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    专题1:2023年北京卷英语真题 (原卷版+解析版)01
    专题1:2023年北京卷英语真题 (原卷版+解析版)02
    专题1:2023年北京卷英语真题 (原卷版+解析版)03
    专题1:2023年北京卷英语真题 (原卷版+解析版)01
    专题1:2023年北京卷英语真题 (原卷版+解析版)02
    专题1:2023年北京卷英语真题 (原卷版+解析版)03
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    专题1:2023年北京卷英语真题 (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份专题1:2023年北京卷英语真题 (原卷版+解析版),文件包含精品解析2023年北京卷英语真题原卷版docx、精品解析2023年北京卷英语真题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    I was always timid (羞怯的). Being new t the schl made me even ____1____ , s it was surprising I’d ____2____ t anyne arund me. Nw I was paying the price — t write a five-page essay n “Why I Shuld Nt Talk in Class”. That wuld take all night!
    After I gt hme thugh. I tk my time petting the cat-pstpning the pain.
    When I finally sat dwn t ____3____, I began with the reasns Ms. Black wuld want t hear.
    Talking kept me and my neighburs frm ____4____. One paragraph dwn; nw what? I chewed n my pencil. Aha! What if talking were the first step twards life as a criminal? Withut the educatin I was thrwing away, I’d turn t theft and g t prisn. When I gt ut, peple wuld say, “She used t talk in class.” The pages began ____5____.
    But when mum gt hme frm wrk, I was still ____6____, “Five pages! That’s impssible!”
    “Well, yu’d better get back t wrk,” she said. “and I want t read it when yu’re thrugh.”
    Sn after dinner, I handed the essay t mum. I half expected a____7____— at least an “I hpe yu’ve learned yur lessn”. ____8____, mum laughed and laughed as she read.
    The next day, when Ms. Black read the essay t the class, everyne laughed. I culd ____9____ they weren’t making fun f me: they laughed because I had the pwer t tell a funny stry. My____10____ still needed sme nudging (激发), but I did learn I wasn’t shy in print.
    1. A. freerB. shyerC. calmerD. happier
    2. A. ndB. pintC. listenD. chat
    3. A. weepB. restC. writeD. read
    4. A. learningB. playingC. planningD. laughing
    5. A. standing utB. flying byC. breaking upD. checking in
    6 A. celebratingB. lngingC. cmplainingD. warning
    7. A. lectureB. reasnC. rewardD. slutin
    8. A. TherefreB. MreverC. MeanwhileD. Instead
    9. A. hpeB. imagineC. tellD. predict
    10. A. patienceB. cnfidenceC. tleranceD. independence
    Every culture is riddled with unwritten rules, such as nes n punctuality (守时). I’m British. Sn after mving t Switzerland, I ____11____(thrw) a huse-warming party and was greatly surprised when all 30 guests shwed up ____12____(exact) n time. Years later, having mved t France. I turned up at the appinted hur fr a dinner, nly t find that n ther guest____13____(arrive) and my hstess was still in her sleeping suit.
    Mangrves, knwn as “red frest” in China, grw between land and sea, characterised by their cmplex rts. When ____14____(see) frm afar, the mangrve frests appear mre splendid.
    Mangrves can help sften waves and prtect ____15____(city) frm castal winds. Fr these reasns, they are praised as “castal guardians”. Up t nw, China ____16____(establish) a number f prtected areas with mangrves.
    Nina has run marathns in 32 cuntries. All f her runs have a guiding purpse: t call attentin ____17____ glbal water issues. Nina recently finished her year-lng series f runs in Chicag, ____18____ thusands were attending a water cnference.She called fr actin ____19____(address)the struggles f peple arund the wrld ____20____(face) “t little water r t dirty water”. Her effrts have encuraged thers t take part by running thrugh a glbal campaign called“Run Blue”.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    The Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee(IOC)Yung Leaders prgramme empwers talents t make a psitive difference in their cmmunities thrugh sprt. Twenty-five Yung Leaders are being selected every tw years fr a fur-year perid. They prmte the Olympic values, spreading the message f sprt fr gd.
    T be an IOC Yung Leader, yu need t first cmplete the 4-Week Learning Sprint (冲刺).
    4-Week Learning Sprint
    The 4-Week Learning Sprint, which will take place during Nvember 2023, is a virtual learning prgramme. The sessins can be attended live r watched back after they are made available n the IOC channel. Each week, participants will be asked t cmplete a tpic﹣specific reflectin task.
