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    1.What will the speakers d n Saturday?
    A.G t wrk. B.Eat brunch. C.G t the gym.
    2.When did the man hurt himself?
    A.A few weeks ag. B.A few mnths ag. C.A few years ag.
    3.Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A.In a bkstre. B.In a library. C.In a classrm.
    4.Hw des the wman sund?
    A.Nervus. B.Sad. C.Angry.
    5.Why did they stay up late fr the last tw nights?
    A.They studied fr the physics exam.
    B.They didn’t want t g t bed early.
    C.They had t prepare their breakfast.
    6.What des the man like mst abut reusable bags?
    A.They are free. B.They can be used fr mre purpses.
    C.They are lighter and easier t carry.
    7.What discunt d shppers receive if they use reusable bags?
    A.10 dllars ff. B.5% ff. C.10 cents ff.
    8.Why desn’t Brad like nline shpping?
    A.He desn’t like t plan. B.He desn’t like t stay at hme waiting.
    C.He desn’t want his packages stlen.
    9.What des Brad advise Sally t d?
    A.G t the stre. B.Clean the huse. C.Keep track f her package.
    10.Hw is Sally related t Brad?
    A.She’s his mm. B.She’s his emplyee. C.She’s his sister.
    11.In the beginning, what des the wman think Gerge is ding?
    A.Reading. B.Clring. C.Writing.
    12.Why are sme f the texts marked in green?
    A.They are the main ideas. B.They are imprtant details.
    C.They are a bit mre difficult.
    13.What des Gerge write dwn in his ntebk?
    A.Figures. B.Stries. C.Questins.
    14.Wh hasn’t knwn the news yet?
    A.Lily. B.Katie. C.Jasn.
    15.Accrding t the wman, what is much better in France?
    A.The fd. B.The weather. C.The schls.
    16.What des the man hpe t d abut his family?
    A.Bring them t France. B.Leave them in America.
    C.Visit them in a few mnths.
    17.What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Bss and secretary. B.Family members. C.C-wrkers.
    18.What is the mst imprtant requirement fr this jb?
    A.Experience. B.Creativity. C.Energy.
    19.What d children d in the mrning?
    A.G hiking B.Write shrt essays. C.Reprt t the leaders.
    20.When is the deadline f the applicatin?
    A.April 20th. B.May 12th. C.July 20th.
    The 14th Natinal Games held in Xi’an has triggered great interest — nt nly in sprts and fitness, but als in the hst city itself. If yu are planning a tur f Xi’an taking less than 3 days, yu’ll want t hit all the fllwing highlights.
    The Terractta Army
    The Terractta Army is nt just China’s premier histrical attractin but ne f the greatest discveries f the 20th century, which was cnstructed by China’s First Emperr Qin Shi Huang f the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-207 BC). It is a cllectin f thusands f life-size terractta sldiers, hrses, and charits (战车) in battle frmatin, shwing the emperr’s armies in full splendr.
    Ancient City Wall
    Xi’an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperr f the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system. Nw it is ne f the ldest and best-preserved Chinese city walls. The wall is nw a landmark, dividing the city int inner and uter areas.
    Giant Wild Gse Pagda
    One f China’s mst famus Buddhist pagdas, the Giant Wild Gse Pagda was built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) fr the study f Buddhist scriptures. One f the main functins f the pagda was t stre sutras (经文) brught t China frm India by the famus mnk and traveler Xuan Zang. It was built with layers f bricks and has a grand structure and appearance. It is exemplary f traditinal Chinese architecture.
    Shaanxi Histry Museum
    The Shaanxi Histry Museum is hme t ver 370,000 precius relics unearthed in Shaanxi ver the years. Its cllectins range frm brnze wares t pttery figures, gld and silver wares and wall paintings frm the Tang Dynasty (618-907) tmbs. Amng its precius cllectins, 18 pieces have been listed as natinal treasures.
    1. Which f the fllwing has the lngest histry?
    A. The Terractta Army.B. Ancient City Wall.
    C. Giant Wild Gse Pagda.D. Shaanxi Histry Museum.
    2. What can visitrs see in Shaanxi Histry Museum?
    A. Charits discvered in Xi’an.B. Sutras brught frm India t China.
    C. Relics unearthed in Shaanxi.D. Wall paintings frm the Qing Dynasty tmbs.
    3. What d the fur attractins have in cmmn?
    A. They hld cllectins f antiques.B. They are f histrical and cultural value.
    C. They represent the mdern spirit f Xi’an.D. They are examples f traditinal Chinese architecture.
    When Arvin Kuipers, wh graduated frm Beijing University f Chinese Medicine in 2017 and lves Chinese culture, asks his patients t stick ut their tngue s he can diagnse(诊断) their illness, many are cnfused.
    Kuipers, 30, practicing Traditinal Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, said, “In TCM I need t d face and tngue diagnsis. That’s strange fr peple in my cuntry.” One elderly wman had been visiting him ccasinally fr advice, but her first experience with TCM surprised her. She had never experienced acupuncture (针灸) r any ther TCM treatment. “She came in, and I examined her face and tngue,” said Kuipers. “I tld the patient her kidneys were nt ding well and that she wasn’t getting prper sleep.” The wman was shcked by his insight and asked if he had been spying n her. “Actually, it was easy t diagnse her cnditin when I saw the dark rings under her eyes. Her energy levels were als very lw at the time.”
    Kuipers pened his TCM clinic in September. Mst f his wrk invlves perfrming acupuncture, cupping as well as tuina — a TCM massage that patients in the West like the mst, he said. In sme cases he als gave his patients traditinal herbal medicines.
    Kuipers usually makes a cup f Chinese tea t calm his patients if they are nervus abut the acupuncture needles. He als explains t them the meridian (经络) system, which is a central cncept f TCM, yin and yang, and ther cncepts. “In TCM, gd health requires balanced yin and yang, s practitiners nt nly pay attentin t a patient’s illness, but als t his r her verall physical cnditin,” said Kuipers. “TCM is als a different culture and ffers a new perspective, instead f being a curing methd.”
