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    Getty is a leading glbal arts rganizatin fcused n exhibiting, and understanding the wrld’s artistic and cultural heritage. Here are sme f the exhibitins that will be held in 2024.
    Paper and Light
    Artists have fr centuries explred the interactin (相互作用) f paper and light, This exhibitin f drawings charts sme f the creative ways in which the tw media were creatively used tgether. Drawings by mre mdern artists will shw the representatin f light.
    Nineteenth—Century Phtgraphy Nw
    The small, sepia-tned (棕褐色调的) images made in the 19th century may appear remte and uncnnected t the present. Hwever, many f the traditins established during the early rise f phtgraphic technlgy are still in use tday. This exhibitin prvides fresh views n Getty’s cllectin f 19th-century phtgraphy thrugh the wrks f cntemprary artists wh respnd directly t its histrical themes.
    Dutch Depictins f Extreme Weather
    Featuring drawings and paintings by Hendrick Avercamp and ther Dutch artists f the early 1600s, this exhibitin fcuses n landscapes that highlight extremely cld winters and unusually cl summers. It tells a stry f glbal cling in the 17th century and shws hw artists stressed the uncertainty f life and the necessity fr adaptatin thrugh their descriptins f ice skating and fishing.
    Experiments in Art and Technlgy ()
    This exhibitin tells the stry f a mid-20th century cperatin (合作) between artists and engineers t frm the grup Experiments in Art and Technlgy (). The grup’s pineering effrts t imprve cmmunicatin and cperatin pushed its prgrams beynd the art wrld.
    1.What is the feature f the Dutch Depictins f Extreme Weather?
    A. Interactin f paper and light.
    B. Small and sepia-tned images.
    C. Landscapes f cld winters and cl summers.
    D. Explratin f phtgraphic technlgy.
    2.Which exhibitin tells the stry f a cperatin between artists and engineers?
    A. Paper and Light.
    B. Dutch Depictins f Extreme Weather.
    C. Experiments in Art and Technlgy ().
    D. Nineteenth-Century Phtgraphy Nw.
    3.What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T cmment n Getty.B. T discuss phtgraphy.
    C. T stress artistic cperatin.D. T intrduce exhibitins.
    Daken Kramer may nly be 11 years ld and it was his last year at Thmas Ultican Elementary (TUE). Knwing that TUE has a high number f students wh cme frm ecnmically (在经济上) challenged hmes, he decided t deal with the prblem head-n.
    Accrding t the Blue Springs Schl District, a lunch csts $2.55-with a 40-cent reductin fr students in need. But even with the reductin, it is still t big a ecnmical burden (负担) fr sme families. S, wanting t reduce their stress, he started a fundraiser called “Daken Feeds TUE” t clear the lunch debt (债务).
    Daken tk t scial media t spread the wrd, psting a vide n his mther, Vanessa Kramer’s website page. It turns ut that he’s nt just a really kind kid, he’s als a pretty persuasive salespersn as well. His riginal gal was $3,500 but when wrd gt arund, dnatins came puring in. Within tw weeks, he’d already dubled it.
    Daken’s actins inspired the schl t establish an award in Daken’s hnr, t be given t future fifth graders wh fllw his lead and struggle t make a difference. His teacher, Kristi Haley, annunced the “Daken Kramer Legacy Award” at his grade 5 graduatin. “I was nt expected it,” Daken said. He added it felt gd t hear abut the award.
    Daken’s fundraiser made a difference in his cmmunity but it als shwed a larger issue—the prblem with schl lunch debt. Blue Springs Schl District spkespersn, Katie Wlf, tld CNN that meal debt ttals mre than $235,000 in her district alne. And meal debt is reaching unprecedented (前所未有的) heights acrss the United States. A recent survey frm the Schl Nutritin Assciatin fund schl districts have mre than $17 millin in unpaid meal debt.
    4.Why did Daken start “Daken Feeds TUE”?
    A. He decided t raise mney fr new schl supplies.
    B. He wanted t help sme students with lunch debt at TUE.
    C. He wished t rganize a schl event fr his classmates.
    D. He aimed t fund a schl trip fr the fifth graders.
    5.What was the peple’s respnse t Daken’s fundraiser?
    A. They actively supprted it.B. They misunderstd it.
    C. They were amazed at it.D. They were uncncerned abut it.
    6.Hw did Daken feel abut the award?
