friends with them.
    20.(1.5分) (frtunate),yur parents d nt always agree,and that makes yu feel (happy). (用所给词的适当形式填空)
    21.(1.5分) She then passed ut in her mrning PE lessn and (rush) t hspital.
    22.(1.5分)In a sciety being thin is ften seen as being beautiful,teenagers smetimes turn t extreme methds t slim dwn.
    23.(1.5分) Friendship has a duble advantage — happiness takes a greater meaning and truble shared becmes a truble halved!
    24.(1.5分)Maybe she has a simple (explain) fr her behavir. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    25.(1.5分) we're walking t schl, ding hmewrk r just hanging ut at the weekend, we're hardly ut f each ther's sight. (用适当的词填空)
    26.(1.5分)Friendship grws best between friends cmmunicatin is warm and pen.
    第三节 翻译句子
    27.(2.5分)大雪使得我们无法出去。 (主+谓+宾+宾补)
    28.(2.5分)真正的朋友是在全世界都离开你的时候靠近你身边的人。(定语从句,walk in/ut)
    29.(2.5分)时间不多了,我们必须要快一点。 (s…that)
    30.(2.5分)你需要不断努力锻炼你的心智和发展你的性格。(make a cntinuus effrt)
    31.(2.5分) 这会提醒你为了什么而努力。 (remind sb.f sth.)
    32.(2.5分)抛开一切烦恼,因为快乐是最重要的。 (let g f sth.)
    33.(2.5分)你可能会感到焦虑,因为你正在以不同于你的朋友的速度成长。(at a different rate t sb)
    34.(2.5分)我们期待为公司未来的发展做出贡献。(lk frward t,cntribute t)
    35.(2.5分)如果你从不使用字典,那拥有字典也就没有什么意义了。 (There is n pint in ding)
    第四部分 应用文写作
    37.(15分)假定你是李华,你弟弟李军发现他的好朋友 Jack 沉迷游戏,他很担心,写信向你求助。请你根据下面的提示写一封建议信。内容包括:
    Dear Li Jun,

    All the best,
    Li Hua
    第一部分 听力做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1.【解答】C W:We need smene t keep an eye n the tents while we're hiking.S wh will stay here?
    M:I prefer t stay here t d sme reading.
    W:Gd,it's settled then.Yu stay,Jasn.
    2.【解答】A M:I heard yu've gt sme trublesme students in yur class.
    W:Yes.Nw I'm having a hard time dealing with them.But I'm sure I'll change them as time ges by.
    3.【解答】B M:Well,the envirnment and the music are nice,but the meat was tugh,the ptates were cld,and the service was terrible.I will never cme here.
    W:Yes,and they charged us t much.
    4.【解答】A M:Mary,have yu decided which cuntry t study in?I suggest yu g t Germany r New Zealand.
    W:I prefer t g t Britain because there are s many interesting places.
    5.【解答】A M:I knw I shuld exercise.But after a hard day's wrk,I'm t tired when I get back hme.And I'm extremely hungry.
    W:Why nt jin a health club?I knw a lt f peple d that.It's quite ppular,especially amng the yung.
    第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.【解答】BA W:I wish I culd play music like yu!When did yu learn t play the guitar?
    M:Oh,I've been playing since I was eight,and I'm 18 years ld nw.During that time I learned t play the drums t.
    W:What abut it?That must be really difficult.
    M:In the beginning,it really was,but after a few lessns I gt better.Practice makes perfect,yu knw.Fr me,the pian is the mst difficult.I nce tried it,but gave it up.
    7.【解答】CCB W:Mike,have yu bked a table at the Sil?
    M:N.There was just a table fr tw left when I called.
    W:Well,have yu called the Bing's?
    M:Yes.But there's just a table fr fur left.We need a table fr tw mre peple.
    W:Then have yu managed t bk a table?
    M:Luckily,when I called the Sunshine Beach,they had a table that we need.The prblem is that it wn't be ready until 8:00 pm.
    W:It's a bit late,but I guess we can eat sme ice cream befre we g there.S have yu tld the thers abut it?
    M:N.I was just trying t call them when yu stpped me and talked t me.
    W:Then d it nw.
