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    3.本卷满分为 150分,考试时间为 120 分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30 分)
    1. Hw many schl supplies des the by need?
    A. Three.B. Fur.C. Five
    2. Why des Mike make a stp?
    A. He needs t rest.B. It is the lunchtime.C. The mtrcycle brke dwn.
    3. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. The weather.B. Their favrite seasns.C. A plan fr this week.
    4. What is the news abut San Jsé?
    A. There is the best public transprtatin. B. It will take measures t ban cars. C. All Electric Buses will be replaced.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Waitress and custmer.C. Mther and sn.
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. Why des the man phtgraph the same tree every day?
    A. T evke memries frm the past.
    B. T exhibit the phts in the neighbrhd.
    C. T shw its changes thrugh different seasns.
    7 Which pht des the man like best?
    A. The ne taken in spring.B. The ne taken in summer.C. The ne taken in winter.
    8. what des the wman say abut her new jb?
    A. It’s very challenging.B. It’s clser in distance.C. It’s similar t her ld jb.
    9. What will the man d tnight?
    A. Design cmmercials. B. Have dinner with the wman. C. Read articles abut gd restaurants.
    听第8段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。
    10. When will the machine be available?
    A. On Mnday.B. On Wednesday.C. On Thursday.
    11. What is the requirement fr repair?
    A. An agreement.B. A receipt.C. Sme mney.
    12. What kind f service is ffered abut the machine?
    A. It can be returned within 5 days. B. It can be delivered free f charge. C. It can be exchanged within 14 days.
    听第9段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。
    13. Where des Mr, King wrk nw?
    A. At a cllege.B, At a wildlife park.C. At a research center.
    14. Hw des the wman sund when hearing abut the finding?
    A. Surprised.B. Wrried. C. Prud.
    15. Hw d African wild dgs vte?
    A. By sneezing.B. By swinging tails.C. By reaching ut paws.
    16. When did Mr. King prbably leave Btswana?
    A. On March 10th. B. On March 12th. C. On March 24th.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
    17. What subject d the listeners prbably majr in?
    A. English.B. Histry. C. Music.
    18. Where will the listeners g n July 5th?
    A. A castle. B.A stately hme.C. A museum.
    19. Hw lng is the canteen pen n Fridays?
    A. 5.5 hurs.B 4.5 hurs. C. 3 hurs.
    20. What is Mrs. Green in charge f?
    A. The canteen.B. The recreatin center.C. The accmmdatin.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    The High Schl Creatr Exp is a melting pt f hands-n activities, interactive demnstratins, and educatinal wrkshps that bring the wnders f science and technlgy t life.
    * Engage with cutting-edge technlgies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and rbtics. Explre hw these technlgies are shaping ur wrld and inspiring new ways f learning, creating, and cmmunicating.
    * Participate in wrkshps led by industry experts and educatrs, where yu'll learn hw t cde, design apps, build circuits, and create yur wn tech prjects. These sessins are designed t spark yur creativity and fster a lve fr prblem-slving.
    * Meet prfessinals frm varius fields f technlgy, including sftware develpment engineering, data science, and cybersecurity. They’ll share their experiences, ffer advice n career paths, and answer yur questins, helping yu chart yur tech-driven future.
    * Shwcase yur skills in cding cmpetitins, rbtics challenges, and ther tech-themed events. Cmpete against fellw students, win prizes, and gain valuable experience that can help yu stand ut in cllege applicatins and future jb interviews.
    * Cnnect with like-minded students, educatrs, and industry prfessinals. Make new friends, build yur netwrk, and discver ptential mentrs wh can guide yu n yur tech jurney.
    The High schl Creatr Exp is nt just abut learning abut technlgy, its abut empwering yu t becme the innvatrs, creatrs, and prblem-slvers f tmrrw. Mark yur calendars and get ready t be inspired, educated, and entertained at the High Schl Creatr Exp!
    21. Wh is the Exp intended fr?
    A. University staff.B. Tech enthusiasts. C. Business wners. D. Technlgy tutrs
    22. Hw can ne benefit frm the Exp?
    A. Prmting their prductsB, Having jb interviews. C. Getting career insights.D. Shaping the wrld.
    23. Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A. A schl newspaper. B. An academic article C. A technlgy lecture.D. A prject handbk
    At just 5 years ld, little Selah nticed that many f her fellw kindergarten classmates were struggling with their ABCs and didn’t knw hw t read, s she wanted t d smething. The determined girl enlisted ( 争取) the help f her parents and The Empwered Readers Literacy Prject was brn.
    After listening t their daughter’s cncerns, Khalil and Nicle Thmpsn researched the issue and fund sme shcking infrmatin abut literacy here in America including the fact that 85% f children in the juvenile (少年的) prisn system are functinally illiterate. “All these crazy statistics fr literacy blew ur minds,” says Khalil Thmpsn. “The statistics said sme prisns frecast the number f prisn cells they are ging t build in the future based n third-grade reading test scres.”
    Despite the awesme nature f the prblem they were facing, the cuple was spurred n by Selah’s reslutin, “We really, shuld just give away 20 hundred thusand bks,’” Nicle remarks, recalling her daughter’s wrds, The family gt t wrk—starting initiatives such as Prject 500 and their Hliday Bk Drive.
