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    Her name was Rsalind Franklin. "She shuld have been up there," says histrian Mary Bwden. "If her phts hadn't been there, the thers culdn't have cme up with the structure." One reasn Franklin was missing was that she had died f cancer fur years befre the Nbel decisin.
    At the University f Cambridge in the 1950s, Watsn and Crick tried t make mdels by cutting up shapes f DNA's parts and then putting them tgether. Meanwhile, at King's Cllege Lndn, Franklin and Wilkins shne X-rays at the mlecule. The rays prduced patterns reflecting the shape.
    But the relatinship between Wilkins and Franklin was a lt rckier. Wilkins thught Franklin was hired t be his assistant. But the cllege actually emplyed her t take ver the DNA prject.
    What she did was prduce X-ray pictures that tld Watsn and Crick that ne f their early mdels was inside ut. And she was nt shy abut saying s. That angered Watsn, wh attacked her in return. "Mere inspectin suggested that she wuld nt easily bend. Clearly she had t g r be put in her place."
    "As Franklin's cmpetitrs, Wilkins, Watsn and Crick had much t gain by cutting her ut f the little grup f researchers," says histrian Pnina Abir-Am. In 1962 at the Nbel Prize award ceremny, Wilkins thanked 13 clleagues by name befre he mentined Franklin. Watsn wrte his bk laughing at her. Crick wrte in 1974 that "Franklin was nly tw steps away frm the slutin."
    N, Franklin was the slutin. "She cntributed mre than any ther player t slving the structure f DNA. She must be cnsidered a c-discverer," Abir-Am says. This was backed up by Aarn Klug, wh wrked with Franklin and later wn a Nbel Prize himself. Once described as the "Dark Lady f DNA", Franklin is finally cming int the light.
    1.Why did Watsn get angry with Franklin?
    A.Franklin kept her results frm him.B.Franklin tk the lead in the cmpetitin.
    C.Franklin prved sme f his findings wrng.D.Franklin shared her data with ther scientists.
    2.Why is Franklin described as "Dark Lady f DNA"?
    A.She develped pictures in dark labs.
    B.Her name was frgtten after her death.
    C.She discvered the black X—the shape f DNA.
    D.Her cntributin was unknwn t the public.
    3.What is the writer's attitude tward Wilkins, Watsn and Crick?
    4.Which can be the mst suitable title fr the passage?
    A.Much Pain, N GainB.Be Nice, Never Finish Last
    C.When One Dr Clses, Anther OpensD.Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way
    2. While many f us may have been away smewhere nice last summer, few wuld say that we've "summered." "Summer" is clearly a nun, mre precisely, a verbing nun.
    Way back in ur childhd, we all learned the difference between a nun and a verb. With such a tidy definitin, it was easy t spt the difference. It's nt s in adulthd, where we are expected t "ft" bills, "chair" cmmittees, and "dialg" with plitical ppnents. Chances are yu didn't feel uncmfrtable abut the sight f thse verbing nuns.
    "The verbing f nuns is as ld as the English language," says Patricia O'Cnner, a frmer editr at The New Yrk Times Bk Review. Experts estimate that 20 percent f all English verbs were riginally nuns. And the phenmenn seems t be snwballing. Since 1900, abut 40 percent f all new verbs have cme frm nuns.
    Even thugh cnversin(转化) is quite universal, plenty f grammarians bject t the practice. William Strunk Jr. and , in The Elements f Style—the Bible fr the use f American English—have this t say: "Many nuns lately have been pressed int service as verbs. Nt all are bad, but all are suspect." The Chicag Manual f Style takes a similar standpint, advising writers t use verbs with great care.
    "Smetimes peple bject t a new verb because they resist what is unfamiliar t them," says O'Cnner. That's why we're cmfrtable with "hsting" a party, but we might feel upset by the thught f "medaling" in sprts. S are there any rules fr verbing? Benjamin Dreyer, cpy chief at Randm Huse, desn't ffer a rule, but suggests that peple think twice abut "verbifying" a nun if it's easily replaceable by an already existing ppular verb. Make sure it's descriptive but nt silly-sunding, he says.
    In the end, hwever, style is subjective. Easy cnversin f nuns t verbs has been part f English grammar fr centuries; it is ne f the prcesses that make English "English." Nt every cinage(新创词语) passes int general use, but as fr trying t end verbing altgether, frget it.
    1.What can we learn abut the verbing f nuns?
    A.It hasn't recently been ppsed by many grammarians.
    B.It is mre cmmnly accepted by children than adults.
    C.It hasn't been a rare phenmenn in the past century.
    D.It is easily replaced by existing verbs in practice.