    As f early April, Kuipers has treated mre than 200 patients, many f whm cme t his clinic every week. “TCM des wrk, and wrks well. My patients really feel better with it, s I value it, and when my patients feel better I als feel better.”
    4. What can we learn frm the elderly wman’s stry in paragraph 2?
    A. The elderly wman trusted TCM treatment in the beginning.
    B. TCM is very different frm the treatment in her cuntry.
    C. The elderly wman used t visit Kuipers a lt fr TCM.
    D. The elderly wman was shcked at her kidney s nt ding well
    5. Which TCM treatment is mst welcmed by the patients in the West?
    A. Tuina.B. Acupuncture.C. Cupping.D. Herbal medicines.
    6. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. Why Kuipers’ patients are fnd f Chinese tea.
    B. Hw Kuipers explains meridian system t his patients.
    C. Hw Kuipers applies Chinese culture and treatments t patients.
    D. Why Kuipers pays little attentin t verall physical cnditin.
    7. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the passage?
    A. T praise Kuipers fr his TCM treatments.
    B T stress the value f teaching freigners TCM.
    C. T shw the ppularity f TCM with patients in the Netherlands.
    D. T tell the stry f Kuipers practising TCM in the Netherlands.
    The Summer Olympic Games this year are in Paris, France, which des nt have an cean. S, hw d rganizers plan t present cmpetitin in the sprt f surfing? They are taking that Olympic event in a small castal village called Teahup’ in the Suth Pacific cuntry f French Plynesia. Hundreds f peple are expected t visit Teahup’ t watch the sprt, as the surfers g ut nt the famus waves frm July 27 t August 4.
    Prpsed preparatins fr the event included building temprary husing, rads, and even a large structure ut n the water. The wrk called fr drilling int a cral reef. Hwever, ppsitin t the plans quickly grew. Envirnmentalists, lcals and surfers jined frces t prtect Teahup’’s culture, its crals and ther sea life.
    Fr lcals, Teahup’ beach was a“secret spt” with a special energy knwn as “mana”, and they want that special quality prtected. There are cncerns that a week f Olympic cmpetitin there culd destry the “mana”.“It was t much fr us, a big change,” said Levy, a Tahitian surfer and a vlunteere n a lcal envirnmental rganizatin.
    Sme peple wrry that the drilling int the reef will disrupt the ecsystem and attract a dangerus algae (海藻). If fish eat the algae, peple wh eat the fish can becme sick.“The water is where we get ur dinner,” 22-year-ld Maitei, a spearfisher catching fish t feed his family, said.
    Lcal Tahitians’ wrry were cnfirmed when a bat wrking n sme Olympic cnstructin hit a piece f the reef and brke it. “In Plynesian culture, gds are everywhere in nature, in the cral, in the cean. If we break a cral, we break a hme,” Cindy Otcenasek, a lcal fficial, said.
    N new buildings r rads are welcme fr the lcals. And the rganizers are adjusting their plans as a result. Fr example, they will nt be building any Olympic husing. Instead, athletes will stay n a nearby bat. Hmes f lcals will serve ther Olympic husing needs. Judges will watch the cmpetitin frm the platfrm. The whle wrld is ready fr the great events and the impact.
    8. Why is the 2024 Olympics surfing t be held in Teahup’?
    A. It is the sister city f Paris.B. It is the best chice fr the sprt.
    C. It aims t develp its turism.D. It has favrable gegraphic lcatin.
    9. What makes Teahup’ beach special t lcal Tahitians?
    A. The rich fishing resurces.B. The surfing spts.
    C. The pwer f mana.D. The unique crals.
    10. Why are sme lcal peple ppsed t the Olympic plans in Teahup’?
    A. They are wrried the event will damage the envirnment.
    B. They want mre cnstructin and develpment in the area.
    C. They think the event will bring t many turists.
    D. They dn’t like the sprt f surfing.
    11. What are the rganizers ding t address the lcal cncerns in Teahup’?
    A. Building new rads and husing fr the event.
    B Cancelling the Olympic surfing cmpetitin.
    C. Relcating the event t a different lcatin.
    D Adjusting their plans t minimize the impact.
    Nbdy needs reminding that exercise is gd fr ur health, but we may need reminding that it needs t be dne in the right way.
    Light exercises are a great way t imprve circulatin and keep ur muscles active, especially if the rest f the day will be spent sitting in frnt f a cmputer r in a lecture hall. Hwever, certain sprts like lng distance running require training t build up ur bdies s they can handle the challenge. If we g int such sprt cld, it can shck ur muscles, hearts, lungs, and ther rgans and cause severe pain r in sme cases, even death.
    Sme peple are brn with medical cnditins that g unnticed until they stress the unstable part f their bdy. A weak heart may never be seen until we d smething that causes extreme physical effrt. Recently there have been cases f peple dying while running lng distances. Als, a university student died after taking a 1.000m running exam. Sme universities and high schls have cut lng distance races (i.e. 3.000m, 5,000m) frm their campus sprts games, partly because f the suppsed danger and partly because they say fewer peple are entering such events.
    Maybe educatin abut such events is lacking, especially during primary and high schl. Peple participating in such cmpetitins shuld realize that a reasnable amunt f training is required befrehand and having a medical check is wise, especially fr a marathn. Peple shuldn’t be frced t participate in events that push them past their limits, especially if they haven’t warmed-up cmpletely. Cancelling events culd lead t peple becming less healthy and verweight. Maybe these events shuldn’t be cancelled, but rganizers and participants shuld be mre careful abut regular health checks.
    12. Why des the authr write the text?
    A. T give us sme reminding n exercises.
    B. T persuade us t take less sprts.
    C. T advise students t have regular exercises.
    D. T require cancelling lng distance running.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “cld” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Having trained a lt.B. Withut any preparatin.
