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      北京市石景山区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      北京市石景山区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份北京市石景山区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市石景山区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试题Word版含解析docx、北京市石景山区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共27页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Yesterday, when I was n the way t my ffice, I saw a busker (街头艺人), with a hat in frnt f him. I had sme ___1___ in my pcket, but I wuld nt give them t him, thinking t myself he wuld nly use the mney t feed his addictin t (对…成瘾) drugs r alchl. He ___2___ like that type—yung and ragged. ___3___ what was I ging t spend the mney n? Only t feed my addictin t smking r chclate! I then ___4___ I had n right t place myself abve him just because he was busking.
    I stpped and drpped all the cins int his ___5___ . I watched fr a while, expecting smething t cme frm that mment—a feeling f ___6___ r satisfactin, fr example. But nthing happened. ___7___ , I walked ff. “It prved t be a waste f mney,” I thught.
    On my way hme at the end f the ___8___ , I saw the busker again and he was packing up. I watched him walk arund a cafe cunter. There he pured the ___9___ cntents int a bx cllecting fr an earthquake fund-raising event. He was busking fr charity (慈善)!
    That mment changed me Nw I dnate any change I have t charity bxes and I enjy the feeling f ____10____ .
    1. A. chclatesB. cinsC. cigarettesD. drugs
    2. A. lkedB. actedC. sundedD. smelt
    3. A. ThughB. FrC. TherefreD. But
    4. A. declaredB. expectedC. realizedD. guessed
    5. A. bxB. hatC. pcketD. cunter
    6. A. happinessB. sadnessC. lveD. hate
    7. A. DisappintedlyB. UnfrtunatelyC. CincidentallyD. Cmfrtably
    8. A. mmentB. breakC. dayD. event
    9. A. chiefB. basicC. actualD. ttal
    10. A. missingB. relaxingC. dreamingD. giving
    The Temple f Heaven is a magnificent cmplex f fine cultural buildings set lcated ___11___ the suthern part f Beijing. It has been ne f the mst significant ___12___ (place) fr the whle cuntry fr mre than five centuries. It ___13___ (serve) as a cmplex f sacrificial buildings fr the Ming and Qing emperrs, and is the ___14___ (large) ne in Beijing amng several ryal sites.
    My mther is an rdinary wman, but she always tries her best t deal with things ___15___ (perfect). With an ptimistic attitude, she always thinks f thers first ___16___ never cmplains f anything in her life. As a teacher, she has a gd sense f humr and makes her students interested in study. She shws great patience t thse naughty nes, ___17___ als give great cmments n her in return.
    Nwadays, peple in city typically get their meals by pening an app, placing an rder, and ___18___ (wait) fr the fd t be delivered right t their drstep — this is ___19___ city peple eat in China these days. Recent figures frm the China Internet Netwrk Infrmatin Center reveal that 421 millin Chinese individuals use nline fd delivery services. This number ___20___ (represent) half f the cuntry’s ttal internet user base.
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    D yu want t get hme frm wrk knwing yu have made a real difference in smene's life?
    If yes, dn't care abut sex r age! Cme and jin us, then yu'll make it!
    Psitin: Vlunteer Scial Care Assistant
    (N Pay with Free Meals)
    Place: Manchester
    Hurs: Part Time
    We are nw lking fr vlunteers t supprt peple with learning disabilities t live active lives! Only 4 days left. Dn't miss the chance f lending yur warm hands t help thers!
    Yu will prvide peple with learning disabilities with all aspects f their daily lives. Yu will help them t develp new skills. Yu will help them t prtect their rights and their safety. But yur primary cncern is t let them knw they are valued.
    Skills and Experience Required:
    Yu will have the right values and great listening skills. Yu will be hnest and patient. Yu will have the ability t drive a car and t cmmunicate in fluent written and spken English since yu'll have t help thse peple with different learning disabilities. Previus care­related experience will be the biggest advantage fr yu.
    21. The vlunteers' primary respnsibility is t help peple with learning disabilities ________.
    A. t get sme financial supprt
    B. t prperly prtect themselves
    C. t learn sme new living skills
    D. t realize their wn imprtance
    22. Which f the fllwing can first be chsen as a vlunteer?
    A. The ne wh can drive a car.
    B. The ne wh has dne similar wrk befre.
    C. The ne wh has patience t listen t thers.
    D. The ne wh can use English t cmmunicate.
    23. The text is meant t ________.
    A. leave a nteB. send an invitatin
    C. present a dcumentD. carry an advertisement
    Andy rde slwly t schl, daydreaming abut the fishing trip his father had prmised. He was s absrbed in his thughts that he didn’t ntice anything arund him.
    He rde alng until a strange sund drew him t the present. He came t a stp and lked curiusly up t the heavens. What he saw shcked and terrified him. A huge swarm f bees filled the sky like a black clud and the buzzing mass seemed t be heading angrily twards him.