    The 4-Week Learning Sprint is pen t anyne, with the target audience aged between 20 and 28.
    After successfully cmpleting the 4-Week Learning Sprint, yu will need t submit a plan fr a sprt﹣based prject, which yu will wrk n if selected as an IOC Yung Leader.
    Requirements fr the Applicants
    •Yu have successfully cmpleted the 4-Week Learning Sprint.
    •Yu have cmpleted yur high schl studies.
    •Yu have at least ne year f wrk experience.
    •Yu have strng public speaking skills.
    •Yu are self-mtivated and cmmitted.
    •Yu are passinate abut creating psitive change in yur cmmunity
    •Yu are pen t being cached and advised by experts and peers (同伴).
    •Yu are able t wrk with peple frm different backgrunds.
    21. In the 4-Week Learning Sprint, participants will ________.
    A. create change in their cmmunityB. attend a virtual learning prgramme
    C. meet peple frm different backgrundsD. prmte the IOC Yung Leaders prject
    22. If selected as an IOC Yung Leader, ne will need t ________.
    A cmplete a reflectin task each weekB. watch sprts n the IOC channel
    C. wrk n a sprt-based prjectD. cach and advise their peers
    23. Which is a requirement fr the applicants?
    A. Spreading the message f sprt fr gd.B. Having at least ne-year wrk experience.
    C. Shwing great passin fr prject planning.D. Cmmitting themselves t becming an expert.
    Sitting in the garden fr my friend’s birthday. I felt a buzz (振动) in my pcket. My heart raced when I saw the email sender’s name. The email started ff: “Dear Mr Green, thank yu fr yur interest” and “the review prcess tk lnger than expected.” It ended with “We are srry t infrm yu…” and my visin blurred (模糊). The psitin—measuring sil quality in the Sahara Desert as part f an undergraduate research prgramme — had felt like the answer I had spent years lking fr.
    I had put s much time and emtinal energy int applying, and I thught the rejectin meant the end f the rad fr my science career.
    S I was shcked when, nt lng after the email, Prfessr Mary Devn, wh was running the prgramme, invited me t bserve the wrk being dne in her lab. I jumped at the chance, and a few weeks later I was equally shcked—and verjyed—when she invited me t talk with her abut ptential prjects I culd pursue in her lab. What she prpsed didn’t seem as exciting as the riginal prject I had applied t, but I was ging t give it my all.
    I fund myself wrking with a rbtics prfessr n techniques fr cllecting data frm the desert remtely. That prject, which I culd cmplete frm my sfa instead f in the burning heat f the desert, nt nly survived the lckdwn but wrked where traditinal methds didn’t. In the end, I had a new scientific interest t pursue.
    When I applied t graduate schl, I fund three prgrammes prmising t allw me t fllw my desired research directin. And I applied with the same anxius excitement as befre. When I was rejected frm ne that had seemed like a perfect fit, it was undubtedly difficult. But this time I had the perspective (视角) t keep it frm sending me int panic. It helped that in the end I was accepted int ne f the ther prgrammes I was als excited abut.
    Rather than setting plans in stne, I’ve learned that smetimes I need t take the pprtunities that are ffered, even if they dn’t sund perfect at the time, and make the mst f them.
    24. Hw did the authr feel upn seeing the email sender’s name?
    A. Anxius.B. Angry.C. Surprised.D. Settled.
    25. After talking with Prfessr Devn, the authr decided t ________.
    A. criticise the review prcessB. stay lnger in the Sahara Desert
    C. apply t the riginal prject againD. put his heart and sul int the lab wrk
    26. Accrding t the authr, the prject with the rbtics prfessr was ________.
    A. demandingB. inspiringC. misleadingD. amusing
    27. What can we learn frm this passage?
    A. An invitatin is a reputatin.B. An innvatin is a reslutin.
    C. A rejectin can be a redirectin.D. A reflectin can be a restrictin.
    In recent years, researchers frm diverse fields have agreed that shrt-termism is nw a significant prblem in industrialised scieties. The inability t engage with lnger-term causes and cnsequences leads t sme f the wrld’s mst serius prblems: climate change, bidiversity cllapse, and mre. The histrian Francis Cle argues that the West has entered a perid where “nly the present exists, a present characterised at nce by the cruelty f the instant and by the bredm f an unending nw”.
