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    这是一份【开学考】2024秋高二上册开学摸底考试卷高二上册开学摸底考试卷英语(江苏专用).zip,文件包含英语江苏专用解析版docx、英语江苏专用考试版docx、英语江苏专用答案及评分标准docx、英语江苏专用答题卡docx、英语江苏专用答题卡pdf、英语江苏专用听力音频mp3等6份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £ 9. 15.
    答案是 C。
    1.When will the first perfrmance end?
    A.At 7:00.B.At 9:00.C.At 9:10.
    2.Where des the man cme frm?
    A.New Yrk.B.Washingtn.C.Ls Angeles.
    3.What des the man mst prbably think f the news abut Jhn?
    4.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.The histry hmewrk.B.The weekend plan.C.Their teacher.
    5.Where are the speakers?
    A.In a library.B.In a bkstre.C.At a cffee shp.
    6.Why is it an imprtant day fr the man?
    A.He will sign an agreement. B.He will attend a wedding. C.He will pick up an imprtant guest.
    7.What clr is the tie the man will wear?
    8.Where are the tw speakers?
    A.In a car.B.In a train.C.In a bus.
    9.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A.A travel t a new city.B.A light rail train.C.A traffic accident.
    10.Wh perates the train?
    A.The man.B.The train itself.C.Operatrs.
    11.Why did Jhn g t Kenya?
    A.T take a business trip. B.T see wild animals. C.T visit his parents.
    12.What did sme farmers d with the elephant in that village?
    A.They put it t death.B.They drve it away.C.They prtected it.
    13.What slutin is mentined?
    A.Giving farmers mre fd. B.Remving the farmers. C.Offering elephants mre space.
    14.What day is it tday?
    A.Friday. B.Saturday. C.Sunday.
    15.What des Claire think helped her get the letter frm Harvard ?
    A.Frming gd learning habits. B.Attending extra curses. C.Staying up late t study.
    16.Why did Claire chse Harvard University ?
    A.Her aunt was studying there.
    B.She has wn a schlarship t it.
    C.She wants t be Madelyn's schlmate.
    17.What des Claire plan t d befre September ?
    A.Visit her aunt. B.Travel abrad. C.Visit sme clleges.
    18.What is the aim f the gvernment’s campaign?
    A.T prmte a healthier lifestyle.
    B.T imprve the healthcare system.
    C.T slve envirnmental prblems.
    19.Wh is the target audience f the vide?
    A.Children under 12.B.Teenagers.C.The ver 20s.
    20.What’s the cntent f the vide?
    A.A cmmn day f a drinker.
    B.The unhealthy life f a smker.
    C.The trubles f an verweight man.
    Arterial celebrates traditin f artistic excellence at UChicag
    Fur innvative UChicag Arts rganizatins will celebrate their anniversaries (周年纪念日) during Artennial, a celebratin f the traditin and future f artistic excellence at the University f Chicag.Cntemp
    Devted specifically t the perfrmance f new music, Cntemp — frmerly knwn as the Cntemprary Chamber Players — is ne f the mst successful new music grups in the natin. Nw in its 60th seasn, Cntemp bas earned a reputatin fr utstanding perfrmances f music by living cmpsers.Curt Theatre
    Starting its 70th seasn, Curt Theatre is devted t creating innvative prductins f classic plays. Thrugh main stage prductins, audience enrichment prgrams and cperatin s with UChicag, it re-examines, re-imagines and renews classic texts that raise questins that shw the human experience.The Renaissance Sciety
    The Renaissance Sciety is an independent, nn-cllecting museum f cntemprary (当代的) art lcated n the campus f UChicag. Funded in 1915 t encurage a greater understanding f culture, it presents exhibitins, public prgrams and publicatins that advance the ideas and expressins f ur time.The Smart Museum
    Celebrating its 50th seasn, the Smart Museum is a perfect museum fr encunters with art. As the fine arts museum f UChicag, it is hme t thught-prvking (发人深省的) exhibitins and a delicate cllectin f ancient, mdern and cntemprary art frm acrss the glbe. Jining hands with schlars, it has established itself as a pineering mdel f what a 21st-century academic art museum can be.
    21.Which arts rganizatin has the lngest histry?
    A.Cntemp.B.Curt Theatre.
    C.The Renaissance Sciety.D.The Smart Museum.
    22.What can visitrs d at the Smart Museum?
    A.Meet smart artists.B.Attend fine arts lessns.
    C.Shake hands with schlars.D.Enjy glbal art f different eras.
    23.Where can the text be fund?
    A.In an art histry bk.B.In an artist bigraphy.
    C.In a university newspaper.D.In a university intrductin.
