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    The Public Transprt Fares in New Yrk
    On ur website, yu can find ut hw much it csts t ride the subway, bus, tng island Rail Rad, and Metr-Nrth in the New Yrk area.
    subways and buses
    ●Fare fr mst riders n subways and lcal, limited, and Select Bus Service buses:$2.85.
    ●Express buses cst $6.85.
    Mre infrmatin abut subway and bus fares
    ●Riding the subway csts $2.85 fr mst riders. Peple with disabilities r wh are 65 r lder are qualified fr a reduced fare.
    ●An unlimited ride MetrCard can save yu mney. It gives yu unlimited rides fr a certain length f time.
    ●MetrCards cst $1. All cards except fr the Single Ride card are refillable (可充值的).
    ●Up t three children under 44 inches tall ride fr free when they are with a fare-paying adult.
    ●Yu pay the fare at turnstiles (旋转闸门) befre yu abard the train. Yu dn't have t d anything afterwards.
    ★ Railrads: LIRR (Lng Island Rail Rad) and Metr-Nrth
    ●Fares vary based n when and where yu are travelling.
    ●Buying tickets n yur phne is the mst cnvenient ptin.
    Mre infrmatin abut railrad fares
    ●Peak fares are charged during business rush hurs n any weekday train scheduled t arrive in New Yrk City terminals between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. r depart New Yrk City terminals between 4 p.m. and 8p.m. On Metr-Nrth trains, peak fares als apply t travel n any weekday train that leaves Grand Central Statin between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m.
    ●Off-peak fares are charged at all ther times n weekdays, all day n Saturday and Sunday, and n hlidays.
    ●Use ur trip planner t find fare infrmatin’ Get schedules and directins and see whether a trip is during peak r ff-peak hurs.
    1.Hw much might a subway trip cst a 68-year-ld man with tw children under 44 inches tall?
    A. $2.35B.$2.85.C.$5.70D.$6.85.
    2.Fr what train trip are peak fares charged?
    A. A weekday train leaving Grand Central Statin at 10 pm.
    B.A weekday train leaving Grand Central Statin at 7 am.
    C.A weekday train departing New Yrk City terminals at 9 pm
    D. A weekday train departing New Yrk City terminals at 8:30 am.
    3.Why shuld peple read the trip planner?
    A. T knw special ffers.B. T leave yur advice
    C. T check fare infrmatin.D. T bk a train ticket.
    At my first lessn in Chinese calligraphy, my teacher tld me plainly: “Nw I will teach yu hw t write yur name. And t make it beautiful.” I felt my breath catch. I was curius.
    Grwing up in Singapre, I had an unusual relatinship with my Chinese name. My parents are ethnically Chinese, s they asked frtune tellers t decide my name, aiming fr maximum luck. As a result, I ended up with a nnsense and embarrassing name: Chen Yiwen, meaning, rughly, “ld” “barley(意米)” and “warm”.
    When I arrived in America fr cllege at 18, I put n an American accent and abandned my Chinese name. When I mved t Hng Kng in 2021, after 14 years in the States, I decided t learn calligraphy. Why nt get back in tuch with my heritage? I thught.
    In calligraphy, the idea is t cpy the ld masters’ techniques, thereby refining yur wn. Every week, thugh, my teacher wuld give uncmfrtably n-the-nse assessments f my persn. “Yu need t be braver,” he nce bserved. “Have cnfidence. Try t prduce a bld strke.” Fr years, I had prided myself n presenting an image f cnfidence, but my writing betrayed me.
    I was trying t make sense f this practice. Yu must visualize the wrd as it is t be written and leave a trace f yurself in it. As a bdily practice, calligraphy culd g beynd its wn cultural restrictins, Culd it help me g beynd mine? My teacher nce said t me, “When yu lk at the wrd yu see the bdy, Thugh a wrd n the-dimensinal, it cntains multitudes, cnveying the energy f yur grip, the arch f yur spine.” I had been learning calligraphy t get in tuch with my cultural rts, but what I was really seeking was a return t myself. Nw I have sensed that the pleasure ut f calligraphy allws me t knw myself mre fully.
    During a recent lessn, my teacher pinted at the wrd I had just finished, telling me: “This wrd is much better, I can see the chices yu made, yur calculatins, yur flw, Trust yurself. This wrd is yurs.” He might as well have said, “This wrd is yu.”
    4.What did the authr initially think f her name “Chen Yiwen”?
    A. It was lucky s she gladly accepted it.
    B. She felt prud f its symblic meaning.
    C.She understd the intentin but still disliked it.
    D.Its strange prnunciatin made her embarrassed.
    5.The authr decided t learn calligraphy t ________.
    A. pick up a new hbbyB.recnnect with her rigin
    C.highlights the design f strkesD. fit in with lcal cmmunity
    6.Frm the teacher's wrds, the authr learns that calligraphy ________.
    A. reflects the creatr's spiritsB.cmes frm creative energy
    C.highlights the design f strkesD. depends n cnstant practice
    7.What des the authr intend t tell us?
