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    第一部分 听力 (共两节,20小题,满分30分)
    1. What is the man ging t d?
    A. D sme shpping.B. Entertain his manager. C. Attend a farewell party.
    2.What des the man think f the fashin shw?
    A. Wnderful.B. Meaningless.C. Average.
    3. Why des the wman want t g t that natinal park?
    A. T carry ut sme research.
    B. T watch wild animals.
    C. T d vlunteer wrk.
    4. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.A new bk.
    B. Their favrite fd.
    C. The wman’s lifestyle.
    5. What is the wman ding?
    A. Making a survey.
    B. Hsting a prgram.
    C. Cnducting a jb interview.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.Why was the aerbics class canceled?
    A. The instructr gt ill.
    B. Many peple were absent.
    C. The training rm was ccupied.
    7.What made the wman tired?
    A. Jgging in the park.
    B. Climbing stairs.
    C. Using a StairMaster.
    8.Hw ld is Calvin nw?
    A.16 years ld. B.26 years ld. C. 35 years ld.
    9.Where did the wman g last Sunday night?
    A.A theater.B. The man’s hme. C.A friend's huse.
    10. Why was the final perfrmance f the shw special?
    A. Sme famus singers watched it.
    B. The creatr gave a speech after it.
    C. Many frmer actrs returned t it.
    11.Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a university.B. In the aquarium. C. In a research center.
    12.Hw lng has the man researched n sea animals?
    A. Arund six mnths. B. Arund fur years. C. Arund thirty years.
    13.What is the man's main gal?
    A. T prtect whales.
    B. T be a whale expert.
    C. T spread knwledge f whales.
    14.Why is Eric mentined in the cnversatin?
    A. He has an extra ticket.
    B. He wn't watch the game.
    C. He will play in the Big Game.
    15. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Schlmates.B. Clleagues.C. Family members.
    16.When will the speakers meet?
    A. At 12:30 pm.B. At 1:00 pm.C. At 1:30 pm.
    17.Hw will the speakers g t the stadium?
    A. By bus.B. By taxi.C. By subway.
    18. Wh is the speaker mainly intrducing?
    A.A scientist.B.A reprter.C.A wildlife expert.
    19. What did Jim experience in the frest?
    A. He saved a bear.
    B. He had a heart attack.
    C. He spent three nights alne.
    20. What will Jim d n the shw?
    A. Answer sme questins.
    B. Teach a live class n plants.
    C. Give sme tips n traveling.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Welcme t ur stand-up cmedy classes
    This is the wrkshp where beginners have grwn int headliners and headliners have grwn int stars. Our wrkshp stresses stand-up cmedy writing and perfrming—the tw key cmpnents f stand-up cmedy.
    Our classes are cnducted by award-winning, cmedy directr and writer Stephen Rsenfield and his stand-up staff. They are cnducted s that when it's time fr yur club perfrmance, yu will have slidly written, funny material and yu will be well rehearsed and ready t perfrm beynd yur expectatins. These stand-up cmedy classes are ffered t bth beginners and advanced students. The wrkshp cnsists f grup classes, private caching sessins and a perfrmance at Gtham r West Side Cmedy Club.
    Seats available: 2
    Start date: May 17th
    In-persn shw: May 20th at Gtham Cmedy Club
    Live streamed shw: May 22nd n YuTube
    If yu are a first time student: $410.If yu are a returning student: $350.
    We accept cash, checks r credit cards.
    Yur instructr: Becky Veducci
    Becky has been a prfessinal cmedian, writer and actress fr ver 15 years. She has perfrmed stand-up cmedy in New Yrk, Las Vegas and Lndn. Besides, she has appeared in cmmercials. theater and feature films. And she cmpeted in 2018 seasn f American’s GtTalent.
    Her film wrks include Return t Me. Maid in Manhattan and Randm Hearts. As a writer, she was chsen as ne f Parenting.cm’s tp five “Favrite Mammy Blggers” fr her humrus articles n the website. In 2015. she wn the Naw Yck Press Club Award fr humrus writing. As an instructr, Becky has taught stand-up cmedy t every age grup—frm elementary schl kids and teenagers t university students and adults. She believes everyne has a cmedic vice.
