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    本试卷共14页;满分150分 完成时间130分钟。
    (其中, 第一部分20分, 第二、三、四部分 120÷12×13=130分)
    一、听说考试 (共两节;满分20分)
    第一节 角色扮演(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)
    任务:(1)与同学 Mary谈论爱心义卖的话题;
    生词: available 有空闲的; pster海报
    Nw please ask the speaker three questins. Yu have twenty secnds t prepare the questin. When yu hear a beep, begin t ask the questin.
    Nw please get ready t answer five questins. Yu are allwed ten secnds t prepare the answer. When yu hear a beep, begin t answer the questin.
    4. Whm will the mney be dnated t?
    5. What time will the activity start?
    6. Hw lng did it take t cllect the bks?
    7. Where were the psters put up?
    8. Where did Mary get the idea?
    第二节 故事复述(共8小题;每小题1.5分,满分12分)
    In this part, yu are required t listen t a stry twice, and then retell the stry in yur wn wrds.
    关键词: strawberry(草莓) went bad(变坏) upladed(上传)
    attracted(吸引) shting(拍摄)
    Sell Strawberries
    Tm was a 17-year-ld by wh grew up in the Nrtheast f China. His hmetwn was a 9 that had rich resurces. Strawberries grwn there were sweet and juicy. Tm's parents earned their living by grwing and selling the strawberries. One day, Tm went back hme, after class as usual. When he gt hme, he fund that his parents were 10 because nbdy bught their strawberries. Sme f them even went bad and 11 Jn the grund. Tm wanted t help his parents s he began thinking abut hw t sell the strawberry. He tk pictures f the strawberry. Then he upladed the pictures 12 . At first, the pictures attracted sme peple t buy the prduct. After 13 weeks, Tm came up with a better idea f shting a shrt vide. He made up a stry and 14 the prduct in it. Surprisingly, the vide attracted a lt f peple t buy the prduct after watching it. Sme peple frm ther areas even drve a lng way t visit the garden and 15 stmwberries. Thanks t Tm, his parents made mney eventually. Tm was s 16 f helping his parents with his effrt. He was cnsidering making strawberry juice and strawberry jams the next year.
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Enter Our Shrt Stry Cmpetitin 2024
    Welcme t ur Shrt Stry Cmpetitin 2024 t shw the wrld yur strytelling talents! Nte that there are sme changes t last year's cmpetitin rules. If yu have any questins r cncerns, ask us befre submitting yur stry.
    Please ensure that yur submissins are cmpletely new and nt previusly published Yur stry must have uplifting elements and be limited between 250 and 300 wrds in length.
    Please include yur name、preferred email address r pstal address fr pssible awards in the bdy f the email with the stry attached. Dn't put yur persnal infrmatin anywhere in yur stry.
    There are three categries — ne fr adults and tw categries fr schls: ne fr children aged 12-18 and ne fr children under 12.
    In the adults categry, the winner will receive £1,000 and the runner-up will receive £250.
    In the children aged 12-18 categry, the winner will receive a £200 bk vucher (代金券) r a branded tablet and a £100 bk vucher, and the runner-up will receive a £100bk vucher.
    In the children under 12 categry, the winner will receive a £100 f bk vucher r a branded tablet and a£50 bk vucher, and the runner-up will receive a £50 bk vucher.
    Other Items
    Please submit yur stries by July 15,2024 either nline r by psting ffline.
    The judge team cnsisting f ur editrs and sme prfessinal writers will pick a shrtlist(入围名单) f entries, and the three best stries in each categry will be psted nline at n ur website n August 1, 2024.
    Yu can vte fr yur favrite, and the ne with the mst vtes will win the tp prize. Vting will clse n Nvember 30, 2024 and the winning entries will be published n December 31,2024.
    17.What is a qualifying stry accrding t the rules?