    With n time t waste, Andy sped ff in the ppsite directin, riding furiusly — but withut knwing hw t escape the swarm. With a rapidly beating heart and his legs pumping furiusly, he sped dwn the rugh rad. As the bees came clser, his panic increased. Andy knew that he was sensitive t bee stings (蜇). The last sting had landed him in hspital — and that was nly ne bee sting! He had been frced t stay in bed fr tw whle days. Suddenly, his father’s wrds came t him. “When yu are in a tight situatin, dn’t panic. Use yur brain and think yur way ut f it.”
    He saw smke rising frm the chimney f the Nelsn family hme n a nearby hill and remembered that bees dislike smke. Hwever, he realized he culdn’t reach the huse in time.
    Then, he sptted a small dam used by Mr. Nelsn t irrigate (灌溉) his garden. Withut hesitating, Andy jumped ff his bike and dived int the cl water, sinking belw the surface t escape the bees. When he finally came up fr air, the bees were gne. Exhausted, Andy climbed ut f the dam, struggled up the hill, and rang the Nelsns’ drbell. Mrs. Nelsn brught him inside and called his mther.
    Relieved, his mther said, “Yu’ll really need that fishing break t help yu recver. Thank gdness yu didn’t panic!” But Andy was already lst in his dream abut catching fish the next day.
    24. Why did Andy fail t ntice the swarm f bees earlier?
    A. He was lst in the thught f the fishing trip.
    B. He was ging fishing with his father.
    C. He was listening t a strange sund.
    D. He was riding t schl quickly.
    25. Why was Andy particularly afraid f the bees?
    A He had never seen bees befre.
    B. He thught bees were a little bit pisnus.
    C. He was especially afraid f the small insects.
    D. He had been hspitalized frm a sting befre.
    26. Hw did Andy avid the bees in the end?
    A He asked Mr. Nelsn fr help.B. He hid himself under the water.
    C. He rushed int the Nelsn huse.D. He rde ff in the ppsite directin.
    27. Which f the fllwing can best describe Andy’s escape frm the bees?
    A. N pains, n gains.
    B. Once bitten, twice shy.
    C. Where there is a will, there is a way.
    D. In time f danger, ne’s mind wrks fast.
    Mney with n strings attached. It’s nt smething yu see every day. But at Unin Statin in Ls Angeles last mnth, a bard went up with dllar bills attached t it with pins and a sign that read, “Give What Yu Can, Take What Yu Need.”
    Peple quickly caught n. And while many tk dllars, many thers pinned their wn cash t the bard. “Peple f all ages, races, and sci-ecnmic(社会经济的) backgrunds gave and tk,” said Tyler Bridges f The Tlbx, which created the prject. “We even had a bride in her wedding dress cme up t the bard and take a few dllars.” Mst f the bills n the bard were singles, but a few peple left fives, tens and even twenties. The vide clip(片段) shws ne man wh had fund a $ 20 bill pinning it t the bard.
    “What I can say fr the flks that gave the mst, is that they were full f smiles,” Bridges said. “There’s a certain feeling that giving can d fr yu and that was apparent in thse that gave the mst.” Mst peple wh tk dllars tk nly a few, but Bridges said a very small number tk as much as they culd.
    While the clip might lk like part f a new ad campaign, Bridges said the nly gal was t shw genersity and sympathy. He added that he hpes peple in ther cities might try similar prjects and pst their wn vides n the Internet.
    “After all, everyne has bad days and gd days,” he said. “Sme days yu need a helping hand and sme days yu can be the ne giving the helping hand.”
    28. What des the expressin “mney with n strings attached” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Mney spent withut hesitatin.
    B. Mney nt legally made.
    C. Mney ffered withut cnditins.
    D. Mney nt tied tgether.
    29. What did Bridges want t shw by mentining the bride?
    A. Wmen tended t be mre sciable.
    B. The activity attracted varius peple.
    C. Ecnmic prblems were getting wrse.
    D. Yung cuples needed financial assistance.
    30. Why did Bridges carry ut the prject?
    A. T d a test n peple’s mrals.
    B. T raise mney fr his cmpany.
    C. T earn himself a gd reputatin.
    D. T prmte kindness and sympathy.
    The practice f students endlessly cpying letters and sentences frm a blackbard is a thing f the past. With the cming f new technlgies like cmputers and smartphnes, writing by hand has becme smething f a nstalgic (怀旧的) skill. Hwever, while tday`s educatrs are using mre and mre technlgy in their teaching, many believe basic handwriting skills are still necessary fr students t be successful—bth in schl and in life.
    Virginia Berninger, prfessr f educatinal psychlgy at the University f Washingtn, says it’s imprtant t cntinue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill f writing by hand.
    Berninger and her clleagues cnducted a study that lked at the ability f students t cmplete varius writing tasks—bth n a cmputer and by hand. The study, published last year, fund that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrte lnger essays and mre cmplete sentences and had a faster wrd prductin rate.
    In a mre recent study, Berninger lked at what rle spelling plays in a student’s writing skills and fund that hw well children spell is tied t hw well they can write. “Spelling makes sme f the thinking parts f the brain active, which helps us access ur vcabulary, wrd meaning and cncepts. It is allwing ur written language t cnnect with ideas,” Berninger said.