    21. What can be learned abut the wrkshp?
    A. There are three seats left at present.
    B. It fcuses n bth writing and acting.
    C. There are nline shws n May 20th.
    D. It is specially designed fr headliners.
    22.Hw much will a returning student save n the fee?
    A. $10.B. $50.C. $60.D. $80.
    23. What can we say abut Becky?
    A. She is an experienced perfrmer.B. She cntributes a lt t magazines.
    C. She became an vernight success.D. She hsted America's Gt Talent.
    I was driving when my phne alerted me t a new email. Filled with eager anticipatin, I pulled ver, turned n my hazard lights, and pened it. My emtins quickly changed as I learned, fr the sixth and final time, that I had been denied a prmtin t full prfessr. My institutin didn’t seem t value what I brught t the table. But when I tld my family that night, my children ffered a surprisingly psitive respnse. They were excited t see what I was ging t d next, they said. They apparently knew lng befre I did that lsing my bid fr a prmtin wuld turn ut t be the best thing that culd have happened fr me.
    This had been the final step in a lng prcess spanning 15 mnths and invlving s much effrt. I had started by studying successful prmtin bids and asking senir schlars fr frank discussins abut my readiness. I had carefully prepared my applicatin packet, summarizing everything I had achieved in my career. Fr mre than a year, I had spent hurs every day trying t prve my wrth t my university.
    T my surprise, having a final answer brught a welcme sense f clsure. As a first step tward healing, I decided t priritize my wn values and fllw my wn internal cmpass. I discnnected frm peple in my life wh vilated my values, cultivated my relatinships with thse wh share my pririties and bring ut the best in me, and spent mre time with my family. I funded a nnprfit that helps first-generatin and lw-incme students and yung prfessinals advance in the wrkfrce while serving their cmmunity. The initiative had lng been a dream f mine, but I never pursued it because typical academic hiring and prmtin dn’t reward such effrts. Nw, such cnsideratins were n lnger my Nrth Star.
    Five mnths after that email frm tp leadership, I fund myself in the car again, experiencing anther career-defining mment. I may have lst my bid fr a big prmtin, but in the end, it brught me t the right place.
    24. What did the authr feel after he read the email?
    A. Anxius and annyed.B. Embarrassed and ashamed.
    C. Relieved and peaceful.D. Disappinted and srrwful.
    25. What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. What cntributins the writer had made.
    B. What preparatins the writer had made.
    C. Hw successful the career had been.
    D. Hw tiring the prcess had been.
    26. Which f the fllwing wuld the writer prbably agree with?
    A. Success is mre than a title r a rank.
    B. One's internal cmpass is t be develped.
    C. Serving the cmmunity may heal a brken heart.
    D. One's real value first lies in his family interactin.
    27. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Emails: my Nrth Star
    B. Full prfessr: a duble-edged swrd
    C. A career setback becmes a great pprtunity
    D. An academic career witnesses a failed prmtin
    It’s gd t be smart. After all, intelligent peple earn mre mney, accumulate mre wealth, and even live lnger. But there’s anther side t the stry. The brightest peple and strngest leaders smetimes make errrs thers dn’t, especially in situatins that require cmmn sense.
    Travis Bradberry, president at TalentSsmart, explained in his pst Why Smart Peple Act S Stupid that “Ratinal thinking(理性思维) and intelligence dn’t tend t g hand in hand. Intelligent peple are mre likely t make silly mistakes because f blind spts in hw they use lgic. These blind spts exist because smart peple tend t be vercnfident in their reasning abilities.” They are s used t being right and having quick answers that they dn’t even realize when they’re making a mess by answering withut thinking things thrugh. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126
    A lifetime f praise leads smart peple t develp t much faith in their intelligence and abilities. They ften fail t recgnize when they need help, and when they d recgnize it, they tend t believe that n ne else is capable f prviding it.