    2.What is mst leading experts' attitude tward the practice f the verbing f nuns?
    3.What des the authr think f ending the verbing f nuns?
    4.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.Are 40 Percent f All New Verbs Frm Nuns?
    B.Are "Summering" and "Medaling" Annying?
    C.Are Yu Cmfrtable Abut a New Verb?
    D.Are There Any Rules fr Verbing?
    3. A test that measures bld flw changes in the brain shws peple with high bld pressure are mre likely t experience prer cmmunicatin between brain regins than thse with nrmal bld pressure, accrding t a small study published in the American Heart Assciatin jurnal Hypertensin.
    "This study may help t explain why hypertensin is a majr risk factr fr Alzheimer's disease," said the study's lead authr, Lrenz Carnevale.
    Researchers cmpared images f the brains f 19 peple with high bld pressure and 18 peple with bld pressure in the nrmal range. The images were resting-state functinal MRIs, which measure small changes in bld flw at rest. Researchers als gave participants cgnitive tests. Cmpared t peple with nrmal bld pressure, thse with hypertensin perfrmed mre slwly and prly n the cgnitive tests, and their brain images shwed a pattern f abnrmal cnnectins.
    Dr. Kristine Yaffe, a prfessr f psychiatry and neurlgy at the University f Califrnia, nted the brain changes appeared prir t any structural change in the brain assciated with prer cgnitive skills.
    "It culd be that the changes are there, and we just dn't see them yet," Yaffe said. "Or maybe the functinal cnnectins are altered earlier in the prcess. The really amazing thing t me is that they are seeing these changes at such a yung age." The average age f participants with high bld pressure was 55.
    Yaffe, hwever, pinted ut a larger study ver a lnger perid f time is needed t flesh ut these findings. "We need t see if cgnitive functin gets wrse, wh is mst likely t experience this and what it means in terms f when brain changes appear. We can't answer thse questins with such a small study."
    "The study shuld nt be interpreted t mean everyne with high bld pressure is n the rad t Alzheimer's disease," she added. "The brain is really cmplicated. There are sme subtle changes in cnnectins shwn here, but that desn't mean the brain isn't wrking. There may be ther ways the brain is cmpensating(弥补) fr this."
    1.What will peple with hypertensin suffer?
    A.Less cmmunicatin.B.A decline in memry.
    C.Inactive brain activities.D.Pr cnnectins in the brain.
    2.What is Dr.Kristine Yaffe's attitude tward the study?
    3.What d the underlined wrds "flesh ut" mean in Paragraph 6?
    4.What can we infer abut high bld pressure?
    A.Brains may make up fr its effects.B.It makes brains mre cmplicated.
    C.It must lead t Alzheimer's disease.D.Its effects n brains are still unknwn.
    4. It's n secret that inhaling smke is bad fr yur lungs. But nw, scientists are suggesting smke may als carry and spread infectius disease. The thery, published in Science Magazine, is based n research that fund wildfire smke is teeming with thusands f species f micrrganisms. Sme f these micrrganisms, including bacteria and fungal spres(真菌孢子), are knwn t cause disease.
    The new research suggests that when a wildfire burns plant r animal matter and disturbs sils, it expses thusands f species f bacteria and fungi(真菌) that therwise might nt easily becme airbrne. Yu might think the high heat frm fire wuld kill these rganisms, but ne study cited in the article fund that sme bacteria even multiply pst-fire. Scientists say the rganisms latch n t smke particulates, allwing them t travel thusands f miles acrss cntinents.
    Dr. Peter Chen, directr f the Divisin f Pulmnary and Critical Care Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Ls Angeles, is "intrigued" by the thery but smewhat skeptical that the micrrganisms in smke wuld actually cause infectins. Many bacteria and fungi dn't cause lung infectins, says Chen, but it's certainly pssible that a significant amunt culd wrsen symptms in smene with a pre-existing lung cnditin. "I always thught it was the particulates in smke that were causing these issues," says Chen. "But when I read this, I started thinking: Culd it be the micrrganisms that are als wrsening existing illness?"
    Whether the micrbes in smke actually cause infectins r simply wrsen ptential respiratry issues, the article raises a new health threat that is "certainly alarming", says Kelsey Jack, an assciate prfessr f envirnmental and develpment ecnmics. This is especially true fr lwer-incme ppulatins, Jack says, because peple with fewer means are ften mre expsed t the envirnment. If smke is affecting the air quality in a certain area, the peple wh wrk utside, r wh have t g t the ffice n ft r by bike, will inhale mre smke than thse wh drive.