    “Spelling helps students translate ideas int wrds in their mind first and then t transcribe (转换) thse wrds in the mind int written symbls n paper r keybard and screen,” the study said. “Seeing the wrds in the “mind’s eye” helps children nt nly t turn their ideas int wrds,” says Berninger, “but als t spt (发现) spelling mistakes when they write the wrds dwn and t crrect them ver time.”
    “In ur cmputer age, sme peple believe that we dn’t have t teach spelling because we have spell checks,” she said. “But until a child has a functinal spelling ability f abut a fifth grade level, they wn’t have the knwledge t chse the crrect spelling amng the ptins given by the cmputer.”
    31. What makes writing by hand a thing f the past?
    A. The lack f practice in handwriting.
    B. The increasing use f blackbards in classrms.
    C. The use f new technlgies like cmputers and smartphnes.
    D. The belief that handwriting skills are unnecessary fr success.
    32. Which f the fllwing best shws the rle f spelling?
    A. Spelling imprves ne’s memry f wrds.
    B. Spelling ability is clsely related t writing ability.
    C. Spelling benefits the translatin frm wrds int ideas.
    D. Spelling slws dwn finding exact wrds t express ideas.
    33. What des the underlined expressin “mind’s eye” in Paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Windw.B. Spirit.C. Imaginatin.D. Picture.
    34. What cnclusin culd be drawn frm the passage?
    A. Handwriting still has a place in tday’s classrms.
    B. Spell checks can take the place f spelling teaching.
    C. Cmputers can help peple with their chice f wrds.
    D. Functinal spelling ability develps fast in the fifth grade.
    根据短文内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    Easy Ways t Keep Yur Brain Sharp
    Everyne is frgetful, but as we age, we start t feel like ur brains are slwing dwn a bit- -and that can be a very annying thing. ___35___Read n fr sme techniques wrth trying.
    1. ___36___
    Peple wh regularly made plans and lked frward t upcming events had a 50 percent reduced chance f Alzheimer’s disease (早老性痴呆症),accrding t a recent study. ___37___Smething as simple as setting a gal t have a weekly cffee date with a friend will d. There’s evidence that peple wh have a purpse in life r wh are wrking n lng r shrt-term gals appear t d better. In ther wrds, keep yur brain lking frward.
    2. G fr a walk.
    Mildly raised glucse (葡萄糖) levels can harm the area f the brain that helps yu frm memries and physical activity can help get bld glucse dwn t nrmal levels. In fact, exercise prduces chemicals that are gd fr yur brain. ___38___
    3. Learn smething new.
    Take a Spanish class nline, jin a drawing club, r learn t play cards. A study fund that mental stimulatin (刺激) limits the weakening effects f aging n memry and the mind. But the best thing fr yur brain is when yu learn smething new and are physically active at the same time. ___39___Or g dancing with yur friends.
    A. Fcus n the future.
    B. This can be especially harmful t the aged.
    C. It shuld be smething like learning gardening.
    D. S take a few minutes each day t d sme reading.
    E. But dn’t wrry if yur schedule isn’t filled with life changing events.
    F. Luckily, research shws there is a lt yu can d t avid thse mments
    G. In ther wrds, when yu take care f yur bdy, yu take care f yur brain.
    Ashley Pwer’s mther bught a cmputer fr her when she was eight. When she was thirteen, she was surfing the Internet regularly, but she culdn’t find anywhere fr teenagers t meet and talk. And ne day she thught, “If I had my wn website, I’d make it a really interesting site fr teenagers.”
    S, when Ashley was sixteen, she launched her wn website, called GseHead. She had n idea hw big a success it wuld be, but three years later, the site was the mst successful teen site in the USA! It was getting 100,000 hits every day, and Ashley had abut 30 emplyees.
    After a few years the website clsed dwn. Then Ashley, wh lives in Ls Angeles, was asked t write a bk called The GseHead Guide t Life. The bk is abut hw t design a website and start a business. It begins with a sectin called “All Abut Ashley”, where Ashley tells readers what it is like t be the bss f a cmpany when yu are nly sixteen. “I was s happy. But it was crazy in a lt f ways, I gt very stressed. I mean, I was nly sixteen—I didn’t even have a car! If yu were sixteen and yu had yur wn cmpany, yu’d be stressed, t!”
    In an interview Ashley gave advice t teenagers wh wanted t start their wn business, “Just be strng and have yur dreams and wrk hard at them. And dn’t listen when peple tell yu that yu can’t d it, because I heard ‘n’ a lt. Just keep ging until yu hear ‘yes’!”
    40. When did Ashley create GseHead?
    41. What did Ashley d after GseHead clsed dwn?
    42. Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    ➢ Starting a cmpany brught Ashley nt nly happiness, but als stress due t the lack f supprt frm her family.
    43. Will yu take the advice given by Ashley? Why r why nt?(In abut 40 wrds)
    44. 假定你是李华,经常帮助你学习英语的朋友Alex即将返回自己的国家。请给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 表示感谢;
    2. 回顾Alex对你的帮助;
    3. 临别祝愿。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 信的开头,结束语已为你写好。
    Dear Alex,
    Li Hua

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