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    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题04 动词和动词短语(解析版)
    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题04  动词和动词短语(解析版)01
    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题04  动词和动词短语(解析版)02
    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题04  动词和动词短语(解析版)03
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    三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题04 动词和动词短语(解析版)

    这是一份三年(2022-2024)高考英语真题分类汇编(全国通用)专题04 动词和动词短语(解析版),共24页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考点 动词和动词短语
    1.(2024年全国甲卷完形填空) Brn just befre WWII, my grandmther ____23____ an entirely different childhd lifestyle frm mine. She did nt have a chance t g t _schl_. Like in typical families, where bys were ____25____ much mre than girls, my grandma had t stay at hme t d _husewrk_. The nly pprtunity (机会) she culd seize t ____27____ was when her brther was having Chinese __lessns___ with the family tutr. She wuld sit quietly at the far end f the lng dinner table, listening ___clsely___.
    This is smething I ____33____ — her ability t pen her _hands __ underwater and still sit cmfrtably n the seabed.
    My childhd is quite _happy___ cmpared with hers. I am _grateful__ that I did nt need t ____37____ the hardships like she did. I've never faced the prblem f _educatin__. I guess ur different childhd backgrund is what makes my grandmther such an amazing persn t ____39____ t: her stries always make my histry textbks ____40____.
    23. A. adjustedB. prmtedC. achievedD. experienced
    25. A. favredB. tleratedC. trustedD. acknwledged
    27. A. exerciseB. studyC. explreD. teach
    33. A. admireB. nticeC. adptD. value
    37. A. reflect upnB. g thrughC. ask abutD. prepare fr
    39. A. attendB. referC. leadD. talk
    40. A. cme trueB. cme rundC. cme utD. cme alive
    【答案】 23. D 25. A 27. B 33.A 37. B 39.D 40.D
    【解析】23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的祖母出生在二战前夕,她的童年生活方式与我的完全不同。A. adjusted调整;B. prmted促进;C. achieved完成;D. experienced经历。根据下文“an entirely different childhd lifestyle frm mine”可推知,此处指祖母经历的童年与作者的不同。故选D。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就像典型的重男轻女的家庭一样,我奶奶不得不呆在家里做家务。A. favred赞成;B. tlerated容忍;C. trusted信任;D. acknwledged承认。根据上文“She did nt have a chance t g t schl. Like in typical families”并结合语境可推知,此处指作者祖母生活的年代是重男轻女的,所以祖母才不被允许上学。故选A。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她唯一能抓住的学习机会是当她的哥哥和家庭教师一起上语文课的时候。A. exercise锻炼;B. study学习;C. explre探索;D. teach教学。根据上文“She did nt have a chance t g t schl.”以及下文“with the family tutr”可推知,此处指祖母不被允许上学,自己找机会学习。故选B。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很钦佩她在水下张开嘴,还能舒服地坐在海底的能力。A. admire钦佩;B. ntice注意到;C.adpt采纳;D. value重视。根据下文“her ability t pen her ______ underwater and still sit cmfrtably n the seabed”可推知,此处指作者佩服祖母在水里的能力。故选A。
    37.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我很感激我不需要像她那样经历磨难。A. reflect upn思考;B. g thrugh经历;C. ask abut询问;D. prepare fr准备。根据上文“I am grateful that I did nt need”以及下文“the hardships like she did”可推知,此处指作者感激自己不需要经历祖母经历过的那些磨难。故选B。
    39.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想是我们不同的童年背景让我的祖母成为了一个交谈时令人惊叹的人:她的故事总是让我的历史教科书鲜活起来。A. attend出席;B. refer参考;C. lead领导;D. talk对话、讨论。结合上文祖母给作者讲故事,再根据上文“makes my grandmther such an amazing persn”可推知,此处指祖母的经历使祖母成为了一个交谈时令人惊叹的人。talk t“与某人交谈”。故选D。
    40.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想是我们不同的童年背景让我的祖母成为了一个交谈时令人惊叹的人:她的故事总是让我的历史教科书鲜活起来。A. cme true成真;B. cme rund苏醒;C. cme ut出现;D. cme alive变得生动。根据上文“I guess ur different childhd backgrund is what makes my grandmther such an amazing persn t talk t: her stries always make my histry textbks”可推知,此处指作者祖母的经历和故事丰富了作者的人生,使历史书上的故事变得生动鲜活,跃然纸上。故选D。
    2.(2024年新高考I卷完形填空)I’ve been mtivated — and demtivated — by ther flks’ achievement s all my life.
    When I was a teenager, a neighbrhd friend ____41____ a marathn race. Feeling mtivated, I started running _regularly_, but then tw things happened. First, a girl I met ne day tld me she was ____43____ fr a “super,” referring t a 52.4-mile duble marathn. Then, the next day I went n my lngest run — 15 miles. T be hnest, I ____44____ it! Between the girl making my __achievement___ seem small and the pure bredm f jgging, I decided that the nly __reasn__ I’d ever run again is if a big dg was running after me!
    S I ____47____ cycling. I gt a gd bike and rde a lt. I ____48____ f entering cycle races until I flew t San Dieg t visit my sister. While she was at wrk ne day, I ____49____ her bike and went fr a ride. day, I gt ____52____ by abut 100 “lcal” bikers wh were used t such rads. When I gt back hme, suddenly riding my bike didn’t seem quite as _appealing__.
    I’ve ____54____ a lt since then. I’ve cme t accept that whatever __gals__ I set fr myself, they just have t be my wn.
    41. A. knewB. heldC. wnD. quit
    43. A. askingB. lkingC. waitingD. training
    44. A. madeB. believedC. hatedD. deserved
    47. A. gave upB. went nC. turned tD. dealt with
    48. A. heardB. dreamedC. cmplainedD. apprved
    49. A. paintedB. brrwedC. bughtD. parked
    52. A. passedB. cnvincedC. admiredD. stpped
    54. A. traveledB. maturedC. missedD. wrried
    【答案】41. C 43. D 44. C 47. C 48. B 49. B 52. A 54. B
    【解析】41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我十几岁的时候,一个邻居朋友赢得了马拉松比赛。A. knew知道;B. held抓住;C. wn赢得;D. quit退出。根据后文“Feeling mtivated”可知,作者有了动力,所以此处应是一个邻居朋友赢得了马拉松比赛。故选C项。
    43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:首先,有一天我遇到的一个女孩告诉我,她正在为“超级”马拉松训练,指的是52.4英里的双马拉松。A. asking要求;B. lking看;C. waiting等待;D. training训练。根据后文“referring t a 52.4-mile duble marathn”可知,女孩要跑双马拉松,所以此处应是为之训练,符合语境。故选D项。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:说实话,我讨厌它!A. made制作;B. believed相信;C. hated讨厌;D. deserved值得。根据前文“Then, the next day I went n my lngest run — 15 miles.”以及后文“Between the girl making my seem small and the pure bredm f jgging”可知,作者最长跑了15 miles和女孩一比微不足道,所以是讨厌这个成绩。故选C项。
    47.考查动词短语辨析。句意:所以我开始骑自行车。A. gave up放弃;B. went n继续;C. turned t转向;D. dealt with处理。根据前文“I decided that the nly I'd ever run again is if a big dg was running after me!”可知,作者决定放弃跑步,所以此处应是转向骑自行车。故选C项。
    48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我梦想着参加自行车比赛,直到我飞到圣地亚哥去看我妹妹。A. heard听到;B. dreamed梦想;C. cmplained抱怨;D. apprved批准。根据后文“f entering cycle races”结合选项可知,此处应是作者梦想着参加自行车比赛,符合语境。故选B项。
    49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一天她上班的时候,我借了她的自行车去兜风。A. painted把……描绘成;B. brrwed借;C. bught买;D. parked停(车)。根据前文“I flew t San Dieg t visit my sister”以及后文“went fr a ride”可知,作者去看妹妹,所以要去骑行的话,应是向妹妹借自行车。故选B项。
    52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:。那天,我被大约100个习惯了这种道路的“当地”骑自行车的人超过了。A. passed超过;B. cnvinced说服;C. admired欣赏;D. stpped阻止。根据前文“I’d never faced such .”可知,作者骑上坡好几英里是个挑战,所以是被很多人超过。故选A项。
    54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那以后我成熟了很多。A. traveled旅行;B. matured (情感和认识)成熟;C. missed思念;D. wrried担心。根据后文“I’ve cme t accept that whatever I set fr myself, they just have t be my wn.”可知,作者不再轻易放弃,所以是成熟了很多。故选B项。
    3.(2024年新高考II卷完形填空)During my first visit t Italy, I ___22___ t ask fr directins r rder in a restaurant. But every time I tried t ___23___ a sentence f Italian tgether, the lcals smiled at me and ___24___ my language skills. That encuragement helped me t get thrugh the language __barrier_. After I made Italy my permanent hme, I discvered hw _warm-hearted__ Italians are. Neighbrs will bring me freshly made cheese and will cme t my dr t ___27___ me t clse the windw in my car when rain is cming. It's these small __acts__ f kindness that make a new cuntry feel like hme.