    8.【解答】ACC W:Hi,Tny.Hw ften d yu get pcket mney frm yur parents?
    M:Usually nce a week.Smetimes every ther week.
    W:Then hw much d yu usually get?
    M:Abut $20.Why?
    W:Yu knw,ur Animal Club plans t buy sme fd fr the hmeless animals.Wuld yu like t dnate sme mney?
    M:I'd lve t.But I just gave $15 t the Envirnment Prtectin Club last week.And I dn't have much mney left nw.
    W:That's OK.I will ask smene else then.
    M:Why nt ask Jack?He usually has much pcket mney.Last mnth he gave $30 t the Sprts Club.
    W:That's a gd idea.
    9.【解答】BBC W:What will yu d this weekend?
    M:I'm ging t ride my mtrbike t the muntains with my friends.We'll start n Friday mrning and be back n Sunday night.Hw abut yu?
    W:I'm ging camping with my parents.We will g t the cuntryside n Saturday mrning and stay vernight.Then we will cme back n Sunday evening.
    M:Yu shuld g with me.Sitting n the tp f the muntain,yu can enjy the sunset.Riding a mtrbike is mre exciting than camping.
    W:Maybe,but I rde a mtrbike nce and I think it's t dangerus.I'd like t relax and it's s peaceful in the cuntryside.We will sit by the river,singing sngs and lking at the stars.
    M:OK.Enjy yurself!
    M:Hi,Julie.Yur phne is turned ff and I guess yu must be celebrating with yur friends.Yur mm and I watched TV yesterday evening and heard abut the gd news abut yur nvel.Ww!This must feel as gd as the day yu graduated frm university!N,even better than that!Anyway,I'm phning just t say yu've made me a very prud Dad!I'm really delighted fr yu.Yu're interested in writing all the time.I remember yu jined a writing club at the age f 11 and attended many lectures there.Yu tk part in several writing cmpetitins.Althugh yu never wn a thing,yu never gave up,did yu?Yu've wrked s hard t realize yur dream and yu cmpletely deserve what it has ffered yu.I can't wait t see yur new nvel in the bkstres.When will it be cming ut,d yu knw?Well,as I said,I am really prud f yu.Speak sn.Lve yu.

    第二部分 阅读第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    11.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一行Vivid Sydney,Australia:A Festival f Light,Music,and Ideas(生动的悉尼,澳大利亚:一个光、音乐和思想的节日),可知参加Vivid Sydney时,您可以欣赏音乐表演和耀眼的灯光,故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据 Merrie Mnarch Festival,USA部分的Age grup:All ages,althugh better fr lder kids and teens interested in Hawaiian culture(年龄组:所有年龄段,尽管对年龄较大的孩子和对夏威夷文化感兴趣的青少年更好);以及Parintins Flklre Festival部分的 Age grup:Kids between 10 years ld and lder are allwed int the utdr sprts grund(年龄组:10岁及以上的儿童可以进入户外运动场),可知Merrie Mnarch Festival和Parintins Flklre Festival的共同点是它们都适合年龄较大的孩子,故选C。
    12.【解答】(1)细节理解题。文章第三段中In additin t the new Guinness Wrld Recrd,Murray﹣Bartlett was running t raise mney fr a cnservatin(保护) charity,the Wilderness Sciety.(除了新的吉尼斯世界纪录外,Murray Bartlett还为一家保护慈善机构"荒野协会"筹集资金。)由此可知,筹集资金是Murray﹣Bartlett跑步的目标之一。故选C。