    A few years ag I tk my sns fr ice cream, and while my lder sn went inside t buy us ur milk shakes, my yunger sn and I waited n the bench (长椅) utside.
    At a certain pint I realized that sitting right next t me were a little girl with a facial defrmity (畸形), her friend (r sister), and her mther.
    When my yunger sn lked up and saw her, he reacted exactly the way yu might think a three-year ld wuld react when seeing smething that scared him: he started t cry—pretty ludly, t. I hurriedly tried t push him away in the strller (婴儿推车), nt fr the benefit f him but t avid hurting the girl’s feelings, and in my haste I caused my lder sn t knck ver the shakes, and, well, it was a scene quite different frm what I had hped fr. But as I pushed my yunger sn’s strller away I heard the little girl’s mm say, in as sweet and calm a vice as yu can imagine, “Okay, guys, I think it’s time t g.” And that just set me thinking.
    Fr the rest f the day, I culdn’t stp thinking abut hw that scene had played ut. It ccurred t me that they prbably went thrugh smething like that hundreds f times a day. What wuld that be like? What culd I be teaching my children s they culd understand hw t respnd better next time? What I shuld have dne, instead f trying t avid the situatin, was invlve the girl and her mther in cnversatin. If my sn cried, s be it: kids cry. I shuld have set a better example fr him, and shwn him there was nthing t fear.
    As I was thinking abut the scene, the sng Wnder by Natalie Merchant came n the radi that night, and smething abut the wrds t the sng just gt t me. That very night, I started writing Wnder, a stry abut a by with a facial difference.
    24.What made the yunger sn cry?
    A.That his mther pushed him away.B.That his brther upset the milk shakes.
    C.That he was unwilling t react t the girl.D.That he was scared by the girl’s appearance.
    25.The underlined wrd “haste” in paragraph 3 is clsest in meaning t ________.
    26.Why did the authr keep thinking abut the scene?
    A.She regretted nt behaving prperly.B.She regretted nt cmfrting her sn.
    C.She wanted t write a nvel based n it.D.She wanted t clear up the misunderstanding.
    27.What des the authr want t express thrugh the stry?
    A.Dn’t judge a bk by its cver.B.One gd turn deserves anther.
    C.A kind gesture can reach a wund.D.Think twice befre making a final decisin.
    We have all heard hw plastic pllutin has verflwed every crner f the wrld. Recently, scientists have made a surprising discvery that micrplastics are even fund in the human bldstream.
    After analyzing bld samples (样本) frm 22 healthy peple, researchers fund micrplastics in 17 f them! Mst f the micrplastics were classified as plyethylene terephthalate (PET), which is cmmnly fund in drink bttles, and there were small amunts f plyethylene, which makes up plastic bags.
    Althugh the exact chemical effects f micrplastics n ur bdies are unknwn, it is clear that the increasing amunts f plastic in ur envirnment culd bring a risk t human cells in the future.
    Micrplastics were never cnsidered a significant threat t the atmsphere until recent studies began t reveal that they culd be fund everywhere acrss the skies. Fr example, scientists recently discvered the presence f micrplastics in the Pyrenees Muntain Range in Eurpe, believed t have arrived by rain r snw.
    The lw mass f micrplastics makes them spread thrugh air, which is why they can travel hundreds, even thusands, f miles frm their surce. They are als likely t spread thrugh wastewater, ceans, and even sil.
    Micrplastics that are being blwn and swept int the air have the ptential t affect air quality and clud frmatin. In fact, massive micrplastics in the air culd frm such a kind f cluds that tend t stick arund lnger than naturally frming cluds.
    With micrplastics accumulating in the air we breathe, there is als an increasing cncern that they may affect human lungs. The new study will allw scientists t better understand the impacts n human health and is a reminder f the need t find ther replacements fr plastic.
    28.What have scientists discvered abut micrplastics recently?
    A.They are mainly made up f PET.B.They’re a majr surce f pllutin.
    C.They exist everywhere in the wrld.D.They’ve fund their way int human bdies.
    29.Why is the Pyrenees Muntain Range mentined in the furth paragraph?
    A.T present a fact.B.T prvide evidence.
    C.T study a phenmenn.D.T intrduce a tpic.
    30.What des the underlined wrd “accumulating” in the last paragraph mean?
    A.Becming plentiful.B.Keeping declining.
    C.Staying unchanged.D.Remaining unnticed.
    31.Where is the text prbably taken frm?
    A.A bk review.B.An academic paper.
    C.A scientific reprt.D.An envirnment brchure.
    Against the suppsitin that frest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia warm the climate, scientists have discvered that cling may ccur in areas where burnt trees allw mre snw t mirrr mre sunlight int space.