    A. A stry that has wn sme awardsB. A stry which is riginal.
    C. A stry f ver 300 wrds.D. A stry with persnal infrmatin
    18. What prize can a by aged 17 win if he takes the first place?
    A. As much as£250.B. A branded tablet.
    C. A£200 bk vucher.D. A£100 bk vucher.
    19. Wh will finally determine the winners?
    A. Vters.B. Editrs.
    C. The judge team.D. Prfessinal writers.
    Michael Priscilla is a yung architect with a blg that J fllw. In a pst, he described hw in 2005, he rde cast-t-cast, 4,547 miles t Prtland, Oregn, and he ended up staying there. He thught his experience changed his life.
    The stry resnated with me, because when I was 17, the summer befre I went int architecture schl, I did much the same thing, and it changed my life t. I did nt g quite as far, traveling 2,700 miles t Vancuver.
    But it was still a very lng way and in 1970, nbdy was riding bikes. Our diet nly cnsisted f a laf r white bread and a jar f peanut butter each meal, r dinner with ther peple in the campgrunds wh were just amazed that we were ding this. Equipment was primitive and we had n sunscreen.
    But, as it was fr Michael, it was a life-changing experience. I have never frgtten that everything weighs smething and every unce matters: in architecture I always tended tward light and prtable and simple. I learned that peple f all ages and rigins are generally really, really nice and helpful and friendly. When I gt back t architecture schl, I saw the wrld differently, understd space and time differently, and I dn't think that ever left me.
    Ging with the flw, having a gd attitude and just being pen t accept whatever happens, is the frmula (公式) t having an amazing experience. Wrrying and planning t much stps any experience frm ever taking place. This is a hard lessn t learn.
    Nwadays, lts f peple f all ages are ding it. In America and Eurpe, bicycle turism has becme a big deal, with ne website nting that bicycle vacatins are the new trend. Perhaps crssing the entire cuntry is a bit much, but reading Michael's pst makes me want t get back n my bike and take a gd lng ride.
    20. What can we learn abut Michael's and the authr's cycling ?
    A. They tk place in the same year.
    B. They had great influence n life.
    C. They had the same finishing pint,
    D. They cvered mre than 4,000 miles.
    21. Which f the fllwing best describes the authr's bicycling experience?
    A. Rmantic but lnely.B. Wnderful but unsafe.
    C. Risky but meaningful.D. Challenging but rewarding.
    22. What advice will the authr mst likely give t the eyelists?
    A. Find a gd cmpanin.B. Dn't make t many plans.
    C. Buy a cmfrtable bike.D. Chse a nice rute.
    23. What is the purpse f this passage?
    A. T recall an experience.B. T intrduce a blgger.
    C. T recmmend a tur rute.D. T explain a phenmenn.
    An academic paper published in Nature Human Behavir n July 1 suggested smart technlgy is nt making peple mre stupid but is, in fact, allwing peple t learn mre. The paper said that despite the fierce attack f smart technlgy that has influenced peple's daily lives, it actually helps peple t becme mre excellent rather than less intelligent.
    Fr example, if a persn needs directins fr hw t get t a nearby stadium t attend a game, withut smart technlgy, he wuld have t fish ut a map, figure ut where the stadium is n that map, and then determine a reasnable rute frm his current lcatin t his destinatin. Hwever, with smart technlgy, the persn culd simply type in the lcatin and have directins, find parking and even pick a place t cat C . and in mre minutes, freeing up rm in their brains t take in ther infrmatin.
    The“ppular descriptin”surrunding smart technlgy is that it blcks a persn's cgnitive (认知的) abilities such as memry, the paper cntinued. "And when participants expected infrmatin t later be accessible n the cmputer, they were less likely t remember what its cntent was, but mre likely t remember where it culd be fund. These effects were temprary and they emerged when access t digital technlgy r infrmatin stred there was available, nt when access was unavailable," the paper cntinued.
    The researchers did recgnize that lng-term use f smart technlgy did diminish peple's abilities t perfrm cgnitive tasks, such as "switching between tasks, remembering things, and paying attentin." Hwever, they said these effects were related t using technlgy a lt, but nt necessarily caused by it.