    It has been prved that peple have a bias (偏向) twards the present, fcusing n lud attractins in the mment at the expense f the health, well-being and financial stability f their future selves r cmmunity. In business, this bias surfaces as shrt-sighted decisins. And n slw-burning prblems like climate change, it translates int the unwillingness t make small sacrifices (牺牲) tday that culd make a majr difference tmrrw. Instead, all that matters is next quarter’s prfit, r satisfying sme ther near-term desires.
    These biased perspectives cannt be blamed n ne single cause. It is fair t say, thugh, that ur psychlgical biases play a majr rle. Peple’s hesitancy t delay satisfactin is the mst bvius example, but there are thers. One f them is abut hw the mst accessible infrmatin in the present affects decisins abut the future. Fr instance, yu might hear smene say: “It’s cld this winter, s I needn’t wrry abut glbal warming.”Anther is that lud and urgent matters are given t much imprtance, making peple ignre lnger-term trends that arguably matter mre. This is when a pp star draws far mre attentin than, say, gradual bidiversity decline.
    As a psychlgist nce jked, if aliens (外星人) wanted t weaken humanity, they wuldn’t send ships; they wuld invent climate change. Indeed, when it cmes t envirnmental transfrmatins, we can develp a frm f cllective “pr memry”, and each new generatin can believe the state f affairs they encunter is nthing ut f the rdinary. Older peple tday, fr example, can remember a time with insect-cvered car windscreens after lng drives. Children, n the ther hand, have n idea that insect ppulatin has drpped dramatically.
    28. The authr qutes Francis Cle mainly t ________.
    A. draw a cmparisn
    B. intrduce a tpic
    C. evaluate a statement
    D. highlight a prblem
    29. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. Climate change has been frgtten.
    B. Lessns f histry are highly valued.
    C. The human mind is bad at nting slw change.
    D. Humans are unwilling t admit their shrtcmings.
    30. What des the authr intend t tell us?
    A. Far-sighted thinking matters t humans.
    B. Humans tend t make lng-term sacrifices.
    C. Current plicies facilitate future decisin-making.
    D. Bias twards the present helps reduce near-term desires.
    What is life? Like mst great questins, this ne is easy t ask but difficult t answer. The reasn is simple: we knw f just ne type f life and it’s challenging t d science with a sample size f ne. The field f artificial life-called ALife fr shrt — is the systematic attempt t spell ut life’s fundamental principles. Many f these practitiners, s-called ALifers, think that smehw making life is the surest way t really understand what life is.
    S far n ne has cnvincingly made artificial life. This track recrd makes ALife a ripe target fr criticism, such as declaratins f the field’s dubtful scientific value. Alan Smith, a cmplexity scientist, is tired f such cmplaints. Asking abut “the pint” f ALife might be, well, missing the pint entirely, he says. “The existence f a living system is nt abut the use f anything.” Alan says. “Sme peple ask me, ‘S what’s the wrth f artificial life?’ D yu ever think, ‘What is the wrth f yur grandmther?’”
    As much as many ALifers hate emphasizing their research’s applicatins, the attempts t create artificial life culd have practical payffs. Artificial intelligence may be cnsidered ALife’s cusin in that researchers in bth fields are enamred by a cncept called pen-ended evlutin (演化). This is the capacity fr a system t create essentially endless cmplexity, t be a srt f “nvelty generatr”. The nly system knwn t exhibit this is Earth’s bisphere. If the field f ALife manages t reprduce life’s endless “creativity” in sme virtual mdel, thse same principles culd give rise t truly inventive machines.
    Cmpared with the develpments f Al, advances in ALife are harder t recgnize. One reasn is that ALife is a field in which the central cncept — life itself — is undefined. The lack f agreement amng ALifers desn’t help either. The result is a diverse line f prjects that each advance alng their unique paths. Fr better r wrse, ALife mirrrs the very subject it studies. Its muddled (混乱的) prgressin is a striking parallel (平行线) t the evlutinary struggles that have shaped Earth bisphere.
    Undefined and uncntrlled, ALife drives its fllwers t repurpse ld ideas and generated nvelty. It may be, f curse, that these characteristics aren’t in any way surprising r singular. They may apply universally t all acts f evlutin. Ultimately ALife may be nthing special. But even this dismissal suggests smething:perhaps, just like life itself thrughut the universe, the rise f ALife will prve unavidable.