    This finding suggests that taking steps t prevent nrthern frest t limit the release f greenhuse gases may warm the climate in nrthern regins. Usually large fires destryed frests in these areas ver the past decade. Scientists predict that with climate warming, fires may ccur mre frequently ver next several centuries as a result f a lnger fire seasn. Sunlight taken in by the earth tends t cause warming while heat mirrred back int space tends t cause cling.
    This is the first study t analyze all aspects f hw nrthern fires influence climate. Earlier studies by ther scientists have suggested that fire in nrthern regins speed up climate warming because greenhuse gases frm burning trees and plants are released int the atmsphere and thus trap heat.Scientists fund that right after the fire, large amunts f greenhuse gases entered the atmsphere and caused warming.Ozne(臭氧)levels increased, and ash frm the fire fell n far-ff sea ice darkening the surface and causing mre radiatin frm the sun t be taken in. The fllwing spring hwever, the land within the area f the fire was brighter than befre the fire, because fewer tree cvered the grund. Snw n the grund mirrred mre sunlight back int space, leading t cling.
    We need t find ut all pssible ways t reduce the grwth f greenhuse gases in the atmsphere. Scientists tracked the change in amunt f radiatin entering and leaving the climate system as a result f the fire, and fund a measurement clsely related t the glbal air temperature. Typically, fire in nrthern regins ccurs in the same area every 80 t 150 years. Scientists, hwever, fund that when fire ccurs mre frequently, mre radiatin is lst frm the earth and cling results. Specifically, they determined when fire returns 20 years earlier than predicated, 0.5 watts per square meter f area burned are saked up by the earth frm greenhuse gases, but 0.9 watts per square meter will be sent back int space. The net effect is cling. Watts are used t measure the rate at which energy is gained r lst frm the earth.
    32.Accrding t the new findings, taking steps t prevent nrthern frest fires may
    A.result in a warming climate
    B.cause the frest fires t ccur mre frequently
    C.lead t a lnger fire seasn
    D.prtect the frests and the envirnment there
    33.The fllwing are all the immediate effects after a frest fire EXCEPT
    A.large amunts f greenhuse gases enter the atmsphere
    B.the levels f zne which is a type f xygen increase
    C.snw n the grund mirrrs mre sunlight back int space
    D.ashes frm the fire fall n the ice surface and take in mre radiatin frm the sun
    34.Earlier studies abut nrthern frest fires
    A.analyze all aspects f hw nrthern fires influence climate
    B.indicate that frest fires will pllute the atmsphere
    C.suggest that peple shuld take measures t prtect the envirnment
    D.suggest that the fires will speed up climate warming
    35.Frm the passage we can draw a cnclusin that frest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia may
    A.warm the climate as the suppsitin ges
    B.allw mre snw t reflect mre sunlight int space and thus cl the climate
    C.destry large areas f frests and pllute the far-ff sea ice
    D.help t gain mre energy rather than release mre energy
    Hw t Overcme Challenges When Learning frm Failure
    Failure is a bitter pill t swallw, isn’t it? But, it’s ften in the mst difficult mments, in the ashes f defeat, that we find ur greatest pprtunities fr grwth. 36 This guide will lk int the cmmn challenges assciated with learning frm failure and hw t vercme them.
    ● Dealing with emtinal stress and burnut
    Failure ften cmes with a heavy emtinal burden. 37 The first step in vercming this challenge is acknwledging these emtins. It’s kay t feel disappinted — but dn’t let yur failure define yu. Instead, view it as a temprary setback, nt an endpint.
    ● Maintaining fcus and visin
    After a failure, it’s easy t lse sight f yur riginal visin. But maintaining yur fcus n yur lng-term gals is critical. Take a step back, reflect n yur visin, and rearrange yur strategies accrdingly. Yes, yu might need t adjust yur plans r timelines, but dn’t let failure ruin yur verall visin. 38
    ● Cntinuus learning and skill develpment
    The greatest lessn frm failure is the pprtunity t learn. Develp a grwth mindset and invest in cntinuus learning — attend wrkshps, read bks, r take nline curses. 39 Analyze yur mistakes, draw lessns, and use thse insights t refine yur strategies. With each failure, yu’re beginning with mre experience.
    ● Accepting failure as a pathway t success
    40 It’s merely a detur n the rad t success. It ffers an incmparable pprtunity fr grwth and innvatin. By addressing these challenges with the right mindset, yu can transfrm yur setbacks int cmebacks and transfrm failure int yur stepping-stne twards success.
    A.Dn’t frget that failure itself is a teacher.
    B.Learning frm failure can be cmplicated.
    C.T strike this balance, make data-driven decisins.