    A. Appreciate what ur culture ffers.B. Find beauty frm yur inner self.
    C. A great teacher leads yu t truth.D.We are the sum f what we create
    Against the suppsitin that frest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia warm the climate, scientists have discvered that cling may ccur in areas where burnt trees allw mre snw t mirrr mre sunlight int space.
    This finding suggests that taking steps t prevent nrthern frest t limit the release f greenhuse gases may warm the climate in nrthern regins. Usually large fires destryed frests in these areas ver the past decade. Scientists predict that with climate warming, fires may ccur mre frequently ver next several centuries as a result f a lnger fire seasn. Sunlight taken in by the earth tends t cause warming while heat mirrred back int space tends t cause cling.
    This is the first study t analyze all aspects f hw nrthern fires influence climate. Earlier studies by ther scientists have suggested that fire in nrthern regins speed up climate warming because greenhuse gases frm burning trees and plants are released int the atmsphere and thus trap heat.Scientists fund that right after the fire, large amunts f greenhuse gases entered the atmsphere and caused warming.Ozne(臭氧)levels increased, and ash frm the fire fell n far-ff sea ice darkening the surface and causing mre radiatin frm the sun t be taken in. The fllwing spring hwever, the land within the area f the fire was brighter than befre the fire, because fewer tree cvered the grund. Snw n the grund mirrred mre sunlight back int space, leading t cling“.
    We need t find ut all pssible ways t reduce the grwth f greenhuse gases in the atmsphere.Scientists tracked the change in amunt f radiatin entering and leaving the climate system as a result f the fire, and fund a measurement clsely related t the glbal air temperature. Typically, fire in nrthern regins ccurs in the same area every 80 t 150 years. Scientists, hwever, fund that when fire ccurs mre frequently, mre radiatin is lst frm the earth and cling results. Specifically, they determined when fire returns 20 years earlier than predicated, 0.5 watts per square meter f area burned are saked up by the earth frm greenhuse gases, but 0.9 watts per square meter will be sent back int space. The net effect is cling. Watts are used t measure the rate at which energy is gained r lst frm the earth.
    8.Accrding t the new findings, taking steps t prevent nrthern frest fires may ________.
    A. result in a warming climate
    B. cause the frest fires t ccur mre frequently
    C. lead t a lnger fire seasn
    D. prtect the frests and the envirnment there
    9.The fllwing are all the immediate effects after a frest fire EXCEPT ________.
    A. large amunts f greenhuse gases enter the atmsphere
    B. the levels f zne which is a type f xygen increase
    C. snw n the grund mirrrs mre sunlight back int space
    D. ashes frm the fire fall n the ice surface and take in mre radiatin frm the sun
    10.Earlier studies abut nrthern frest fires ________.
    A. analyze all aspects f hw nrthern fires influence climate
    B. indicate that frest fires will pllute the atmsphere
    C. suggest that peple shuld take measures t prtect the envirnment
    D.suggest that the fires will speed up climate warming
    11.Frm the passage we can draw a cnclusin that frest fires in Alaska, Canada and Siberia may ________.
    A. warm the climate as the suppsitin ges
    B. allw mre snw t reflect mre sunlight int space and thus cl the climate
    C. destry large areas f frests and pllute the far-ff sea ice
    D.help t gain mre energy rather than release mre energy
    Imagine this. Yu need an image f a balln fr a wrk presentatin and turn t an Al text-t-image generatr, like Midjurney r DALL-E, t create a suitable image. Yu enter the prmpt (提示词) “red balln against a blue sky” but the generatr returns an image f an egg instead.
    What's ging n? The generatr yu're using may have been “pisned”. What des this mean? Text-t-image generatrs wrk by being trained n large datasets that include millins r billins f images. Sme f the generatrs have been trained by indiscriminately scraping nline images, many f which may be under . This has led t many cpyright infringement (仅害) cases where artists have accused big tech cmpanies f stealing and prfiting frm their wrk.
    This is als where the idea f “pisn” cmes in. Researchers wh want t empwer individual artists have recently created a tl named “Nightshade” t fight back against unauthrized image scraping. The tl wrks by slightly altering an image's pixels (像索)in a way that cnfuses the cmputer visin system but leaves the image unaltered t a human's eyes. If an rganizatin then scrapes ne f these images t train a future Al mdel, its data pl becmes “pisned”. This can result in mistaken learning, which makes the generatr return unintended results. As in ur earlier example, a balln might becme an egg.
    The higher the number f “pisned” images in the training data, the greater the impact. Because f hw generative Al wrks, the damage frm “pisned” images als affects related prmpt keywrds. Fr example, if a “pisned” image f a Picass wrk is used in training data, prmpt results fr masterpieces frm ther artists can als be affected. Pssibly, tls like Nightshade can be abused by sme users t intentinally uplad “pisned” images in rder t cnfuse Al generatrs. But the Nightshade's develper hpes the tl will make big tech cmpanies mre respectful f . It des challenge a cmmn belief amng cmputer scientists that data fund nline can be used fr any purpse they see fit.