    24. What did the paper find abut smart technlgy?
    A. It blcks memry abilities.
    B. It ccupies mre memry space.
    C. It makes peple mre brilliant.
    D. It allws peple t study less.
    25. Why des the authr give an example in paragraph 2?
    A. T highlight the functin f brains.
    B. T prve the imprtance f maps.
    C. T stress the strengths f smart technlgy.
    D. T shw the ways f chsing directins.
    26. What des the underlined wrd "diminish" prbably mean?
    A. Imprve. B. Weaken. C. Assess. D. Keep.
    27. In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Health. B. Culture. C. Science. D. Educatin.
    Kelp(海藻) is a plant-like seaweed that can grw many tens f meters lng. It frms huge frests that rise frm the seabed t the surface and act as a habitat fr many animals, playing a rle in helping t reduce climate change, including rising temperatures. These underwater frests can take carbn dixide —ne f the main gases respnsible fr climate change — ut f the air and replace it with xygen.
    Hwever, satellite images shw the area f kelp frests ff the cast f nrthern Califrnia has fallen by 95% since 2013. This is caused in part by warming seas ( kelp grws best in cld water ) but it's als linked t a disease that has destryed lcal starfish. The starfish ate sea urchins(海胆) , and the sea urchins fed n kelp. As starfish numbers fell, the urchins gt ut f cntrl, eating large areas f kelp frests. Yet within these barren areas, healthy Kelp still survives and scientists think that the sea tters(海獭) are helpful. They play an imprtant rle in the survival f threatened giant kelp frests.
    The tters lve t eat sea urchins. S well, in fact, that the sea tter ppulatin in the area has risen frm arund 270 t 432. The furry sea tters are eating three times mre sea urchins than they did befre 2013, but researchers including Jshua Smith, at the University f Califrnia Santa Cruz, nticed smething interesting: the tters act like gardeners clearing urchins in the kelp frests but ignring thse in the barren areas. This may be because the frest urchins are rich in nutrients frm the kelp, whereas thse in the barren areas make a pr meal. "Yu pen them up and they're empty," said Smith.
    The sea tters' gardening keeps the kelp healthy, ffering hpe fr the future f kelp frests. Fr nw, urchins lie in wait if the kelp tries t grw larger.
    28. What is the functin f kelp?
    A. It gives ff carbn dixide.
    B. It changes the diversity f sea species.
    C. It prvides a habitat fr animals in the frest.
    D. It cntributes t the reductin f glbal warming.
    29. What caused the decline f kelp?
    A. Severe disease f kelp.B. Overgrwth f sea tters.
    C. Drp it cean temperature.D. Decrease in the number f starfish.
    30 What can we knw abut sea tters?
    A. They lve t eat starfish.
    B. They are mre active in barren areas.
    C. They have been increasing since 2013.
    D. They help cntrl the ppulatin f sea urchins.
    31. What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Kelp Influences Climate Change
    B. Kelp in Danger: Strategies Shuld be Taken
    C. Sea Otters Keep Kelp Frests Alive
    D. Sea Urchins: Main Threat t Kelp Frest
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Hw t Have an Attractive Persnality
    Being attractive cmes mre frm yur persnality than yur appearance, and displaying an attractive persnality is key t having lasting relatinships. 32 And the fllwing tips help develp yur ability t fascinate thers.
    Laugh at yurself.
    If yu make a fl f yurself, laugh at yurself instead f feeling embarrassed. It shws that yu're cmfrtable in yur skin. 1 sense f humr makes smene mre engaging and delightful t be with. 33 It is a great ice-breaker r stress reliever, but dn't ruin a serius cnversatin with unsuitable jkes.
    Speak sincerely.
    Tell peple the truth. If yu can't cmmit t smething, it's better t be hnest abut it than t have t tell them last minute that yu can't make it. When peple ask fr yur pinin, yu shuld be hnest. 34 . Fr instance, if yu dn't like yur friend's shirt, respnd with "I really like yu in blue instead," rather than "I hate it, it's ugly."