    As a fdie, the way t my heart is thrugh my stmach, and nwhere fuels my __ appetite_ quite like Italy. Each twn has its wn traditinal ___dish___, and every family keeps a recipe passed frm ne generatin t anther. Families ____31____ fr big meals n Sundays, birthdays, and whatever ther excuses they can ____32____. These meals are always ____33____ by laughter and jy. Whatever __disadvantages__ life in Italy might have, the prblems are ____35____ nce yu sit dwn t a big meal with friends and family.
    22. A. plannedB. struggledC. refusedD. happened
    23. A. stringB. hangC. mixD. match
    24. A. imprvedB. assessedC. admiredD. praised
    27. A. remindB. allwC. persuadeD. rder
    31. A. gatherB. cheerC. leaveD. wait
    32. A. put up withB. stand up frC. cme up withD. make up fr
    33. A. signaledB. cnfirmedC. representedD. accmpanied
    35. A. createdB. frgttenC. understdD. identified
    【答案】 22. B 23. A 24. D 27. A 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. D 35. B
    【解析】22.考查动词词义辨析,句意:在我第一次访问意大利时,我很难问路或在餐馆点餐。A. planned计划;B. struggled斗争、吃力地进行;C. refused拒绝;D. happened出现、发生。根据上文“During my first visit t Italy”可推知,此处指作者第一次到意大利,语言不通,很难沟通交流。故选B。
    23.考查动词词义辨析,句意:我试着把一个意大利语句子串在一起,当地人对我微笑,称赞我的语言技能。A. string串起、连成一串;B. hang悬挂;C. mix混合;D. match配对。根据下文“a sentence f Italian tgether”可推知,此处指作者努力想用意大利语串成一句话。故选A。
    24.考查动词词义辨析,句意:我试着把一个意大利语句子串在一起,当地人对我微笑,称赞我的语言技能。A. imprved改进;B. assessed评估;C. admired钦佩;D. praised赞扬。根据上文“the lcals smiled at me”以及下文“That encuragement”可推知,此处指作者尝试说意大利语,当地人赞扬作者的语言能力。故选D。
    27.考查动词词义辨析,句意:邻居们会给我带来新鲜的奶酪,还会在下雨的时候来我家门前提醒我关上车窗。A. remind提醒;B. allw允许;C. persuade说服;D. rder命令。根据上文“I discvered hw warm-hearted Italians are”以及下文“will cme t my dr”可推知,此处指热心的邻居在下雨的时候来作者家门前提醒他关上车窗。故选A。
    31.考查动词词义辨析,句意:一家人在星期天、生日以及他们能想出的任何其他借口聚在一起吃大餐。A. gather集合;B. cheer欢呼;C. leave留下;D. wait等待。根据上文“Families”以及下文“with friends and family”可推知,此处指一家人聚集在一起吃饭。故选A。
    32.考查动词短语辨析,句意:一家人在星期天、生日以及他们能想出的任何其他借口聚在一起吃大餐。A. put up with克服;B. stand up fr支持;C. cme up with想出;D. make up fr弥补。根据上文“whatever ther excuses they can”可推知,此处指家人们为了聚在一起吃饭而想出的理由。故选C。
    33.考查动词词义辨析,句意:这些饭菜总是伴随着笑声和喜悦。A. signaled示意;B. cnfirmed确认;C. represented代表;D. accmpanied伴随。根据下文“by laughter and jy”可推知,此处指家人们在一起用餐时伴随着欢声笑语。固定搭配“accmpany by”译为“伴随”。故选D。
    35.考查动词词义辨析,句意:无论意大利的生活有什么缺点,一旦你和朋友和家人坐下来吃顿大餐,这些问题就会被遗忘。A. created创建;B. frgtten忘记;C. understd理解;D. identified确认。根据上文“Whatever disadvantages life in Italy might have, the prblems”以及下文“nce yu sit dwn t a big meal with friends and family”可推知,此处指无论在意大利的生活有什么不如意之处,跟家人们吃一顿饭就会忘记不愉快。故选B。
    4.(2024年浙江卷1月完形填空) A yung Chinese man ____22____ me n the train. My __new___ friend spke virtually n English, s I happily tk the __chance__ t practice my Chinese.
    Over several hurs, he wuld tell me abut hw he had ____25____ a tw-year prfessinal schl t quickly find a jb ____26____ highways in rder t help supprt his family. Perhaps the mst _remarkable_, hwever, was the fact that this man spent hurs studying every day after hard physical labr. Withut batting an eye, he wuld ____28____ a translated Emersn passage befre asking abut the literary influence f American _writers__ as a whle. ”And what d yu all learn abut Russian authrs?” I ____30____ him asking at ne pint.
    It wuld have been easy t ____31____ my assumptins abut this highway builder wh had never been mre than a few hundred miles frm hme. But this highly infrmed, ____self-educated
    ___ , and admirable persn prevented me ding s. In the curse f a cuple f hurs, he ____33____ me just hw much ne can gain frm ____34____ with an pen mind, and a willingness t ____35____ with lcals frm all walks f life.
    22. A. treatedB. savedC. lecturedD. apprached
    25. A. visitedB. financedC. attendedD. funded
    26. A. buildingB. sweepingC. checkingD. guarding
    28. A. publishB. quteC. сорyD. dwnlad
    30. A anticipateB. imagineC. recallD. catch
    31. A. lk intB. rely nC. g verD. deal with
    33. A. askedB. warnedC. shwedD. prmised
    34. A. travelingB. readingC. searchingD. teaching
    35. A. cperateB. sideC. negtiateD. engage
    【答案】 22. D 25. C 26. A 28. B 30. C 31. B 33. C 34. A 35. D
    【解析】22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一位年轻的中国男子在火车上向我走来。A. treated对待;B. saved拯救;C. lectured演讲;D. apprached靠近。根据后文“me n the train”以及后文两人交谈,可知一位年轻的中国男子在火车上向作者走来。故选D。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时里,他会告诉我他是如何参加了一个为期两年的专业学校,以便迅速找到一份工作,修建高速公路,以帮助支持他的家庭。A. visited拜访;B. financed提供资金;C. attended参加,上(学);D. funded成立。根据后文“a tw-year prfessinal schl”可知,指这个年轻人去上了一个为期两年的专业学校。故选C。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时里,他会告诉我他是如何参加了一个为期两年的专业学校,以便迅速找到一份工作,修建高速公路,以帮助支持他的家庭。A. building修建;B. sweeping打扫;C. checking检查;D. guarding守卫。根据后文“highways in rder t help supprt his family”可知,年轻人修建高速公路,以帮助支持他的家庭。故选A。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他会眼都不眨地引用翻译的爱默生的一段话,然后再询问美国作家对文学的整体影响。A. publish出版;B. qute引用;C. cpy复制;D. dwnlad下载。根据后文“a translated Emersn passage”指引用翻译的爱默生的一段话,故选B。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你们对俄罗斯作家有什么了解?”我记得他曾经问过。A. anticipate预期;B. imagine想象;C. recall记起;D. catch抓住。根据后文“him asking at ne pint”可知,作者在回忆年轻人提过的问题。故选C。
    31.考查动词短语辨析。句意:对于这位从未离开过家乡几百英里的公路建设者,我很容易凭空想象。A. lk int调查;B. rely n依靠;C. g ver复习;D. deal with处理。根据后文“my assumptins abut this highway builder wh had never been mre than a few hundred miles frm hme”可知,年轻人从来没有离开过离家几百英里的地方,因此作者很容易依靠自己的假设对他进行判断。故选B。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时的时间里,他向我展示了带着开放的心态旅行,并愿意与来自各行各业的当地人打交道,会有多么大的收获。A. asked询问;B. warned警告;C. shwed展示;D. prmised承诺。根据后文“me just hw much ne can gain frm”指年轻人通过自己向作者展示了一个人可以从开放的心态和愿意与各行各业的当地人交往中获得多少收获。故选C。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时的时间里,他向我展示了带着开放的心态旅行,并愿意与来自各行各业的当地人打交道,会有多么大的收获。A. traveling旅行;B. reading阅读;C. searching搜索;D. teaching教学。根据后文“with an pen mind, and a willingness t”结合作者当时在乘火车旅行,所以是指带着开放的心态旅行,故选A。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在几个小时的时间里,他向我展示了带着开放的心态旅行,并愿意与来自各行各业的当地人打交道,会有多么大的收获。A. cperate合作;B. side边;C. negtiate协商;D. engage参与。根据后文“with lcals frm all walks f life”指和各行各业的当地人打交道,应用短语engage with表示“与……接触”。故选D。
    5.(2023年新高考I卷)On Oct. 11, hundreds f runners cmpeted in a crss-cuntry race in Minnesta. Melanie Bailey shuld have ____21____ the curse earlier than she did. Her __delay_ came because she was carrying a _ cmpetitr_ acrss the finish line.