    Human rights activists, fr example, have been cncerned fr sme time abut the indiscriminate use f machine visin in wider sciety. This cncern is particularly serius cncerning facial recgnitin. There is a clear cnnectin between facial recgnitin cases and data pisning, as bth relate t larger questins arund technlgical gvernance. It may be better t see data pisning as an innvative slutin t the denial f sme fundamental human rights.
    12.The underlined wrd “scraping” (para. 2) is clsest in meaning t ________.
    A. FacilitatingB. cllectingC. damagingD. Plishing
    13.Accrding t the passage, adding pisned data might ________.
    A. increase the accuracy f returned infrmatin
    B. cause users t frget the prmpt key wrds
    C. interfere with the training f generative Al
    D. discriminate against great masterpieces
    14.What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. Data pisning is smehw justified t direct attentin t human rights
    B. Cmputer scientists has learned t respect the f mst artists.
    C. Nightshade is being abused by human rights activists t recgnize faces.
    D The issue f technlgical gvernance has arused the lawyers' interest.
    15.Which f the fllwing might be the best title f the passage?
    A. Data Pisning: Gvernment Empwering Citizens t Prtect Themselves
    B. Data Pisning: Addressing Facial Recgnitin Issues Amng Artists
    C. Data Pisning: Risks and Rewards f Generative Al Data Training
    D. Data Pisning: Restricting Innvatin r Empwering Artists
    16.“TALKING with yu fr ne night is better than studying bks fr ten years” this was the cmment f an ld Chinese schlar after he had had a cnversatin with a friend. ①_______ And tday the phrase “a night's talk” has becme a current expressin fr a happy cnversatin with a friend at night, either past r expected.
    Such a supreme pleasure as having a perfect cn with a friend at night is necessarily rare, fr as the playwright Li Liweng has pinted ut, ②_______ The discvery f a man up in a muntain temple, wh really understands life and at the same time understands the art f cnversatin, must therefre be ne f the keenest pleasures, like the discvery f a new planet by an astrnmer r f a new variety f plant by a btanist.
    There is an evident distinctin between mere talking and cnversatin as such. This distinctin is made in the Chinese language between shuhua (speaking) and tanhua (cnversatin), which implies that in cnversatin the language used is mre chatty and leisurely and the tpics mre trivial and less business like.
    ③_______ We can discuss business with almst any persn, but there are very few peple with whm we can truly hld a night's cnversatin. Hence, when we d find a true cnversatinalist, the pleasure is equal t, if nt abve, that f reading a delightful authr, with the additinal pleasure f hearing his vice and seeing his gestures.
    ④_______ There will be chats abut ghsts and fx spirits, mixed with amusing tales r 39 impassined cmments: n internatinal affairs, and smetimes befre we knw it, a wise bserver and cnversatinalist may shed light n things that have bthered yu fr a lng time. ⑤_______
    A There is much truth in that statement.
    B Friendship fades withut a sincere cnversatin.
    B. Whatever it is, cnversatinalist des cntribute t ur happiness.
    C. Such cnversatins remain amng the memries that we cherish fr life.
    D. Thse wh are wise seldm knw hw t talk, and thse wh talk are seldm wise.
    E. A similar difference may be nted between business letters and the letters f literary friends.
    F. Smetimes we find it at the happy reunin f ld friends, r amng strangers n a distant jurney
    "Hey! Yu have a hairless spt n the back f yur head!" Mm’s alarmed cry hit me like a shck.
    I tried t shrug it ff. “It’ll grw back.” I wrked t sund 1 .
    At first, the lss was minimal. 2 the spt with my fingers became the tp pririty every day. N new hair, smth as an egg. Weeks later, the spt was a little larger and there was still n 3 f any hair pking thrugh the skin. I began t 4 but cntinued t try t be cl abut it.
    As days went by, my hair started t fall faster and mre. 5 my fingers thrugh it, I wuld stare at the alarming quantity f hair in my hands, wiling this t 6 happening t me.
    We went t see a dctr, wh diagnsed my cnditin as alpecia (脱发症) . He recmmended an injectin t try, which wuld be 7 t the head skin. I underwent several cstly injectins ver a few mnths, but in vain.
    8 the injectin began t truble my sleep, and we finally had t stp the 9 My hair still didn’t grw back.
    I had t wear a wig t schl every day, wrried it might slip ne day and that everything wuld 10 Thugh aware that I shuld 11 the fact t my friends, I was scared, nt knwing hw they wuld handle the infrmatin. 12 hesitantly, I tld them what was happening after days f struggle. T my surprise, they all thught nthing f it. This was a(n) 13 fr me.
    I came t realize that what had happened was nt my fault, and nt smething I shuld feel 14 f. I am learning that being bald desn’t change wh I am, and if I dn’t let it affect my self 15 then ther peple are much mre likely t accept me as I am, t.
