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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. When will the man send a fax t the wman?
    A. At abut 1:30.B. At abut 2:30.C. At abut 3:30.
    2. Why des the man want t mve?
    A. T be near his cmpany. B. T g t a gd schl. C. T live in a big huse.
    3. What will the man d tmrrw evening?
    A. Plan the schedule.B. Have a meeting.C. Meet Mr. Cper.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Christmas gifts.B. A cin cllectin.C. Family members.
    5. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Dctr and patient. C. Teacher and student.
    6. What time will the speakers arrive at the hall?
    A. At 10:00.B. At 10:30.C. At 10:35.
    7. Hw des the man feel nw?
    A. Nervus.B. Bred.C. Cnfident.
    8. What seems t bther Paul?
    A. He lst his car keys. B. He frgt t pick up his aunt. C. He can’t drive his car nw.
    9. Where will the speakers g next?
    A. The hspital.B. The airprt.C. Paul’s huse.
    10. What is the wman?
    A. An actress.B. A reprter.C. A hstess.
    11. What shuld the interviewer d first in the telephne interview?
    A. Write dwn the questins.
    B. Make a self-intrductin t the interviewee.
    C. Tell the interviewee the purpse f the interview.
    12. What is imprtant t the interviewer while listening?
    A. Taking ntes carefully. B. Sharing pinins. C. Stpping talking.
    13. Hw many Canadian cities are larger than Quebec?
    A. 7.B. 8.C. 9.
    14. Which seasn is the mst beautiful in Quebec accrding t Nancy?
    A. Spring.B. Fall.C. Winter.
    15. What language d mst peple speak in Quebec?
    A. French.B. English.C. Spanish.
    16. What is Nancy’s favrite city?
    A. Paris.B. Quebec.C. New Yrk.
    17. What is the great news abut Alice Green?
    A. She’s gt a prmtin.
    B. She’s mved t a big city.
    C. She’s just fund a well-paid jb.
    18. What did Alice Green d fr the cmpany last year?
    A. She set up a new department.
    B. She helped increase the sales.
    C. She develped a new prduct.
    19. What d peple in the speaker’s cmpany care abut mst?
    A. High technlgies.B. Sales figures.C. Public praise.
    20. What will Alice Green prbably d next?
    A. Give a speech.B. Change her ffice.C. Meet sme custmers.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Natural Life E-Bks by Educatin Expert Wendy Priesnitz
    Beynd Schl: Living As If Schl Desn’t Exist
    This is a lng-awaited furth bk abut life learning. It’s a cllectin f 17 essays abut hw families and individuals can live and learn withut struggles, and with trust, respect, and dignity. Tgether, they create ways t help children learn abut tday’s wrld while becming equipped t live in tmrrw’s.
    Green & Healthy Hmes
    The bk will help yu and yur family make yur hme greener and healthier, and save mney t. It includes tips n making yur wn cleaning supplies and advice n hw t cnserve water, avid dangerus husehld chemicals and use rganic materials fr yur hme.
    Life Learning: Lessns Frm the Educatinal Frntier
    This is a unique cllectin f 30 essays abut the stry f learning written by parents and yung peple wh have experienced it first-hand. It includes learning t read and d math withut being taught, learning what’s wrng with educatin at present, learning in the real wrld, and much mre.
    Challenging Assumptins in Educatin: Frm Institutinalized Educatin t a Learning Sciety
    This bk explains why life learners help their children live and learn, and prvides inspiratin and supprt fr families wh have chsen that exciting path. It als challenges pen-minded readers — including teachers, parents, and lawmakers — t transfrm the public educatin system, using what hmeschlers knw abut hw children learn.
    ★ We’re pleased t ffer yu free PDF dwnlads f these e-Bks.
    ★ PDF digital frmat nly. Click here fr mre infrmatin and a limited-time free dwnlad.
