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      北京市通州区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量检测英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份北京市通州区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市通州区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量检测英语试题Word版含解析docx、北京市通州区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量检测英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共27页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Reagan, a bk lver, lked up frm his reading as the bell rang ver the entrance t the bkstre. Puzzled, he watched fr a minute as Darya ___1___ tward the cunter (柜台) as if t ask a questin. It didn’t make sense that Darya, ne f the schl’s tp athletes, was in a bkstre. Nt wanting t be nticed, Reagan ___2___ fund anther vlume t read. He wuldn’t knw what t say if she tried t start a cnversatin because he thught they tw were t different t have anything t ___3___.
    “Hey, Reagan.” Her greeting ___4___ him, and his breath caught in his thrat as it became apparent he hadn’t escaped after all. “Maybe yu can help me.” He dubted it, but he managed t chke ut a reply. “Me?” “I’m trying t ___5___ a bk n sccer skills. I wn’t be able t g t camp ver spring break, and I need t imprve my game befre the next seasn begins.”
    Reagan swallwed, then mtined randmly with his hands befre he fund his vice. “Sure. Over here.” He thught it wuld save cnfusin if he just ___6___ the way rather than try t pint her in the right directin. As she fllwed him thrugh the shelves, he dared t imagine they might nt be s ___7___ after all. He felt a brief flash f hpe, the sun shining suddenly where all had been gray. ___8___, ne f Darya’s teammates appeared as if ut f nwhere, urging her t finish any purchases, r they wuld be late fr practice. Sighing, Reagan realized nthing had really changed; the differences wuld never let them break dwn thse barriers, even if they s chse.
    Instead, she turned t Reagan with a ___9___ smile, “Thanks fr yur help, and hey, maybe we culd play sccer smetime?” Surprised but pleased, Reagan’s heart leapt at the unexpected ____10____, a sign that perhaps the barriers were nt as insurmuntable (跨越) as he’d thught.
    1. A. rushedB. walkedC. drveD. turned
    2. A. apparentlyB. bviuslyC. quicklyD. finally
    3. A. talk abutB. deal withC. carry utD. settle in
    4. A. inspiredB. remindedC. attackedD. surprised
    5. A. lcateB. figureC. gatherD. deliver
    6. A. cntrlledB. ledC. designedD. made
    7. A. particularB. uniqueC. differentD. determined
    8. A. LuckilyB. ActuallyC. SlwlyD. Immediately
    9. A. warmB. frcedC. crazyD. determined
    10. A. cngratulatinB. invitatinC. electinD. frtune
    As a five-year-ld girl, Lin Qiazhi was deeply affected by her mther’s death. At age 18, instead f fllwing the traditinal path f marriage like the majrity f girls, she ___11___ (chse) t study medicine. “Why shuld girls learn s much? ___12___ (find) a gd husband shuld be their final gal!” her brther cmplained, thinking f the high tuitin fees. She respnded, “I’d rather stay a single ___13___ (study) all my life!”
    In the afternn, I headed t a lcal museum that shwed the histrical changes in Califrnia. In 1848, gld was discvered near San Francisc, ___14___ started a gld rush. Over 300,000 peple came frm all ver the wrld t seek ___15___ (they) frtune, and San Francisc quickly became a big city. Many Chinese arrived during this perid. ___16___ (earn) a living, sme pened up shps and restaurants ___17___ Chinatwn. Many thers fund jbs n farms, jined the gld rush, r went t build the railway.
    Space explratin has already prmted technlgical imprvements that benefit us all. High-end prducts arund the wrld ___18___ (make) t a higher standard nw because f advanced technlgy. Fr example, space technlgies ___19___ (help) the research and develpment f different types f new material. They have als helped cmpanies make better heart mnitrs and ther machines that dctrs regularly use. Tday, space technlgies are ___20___ (wide) used in all kinds f industries.
    British Science Week is happening in March. “Time” is this year’s theme. The mvement f planet Earth explains why we have different seasns ver the year and why we need time znes. Micrsecnd accuracy keeps ur cmputer systems ticking and helps glbal psitining satellites t prvide us with precise lcatin infrmatin. In fact, time is very necessary fr us and is key t s many STEM discveries. The week hpes t raise awareness and stimulate enthusiasm fr STEM subjects. There will be lts f events acrss the UK and many different ways fr yu t experience time.