    As they began, ne f the main issues the family fund, cntributing t illiteracy, was representatin—children are, nt as excited abut reading when they dn’t find themselves reflected in the pages f the bk. And after realizing that very few f the characters in the stries she’d read lked like her. Selah then decided t write a bk f her wn that features a herine wh lks like her and shares her same interests and sense f adventure. In Nvember 2019, Selah’s first bk Penelpe the Private Princess, was published , and the sequel (续集) just released in December 2020.
    “There is s mush inspiratin behind the fact that this is a child that wrte this stry and came up with this” says Khalil. “Yu can reclaim yur stry, d yur wn stry, and d all the things that adults at a at yur yung age and yu shuld really knw that yu have pwer in yur vice and ideas.”
    24. Why des Khalil mentin the practice f prisns Para.2?
    A. T prve the accuracy f his statistics. B. T stress the imprtance f early reading.
    C. T indicate the cnsequences f illiteracy. D. T predict the trend f future juvenile crime.
    25. What can we learn frm the third paragraph?
    A. The wrds f Selah frced the cuple t wrk.
    B. The parents were encuraged by their daughter.
    C. The number f the bk needed is t big t reach.
    D. The awesme nature f the prblem surprised the cuple.
    26. What’s the prblem Nicle discvered in kid’s bks?
    A. Their plts were uninteresting.B. The illustratins were nt lifelike.
    C. Kids were represented insufficiently.D. The clrs applied were unattractive.
    27. What’s the main character like in Penelpe the Pirate Princess?
    A. Wealthy and pwerful.B. Naughty and trublesme.
    C. Talented and sensitive.D. Determined and adventurus.
    High emplyment, falling inflatin (通货膨胀), and ecnmic grwth. On the surface, the US ecnmy currently seems t be ding great. But as it turns ut, things are nt s rsy fr the average wrking American.
    Accrding t a March 6 survey cnducted by the Savings website, 47 percent f parents prvide sme degree f financial supprt t their adult children t help deal with the cst f living struggles.
    Gen Zers (defined in the survey as aged 18-27) were fund t be the mst likely generatin t get financial help frm their parents, receiving n average 1,515 dllars (abut 10.950 an) per mnth. Still, many lder parents were fund t be supprting their Millennial (aged 28-43) r Generatin X (aged 44-59) adult children, accunting fr 21 percent f parents prviding supprt. The mst cmmn expenses cited were grceries, tuitin and health insurance, amng thers, reprted The Guardian.
    But why are s many US adults, bth yung and ld, struggling t “leave the nest”? One majr reasn is saring fd prices. Accrding t the US Department f Agriculture, fd prices are expected t increase by nearly 2.5 percent acrss the bard in 2024.
    Meanwhile, stable husing remains an elusive dream fr many. The average rate fr a 30- year, fixed rate mrtgage (抵押贷款) was almst 8 percent in Octber 2023, said the Mrtgage a Bankers Assciatin. An extremely expensive mrtgage means that many Americans are priced ut f affrding their wn hme.
    The final piece f the puzzle is falling salaries. Previus generatins were able t cunt n graduating frm cllege as the key t landing a jb that paid well. But nw, yung US graduates have fund that they earn less than their parents. Accrding t a CNBC analysis, cllege graduate salaries have decreased mre than 10 percent in fur decades after adjusting fr inflatin. In ther wrds, steadily declining salaries make it even harder fr yung Americans t cpe with steadily rising csts.
    AS Gen Zers in the US struggle under financial pressures, s d the lder generatins supprting them, as their genersity puts their prspects fr retirement at risk. The Savings website discvered that wrking parents were fund t cntribute “2.4 times mre t supprt adult children than they cntribute t their retirement accunts each mnth”.
    Essentially, while the US ecnmy remains aflat, we might witness multiple generatins f Americans sinking in their wn lifebats in the years ahead.
    28. What did the March 6 survey find ut abut adult children in the US?
    A. Nearly half f them are financially dependent. B. Over half f Gen Zers are financially struggling.
    C. Generatin X ften ffer their parents financial aid. D. A majrity f them rely n their parents fr educatin.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “elusive” in paragraph 5 mst prbably mean?
    A. Easy t realize. B Difficult t achieve. C. Often misunderstd. D. Cmmnly sught after.
    30.What can be inferred frm the article abut peple nw in the US?
    A. Gvernment plicies favr lder generatins. B. Cllege educatin guarantees a well-paid jb.
    C. Salaries fr graduates remain stable in fur decades. D. Financial pressures affect bth the yung and the ld.
    31. What is the authr's attitude tward the future prspects f Americans?
    A. Reserved.B. Optimistic. C. Negative.D Wait-and-see.
    The human brain is a pwerful natural cmputer that has evlved ver tens f thusands f years. But what wuld yu get if yu cmbined this bilgical cmputer with areal ne?
    Researchers at Indiana University Blmingtn in the US have linked human brain-like tissues t an electrnic chip, which can perfrm simple cmputer tasks. Their creatin, named Brainware, is part f a grwing field called bilgical cmputing that might ne day an d better than current cmputers, accrding t Nature.