    If yu see value in making thers laugh and keep yurself psitive, yu'll be a happier persn, making thers drawn t yu as a result. A great way t remind yu t laugh mre is t have daily jkes n yur phne r email. Set them fr a time f day when yu ntice yurself start t feel tired.
    Have cnfidence in yur bdy.
    Yu dn't have t have the "perfect bdy" t be cnfident in it, Peple will be mre attracted t yu if yu dress well and carry yurself well. If yu need a little bst, place psters arund yur mirrr that remind yu f the charming parts f yur bdy. 36
    A. Make laughing a pririty.
    B. Speak in a psitive way.
    C. Actually, it's nt t hard t create interesting persnalities.
    D. There is difference between being frank and rude, thugh.
    E. Remember, there is a time and place fr humr.
    F. But having charming appearance is nly skin-deep and far frm enugh.
    G. Cncentrate n these rather than what yu're self-cnscius abut yur bdy.
    第一节 (共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
    Music is my first lve. I can sit dwn at the pian and 37 all abut my prblems. During the lwest mment in my life, music was my greatest cmfrt.
    After 38 service in the army, I became an irn wrker. A few years ag, the ne-bedrm apartment I 39 in Massachusetts was sld, Thugh the landlrd (房东)gave me tw mnths rent-free t find a new place t live, nthing affrdable 40 . Eventually, I packed up my 41 and slept in my car, thinking it wuld nly be 42 . But weeks turned int mnths and the mnths int years. The ne thing that kept me alive was 43 . While I had develped cataracts(白内障), nthing culd keep my fingers frm finding the right keys.
    One Christmas Eve, I was driving t where I wuld 44 my car and sleep at night when anther car came arund the crner and int my way. With my nly hme destryed, I felt as if my life were ut f 45 and wuld never get back n key again.
    46 Bruce Knight, a retired firefighter, drve me t a 47 shelter in Maine, where I met case managers frm Vlunteers f America's Veterans Services. With their help, I mved int their transitinal husing, and gt the surgery I needed t 48 my eyesight. Almst every day, I'd play fr hurs, 49 lst in the music. Peple wuld gather arund my pian, singing and 50 .
    Thinking back t thse days, I realize hw blessed I've been that peple have helped me when I culdn't 51 hw t help myself. They tk me in, and encuraged me t make music.
    37. A. cause B. frget C. find D. handle
    38. A. escaping B. beginning C. quitting D. cntinuing
    39. A. rent B. built C. bught D. decrated
    40. A. tk n B. set in C. went dwn D. turned up
    41. A. instruments B. pians C. clthes D. belngings
    42. A. cnstant B. riginal C. temprary D. nrmal
    43. A. water B. exercise C. fd D. music
    44. A. repair B. park C. crash D. wash
    45. A. tune B. reach C. place D. sight
    46. A. Regardless f B. Instead f C. Thanks t D. Aside frm
    47. A. simple B. hmeless C. perfect D. cmfrtable
    48. A. affect B. test C. restre D. keep
    49. A. entirely B. seriusly C. bviusly D. slightly
    50. A. arguing B. clapping C. cnducting D. discussing
    51. A. agree B. see C. prve D. ffer
    第二节 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)
    Over the 5,000 years f Chinese histry, the Chinese dragn used t be a ttem(图腾). Over time, it has transfrmed int 52 Chinese icn representing the spirit f the Chinese natin. Legend ges that the Chinese dragn can fly and has the magic al pwer 53 (cntrl) wind and rain, s can spurt water frm its muth t prvide timely rainfall t ensure a gd harvest.
    Acrss the vast land f China, the dragn 54 (admire) by rdinary peple. Its images and names, 55 can be fund in architectural structures and decratins, symblise the cultural 56 (imprt. ant) and value.
    When the Chinese name newbrn babies, lng, the prnunciatin f Chinese dragn in Mandarin, is a 57 trequent) selected character, especially fr bys brn in the Year f the Dragn, because it is hped that they will grw as strng and energetic as a dragn.