    C. Having a lw temperature.D. In an unfriendly way.
    14. Why d sme universities and schls cancel lng distance races?
    A. Because n students are willing t enter such events.
    B. Because the students’ physical cnditins are t pr t finish them.
    C. Because lng distance running is nt fit fr students.
    D. Because they wrry abut the suppsed danger in such races.
    15. What des the authr advise us t d befre running a marathn?
    A. Have a medical check and warm-up exercises.
    B. Push urselves past ur limits.
    C. Participate in it cnfidently.
    D. Try t lse sme weight first.
    Hw t Shw Respect
    Whether yu’re talking t yur best friend r a stranger, respecting them shws that yu’re kind and cnsiderate. Here are sme easy ways t shw respect in yur life.
    Listen t thers.
    Practice active listening t shw yu respect thers. ___16___ Nd yur head and ask fllw-up questins t stay fcused in the cnversatin. Even if yu disagree, try t cnsider the pint f view befre respnding.
    Cnfirm (肯定) peple’s pinins.
    When yu’re talking t smene, cnfirm their pinins in yur wn wrds. Yu can als mentin their achievements t let them knw yu see hw hard they’ve wrked. Yu culd say smething like, “What yu just said was really cl. ___17___” Or, “I can tell yu’ve wrked super hard t get yur business ff the grund.”
    Aplgize when yu’re in the wrng.
    It shws a great deal f maturity (成熟). If yu mess up, a simple “I’m srry” ges a lng way. Try nt t make excuses fr yurself. ___18___ Fr example, if yu frgt a deadline, yu culd say, “I’m really srry. I’ll be setting reminders s this desn’t happen again.”
    Stick t yur wrd. If yu cmmit (承诺) t an event r make plans with smene, cme thrugh n yur end f the deal. Being reliable shws respect fr peple’s time. Have yur materials in rder and cmplete all the necessary wrk ahead f time. ___20___ It can be tugh at first, but it’s better t be hnest.
    A. D what yu say yu’ll d.
    B. Just say n if yu can’t cmmit.
    C. Wait t talk instead f merely listening.
    D. I can tell yu’ve thught a lt abut this tpic.
    E. Watch and be quiet when smene else is talking.
    F. Excuses are useless if yu want t crrect yur mistakes.
    G. It might als be helpful t have a plan t avid such mistakes again.
    It was a busy Mnday mrning as usual. While the children were enjying “free play”, I____21____t the drway f the classrm t take a break. Suddenly, I____22____a mvement f the heavy wden dr. This was the very dr I____23____guided the children thrugh t ensure their____24____frm the cld. I felt a chill (寒意) g thrugh my bdy.
    ____25____, I pushed the dr pen. There std ne f my kindergarteners wh I thught was____26____that day! He had been drpped ff at schl late and was____27____ t pen the dr.
    He must have been waiting there fr quite a while! Withut a wrd, I____28____him t the hspital. He was treated fr frstbite n his hands. He’d need time t____29____, and wuldn’t cme fr class the next day, I thught.
    The next mrning, ne f the first t____30____was my little frstbitten by. Nt nly did he run in with energy, but his____31____culd be heard as lud as ever! I gave him a warm hug and tld him hw ____32____ I was t see him. His wrds have stayed with me and____33____me t d better all these years, “I believe yu wuld pen the dr.”
    That cld Mnday mrning, he waited a lng, lng while fr adults t____34____. T a child, every minute feels like frever. He didn’t attempt t walk back hme; he waited and trusted. This five-year-ld taught me a pwerful lessn in____35____.
    21. A. steppedB. ranC. jumpedD. turned
    22. A. causedB. nticedC. checkedD. imagined
    23. A. excitedlyB. wrriedlyC. hpefullyD. carefully
    24. A. studiesB. jyC. safetyD. time
    25. A. CuriusB. WrriedC. AmazedD. Embarrassed
    26. A. angryB. absentC. specialD. nisy
    27. A. curageusB. cntent.C. unableD. unwilling
    28. A. invitedB. cntactedC. calledD. rushed
    29. A. recverB. playC. changeD. wait
    30. A. settleB. gatherC. arriveD. react
    31. A. sneezeB. weepC. cmplaintD. laughter
    32. A. luckyB. happyC. curiusD. nervus
    33. A. neededB. remindedC. askedD. signed
    34. A. shw upB. pull upC. hld upD. line up
    35. A. gratitudeB. frgivenessC. beliefD. kindness
    Every year mre f us try and reduce ur impact____36____the planet. A refill shp, r zer waste shp, gives yu a____37____(chse) t g green.
    Refill shps tend____38____(be) small independent stres that sell nn-packaged gds. Mst f the time they will be dry prduce like rice and nuts frm the lcal areas,____39____ means less carbn ftprint frm farm t plate. They can als be many ther sustainable (可持续的) prducts, like cleaning prducts and saps. Shppers nly need t bring____40____(cntainer) they already wn and refill them frm larger nes in the stre.
    Usually, refill and zer-waste shps____41____(lcate) in cmmunities. Buying frm within walking distance, clearly,____42____(be) mre sustainable and kinder t the planet and yur cmmunity. If yu’re walking dwn the street t yur lcal refill shp, then yu’re ding great. But if yu’re driving hurs away t find such a shp, then the transprt may cancel ut any benefits f____43____yu buy. Remember, it’s the whle prcess nt just the end prduct.
    Mre____44____(imprtant), refill shps encurage us t think abut ur daily habits. They make us pause and think abut hw we can make____45____ psitive difference t the envirnment.