    But until mre research is dne, Chen says the best thing peple can d is just fllw existing recmmendatins when air quality is pr—including staying indrs, keeping windws and drs clsed, using HEPA filters(过滤器) and running air cnditining.
    1.What can we knw abut the micrrganisms frm Paragraph 2?
    A.They culd be killed by high heat.
    B.They culd pssibly travel thrugh air by themselves.
    C.They culd reprduce in large numbers after fires.
    D.They can easily attach themselves t smke particulates.
    2.Hw d mst micrrganisms affect peple accrding t Dr. Peter Chen?
    A.They will cause lung infectins.B.They might wrsen lung disease.
    C.They will destry living envirnments.D.They might damage respiratry system.
    3.Why are lw-incme peple suffering mre than thers?
    A.They live in pr areas.B.They drive t and frm wrk.
    C.They have suffered frm lung disease.D.They are expsed t plluted air mre frequently.
    4.What des the last paragraph mainly talk abut?
    A.Results f the new research.
    B.Disagreements between the authr and Chen.
    C.Suggestins n dealing with pr air quality.
    D.Benefits f preventing smke frm plluting the air.
    Duratin: frm April 12 t 15 in Phuket (The dates vary depending n the regins).
    Lcatin: Sngkran is the Thai New Year. The entire cuntry gets a lt f days ff, and mst Thai peple will be ging back hme t celebrate Sngkran with their families. Just expect a lt f traffic jams n the rad as everyne is ut n pick-up trucks, thrwing water at each ther.
    Details: Starting in the early mrning n April 13th, the water ceremny will take many frms. Initially, yu are nly suppsed t sprinkle(洒) yur family with a tiny cup f water at hme. It's gd luck. Then yu sprinkle a statue f Buddha very respectfully and say a little prayer.
    Later in the mrning, the game starts t change. Because this is the httest time f the year, sprinkling each ther with water is a lt f fun. Add a little beer t that and Sngkran turns int a cuntry-wide water war.
    It starts rather gently in Phuket Twn arund 10 a.m., turning t water dgfights(混战) in the afternn in Patng, Kata and Karn, and ends in the full-scale wet war zne in Bangla Rad until late at night.
    Survival Tips:
    Dn't drive a bike if yu can avid it. It's slippery and the tendency t clse eyes when water is thrwn at yu is dangerus.
    Get a waterprf camera.
    Be aware f majr traffic jams in twns, mstly in Patng Beach.
    Dn't carry anything that desn't resist water.
    Dn't wear expensive clthing.
    Be aware f the sun!
    Have fun! Dn't take it t seriusly. It's gd.
    1.Why d traffic jams happen during Sngkran?
    A.The rad is slippery.B.The entire cuntry gets a lt f days ff.
    C.The peple are thrwing water at each ther.D.Everyne is sprinkling his family n the rad.
    2.What's the first step t celebrate Sngkran?
    A.Saying a little prayer.B.Sprinkling a statue f Buddha.
    C.Sprinkling the family with a little water.D.Sprinkling each ther with much beer.
    3.Which f the fllwing is recmmended during Sngkran?
    A.Carrying an umbrella.B.Wearing cheap clthes.
    C.Bringing sme cash.D.Riding a bicycle.
    6. Magic is a frm f entertainment that is based n pretending t d things that are impssible. The magician is a specially trained actr. They try t make the audience believe that they have the pwer t d things which are against the laws f nature.
    Magic shws are entertaining as lng as the audience des nt discver hw the tricks are dne. The magician usually depends n their skill with their hands, n their knwledge f psychlgy, and, smetimes, n mechanical devices(机械装置). Since magic perfrmance is meant t trick peple, the use f psychlgy is imprtant. The magician must keep peple frm nticing all the mvements f their hands and frm thinking abut the secret parts f their equipment. They must als lead the audience t draw false cnclusins. The magician's success depends n the fact that many things seen by the eye are nt the things that matter.
    Tw basic magic tricks are making bjects seem t appear and making bjects seem t disappear. A cmbinatin f these tw tricks makes fr sme interesting effects. Fr example, the magician puts a small ball under ne f several cups. The ball then seems t jump frm ne cup t anther r t change clr. What actually happens is that the magician, emplying quick hand mvements r a mechanical device, hides ne ball. While ding this they talk t the audience and wave a brightly clred clth with ne hand. The audience is t busy watching the clth and listening t the magician's wrds t ntice that their ther hand is hiding the ball.
    Anther favrite trick is t cut r burn smething, and then make it appear whle again. What actually happens is that the magician makes the cut r burned bject disappear by quickly hiding it while the audience watches smething else. Then they "magically" make it appear whle again by displaying anther bject that has nt been cut r burned.