    A. Disappinted.B. Surprised.C. Embarrassed.D. Dubtful.
    7.Why are the data listed in the last paragraph?
    A. T praise Daken’s effrts fr schl lunch debt.
    B. T highlight the seriusness f schl lunch debt.
    C. T cmpare the lunch debt between different schls.
    D. T explain the reasn fr the appearance f lunch debt.
    Flaming(火烈鸟)images are everywhere in Flrida n turist T-shirts, htel names and the Flrida Lttery lg. Hwever, real pink flamings have been mstly gne frm the state since the early 1900s, when hunters nearly wiped them ut, seeking their stylish and valuable feathers(羽毛).
    Nw, hwever, flamings seem t be returning t Flrida. Birders recrded 101 wild American flaming sightings acrss the state in February, accrding t recently released figures frm Audubn Flrida. Envirnmentalists believe many f these birds were carried int the state n the winds f strm in August 2023.
    Flamings have landed in Flrida after strms in the past, but they usually dn't stay fr t lng. This time, birders and wildlife bilgists all hpe that the creatures can stay there.
    In recent decades, peple have smetimes seen flamings in Flrida, including a well-knwn flaming named Cnchy, wh was rescued frm an airprt in the Flrida Keys in 2015. The data shwed Cnchy mved all ver the suthern part f the state, teaching scientists mre abut flamings in Flrida in tw years than was knwn in the previus 100 years, writes Lri Rzsa.
    Meanwhile, envirnmentalists have been wrking t restre(恢复)the lcal wetland habitats(栖息地). In the Caribbean and Mexic, prtectin effrts have als helped increase the number f flaming ppulatins. Nw, thse effrts seem t be paying ff.
    This year, frecasters are predicting a particularly bad strms seasn. It remains t be seen what that will mean fr Flrida's burgening flaming ppulatin—and ther bird species, mre bradly.
    There may be a few silver linings, hwever. After strms in September 2022, the number f shrebirds fund wrapped in dangerus fishing line drpped by 58 percent in suthwest Flrida, since fishing piers were destryed in the strm. "We never welcme strms here in Flrida, but we did welcme sme passengers," Jerry Lrenz, directr f research fr Audubn Flrida said.
    8.What made pink flamings almst disappear frm Flrida in the 1900s?
    A. The lss f habitat.B. Turism industry.
    C. Frequent strms.D. The verhunting fr their feathers.
    9.What d we knw abut Cnchy frm paragraph 4?
    A. It was brn in the Flrida Keys.
    B. It was fund in a z in suthern Flrida.
    C. It gave scientists insights int flamings' behavir.
    D. It never left the area where it was rescued.
    10.What des the underlined phrase "silver linings" in the last paragraph prbably mean?
    A. Smething easy.B. Smething gd.
    C. Smething ppular.D. Smething interesting.
    11.Which can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Impact f Strms n Flrida's Ecsystem
    B. Climate Change and Its Effects n Flamings
    C. The Pink Phenmenn: Flamings' Impact n Flrida's Culture
    D. Flamings Return t Flrida: Hpe After Decades f Absence
    The belief that failure leads t success may be bth inaccurate and damaging t sciety, accrding t research published by the American Psychlgical Assciatin. Researchers cnducted 11 experiments with mre than 1,800 participants acrss many fields and cmpared natinal statistics (统计数字) t the participants’ respnses.
    In ne experiment, participants greatly verestimated (高估) the percentage f future nurses, lawyers and teachers wh pass licensing exams after previusly failing them. “Peple expect success t fllw failure much mre ften than it actually des,” said lead researcher Lauren Eskreis-Winkler. “Peple usually assume that past behavir predicts (预测) future behavir, s it’s surprising that we ften believe the ppsite when it cmes t succeeding after failure.”
    In sme experiments, participants wrngly assumed that peple pay attentin t their mistakes and learn frm them. In ne test, nurses verestimated hw much their clleagues wuld learn frm a past errr. “Peple ften cnfuse reality with what ught t be,” Eskreis-Winkler said. “Peple ught t pay attentin and learn frm failure, but ften they dn’t d s because failure make peple lse mtivatin (动力).”
    While telling peple they will directly succeed after failure may make them feel better, that the idea can damage real-wrld results. In ne experiment, participants assumed that heart patients wuld accept healthier lifestyles, but in reality, many f them dn’t. Peple wh believe that prblems will self-crrect after failure are less mtivated t help thse in need. Why wuld we invest time r mney t help struggling ppulatins if we mistakenly believe that they will right themselves?