    31. Regarding Alan Smith’s defence f ALife, the authr is .
    A. supprtiveB. puzzledC. uncncernedD. dubtful
    32 What des the wrd “enamred” underlined in Paragraph 3 mst prbably mean?
    A. Shcked.B. Prtected.C. Attracted.D. Challenged.
    33. What can we learn frm this passage?
    A. ALife hlds the key t human future.B. ALife and AI share a cmmn feature.
    C. AI mirrrs the develpments f ALife.D. AI speeds up the prcess f human evlutin.
    34. Which wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Life Is Undefined. Can AI Be a Way Out?
    B. Life Evlves. Can AI Help ALife Evlve, T?
    C. Life Is Undefined. Can ALife Be Defined One Day?
    D. Life Evlves. Can Attempts t Create ALife Evlve, T?
    It’s a jyful and stressful time f year in the United States fr students and their families as they make decisins abut where t attend cllege. Families ften turn t rankings systems t help make a decisin. ____35____
    When I talk t families as a schlar f higher educatin, they’re ften surprised that teaching excellence is nt cunted in rankings. ____36____
    Emerging research suggests that curses in lwer-ranked universities, n average, scred higher n teaching than curses in higher-ranked universities. ____37____ The absence f teaching excellence frm the rankings is surprising given the link between high-quality teaching and student success. Quality teaching is ne f the mst imprtant predictrs f a wide range f cllege utcmes.
    Rankings, hwever, are nly ne reasn why a lw value is placed n teaching in higher educatin. Administratrs ften dn’t view teaching excellence as a way t increase enrlment (注册) r funding. ____38____ Research shws that the mre time instructrs spend n teaching, the lwer their salary. What is the result? Many instructrs cntinue t teach using traditinal lectures, which lead t lwer success rates.
    ____39____ Nevertheless, nt much will change until schls with high-quality teaching are rewarded with mre resurces, higher rankings and increased enrlments. In the lng term, universities, rganisatins that rank schls, and thers shuld wrk t make teaching a valued, cre part f the missin.
    What shuld students and their families d? They shuld give strng cnsideratin t universities where high-quality teaching is valued, even thugh the schls may be ranked lwer.
    A. Higher educatin has achieved its true ptential.
    B. Therefre, it’s nt highly valued in hiring r prmtin.
    C. Quality teaching has been an imprtant reputatin-building factr.
    D. Hwever, the rankings ignre a critical factr: the quality f teaching.
    E. Effrts t imprve teaching at the university level have recently emerged.
    F. They’re even mre surprised at hw teaching is undervalued by universities.
    G. In fact, universities ften shift emphasis frm teaching t ther ranking factrs.
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
    Habit frmatin is the prcess by which behaviurs becme autmatic. Peple develp cuntless habits as they explre the wrld, whether they are aware f them r nt. Understanding hw habits take shape may be helpful in changing bad habits.
    Habits are built thrugh learning and repetitin. A persn is thught t develp a habit in the curse f pursuing gals by beginning t assciate certain cues(刺激) with behaviural respnses that help meet the gal. Over time, thughts f the behaviur and ultimately the behaviur itself are likely t be triggered(触发) by these cues.
    A “habit lp(环)” is a way f describing several related elements that prduce habits. These elements are called the cue, the rutine, and the reward. Fr example, stress culd serve as a cue that ne respnds t by eating, which prduces the reward﹣the reductin f stress. While a rutine invlves repeated behaviur, it’s nt necessarily perfrmed in respnse t a deep﹣rted urge, as a habit is.
    Old habits can be difficult t shake, and healthy habits are ften harder t develp. But thrugh repetitin, it’s pssible t frm new habits. The amunt f time needed t build a habit will depend n multiple factrs, including the individual and the intended behaviur. While yu are able t pickup a new habit in a few weeks, it takes many mnths t build a healthy habit. Take sme time t think abut what leads t bad habits and re﹣evaluate what yu get ut f them (r dn’t). Cnsider and keep in mind why yu want t make a change, including hw the change reflects yur values.
    40. Hw are habits built?
    41. In what way is a rutine different frm a habit?
    42. Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    Picking up a new habit takes a few week, while building a healthy habit takes a shrter time.
    43. What benefit(s) have yu gt frm ne f yur gd habits?(In abut 40 wrds)
    44. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的英国好友Jim正在策划一次以“绿色北京”为主题的社团活动,他发来邮件询问你的建议。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua

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        专题1:2023年北京卷英语真题 (原卷版+解析版)
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