    The brain-like tissues the researchers used, als,knwn as brain rganids (类器官) weren’t part f a living persn’s brain. They were “grwn” frm human stem cells, which are capable f prducing different types f cells and frming bdy tissues. It tk tw mnths fr the stem cells t mature int an rganid.
    The researchers then placed ne rganid nt an electrnic chip with thusands f electrdes (电极). Althugh rganids are much simpler and smaller than an actual brain, they act similarly t human brains, such as respnding t electrical signals, which is What ur brain des all the time. These respnses lead t changes in the brain, which fuel ur ability t learn. T test Brainware, the researchers used it fr vice recgnitin by training it with 240 Japanese recrdings spken by eight speakers. They fund that the rganid reacted different tward each vice. With an accuracy f 78 percent, it successfully identified the speakers by shwing different neural activities.
    What’s special abut Brainware is that researchers can take advantage f the rganid’s cmplexity withut understanding its cell netwrks, accrding t Daily Mail. In ther wrds, scientists dn’t need t knw exactly hw the rganid wrks in rder t use it.
    Accrding t the researchers' wrk published in December, cmbining rganids and electrnic chips culd increase the speed and efficiency f AI in the future. Als, such mdels can be used t study human brains, accrding t Nature. Using Brainware t mdel and study neurlgical disrders, such as Alzheimer s disease, is ne example. It culd als be used t test the effects f different treatments fr such diseases. “That’s where the prmise is: using the t ne day hpefully replace animal mdels f the brain,” Arti Ahluwalia, a researcher in Taly, tld Nature.
    32. What d we knw abut the tissues used by the researchers?
    A. They were artificially cnstructed. B. They frmed a cmplete human brain.
    C. They were harvested frm dead human bdies. D. They were cultured frm specific human cells.
    33. What success did Brinware achieve in the vice recgnitin test?
    A. Distinguishing the vices between speakers. B. Understanding the cntent f the recrdings.
    C. Shwing preferences fr sme f the vices. D. Crrectly matching all the speakers with their vices.
    34. What makes Brainware special, accrding t Daily Mail?
    A. Its cmplexity is easy t learn and understand. B. It pens up new pssibilities fr studying human brains.
    C. Its cell netwrks are the same as thse f human brains. D. N in-depth knwledge f rganids is needed t use it.
    35. What des the last paragraph fcus n regarding Brainware?
    A. Its underlying prblems.B. Its ptential applicatins.
    C. Its influence n AI technlgy.D. Its cntributin t animal welfare.
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Des the sund f rain really help yu fall asleep?
    Yu’ve likely heard that the pitter pattering f raindrps can help peple fall asleep. There’s als research that supprts the idea that rain sunds are a useful sleep aid. Here’s what t knw.
    Rain sunds can mask ther sharper (nises in yur envirnment: Think f a dripping faucet(水龙头) in the ther rm in utter silence; it culd be very annying. With a masking backgrund f wind in the leaves, a sft rain, r sme gentle waves playing n a lp n a speaker, the drip wuld never be nticed. 37
    Rain sunds might literally hit the right frequencies
    By masking backgrund sunds, rain tracks might seem like they’re just rdinary white nise, but they are nt. 38 They are named after clrs. Rain sunds are cnsidered pink nise, which is characterized by luder sunds at a lw frequency and sfter sunds at high frequencies. Sme research suggests that pink nise in particular can imprve sleep in healthy individuals. But this may nt be the case fr everyne.
    Research suggests that nature has a calming effect
    In additin t helping peple fall asleep, rain sunds can be straight-up relaxing. 39 Evidence pints t psychlgical benefits, including increased cgnitive capacity and reduced anxiety and stress. Peple expsed t nature sunds in a 2017 study had an increased parasympathetic respnse, meaning that the calming part f their nervus system was activated by these tracks.
    Shuld yu try rain sunds?
    Rain r might help sme peple but here nr fr everyne 40 . One persn’s gentle rain is anther ne’s fld wrry r need t g t the bathrm. Similarly, gentle rain with distant thunder is calming fr sme and alarming fr thers. Will they wrk fr yu?
    There’s nly ne way t find ut! There’s nly ne way t find ut!
    A. Rain nise hides ther sunds
    B. Rain nises smetimes disrupt seep
    C. S rain sunds can create a calming backgrund nise Cen a
    D. White nise is an umbrella term fr a variety f sunds
    E. This may bil dwn t the fact that they're a natural sund
    F. It’s wrth experimenting with the frequency t see if it can wrk fr yu
    G. Different sunds will bring ut different respnses depending n the individual
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30分)
    第一节 (共15小题: 每小题1分,满分15分)
    I was 68 when 1 first stepped nstage as a stand-up cmedian in 2003. That first time was
    41 .I had n idea what the audience wuld make f me. In New Yrk, cmedians are 42
    yung men. It’s hard enugh t 43 as a wman, but even harder as smene 44 enugh t be their grandmther.
    As I stepped nstage that first time, peple were clearly surprised t 45 me. I intrduced myself, stated my age and tried my first jke. There was 46 But by the time I gt t the third line, peple were finally laughing prperly. I was hked.
    Even tday, I’m 47 befre I step ut. My first 48 is, “Hell, everybdy. I’m 88 and three-quarters years ld. I’m telling yu that 49 I dn’t make it all the way thrugh the shw.” Then peple laugh and I relax.