    1.What is the authr's main purpse in writing the text?
    A.T prmte a magic shw.B.T teach peple t be magicians.
    C.T explain the art f magic.D.T praise the talents f magicians.
    2.Which f the fllwing is imprtant fr a successful magic trick?
    A.Mving stage equipment.B.Directing the audience's attentin.
    C.Applying high technlgy.D.Keeping the perfrmance in secret.
    3.What des the authr fcus n in the last tw paragraphs?
    A.Prviding examples.B.Making a summary.
    C.Drawing cmparisns.D.Explaining a cncept.
    4.What can we infer frm the text?
    A.Mechanical devices are expensive.B.Mst magicians emply assistants.
    C.It takes practice t perfrm magic.D.Small bjects are magicians' favrites.
    7. Maybe yu're depressed because yu dn't sleep well. Or yu feel stuck when yu read an e-mail with sme bad news that prevents yur enthusiastic imaginatin. Whatever the case may be, yu tell yurself wrking nw is in vain, because yu culdn't pssibly cme up with anything inventive in this md.
    Several studies in psychlgy have shwn that negative emtins narrw ur visin and limit ur thinking. Hwever, psitive emtins can imprve creativity because they braden ur way f thinking by encuraging us t try new things r lk at situatins differently.
    Creativity is the ability t prduce and carry ut bth new and useful ideas. Creativity can result frm a persn's wn creative ideas and bservatins, r it can appear as a respnse t a direct assignment r prblem as well.
    Bth psitive and negative mds can lead t tw different kinds f creativity that benefit different tasks. Research shws that the key factr influencing ur creativity is nt ur md itself, but the strength f ur feelings and the mtivatin behind ur wrk. Fr example, anger r anxiety can help us t fcus ur attentin n prducing effective results. Great excitement r jy, n the ther hand, can encurage an instant at which the slutin t a prblem becmes clear all f a sudden. In fact, ne study even finds that while we're 20 percent mre likely t have creative abilities t understand mixed situatins when we're feeling gd, peple in a negative md perfrm better when the quality f slutins—nt quantity—matters mst.
    But f curse, we are rarely entirely happy r entirely sad. Mre ften, we experience mixed emtins. In psychlgy, these strng emtins, whether they are psitive r negative, lead t greater creative actins.
    It cmes as n surprise then that highly creative peple tend t be very familiar with their emtins. They reprt experiencing very strng emtins mre frequently than less creative peple and are mre willing t experience thse emtins.
    1.What is the authr's purpse in writing the first paragraph?
    A.T expect us t be creative.B.T shw the imprtance f creativity.
    C.T tell us negative emtins exist everywhere.D.T clarify hw mds influence yur creativity.
    2.What is the attitude f the authr tward negative emtins?
    3.What can be learned frm the passage?
    A.We shuld always try t keep urselves in gd md.
    B.Peple feel either very happy r very sad mst f the time.
    C.Strng emtins play an imprtant rle in creativity.
    D.Creativity nly results frm creative ideas and bservatins.
    4.Accrding t the passage, what shuld yu d t get mre creative?
    A.Avid negative mds ttally.B.Face up t inner feelings psitively.
    C.Try ut new things cautiusly.D.Understand mixed situatins clearly.
    8. Over 400 human ftprints preserved in vlcanic sediment(沉淀物) prvide a sign f scial life amng ancient hunter-gatherers. The impressins, fund in nrthern Tanzania, add up t Africa's largest cllectin f ancient human ftprints, say evlutinary bilgist Kevin Hatala f Chatham University in Pittsburgh and his clleagues. Peple walked acrss a muddy layer f vlcanic ashes dating back t between 19,100 and 5,760 years ag, the researchers reprted n May 14 in Scientific Reprts. Dating f a thin rck layer that partly verlaps(重叠) the sediment narrws the ftprints' age t abut 12,000 t 10,000 years ag.
    Hatala's team analyzed ftprint sizes, distances between prints and which way prints pinted. One cllectin f tracks was made by 17 peple walking suthwest. Cmparisns with mdern prints suggest that this grup cnsisted f furteen wmen, tw men and ne yung by. The wmen may have been searching fr fds while a few males visited r accmpanied them, the researchers infer. Sme present-day hunter-gatherers frm lately female fd-gathering grups.
    The study is "a nice piece f wrk", althugh it's hard t specify what peple were ding, says gelgist Matthew Bennett f Burnemuth University in Ple, England.