    第四部分 写作(共三节,满分40分)
    46. Gu Shujing develped a calendar which is as ______ as the Gregrian calendar.
    47. Befre a hurricane strikes, make sure yu have ______ fd, water, medicine and batteries.
    48. Hwever, neither the stry nr the details f Franklin’s experiment are ______true.
    49. Fld, freshwater ______ and water pllutin are cnsidered as the main water prblems in China.
    50. With mst ______ t climb Qmlangina resulting either in ttal success r failure, is there als a scientific reasn behind this risk taking?
    51. The factry needed sme kids fr ______ help, s I wrked there fr three whle days with my friends.
    52. Vasc da Gama’s ______ jurney t India pened up the sea rute frm Western Eurpe t the East by way f the Cape f Gd Hpe.
    53. Unusual animal behavir can bradcast weather. If yu see birds flying lw, ______ yur umbrella.
    54. The sun shne brightly, and I clearly ______ bjects at a distance f ver a hundred yards.
    55. T make yur dream cme int ______, it takes a lt f determinatin and effrts.
    56. 假如你是李华,你校英文校报组织征文比赛。请你以身边激励你的人为题,写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    The persn wh has inspired me
    57. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    After schl ne winter day, Mm reminded Jack t build a snwman in the yard befre his father came hme frm wrk. Delighted, the by eagerly put n his cat and hat and set ff.
    Outside, in his frnt yard, Jack started with a very small ball f snw. It was a big jb fr a 9-year-ld by like him. At their neighbr’s windw, his new neighbrs, Cindy aged 7 and her mm, were watching him play.
    Curius and excited, the girl pressed her face against the windw, watching Jack’s snwball grwing. Her mther seemed t have read her mind and encuraged her t jin the by.
    The by and the girl began their teamwrk sn. While Jack picked up a big snwball and made it the snwman’s bdy, Cindy was cllecting snw t make the snwman’s head. Then they tried hard t put ne snwball nt anther. It rughly lked like a snwman! Tired but amazed, the tw gt n their knees and appreciated their great wrk.
    They patted the snwman and talked abut what t d next. It was time t make the snwman mre lifelike and beautiful. After a discussin, they rse t their feet and entered their each huse.
    In a mment, the tw met in the yard again and began the decratin.
    听力1-5CABAA 6-10 BCBCC 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 ACAAB
    A. temprary B. sensitive C. attempts D. entirely E. sufficient
    F. grab G. distinguished H. shrtage I. gradually J. demnstrate
    K. flexible L. initial M. accurate N. threat O. reality
    1.What will the speakers d n Saturday?
    A.G t wrk. B.Eat brunch. C.G t the gym.
    2.When did the man hurt himself?
    A.A few weeks ag. B.A few mnths ag. C.A few years ag.
    3.Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A.In a bkstre. B.In a library. C.In a classrm.
    4.Hw des the wman sund?
    A.Nervus. B.Sad. C.Angry.
    5.Why did they stay up late fr the last tw nights?
    A.They studied fr the physics exam.
    B.They didn’t want t g t bed early.
    C.They had t prepare their breakfast.
    6.What des the man like mst abut reusable bags?
    A.They are free. B.They can be used fr mre purpses.
    C.They are lighter and easier t carry.
    7.What discunt d shppers receive if they use reusable bags?
    A.10 dllars ff. B.5% ff. C.10 cents ff.
    8.Why desn’t Brad like nline shpping?
    A.He desn’t like t plan. B.He desn’t like t stay at hme waiting.
    C.He desn’t want his packages stlen.
    9.What des Brad advise Sally t d?
    A.G t the stre. B.Clean the huse. C.Keep track f her package.
    10.Hw is Sally related t Brad?
    A.She’s his mm. B.She’s his emplyee. C.She’s his sister.
    11.In the beginning, what des the wman think Gerge is ding?
    A.Reading. B.Clring. C.Writing.
    12.Why are sme f the texts marked in green?
    A.They are the main ideas. B.They are imprtant details.
    C.They are a bit mre difficult.
    13.What des Gerge write dwn in his ntebk?
    A.Figures B.Stries. C.Questins.
    14.Wh hasn’t knwn the news yet?
    A.Lily. B.Katie. C.Jasn.
    15.Accrding t the wman, what is much better in France?
    A.The fd. B.The weather. C.The schls.
    16.What des the man hpe t d abut his family?
    A.Bring them t France. B.Leave them in America.
    C.Visit them in a few mnths.
    17.What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Bss and secretary. B.Family members. C.C-wrkers.
    18.What is the mst imprtant requirement fr this jb?
    A.Experience. B.Creativity. C.Energy.
    19.What d children d in the mrning?
    A.G hiking. B.Write shrt essays. C.Reprt t the leaders.
    20.When is the deadline f the applicatin?
    A.April 20th. B.May 12th. C.July 20th.
    The 14th Natinal Games held in Xi’an has triggered great interest — nt nly in sprts and fitness, but als in the hst city itself. If yu are planning a tur f Xi’an taking less than 3 days, yu’ll want t hit all the fllwing highlights.
    The Terractta Army
    The Terractta Army is nt just China’s premier histrical attractin but ne f the greatest discveries f the 20th century, which was cnstructed by China’s First Emperr Qin Shi Huang f the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-207 BC). It is a cllectin f thusands f life-size terractta sldiers, hrses, and charits (战车) in battle frmatin, shwing the emperr’s armies in full splendr.
    Ancient City Wall
    Xi’an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperr f the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system. Nw it is ne f the ldest and best-preserved Chinese city walls. The wall is nw a landmark, dividing the city int inner and uter areas.
    Giant Wild Gse Pagda
    One f China’s mst famus Buddhist pagdas, the Giant Wild Gse Pagda was built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) fr the study f Buddhist scriptures. One f the main functins f the pagda was t stre sutras (经文) brught t China frm India by the famus mnk and traveler Xuan Zang. It was built with layers f bricks and has a grand structure and appearance. It is exemplary f traditinal Chinese architecture.