    Astrnmical Time
    At The Ryal Observatry in Greenwich, Lndn, yu can explre the rigins f telling the time, and hw time-telling instruments have evlved. We’ll als find ut what slutins inventrs and innvatrs f the past came up with t measure time, help sailrs at sea, and standardize time—ensuring peple in and acrss cmmunities were using the same r similar time.
    Making Time
    The Museum f Timekeeping is hme t a fascinating cllectin f clcks, watches, and timepieces. Yu can have a guided tur f the museum galleries and listen t sme f the stries behind the artifacts. Yu can see the watch wrn by Captain Sctt n his ill-fated Antarctic expeditin f 1912 and get t hear the vice f the first Speaking Clck (a phne number yu culd call t find ut what time it was).
    Passing f Time
    Frmed ver ne millin years ag, Cheddar Grge is Britain’s biggest grge (deep, narrw valley). It is 137 meters deep and three miles lng. It was carved by meltwater flds, leaving behind mysterius caves. The mst famus is Gugh’s Cave, where Britain’s ldest cmplete skeletn, knwn as the Cheddar Man, which dates back ver 10,000 years and was discvered in 1903. Yu can fcus n hw ur ancestrs lived and understand the past.
    21. Where can yu explre what methds have been prpsed t measure time?
    A. The Ryal Observatry.B. Greenwich Park.C. Museum f Timekeeping.D. Cheddar Grge.
    22. What can yu discver at the Museum f Timekeeping?
    A. Instruments fr sea explratin.B. Clcks, watches, and timepieces.
    C. Sme music abut Antarctic expeditin.D. The Cheddar Man’s cllectin f artifacts.
    23. What is the significance f Cheddar Grge?
    A. It is the deepest grge in the wrld.B. It tells hw the caves were destryed.
    C. It shws where the meltwater flds came frm.D. It prvides insight int hw ur ancestrs lived.
    24. What is the main purpse f British Science Week?
    A. T prvide turs at the Museum f Timekeeping.
    B. T explre the histry f timekeeping instruments.
    C. T highlight the gelgical histry f Cheddar Grge.
    D. T prmte STEM subjects thrugh events related t the theme f “Time.”
    It was the day f the big crss-cuntry run. Students frm seven different primary schls in and arund the small twn were warming up and walking the rute thrugh thick evergreen frest. I lked arund and finally sptted David, wh was standing by himself ff t the side by a fence. He was small fr ten years ld. His usual big tthy smile was absent tday. I walked ver and asked him why he wasn’t with the ther children. He hesitated and then said he had decided nt t run. What was wrng? He had wrked s hard fr this event!
    I quickly searched the crwd fr the schl’s cach and asked him what had happened. “I was afraid that kids frm ther schls wuld laugh at him” he explained uncmfrtably. “I gave him the chice t run r nt, and let him decide.” I bit back my frustratin (懊恼). I knew the cach meant well — he thught he was ding the right thing. After making sure that David culd run if he wanted, I turned t find him cming twards me, his small bdy rcking frm side t side as he swung his feet frward.
    David had a brain disease which prevented him frm walking r running like ther children, but at schl his classmates thught f him as a regular kid. He always participated t the best f his ability in whatever they were ding. That was why nne f the children thught it unusual that David had decided t jin the crss-cuntry team. It just tk him lnger — that’s all. David had nt missed a single practice, and althugh he always finished his run lng after the ther children, he did always finish. As a special educatin teacher at the schl, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was prud f his strng determinatin.
    David mved up t the starting line with the ther runners. The race started. The rute seemed lng, especially fr a child with a brain disease. David insisted n running as if he had frgtten all his weaknesses. He tripped within the first few kilmeters but quickly picked himself up and cntinued. Classmates cheered, “Cme n! Yu can make it! We’re prud f yu!”
    T everyne’s jy, he reached the finish line and ranked 20th. It wasn’t imprtant whether he wn first place. It was his brave heart and strng faith that made smething unusual happen.