    21. What d we knw abut Beynd Schl?
    A. Its teaching methds are frm schls. B. It’s abut survival skills utside schl.
    C. It fcuses n making yur life greener. D. It better prepares kids fr the future wrld.
    22. Which bk features real life examples?
    A. Beynd Schl. B. Green & Healthy Hmes.
    C. Life Learning. D. Challenging Assumptins in Educatin.
    23. Where is the passage mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A website. B. A magazine. C. A reprt. D. A textbk.
    Gldfish have pretty bring lives, s maybe it’s a gd thing that they can nly cncentrate fr nine secnds! But accrding t a new research, humans are becming like gldfish. Our attentin span (时长) is getting shrter and it’s all because f technlgy.
    “We mve quickly frm ne site t anther n the web,” says Dctr Ted Selker, a cmputer scientist frm Massachusetts, “and we are lsing the ability t cncentrate.” With millins f websites t chse frm, the attentin span f the average Internet user is just secnds. There are ther digital distractins (分心) t: e-mail, instant messaging and quickie mvies n websites.
    Sme peple are wrried abut the effect n yung peple. “Yu need time t understand and think abut what yu read”, says Julia Wd, frm Lndn. “Yung peple search the net all the time and their brains becme full f useless infrmatin but there is n time t make sense f it. I am trying t persuade my pupils t read mre bks, s that they cncentrate n ne subject fr lnger.”
    Other teachers are trying mre unusual methds t imprve students’ cncentratin. Anne Savan, frm Wales, was s wrried abut her students that she started playing Mzart during her science lessns. She says that it had an amazing effect, “The music made them calmer, and their cncentratin was much better.”
    But nt everyne believes that there is a prblem. Ray Cle, an educatinal psychlgist says, “On the web, yung peple learn t make quick decisins abut what is and isn’t wrth reading. They might lk at five unhelpful websites very quickly, befre stpping and reading a sixth useful website mre carefully. In a wrld with s much infrmatin available, this is an imprtant skill.”
    24.Why are humans becming like gldfish?
    A.They have a wealthy life. B.They like t g fishing.
    C.They are influenced by digital distractins. D.They feed mre gldfish in their life.
    25.What may be the reasn f human’s lsing the ability t cncentrate?
    A.There are t many Internet users.B.They have t skip arund the Internet.
    C.They can mve very quickly.D.They are t yung t cncentrate.
    26.What will help students deal with the shrt attentin span prblem?
    A.Receiving emails.B.Texting messages.
    C.Watching quickie mvies.D.Reading mre bks.
    27.What is Ray Cle’s attitude twards lking thrugh websites quickly?
    What Makes a Sccer Player Great?
    Sccer is played by millins f peple all ver the wrld, but there have been nly a few players wh were truly great. Hw did these players get that way — was it thrugh training and practice, r are great players “brn nt made”?
    Firstly, these players came frm places that have had famus stars in the past — players that a yung by can lk up t (敬仰) and try t imitate. In the histry f sccer, nly six cuntries have ever wn the Wrld Cup, three frm Suth America and three frm Eurpe. There has never been a natinal team r a really great player frm Nrth America r frm Asia.
    Secndly, these players all had years f practice in the game. Alfred Di Stefan was the sn f a sccer player, as was Pele. Mst players began playing the game at the age f three r fur.
    Finally, many great players cme frm the same kind f neighburhd — a pr, crwded area where a by’s dream is nt t be a dctr, lawyer r businessman, but t becme a rich, famus athletes r entertainer. Fr example, Liverpl, which prduced the Beatles, had ne f the best English sccer teams in recent years. Pele practised in the street with a “ball” made f rags. And Gerge Best learned the tricks that made him famus by buncing the ball ff a wall in the slums (贫民区) f Belfast.
    All great players have a lt in cmmn, but that desn’t explain why they are great. Hundreds f bys played in thse Brazilian streets, but nly ne became Pele. The greatest players are brn with sme unique qualities that set them apart frm all the thers.
    28.Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing statements is TRUE?
    A.Sccer is ppular all ver the wrld, but truly great players are rare.
    B.Millins f peple all ver the wrld are playing sccer, but nly six cuntries have ever had famus stars in the past.