    In recent years, sme Chinese 58 (try) t translate lng int "Lng". N matter which way lng is translated, it is wrth 59 (nte) that the Chinese dragn is a psitive, dignified, warm and jyful image, much different 60 that f the Western dragn. As 2024 is the Year f the Dragn, 61 is necessary t give a clear interpretatin f this term s as t prevent misunderstanding.
    第一节 (满分15分)
    参考词汇:社区服务 cmmunity service
    第二节 (满分25分)
    I lved writing. It was a hbby. But my high schl English teacher, Rachel Green was determined t make me an authr. Her cmments were mre than just abut fixing grammatical errrs. She wrte questins t make my essays mre detailed; she underlined passages that she agreed with. Her letters always started with hw prud she was that I was brave enugh t write the truth, hw she saw ptential in me. I enjyed her wrds — read them ver and ver.
    I needed this care, this recgnitin. I was the last Watsn child t attend Jeffersn High Schl. My sister Cheryl was knwn fr being ne f the star writers f the schl newspaper. Dyan, anther sister, was gd at playing the pian. My sisters were invlved in all types f after-schl activities: cheer-leading, vlleyball, track and student gvernment. While I was the little ne fllwing them like a shadw. N ne nticed my existence except Ms Green.
    Adjusting t high schl was challenging, and I felt insecure. On the first day f my high schl, a teacher greeted me with a hug, saying, "Yu have sme big shes t fill." Then she shwed me the trphy case(奖杯橱窗) in the hallway. I immediately recgnized tw: Cheryl and Dyan. I was inspired, yes, but mstly wrried. My Spanish was s-s. I gt gd grades but was nt a straight A's student. I lved music, but I wasn't gd at playing any musical instruments. Wrse still, I never dared t share my stry in frnt f my class. I tried t walk in my sisters' shes, but they didn't fit. I tried t fllw their steps, but it's t hard, really.
    One day, Ms Green invited me t read my new stry in frnt f my class in the writing lessn next week. My heart skipped a beat and disbelief washed ver me. I murmured my anxiety abut being laughed at. Strking my hair gently, Ms Green assured me that my stry full f fantasy wuld win everyne's heart. Days seemed t be minutes.
    注意:1.续写词数应为 150左右;
    Dcar Max,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Befre I knew it, the big day came!
    After class, I went t my teacher's ffice t express my thanks.
    潮州市2023—2024 学年度第二学期期末高二级英语质量检测卷
    第一部分 听说考试 (共两节;满分20分)
    第一节 角色扮演 (共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)
    1. What d yu need t prepare fr this activity?
    2. Hw many peple will take part in \jin in this activity?
    3. Wh came up with \thught abut this idea?
    4. The mney will be dnated t peple in need.
    5. It will start at 10 a. m.
    6. Three mnths.
    7. The psters were put up in every classrm in the teaching building.
    8. She gt the idea frm TV news.
    第二节 故事复述(共8小题;每小题1.5分,满分12分)
    9. village 10. wrried 11. fell 12. nline
    13. tw 14. intrduced 15. pick 16. prud
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节;满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    17~19 BCA 20~23 BDBA 24~27 CCBC 28~31 DDDC
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分 12.5分)
    32~36 CEDAG
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节;满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    37~41 BCADD 42~46 CDBAC 47~51 BCABB
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    52. a 53. t cntrl 54. is admired 55. which 56. imprtance
    57. frequently 58. have tried 59. nting 60. frm 61. it
    第四部分 写作 (共两节;满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Max,
    I'm glad t receive yur letter asking me abut whether ur schl requires us t take part in cmmunity service.
    As a matter f fact, ur schl rganizes a wide variety f cmmunity service activities n a regular basis, such as ging t the ld peple's hme and visiting the children's hspital and s n. Frm my pint f view, I find cmmunity service incredibly rewarding as it nt nly benefits thse in need but als helps us grw as individuals. It's a valuable pprtunity t make a psitive impact n ur cmmunity and develp a sense f respnsibility.
    Abve are my pinins n cmmunity service. I lk frward t hearing yur thughts!