    25. Why did the cach ask David t make the decisin?
    A. The cach didn’t want David t get injured.B. The cach thught David was t weak t run.
    C. The cach feared David wuld be made fun f.D. The cach believed David shuld fcus n his studies.
    26. Hw did David’s classmates view him at schl?
    A. They felt srry fr him.B. They saw him as a nrmal kid.
    C. They ften played tricks n him.D. They prevented him frm activities.
    27. What can we learn frm David’s stry?
    A. He wn first place with ther’s help.
    B. He was the mst mdest amng all the children.
    C. His behavirs prved his heart disease was a prblem.
    D. His determinatin and faith made the achievement special.
    Space explratin has prduced valuable insights abut Earth, the slar system and beynd. Hwever, massive space activity ver the past few decades has led t unintended rbital debris (残骸).
    Every launch f satellites r rckets adds t the prblem, increasing the risk that negatively influences nt nly space missins but als future endeavrs. Since the 1957 launch f Sputnik-1, human activity in Earth’s rbit has caused significant distrtins in space, raising serius cncerns abut the debris left behind.
    This ever-increasing threat can be best understd thrugh the Kessler syndrme in space. This phenmenn ccurs when bjects in lw Earth rbit (LEO) becme s crwded that they begin t hit each ther, creating mre debris and mre cllisins (碰撞), thus resulting in chain reactins f mergers and fissins. Many experts warn that LEO is mving twards Kessler’s syndrme.
    Accidental cllisins in space als increase the rbital verlad, such as the 2009 cllisin between tw satellites, Ksms 2251 and Iridium 33. Such events have wrsened the rbital debris prblem and raised the prspect f disastrus space cnditins.
    The need fr sustainable space activities and the reductin f space debris is being emphasized glbally t address the rising space pllutin. Therefre gvernments have issued many regulatry measures, including active debris remval (ADR) technlgies r pllutin preventin, which are either planned, tested, r already carried ut t prtect bth existing spacecraft and nes set t be launched.
    Besides regulatry measures, several mitigating methds are als used t reduce the rbital verlad. One such methd invlves causing a satellite t break dwn naturally by bringing it clser t Earth’s surface s it burns up in the atmsphere. This methd is cnsidered cst-effective because the defunct satellite can be pushed tward the Earth’s surface at a lwer altitude using a physical tl like a net r an air-bursting tl. Anther similar technlgy uses a harpn that is fired in the directin f the targeted spacecraft t capture it and direct it twards Earth in an active manner, causing the debris t derbit and plan atmspheric incineratin.
    T reduce the lng-term risk f cllisins, the fcus needs t be n reducing the amunt f debris in the rbit. Internatinal cperatin and cntinued investment in debris reductin technlgies are carried ut t reduce the ptentially disastrus cnsequences f an vercrwded rbit.
    28. What is the parimary cncern regarding rbital debris?
    A. Its impact n weather patterns.B. Its impact n future space missins.
    C. Its impact n satellite cmmunicatin.D. Its impact n natural atmspheric prcesses.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “mitigating” in Paragraph 6 mst prbably mean?
    A. Lessening.B. Wrsening.C. Curing.D. Strengthening.
    30. What are sme regulatry and mitigatin measures t address space debris?
    A. Frequent satellite launches.B. Mre space turism fr tax.
    C. Active debris remval technlgies.D. Mre space telescpes fr mnitring.
    31. What can we learn frm this passage?
    A. There are n existing methds t reduce space debris.
    B. Reducing space debris calls fr jint and further effrts.
    C The kessler syndrme is a minr cncern fr space missins.
    D. Active debris remval (ADR) technlgies are the nly slutin t space debris.
    An internatinal team f fssil (化石) hunters has discvered the remains f a “nursery” f prehistric sea creatures in China. The fssils date back t arund 518 millin years ag—a time knwn as the Cambrian Perid, when all life n Earth lived in the ceans. It is very rare t find s many fssils frm the Cambrian Perid in ne place.
    The scientists, led by Xianfeng Yang frm Yunnan University, fund 2,846 fssils frm 118 different species at the site, near the city f Kunming. They include ancient ancestrs f mdern-day insects, shellfish and wrms, as well as extinct trilbites (三叶虫). Seventeen f the species discvered are new t science, and mre than half f the fssils are yung animals.