    After a shw, peple yung and ld cme up t me saying what a(n) 50 I am. They say they want t be as active as I am when they reach my 51 I’m pleased that I can 52 thers that, as an lder persn, yu dn't need t take a back seat in life and yu have gt mre 53 .
    Last year, I was recgnized as the ldest female stand-up cmedian in the wrld. But I have n 54 f stpping my cmedy wrk. I hpe t still be perfrming when I’m 100. My gal is t still be up there making peple 55 .
    41. A. scary B. precius C. familiar D. private
    42. A. relatively B. abslutely C. eventually D. typically
    43.A. taken in B. put up C. break thrugh D. nte dwn
    44. A. lucky B. ld C. wise D. careful
    45.A. help B. see C. check D. ffer
    46. A. silence B. bnus C. blessing D. thrill
    47. A. excited B. grateful C. nervus D. skillful
    48. A. surprise B. strategy C. relief D. line
    49. A. as if B.in case C. even thugh D. in that
    50. A. inspiratin B. recreatin C. crisis D. frustratin
    51. A. peak B. audience C. gal D. age
    52. A. suggest B. challenge C. shw D. relax
    53.A. prve B. publish C ppse D please
    54. A. missin B. principle C. intentin D. burden
    55. A. mature B. laugh C. learn D. win
    第二节 (共10小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    Since its fficial beginning in 2013, the Internatinal Day f Happiness 56 (bserve) fr 11 years. This special day, 57 falls n March 20 every year, serves t remind peple f the significance f happiness. But what exactly is happiness, and hw can ne achieve it? Experts in varius fields hld different views n what happiness means and the factrs that influence 58 .
    As a researcher in the field f psitive psychlgy, Snja Lyubmirsky defines happiness as “the experience f jy, cntentment, r psitive well-being; cmbined with a sense 59 ne’s life is gd and 56 (meaning)”.
    Frm the perspective f writers, James Jyce was seized by happiness in 1914 61 his bk Dubliners was fficially published after being rejected by mre than 20 publishers.
    Accrding t ecnmics, Tejvan Pettinger said that incme is a crucial factr 62 (affect) happiness. At lwer incme levels, it is generally agreed that increasing ne’s incme 63 (tend) t bst happiness, as it allws peple t purchase many essential gds and services like fd, husing, healthcare, educatin and s n. 64 , after certain incme levels, an increase in incme nly cntributes slightly t verall happiness. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126
    The truth is that happiness itself is different fr everyne, s everyne defines it differently and pursues it in a variety f ways. It’s a life lessn wrth ur whle lifetime 65 (explre).
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分 )
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 巴黎奥运会已落下帷幕,中国运动员在比赛中的拼搏精神使你大受鼓舞。假如你是李华,请以此为话题,为你校即将举行的英语演讲比赛写一篇演讲稿。内容包括:
    注意: 1. 写作词数应为80左右: 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Gd mrning! I’m Li Hua.
    Thank yu!
    第二节 (满分25分)
    After getting up late n a sleepy Sunday, I saw my dad at the kitchen table reading the Sunday editin f the lcal newspaper. I made a sandwich and sat dwn next t him, asking him what was new. He turned sadly t me and said that the municipal cuncil (市议会) was planning t intrduce a measure t tear up the cmmunity garden nearby. He mentined that he used t wrk n it with his dad, s the place had sme fnd childhd memries fr him. He then put dwn the paper, walked ver t the clset and — after a bit f searching — pulled ut a thick, black binder (活页夹). Inside, there was a whle bunch f ld phtgraphs. After thumbing thrugh a few pages, my dad fund the ne f him and his dad tgether at the cmmunity garden, just like he’d said. “Ww, yur cheeks were super rsy back then!” I said, surprised.
    With nthing planned fr the afternn, my dad and I decided t take a trip ver t the cmmunity garden t see hw it was ding these days. Nt great, as it turned ut. Crumpled (皱巴巴的) sda cans, cigarette butts (烟头) and ther trash were everywhere. Pts f sil were still there, but the few plants that remained were either dead r dying.
    We lked at each ther and knew what we had t d. After gathering sme tls and garbage bags, we went straight t wrk cleaning up the place. I phned up sme f my schl friends and, sn enugh, a half-dzen peple were cllecting trash bags and sweeping paths. Smene had even brught bags f fresh seeds and sil alng with new flwers, s we uprted| the ld dead plants and flwers and planted a new.
    After nly a few hurs, the cmmunity garden lked tally changed. Despite ur hard wrk, there was still the matter f the upcming cuncil vte. We created a plan: take phts f the garden and spread the news abut the vte. Using the phtgraphs, we wuld then cllect signatures t shw cntinued lcal interest and then present these t the cuncil.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右:
    2. 请按如下格式在答题 卡的相应位置作答。
    After tw weeks, it came time t present at the lcal cuncil meeting.
    In the end, ur effrts paid ff.