    (2)推理判断题。文章最后一句When she finally crssed the finish line n Mnday evening,she learned she'd raised nearly duble her fundraising(募捐) gal.(周一晚上,当她终于冲过终点线时,她得知自己筹集的资金几乎是筹款目标的两倍。)由此可知,此时Murray﹣Bartlett是高兴的。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。倒数第二段首句总结了段落大意:T state the bvius:it wasn't always easy.(显而易见的是:这并不总是那么容易。)再结合下文:Murray﹣Bartlett experienced three injuries during the first 3 weeks f the jurney.(Murray Bartlett在旅程的前三周经历了三次受伤。)She ran thrugh heavy rain and intense heat.(她在大雨和酷热中奔跑。)由此可知,在Murray﹣Bartlett跑步旅程中有许多困难。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据文章第四段Murray﹣Bartlett has been running prfessinally(专业地) fr many years.When she missed ut n qualifying fr the 2020 Tky Olympics,she decided n a new gal:running the length f Australia and setting a new female recrd fr cntinuus marathns.(Murray Bartlett多年来一直从事职业跑步。当她错过了2020年东京奥运会的参赛资格时,她决定了一个新的目标:跑完澳大利亚的全程,并创造连续马拉松的新女性纪录。)以及第一段 A 32﹣year﹣ld Australian runner has set a new wrld recrd fr cntinuus daily marathns as a wman.( 一名32岁的澳大利亚女选手创造了每日连续马拉松比赛的新世界纪录。)由此可知,Murray﹣Bartlett是一个坚韧而坚定的人。故选B。
    13.【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据第三段Frmer Vancuver city cuncillr Peter Ladner writes in The Urban Fd Revlutin(革命), "When urban agriculture flurishes(兴旺),ur children are healthier and smarter abut what they eat,fewer peple are hungry,mre lcal jbs are created,lcal ecnmies are strnger,ur neighbrhds are greener and safer,and ur cmmunities are mre inclusive."(前温哥华市议员彼得•拉德纳在《城市食品革命》中写道:"当城市农业蓬勃发展时,我们的孩子会更健康,更明智地选择食物,更少的人挨饿,更多的当地就业机会被创造出来,当地经济更强大,我们的社区更环保、更安全,我们的社区更包容。")以及第四段A 2016 study frm the US Jhns Hpkins Center fr a Livable Future fund that urban agriculture culd "increase scial capital,cmmunity well﹣being,and civic engagement with the fd system",as well as enhance fd security,prvide ecsystem services,imprve health and build peple's skills.(美国约翰霍普金斯大学宜居未来中心2016年的一项研究发现,城市农业可以"增加社会资本、社区福祉和公民对粮食系统的参与",并加强粮食安全、提供生态系统服务、改善健康和培养人们的技能。)可知彼得•拉德纳和约翰•霍普金斯中心提到了城市农业的好处。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第五段During the First and Secnd Wrld Wars,Canada,the US,the UK and Germany encuraged"victry gardens"t imprve peple's life by reducing pressure n fd systems and farms.Gardens and chicken cages appeared in yards,parks,schl fields,glf curses,railway edges and empty lands.(在第一次和第二次世界大战期间,加拿大、美国、英国和德国鼓励"胜利花园",通过减少粮食系统和农场的压力来改善人们的生活。庭院、公园、学校场地、高尔夫球场、铁路边缘和空地上都出现了花园和鸡笼。)可知"胜利花园"建在不同的地方。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据最后一段Indeed,there were fewer peple and mre pen spaces then,but it's still pssible t grw fd in urban areas tday,especially with new technlgies and enriched sil techniques.(的确,那时人口更少,开放空间更多,但今天在城市地区种植食物仍然是可能的,特别是有了新技术和肥沃的土壤技术。)可知与"胜利花园"相比,今天的都市农业的优势是有先进的技术。故选C。