    Failure is nrmal. Hwever, peple need t readjust their expectatins when given infrmatin abut the limited benefits f failure. And take psitive measures t supprt thse wh have faced challenges.
    12.Hw des the authr intrduce the tpic?
    A. By prviding a research result.B. By describing a prcess.
    C. By imagining a scene.D. By giving an example.
    13.Why d peple ften fail t learn frm their mistakes accrding t the text?
    A. They tend t frget their mistakes.
    B. They lack the pprtunity t learn.
    C. They believe failure is a negative experience.
    D. They assume past success predicts future success.
    14.What des the authr mainly try t d in the last paragraph?
    A. Make a prmise.B. Give warnings.C. Present a fact.D. Offer advice.
    15.What is the main idea f the text?
    A. Benefits f failure are verestimated.B. Benefits f failure are limited.
    C. Failure makes peple lse mtivatin.D. Failure leads t success.
    16.Humans are scial creatures, which is why we feel lnely frm time t time, fr example, after mving t a new schl r when a child leaves fr cllege. ① . This persistent (持续存在的) emtin can harm their health and even change their brains.
    Hw can a subjective (主观的) feeling like lneliness have such a great effect n the brain’s structure and functins? Scientists believe that lng-term lneliness affects brain areas related t scial thinking and emtins. ② . Additinally, lneliness can raise bld pressure and heart rate, further affecting the brain. Lneliness might lead t unhealthy behavirs, such as smking and lack f physical activity. ③ .
    T fight lng-term lneliness, experts suggest making new friends thrugh activities like art classes, sprts teams, supprt grups, r vlunteering, and the gal is t put themselves in places where peple cme tgether. ④ . Additinally, cgnitive behaviral therapy (认知行为疗法) can help by changing a persn’s attitudes and thughts abut scial interactins. This therapy get t the rt f the prblem, explring what makes it hard fr a persn t interact with thers.
    ⑤ . Hwever, understanding the deep reasns f lng-time lneliness is crucial fr maintaining brain health and verall well-being. By actively cnnecting with thers and seeking supprt, peple can imprve their mental and physical health, leading t a mre satisfying life.
    A. The feeling is clsely linked t sadness
    B. Thus, lneliness significantly damages verall health
    C. Hwever, sme peple experience lng-term lneliness
    D. There is a cnnectin between lneliness and mental illness
    E. All in all, these skills are simple and effective in dealing with lneliness
    F. These scial situatins wrk best when participants share a cmmn identity
    G. They als hld that lneliness causes stress and affects hw ur brains age ver time
    Ten-year-ld Hallee McCmbes was brn with spina bifida (脊柱裂) which didn’t stp her becming a star athlete.
    As Hallee apprached the finish line f the 800-metre run fr kids with a 1 , the crwd was cheering wildly and calling her 2 . With nly ten metres t g, Hallee 3 with every strength, withut feeling in her waist and knees but 4 . When Hallee crssed the finish line and felt 5 , her twin, Jada, held her up, whispering, “Yu came in third!”
    Hallee has set 6 Australian track-and-field recrds in events fr athletes with her type f disability-lng-distance running, lng jump, discus and javelin. It’s an amazing achievement fr smene wh wasn’t expected t 7 Brn with spina bifida, Hallee underwent immediate 8 t repair her spinal crd. After recvery, she tried effrts t walk n her wn and 9 upper leg muscle and cre supprt.
    Her mther, Christine McCmbes, trembled (颤抖) when 10 Hallee’s diagnsis. “The dctrs als tld us they didn’t knw what kind f brain 11 she wuld have with hydrcephalus (脑积水). We really didn’t knw hw much she wuld be able t functin physically and 12 ,” the mther said.
    Every time Hallee’s parents watched their 13 daughter cmpete, their hearts burst with pride. “I 14 every time, especially when peple started cheering fr her,” admitted her dad, Gavin. “Hallee has gne against all 15 by becming a runner despite her spinal cnditin.”