    As reprted by a lcal newspaper, Bailey was mre than tw-thirds f the way thrugh her _race__ when a runner in frnt f her began crying in pain. She ____25____ t help her fellw runner, Danielle Lenue. Bailey tk her arm t see if she culd walk frward with ____26____. She culdn’t. Bailey then ____27____ t let Lenue climb nt her back and carried her all the way t the finish line, then anther 300 feet t where Lenue culd get _medical_ attentin.
    Once there, Lenue was ____29____ and later taken t a hspital, where she learned that she had serius injuries in ne f her knees. She wuld have struggled with extreme __pain__ t make it t that aid checkpint withut Bailey’s help.
    As fr Bailey, she is mre _cnfused___ abut why her act is cnsidered a big __deal_. “She was just crying. I culdn’t ____33____ her,” Bailey tld the reprter. “I feel like I was just ding the right thing.”
    21. A. designedB. fllwedC. changedD. finished
    25. A. agreedB. returnedC. stppedD. prmised
    26. A. curageB. aidC. patienceD. advice
    27. A. went awayB. std upC. stepped asideD. bent dwn
    29. A. interruptedB. assessedC. identifiedD. appreciated
    33. A. leaveB. cureC. btherD. understand
    【答案】21. D 25. C 26. B 27. D 29. B 32. D 33. A
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Melanie Bailey应该更早完成比赛。A. designed设计;B. fllwed跟随;C. changed改变;D. finished完成。根据下一段的“carried her all the way t the finish line, then anther 300 feet t where Lenue culd get _____ attentin”可知,Bailey在比赛中背一名参赛者,所以完成比赛晚了,因此句子表示“Melanie Bailey应该更早完成比赛”。故选D。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她停下来帮助她的同伴Danielle Lenue。A. agreed同意;B. returned回来;C. stpped停止;D. prmised答应。根据下文“t help her fellw runner”可知,她停下来帮助她的同伴Danielle Lenue。故选C。
    27.考查动词短语辨析。句意:然后Bailey弯下腰,让Lenue爬到她的背上,一路背着她走到终点线,然后又走了300英尺,到Lenue接受治疗的地方。A. went away离开; B. std up站起来;C. stepped aside让路;D. bent dwn弯腰。根据下文“let Lenue climb nt her back”可知,Bailey弯下腰,让勒诺爬到她的背上。故选D。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Lenue在那里接受了检查,后来被送往医院,在那里她得知自己的一个膝盖受了重伤。A. interrupted打断;B. assessed评估;C. identified识别;D. appreciated感激。根据下文“later taken t a hspital”可知,她是先接受了检查,再被送往医院,也就是先接受评估。故选B。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不能离开她。A. leave离开;B. cure治愈;C. bther打扰;D. understand理解。根据上文“She was just crying”以及Lenue爬到她的背上,一路背着她走到终点线,然后又走了300英尺。可知,Bailey看见Lenue哭喊,所以觉得不能离开她。故选A。
    6.(2023年新高考II卷)It just ___24___ that I was planning anther PNP flight with anther pilt, Karen, wh ___25___ t take Tiffy frm Kansas City t Virginia. What I was t d was fly t Tpeka t ___26___ Tiffy.
    When I met Tiffy’s wners, they seemed very _nervus_. Gerge, the husband, was trying t be calm, but I culd tell this was __hard__ fr him, having t leave his dg t a __stranger_ and trust that everything wuld _____30_____.
    After sme gdbyes, I asked Gerge and his wife t help me _____31_____ Tiffy int the plane. I prmised t take care f Tiffy and _____32_____ them as sn as we gt t Kansas City.
    The flight was __uneventful__, and Tiffy was a great passenger. The next day, she _____34_____ with Karen and made it back t Gerge in Virginia within a few days. He was s ___thankful____ and sent me a nice e-mail with pictures. It felt great t knw that I had helped bring this family tgether again.
    24. A. appearedB. prvedC. happenedD. shwed
    25. A. waitedB. fferedC. hurriedD. failed
    26. A. see ffB. lk frC. hand verD. pick up
    30. A. speed upB. wrk utC. cme backD. take ff
    31. A. feedB. fllwC. changeD. lad
    32. A. callB. jinC. leaveD. serve
    34. A. returnedB. fughtC. flewD. agreed
    【答案】 24. C 25. B 26. D 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. C
    【解析】24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:碰巧我和另一名飞行员Karen正在计划另一次PNP飞行,他主动提出要把Tiffy从堪萨斯城带到弗吉尼亚。A. appeared出现;B. prved证明;C. happened碰巧;D. shwed展示。根据“I was planning anther PNP flight with anther pilt, Karen,”可知,碰巧的是作者和另一名飞行员正在计划另一次PNP飞行。故选C。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:碰巧我和另一名飞行员Karen正在计划另一次PNP飞行,他主动提出要把Tiffy从堪萨斯城带到弗吉尼亚。A. waited等待;B. ffered提供、主动提出;C. hurried匆忙;D. failed失败。根据“t take Tiffy frm Kansas City t Virginia.”可知,Karen主动提出帮忙把狗Tiffy从堪萨斯城带到弗吉尼亚。故选B。
    26.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我要做的就是飞到托皮卡去接Tiffy。A. see ff为……送行;B. lk fr寻找;C. hand ver移交;D. pick up接载。根据“What I was t d was fly t Tpeka”和常识可知,作者需要飞到托皮卡去接Tiffy。故选D。
    30.考查动词短语辨析。句意:丈夫Gerge试着冷静下来,但我看得出来,这对他来说很难,他不得不把狗留给一个陌生人,并相信一切都会解决的。A. speed up加速;B. wrk ut解决;C. cme back回来;D. take ff起飞。根据“Gerge, the husband, was trying t be calm, but I culd tell this was _____ fr him,”可知,让狗的主人Gerge相信一个陌生人一切都会解决好,对他来说很难。故选B。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:道别之后,我让Gerge和他的妻子帮我把Tiffy送上飞机。A. feed喂养;B. fllw跟随;C. change改变;D. lad装载。lad int装入。根据“Tiffy int the plane.”可知,作者让Gerge和他的妻子帮忙把Tiffy装入飞机。故选D。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我答应过会照顾好Tiffy,一到堪萨斯城就给他们打电话。A. call打电话;B. jin加入;C. leave离开;D. serve服务。根据“as sn as we gt t Kansas City.”可知,作者承诺一到堪萨斯城就给他们打电话。故选A。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,她和Karen一起坐飞机,几天后就回到了弗吉尼亚州的Gerge那里。 A. returned返回;B. fught打仗;C. flew飞;D. agreed同意。根据“It just ______ that I was planning anther PNP flight with anther pilt, Karen, wh _____ t take Tiffy frm Kansas City t Virginia.”可知,Karen带狗Tiffy飞往弗吉尼亚州。故选C。
    7.(2023年全国甲卷)Many years ag, I bught a huse in the Garfagnana, where we still g every summer. The first time we ___21___ there, we heard the chug chug-chug f a mtrbike ___22___ its way dwn the hill tward us. It was _neighbr_ called Mari, cming t ___24_ us a bx cntaining sme trmates and a bttle f These can’t be any _gd__, we thught. But we were __ thankful fr__ his kindness, s we ___30___ them.