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    One pssible versin:
    Befre I knew it, the big day came! My heart beating wildly and legs trembling, I stepped nt the platfrm. "Once. upn..." I uttered every wrd with a tied tngue. Everyne waited in silence. But seeing Ms Green's encuraging smile, I tk a deep breath and illustrated my stry in a mdest tne. Gradually, everyne gt immersed in the fantasy wrld f my stry. N sner had I finished my stry than my class burst int a rund f applause. And Ms Green ndded appreciatively.
    After class, I went t my teacher's ffice t express my thanks. Upn seeing Ms Green, tears f gratitude welled up in my eyes, and I added emtinally, "Ms Green, it's yur recgnitin and guidance that have enabled me t recgnize my unique talent." She hugged me tightly in her arms, whispering in my ear, "Yu are bund t be a great authr and believe in yurself." Since then, I have created mre excellent wrks. Deep in mind, I knw I culd walk in my wn shes and becme the best versin f myself.
    第一节 角色扮演
    M: Hell, Mary.
    W: Hell, Tm. Will yu be available this Sunday mrning?
    M: I am ging t visit my aunt. What's yur plan?
    W: An activity will be held this Sunday mrning. We will sell bks and dnate the mney t help peple in need.
    M: Great! I will take part in the activity with yu.
    W: OK. When are we ging t meet each ther? The activity will start at 10 a. m.
    M: OK. Let's meet at the schl gate at 9:40.
    W: OK.
    Questin 1: What d yu need t prepare fr this activity?
    Answer1: Well, it is a lng prcess. First f all, the bks are imprtant. We spent three mnths cllecting the bks. Students sent us all kinds f bks including nvels, cmic bks and magazines. We then spent ne week selecting these bks. Finally, we made the bks clean enugh t sell.
    Questin 2: Hw many peple will take part in \jin in this activity?
    Answer 2: It is difficult t answer. We put ur psters up in every classrm in the teaching building. We hpe that all the students can jin us. In this meaningful activity, they can bth buy the bks they need and help peple in need.
    Questin 3:Wh came up with\ thught abut this idea?
    Answer 3: Me. I was watching TV news that day. I knew frm the news that students used many bks every year. After using fr a shrt time, students didn't knw hw t reuse the bks. S why nt cllect bks they wuldn't use any mre and then sell them t ther students? The mney will be dnated t peple in need.
    4. Questin 1: Whm will the mney be dnated t?
    Answer 1: The mney will be dnated t peple in need.
    5. Questin 2: What time will the activity start?
    Answer 2: It will start at 10 a. m.
    6. Questin 3: Hw lng did it take t cllect the bks?
    Answer 3: Three mnths.
    7. Questin 4: Where were the psters put up?
    Answer 4: The psters were put up in every classrm in the teaching building.
    8. Questin 5: Where did Mary get the idea?
    Answer 5: She gt the idea frm TV news.
    第二节 故事复述
    Sell Strawberries
    Tm was a 17-year-ld by wh grew up in the Nrtheast f China. His hmetwn was a village that had rich resurces. Strawberries grwn there were sweet and juicy. Tm's parents earned their living by grwing and selling the strawberries. One day, Tm went back hme after class as usual. When he gt hme, he fund that his parents were wrried because nbdy bught their strawberries. Sme f them even went bad and fell n the grund. Tm wanted t help his parents s he began thinking abut hw t sell the strawberry. He tk pictures f the strawberry. Then he upladed the pictures nline. At first, the pictures attracted sme peple t buy the prduct. After tw weeks, Tm came up with a better idea f shting a shrt vide. He made up a stry and intrduced the prduct in it. Surprisingly, the vide attracted a lt f peple t buy the prduct after watching it. Sme peple frm ther areas even drve a lng way t visit the garden and pick strawberries. Thanks t Tm, his parents made mney eventually. Tm was s prud f helping his parents with his effrt. He was cnsidering making strawberry juice and strawberry jams the next year.

    湖南省郴州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份湖南省郴州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附答案),共12页。试卷主要包含了 15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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