    Shaanxi Histry Museum
    The Shaanxi Histry Museum is hme t ver 370,000 precius relics unearthed in Shaanxi ver the years. Its cllectins range frm brnze wares t pttery figures, gld and silver wares and wall paintings frm the Tang Dynasty (618-907) tmbs. Amng its precius cllectins, 18 pieces have been listed as natinal treasures.
    1. Which f the fllwing has the lngest histry?
    A. The Terractta Army.B. Ancient City Wall.
    C. Giant Wild Gse Pagda.D. Shaanxi Histry Museum.
    2 What can visitrs see in Shaanxi Histry Museum?
    A. Charits discvered in Xi’an.B. Sutras brught frm India t China.
    C. Relics unearthed in Shaanxi.D. Wall paintings frm the Qing Dynasty tmbs.
    3. What d the fur attractins have in cmmn?
    A. They hld cllectins f antiques.B. They are f histrical and cultural value.
    C. They represent the mdern spirit f Xi’an.D. They are examples f traditinal Chinese architecture.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
    推理判断题。根据The Terractta Army段落内容中“The Terractta Army is nt just China’s premier histrical attractin but ne f the greatest discveries f the 20th century, which was cnstructed by China’s First Emperr Qin Shi Huang f the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-207 BC).(兵马俑不仅是中国最重要的历史景点,也是20世纪最伟大的发现之一,它是由中国秦朝(公元前221年-公元前207年)的第一位皇帝秦始皇建造的)”;Ancient City Wall段落内容中“Xi’an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperr f the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system.(西安城墙建于14世纪,是明朝(1368-1644)第一位皇帝朱元璋的军事防御系统)”;Giant Wild Gse Pagda段落内容中“One f China’s mst famus Buddhist pagdas, the Giant Wild Gse Pagda was built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) fr the study f Buddhist scriptures.(大雁塔是中国最著名的佛塔之一,建于唐代(618-907年),用于学习佛经)”以及常识可知,Shaanxi Histry Museum(陕西历史博物馆)应是建于现代,收藏历史文物的场馆。由此可知,建于秦朝的兵马俑具有最长的历史。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Shaanxi Histry Museum段落内容中“The Shaanxi Histry Museum is hme t ver 370,000 precius relics unearthed in Shaanxi ver the years.(陕西历史博物馆是陕西多年来出土的37万多件珍贵文物的所在地)”可知,游客在陕西博物馆可以看陕西出土文物。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据The Terractta Army段落内容中“The Terractta Army is nt just China’s premier histrical attractin but ne f the greatest discveries f the 20th century(兵马俑不仅是中国最重要的历史景点,也是20世纪最伟大的发现之一)”;Ancient City Wall段落内容中“Xi’an City Wall was built in the 14th century by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperr f the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) as a military defense system.(西安城墙建于14世纪,是明朝(1368-1644)第一位皇帝朱元璋的军事防御系统)”;Giant Wild Gse Pagda段落内容中“One f China’s mst famus Buddhist pagdas, the Giant Wild Gse Pagda was built in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) fr the study f Buddhist scriptures.(大雁塔是中国最著名的佛塔之一,建于唐代(618-907年),用于学习佛经)”以及Shaanxi Histry Museum段落“The Shaanxi Histry Museum is hme t ver 370,000 precius relics unearthed in Shaanxi ver the years. (陕西历史博物馆是陕西多年来出土的37万多件珍贵文物的所在地)”可知,这四个景点的共同点是:它们都具有历史和文化价值。故选B。
    When Arvin Kuipers, wh graduated frm Beijing University f Chinese Medicine in 2017 and lves Chinese culture, asks his patients t stick ut their tngue s he can diagnse(诊断) their illness, many are cnfused.
    Kuipers, 30, practicing Traditinal Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, said, “In TCM I need t d face and tngue diagnsis. That’s strange fr peple in my cuntry.” One elderly wman had been visiting him ccasinally fr advice, but her first experience with TCM surprised her. She had never experienced acupuncture (针灸) r any ther TCM treatment. “She came in, and I examined her face and tngue,” said Kuipers. “I tld the patient her kidneys were nt ding well and that she wasn’t getting prper sleep.” The wman was shcked by his insight and asked if he had been spying n her. “Actually, it was easy t diagnse her cnditin when I saw the dark rings under her eyes. Her energy levels were als very lw at the time.”
    Kuipers pened his TCM clinic in September. Mst f his wrk invlves perfrming acupuncture, cupping as well as tuina — a TCM massage that patients in the West like the mst, he said. In sme cases he als gave his patients traditinal herbal medicines.
    Kuipers usually makes a cup f Chinese tea t calm his patients if they are nervus abut the acupuncture needles. He als explains t them the meridian (经络) system, which is a central cncept f TCM, yin and yang, and ther cncepts. “In TCM, gd health requires balanced yin and yang, s practitiners nt nly pay attentin t a patient’s illness, but als t his r her verall physical cnditin,” said Kuipers. “TCM is als a different culture and ffers a new perspective, instead f being a curing methd.”
    As f early April, Kuipers has treated mre than 200 patients, many f whm cme t his clinic every week. “TCM des wrk, and wrks well. My patients really feel better with it, s I value it, and when my patients feel better I als feel better.”
    4. What can we learn frm the elderly wman’s stry in paragraph 2?
    A. The elderly wman trusted TCM treatment in the beginning.
    B. TCM is very different frm the treatment in her cuntry.
    C. The elderly wman used t visit Kuipers a lt fr TCM.
    D. The elderly wman was shcked at her kidney s nt ding well
    5. Which TCM treatment is mst welcmed by the patients in the West?
    A. Tuina.B. Acupuncture.C. Cupping.D. Herbal medicines.
    6. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. Why Kuipers’ patients are fnd f Chinese tea.
    B. Hw Kuipers explains meridian system t his patients.
    C. Hw Kuipers applies Chinese culture and treatments t patients.
    D. Why Kuipers pays little attentin t verall physical cnditin.
    7. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the passage?