    Nwadays supermarket tmates ___34___ perfect but taste f water.It’s a surprise they haven’t managed t grw square nes s that they can ___36___ them
    It’s gd t eat things at the crrect time, when they’re ___38___, and as clse as pssible t where they were ___39___. What Mari had ___40___ us was the taste f the Garfagnana.
    21. A. waitedB. metC. campedD. stayed
    22. A. makingB. searchingC. squeezingD. feeling
    24. A. lendB. sendC. bringD. shw
    30. A. triedB. sldC. returnedD. mixed
    34. A. smellB. lkC. becmeD. wrk
    36. A. cleanB. checkC. cuntD. pack
    39. A. finishedB. stredC. fundD. grwn
    40. A. ckedB. givenC. bughtD. tld
    【答案】21. D 22. A 24.C 30. A 33. D 34. B 39. D 40. B
    【解析】21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们第一次住在那里的时候,我们听到了一辆摩托车从山上向我们开过来的嘎吱嘎吱的声音。A. waited等待;B. met遇见;C. camped露营;D. stayed暂住。根据前文“Many years ag, I bught a huse in the Garfagnana, where we still g every summer.”可知,作者在当地买了房子,所以是第一次住在那里。故选D项。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们第一次住在那里的时候,我们听到了一辆摩托车从山上向我们开过来的嘎吱嘎吱的声音。A. making使;让;B. searching搜索;C. squeezing挤压;D. feeling感觉。根据后文“cming t us a bx cntaining sme trmates and a bttle f wine.”可知,摩托车是开过来给我们送东西的,所以make ne’s way复合语境,为固定搭配,意为“前往”。故选A项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:那是邻居马里奥,他给我们带来了一个盒子,里面装着一些西红柿和一瓶酒。A. lend借出;B. send发送;C. bring带来;D. shw展示。根据后文“It was a very nice fr him t make.”可知,马里奥很友好,所以是给作者一家带来一个盒子。故选C项。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我们很感谢他的好意,所以我们试了试。A. tried尝试;B. sld出售;C. returned回来;D. mixed混合。根据后文“Thse tmates had that reminded me f the nes my uncle used t grw when I was a child.”可知,马里奥送的西红柿让作者想起了小时候叔叔种的西红柿,所以推知,他们是尝试了。故选A项。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在超市里的西红柿看起来很好,但味道像水。A. smell闻起来;B. lk看起来;C. becme变成;D. wrk工作。根据前文“nt at all like the nice, rund, 7 things yu get in a supermarket.”可知,超市的西红柿看起来很完美。故选B项。
    36.考查动词词义辨析。句意:令人惊讶的是,他们没有设法种植方形的,这样他们就可以方便地包装它们。A. clean打扫;B. check检查;C. cunt计数;D. pack包装。根据前文“It’s a surprise they haven’t managed t grw square nes”结合实际,可知方形的易包装。故选D项。
    39.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在合适的时间,当它们是应季的时候,尽可能靠近它们生长的地方,吃东西是好的。A. finished完成;B. stred贮存;C. fund找到;D. grwn成长。根据前文“It’s gd t eat things”以及“as clse as pssible t where”可知,此处在讲在合适的时间吃东西是好的,根据where推断涉及地点,结合实际,应是在靠近它们生长的地方,摘下来吃,能保持新鲜,是好的,符合题意。故选D项。
    40.考查动词词义辨析。句意:马里奥给我们的是Garfagnana的味道。A. cked烹饪;B. given给;C. bught买;D. tld告诉。根据前文“It was called Mari, cming t us a bx cntaining sme trmates and a bttle f wine.”可知,应该是马里奥给作者一家的。故选B项。
    8.(2023年全国乙卷)T becme the Olympic champin in the individual (个人) all-arund event, Gabby Duglas had t leave everything she ____21____ best. She had t ___22___ her bedrm in Virginia. She had t say ____23.gdbye____ t her tw dgs and t the beach, where she lved t ____24____ waves n her bard. But it was ____25.time____ t take the leap (飞跃), hwever ____26 heartbreaking____ it wuld be. Even at 14, Duglas knew that. S she ____27____ abut 1,200 miles away frm hme, t ____28____ with a cach frm China. She lived with a family she had never ____29____ and everything was new t her.
    As it turned ut Duglas did ____30.exactly____ what she needed t d t becme Olympic champin when she ____31____tw Russians. The Chinese cach ____32____ Duglas int ne f the best gymnasts in the ____33.wrld____, helping her skyrcket frm an ____34.average____ member f the natinal team t the tp f the sprt. By ____35____ the Olympic all-arund title, she became the first black wman t d s. She ____36____ the cmpetitin frm beginning t end. She said she had felt ___cnfident___ all alng that she wuld win.
    Nt s lng ag, Martha Karly the crdinatr (联络人) f the wmen’s natinal team, did nt think Duglas had what it ____38____ t be an Olympian. As time went by, she thught ____39.mre and mre____ that she culd make the Lndn Games-and win.
    “I’m ging t inspire s many peple,” she said. “I’m ready t ____40____.” And shine she did.
    21. A. triedB. thughtC. judgedD. knew
    22. A. take upB. pack upC. clean upD. d up
    24. A. causeB. bserveC. rideD. strike
    27. A. drpped utB. mved nC. pulled verD. went ff
    28. A. reasnB. talkC. cmpeteD. train
    29. A. metB. helpedC. understdD. needed
    31. A. defeatedB. pleasedC. respectedD. assisted
    32. A. frcedB. transfrmedC. persuadedD. put
    35. A. clarifyingB. defendingC. winningD. demanding
    36. A. fllwedB. rganizedC. watchedD. led
    38. A. viewedB. appearedC. matteredD. tk
    40. A. shineB. flyC. danceD. scre
    【答案】21. D 22. B 24. C 27. D 28. D 29. A 31. A 32. B 35. C 36. D 38. D 40. A
    【解析】21.考查动词词义辨析。句意: 为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Duglas不得不放弃她最熟悉的一切。A. tried尝试;B. thught思考;C. judged判断;D. knew知道;熟悉,了解。由上文“T becme the Olympic champin in the individual (个人) all-arund event, Gabby Duglas had t leave everything”和下文“1,200 miles away frm hme”可知,为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Duglas放弃她最熟悉的一切,来到一个陌生的地方,故选D。
    22.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:她不得不整理好她在弗吉尼亚的卧室。A. take up从事;B. pack up整理;收拾行李;C. clean up清理;D. d up装修。由上文“Gabby Duglas had t leave everything”和下文“her bedrm in Virginia”可知,整理好她的卧室,准备离开这里,故选B。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不得不和她的两只狗以及她喜欢在冲浪板上冲浪的海滩说再见。A. cause引起;B. bserve观察;C. ride骑;漂浮;D. strike打击。由下文“waves n her bard.”可知,此处表示冲浪,ride the waves意为“冲浪”,故选C。
    27.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:所以她离家1200英里,和一个来自中国的教练一起训练。A. drpped ut退出;B. mved n继续。C. pulled ver靠边停车;D. went ff离开。由下文“abut 1,200 miles away frm hme,”可知,Gabby Duglas到了一个离家1200英里的地方,故选D.