    C.Sccer is played by millins f peple all ver the wrld, but nly six cuntries frm Suth America and West Eurpe have ever had great natinal teams.
    D.Sccer is ne f the mst ppular games all ver the wrld, but it seems least ppular in Nrth America r Asia.
    29.The underlined wrd “tricks” at the end f Paragraph 4 is clsest in meaning t “________”.
    A.Experience B.Cheating C.Skills D.training
    30.Liverpl and Brazilian streets are tw gegraphic terms used t illustrate (说明) ________.
    A.where sccer players get their way
    B.hw neighburhd affects a sccer player’s success
    C.why they can prduce the best sccer teams
    D.what a pr, crwded area will prvide a future sccer player with
    31.In the last paragraph, the statement “ nly ne became Pele” indicates that ________.
    A.Pele is the greatest sccer player
    B.the great players are brn with sme unique qualities
    C.Pele’s birthplace sets him apart frm all the thers
    D.the success f a sccer player has everything t d with the family backgrund
    A study, led by researchers frm the University f Califrnia, San Dieg, tracked the same 875 mther-child pairs in Chile fr 16 years, cnducting assessments at ages 1, 5, 10 and 16. At each visit researchers screened the mther fr signs f depressin and used cgnitive (认知的) develpment tests n the child. They als asked questins t assess the hme life, featuring the level f cnnectin between the mther and child.
    Researchers fund that signs f depressin in mms when the child is ne are assciated with lwer scres n cgnitive functin tests fr the child at age 16. “We fund that mthers wh were highly depressed didn’t invest (投入) emtinally r in prviding learning materials t supprt their child, such as tys and bks, as much as mthers wh were nt depressed. This, in turn, impacted the child’s IQ at ages 5, 10 and 16,” Patricia East, PhD, research scientist with the Department f Pediatrics at UC San Dieg Schl f Medicine and ne f the lead authrs n the study, said in a statement.
    The authrs fund the relatinship in reverse t be true, as well — lwer develpment scres early in the child’s life prmted less engagement frm mm and that nly increased signs f mthers’ depressin as the child entered int adlescence.
    Children wh had severely depressed mthers were fund t have an average verbal IQ scre f 7.30 cmpared t a scre f 7.78 in children withut depressed mthers. Althugh seemingly small, differences in IQ frm 7.78 t 7.30 are highly meaningful in terms f children’s verbal skills and vcabulary, said East. “Our study results shw the lng-term cnsequences that a child can experience due t lng-term mthers’ depressin.”
    Hwever, the authrs recgnize that these families in Chile can be very different frm mthers and children f ther cultural backgrunds r natinalities. Besides, all the families studied were frm a similar cultural backgrund and sciecnmic status and had a similar level f educatin.
    32.What did the researchers d in the study?
    A.They screened the child fr signs f depressin.
    B.They tested the cgnitive abilities f the mther.
    C.They evaluated the mther-child pairs’ relatinship.
    D.They ignred the mther’s educatinal backgrund.
    33.What cnclusin did the researchers draw?
    A.A kid’s IQ scres were decided by the mther’s.
    B.A kid’s IQ scres were different at different ages.
    C.Depressed mthers gave birth t kids with lw IQ scres.
    D.Mthers’ depressin might negatively impact their kids’ IQ.
    34.What might be the authrs’ attitude twards the results f the study?
    A.They dn’t sund debatable. B.They may encurage public debate.
    C.They may nt be very representative. D.They have been cnfirmed in a large scale.
    35.What’s the best title f the passage?
    A.Adlescents’ Cnfusin in Chile
    B.Impact f Mthers’ Depressin n Kids
    C.Significance f IQ in Kids’ Academic Tests
    D.Maternal Depressin and Kids’ Cgnitive Test Scres
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Ways t Create an Exercise Habit
    A lt f peple want t knw hw t get mtivated t wrk ut and build an exercise habit that sticks. Of curse, wanting t make exercise a habit and actually ding it are tw different things. Changing yur behavir is difficult. ____36____. But there are sme strategies that can make it easier t stick with an exercise habit.
    Develp a rutine t make starting easier.