    D.Failure is nt the ppsite f success — it’s a part f it.
    E.Yu can adapt t changes and avid the same mistakes.
    F.Yu kicked ff this jurney fr a reasn — hld nt that.
    G.Feelings f inadequacy, stress, and fear can quickly lead t burnut.
    Frm the age f eight r s, I had t cntribute my share f labur alng with my father and tw elder brthers.
    Kneeling (跪) in a rice field, I was up t my thighs (大腿) in the 41 . It splashed (溅) all ver me, wet, sticky and 42 . When mud splashed int my eyes and nt my lip, I’d stand up, find the kettle f fresh water and try t 43 it away; but it was always a lng 44 .
    In midsummer, the sun beat upn my back, making me feel like ht bread 45 the side f a pan. 46 ran dwn my mud-cvered arms and legs. It felt as if ants were 47 all ver me. T prevent the sweat frm running int my eyes, I kept my face as 48 as pssible.
    I tld myself, be 49 ! If my parents and brthers culd 50 taking it, s I culd. A kind f 51 tk place f the hurt in me. S thinking, I slwly pulled myself tgether and I crawled (爬) n.
    I 52 hard in the cuntryside, and I am prud f this. Crawling in the mud had taught me t take sweating as part f my life and nt t be afraid in the face f 53 . Mre imprtantly, I had learnt the 54 f “yu reap what yu sw”. Plant yur feet 55 n the grund, wrk hard and yu will be rewarded.
    45.A.hlding ntB.standing byC.stuck tD.turned t
    50.A.bject tB.put ffC.g nD.burst ut
    Dmestic brands attract yung cnsumers
    Shu Qiuhng runs a stre selling hanfu — the traditinal clthing f the Han ethnic grup — in Jinan, Shandng prvince.
    Shu, a native f Suthwest China’s Guizhu prvince, has a deep affectin fr traditinal Chinese clthes 56 (date) back t her childhd. “I have becme friends with many custmers as we have 57 same hbbies. We ften exchange views n style and 58 (prduce) skills,” said Shu, adding that yung cnsumers make up a big part f her clients.
    Over the past few years, China 59 (see) a rapid increase in yung cnsumers 60 (interest) in dmestic brands and prducts that include traditinal Chinese style and culture, a trend knwn as gucha (国潮).
    In China, there arund 260 millin peple brn between 1995 and 2009, 61 are ften called “Generatin Z”. 62 (bring) up in a different envirnment frm their elders, they have witnessed China’s rise as a 63 (glbe) ecnmic pwerhuse and frmed a brand-new 64 (cnsume) cncept.
    Beijing’s Palace Museum has been at the frefrnt f the natinwide gucha trend, with lipsticks and blushes (胭脂) engraved with traditinal Chinese patterns being the bestsellers all the year arund. These prducts have prven very ppular 65 Generatin Z cnsumers.
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    Gd afternn, bys and girls!______________________________________________________________
    That’s all. Thanks fr yur listening!
    Mary and her parents were dwnstairs in the living rm. Mary was lking thrugh the windws at the endless rain utside. It had been raining nn-stp fr three days. She had never seen a strm this bad. It was making her nervus. The wind rared and the rain beat n the rf and windws. Dad was listening t a weather reprt n the radi, while Mum was putting their imprtant dcuments and disaster supplies int a bag.
    “Mum, Dad,” said Mary suddenly, “I think we shuld leave here right away!” “N,” said Dad. “It’s t late! The radi says the city has already been flded.” “We can drive ur car thrugh the fldwater! Let’s just leave! I’m really scared!” cried Mary.
    “We can’t d that, hney,” explained Mum, “therwise the mving water culd wash the car away!”
    Mary walked t the dr. She was curius t see hw much water there was utside. “Dn’t pen the dr!” shuted Mum and Dad at the same time. “The water may fld in!”
    Dad mved the dinner table against the dr, in case the fldwater frced the dr pen. Mum waved t Mary t sit n the sfa. “Mary, dn’t wrry. Everything’s ging t be OK,” she said sftly, trying her best t cmfrt Mary. Her vice was calm, but Mary culd tell she was wrried t.
    Withut saying a single wrd, Dad walked t the sfa, sat dwn and hugged his wife and daughter. The sudden silence in the huse seemed t make the wind and rain mre frightening utside. What culd they d?
    All f a sudden, the dinner table mved and the dr was frced pen. Water pured in. Mary burst ut crying. “Upstairs!” Dad rdered. They rushed t the secnd flr, nly t find the whle neighbrhd had been surrunded by water.
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    Just then they heard a helicpter (直升机) flying in the distance.____________________________________
    Three days later, they returned hme and fund their huse in a mess.________________________________

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