    “It’s hard fr anyne t graciusly accept the fact that they're wrng. It's even harder fr smart peple because they grw s used t being right all the time that it becmes a part f their identity,” Bradberry wrte. “Fr smart peple, being wrng can feel like a persnal attack, and being right, a necessity.”
    Smart peple als have a hard time accepting feedback. They tend t undervalue the pinins f thers, which means they have truble believing that anyne is qualified t give them useful feedback. Nt nly des this tendency slw their grwth and perfrmance, it can lead t harmful relatinships, bth persnally and prfessinally.
    Smart peple develp verachieving persnalities because things cme s easily t them. They simply dn’t understand hw hard sme peple have t wrk t accmplish the same things, and because f that, they push peple t hard. They set the bar t high, and when peple take t lng r dn’t get things quite right, they assume it's due t a lack f effrt. S they push even harder.
    28. What d we learn frm the passage abut the brightest peple?
    A. They can differ in their persnalities.
    B. They are admired by peple arund them.
    C. They usually face their wn weaknesses calmly.
    D. They can make silly mistakes in straightfrward situatins.
    29. What accunts fr the existence f intelligent peple's lgical blind spts?
    A. Their irratinal way f thinking.
    B. T much cncern abut their wrk.
    C. T much faith in their ability t think.
    D. Their ignrance f behaviral science.
    30. What may happen t smart peple wh find it difficult t accept suggestins?
    A. They may experience a lt f emtinal stress.
    B. They may cmmit mre errrs than ever befre.
    C. They may lse faith in their administrative abilities.
    D. They may suffer in their prfessinal and private life.
    31. What is said abut thse wrking with r under verachieving peple?
    A. They are under increasing pressure.
    B. They set higher gals fr themselves.
    C. They put a lt f effrt int their wrk.
    D. They take less time t get things dne.
    Withut cnvenient access t phnes r pens fr litter-writing, wlves must rely n hwls t cmmunicate ver lng distances. These hwls allw the animals t maintain their territries as well as keep track f ther pack members.
    While dgs are descendants (后代) f wlves, sme dgs dn't knw hw t hwl at all, whereas thers, like sled dgs, will d s frequently. A new study expses family dgs t wlf hwls t better understand why sme f ur canine (犬类的) cmpanins n lnger seem t bther with this seemingly imprtant frm f dg cmmunicatin.
    An ELTE scientist Fanni Lehczki and clleagues put 68 purebred pet dgs t the test by bserving their reactins t recrdings f wild wlf hwls. Accrding t the results, breeds (品种) which are genetically mre similar t wlves are mre likely t reply with their wn hwls t wlf hwl playbacks.
    Yung dgs, regardless f breed, can give a respnse t wlf hwls, indicating mst dgs, n matter the breed, are capable f hwling. But the mre clsely related an adult dg is t a wlf, the mre likely they are t hwl back in respnse t a wlf hwl.
    “Interestingly, this genetic effect n hwling ccurs nly amng lder dgs (greater than five years), fr which an experience r sme age-related persnality effect can be a plausible explanatin,” says Tamas Farag6 als frm ELTE. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126
    What’s mre, thse dgs that respnded with hwling shwed greater stress behavirs, such as muth licking r shaking. “This result n the stress behavirs may als cnfirm ur assumptin that mre ancient breeds, due t their genetic relatedness, can prcess the infrmatin encded in wlf hwls better,” the researchers write in their paper.
    “Dinges(澳洲野犬),which tk an evlutinary path away frm dmestic dgs arund 8,000 years ag, are knwn t hwl extensively t find each ther, just like wlves. This suggests scial factrs culd still play a larger rle in determining canine vcal (发声的) behavir than genetics,” explains Lehczki.
    “Our findings are amng the first nes indicating that dmesticatin can change hw animals prcess and react t ther’s I vcalizatins. This, ultimately, might help us better understand the evlutin f vcal cmmunicatin,” the researchers cnclude.