    Many mre sets f ftprint tracks wuld be needed t argue cnvincingly that hunter-gatherers at that time had female fd-gathering grups, Bennett says. And it wuld still be unknwn if the wmen were gathering plants r hunting prey. Other ftprint sites present especially prmising pprtunities fr studying ancient behavir, he says. He is invlved in wrk in New Mexic that has uncvered tens f thusands f ftprints f humans and ther creatures frm mre than 10,000 years ag. Early results suggest that humans there hunted giant slths(树懒). Bennett expects thse prints will yield mre insights int Stne Age hunting.
    1.What des the underlined wrd "impressins" in the first paragraph mean?
    A.Thughts abut peple r things.B.Cllectins f vlcanic ashes.
    C.Marks left by creatures r smething.D.Behavirs f imitating smene.
    2.What d the newly-discvered ftprints suggest?
    A.Ancient hunters were scially rganized.
    B.Ancient male hunters were admired by females.
    C.Female fd-gathering grups were bviusly frmed.
    D.Males played a mre imprtant rle in finding fd than females.
    3.What can we learn accrding t the last paragraph?
    A.The females gathered plants r hunted prey in the Stne Age.
    B.The ftprint tracks have prved female fd-gathering grups existed.
    C.The ftprint sites prvide a gd chance t further study ancient behavir.
    D.The ftprints will hardly influence ur understanding f Stne Age hunting
    4.What's the best title fr the text?
    A.Hw Ancient Hunters Gathered FdB.What Ancient Human Ftprints Were Like
    C.What Ancient Human Ftprints Tell UsD.Hw Ancient Fd-Gathering Grups Cperated
    9. It used t be mstly the military that used small, unpilted aircraft, called "drnes". The little planes were very cstly. But as they have drpped in price mre peple have begun t use them. Rescue wrkers and farmers are amng the new users.
    The fast rate f the develpment f cmputer technlgy, image sensing devices, satellite navigatin and smartphnes has led t lwer-priced drnes. Researchers and develpers have learned hw t build smaller and less cstly drnes. Mviemakers are using drnes t film frm the sky. Histrians use them when they explre ancient buildings. Rescue wrkers use them t lk fr peple. And nw farmers are using them t watch ver their crps.
    Rmain Farux is a French businessman wh starts cmpanies. His father was a farmer. He believed drnes culd help farmers. He helped create a cmpany that develped a small drne that culd be cntrlled by peple n the grund. They called it "Agridrne". It uses a special "ptical sensr" t examine crps. The technlgy used is similar t that used by smartphnes—except it has wings. A cmputer prgram directs the drne t fly ver the crps. The sensr n the drne recrds fur different-clred "bands" f sunlight that are reflected ff the crps.
    Jean-Baptiste Bruggeman is a farmer. He says the drne flies ver his crps at different times f the seasn. He says this prvides a lt f infrmatin abut his crps. The drne pictures shw him the exact amunt f fertilizer the crps need. It als shws exactly where the fertilizer is needed.
    Rmain Farux says farmers use infrmatin cllected by the Agridrne t place fertilizer nly in areas where it is needed. This saves mney and reduces pllutin. Befre they used the drnes, farmers wuld put the same amunt f fertilizer everywhere. Drnes als save time because farmers can examine up t three hectares in abut a minute.
    1.Why d rescue wrkers and farmers begin t use drnes?
    A.Drnes can mnitr their cattle.B.Drnes' prices have drpped.
    C.Drnes can help them get mre business.D.Drnes' sizes becme smaller.
    2.What can the drnes develped by Rmain Farux's cmpany d?
    A.Explre ancient buildings.B.Put fertilizer n the crps.
    C.Help farmers examine their crps.D.Help rescue wrkers lk fr peple.
    3.What can the sensr n the drne d?
    A.Help the sunlight shine the crps.B.Direct the plane t fly ver the crps.
    C.Examine the different clrs f the sunlight.D.Recrd the sunlight reflected ff the crps.
    4.Hw des the authr think f the use f the drne accrding t the text?
    A.Envirnmentally friendlyB.Wasteful.
    10. Experts agree that parents wh give up cntrl ver their children's lives wuld raise them t be mre independent adults. While the vast majrity f parents are nt in the psitin t bribe their children int elite(精英) schls, this extreme case illustrates the temptatin many feel t take cntrl f their kids' lives. But an extreme hands-n apprach can have devastating cnsequences when it cmes t a child's mental health.
    "These parents thught their kids were incapable f managing their lives by themselves. And I dn't think there's any wrse message yu can give smebdy than 'I dn't have any cnfidence in yur ability t handle yur wn life,' " the clinical neurpsychlgist William Stixrud tld HuffPst. Stixrud is the authr f The Self-driven Child: The Science and Sense f Giving Yur Kids Mre Cntrl ver Their Lives, alng with Ned Jhnsn.