    17.A. midB. calmC. upsetD. relieved
    18.A. CheckingB. PlishingC. ClearingD. Cvering
    19.A. senseB. chanceC. signD. way
    20.A. wnderB. panicC. expandD. relieve
    21.A. ReachingB. ShiftingC. FeelingD. Running
    22.A. delayB. avidC. ceaseD. keep
    23.A. attachedB. cnnectedC. guidedD. applied
    24.A. After allB. Wrse stillC. In briefD. By cntrast
    25.A. mtinB. prcedureC. rutineD. missin
    26.A. break utB. draw t a clseC. fade awayD. cme t light
    27.A. revealB. restrictC. distributeD. highlight
    28.A. InsteadB. FurthermreC. AnywayD. Thus
    29.A. trialB. hnrC. exceptinD. miracle
    30.A. prudB. ashamedC. cnvincedD. guilty
    31.A. evaluatinB. reactinC. acceptanceD. Dependence
    32.When it cmes t self-service devices, d yu still think nly f vending machines? What abut yuchang(友唱)bths? In fact, the develpment and ①________(apply) f self-service devices have becme highly advanced and widespread, tuching ②________ (vary) aspects f life. Tulei Maui Laaavasaan exchange student, ③________ (impress) by the devices he encuntered thrughut China. ④________ (cme) frm an island in the Suth Pacific, he was fascinated by the cnvenience f thse innvatins that integrated ⑤________ daily life. As a music lver since childhd, the passin led him t participatin his university's Tp 10 Singers cmpetitin, ⑥________ he earned an amazing result. During his five-year-stay in China, music played an ⑦________ (believe) rle in his life that it was influential ⑧________ enriched every aspect f his daily rutine. “I fund ut there are tns f these self-service facilities that make life much easier," Laavasa said. He was ⑨________ (cntinue) attracted by the creativity and cnvenience f these devices, therefre ⑩________ (assist) him t have a better understanding f the pwer f these devices.
    33.They are the severe thunderstrms that prduce the mst deadly and d________ trnades.
    34.It has been c________ that the cnference will take place next week. We have t make all the arrangements this weekend.
    35.Since science is difficult fr kids t understand, is there any prgram making science mre a________ t them ?
    36.His pwerful and sulful singing helped e________ him as ne f the greatest rhythm and blues perfrmers f all time.
    37.It is a gd idea t place yur rder well in advance as d________ can take weeks rather than days during Duble 11.
    38.There is s________ evidence t shw that plastic bags have caused white pllutin t the envirnment.
    39.The authr has just written a bk, nicely i________.
    40.Obama is nt nly a black man, he is als a natinal p________ with pictures and nt t technical.
    41.I clsed my eyes at his c________.
    42.The damage was far mre serius than i________ believed.
    43.She's very a________ but I dubt she’ll ever make it t the tp.
    44.He was an a________ singer until the age f40, when he turned prfessinal
    45.Yu shuld have cnsidered the c________ befre ding it.
    46.Her p________ t sales manager tk everyne by surprise.
    47.Twenty students were chsen at r________ t take part in the experiment.
    48.假如你是李华,你校学生会将举行"给你一朵小红花"活动。请你给校摄影社团的Larry 写一封邮件,邀请他一起参加。内容包括:
    1. 活动的目的
    3.Larry 的任务注意:
    Dear Larry:
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    Ballet was a way f life in Kelly's family. Her elder sister Serena was nw dancing at a tp cllege Thugh Kelly's mm always wanted her t fllw in her sister's ftsteps and Kelly herself was gd at ballet, her lve fr ballet had faded years befre and she was eager fr a new challenge. One day at schl, as Kelly left the dance studi she walked past the gym, fascinated by bxers training inside the bxing ring. She was deeply impressed by hw hard they hit and hw fast they mved. In fact she had lng been attracted t bxing.
    She pulled a piece f paper frm her backpack, The big title Bxing Club Tryut (选拔) caught her eyes. That was what Kelly really wanted t d. She knew her mm had high expectatins fr her when it came t ballet. Tired f trying t keep up with her sister, Kelly was ready t create her wn way.
    The next day, she gathered her curage and tld Serena abut her new passin. At first Serena didn't understand and thught she was just jking. But when she saw Kelly was serius, she replied,“Yu knw Mm wants yu t be a ballet dancer, right? Besides, bxing is nly fr bys, and yu're s gd at ballet. Lean int yur strength, Kelly.”
    “But this is where I want t put my strength,” Kelly insisted, “and what exactly des 'nly fr bys mean, anyway? Bxing is a sprt fr everyne!”
    Gradually, tuched by her determinatin and passin. Serena began t understand and supprt her Kelly culd feel it. Her sister was ging t respect her decisin n matter what. But that was nthing cmpared t the preparatins fr the tryut, where she was required t shw her ftwrk and punching abilities with ther candidates. Kelly wasn't naturally gd at bxing, but she had made up her mind t stick t her chice.
    1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
    Paragraph 1:
    Then Kelly began her training fr the tryut, keeping it a secret frm her mm.
    Paragraph 2:
    The fllwing Mnday, results f the bxing tryut came ut.