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以她离家1200英里,和一位来自中国的教练一起训练。A. reasn推理;B. talk谈话;C. cmpete竞争;D. train培训。由上文“T becme the Olympic champin in the individual (个人) all-arund event”和下文“with a cach frm China”可知,为了成为个人全能项目的奥运冠军,Gabby Duglas离开家,由此可知,她来到这里是为了和一位来自中国的教练一起训练,故选D。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她和一个素未谋面的家庭住在一起,一切对她来说都是全新的。A. met遇到;见过;B. helped帮助;C. understd理解;D. needed需要。由下文“everything was new t her.”可知,一切对她来说都是全新的,所以此处指她和一个素未谋面的家庭住在一起,故选A。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意: 事实证明,Duglas击败了两名俄罗斯选手,完全完成了她成为奥运冠军所需要做的一切。A. defeated打败;B. pleased使高兴;C. respected尊敬;D. assisted帮助。由上文“what she needed t d t becme Olympic champin”和下文“the Olympic all-arund title, she became the first black wman t d s”可知,Duglas击败了两名俄罗斯选手,成为了奥运冠军,故选A。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这位中国教练让Duglas成为世界上最好的体操运动员之一,帮助她从国家队的普通队员一跃成为体操运动的顶尖选手。A. frced强迫;B. transfrmed转换;改造;彻底改变;C. persuaded劝说;D. put放。由下文“Duglas int ne f the best gymnasts”可知,这位中国教练让Duglas变成世界上最好的体操运动员之一,固定搭配,意为“使……变成……”,故选B。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过赢得奥运会全能冠军,她成为了第一个获此殊荣的黑人女性。A. clarifying分类;B. defending打败;C. winning赢得;D. demanding要求。由下文“the Olympic all-arund title, she became the first black wman t d s.”可知,Duglas赢得奥运会全能冠军,故选C。
    36.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她自始至终领先于竞争对手。A. fllwed跟随;B. rganized组织;C. watched观看;D. led带领;领先。由下文“the cmpetitin frm beginning t end”可知,比赛过程中,Duglas一直领先于竞争对手,故选D。
    38.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在不久前,女子国家队联络人Martha Karly还认为Duglas不具备成为奥运选手所需要的条件。A. viewed看待;B. appeared出现;C. mattered重要;D. tk需要。由下文“t be an Olympian”可知,此处表示Martha Karly还认为Duglas不具备成为奥运选手所需要的条件,空处表示“需要”,故选D。
    40.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我准备好发光了”。A. shine照耀;发光;B. fly飞行;C. dance跳舞;D. scre得分。由上文“I’m ging t inspire s many peple”和“And shine she did.”可知,Duglas认为自己将会激励很多人,即自己会发光,影响到很多人,故选A。
    9.(2023年北京卷)I was always timid(羞怯的). Being new t the schl made me even shyer , s it was surprising I’d 2 t anyne arund me. Nw I was paying the price﹣t write a five﹣page essay n “Why I Shuld Nt Talk in Class”. That wuld take all night!
    After I gt hme, thugh. I tk my time petting the cat﹣pstpning the pain.
    When I finally sat dwn t 3 , I began with the reasns Ms Black wuld want t hear.
    Talking kept me and my neighburs frm 4 . One paragraph dwn; nw what? I chewed n my pencil. Aha! What if talking were the first step twards life as a criminal? Withut the educatin I was thrwing away, I’d turn t theft and g t prisn. When I gt ut, peple wuld say, “She used t talk in class.” The pages began 5 .
    But when mum gt hme frm wrk, I was still 6 , “Five pages! That’s impssible!”
    “Well, yu’d better get back t wrk,” she said. “and I want t read it when yu’re thrugh.”
    The next day, when Ms Black read the essay t the class, everyne laughed. I culd 9 they weren’t making fun f me: they laughed because I had the pwer t tell a funny stry.
    5.A.standing utB.flying byC.breaking upD.checking in
    2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C 9.C
    【导语】2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:初来乍到使我更加害羞,所以我应该和身边的任何人聊天这是很令人惊讶的。A. nd点头;B. pint指;C. listen听;D. chat闲聊。由下文“Nw I was paying the price﹣t write a five﹣page essay n “Why I Shuld Nt Talk in Class”.(现在我在付出代价——就“我为什么不应该在班里说话”写一篇五页的文章)”和“I began with the reasns Ms Black wuld want t hear.”可知,布莱克老师想知道我为什么不在班里说话的原因,由此可知,当老师想让我和同学们说话时,我认为要我和身边的任何人聊天这是很令人惊讶的,故选D。
    3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我终于坐下来开始写作时,我首先说出了布莱克老师想听的理由。A. weep哭泣;B. rest休息;C. write写;D. read读。由上文“t write a five﹣page essay n “Why I Shuld Nt Talk in Class””可知,此处write是同词复现,我开始写这篇五页的文章,故选C。
    4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:谈话使我和我的邻桌不能学习。A. learning学习;B. playing玩;C. planning计划;D. laughing笑。由上文“Nw I was paying the price﹣t write a five﹣page essay n “Why I Shuld Nt Talk in Class”. That wuld take all night!”和“I began with the reasns Ms Black wuld want t hear.”可知,现在我要写一篇五页的文章,那要花费我一晚上,所以说和邻桌谈话会阻止我和邻居学习,且以谈话会妨碍学习来解释,说明自己爱学习,这也是老师愿意听到的,故选A。
    5.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:书页开始飞逝。A. standing ut突出;B. flying by飞越;飞逝;C. breaking up分手;D. checking in登记。由上文“Withut the educatin I was thrwing away, I’d turn t theft and g t prisn. When I gt ut, peple wuld say, “She used t talk in class.””可知,我开始写出很多内容,所以此处用fly by来说明我很快写出了很多页,故选B。
    6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是当妈妈下班回家的时候,我仍然在抱怨,“五页!这不可能!”A. celebrating庆祝;B. lnging渴望;C. cmplaining抱怨;D. warning警告。由下文““Five pages! That’s impssible!””可知,我认为我不可能写完这五页的内容,所以在抱怨,故选C。
    9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我能判断出他们不是在取笑我:他们笑是因为我有能力讲一个有趣的故事。A. hpe希望;B. imagine想象;C. tell告诉;看出,判断出;区分;D. predict预计。由下文“they weren’t making fun f me: they laughed because I had the pwer t tell a funny stry.”可知,我能判断出来,他们笑是因为我讲的故事搞笑,而不是在取笑我,故选C。
    9.(2023年浙江卷1月)The sun was beginning t sink as I set ff int the Harenna Frest. I was n my way t 41 a unique hney harvest.
    I 44 beekeeper Ziyad ver a wide stretch f grassland befre entering a thick jungle. Ziyad began preparatins. He 45 handfuls f damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and 46 the bunch t create a trch(火把). Then, with ne end f a rpe tied t his waist and the ther end arund the trunk f a tree, Ziyad began 47 . He stpped every few minutes t mve the rpe higher up the tree trunk.
    49 .Finally , Ziyad gt clse t the hive which was arund 20 metres abve the grund. Sitting n a branch, he 50 twards it and blew smke frm his trch int a tiny hle in the hive. Suddenly, Ziyad let ut a sharp cry. Within secnds, he’d 51 the trunk and was back n the grund.
    It was t early t cllect the hney. A cl summer had delayed 53 . Baby bees were still in the hneycmbs(蜂巢). The adult bees were angry and kept attacking as Ziyad escaped frm the tree.