    第一部分:听力(共两节20题 满分30分 每题1.5分)
    1-5 ACABB 6-10 CAABB 11-15 ACCAA 16-20 CBCBC
    第二部分 阅读(共两节 满分50分)
    第一节 (共15题 满分37.5分 每题2.5分)
    21-23 BCA 24-27 CBCD 28-31 ABDC 32-35 DADB
    第二节 七选五(共5题 满分12.5分 每题2.5分)
    36-40 ACDEG
    第三部分 语言知识(共两节 满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15题 满分15分 每题1分)
    41-45 ADCBB 46-50 ACDBA 51-55 DCACB
    第二节 语法填空(共10题 满分15分 每题1.5分)
    56. has been bserved 57. which 58. it 59. that 60. meaningful
    61. when 62. affecting 63. tends 64. Hwever 65. t explre
    第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(15分)
    Gd mrning! I’m Li Hua. I’m excited t talk abut the inspiring Olympic spirit frm the recent Paris Olympics.
    I watched the Games with great enthusiasm. What truly struck me was nt just the medals r recrds brken, but the spirit that drve these athletes frward. I was truly mved by the hard wrk and dedicatin f ur Chinese athletes. Whether they wn r lst, they all shwed incredible perseverance, determinatin and respect fr their cmpetitrs. 江苏省海安高级中学 景苏华 QQ:771515126
    With this in mind, I wuld like t make a heartfelt initiative. Let us embrace the fighting spirit f ur athletes and carry it frward int ur daily lives. Let’s strive fr excellence in ur studies, extracurricular activities, and persnal grwth. Let’s fster an envirnment where hard wrk is celebrated, where failures are seen as stepping stnes t success, and where we supprt and encurage each ther alng the way.
    Thank yu!
    第二节 读后续写(25分)
    After tw weeks, it came time t present at the lcal cuncil meeting. My dad and I, alng with several f my schl friends, arrived early, each f us carrying a stack f phts shwing the garden’s transfrmatin. The meeting rm was packed, and when it was ur turn t speak, we shared ur stry and passin fr preserving this green space. We passed arund the phts, highlighting the beauty and ptential f the garden. T ur surprise, several cuncil members expressed their supprt, mentining that they had received numerus calls and emails frm cncerned citizens, all thanks t ur campaign.
    In the end, ur effrts paid ff. The cuncil vted t nt nly preserve the cmmunity garden but als allcate funds fr its maintenance and further develpment. The news spread quickly, and sn, mre vlunteers jined in, helping t restre the garden t its frmer glry. My dad and I, seeing the change we had brught, felt a sense f accmplishment and jy. The garden became a symbl f cmmunity unity and a reminder that smetimes, all it takes t make a difference is a little initiative and determinatin. We cntinued t visit the garden ften, watching it grw and thrive, knwing that we had played a part in saving a piece f ur twn’s histry and creating a space fr future generatins t enjy.
    Anther pssible versin:
    After tw weeks, it came time t present at the lcal cuncil meeting. My dad and I, accmpanied by a few f my schl friends, std in frnt f the cuncil chamber, ur hearts punding with a mixture f nervusness and excitement. We prjected ur phtgraphs, signatures, and a heartfelt plea, each f us silently praying that ur effrts wuld nt g unnticed. T ur delight, the cuncil members’ eyes widened in disbelief and appreciatin as they witnessed the stunning transfrmatin: frm a trash-filled space t a vibrant, green asis. We als expressed ur hpe that the garden culd be filled with children playing, families picnicking, and neighbrs gathering t share stries and laughter. The applause that fllwed was deafening.
    In the end, ur effrts paid ff. As the cuncil members annunced their decisin t recnsider and explre ways t maintain the cmmunity garden, my dad and I exchanged a glance, bth f us beaming with relief and jy. I knew that ur victry was nt just abut saving the garden; it was abut inspiring thers t take actin and care fr their cmmunity. Every time I visited the garden thereafter, I culdn’t help but feel a sense f accmplishment. I wuld walk thrugh the lush greenery, admiring the flwers and vegetables that had sprung up frm the barren sil, and I wuld think t myself, “This is urs. We did this.”
    Text 1需准备学习用品推断题——数字类
    W: What schl supplies d yu need fr this year?
    M: Er, let me see… I need a special calculatr fr advanced math, a carrying case fr my laptp and a new dictinary fr French.
    Text 2摩托车途中出故障
    W: Mike! Why are yu pulling ver by the radside? Is it the lunchtime nw?
    M: N. The timing belt may have slipped, which caused the mtrcycle t break dwn.
    W: Yeah! Yu can never be t careful with the traffic all the time.
    Text 3天气
    W: Remember t carry an umbrella. The weather frecast said this whle week wuld be rainy.
    M: But it is s sunny tday. I thught the rainy seasn lasted till last week. Well, I’ll take ne.
    W: After all, as the saying ges, “The weather in June is unpredictable.”
    Text 4报纸新闻
    W: What is the news in the newspaper tday?
    M: San Jsé, a city in the western state f Califrnia, wants t becme the first city in America that wn’t allw cars at all. They are ging t have a new type f public transprtatin called the Electric Bus.
    Text 5点餐推断题——身份关系类
    M: Can yu recmmend smething t me? I have a hard time making the decisin.
    W: Why nt try ur fried egg sandwich r egg fried rice?
    M: Oh, it lks like it is ne f the mst ppular dishes n the menu.