    (4)目的意图题。阅读全文以及根据第三段Frmer Vancuver city cuncillr Peter Ladner writes in The Urban Fd Revlutin(革命), "When urban agriculture flurishes(兴旺),ur children are healthier and smarter abut what they eat,fewer peple are hungry,mre lcal jbs are created,lcal ecnmies are strnger,ur neighbrhds are greener and safer,and ur cmmunities are mre inclusive."(前温哥华市议员彼得•拉德纳在《城市食品革命》中写道:"当城市农业蓬勃发展时,我们的孩子会更健康,更明智地选择食物,更少的人挨饿,更多的当地就业机会被创造出来,当地经济更强大,我们的社区更环保、更安全,我们的社区更包容。")以及第四段A 2016 study frm the US Jhns Hpkins Center fr a Livable Future fund that urban agriculture culd "increase scial capital,cmmunity well﹣being,and civic engagement with the fd system",as well as enhance fd security,prvide ecsystem services,imprve health and build peple's skills.(美国约翰霍普金斯大学宜居未来中心2016年的一项研究发现,城市农业可以"增加社会资本、社区福祉和公民对粮食系统的参与",并加强粮食安全、提供生态系统服务、改善健康和培养人们的技能。)可知本文主要介绍了城市农业的好处。所以目的是引入都市农业的理念。故选D。
    14.【解答】(1)词义猜测题。根据划线词所在的句子Their gut bacteria (肠道细菌) change in late spring and early summer when bamb is at its mst nutritius—while it's prducing prtein﹣rich green shts.(它们的肠道细菌在春末夏初发生变化,此时竹子的营养最丰富,同时也会产生富含蛋白质的绿芽。)可知划线词意思是"新树枝"。A.Fresh leaves.新树叶;B.Gut bacteria.肠道细菌;C.Heavy weights.重物;D.Newly﹣grw n branches.新生枝条。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第四段T see hw the gut bacteria culd affect a panda's metablism(新陈代谢),the team first cllected the waste f eight wild giant pandas during bth leaf﹣eating seasn and sht﹣eating seasn and then examined hw the waste samples differed.(为了了解肠道细菌是如何影响熊猫的新陈代谢的,研究小组首先收集了8只野生大熊猫在吃树叶和吃射击季节的排泄物,然后研究了这些排泄物样本的差异。)可知研究人员要进行废物移植是为了证明他们的想法。故选A。
    (3)观点态度题。根据最后一段Wei Fuwen,a cauthr f the study,said that further wrk is needed t prve the cnnectin.He added that their wrk culd help imprve the health f captive giant pandas.(该研究的合著者魏福文表示,需要进一步的工作来证明这种联系。他补充说,他们的工作可以帮助改善圈养大熊猫的健康状况。)可知魏福文对他们的工作的态度是肯定的。故选B。
    (4)标题归纳题。阅读全文以及根据第三段Their gut bacteria (肠道细菌) change in late spring and early summer when bamb is at its mst nutritius—while it's prducing prtein﹣rich green shts.The bacteria make the bear gain mre weight and stre mre fat,which researchers said may make up fr a lack f nutrients later in the year when bamb plants have nly leaves t feed n.(它们的肠道细菌在春末夏初发生变化,此时竹子的营养最丰富,同时也会产生富含蛋白质的绿芽。这种细菌会使熊体重增加,并储存更多的脂肪,研究人员表示,这可能会弥补竹子在今年晚些时候只有叶子可吃时缺乏的营养。)可知本文主要讲述了大熊猫只吃竹子,但是身体也会有很多的脂肪。所以"A.Why Grass﹣eating Pandas Are Rund为什么食草熊猫是圆的"为最佳标题。故选A。
    第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    15.【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据前句Why is it that sme peple are s much mre intelligent r creative than the rest f us(为什么有些人比我们其他人更聪明或更有创造力),可知表示"他们是谁"的选项A可以承接前文,进一步询问谁更聪明或更有创造力,故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据前句In the sciences and arts,thse praised as geniuses were mst ften white men,f Eurpean rigin(在科学和艺术领域,那些被誉为天才的往往是欧洲血统的白人);以及后句It's said that histry is written by the victrs,and thse victrs set the standards fr admissin t the genius club(据说历史是由胜利者书写的,那些胜利者为进入天才俱乐部制定了标准),可知表示"也许这并不奇怪"的选项C可以承接前文天才往往是欧洲血统的白人的话题,引出后句解释这个现象的原因,故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据前句It's said that histry is written by the victrs,and thse victrs set the standards fr admissin t the genius club.But in fact,many cntributins were made by geniuses utside the club(据说历史是由胜利者书写的,而那些胜利者为进入天才俱乐部设定了标准。但事实上,俱乐部外的天才们做出了许多贡献),可知表示"由于他们的肤色或信仰不同,他们中的大多数人都被忽视了"的选项G可以承接前文,介绍其他天才被忽视的原因,故选G。