    解析:推理判断题。根据Mre infrmatin abut subway and bus fares 部分中“Riding the subway csts $ 2.85 fr mst riders. Peple with disabilities r wh are 65 r lder are qualified fr a reduced fare.”和“Up t three children under 44 inches tall ride fr free when they are with a fare-paying adult.”可知,一位68岁的老人带着两个身高44英寸以下的孩子需要付的车费低于$2.85。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Mre infrmatin abut railrad fares 部分中“On Metr-Nrth trains, peak fares als apply t travel n any weekday train that leaves Grand Central Statin between 6 a. m. and 9 a.m.”可知,地铁北线列车的高峰票价也适用于工作日早上6点至9点之间从中央车站出发的任何列车。因此,在上午7点离开Grand Central车站属于交通高峰期。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“Use ur trip planner t find fare infrmatin. Get schedules and directins and see whether a trip is during peak r ff-peak hurs.”可知,通过行程规划可以找到票价信息。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的My parents are ethnically Chinese,s they asked frtune tellers t decide my name,aiming fr maximum luck.As a result,I ended up with a nnsense and embarrassing name:Chen Yiwen,meaning,rughly,"ld","barley(惹米)"and "warm"(我的父母是华裔,所以他们请算命先生给我取名字,希望能给我带来最大的好运。结果,我就取了一个毫无意义又尴尬的名字:陈逸文,意思大致是"老"、"惹米"和"温暖"),可知作者最初明白她的名字"陈逸文"(Chen Yiwen)的含义但不喜欢这个名字,故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的My teacher nce said t me,"When yu lk at the wrd,yu see the bdy.Thugh a wrd n the page is tw-dimensinal,it cntains multitudes,cnveying the frce yu've applied,the energy f yur grip,the arch f yur spine"(我的老师曾经对我说:"当你看汉字时,你看到的是字体本身。虽然纸上的一个字是二维的,但它包含了许多内容,传达了您所施加的力量,您紧握的力量,您脊背的弧度"),可知从老师的话中,作者了解到书法反映了创作者的精神,故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的My teacher nce said t me,"When yu lk at the wrd,yu see the bdy.Thugh a wrd n the page is tw-dimensinal,it cntains multitudes,cnveying the frce yu've applied,the energy f yur grip,the arch f yur spine"(我的老师曾经对我说:"当你看汉字时,你看到的是字体本身。虽然纸上的一个字是二维的,但它包含了许多内容,传达了您所施加的力量,您紧握的力量,您脊背的弧度"),可知从老师的话中,作者了解到书法反映了创作者的精神,故选A。
    解析:目的意图题。通读全文,特别是根据最后一段During a recent lessn,my teacher pinted at the wrd I had just finished,telling me:"This wrd is much better.I can see the chices yu made,yur calculatins,yur flw.Trust yurself.This wrd is yurs."He might as well have said,"This wrd is yu"(在最近的一次课上,老师指着我刚完成的汉字对我说:"这个汉字写得好多了。我能看到你所做的选择,你的计算,你的思维发展。相信自己。这个汉字是你的"。他也说:"这个字就是你自己")可知,作者讲述自己学习书法的经历,通过老师的话及自己的理解,意识到书法可以帮助自己回归自我,更好地了解自己。作者意在告诉我们要从内心自我中发现美。所以B.Find beauty frm yur inner self(从内心自我中发现美)是作者的意图,故选B。
    解析: 事实细节题。根据第二段第一句This finding suggests that taking steps t prevent nrthern frest fires t limit the release f greenhuse gases may warm the climate in nrthern regins. 可知根据新的发现,采取措施预防北部森林火灾可能导致气候变暖。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段 " The fllwing spring, hwever, the land within the area f the fire was brighter than befre the fire, because fewer trees cvered the grund. Snw n the grund mirrred mre sunlight back int space, leading t cling." 可知,第二年春天地面上的雪才将更多的阳光反射回太空,因此这不是森林火灾后的即时效应(immediate effects)。故选C。
    ①根据上文的“TALKING with yu fr ne night is better than studying bks fr ten years”this was the cmment f an ld Chinese schlar after he had had a cnversatin with a friend.(“与君一席话,胜读十年书”,这是一位中国老学者与一位朋友交谈后的评价。)”和下文的“And tday the phrase“a night’s talk” has becme a current expressin fr a happy cnversatin with a friend at night, either past r expected.(今天,“a night's talk”这个短语已经成为一个流行的表达方式,用来形容和朋友在晚上愉快地谈话,无论是过去的还是预期的。)”可知,A项“那句话很有道理”是在评价上文提到的“与君一席话,胜读十年书”,下文提到的“a night’s talk”就是源自“与君一席话,胜读十年书”,故选A项。