    In their research, Stixrud and Jhnsn have identified the imprtance fr yung peple t feel a sense f cntrl ver their wn lives. "We have this epidemic f stress-related prblems like anxiety and depressin, and s many f thse are related t the fact that kids feel s little cntrl ver their lives," said Stixrud. "They feel like, 'Here's a script t get int cllege, and that's what yur life is ging t be.' It's incredibly stressful and discuraging fr many kids." In rder t develp healthy self-mtivatin, yung peple need t feel a sense f agency and autnmy, which parents and educatrs have the pwer t prmte.
    "We suggest parents think f themselves as cnsultants, rather than a kid's manager r bss, r the hmewrk plice. It's a very different kind f thinking abut yur rle", said Stixrud. "As a cnsultant, yur rle is nt t frce anything r say 'Yu need t be like this'. Instead, help yur kid understand what he r she wants t be." He advises parents t encurage their kids t make their wn decisins lng befre the cllege years. It's imprtant t cnstantly ask, "Whse life is this?" and realize the answer is "My child's life, nt mine."
    1.What des the writer think f the extreme hands-n apprach in parenting?
    A.It's gd fr parents t cntrl children better.
    B.It can raise children t be independent nes.
    C.It's harmful t children's mental health.
    D.It can help children t be admitted int better schls.
    2.What des the underlined wrd "bribe" in Paragraph 1 mean?
    3.What des the authr intend t d in the last paragraph?
    A.T summarize the previus paragraphs.B.T add sme backgrund infrmatin.
    C.T prvide sme advice fr parents.D.T intrduce a new tpic fr discussin.
    4.Which culd be the best title fr the text?
    A.Hw t Be Yur Children's Friend
    B.Be Yur Children's Cnsultant Instead f Manager
    C.Accmpany Yur Children Grwing Up
    D.Hw t Help Yur Children Adjust t Cllege Life
    1.答案:1-4 CDBA
    解析:1.细节理解题。根据第五段中的What she did was prduce X-ray f their early mdels was inside angered Watsn可知, 沃森生气是因为富兰克林的X光照片证明了沃森早期的一个模型是颠倒的, 即证明沃森的某个发现是错误的, 故选C项。
    2.推理判断题。根据第六段中历史学家的话As Franklin's cmpetitrs, Wilkins, Watsn and Crick had much cutting her ut f the little grup f researchers可知, 威尔金斯、沃森和克里克把富兰克林排除在外, 由最后一段中的She cntributed mre than any ther player t slving the structure f DNA...以及Once described as the "Dark Lady f DNA", Franklin is finally cming int the light.可知, 富兰克林在解开DNA结构的问题上贡献最大, 但最后才被发现。由此可推知, 她被称为"Dark Lady f DNA", 是因为她的贡献不为公众所知, 故选D项。
    3.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段内容可知, 作为富兰克林的竞争对手, 威尔金斯、沃森和克里克通过把富兰克林排除在研究小组之外而获益颇多, 结合最后一段中的N, Franklin was the slutin.及She must be cnsidered a c-discverer可推知, 作者认为富兰克林起到了关键作用, 肯定了她对研究的贡献, 而对其他三位科学家是不赞成的, 故选B项。
    4.主旨大意题。本文第一段说明有三位科学家获得了诺贝尔奖, 但研究团队中的第四个人却被排除在外; 下文详细说明了罗莎琳德•富兰克林虽然对DNA的发现有重大贡献, 但却始终不为人所知的故事, 由此可推知, A项(多劳无获)为最佳标题, 故选A项。
    2.答案:1-4 CADB
    解析:1.推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句Since 1900, abut 40 percent f all new verbs have cme frm nuns.可知, 近半的新动词来自名词, 说明"名词动用"在上个世纪并不是罕见的现象, 故选C项。
    2.推理判断题。根据第四段中的Nt all are bad, but all are suspect.可知, 两位专家建议在英语语言的实践中应持怀疑态度; The Chicag Manual f Style takes a similar standpint, advising writers t use verbs with great care.说明《芝加哥文体手册》也建议小心谨慎地使用动词, 由此可推知, 对于"名词动用"的用法, 大多数专家持谨慎的态度, 故选A项。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Nt every cinage passes int general use, but as fr trying t end verbing altgether, frget it.可知, 作者认为想要停止"名词动用"用法的使用是不可能的, 故选D项。