    (4)推理判断题。根据前句Can ur planet affrd t have any great thinkers becme discuraged and give up(我们的星球能承受得起任何伟大的思想家变得气馁和放弃吗),可知表示"不需要天才就能知道答案:绝对不会"的选项F可以回答前文的问题,说明我们的星球不能承受得起任何伟大的思想家变得气馁和放弃的结果,故选F。
    (5)主题判断题。根据后句In a wrld with cnstant glbal cmmunicatin,we're all psitined t see flashes f genius wherever they appear.And the mre we lk,the mre we will see that scial factrs(因素) like gender,race,and class d nt determine the appearance f genius(在一个全球交流不断的世界里,无论天才出现在哪里,我们都能看到他们的闪光。我们观察得越多,就越会发现,性别、种族和阶级等社会因素并不能决定天才的外貌),可知表示"这是个好消息"的选项B可以作为本段的主题句,说明现在的好消息是:现在的世界里,无论天才出现在哪里,我们都能看到他们的闪光,故选B。
    第三部分 语言运用第一节 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    16.【解答】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.cmfrts舒适;B.arguments争吵;C.explsin爆炸;D.breakdwn故障。句意:我们过去几乎每一次谈话都会以争吵告终。根据上文I've stpped arguing with my mum this year.可知是争吵。故选B。
    (2)考查形容词及语境理解。A.enugh足够的;B.thrugh彻底的;C.effective有效的;D.safe安全的。句意:没有一次谈话是安全的。根据上文We wuld argue abut everything,frm jb t family.可知是没有一次是不吵架的。故选D。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.lve爱;B.belief信仰;C.judgement判断;D.wrds单词。句意:我从未怀疑过我妈妈的爱。根据下文We lve each ther可知是从未怀疑妈妈的爱。故选A。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.sught寻求;B.battled战斗;C.skipped跳过;D.attacked攻击。句意:但现在她已经70多岁了,因为与癌症作斗争而身体虚弱,听力受损。我知道我们的时间不多了。根据下文But my mum had als had her battles,and she'd dne her best.可知是战斗。故选B。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.luck运气;B.patience耐心;C.mney钱;D.time时间。句意:但现在她已经70多岁了,因为与癌症作斗争而身体虚弱,听力受损。我知道我们的时间不多了。根据上文But nw in her 70s,she is weak frm having (5)cancer可知时间不多了。故选D。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.recver恢复;B.ignre忽略;C.avid避免;D.balance平衡。句意:我开始提前结束对话以避免争吵,我停止了沉默,也没有问那种答案我不喜欢的问题。根据上文I began ending cnversatins early可知是避免争吵。故选C。
    (9)考查名词及语境理解。A.answer答案;B.influence影响;C.rigin起源;D.disadvantage劣势。句意:我开始提前结束对话以避免争论,我停止了沉默,也没有问那种答案我不喜欢的问题。根据上文I didn't ask questins可知是答案。故选A。
    (10)考查形容词及语境理解。A.smth光滑的;B.difficult困难的;C.jyful快乐的;D.regular常规的。句意:当时,一切都很困难。根据上文Mum came t England frm Karachi in 1973 when she was 23 years ld可知是非常困难。故选B。
    (11)考查名词及语境理解。A.cncern关心;B.fright恐惧;C.anger愤怒;D.cnfidence信心。句意:今年,我明白了,我的愤怒不是因为她,而是因为那些我感到失去的人和经历,因为我不得不独自战斗。根据下文but grief(悲伤) fr the peple and experiences可知作者的愤怒不是因为妈妈。故选C。
    (14)考查副词及语境理解。A.equally同等地;B.slightly轻微地;C.hpefully希望地;D.nervusly紧张地。句意:我仍然很原始,我感觉到我妈妈仍然很紧张,但我们正在走向对方,希望我们的手能在桥的中心相遇。根据上文but we are walking twards each ther可知希望越走越近。故选C。
    第二节 根据提示,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    18.【解答】分析句子,此句为find+宾语+宾补,结合easy,设空处应用形容词enjyable" 愉快的,有趣的",作宾补。
    19.【解答】根据usually可知是一般现在时,此处是动名词"Jining clubs"做主语,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数。be用is。故填:is。
    20.【解答】根据句意和下文的d nt always agree分析句子可知,第一空应该用副词形式unfrtunately作状语,修饰后面的句子;根据上文的d nt always agree可知,第二空应该用happy的反义词unhappy作表语。
    21.【解答】根据句意可知表示"被紧急送往医院",根据passed ut可知是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,主语she是第三人称单数。
    故填:was rushed。
    23.【解答】根据句意可知此处表示"呈现",即"take n"。
    25.【解答】答案:Whether.whether …r …意为"是 …还是 …; 或者 …或者 …; 不是 …就是 …",是固定搭配。故填:Whether.