    ②根据上文的“Such a supreme pleasure as having a perfect cnversatin with a friend at night is necessarily rare, fr as the playwright Li Liweng has pinted ut(像在晚上与朋友进行一次完美的交谈这样的无上快乐是非常罕见的,因为正如剧作家李立翁所指出的那样)”和下文的“The discvery f a man up in a muntain temple, wh really understands life and at the same time understands the art f cnversatin, must therefre be ne f the keenest pleasures, like the discvery f a new planet by an astrnmer r f a new variety f plant by a btanist.(“因此,发现一个在山间寺庙里的人,他真正了解生活,同时也了解谈话的艺术,一定是最令人愉快的事情之一,就像天文学家发现了一颗新行星或植物学家发现了一种新的植物。”)”可知,B项(没有真诚的交谈,友谊就会褪色。)承接上文,说明了真诚谈话的益处和重要性,下文指出了发现一个真正懂得谈话艺术的人是令人愉快的事情,剧作家李立翁指的就是这种与朋友交谈的快乐。故选B项。
    ③根据上文的“There is an evident distinctin between mere talking and cnversatin as such. This distinctin is made in the Chinese language between shuhua (speaking) and tanhua (cnversatin), which implies that in cnversatin the language used is mre chatty and leisurely and the tpics mre trivial and less business like.(单纯的谈话和谈话本身有明显的区别。汉语中有“说”和“谈”的区别,这意味着在谈话中使用的语言更健谈,更悠闲,话题更琐碎,更不像商业。)”和下文的“We can discuss business with almst any persn, but there are very few peple with whm we can truly hld a night's cnversatin. Hence, when we d find a true cnversatinalist, the pleasure is equal t, if nt abve, that f reading a delightful authr, with the additinal pleasure f hearing his vice and seeing his gestures.(我们几乎可以和任何人讨论业务,但是很少有人能和我们真正进行一夜的交谈。因此,当我们找到一位真正的健谈者时,其乐趣即使不比阅读一位令人愉快的作家的作品更大,也与听到他的声音和看到他的手势的乐趣相当。)”可知,F项“在商业信函和文学朋友的信函之间也可以发现类似的区别。”承接上文,说明谈话与商业和文学朋友的来往不一样,引出下文解释它们的不同之处。故选F项。
    ④根据下文的“There will be chats abut ghsts and fx spirits, mixed with amusing tales r 39 impassined cmments: n internatinal affairs, and smetimes befre we knw it, a wise bserver and cnversatinalist may shed light n things that have bthered yu fr a lng time.(会有关于鬼魂和狐妖的聊天,夹杂着有趣的故事或39条慷慨激昂的评论:关于国际事务,有时在我们意识到这一点之前,一个明智的观察者和健谈者可能会揭示困扰你很长时间的事情。)”可知,G项(有时,我们在老朋友的欢乐重逢中,或在长途旅行中的陌生人之间,发现这一点。)引出下文,再次举例子说明会说话的人是不一样的,故选G项。
    ⑤根据上文的“There will be chats abut ghsts and fx spirits, mixed with amusing tales r 39 impassined cmments: n internatinal affairs, and smetimes befre we knw it, a wise bserver and cnversatinalist may shed light n things that have bthered yu fr a lng time.(会有关于鬼魂和狐妖的聊天,夹杂着有趣的故事或39条慷慨激昂的评论:关于国际事务,有时在我们意识到这一点之前,一个明智的观察者和健谈者可能会揭示困扰你很长时间的事情。)”可知,C项“不管是什么,健谈的人确实有助于我们的幸福”承接上文,说明了健谈的人不管说什么都会使倾听者感到愉快,故选C项。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我努力使自己听起来平静。A. mild不严重的;B. calm平静的;C. upset沮丧的;D. relieved放心的。根据上文““Hey! Yu have a hairless spt n the back f yur head!” Mm’s alarmed cry hit me like a shck. I tried t shrug it ff. “It’ll grw back.”(“嘿!你后脑勺上有一块光秃秃的地方!”妈妈惊恐的叫声像电击一样击中了我。我试图耸耸肩。“它会再长出来的。”)”可推断,作者实际上很在乎妈妈的话,但是努力让自己听起来平静。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:用我的手指检查斑点成为每天的首要任务。A. Checking检查;B. Plishing抛光;C. Clearing清理;D. Cvering覆盖。根据后文“N new hair, smth as an egg. ”可判断,作者用手指检查头上掉了头发的地方。故选A。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:几周后,斑点变大了一些,仍然没有任何毛发从皮肤中长出来的迹象。A. sense感觉;B. chance机会;C. sign迹象;D. way方法。根据上文“the spt was a little larger”(斑点变大了一些)可知,仍然没有任何毛发从皮肤中长出来的迹象。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:我开始恐慌起来,但还是尽量保持冷静。A. wnder想知道;B. panic恐慌;C. expand扩大;D. relieve缓解。后文提到“but cntinued t try t be cl abut it”(但还是尽量保持冷静),后文but表示转折,可知,作者开始恐慌起来,但还是尽量保持冷静。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:用手指拨弄头发,我会盯着手中数量惊人的头发发呆,希望这种情况不要再发生在我身上。A. Reaching研究;B. Shifting转换;C. Feeling感觉;D. Running奔跑;移动(某物)。根据后文“I wuld stare at the alarming quantity f hair in my hands”(我会盯着手中数量惊人的头发发呆)此处指作者用手指拨弄头发,手上就会有很多落发,此处run ne’s fingers thrugh the hair意为“用手指摩挲着头发”。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:用手指拨弄头发,我会盯着手中数量惊人的头发发呆,希望这种情况不要再发生在我身上。A. delay延迟;B. avid避免;C. cease终止;D. keep保持。根据前文“I wuld stare at the alarming quantity f hair in my hands”可知,作者的头发掉了很多,希望这种情况可以停止。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他建议尝试一种注射,将其用于头部皮肤。A. attached附上;B. cnnected连接;C. guided指导;D. applied应用;用。根据后文“ I underwent several cstly injectins ver a few mnths, but in vain.”可知,医生建议应用头部皮肤注射。故选D。