    51.A.cut ffB.gne upC.slid dwnD.held nt
    41.D 44.C 45.A 46.B 47.D 50.D 51.C 53.A
    【解析】41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我此行是见证一次独特的采蜜行动。A. share分享;B. cllect收集;C. celebrate庆祝;D. witness见证;目睹。根据下文“I _______ beekeeper Ziyad ver a wide stretch f grassland befre entering a thick jungle.”可知,作者是跟随经验丰富的养蜂人Ziyad见证埃塞俄比亚传统的采蜜方式。故选D项。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我跟随着养蜂人走过一片广阔的草地,进入茂密的丛林。A. searched搜索;B. recgnised认出;C. fllwed跟随;D. invited邀请。根据前文“I was n my way t _______ a unique hney harvest.”可知,作者此行是为了跟随经验丰富的养蜂人,近距离观察Ziyad如何采蜜。故选C项。
    45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他采集了几捧潮湿的树叶,用细绳把它们包裹起来,最后点燃这捆树叶当火把。A. gathered聚集、采集;B. cleaned清除;C. drpped掉落;D. checked检查。根据下文“handfuls f damp tree leaves”可知,此处指Ziyad从丛林各处,收集一些潮湿的树叶。故选A项。
    46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他采集了几捧潮湿的树叶,用线把它们包裹起来,最后点燃这捆树叶当火把。A. shk摇晃;B. lit点燃;点亮;C. measured测量;D. decrated装饰。根据后文“t create a trch”可知,此空格处指点燃用细绳捆扎的树叶当火把。故选B项。
    47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,将绳子的一头拴在腰间,另一头则缠绕在一棵大树的树干上。然后Ziyad开始向上攀爬。A. jumping跳;B. talking谈话;C. testing测试;D. climbing攀爬。根据“higher up the tree trunk”可知,Ziyad要向上爬到树顶,才能采集到蜂蜜。故选D项。
    50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Ziyad坐在一节树枝上,小心翼翼地将火把靠近蜂巢,对准火把,将烟吹入蜂巢的一个小孔里。A. backed支持;B. dived跳水;C. shuted对……大声喊叫;D. inched缓慢移动。根据上文“Reaching them t get the hney is difficult—and ften _______”可知,采集蜂蜜是困难且危险的工作,这要求采蜜的人经验丰富,动作快慢节奏快慢结合,此处指Ziyad小心翼翼地将火把凑近蜂巢,将烟吹入蜂巢中。故选D项。
    51.考查动词短语辨析。句意:几秒钟过后,他就从树干滑下,重新回到地面。A. cut ff切除;B. gne up上升;C. slid dwn滑下;D. held nt抓牢。根据前文“Ziyad gt clse t the hive which was arund 20 metres abve the grund.”和后文“was back n the grund”可知,Ziyad是从树顶滑下,回到地面。故选C项。
    53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:夏天凉爽的温度延误了幼虫孵化。A. hatching孵化;B. training培训;C. swing播种;D. trading与……作交易;交换。根据“Baby bees were still in the hneycmbs(蜂巢).”可知,此时蜜蜂宝宝较以往孵化时间更晚,尚未成年。故选A项。
    10.(2022年新高考I卷)My husband, ur children and I have had wnderful camping experiences ver the past ten years.
    Sme f ur 41 memries are funny, especially frm the early years when ur children were little. Once, we 42 alng Chalk instead f tying him up, I just kept a clse eye n him. It 46 — he didn’t end up in the creek. My three-year-ld, hwever, did.
    Anther time, we rented a bat in Vallecit Lake. The sky was clear when we 47 , but strms mve in fast in the muntains, and this ne quickly 48 ur peaceful mrning trip. The 49 wind picked up and thunder rlled. My husband stpped fishing t 50 the mtr. Nthing. He tried again.
    47.A.signed upB.calmed dwnC.checked utD.headed ff
    【答案】 42.A 46.A 47.D 48.B 50.C
    【解析】42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一次,我们沿着白垩溪露营。A. camped露营;B. drve开车;C. walked散步;D. cycled骑自行车。根据上文“My husband, ur children and I have had wnderful camping experiences ver the past ten years.”可知,作者与家人在过去的十年来有着美妙的露营经历,而此处作者讲述的是其中的一次经历,他们一起在溪边露营。故选A项。
    46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它起作用了,他最终没有掉进小溪里。A. wrked起作用;B. happened发生;C. mattered事关紧要;D. changed改变。根据下文“he didn’t end up in the creek.”可知,孩子没有掉进小溪里是因为作者在密切关注着他,以防他掉下去,因此可知作者采取的这种关注小孩而不是用绳子把他绑起来的方式起作用了。故选A项。
    47.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们出发时,天空很晴朗,但山中风暴来势汹汹,风暴很快中断了我们平静的晨间旅行。A. signed up注册,报名;B. calmed dwn冷静下来;C. checked ut退房,结账离开;D. headed ff启程,出发。根据上文“The sky was clear”以及下文“but strms mve in fast in the muntains”可知,天气突然变化,出发时还天气晴朗。故选D项。
    48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们出发时,天空很晴朗,但山中风暴来势汹汹,风暴很快中断了我们平静的晨间旅行。A. arranged安排;B. interrupted中断;C. cmpleted完成;D. recrded记录。根据上文“strms mve in fast in the muntains, and this ne quickly”以及下文“ur peaceful mrning trips”可知,因为风暴来临,所以作者的旅行被迫中断了。故选B项。
    50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我丈夫停止钓鱼来启动马达。A. find找到;B. hide隐藏;C. start启动;D. fix修理。根据下文“Nthing. He tried again.”以及“We were stuck in the middle f the lake with a dead mtr.”可知,作者他们被困在湖中央,是因为马达坏了,发动不起来,因此可知作者的丈夫尝试将船启动。故选C项。
    11.(2022年新高考II卷)It’s nt all sightseeing. The tw travelers carefully 27 their trips, scheduling their days arund the pets that are smetimes difficult t 28 . But huse sitting als ffers a level f cmfrt they can’t find in a htel. “It’s like 30 at a friend’s huse,” Jessica says.
    The cuple has a high 31 rate in getting accepted as huse sitters and they always g beynd the hmewner’s 32 . Fr Jessica, that means 33 plenty f pictures f happy pets, keeping the huse 34 and leaving a nice small gift befre heading t the next huse. “Yu want t make the hmewner feel that they made the right 35 ,” she says.
    【答案】 27.A 28.D 30.B 31.A 32.C 33.C 34.A 35.B
    【解析】27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这两位旅行者仔细地计划他们的旅行,围绕着有时很难取悦的宠物安排他们的日子。A. plan计划;B. explain解释;C. cmpare比较;D. cmplete完成。根据宾语“their trips”指计划旅行,应用plan。故选A。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这两位旅行者仔细地计划他们的旅行,围绕着有时很难取悦的宠物安排他们的日子。A. buy购买;B. transprt运输;C. chse选择;D. please取悦。根据上文“the pets that are smetimes difficult t”指某些宠物很难照管,故选D。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“这就像住在朋友家一样,”Jessica说。A. cking烹饪;B. staying停留;C. waiting等待;D. studying学习。根据后文“at a friend’s huse”指像呆在朋友家,应用stay at。故选B。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对杰西卡来说,这意味着发送大量快乐宠物的照片,保持房子的清洁,在去下一个房子之前留下一份漂亮的小礼物。A. admiring钦佩;B. dnating捐赠;C. sending发送;D. brrwing借来。根据后文“plenty f pictures f happy pets”指给房主发送宠物的照片。故选C。
    12.(2022年全国甲卷)When I first dated Steve, I 43 he had a dg, Mlly, and a cat, Flra. While I was thrilled that he was an animal lver, I 45 that three dgs were perhaps t many, and my dgs might attack Flra , the cat.
    The next week we 47 ur dgs tgether. It was a ht day.
    We 51 t date, thugh neither f us brught up the future. And then in late Nvember, Tilly had an peratin n her leg . I tk the dgs ut fur times a day, and I wrried that Tilly cnstantly climbing the stairs culd repen the wund. Then Steve 54 his huse. All wrked fine . The three dgs frmed a pack that, with caching, 56 Flra’s space; Steve and I frmed a gd team 57 fr Tilly. We made gd husemates.
    A year later, much t my delight , this man prduced a little bx with a ring and prpsed t me. He did nt kneel (跪) dwn, nr did I 59 him t. That’s nly fr giving water t the dgs that brught us tgether.