    32. What des the new study mainly want t find ut?
    A. Hw wlves cmmunicate ver lng distances.
    B. Why sme dgs d nt cmmunicate by hwling.
    C. Whether wlf hwls influence dgs’ cmmunicatin.
    D. What is the difference between family dgs and wild nes.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “plausible” in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Reasnable.B. Creative.C. Surprising.D. Unbelievable.
    34. What des the result n the stress behavirs shw?
    A. Ancient breeds feel uneasy in the presence f wlves.
    B. Ancient breeds understand the meaning f wlfhwls.
    C. Ancient breeds try t send messages t the hwling wlves.
    D. Ancient breeds have difficulty cmmunicating with wlves.
    35. What d the researchers mainly talk abut in the last paragraph?
    A. The limitatins f the new study.B. The applicatin f the findings.
    C. The challenges fr further study.D. The significance f the findings.
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分)
    Grwing up in a Suthern family, big meals were the nrm. Every meal fr my nuclear family f fur prvided enugh fd fr eight. Each Sunday, when we drve t my grandmther’s hme fr lunch, there was mre than enugh fd. 36 Having mre than enugh was a generus and affectinate act; having t little cnveyed almst a mral failing.
    37 When having nly anther cuple ver fr dinner, I’d make mre fd than the fur f us culd finish. My wife always asked me t make less bth t save mney and because ur tiny fridge culd hld nly s many leftvers. 38
    When I lst my jb, thugh, my handling f extra fd suddenly hit a barrier. 39 Hwever, I then quickly went back t my frmer state f needing t ck much when I landed anther jb. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126
    But instead f cking a lt and then simply eating the leftvers, I had a new slutin that wrked well with my belief in shwing lve thrugh fd: 40 Several f my friends lived alne, didn’t like cking r had lst jbs t, s bringing them fd helped nt nly me but als them in a practical way.
    Such a small act can bring large amunts f jy t anyne in these hard times. And in unfavrable situatins, it's an act that allws us t develp friendship and shw lve while we must, still, remain apart.
    A. Cntinue cking fr my family.
    B. Bringing the extras as meals t my friends.
    C. It was the ne part f ur new wrld I culdn't refuse.
    D. In the shck f the change, I cked less fr abut a year,
    E. In my adult life befre unemplyment, this traditin stayed with me.
    F. Serving extra fd was the way that we shwed lve t ne anther.
    G. But ding s seemed cntrary t the genersity I had been brught up t believe in.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项
    A typical lin tamer(驯兽师) in peple’s mind is an entertainer hlding a whip(鞭) and a chair. The whip gets all f the attentin, but it’s 41 fr shw. In reality, it’s the chair that des the imprtant wrk. When a lin tamer hlds a chair in frnt f the lin’s face, the lin 42 all fur legs f the chair at the same time. With its fcus 43 , the lin becmes cnfused and is 44 . abut what t d next. When faced with s many 45 ,the lin chses t freeze and wait instead f attacking the man hlding the chair.
    Hw ften d yu find yurself in the same 46 as the lin? Hw ften d yu have smething yu want t achieve (e.g. lse weight, start a business, travel mre)—nly t end up cnfused by all f the ptins in frnt f yu and 47 make prgress?
    This 48 me t n end because while all the experts are busy 49 abut which ptin is best, the peple wh want t imprve their lives are left cnfused by all f the 50 infrmatin. The end 51 is that we feel like we can't fcus r that we’re fcused n the wrng things, and s we take less actin, make less prgress, and stay the same when we culd be_ 52 .
    It desn’t have t be that way. Anytime yu find the wrld waving a 53 in yur face, remember this: All yu need t d is fcus n ne thing. Yu just need t get started. Starting befre yu feel 54 is ne f the habits f successful peple. If yu have smewhere yu want t g, smething yu want t accmplish, smene yu want t becme... take 55 actin. If yu’re clear abut where yu want t g, the rest f the wrld will either help yu get there r get ut f the way. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126
    B. mstly C. nearly D. merely
    42.A. stand up B. raise up C. rely n D. fcus n
    43. A. divided B. limited C. extended D. strengthened
    44. A. serius B. unsure C. curius D. skeptical
    45. A. bnds B. ntices C. ptins D. desires
    46. A. emtin B. reputatin C. psitin D. generatin
    47. A. never B. always C. ften D. already
    48. A. upsets B. relieves C. impresses D. mves
    49. A. speaking B. wrrying C cmplaining D. debating
    50. A. exchanging B. encuraging C. damaging D. cnflicting
    51. A. effect B. result C. study D. prblem
    52. A. defending B. cnfusing C. imprving D. weeping
    53. A. whip B. meat C. chair D. hand
    54.A. ready B. pleasant C. regretful D. frzen
    55. A. rderly B. precise C. rigid D. immediate
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    In the cming era f budget cuts t educatin, distance learning culd becme the nrm.