    解析:考查固定短语辨析。句意:更糟糕的是,注射开始影响我的睡眠,我们最终不得不停止这一过程。A. After all毕竟;B. Wrse still更糟的是;C. In brief简言之;D. By cntrast相比之下。根据前文“I underwent several cstly injectins ver a few mnths, but in vain.”后文“the injectin began t truble my sleep”可知,头发没有长回来,更糟糕的是,注射开始影响作者的睡眠。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:更糟糕的是,注射开始影响我的睡眠,我们最终不得不停止这一过程。A. mtin运动;B. prcedure过程;C. rutine常规;D. missin任务。根据上文“I underwent several cstly injectins ver a few mnths, but in vain.(我在几个月里接受了几次昂贵的注射,但都无济于事)”可知,注射影响了睡眠,所以最终不得不停止往头部皮肤注射药物这一过程。故选B。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:我不得不每天戴着假发去学校,担心有一天假发会掉下来,一切都会暴露出来。A. break ut爆发;B. draw t a clse接近尾声;C. fade away褪色;D. cme t light暴露。根据上文“wrried it might slip ne day and that everything wuld”(担心有一天假发会掉下来)可知,作者担心有一天假发会掉下来,将没有头发的部分暴露出来。故选D。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然我知道我应该把事实告诉我的朋友,但我很害怕,不知道他们会如何处理这个信息。A. reveal揭示;B. restrict限制;C. distribute分配;D. highlight突出。根据后文“nt knwing hw they wuld handle the infrmatin”此处指把事实揭示给朋友,应用动词reveal。故选A。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:不管怎样,经过几天的挣扎,我犹豫地告诉他们发生了什么。A. Instead反而;B. Furthermre此外;C. Anyway不管怎样;D. Thus因此。根据后文“hesitantly, I tld them what was happening after days f struggle”可知,经过几天的挣扎,不管怎样,作者还是犹豫地告诉他们发生了什么。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这对我来说是个奇迹。A. blw吹;B. credit信用;C. exceptin例外;D. miracle奇迹。根据上文“hesitantly, I tld them what was happening after days f struggle. T my surprise, they all thught nthing f it”可知,作者一开始很担心朋友知道后的反应,结果朋友不在意这件事,所以是个奇迹。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我开始意识到发生的一切不是我的错,也不应该感到羞耻。A. prud骄傲的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. fnd喜欢的;D. guilty内疚的。前文提到“I came t realize that what had happened was nt my fault”(我开始意识到这发生的一切不是我的错),且根据倒数第二段可知,作者不敢告诉朋友,是因为觉得秃头很羞耻,但朋友们的反应让作者觉得不应该因为秃头而羞耻。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道秃顶不会改变我是谁,如果我不让它影响我的自我接受,那么其他人也更有可能接受真实的我。A. evaluatin评估;B. intrductin介绍;C. acceptance接受;D. dependence依赖。根据后文“ther peple are much mre likely t accept me as I am, t”(其他人也更有可能接受真实的我。)可知,作者意识到秃头不应该影响自己接受自我。故选C。
    32.答案:①applicatin②varius/varied③was impressed④Cming⑤int⑥where⑦unbelievable⑧and⑨cntinuusly⑩assisting
    ①考查名词。句意:事实上,自助设备的发展和应用已经变得高度先进和广泛,涉及生活的各个方面。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中做主语,and 连接两个并列成分,the develpment是名词,所以此处应用apply的名词形式applicatin。故填applicatin。
    ②考查形容词。句意:事实上,自助设备的发展和应用已经变得高度先进和广泛,涉及生活的各个方面。修饰名词aspects要用形容词,vary的形容词形式是varius 或varied,意为“各种各样的”。故填varius/varied。
    ③考查被动语态。句意:图雷·毛伊·拉瓦萨是一名交换生,他对在中国遇到的这些设备印象深刻。分析句子结构,主语Tulei Maui Laaava与impress之间是被动关系,且句子表示的是过去发生的动作,此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was impressed。
    ⑤考查介词。句意:同上。integrate int 为固定短语,意为“融入”,符合句意。故填int。
    ⑦考查形容词。句意:在中国的五年里,音乐在他的生活中扮演了令人难以置信的角色,它有影响力并且丰富了他日常生活的方方面面。修饰名词rle 要用形容词,根据下文“enriched every aspect f his daily rutine(丰富了他日常生活的方方面面)”可知,此处表示“难以置信的”,应用unbelievable。故填unbelievable。
    ⑧考查连词。句意:同上。根据上文“it was influential(它有影响力)”以及下文“enriched every aspect f his daily rutine(丰富了他日常生活的方方面面)”可知,上下文之间为并列关系,使用and连接。故填and。
    解析:根据句意,会议下周举行已经被确认。cnfirm确认,It has been cnfirmed that……已经被确认,it是形式主语,that从句是真正的主语。cnfirm与it之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,has been+过去分词,cnfirm的过去分词是cnfirmed,故填cnfirmed。
    35.答案: accessible
    解析:根据首字母提示可知此空使用形容词accessible,意为"易于理解的",作science的宾语补足语。故填: accessible。
    解析:根据首字母提示可知此空使用动词establish,意为"建立",establish sb as意为"确立某人为",help后面接动词原形。故填:establish。
    解析:考查过去分词。illustrate动词,意为“加插图于……”。a bk和illustrate之间是被动关系,故用illustrate的过去分词形式illustrated。 a bk nicely illustrated有很好的插图的一本书。故填illustrated。
    解析:根据句意"我听从他的命令闭上了眼睛。"结合首字母,考虑cmmand"命令",at ne's cmmand"听命于某人",是介词短语。故填:cmmand。
    解析:根据句意可知此处表示"最初",副词修饰动词。故填: initially。