    Text 6欣赏照片
    M: I’ve phtgraphed the same tree in ur neighbrhd every day t shw hw it’s changed thrugh the different seasns. Lk.
    W: Oh, here it’s cvered in leaves, which reminds me f summer.
    M: Yes, it’s a nice pht. But lk at this ne. Yu can see the new leaves beginning t grw again. I prefer it t all the thers, t be hnest. My mum lves this pht taken in winter, with n leaves n the tree, but the light was pr that day.
    W: Really? Well, I still think it’s beautiful.
    Text 7工作现状
    M: Hw is yur new jb treating yu? I knw it’s a little farther than where yu used t wrk.
    W: It’s very fast-paced. It’s much mre difficult than my previus jb.
    M: Are yu still managing ther wrkers and hiring new nes?
    W: N. I am actually ding marketing nw. I am designing cmmercials fr ur cmpany.
    M: That’s great. I am ding smething similar t my ld jb. I’ve just gt a prmtin. My task this mnth is t write articles abut sme new restaurants that have cme int the city.
    W: Cngratulatins! Let’s g ut t ne t have dinner tnight. That way yu will have sme experience t write abut.
    M: Sunds great.
    Text 8沟通配送及售后服务
    W: We can prvide delivery service but yu need t pay $80 fr it.
    M: OK. Can yu make sure that I get the machine as sn as pssible?
    W: I’m srry. The machine is in great demand nw, and it will be available tw days later. It will be delivered the fllwing day. It’s Mnday tday, s the earliest time it might reach yu is this Thursday.
    M: All right. By the way, hw lng is the term f service?
    W: Five years. Within five years, any nn-intentinal damage will be repaired free f charge. Just hld nt the agreement; that’s yur guarantee.
    M: And if there is any fault, may I return it?
    W: Gds frm this cunter can’t be returned, but they can be exchanged within 14 days f purchase with the receipt.
    M: OK. Thank yu very much.
    Text 9狗狗会投票
    W: S where d yu wrk, Mr. King?
    M: I used t wrk at a cllege, but I left my wrk there tw years ag. Nw I’m wrking fr a research center. We ften d research n wild animals.
    W: What’s yur latest research abut?
    M: It’s abut African wild dgs in Btswana. We fund that wild dgs there vte in grups.
    W: Really? It sunds like a jke. Yu must be kidding!
    M: N, I’m nt! We fund it hard t believe, t. But ur research really shws that after scializing, the pack wuld decide whether t hunt.
    W: S hw d they vte?
    M: Well, whether the dgs wuld actually g n a hunt is decided by the number f sneezes. The mre the dgs sneeze, the mre likely it is that the pack wuld lk fr a meal.
    W: S hw did yu d the research? Did yu g t the wild t bserve the wild dgs?
    M: Yes. We arrived in Btswana n March 10th and spent tw weeks there.
    W: That must have been hard wrk.
    M: Yes, but I lved my time there.
    Text 10向新生介绍学院基本信息
    W: Gd mrning. I’d like t welcme yu t Trinity Cllege. I’m here t give yu plenty f infrmatin abut the cllege generally, and abut the curse.
    At this schl district, we teach English Literature, Histry, and Music. Fr yu, the Histry students, mst f yur classes will be 9:00-12:30 in Rm 201. There is always a cffee break at 10:30 fr 20 minutes, thugh.
    In the afternns, there will be many field trips, which will include castles, museums and stately hmes. The best part is always the trip t the British Museum n Saturday July 5th, where we will learn smething helpful fr ur curse.
    The canteen is pen daily frm 12:00 pm t 2:30 pm and again frm 5:00 pm t 8:00 pm, althugh n Fridays it clses at 7:00 pm. There is als fitness equipment in the recreatin center. It is available every day and all is free. I particularly recmmend that yu take advantage f the excellent swimming pl.
    If any f yu have any prblems with yur accmmdatin, yu can find the accmmdatin fficer in Rm 16 in Western Huse. She is Mrs. Green and she will be pleased t help yu.
    Any questins?