    【答案】43.D 45.B 47.B 51.A 54.C 56.B 57.B 59.C
    【解析】43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我第一次和史蒂夫约会时,我得知他有一条名叫Mlly的狗和一只名叫Flra的猫。A. feared恐惧;B. dubted怀疑;C. hped希望;D. learned了解到。根据“he had a dg, Mlly, and a cat, Flra”可知,此处是指了解到这一情况。故选D。
    45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我很高兴他是一个动物爱好者,但我担心三条狗可能太多了,我的狗可能会攻击猫Flra。A. predicted预测;B. wrried担心;C. regretted后悔;D. insisted坚持。根据“three dgs were perhaps t many, and my dgs might attack”可知,此处是指“我”很担心。故选B。
    47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二周,我们一起遛狗。A. tied系;B. walked牵着(动物)走;C. bathed沐浴;D. fed喂养。根据后文“When we paused”可知,此处是指一起遛狗。故选B。
    51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们继续约会,虽然我们都没有提到未来。A. cntinued继续;B. decided决定;C. intended打算;D. pretended假装。根据“thugh neither f us brught up the future”可知,此处是指“我”们继续约会。故选A。
    54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后史蒂夫建议去他家。A. left离开;B. sld卖;C. suggested建议,推荐;D. searched搜寻。根据后文“We made gd husemates.”(我们成了很好的室友。)可知,此处是指史蒂夫建议去他家。故选C。
    56.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flra的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. emptied清空;B. respected尊重;C. ccupied占据;D. discvered发现。根据后文“We made gd husemates.”(我们成了很好的室友。)可知,此处是指狗狗们会尊重猫咪的空间。故选B。
    57.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这三条狗组成了一个团队,在训练下,尊重Flra的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾Tilly的好团队。A. lking看;B. caring照顾;C. waiting等待;D. calling打电话。根据前文“Tilly had an peratin”可知,此处是指史蒂夫和“我”一起照顾Tilly。故选B。
    59.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他没有跪下,我也不需要他跪下。A. beg乞求;B. trust信任;C. need需要;D. aid帮助。根据nr和“He did nt kneel (跪) dwn”可知,此处是指“我”也不需要他跪下。故选C。
    13.(2022年全国乙卷)Yung children acrss the glbe enjy playing games f hide and seek. Fr them, there’s smething highly exciting abut 41 smene else’s glance and making neself unable t be seen.
    Fr a lng time, this ineffective hiding methd was 44 as evidence that children are hpelessly “egcentric” (自我中心的) creatures. But ur surprising research results in child develpmental psychlgy 46 that idea.
    then asked the child if she culd 49 r hear the adult. Surprisingly, children replied that they culdn’t. The same thing happened when the adult cvered her wn muth: Nw children said that they culdn’t 52 t her.
    A number f experiments ruled ut that the children misunderstd what they were being asked. The results were clear: Our yung subjects 54 the questins and knew exactly what was asked f simply 58 mutual (相互的) recgnitin and fact, children cnsider this methd 60 when thers use it.
    58.A.hld backB.relate tC.insist nD.make up
    【答案】41.C 44.D 46.C 49.A 52.A 54.A 58.C
    【解析】41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:对他们来说,避开别人的目光,让自己无法被别人看到,这是一件非常令人兴奋的事情。A. fllwing跟随;B. taking取走;C. escaping避开;D. directing指导。根据上文“Yung children acrss the glbe enjy playing games f hide and seek.”(全球的孩子们享受玩捉迷藏的游戏)可知,儿童喜欢玩捉迷藏,避开别人的目光。故选C项。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:长期以来,这种无效的隐藏方法被解释为儿童是无可救药的“自我中心”生物的证据。A. supprted支持;B. guaranteed保证;C. imagined想象;D. interpreted解释。根据本句中的that从句内容“evidence that children are hpelessly “egcentric” creatures.”并结合上文语境可知,此处表示这种无效的隐藏方法被解释为证据,证明儿童是以自我为中心的。故选D项。
    46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我们在儿童发展心理学方面令人惊讶的研究结果与这一观点相矛盾。A. explained解释;B. cnfirmed证实;C. cntradicted相矛盾;D. tested测试。根据下文“Our 19 suggest when a child “hides” by putting a blanket ver her head, it is nt a result f egcentrism. In fact, children cnsider this methd _ 20 _ when thers use it.”(我们的 建议当一个孩子用毯子盖住头来隐藏时,这并不是自我中心的结果)可知,研究结果与之前的观点是相矛盾的。故选C项。
    49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我们问儿童是否能看到或听到成年人的声音。A. see看见;B. help帮助;C. reach到达;D. fl欺骗。根据上文“Each 7 sat dwn with an adult wh cvered her wn eyes r 8 .”(每个孩子和遮住了眼睛和耳朵的大人坐在一起)可知,成年人遮住了自己的眼睛,所以此处儿童被询问是否能看见成年人。故选A项。
    52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当成年人捂住她自己的嘴时,同样的事情发生了:此刻孩子们说他们不能和她说话。A. speak说;B. listen听;C. turn转;D. wave挥手。根据上文“when the adult cvered her wn muth” (大人的嘴巴被盖住了)可知,由于盖住的是嘴巴,因此同样的事情则是孩子们表示不能和捂住嘴的成年人说话了。故选A项。
    54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:结果很清楚:我们的年轻受试者理解了这些问题,并且确切地知道他们被问到了什么。A. cmprehended理解;B. predicted预测;C. explred探索;D. ignred忽略。根据下文“ and knew _15_ what was asked f them”(我们年轻的主人公们理解了问题并且知道自己被问了什么)可知,只有先理解了才能能确切地知道自己被问了什么。故选A项。
    58.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们只是坚持相互承认和尊重。A. hld back阻止;B. relate t有关联;C. insist n坚持;D. make up弥补。根据上文“I can see yu nly if yu can see me, t.”(只有你也能看到我,我才能看到你)可知,孩子们的看法体现了他们坚持相互的承认和尊重。故选C项。
    14.(2022年浙江卷1月)When Beverley Burdeyney turned seventy fur last year, she started having prblems with her eyes , ntably dryness and discmfrt.
    "I was simply 17 a terrible experience, " Ms. Burdeyney said at her hme in Trnt. "I felt s helpless and insecure because the quality f my life was affected. "
    Nbdy chses t talk abut it because it seems s insignificant she said. " But mre and mre are suffering and lives are being 22 .
    Eventually, Ms. Burdeyney learned abut plans fr an eye research, prgram at Tel Aviv University in Israel. The research team 24 Canadian dctr Allan Slmvic, S far she has raised $ 110, 000 with anther $40, 000 28 .
    "I'm trying t get mre and mre peple t 29 that there are slutins(解决办法)said Ms. Burdeyney, a trained nurse wh is still wrking as a persnal trainer after retirement . "I say there is n ld age , there's nly neglect (忽视). Dn't stand still , d smething abut it. "
    Ms. Burdeyney 33 that she is hping t d mre fr the research prject. " There is still a lng way t g"
    17.A.getting verB.ging thrughC.hlding nD.passing dwn
    17.B 22.A 24.C 28.C 29.D 33.D
    17.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我只是在经历一段糟糕的体验。A. get ver克服;B. g thrugh经历;C. hld n坚持;D. pass dwn传递下去。根据语境可知,她遭受眼睛问题,这是一段糟糕的经历,故选B项。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是越来越多的人在受苦,生命陷入危险。A. cmprmise使陷入危险、妥协;B. frget遗忘;C. substitute替代、代替;D. separate分隔。越来越多的人在遭受眼睛问题带来的痛苦,这属于健康问题,威胁生命,故选A项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个研究团队包括了一位加拿大博士Allan Slmvic,其他已经用干细胞就眼睛护理问题做了开创性的工作。A. infrm通知;B. dubt怀疑;C. include包括;D. dismiss解散。根据语境可知,这位专家在这个团队中,故选C项。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:截至目前,他们已经筹集了111000美金,有望再增加4000美金。A. waste浪费;B. dnate捐赠;C. expect期待、预期;D. earn赢得。根据语境目前已经筹集了一笔钱,预期未来还有部分金额,故选C项。
    29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Burdeyney说,“我正在努力让越来越多的人明白有解决办法”。A. imagine想象;B. cnfirm确认;C. remember记得;D. understand理解。结合前文很多人默默地受苦是因为看不到希望,所以要让他们理解办法是有的,故选D项。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Burdeyney补充说她希望为这个项目做得更多。A. cmment评论;B. learn学习;C. remind提醒;D. add补充说。前句为她说的话,后面又继续说,即为补充说,故选D项。
    15.(2022年浙江卷6月)Small children are easy t thrw up in the air and catch-and they 16 it. “Again, Daddy, again!” Jacky shuts as I thrw him skywards and catch him n the way back dwn again. He thrws his arms and legs ut 17 he were flying, his eyes wide with excitement .