    4.主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 文章描述了存在已久的一种语言现象—"名词动用", 并讨论了人们对它的态度, 大多数专家对英语语言中"名词动用"的实践持有谨慎态度, 也有人因抗拒自己不熟悉的东西而反对新动词。B项引用文章中的两个"名词动用"的词summer和medal来对其用法进行概括并展示对它的态度, 因此B项"Summering和Medaling很讨厌吗?"为最佳标题, 故选B项。
    3.答案:1-4 DBAA
    解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的peple with high bld I pressure are mre likely t experience prer cmmunicatin between brain regins than thse with nrmal bld pressure可知, 高血压患者大脑区域之间的交流可能会更少, 也就是说大脑区域间的关联会比较弱, 故选D项。
    2.推理判断题。根据第六段中的Yaffe, hwever, pinted ut a larger study ver a lnger perid f time is needed t flesh ut these findings.以及下文的We can't answer thse questins with such a small study. 可知亚夫博士肯定了这项研究的意义, 并指出其局限性, 即还需要进行更大规模、更长时间的研究, 由此可推知, 亚夫博士对这实验持客观态度, 故选B项。
    3.词义猜测题。根据画线处下文的We can't answer thse questins with such a small study.可知本次研究规模和成果较小, 需要更大规模、更长时间的实验来丰富实验成果, 故可推知画线短语意为"丰富", 故选A项。
    4.推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知, 并非每个高血压患者都有患阿尔茨海默病的风险, 大脑可能有其他的补偿方法, 由此可推知, 大脑也许会以某种方式来抵消高血压对大脑产生的不利影响, A项中短语make up fr意为"弥补", 故选A项。
    4.答案:1-4 CBDC
    解析:1.细节理解题。根据第二段第二句Yu might think the high heat frm multiply pst-fire.可知, 一些微生物在大火之后可能会大量繁殖, 故选C项。
    2.细节理解题。由题干中的Dr. Peter Chen可定位至第三段, 由该段中的 it's certainly pssible that a significant amunt culd wrsen symptms in smene with a pre-existing lung cnditin.可知, 彼得认为大量的细菌和真菌等微生物可能会让病人的肺部感染恶化, 故选B项。
    3.细节理解题。根据第四段中的This is especially true fr lwer-incme ften mre expsed t the envirnment.可知, 低收入人群比别人遭受更多是因为他们更频繁地暴露在污染的空气中; 固定搭配be expsed t意为"暴露在", 故选D项。
    4.主旨大意题。根据最后一段彼得的建议可知, 在空气质量差的时候, 人们应该待在室内, 关闭门窗, 使用高效微粒空气过滤器和空调等, 由此可推知, 最后一段讨论了关于应对较差的空气质量的建议, 故选C项。
    5.答案:1-3 CCB
    解析:1.细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Just expect a lt f traffic jams n the rad as everyne is ut n pick-up trucks, thrwing water at each ther.可知, 在泼水节期间道路发生交通堵塞是因为人们在相互泼水, 故选C项。
    2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的Initially, yu are nly suppsed t sprinkle yur family with a tiny cup f water at hme.可知, 庆祝泼水节的第一步是给家人洒点水。题干中的the first step与原文中的Initially为同义表达, 故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据Survival Tips中的Dn't wear expensive clthing.可知, 在泼水节期间, 推荐穿便宜的衣服, 故选B项。
    6.答案:1-4 CDAC
    解析:1. 推理判断题。第一段中的Magic is a frm f entertainment that is based n pretending t d things that are impssible.对魔术表演下定义, 第三段的第一句Tw basic magic tricks are making bjects seem t...以及最后一段第一句Anther favrite trick is t...说明这两段在讲述魔术的技巧, 由此可推知, 写作目的是解释魔术的艺术, 故选C项。
    2.细节理解题。根据第二段中的Magic shws are entertaining as lng as the audience des nt discver hw the tricks are dne.及The magician must keep peple frm 可知, 魔术师要让观众注意不到他们的手部动作, 同时让观众想不到魔术设备的秘密之处, 即具有保密性对于魔术的成功很重要; D项中固定搭配keep sth. in secret意为"使保密", 故选D项。
    3.推理判断题。根据第三段首句可知该段阐述的是两个魔术技巧, 两者相结合以取得效果, 又根据下文的Fr example, the magician puts a small ball under ne f several cups...及最后两段出现的What actually happens is that...可知, 作者用两个具体例子来论证说明以上论点, 故选A项。
    4.推理判断题。根据第一段的The magician is a specially trained actr.可知, 表演魔术需要练习, 其他选项在原文中未体现, 故选C项。
    7.答案:1-4 DDCB