    pull ver 驶向路边;向路边停靠(或让车)
    timing belt同步齿型带
    can never… t… 再……也不为过
    as the saying ges俗话说;常言道
    remind sb.f sth.使某人想起
    in demand非常需要的;受欢迎的
    hld nt (更长时间地)保存某物
    pack n.(野兽的)一群[熟词生义]
    stately hme豪华古宅
    take advantage f 利用(机会)
    21. B 上来第一题问写作对象。The High Schl Creatr Exp是一个怎么样的机构?根据做题经验通常第一段便有答案,”The High Schl Creatr Exp is a melting pt f hands-n activities, interactive demnstratins, and educatinal wrkshps that bring the wnders f science and technlgy t life.“(高中创作者博览会是一个汇集了动手活动、互动演示和教育工作坊的盛会,将科学与技术的奇妙世界生动展现出来。),其中”a melting pt f...“比较难翻译。因此这可能是一个科技组织,再快速浏览下面强调的部分,大部分都是集中培养个人的科技能力。因此,写作对象最有可能是科技爱好者。其他均没有依据,其中D项,tutr是导师的意思。
    22. C 这道题的依据在Highlight部分的第二段”They’ll share their experiences, ffer advice n career paths, and answer yur questins, helping yu chart yur tech-driven future.“(他们将分享他们的经验,就职业道路提供建议,并回答您的问题,帮助您规划由技术驱动的未来。)这直接对应了C项。其中A项推广产品,不对;B项有一个求职面试也不对,没有提到直接给你提供工作;D项太大了。
    23. A 这篇文章主要来自于一篇学校报纸。因为最直接的就是就是他是以高中冠名的。其他的也可以用排除法,这不是学术文章排除B项。C项有迷惑性,要好好翻译,这不是科技类说明文。更不是项目手册,更像是一种宣传。
    24.C 这道题要求逻辑推理。首先要知道题干中Khslil提到的”the practice f prisns“是什么,在第二段中指的是“The statistics said sme prisns frecast the number f prisn cells they are ging t build in the future based n third-grade reading test scres.”(统计数据显示,一些监狱根据三年级阅读测试成绩预测了未来将建造的牢房数量。)侧面说明了文盲率越高,犯罪率越高。这与C项“为了暗示文盲的结果”相符合。
    25. B 这种题目需要仔细翻译第三段内容。这段比较难翻译“be spurred n”(受到激励)。如果词汇量够大,直接是对应了B项。其他均用排除法可以一一排除,注意选项中的一些限定词容易无中生有。
    26. C 该题的依据在第四段,“As they began, ne f the main issues the family fund, cntributing t illiteracy, was representatin—children are, nt as excited abut reading when they dn’t find themselves reflected in the pages f the bk.”(当他们开始时,这个家庭发现的导致文盲的主要问题之一是代表性——当孩子们发现自己没有反映在书中时,他们对阅读并不那么兴奋)也就是图书的代表性不足,选择C项。
    27. D 这本书是Selah为了解决儿童图书代表性问题而写的一本书。倒数第二段有句话“Selah then decided t write a bk f her wn that features a herine wh lks like her and shares her same interests and sense f adventure.”(Selah随后决定写一本自己的书,书中的女主角长得像她,有着相同的兴趣和冒险精神。)因此,很容易得出D项,注意细节。
    28. A 该题也有直接的依据,在文章的第二段“Accrding t a March 6 survey cnducted by the Savings website, 47 percent f parents prvide sme degree f financial supprt t their adult children t help deal with the cst f living struggles.”(根据储蓄网站3月6日进行的一项调查,47%的父母为成年子女提供一定程度的经济支持,以帮助他们应对生活成本问题。),这就对应了A项中的将近一半的成年子女经济上是不独立的。其他的不要想太多。
    29. B 这道题倒不是很难,首先第四段谈到这种现象发生的原因之一是食物价格的上涨。第五段开始,有“Meanwhile“这说明在谈第二个原因,即稳定的住所。这是一个大多数人来说难以实现的梦想。
    30. D 该题的依据在倒数第二段”AS Gen Zers in the US struggle under financial pressures, s d the lder generatins supprting them, as their genersity puts their prspects fr retirement at risk.“(当美国的Z世代在经济压力下挣扎时,支持他们的老一辈人也是如此,因为他们的慷慨使他们的退休前景面临风险。)所以,不管是年轻人还是老人都面临着经济压力。
    31. C 这里还是考查翻译能力。在文章的最后一段”Essentially, while the US ecnmy remains aflat, we might witness multiple generatins f Americans sinking in their wn lifebats in the years ahead.“(从本质上讲,在美国经济保持运转的同时,我们可能会在未来几年目睹几代美国人在自己的救生艇上沉没。)所以,作者的态度比较悲观。
    第32题 D 根据文章第三段”The brain-like tissues the researchers used, als,knwn as brain rganids (类器官) weren’t part f a living persn’s brain. They were “grwn” frm human stem cells, which are capable f prducing different types f cells and frming bdy tissues.“(研究人员使用的类脑组织,也被称为类器官,不是活人大脑的一部分。它们是由人类干细胞“生长”而来的,干细胞能够产生不同类型的细胞并形成身体组织。)因此,这是一种特定的人类细胞。