    第三节 翻译句子
    27.【解答】根据句意,表示"使无法做某事"应用"make+it+impssible+t d sth",it为形式宾语,不定式t d是真正的宾语;大雪"The heavy snw",出去"g ut"。
    故填:The heavy snw made it impssible fr us t g ut.
    28.【解答】根据句意,本句应使用定语从句,主句是"真正的朋友是...人,表达为"A real friend is smene ","靠近你身边的人"是定语,分析句意,应表达成定语从句,smene是该定语从句的先行词,在从句中做主语,指人,所以从句用wh引导,表达为"wh walks in ";"全世界都离开你的时候"在句中作时间状语,表达为"when the rest f the wrld walks ut",本句讲的是一个客观事实,所以要用一般现在时。
    故填:A real friend is smene wh walks in when the rest f the wrld walks ut.
    29.【解答】根据句意可知句子用There be结构表示"存在",时态用一般现在时,主语是time,不可数名词,所以be动词用is;left表示"剩下的",作后置定语修饰time,hurry up"快点","如此以致于"。
    故填:There is s little time left that we must hurry up.
    30.【解答】不断努力"make cntinuus effrt",锻炼你的心智"train yur mind",发展你的性格"develp yur character",需要做某事"need t d sth",根据句意,努力的目的是去锻炼心智和发展性格,句子需要用不定式来表示目的,作状语。
    故填:Yu need t make a cntinuus effrt t train yur mind and develp yur character.
    31.【解答】根据句意可知,本句应用一般将来时。提醒某人某事"remind sb f sth",为了什么而努力"what yu are wrking fr",what引导的是宾语从句,作f的宾语。
    故填:This will remind yu f what yu are wrking fr.
    32.【解答】let g f sth"放开,释放",happiness"快乐",the mst imprtant"最重要的",根据句意,句子应使用祈使句结构。
    故填:Let g f all yur trubles because happiness is the mst imprtant.
    33.【解答】1.根据语境及句意,主句用一般现在时,从句用现在进行时;2.feel anxius that"感到焦虑";at a different rate t sb.以与某人不同的速度。
    故填:Yu may feel anxius that yu are develping at a different rate t yur friends.
    34.【解答】期待"lk frward t",为做贡献"cntribute t ",公司的未来发展"the future grwth f ur cmpany",根据句意可知,句子应用一般现在时。
    故填:We lk frward t cntributing t the future grwth f ur cmpany.
    35.【解答】1.因表示的是一般事实,主从句都用一般现在时;2.if yu never use it是if引导的条件状语从句;there is n pint in ding sth.是一个句型,意为"做某事没有意义"。
    故填:There is n pint in having a dictinary if yu never use it.
    36.【解答】通过"thrugh",变得"becme",更开心,更智慧,更满足"happier,wiser and mre satisfied ",根据句意,谓语部分应用情态动词can,其后接动词原形。
    故填:Thrugh friendship,we can becme happier,wiser and mre satisfied .
    第四部分 应用文写作
    37.【解答】Dear Li Jun,
    Knwing that yu are wrried abut yur friend Jack,wh plays cmputer games t ften and spends t much time nline,I understand that yu are anxius and feel terrible.【高分句型一】(表示理解)
    I recmmend that yu talk t yur friend abut his behaviur.【高分句型二】It is nt uncmmn fr teenagers f yur generatin t be attracted t cmputer games and the nline wrld.But spending t much time nline is unhealthy and makes it very difficult t fcus n ther things in life.I think yu shuld encurage yur friend t try new hbbies,such as reading,painting r playing musical instruments.Hw abut discussing the prblem tgether?I am sure he will listen t yu,since yu are his best friend.(提出建议)
    I hpe everything will turn ut all right in the end.Lking frward t yur early reply.(表示祝愿)
    All the best,
    Li Hua(1)A.cmfrts

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