    17.A. galB. hpeC. basisD. disability
    18.A. parentsB. twinsC. nameD. missin
    19.A. set ffB. pushed frwardC. brke upD. faded away
    20.A. frtuneB. resurceC. energyD. pain
    21.A. tiredB. bredC. cnfusedD. scared
    22.A. limitedB. nrmalC. severalD. flexible
    23.A. walkB. gatherC. grwD. settle
    24.A. reflectinB. ptinC. permissinD. peratin
    25.A. transmitB. maintainC. ignreD. select
    26.A. spttingB. enjyingC. rememberingD. imagining
    27.A. frmB. tensinC. rangeD. functin
    28.A. sciallyB. mentallyC. financiallyD. envirnmentally
    29.A. weakB. determinedC. frightenedD. intelligent
    30.A. criedB. restedC. hesitatedD. regretted
    31.A. intentinsB. prpsalsC. expectatinsD. arrangements
    32.Grain Buds(小满) is the eighth f the 24 slar terms n Chinese lunar calendar, and the ①________(tw) slar term f the summer. After Grain Buds, the differences in temperature between nrthern and suthern China ②________(gradual) decrease, while rainfall increases. Summer is becming a nticeable seasn.
    In nrthern China, grains f winter wheat start t fill, ③________ are still nt ripe and full. That is where Grain Buds r xiaman in Chinese, gets ④________(it) name. Wuld yu like t knw what peple d during the perid f Grain Buds?
    In many parts f China, a traditin ⑤________(bserve) where peple cnsume fish during Grain Buds. Due t the significant increase ⑥________ rainfall during this slar term, rivers are filled with water and abundant fish and shrimps. It is ⑦________ gd time t fish and enjy the fresh catch.
    With high temperatures and humidity(潮湿) during the Grain Buds perid, there is an ⑧________(increase) risk f skin diseases due t the heat. T prevent such diseases, engaging in physical activities ⑨________(be) extremely imprtant during the ht summer days. Activities like walking, jgging, and practicing t’ai chi are recmmended ⑩________(stay) healthy and active.
    33.学校英文报组织同学们分享自己做过鼓舞人心的善举的故事。请你以此为主题写一篇 短文投稿, 内容包括:
    1. 事情经过;
    2. 收获和感受。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    An Inspiring Act f Kindness
    34.I tapped my stick, and the buffal(水牛)mved frward, We walked alng the village rad, passing by huses and peple wrking in the fields. Life was simple in ur small village in Sindh, Pakistan, Little thugh I was, I dreamed f ging t schl.
    I heard laughter and saw a grup f students. I asked them t shw me their bks befre they culd g by. The pictures f peple and places in the bks were very interesting. I tld them I wanted t g t schl t and gave their bks back. The students smiled at each ther and left, while I stayed with my buffal.
    Mnths passed. Every day, I rse t d husewrk and herd(牧放)the buffal. Until ne day, I gt my chance. Uncle came t visit. "Brther, yu must send Rasl Bux t schl. Herding buffal is nt his future," Uncle cnvinced my parents that all children shuld g t schl. The fllwing week, I enrlled in primary schl. Nw, armed with my wn bks, I set ut t learn everything. I read textbks, asked questins, and even read newspapers fr my father and his cmpanins.
    By the end f the year, I prved t be ne f the best students in the schl. I reslved t study at cllege r university in Karachi, a big city ver 150 kilmeters away. Everyne laughed and made jkes. Hwever, I didn't give up n my dream.
    I have a skin cnditin that causes white spts n my skin. Sme peple judged me quietly, but I didn't let the prblems in life bring me dwn. Rather, they became stepping stnes tward realizing my dreams. I turned t writing petry and practice calligraphy as an utlet fr my emtins and creativity. I gt published and wn cmpetitins, gaining nt just recgnitin but als the cnfidence t keep mving frward. Hwever, befre I began my cllege study, I was hit with anther radblck.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My father's limited incme culdn't cver my further educatin.