    Trust is such an imprtant part f a parent-child relatinship that it’s smething that can’t 24 t lse. Every time I 25 Jacky t smething new, he’ll d it nly because he trusts me and feels safe in the knwledge that he wn’t get hurt . Fr example , teaching Jacky t swim means he has t 28 that, when he’s swimming in the big pl, I’ll cme t his rescue if his dggy paddle lets him dwn.
    It is smething that every manager shuld wrk hard t 31 amng their team. If peple dn’t trust yu, they’re unlikely t 32 yur directins and willingly becme a lyal (忠诚) team member. A lack f trust can make peple wrk against yu rather than fr yu. At the very least, it means that peple are nt ging t be 34 yu their best.
    17.A.as ifB.in caseC.even thughD.s that
    16.C 17.A 24.A 25.D 28.B 31.C 32.B 34.B
    【解析】16..考查动词词义辨析。句意:孩子很喜欢被抛到空中并被抓住——而且他们喜欢这样做。A. deserve值得;B. miss错过;C. lve爱;D. knw知道。根据下文“Again, Daddy, again!”可知,孩子很喜欢被抛到空中并被抓住。故选C项。
    17.考查连词短语词义辨析。句意:他伸出胳膊和腿,好像在飞,他的眼睛因为兴奋睁得大大的。A. as if 好像;B. in case以防;C. even thugh即使;D. s that以便。根据“he were flying”可知,本句为虚拟语气,好像在飞。故选A项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:信任是亲子关系中非常重要的一部分,它是一种不能失去的东西。A. affrd支付得起;B. chse选择;C. wait等待;D. expect期望。根据上文“Trust is such an imprtant part f a ______ relatinship”可知,它是一种不能失去的东西。affrd t d sth“能够做某事”。故选A项。
    25.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每次我给杰克介绍新东西,他都会去做,只是因为他相信我,觉得安全,因为他知道自己不会受伤。 A. attach贴上;B. cmpare对比;C. adjust调整; D. intrduce介绍。根据下文“t smething new”可知,作者介绍给儿子新的东西。故选D项。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,教杰克游泳意味着他必须相信当他在大泳池里游泳时,如果他溺水,我能去救他。A. admit承认;B. believe相信;C. suggest建议;D. imagine想象。根据上文“because he trusts me”可知,教杰克游泳意味着他必须相信当他在大泳池里游泳时,如果他溺水,作者能去救他。这是父子信任的一个很好的例子。故选B项。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是每个管理者都应该努力在团队中培养的品质。A. assess评估;B. rganize组织;C. develp发展,培养;D. understand理解。根据常识可知,信任需要培养。故选C项。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果人们不信任你,他们就不太可能听从你的指示,并不愿意成为忠诚的团队成员。A. repeat重复;B. fllw跟随;C. change改变; D. frget忘记。根据上文“If peple dn’t trust yu”可知,人们不信任你,他们就不太可能听从你的指示。故选B项。
    34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:至少,这意味着人们不会给你最好的回应。A. telling告诉;B. giving给;C. selling卖;D. sending发送。其他人不信任你,所以不会给你最好的回应。故选B项。
    16.(2022年北京卷)One Mnday mrning, while the children were enjying “free play”, I stepped t the drway f the classrm t take a break. Suddenly, I 1 a mvement f the heavy wden dr.
    He must have been waiting there fr quite a while! Withut a wrd, I rushed him t the hspital. He was treated fr frstbite n his hands. He’d need time t 5 , and wuldn’t cme fr class the next day, I thught.
    The next mrning, ne f the first t 6 was my little frstbitten by. Nt nly did he run in with energy, but his laughter culd be heard as lud as ever!333333
    That cld Mnday mrning, he waited a lng, lng while fr adults t 9 . T a child, every minute feels like frever. He didn’t attempt t walk back hme;
    9.A.shw upB.pull upC.hld upD.line up
    1.B 5.A 6.C 9.A
    【解析】1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,我注意到那扇沉重的木门动了一下。A. caused引起、使发生;B. sptted看见、注意到;C. checked检查、核对;D. imagined想象。根据后面的“a mvement f the heavy wden dr.”可知,此处表示看到门动了下,spt符合语境。故选B项。
    5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他需要时间恢复,我想他第二天不会来上课了。A. recver恢复、康复;B. play玩闹、戏弄;C. change改变;D. wait等待。根据前面的“He was treated fr frstbite n his hands.”可知,小男孩手冻伤了,所以需要时间恢复,此处recver符合语境。故选A项。
    6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,我那冻伤的小男孩是第一批赶到的人之一。A. settle解决、定居;B. gather聚集、召集;C. arrive到达;D. react反应。根据下文“Nt nly did he run in with energy,”可知,小男孩精力充沛地跑了进来,说明是来了学校,故此处指第一批到达学校的人,应用arrive。故选C项
    9.考查短语辨析。句意:在那个寒冷的周一早晨,他等了很久很久,才等到大人的出现。A. shw up露面,出现;B. pull up拔起、停下来;C. hld up举起、阻挡;D. line up排队。根据上下文语义可知,小男孩在门口等了很久,才等到大人出现给他开门,此处用shw up符合语境。故选A项
    wn赢得;training训练;hated讨厌; turned t转向;dreamed梦想;brrwed借; passed超过;matured成熟; (7+1)
    apprached靠近; attended参加,上(学);building修建;qute引用; recall记起;rely n依靠;shwed展示;traveling旅行;engage参与(7+1)
    struggled斗争、奋斗;string串起;praised赞扬; remind提醒;gather集合;cme up with想出;accmpanied伴随;frgtten忘记;(7+1)
    experienced经历; tlerated容忍;study学习;admire钦佩;
    g thrugh经历;talk对话、讨论;cme alive变生动;(7+1)
    finished完成; stpped停止;bent dwn弯腰; assessed评估;leave离开;(4+1)
    happened碰巧;ffered提供; pick up接载; wrk ut解决;lad装载; call打电话;flew飞;(5+2)
    stayed暂住; making使;让; bring带来; tried尝试;lk看起来;pack包装;grwn成长;given给;(6+1)
    knew知道,了解; led带领;领先; tk需要;shine照耀;发光;pack up整理;收拾行李;ride骑;漂浮;went ff离开;train培训;helped帮助;defeated打败;transfrmed转换;改造;改变;winning赢得;led带领;领先; tk需要; shine照耀;发光(14+1)
    chat闲聊; write写;learning学习;flying by飞越;飞逝;cmplaining抱怨; tell告诉;看出,判断出;区分;(5+1)
    witness见证;目睹;fllwed跟随;gathered聚集、采集; lit点燃;点亮;climbing攀爬;inched缓慢移动;slid dwn滑下; hatching孵化;(6+1)
    camped露营;wrked起作用;headed ff启程,出发;interrupted中断;start启动;(4+1)
    plan计划; please取悦; staying停留;sending发送;(4)
    learned了解到;wrried担心;. walked牵着(动物)走; cntinued继续;suggested建议,推荐;respected尊重; caring照顾;need需要;
    escaping避开;; interpreted解释escaping避开;interpreted解释;cntradicted相矛盾;see看见;speak说;cmprehended理解; insist n坚持;(8+1)
    g thrugh经历;cmprmise使陷入危险、妥协;include包括;expect期待、预期; understand理解;add补充说;(4+1)
    lve爱; as if 好像;affrd支付得起; intrduce介绍;believe相信;C. develp发展,培养;fllw跟随;giving给;(7+1)
    sptted看见、注意到; recver恢复、康复;arrive到达;shw up露面,出现;(4)

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