    ____37____. That means they are als behavirs that yu start ver and ver again. If yu can develp a rutine that makes starting yur wrkut mindless and autmatic, then it will be much easier t fllw thrugh. Yu can start building yur wn rutine by adding yur exercise habit n tp f a current habit r by setting a schedule fr yurself.
    The best way t make exercise a habit is t start with an exercise that is s easy that yu can d it even when yu can’t get mtivated t wrk ut. Struggling t find mtivatin t g fr a run? ____39____. That’s all yu have t d t cnsider tday’s wrkut a success. Often, this little start will be enugh t get yur mtivatin flwing and help yu finish the task.
    Fcus n the habit first and the results later.
    ____40____. Mst peple start with sme type f gal. “I want t lse 20 punds in the next 4 mnths.” Or, “I want t squat (蹲举) 50 punds mre six mnths frm nw.”This is the wrng apprach. What matters mst in the beginning is establishing a new nrmal that yu will stick t, nt the results that yu get.
    A.Living a new type f lifestyle is hard.
    B.Start with an exercise that is very small.
    C.Never wrk ut while yu are running lw n willpwer.
    D.Habits are behavirs that yu repeat ver and ver again.
    E.Just fill up yur water bttle and put n yur running shes.
    F.If yu dn’t cnsistently get started, then yu wn’t have a habit.
    G.The typical apprach t diet and exercise is t fcus n results first.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My day started just like all the ther days. While taking the train t wrk I wuld always chse a seat away frm the crwd s I can read the newspaper ____41____ and quietly. I didn’t knw why but fr sme reasn when I gt n the train that day it was unusually ____42___. I sat dwn in the nly seat beside a middle-aged man that had his head dwn and seemed t be ____43____ in his thughts.
    Shrtly after the train left, I fund myself ____44____ what culd be s imprtant that he didn’t even see me. I tried t frget abut it. Hwever, fr sme strange reasn this inner ____45____ kept frcing me t talk t this man. I tried t ignre the vice ____46____ there was n way I was starting a cnversatin with a cmplete stranger. Finally I came up with an excuse t ask him a questin. When he ____47____ his head, I culd see sme tears rlling dwn his face ____48____ his feeble (微弱的) attempt t wipe them away. We talked fr abut 20 minutes and in the end he seemed t be ding ____49____ .
    Several weeks later when I nticed an unaddressed ____50____ n my desk with the nly wrd ____51____ written n it. When I read the nte inside the envelpe, I was s mved that I culdn’t ____52____ myself. The letter was frm the man I met n the train thanking me fr ____53____ his life that day. He had sme prblems that were s serius that he was planning t take his life that day. He hped Gd wuld ____54____ smene t prevent him frm taking his life. In his eyes I was that angel sent by Gd.
    S the next time yu feel prmpted (冲动) fr n apparent reasn t talk t a friend, relative, neighbr r even a cmplete stranger please remember my stry. Yu just may make a ____55____ in smene’s life when yu listen t yur inner vice.
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Tea is a healthy drink. Drinking tea in China culd be cnsidered as an art and t help peple achieve a sense f calm and renewed energy. It is als ____56___ way t enjy life better.
    Stries ____57____ are abut the discvery f tea are different depending n the peple wh yu ask, but we knw that Chinese peple have been drinking tea since Shennng, 5,000 years ag. Usually, tea ____58____ (believe) t be medicinal, and is s central t ____59____ (day) life that an ld Chinese saying includes tea in a list f seven imprtant cntents t be gathered each mrning, alng with firewd, rice, il, salt, sy and vinegar.
    Tea serves three primary ____60____ (purpse) traditinally in Chinese sciety: t shw status, t bring peple tgether and t imprve wellness.
    Drinking tea tgether is a sign f respect. In ancient times, “tribute tea”(贡茶) was ___61___ (special) kept fr and presented t the Emperr. Tea still has a place in the life f the average peple. It is cmmn ____62____ (give) guests a cup f tea t welcme them int the hme. But tea is mre than a key f scial custms. It is meant t act ___63__ a medium thrugh which peple can becme much ___64___ (clse) t nature. Drinking tea ut in nature will create a spiritual cnnectin t the envirnment and make peple feel _____65_____ (relax).