    I presented my calligraphy wrks t the interviewer.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Dutch Depictins f Extreme Weather这一部分中Featuring drawings and paintings by Hendrick Avercamp and ther Dutch artists f the early 1600s, this exhibitin fcuses n landscapes that highlight extremely cld winters and unusually cl summers.(本次展览以Hendrick Avercamp和其他17世纪早期荷兰艺术家的绘画作品为特色,重点展示了极端寒冷的冬季和异常凉爽的夏季的风景)可知,其主要特征是展示了极端寒冷的冬季和凉爽夏季的风景。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章Experiments in Art and Technlgy ()这一部分中This exhibitin tells the stry f a mid-20th century cperatin (会作) between artists and engineers t frm the grup Experiments in Art and Technlgy ().(本次展览讲述了20世纪中期艺术家和工程师组成艺术与技术实验小组()的合作故事)可知,Experiments in Art and Technlgy()展示了艺术家和工程师之间的合作。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段Here are sme f the exhibitins that will be held in 2024.(下是将于2024年举行的一些展览)可知,本文的目的是介绍将在2024举行的一些展览。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段:所以,为了减轻他们的压力,他发起了一个名为Daken Feeds TUE的筹款活动,以偿还午餐债务可知,Daken创立这个活动的目的是为了帮助贫困学生偿还午餐债务。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段:Daken的行为激励学校为达肯设立了一个奖项,奖励那些跟随他的脚步,努力改变现状的未来五年级学生。他的老师克里斯蒂·哈利在他五年级毕业典礼上宣布了Daken Kramer遗产奖。这出乎我的意料,Daken说。他补充说听到获奖的消息感觉很好。可推知,Daken没想到自己会得奖,所以是惊讶的态度。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Hwever, real pink flamings have been mstly gne frm the state since the early 1900s, when hunters nearly wiped them ut, seeking their stylish and valuable feathers(然而,自20世纪初以来,真正的粉红色火烈鸟已经从该州消失了,当时猎人为了寻找它们时尚而珍贵的羽毛,几乎将它们消灭了)”可知,猎人过度捕猎火烈鸟的羽毛导致其消失。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The data shwed Cnchy mved all ver the suthern part f the state, teaching scientists mre abut flamings in Flrida in tw years than was knwn in the previus 100 years, writes Lri Rzsa.(洛里·罗莎写道,数据显示,Cnchy在佛罗里达州的南部地区到处移动,这两年里教给科学家的关于佛罗里达州火烈鸟的知识比过去100年里所知道的还要多)”可知,Cnchy给科学家们带来了很多关于火烈鸟的知识。故选C。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据所猜词后“After strms in September 2022, the number f shrebirds fund wrapped in dangerus fishing line drpped by 58 percent in suthwest Flrida, since fishing piers were destryed in the strm(在2022年9月的风暴之后,在佛罗里达州西南部发现的被危险鱼线包裹的滨鸟数量下降了58%,因为捕鱼码头在风暴中被摧毁)”可知,风暴将捕渔码头摧毁,从而让很多被鱼线所困住的鸟被释放。由此推知,风暴也会带来一些好处。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第二段第一句“Nw, hwever, flamings seem t be returning t Flrida(然而,现在烈鸟似乎回到佛罗里达)”可知,本文主要讲述了火烈鸟在弗罗里达灭绝之后,在人类的帮助下重回佛罗里达。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第一段The belief that failure leads t success may be bth inaccurate and damaging t sciety, accrding t research published by the American Psychlgical Assciatin.(根据美国心理协会发表的一项研究,失败导致成功的信念可能既不准确,也对社会有害)可知,作者是通过提供一个研究结果来引出话题的。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段Peple ften cnfuse reality with what ught t be, Eskreis Winkler said. Peple ught t pay attentin and learn frm failure, but ften they dn't d s because failure make peple lse mtivatin.(Eskreis-Winkler说:人们经常混淆现实和应该是什么。人们应该关注失败并从失败中学习,但他们往往不这样做,因为失败使人们失去动力。)可知,人们往往不会从错误中
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Failure is nrmal. Hwever, peple need t readjust their expectatins when given infrmatin abut the limited benefits f failure. And take psitive measures t supprt thse wh have faced challenges.(失败是正常的。然而,当人们被告知失败的有限好处时,他们需要重新调整他们的预期。并采取积极措施支持那些面临挑战的人)可知,文章最后一段作者提供了一些面对失败的建议。故选D。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第一段The belief that failure leads t success may be bth inaccurate and damaging t sciety, accrding t research published by the American Psychlgical Assciatin.(根据美国心理协会发表的一项研究,失败导致成功的信念可能既不准确,也对社会有害)及第二段Peple expect success t fllw failure much mre ften than it actually des, said lead researcher Lauren Eskreis Winkler. Peple usually assume that past behavir predicts (预测) future behavir, s it's surprising that we ften believe the ppsite when it cmes t succeeding after failure.(首席研究员劳伦·埃斯克瑞斯-温克勒说:人们往往认为失败会带来成功,但实际情况并非如此。人们通常认为过去的行为可以预测未来的行为,所以令人惊讶的是,当涉及到失败后的成功时,我们往往相信相反的想法。)可知,本文讲述了美国心理协会的一项研究表明失败导致成功的信念可能既不准确又对社会有害,因此,失败的益处被高估了,A选项符合文章大意。故选A。