    The temptatin fr thse in charge f educatin budgets t trade teachers fr technlgy culd be s strng that they ignre 56 . disadvantages f distance learning. Schl facilities are expensive 57 (build). Online classes d nt require buildings and each class can hst hundreds f peple at the same time, 58 (result) in greater savings. But mving away frm a traditinal classrm 59 a living, breathing human being teaches and interacts with students daily 60 (be) a disaster. Physically attending schl has hidden benefits: getting up 61 (early), interacting mre, with peers, and building better relatinships with teachers. Mrever, schls shuld be mre than simple institutins f traditinal learning. They are places where students 62 (ffer) cunseling(咨询) and ther supprt.
    Thse plicy- makers are ften fascinated by the latest technlgy in educatin and its ptential t transfrm educatin vernight. 63 , nline educatin des nt allw a teacher t keep a struggling student after class and ften help. Educatinal vides are unable t make eye cntact r assess a student’s level f engagement. Given these 64 (expect), schls shuld nt becme permanently “remte”. Technlgy, hwever 65 (advance), shuld simply be a tl f a gd teacher. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126
    第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40分 )
    第一节 (满分15分)
    第二节 (满分25 分)
    I was awakened by the sund f heavy bts hitting the flr as my grandfather walked acrss the wden flr t the fireplace. He added wd t the fire. Sn, the small wden huse felt warm.
    It was 5:30 n a cld January mrning, deep in the muntains f central Pennsylvania. I, a 12-year-ld by, was here with my grandfather and fur ther men n an annual deer-hunting trip. My grandfather wanted me t take the adventure t increase my curage and fun.
    Lking at me, he smiled, “Culd yu make sme cffee?” T prve that I was qualified t jin this male club, I gt up and sated the wrk. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126
    After breakfast, we left the warm and safe huse and headed ut int the dark, snwy mrning, walking thrugh deep snw. When we climbed ver a muntain and crssed frzen streams, my grandfather tld me t be mindful f where we had been and where we were headed. I tried t keep track f ur rute, but later had n idea.
    Abut mid-afternn, we made ur way dwn the side f a new muntain t the stream bed belw. My grandfather tld me t head t the tp f the next muntain, walk alng the ridge (山脊) fr a few hundred feet, and then cme back dwn. If there were any deer n that part f the muntain, I wuld need t threaten them dwn t the bttm where my grandfather waited. S, ff I went with a gun.
    It tk me 20 minutes t climb t the tp. I walked alng the ridge and then headed back dwn. I didn’t realize I had crssed ver the tp and had started back dwn the ther side f the muntain. I headed in the wrng directin. After walking fr 45 minutes, I realized I was lst in the wds. I was shcked.
    After finally calming myself, I sat dwn and wrked ut a plan. I wuld first fire the gun and then start a fire, hping my grandfather wuld knw where I was by the sunds and smke I lked at my watch. It was 4:00. The sun wuld set dwn sn.