    解析: 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中的sme bad news that prevents yur enthusiastic imaginatin可知, 坏消息阻碍想象力, 结合 culdn't pssibly cme up with anything inventive in this md.可知, 在坏情绪影响下, 很难想出任何有创意的东西。由此可推知, 第一段的写作目的是阐明情绪是如何影响你的创造力的, 故选D项。
    2.推理判断题。根据第四段中的Bth psitive and negative mds can lead t tw different kinds f creativity that benefit different tasks.及Research shws that the key factr influencing ur creativity is nt ur md wrk.可知, 作者认为积极和消极的情绪能产生不同的创造力, 并陈述研究结论说明影响创造力的关键不在于情绪本身, 由此可推知, 作者对消极情绪的态度是客观的, 故选D项。
    3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的They reprt experiencing very strng emtins mre frequently than less creative peple...可知, They指代highly creative peple, 也就是说, 具有高度创造性的人比缺乏创造力的人更频繁地经历强烈的情绪, 由此可知, 强烈的情绪在创造性中发挥重要作用, 故选C项。
    4.推理判断题。根据第四段关键句 the strength f ur feelings and the mtivatin behind ur wrk.以及最后一段内容可知, 高度创造性的人有强烈的情绪并且更愿意体验这些情绪, 他们的态度是积极的, 由此可推知, 不管处于什么情绪, 只要我们能积极面对内心的感受, 就可以变得更有创造力, 故选B项。
    8.答案:1-4 CACC
    解析: 1.词义猜测题。根据第一段中的Over 400 human ftprints preserved in vlcanic sediment prvide a sign f scial life amng ancient hunter-gatherers.可知, 火山沉积物中保存的400多个人类脚印是古代狩猎采集者的社会生活的标志, 并结合画线词所在句可知, 在坦桑尼亚北部发现的某些东西, 丰富了非洲最大的古代人类脚印收藏。由此可推知, 画线词impressins指人类或其他生物留下的脚印等痕迹, 故选C项。
    2.推理判断题。根据第二段中的The wmen may have been searching fr fds while a few males visited r accmpanied them, the researchers infer.可知, 这些女性寻找食物时会有男性陪伴, 由此可推知, 古代人外出狩猎应该是经过一定计划和组织的, 故选A项。
    3.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的Other ftprint sites present especially prmising pprtunities fr studying ancient behavir, he says.可知, 这些足迹遗址为进一步研究古代人类行为提供了一个很好的机会, 故选C项。
    4.主旨大意题。本文介绍了一个研究团队对坦桑尼亚北部发现的足迹中隐藏的人类社会行为的分析研究成果, 这些足迹将有助于研究古代人类社会行为以及石器时代的捕猎行为。由此可推知, C项"古代人类的脚印告诉我们什么"为最佳标题, 故选C项。
    9.答案:1-4 BCDA
    解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的But as they have drpped in price mre peple have begun t use them. Rescue wrkers and farmers are amng the new users.可知, 救援人员和农民开始使用无人机是因为无人机的价格下降了, 故选B项。
    2.细节理解题。由题干中的Rmain Farux定位至第三段, 由该段的 small drne that culd be cntrlled by peple n the grund. They called it "Agridrne". It uses a special "ptical sensr" t examine crps.可知, 罗曼•法鲁的公司研发的无人机利用"光学传感器"帮助农民检测庄稼, 故选C项。
    3.细节理解题。根据第三段中的The sensr n the drne recrds fur different-clred "bands" f sunlight that are reflected ff the crps.可知, 无人机上的传感器能记录农作物反射的阳光, 故选D项。
    4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Rmain Farux says farmers use reduces pllutin.可知, 农民利用农业无人机收集的信息, 只在需要化肥的地方施肥, 这减少了污染, 很环保, 故选A项。
    10.答案:1-4 CACB
    解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句But an extreme hands-n apprach can have devastating cnsequences when it cmes t a child's mental health.可知, 这种极端的教育方式对儿童的心理健康有害, 故选C项。
    2.词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句中的this extreme case illustrates the temptatin many feel t take cntrl f their kids' lives可知, 许多人意欲控制自己孩子的生话, 画线词bribe与temptatin语义一致, 在此处意为"诱惑; 诱哄", 即诱哄自己的孩子进入精英学校, 故选A项。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的We suggest parents think f themselves as cnsultants...以及He advises parents t encurage their kids...可知, 作者是在给父母提供建议, 故选C项。
    4.主旨大意题。通读全文, 尤其根据最后一段的关键词cnsultants, understand, encurage可知, 专家建议父母把自己当作孩子的顾问, 理解并鼓励孩子, 放弃对孩子生活的控制; B项"做孩子的顾问而非管理者"为最佳标题, 故选B项。

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