    解析:①前文:人类是社会生物,这就是为什么我们会时不时感到孤独,例如,搬到一所新学校后,或当孩子离开学校上大学时)表示人类会感到孤独,后文:这种持续的情绪会损害他们的健康,甚至改变他们的大脑)表示长期孤独的情绪对健康的影响,空处也应描述该种情绪,C选项然而,有些人经历了长期的孤独中sme peple experience lng-term lneliness与前文we feel lnely frm time t time相对比,且lng-tern lneliness与后文This persistent emtin照应,说明了长期孤独对人的伤害。故选C。
    32.答案:①secnd②gradually③but④its⑤is bserved⑥in⑦a⑧increasing⑨is⑩t stay
    ③句意:在中国北方,冬小麦的谷粒开始灌浆,但还没有成熟。根据句意可知,“grains f winter wheat start t fill(冬小麦的谷粒开始灌浆)”和“are still nt ripe and full(还没有成熟)”之间是转折关系,所以此处填“but”。
    ⑤句意:在中国许多地区,人们在小满期间吃鱼的传统。根据句意可知,此处要表达“遵守”这一含义,因为“bserve”意为“遵守”,并且此处主语“a traditin(一个传统)”和“bserve”之间是被动关系,所以此处要用被动语态“be dne”,此句描述的是客观事实,所以此处要用一般现在时,主语“a traditin”是第三人称单数,所以此处填“is bserved”。
    ⑨句意:为了预防这种疾病,在炎热的夏天参与体育活动是极其重要的。根据句意可知,此处要表达“是”这一含义,因为“be”意为“是”,此句描述的是客观事实,所以此处要用一般现在时,主语“engaging in physical activities(参与体育活动)”是第三人称单数,所以此处填“is”。
    ⑩句意:建议散步、慢跑和练太极等活动保持健康和活跃。根据句意可知,此处要表达“保持”这一含义,因为“stay”意为“保持”,并且此处作“are recmmended(被建议)”的目的状语,所以此处要用不定式“t d”,因此此处填“t stay”。
    An Inspiring Act f Kindness
    Last Friday, n my way hme frm schl, I came acrss a little by in tears. He had lst his way after schl. Withut a secnd thught, I decided t help him. We fund a nearby stre where the kind shpkeeper let us use the phne t call his parents. It wasn’t lng befre they arrived, feeling relieved and grateful.
    This experience taught me that even the simplest act f kindness can have a prfund impact. I felt a deep sense f jy and accmplishment knwing that I had made a difference in smene’s life.
    偶遇:cme acrss→run int
    决定做:decide t d-be determined t d
    帮助某人:help sb→give sb a hand
    原:Last Friday, n my way hme frm schl, I came acrss a little by in tears
    拓展句:Last Friday, n my way hme frm schl, came acrss a little by wh was in tears
    【高分句型1】We fund a nearby stre where the kind shp keeper let us use the phne t call his parents.(i用了where引导的限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】This experience taught me that even the simplest act f kindness can have a prfund impact.(运用了that引l导的宾语从句)
    My father's limited incme culdn't cver my further educatin. Therefre, I reslved t find a part-time jb t fund my educatin. This is where my lve fr reading petry in newspapers and magazines came int play. My handwriting was gd, and I had develped a passin fr calligraphy, s I decided t try my luck with a leading daily newspaper. One fine day, I barded a bus bund fr Hyderabad, a city that lay 50 kilmeters frm my village. My heart raced with anticipatin as I gt clser t my destinatin.
    I presented my calligraphy wrks t the interviewer. Luckily, I was ffered the first pprtunity. I'd secured emplyment n my wn! Within a year, under the guidance f senir calligraphers, my skills imprved. I switched jbs and finally fund a psitin with a gd salary. And the mst wnderful milestne f all—I did make it t University f Karachi. Life may nt always be easy, but it's imprtant never t stp dreaming. When yu believe in yurself and use yur natural talents, everything is pssible.

    ①充满:be filled with /be full f
    ②能够:be able t/be capable f
    ③实现:make sth. a reality/realize
    [高分包型1]The thught f nt being able t pursue my dreams f attending cllege in Karachi weighed heavily n my heart.(运用了动名词作宾语)
    [高分句型2] They asked me questins abut my jurney and hw I vercame bstacles t pursue m) dreams.(运用了hw引导宾语从句)

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