    参 考 答 案
    第一部分 听力理解(共20题 30分 每题1.5分)
    1-5 ABBCC6-10 ABBAC11-15 CCABA16-20 BACCA
    第二部分 阅读理解(20题 50分 每题2.5分)
    21-25 BCADB26-30 ACDCD31-35 ABABD35-40 FEGDB
    第三部分 语言运用(共25题 30分)
    第一节 完形填空(15题 15分 每题1分)
    41-45 BDABC46-50 CAADD51-55 BCCAD
    第二节 语法填空(10题 15分 每题1.5分)
    56. the 57. t build 58. resulting 59. where 60. is
    61. earlier 62. are ffered 63. Hwever 64. expectatins 65. advanced
    第四部分 写作(满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(15分)
    Dear fellw students,
    I’m Lihua, president f the Students’ Unin. There is n denying that mental health prblem has becme mre f a prblem amng us teenagers. T turn the tide, we shuld d smething.
    First, it’s imprtant t remember that mental health struggles are nt a sign f weakness. They are nrmal part f human experience. Even the mst successful and seemingly put-tgether individuals can’t be immune t the effects f depressin, anxiety, r ther mental health disrders. S, it’s imprtant t seek help when we need it, and t prvide supprt fr lved nes wh may be struggling with mental health issues. Besides, it is necessary t find a balance between study and life, and it will have a psitive effect n us, thus creating a cmfrtable envirnment gradually.
    Let’s take actin befre it is t late.
    The Students’ Unin
    Nvember 17th, 2023
    第二节 读后续写(25分)
    I held my gun and immediately fired three shts. The lud sunds quickly spread. Then, I ccked my ears. Immediately, I heard three answering shts, and I was pretty sure which directin they had cme frm. But I didn’t leave, thinking, “Stay put. It’s easier t find a lst persn wh is sitting still.” I just stayed there, gathering dry leaves and branches nearby, and sn started a fire. Later, I added wet branches and leaves t it. It caused big smke, which flew int the sky. I sat by the fire, lking arund.
    Finally, I fund my grandfather and ther men walking in my directin hurriedly. Excited, I rushed t them. Seeing me, my grandfather sighed with relief and hugged me. Then, we headed back twards the huse. On the way, my grandfather didn’t blame me fr being lst. Instead, he praised me fr knwing hw t handle such an emergency. Besides, he explained hw t avid being lst again. The next mrning, I went hunting with my grandfather again. I wuldn’t be scared away by the previus accident. I determined t be brave and make prgress in tracking my rute and telling directins.
    Text 1想要为经理准备送别礼物
    W: Are yu ging ut, hney?
    M: Yes. My manager will retire, and there will be a farewell party in ur ffice next week. I need t prepare a gift fr him. I’m cnsidering getting him a craft.
    Text 2 对时装秀的不同态度
    W: The fashin shw is wnderful. The design f thse clthes amazes me s much.
    M: Well, yu’re wasting yur time t watch it. I think the clthes like that are nt suitable fr us t wear in ur daily life.
    Text 3参观南卢安瓜国家公园
    W: What abut ging t Suth Luangwa Natinal Park this summer hliday?
    M: I’d lve t, but I’ll d sme research n my prject. Will yu vlunteer there?
    W: N. I heard that it is famus fr its wild animals. I really lk frward t watching fur f the Big Five Animals f Africa there.
    Text 4 改变生活方式
    M: I nticed that yu’ve been eating mre green- and red-clred fds these days.
    W: Yes! I’m cnstantly changing my lifestyle, s I’ll be able t live a happier and healthier life. I just finished reading a bk abut hw t keep healthy. Nw I’ve decided t start exercising.
    Text 5 面试
    W: Besides yur experience and educatin, why wuld yu be a gd fit fr this firm?
    M: I believe in myself, which makes me a natural leader. Als, I demand success frm myself, which means I never give up.
    W: Gd. Please, tell me abut yur last jb.
    Text 6 意外得到锻炼
    M: Yu lk burned-ut. Did yu make it t yur aerbics class last night? Yu must have gt quite a wrkut!
    W: I made it, ⑥but when I gt t the training rm, I was tld the class was canceled. The instructr was sick. The ther ladies were really disappinted.
    M: What a shame! Did yu end up jgging in the park instead?
    W: N, I gt my wrkut this mrning. ⑦I must have walked up a hundred stairs. I think I burned 500 calries.
    M: Yu have a StairMaster at hme?
    W: N, the elevatr was brken!