    A. T praise Kuipers fr his TCM treatments.
    B. T stress the value f teaching freigners TCM.
    C. T shw the ppularity f TCM with patients in the Netherlands.
    D. T tell the stry f Kuipers practising TCM in the Netherlands.
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了毕业于北京中医药大学的Arvin Kuipers在荷兰阿姆斯特丹开设中医诊所行医的故事。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“One elderly wman had been visiting him ccasinally fr advice, but her first experience with TCM surprised her. She had never experienced acupuncture (针灸) r any ther TCM treatment.(一位上了年纪的妇女偶尔会去找他咨询,但她第一次接触中医的经历让她大吃一惊。她从未经历过针灸或任何其他中医治疗)”可知,老妇人第一次接触中医时感到很惊讶。她从未体验过针灸或其他中医疗法。由此可推知,中医与老妇人所在国家的治疗方法是非常不同的。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Mst f his wrk invlves perfrming acupuncture, cupping as well as tuina — a TCM massage that patients in the West like the mst, he said.(他说,他的大部分工作包括针灸、拔火罐和推拿——西方病人最喜欢的一种中医按摩)”可知,最受西方人欢迎的疗法是推拿。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段“Kuipers usually makes a cup f Chinese tea t calm his patients if they are nervus abut the acupuncture needles. He als explains t them the meridian (经络) system, which is a central cncept f TCM, yin and yang, and ther cncepts. “In TCM, gd health requires balanced yin and yang, s practitiners nt nly pay attentin t a patient’s illness, but als t his r her verall physical cnditin,” said Kuipers. “TCM is als a different culture and ffers a new perspective, instead f being a curing methd.”(如果病人对针灸针感到紧张,Kuipers通常会泡一杯中国茶来安抚他们。他还向他们解释了经络系统,这是中医的核心概念,阴阳和其他概念。“在中医中,身体健康需要阴阳平衡,所以从业者不仅要关注病人的疾病,还要关注他或她的整体身体状况,”Kuipers说。“中医也是一种不同的文化,提供了一个新的视角,而不是一种治疗方法。”)”可知,本段主要介绍了Kuipers在治疗病人时应用了中国文化。故选C。
    The Summer Olympic Games this year are in Paris, France, which des nt have an cean. S, hw d rganizers plan t present cmpetitin in the sprt f surfing? They are taking that Olympic event in a small castal village called Teahup’ in the Suth Pacific cuntry f French Plynesia. Hundreds f peple are expected t visit Teahup’ t watch the sprt, as the surfers g ut nt the famus waves frm July 27 t August 4.
    Prpsed preparatins fr the event included building temprary husing, rads, and even a large structure ut n the water. The wrk called fr drilling int a cral reef. Hwever, ppsitin t the plans quickly grew. Envirnmentalists, lcals and surfers jined frces t prtect Teahup’’s culture, its crals and ther sea life.
    Fr lcals, Teahup’ beach was a“secret spt” with a special energy knwn as “mana”, and they want that special quality prtected. There are cncerns that a week f Olympic cmpetitin there culd destry the “mana”.“It was t much fr us, a big change,” said Levy, a Tahitian surfer and a vlunteere n a lcal envirnmental rganizatin.
    Sme peple wrry that the drilling int the reef will disrupt the ecsystem and attract a dangerus algae (海藻). If fish eat the algae, peple wh eat the fish can becme sick.“The water is where we get ur dinner,” 22-year-ld Maitei, a spearfisher catching fish t feed his family, said.
    Lcal Tahitians’ wrry were cnfirmed when a bat wrking n sme Olympic cnstructin hit a piece f the reef and brke it. “In Plynesian culture, gds are everywhere in nature, in the cral, in the cean. If we break a cral, we break a hme,” Cindy Otcenasek, a lcal fficial, said.
    N new buildings r rads are welcme fr the lcals. And the rganizers are adjusting their plans as a result. Fr example, they will nt be building any Olympic husing. Instead, athletes will stay n a nearby bat. Hmes f lcals will serve ther Olympic husing needs. Judges will watch the cmpetitin frm the platfrm. The whle wrld is ready fr the great events and the impact.