    33. A 在声音识别测试中Brinware实现了什么?依据在第三段后面,”T test Brainware, the researchers used it fr vice recgnitin by training it with 240 Japanese recrdings spken by eight speakers. They fund that the rganid reacted different tward each vice. With an accuracy f 78 percent, it successfully identified the speakers by shwing different neural activities.“(为了测试Brainware,研究人员使用它进行语音识别,用八个说话者说的240段日语录音对其进行训练。他们发现,类器官对每种声音的反应都不同。准确率为78%,它通过显示不同的神经活动成功地识别了说话者。)它对每种声音的反应都不同说明他能识别不同的声音。
    34. D 根据倒数第二段,”What’s special abut Brainware is that researchers can take advantage f the rganid’s cmplexity withut understanding its cell netwrks, accrding t Daily Mail. In ther wrds, scientists dn’t need t knw exactly hw the rganid wrks in rder t use it.“(据《每日邮报》报道,Brainware的独特之处在于,研究人员可以在不了解其细胞网络的情况下利用类器官的复杂性。换句话说,科学家不需要确切地知道类器官是如何工作的,就可以使用它。)因此,这直接对应了D项。
    35. B 该题比较简单,通读最后一段就可以知道,Brainware未来可能在人工智能喝医疗等领域发挥作用。
    36-40 CGEDA
    36. A 根据下文“Rain sunds can mask ther sharper nises in yur envirnment.”(雨声可以掩善你周围环境中其他更尖锐的噪音。)可知,本段主要讲雨声可以掩盖其它声音。故A选项“雨声掩盖了其他声音。”切题。故选A项。
    37. C 根据上文“With a masking backgrund f wind in the leaves r a sft rain, the drip wuld never be detected.”(有了树叶上的风或柔和的雨的掩蔽背景,滴水声永远不会被发现。)可知,选项承接上文说明雨声的作用。故C选项“所以雨声可以创造一种平静的背景噪音。”切题。故选C项。
    38. D 根据上文“By masking backgrund sunds,rain tacks might seem like they're just rdinary white——but they aren't.(通过掩盖背景音,雨声可能nise看起来只是普通的白噪音——但事实并非如此。)”和下文“which are named after clrs.”(它们以颜色命名)可知,选项承接下文说明白色噪音的定义。故D选项“白噪音是一个专业术语,指各种各样的声音”切题。故选D项。
    39. E 根据上文“'In additin t helping peple fall asleep, rain sunds can be simply relaxing.”(雨声除了能帮助人们入睡,还能让人放松。)和下文“As evidence pints t their psychlgical benefits,including increased cgnitive (认知的) capacity and reduced anxiety and stress.(有证据表明,它们对心理有好处,包括提高认知能力、减少焦虑和压力。)”可知,选项承接上文说明其原因。故E选项“这可能是因为它们是一种自然的声音”切题。其中选项中的they指代前文提到的rain sunds。故选E项。
    40. G 根据上文“Rain sunds might help sme peple, but they're nt fr everyne.”(雨声可能对某些人有帮助,但并不适合所有人)和后文“One persn's gentle rain is anther's fd wrry r need t g t the bathrm.(一个人的细雨是另一个人的食物担忧或上厕所的需要。)”可知,不同的人对雨声会有不同的反应。故G选项““不同的声音会引起不同的反应,这取决于个体。”切题。故选G项。
    41-45 ADCBB 46-50 ACDBA 51-55 DCACB
    41. A 结合空格前后文,2003年,68岁的我第一次作为一名单口相声演员上台表演,并且我不知道观众会怎么看我,因此可以推测第一次演出我是害怕的,故选A。B 珍贵的,C 熟悉的,D 私人的。
    42. D 在纽约,戏剧是怎样年轻人,并且作为一个女人这足够困难。由前文可知,作者属于年纪较大的相声演员。我们可以推断,在纽约,戏剧通常是年轻演员,故选D。A 相当地,B 绝对地,C 最终。
    43. C 作者作为一个女性单口相声演员足够困难怎样。A 被欺骗,B 忍受、提名,C 突破、成功,符合前后文句意。故选C。
    44. B 但是甚至更困难对于一个足够怎么样而成为他们的祖母的人。根据句意,我们可知,作者年纪足够大,故选B。
    45. B 当我第一次站上台,人们很明显地震惊的怎样我。由句意可知,人们震惊地看到我。故选B。
    46. A 我介绍了自己,说了我的年龄,尝试了我的第一个笑话。但是当我进入第三次,人们终于笑了。因此,可知空格中应为安静,故选A。
    47. C 甚至今天,我怎么样在我迈出去之前。A 激动的,B 感激的,C紧张的,符合句意,故选C。
    48. D 我的第一个什么是“大家好,我..." A 惊喜,B 策略,C 宽慰,D 台词。故选D。
    49. B 我和你们说这个怎样我不能撑到最后。有前文可知,作者年纪很大了,因此可以推断空格中应填防止,故选B. A 好像、仿佛,C 尽管、虽然,D 因为。故选B。
    50. A 在一次表演结束,年轻人、老人都过来和我说我是一个什么。他们说他们也想和我一样积极活跃,当他们怎样。可以推测,作者起到了一个振奋人心的作用。故选A。B 娱乐消遣,C 危机,D 沮丧。
    51. D 当他们到了我的什么,也想像我一样活跃。联系上下文,可知,观众也想在我的年龄像我一样活跃。故选D。
    52. C 我很开心因为我可以怎样其他人。联系上下文,给观众表现了积极活泼。A 建议,B 挑战,C 展示,符合题意,故选C。
    53. A 作为一个老人,你不需要在生活中退居二线,你已经得到了更多的什么。作者以自己为例,即使年纪大依然走上舞台。故选A 你已得到更多的证明。B 公开,C 反对,F 请求。故选A。
    54. C 去年,我被公认为世界上年龄最大的单人脱口相声女演员,但是我没有停止我的喜剧工作。A 使命、任务,B 原则,C 意图打算,符合句意,故选C。我没有停止我戏剧工作的打算。
    55. B 我的目标是还在舞台上使人们怎么样。由上文可知,作者作为一个相声演员,让观众笑,因此选B。
    56.has been bserved 57.which 58.it 59.that 60.meaningful 61.when 62.affecting 63.tends 64.Hwever 65.t explre
    58. it 指代前面的"happiness",为宾语。
    59. that 引导同位语从句,解释"the sense"的内容。

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