    Text 7音乐剧《歌剧魅影》在百老汇落幕
    W: Calvin, have yu ever watched the musical theater shw The Phantm f the Opera?
    M: Yes. ⑧I watched it n Bradway when I was 16 years ld. Ten years has passed in a flash. I heard the shw is still n.
    W: Nt any mre. It clsed n last Sunday night after 35 years n Bradway.
    M: What a pity! I went t my friend’s party that night. ⑨Did yu watch the final perfrmance f it?
    W: ⑨Certainly, I’m a big fan f it.
    M: S was there anything special?
    W: Yes. It ended with its mst famus sng, The Music f the Night. (10)The perfrmance included many well-knwn singers and actrs wh had parts in the shw ver the years. The shw’s creatr, Andrew Llyd Webber, attended the final perfrmance, t.
    M: It’s a pity I missed it.
    Text 8 研究海洋生物
    M: When yu start researching cean life, yu’ll quickly realize hw little humans knw abut the sea. (11)(12)I’ve wrked at this sea animal research center fr almst 30 years, but I still dn’t understand the cean.
    W: I’m wrried that I have s much t learn. I’ve been studying sea animals at university fr fur years, but this will be my first experience f wrking n them.
    M: (11)As the newest researcher n ur team, this is a perfect place t begin yur jurney. Over the next six mnths, I hpe t ffer yu the knwledge I have.
    W: Thanks a millin. I’ve heard that yu’re an expert n whales. Is that true?
    M: Well, abve all else, (13)my primary gal is keeping ur whale ppulatin alive and well. In the prcess f prtecting these huge animals, I have t study a lt t imprve their living envirnment.
    Text 9 相约去看比赛
    M: Cara! Hw’s everything?
    W: Oh, nt bad. What abut yu, Mark?
    M: Great! (15)I’m just a little busy with the schlwrk. I’m excited abut the Big Game n Saturday.
    W: What is the Big Game?
    M: Are yu kidding? This is the biggest ftball activity f the seasn! And we’re playing against ne f the best teams in the State, s it’s ging t be really exciting.
    W: Ww, that sunds like fun! Wh are yu ging with?
    M: A grup f friends. Hey, yu knw what? (14)My brther Eric has t g ut f twn this weekend and he wn’t be able t make it t the game, s I have an extra ticket. Wuld yu like t jin us?
    W: Sure, I’d lve t. (15)I’ve never been t ne f ur schl’s ftball activities befre. It’s a little far away frm the subway statin t the stadium. Let’s g there by taxi. My treat!
    M: Dn’t bther. (16)(17)There’s a bus picking students up in frnt f the schl gate at 1:30 pm. Let’s get there half an hur early. Remember t have lunch at hme.
    W: Sunds like a plan! Thanks fr giving me the extra ticket.
    M: Dn’t mentin it.
    Text 10 网上直播节目
    M: Welcme t Gardener’s Questins! We’re bradcasting live n the Internet. But if yu haven’t gt time t watch the whle thing right nw, click n the recrding anytime n ur website.
    (18)OK, well, here with us in the studi tday is wildlife expert, adventurer, and garden lver Jim Smith! Jim spent fur weeks n a science trip in Suth America studying plants f the rainfrest. I bet that was ht! Nt nly did he and his team discver new and exciting plants, (19)but Jim had all srts f adventures while he was there. He was attacked by a bear, had a fever, and gt separated frm his team fr almst three nights! Hw scary that was!
    But this shw isn’t just abut big-time adventures. It’s abut gardening. This time, (20)Jim will be giving sme f his best tips t get the mst ut f the plants we dn’t nrmally see in this cuntry. If yu have any questins, he’ll be taking calls and messages frm viewers in abut five minutes.
    But first, let’s meet ur wnderful guest. Welcme t Gardener’s Questins, Jim Smith!
    Dear fellw students,
    I’m Lihua, president f the Students’ Unin.
    The Students’ Unin
    Nvember 17th, 2023
    I held my gun and immediately fired three shts.
    Finally, I fund my grandfather and ther men walking in my directin hurriedly.

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