    8. Why is the 2024 Olympics surfing t be held in Teahup’?
    A. It is the sister city f Paris.B. It is the best chice fr the sprt.
    C. It aims t develp its turism.D. It has favrable gegraphic lcatin.
    9. What makes Teahup’ beach special t lcal Tahitians?
    A. The rich fishing resurces.B. The surfing spts.
    C. The pwer f mana.D. The unique crals.
    10. Why are sme lcal peple ppsed t the Olympic plans in Teahup’?
    A. They are wrried the event will damage the envirnment.
    B. They want mre cnstructin and develpment in the area.
    C. They think the event will bring t many turists.
    D. They dn’t like the sprt f surfing.
    11. What are the rganizers ding t address the lcal cncerns in Teahup’?
    A. Building new rads and husing fr the event.
    B. Cancelling the Olympic surfing cmpetitin.
    C. Relcating the event t a different lcatin.
    D. Adjusting their plans t minimize the impact.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“They are taking that Olympic event in a small castal village called Teahup’ in the Suth Pacific cuntry f French Plynesia.(他们将在南太平洋国家法属波利尼西亚的一个名为Teahup’的沿海小村庄举行奥运会)”可知,2024年奥运会冲浪在Teahup’举行是由于其优越的地理位置,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Fr lcals, Teahup’ beach was a ‘secret spt’ with a special energy knwn as ‘mana’(对当地人来说,Teahup’海滩是一个‘秘密地点’,拥有一种被称为‘mana’的特殊能量)”可知,一种被称为‘mana’的特殊能量使得Teahup’海滩对于当地大溪地人来说很特殊,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Envirnmentalists, lcals and surfers jined frces t prtect Teahup’’s culture, its crals and ther sea life.(环保人士、当地人和冲浪者联合起来保护Teahup’的文化、珊瑚和其他海洋生物)”、第三段中“There are cncerns that a week f Olympic cmpetitin there culd destry the ‘mana’.(有人担心,为期一周的奥运比赛可能会破坏这种‘mana’)”以及第四段中“Sme peple wrry that the drilling int the reef will disrupt the ecsystem and attract a dangerus algae (海藻).(一些人担心钻入珊瑚礁会破坏生态系统,并吸引危险的藻类)”可知,当地人反对在Teahup’举行奥运会赛事是因为他们担心这会破坏环境,故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中“And the rganizers are adjusting their plans as a result.(因此,组织者正在调整他们的计划)”可知,为解决Teahup’当地人的担心,组织者调整他们的计划,以使影响最小化,故选D。
    Nbdy needs reminding that exercise is gd fr ur health, but we may need reminding that it needs t be dne in the right way.
    Light exercises are a great way t imprve circulatin and keep ur muscles active, especially if the rest f the day will be spent sitting in frnt f a cmputer r in a lecture hall. Hwever, certain sprts like lng distance running require training t build up ur bdies s they can handle the challenge. If we g int such sprt cld, it can shck ur muscles, hearts, lungs, and ther rgans and cause severe pain r in sme cases, even death.
    Sme peple are brn with medical cnditins that g unnticed until they stress the unstable part f their bdy. A weak heart may never be seen until we d smething that causes extreme physical effrt. Recently there have been cases f peple dying while running lng distances. Als, a university student died after taking a 1.000m running exam. Sme universities and high schls have cut lng distance races (i.e. 3.000m, 5,000m) frm their campus sprts games, partly because f the suppsed danger and partly because they say fewer peple are entering such events.
    Maybe educatin abut such events is lacking, especially during primary and high schl. Peple participating in such cmpetitins shuld realize that a reasnable amunt f training is required befrehand and having a medical check is wise, especially fr a marathn. Peple shuldn’t be frced t participate in events that push them past their limits, especially if they haven’t warmed-up cmpletely. Cancelling events culd lead t peple becming less healthy and verweight. Maybe these events shuldn’t be cancelled, but rganizers and participants shuld be mre careful abut regular health checks.
    12. Why des the authr write the text?
    A. T give us sme reminding n exercises.
    B. T persuade us t take less sprts.
    C. T advise students t have regular exercises.
    D. T require cancelling lng distance running.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “cld” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Having trained a lt.B. Withut any preparatin.
    C. Having a lw temperature.D. In an unfriendly way.
    14. Why d sme universities and schls cancel lng distance races?
    A. Because n students are willing t enter such events.
    B. Because the students’ physical cnditins are t pr t finish them.
    C. Because lng distance running is nt fit fr students.
    D. Because they wrry abut the suppsed danger in such races.
    15. What des the authr advise us t d befre running a marathn?
    A. Have a medical check and warm-up exercises.
    B. Push urselves past ur limits.
    C. Participate in it cnfidently.
    D. Try t lse sme weight first.
    【答案】12. A 13. B 14. D 15. A
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段中“Nbdy needs reminding that exercise is gd fr ur health, but we may need reminding that it needs t be dne in the right way” 没有人需要提醒运动对我们的健康有好处,但我们可能需要提醒,它需要以正确的方式进行。故作者写这篇文章的目的是给人们一些关于体育锻炼的提示。结合选项,故选A。
    词义猜测题。根据第二段中“Hwever, certain sprts like lng distance running require training t build up ur bdies s they can handle the challenge.” 然而,某些运动,如长跑,需要训练来增强我们的身体,使他们能够应付挑战。由此可知,如果我们不事先进行训练就很与可能陷入“运动寒冷”,故划线词cld的词义应是“没有任何准备的情况”。结合选项,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章第三段中“partly because f the suppsed danger and partly because they say fewer peple are entering such events.” 部分原因是他们认为存在危险,另一部分原因是他们说参加此类比赛的人越来越少。故一些大学和学校取消长跑比赛的原因是他们担心在这种比赛中可能出现的危险。结合选项,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中“Peple participating in such cmpetitins shuld realize that a reasnable amunt f training is required befrehand and having a medical check is wise, especially fr a marathn.” 参加这类比赛的人应该意识到,事先需要合理的训练量,进行体检是明智的,尤其是马拉松比赛。故作者建议参加马拉松比赛的人应该体检以及做一些热身运动。结合选项,故选A。
    Hw t Shw Respect
    Whether yu’re talking t yur best friend r a stranger, respecting them shws that yu’re kind and cnsiderate. Here are sme easy ways t shw respect in yur life.
    Listen t thers.
    Practice active listening t shw yu respect thers. ___16___ Nd yur head and ask fllw-up questins t stay fcused in the cnversatin. Even if yu disagree, try t cnsider the pint f view befre respnding.
    Cnfirm (肯定) peple’s pinins.
    When yu’re talking t smene, cnfirm their pinins in yur wn wrds. Yu can als mentin their achievements t let them knw yu see hw hard they’ve wrked. Yu culd say smething like, “What yu just said was really cl. ___17___” Or, “I can tell yu’ve wrked super hard t get yur business ff the grund.”
    Aplgize when yu’re in the wrng.
    It shws a great deal f maturity (成熟). If yu mess up, a simple “I’m srry” ges a lng way. Try nt t make excuses fr yurself. ___18___ Fr example, if yu frgt a deadline, yu culd say, “I’m really srry. I’ll be setting reminders s this desn’t happen again.”
    Stick t yur wrd. If yu cmmit (承诺) t an event r make plans with smene, cme thrugh n yur end f the deal. Being reliable shws respect fr peple’s time. Have yur materials in rder and cmplete all the necessary wrk ahead f time. ___20___ It can be tugh at first, but it’s better t be hnest.