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    第二节 (满分25分)

    Steve was the mst amazing persn in all f Minneaplis, and he was my cusin. By the age f 19, Steve was a star baseball player at the University f Minnesta. I wanted t be exactly like him. S when Steve asked me t g with him n a spring fishing trip in nrthern Minnesta, I was excited!
    After planning the trip, we gathered clthes and supplies, and began ur great adventure. We reached the Superir Natinal Frest in nrthern Minnesta by early evening. On ur way t the campsite, Steve pinted t a small huse faraway in ne f the muntains, saying that it was the ranger statin (护林站) where the frester wrked.
    Finally, after a lng walk, we reached the campsite and set up the camp as the sun was setting. Steve knew all the tricks f an experienced wilderness camper. After we gathered enugh wd frm the frest, he started the campfire using nly stne and steel — n matches. Fr supper we feasted n freeze-dried beef, wild rice and pea sup. I ate greedily after all that wrk.
    Tired enugh, we climbed int ur sleeping bags early and talked abut ur plans fr fishing the next day. We were still talking quietly when a sudden nrth wind picked up; the temperature drpped and it began t snw. Steve fund a way t increase the temperature inside the tent. He dragged a lg(干材) frm the frest t the ppsite side f the campfire. Then he wrapped aluminum fil (铝箔) arund the lg. The heat frm the fire reflected ff the fil and int the tent. Sn images f lake fish were filling my dreams.
    The snw had stpped, but smetime later a pwerful wind must have kicked up the flames f ur dying fire. I was suddenly awakened by Steve. Our tent was n fire. Frightened, I ran ut f the tent immediately. The tent cllapsed (倒塌) with Steve inside. Withut any thught f endangering myself, I reached int the burning tent and pulled him t the icy lake. Frtunately, we were nt seriusly hurt.
    Paragraph 1:
    Later, as we std by the burning tent t keep warm, we cnsidered ur difficult situatin. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ___
    Paragraph 2:
    Suddenly, we heard a nise in the frest. ____________________
    第一部分 听力
    1—5 BCCAB 6—10 BACCC 11—15 BABBA 16—20 CABCA
    第二部分 阅读理解
    21--23 DCA 24--27 CBDA 28--31ACDB 32--35 CDCB 36--40 ADBEG
    第三部分 完型填空
    41--45 CBCAC 46--50 BCDDB 51--55 ABDBC
    56.a 57.which/that 58.is believed 59.daily 60.purpses 61.specially 62.t give 63.as 64.clser 65.relaxed
    第四部分 写作
    With the purpse f raising ur awareness f mental health and guiding us t seek psychlgical help prperly, a psychdrama shw themed “yu lk better when smiling” is scheduled n the first Friday f March at the Cncert Hall f ur schl.
    As a creative activity, psychdramas can prvide an utlet fr unslved negative emtins and a platfrm t display artistic talents such as directing and perfrming, thus injecting pwer and energy int ur schl life.
    I am eagerly calling fr yur active participatin.
    Paragraph 1:
    Later, as we std by the burning tent t keep warm, we cnsidered ur difficult situatin. Our campsite was in the deep f the frest, really far away frm the highway. We were in the middle f nwhere, wearing nly underwear, with ur supplies burnt int ashes, including ur cellphnes. Even Steve was unsure what t d next. The nly thing we culd d was just sit in the cld air and wnder hw t get ut f the frest.
    Paragraph 2:
    Suddenly, we heard a nise in the frest. Anxiusly we listened and stared int the darkness. A jeep appeared. A frester had sptted the light frm the fire and had cme t have a check. We jumped int the warm vehicle and the frester drve us t the ranger statin, where we were given clthes and were able t call ur parents. Steve and I had many mre camping adventures frm then n, but it was n this trip that Steve began t treat me mre like a friend rather than a yunger cusin. Our friendship cntinues t this day.

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