    解析:根据句意"20名学生被随机挑选出来参加实验。"结合首字母,考虑randm"随意,任意",at randm"随机的,任意的",是介词短语。故填:randm。
    Dear Larry,
    Our schl's student unin is t hld the “Give Yu a Little Red Flwer” event and we'd like t invite yu t jin us.
    The purpse f this event is t recgnize and appreciate utstanding cntributins frm students and faculty members alike. The event will take place next Mnday in the schl auditrium frm 2:00PM t 4:00 PM. It will include perfrmances put n by the dance club, as well as a shrt speech made by ur principal.
    As part f the phtgraphy club, yur task is t capture the event’s essence. Yur phts will make it unfrgettable. Please let us knw at yur earliest cnvenience if yu can participate.
    Best regards,
    Li Hua
    解析:本书面表达是一篇应用文写作。要求考生给校摄影社团的Larry 写一封邮件邀请他参加学生会即将举行的“给你一朵小红花”活动。
    举办: hld→hst
    参加:participate→take part
    原句:The event will take place next Mnday in the schl auditrium frm 2:00 PM t 4:00 PM. It will include perfrmances put n by the dance club, as well as a shrt speech made by ur principal.
    拓展句:The event will take place next Mnday in the schl auditrium frm 2:00 PM t 4:00 PM, which will include perfrmances put n by the dance club, as well as a shrt speech made by ur principal.
    [高分句型1]Please let us knw at yur earliest cnvenience if yu can participate.(运用了if引导的条件状语从句)
    [高分句型2]It will include perfrmances put n by the dance club, as well as a shrt speech made by ur principal.(运用了过去分词作后置定语)
    Then Kelly began her training fr the tryut, keeping it a secret frm her mm. Everyday afternn when she was ff frm schl, she directly strde t the bxing ring t learn the basic fting, different striking frm different angles. It was an exhausted wrkut, especially fr a beginner like her. Years f ballet practice made her bth arms and fists t supple t change them int pwerful ne. But she culd endure all the hardship because that was what she chse. What she culd nt bear was when she came back hme and lied t her mm abut her day, making up all the ballet thing. These new nrmal came t an end when the final day f selectin was scheduled t a Friday.
    The fllwing Mnday, results f the bxing tryut came ut. Kelly std n the tiptes t reach the tp the list. Her eyeballs mved rapidly in search f her name. The first clumn, nne. The secnd clumn, neither. Her heart punded fiercely. The third clumn was her last hpe. The last but tw was hers — Kelly! She made her entrance t the club. She rushed hme t break the sweat bitter news t her mm. With her sister Serana backing her firmly, her mm finally agreed that Kelly culd fllw her passin t bxing.
    Then Kelly began her training fr the tryut, keeping it a secret frm her mm. It felt s dd when the training spt was filled with bys and she as an nly female there was tiled fr the musculinary fist striking and standing with typical bxing psture. Hwever, it didn’t affect her determinatin at all. Day by day she was building up her strength. When the big day fr tryut came, she knew she was ready fr it. Only ne thing trubled her determined mind, which was hw t tell the truth t her mm.
    The fllwing Mnday, results f the bxing tryut came ut. Kelly’s name was printed n the tp f the list. She smiled t herself inwardly. Hard wrk paid ff. The nly prblem left was t cnvince her mm that bxing was her real passin and she wished t chase what she lved t d. Serena prmised t help her when she brke the news. At first mm was startled and furius that Kelly cheated n her. Hwever, gradually she sensed that it was time t let her child fllw her heart t d smething she persisted. She started t appreciate that her daughter actually utgrew her wit.
    ②. 练习practice/exercise
    ③.查看:in search f/searching fr

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