    This has led researchers t the cnclusin that the site was a srt f deep-sea nursery where cnditins were well suited fr yung creatures t grw. When the sea bed was cvered by sft mud (泥) these creatures’ remains were perfectly preserved, eventually creating a layer f fssil-rich rck.
    Alngside hard bdy parts, like bnes and teeth, sft tissue was als preserved, which is especially imprtant when lking back t a perid when mst animals had sft bdies. Sme f the fssils are s well preserved that researchers have been able t spt bdy parts they’ve never seen befre.
    One benefit f all the yung creatures fssils is that scientists will be able t learn hw the creatures changed as they aged. “We’ll see hw different bdy parts grew ver time,” explained researcher Julien Kimmig, frm Penn State University in the US, “which is smething we currently d nt knw abut fr mst f these grups.” What’s mre, Kimmig and his clleagues will be able t cmpare the creatures with living things tday. “We will see if hw these animals develp tday is similar t hw they develped 500 millin years ag, r if smething has changed thrughut time.”
    32. What can we learn abut the fssils fund?
    A. Half f them are extinct sea creatures.B. They are spread ut ver different sites.
    C. Sme f them are previusly unknwn species.D. They belng t rare animals living in the ceans.
    33. What kept the creatures’ remains frm being damaged?
    A. They were prtected in rcks.B. They were buried in the deep sea.
    C. The seaflr was cated with mud.D. The sea bed was in gd cnditin.
    34. What d scientists want t learn frm the fssils?
    A. The creatures’ age.B. Changes in the creatures’ grwth.
    C. Similarities between these species grups.D. The creatures’ impact n living things tday.
    Culture shck is the feeling f uncertainty, cnfusin, r anxiety that peple may get when they live in r visit anther cuntry that differs frm their wn. ______35______ It can undubtedly affect peple’s lives. The fllwing are sme ways t deal with culture shck.
    Have a gd understanding f culture and culture shck. There are many factrs that make up a culture including shared beliefs, traditins and mrals.______36______ It’s because they are surrunded by peple with the same beliefs and values, and cultural differences are nly clear when yu meet smene else’s culture.
    Keep a jurnal(日记) f yur thughts._____37_____And yu are feeling a bit verwhelmed (不知所措的) with the culture there. Rather than giving in t yur anxiety, write it ut. Write dwn hw yu felt at the mment and what trubled yu r made yu happy that day. Yu can als put smething dwn if yu’re missing anyne frm yur hmetwn. ______38______Dn’t allw yurself t becme a recluse (隐居者) during this experience. Yu can share yur feelings and experiences with yur relatives and friends. If yu are studying abrad and have ther classmates wh have similar feelings, cnnect with them as well as with thse wh are adjusting a bit mre easily.
    D sme things yu usually like. Dn’t allw the culture shck t ccupy yur mind. And try t d smething interesting t replace a range f negative emtins, including anxiety, sadness, anger, hmesickness, and smetimes even depressin._____39_____Or practice yur hbbies like reading and dancing.
    A. Share yur culture.
    B. Talk t thers abut yur experiences.
    C. Try t step utside f yur wn culture.
    D. Smetimes such a feeling can be very strng.
    E. Yu can watch mvies r listen t music that yu enjy.
    F. Many peple dn’t realize hw culture influences them.
    G. Perhaps yu have recently mved t a new city r cuntry.
    40. 唐人街是多元文化的一个重要组成部分。(Chinatwns, diverse culture)(汉译英)
    41. 在那时候,来自中国的移民定居在这个地区。(immigrants, settle)(汉译英)
    42. 作为医生,我们必须对患者负责。(respnsible, patients)(汉译英)
    43. 工作了几年之后,林医生被派往欧洲学习。(send, Eurpe)(汉译英)
    44. 太空探索给世界带来了种种好处(explre space, benefits)(汉译英)
    45. 在此之前,大部分人认为在太空旅行是一个无法实现的梦。(travelling int space, impssible dream)(汉译英)
    46. 假设你是红星中学李华,你的英国朋友Jim暑期想要来中国旅游,了解中国少数民族文化。请你给他写一封电子邮件,帮他推荐一座城市,内容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua

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