    A. D what yu say yu’ll d.
    B. Just say n if yu can’t cmmit.
    C. Wait t talk instead f merely listening.
    D. I can tell yu’ve thught a lt abut this tpic.
    E. Watch and be quiet when smene else is talking.
    F. Excuses are useless if yu want t crrect yur mistakes.
    G. It might als be helpful t have a plan t avid such mistakes again.
    【答案】16. E 17. D 18. G 19. A 20. B
    根据上文“Practice active listening t shw yu respect thers.(练习积极倾听,表现出你对他人的尊重)”以及后文“Nd yur head and ask fllw-up questins t stay fcused in the cnversatin.(点头并问一些后续问题以保持谈话的专注)”可知,上文提到了积极倾听,可知本句是在承接上文说明如何积极倾听和尊重他人,故E选项“当别人说话时,注意观察并保持安静”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“When yu’re talking t smene, cnfirm their pinins in yur wn wrds. Yu can als mentin their achievements t let them knw yu see hw hard they’ve wrked. Yu culd say smething like, “What yu just said was really cl.(当你和别人说话的时候,用你自己的话来证实他们的观点。你也可以提到他们的成就,让他们知道你看到了他们的努力。你可以这样说,“你刚才说的真的很酷)”以及后文“Or, “I can tell yu’ve wrked super hard t get yur business ff the grund.”(或者,“我看得出来,你非常努力地让你的生意起步。”)”可知,本句是对上文举例的补充,即说话来证实对方的努力。故D选项“我知道你对这个话题想了很多”符合语境,故选D。
    根据后文“Fr example, if yu frgt a deadline, yu culd say, “I’m really srry. I’ll be setting reminders s this desn’t happen again.”(例如,如果你忘记了截止日期,你可以说:“我真的很抱歉。我会设置提醒,这样就不会再发生这种事了。”)”可知,后文的例子表明可以通过采取措施来避免犯错。故G选项“制定一个计划来避免类似的错误也会有所帮助”符合语境,故选G。
    根据后文“Stick t yur wrd. If yu cmmit (承诺) t an event r make plans with smene, cme thrugh n yur end f the deal. Being reliable shws respect fr peple’s time. Have yur materials in rder and cmplete all the necessary wrk ahead f time.(遵守你的诺言。如果你承诺了一件事或和某人有计划,那就完成你的交易。可靠是对他人时间的尊重。把你的材料整理好,提前完成所有必要的工作)”可知,本段的主旨主要是遵守承诺,即说到做到。故A选项“说到做到”符合语境,故选A。
    根据后文“It can be tugh at first, but it’s better t be hnest.(一开始可能会很艰难,但最好是诚实)”可知,后文提到了一开始很艰难,说明本句是在说明导致艰难的情况。故B选项“如果你不能承诺,就说不”符合语境,故选B。
    It was a busy Mnday mrning as usual. While the children were enjying “free play”, I____21____t the drway f the classrm t take a break. Suddenly, I____22____a mvement f the heavy wden dr. This was the very dr I____23____guided the children thrugh t ensure their____24____frm the cld. I felt a chill (寒意) g thrugh my bdy.
    ____25____, I pushed the dr pen. There std ne f my kindergarteners wh I thught was____26____that day! He had been drpped ff at schl late and was____27____ t pen the dr.
    He must have been waiting there fr quite a while! Withut a wrd, I____28____him t the hspital. He was treated fr frstbite n his hands. He’d need time t____29____, and wuldn’t cme fr class the next day, I thught.
    The next mrning, ne f the first t____30____was my little frstbitten by. Nt nly did he run in with energy, but his____31____culd be heard as lud as ever! I gave him a warm hug and tld him hw ____32____ I was t see him. His wrds have stayed with me and____33____me t d better all these years, “I believe yu wuld pen the dr.”
    That cld Mnday mrning, he waited a lng, lng while fr adults t____34____. T a child, every minute feels like frever. He didn’t attempt t walk back hme; he waited and trusted. This five-year-ld taught me a pwerful lessn in____35____.
    21. A. steppedB. ranC. jumpedD. turned
    22. A. causedB. nticedC. checkedD. imagined
    23. A. excitedlyB. wrriedlyC. hpefullyD. carefully
    24. A. studiesB. jyC. safetyD. time
    25. A. CuriusB. WrriedC. AmazedD. Embarrassed
    26. A. angryB. absentC. specialD. nisy
    27. A. curageusB. cntent.C. unableD. unwilling
    28. A. invitedB. cntactedC. calledD. rushed
    29. A. recverB. playC. changeD. wait
    30. A. settleB. gatherC. arriveD. react
    31. A. sneezeB. weepC. cmplaintD. laughter
    32. A. luckyB. happyC. curiusD. nervus
    33. A. neededB. remindedC. askedD. signed
    34. A. shw upB. pull upC. hld upD. line up
    35. A. gratitudeB. frgivenessC. beliefD. kindness
    【答案】21. A 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当孩子们在享受“自由玩耍”时,我走到教室门口休息一下。A. stepped行走,迈步;B. ran跑;C. jumped跳;D. turned翻转。结合“t take a break”可知,作者走到教室门口休息一下,故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,我注意到沉重的木门在动。A. caused导致;B. nticed注意到;C. checked检查;D. imagined想象。根据后面的“mvement f the heavy wden dr”可知,此处表示看到门动了下,故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:正是这扇门,我小心翼翼地引导孩子们通过,以确保他们不受冻。A. excitedly兴奋地;B. wrriedly担心地;C. hpefully有希望地;D. carefully小心地。根据后面的“guided the children thrugh t ensure their ____4____ frm the cld”可知,要确保孩子们不受严寒侵袭,说明是小心翼翼地领着孩子们通过,carefully符合语境,故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. studies学习;B. jy喜悦;C. safety安全;D. time时间。根据空后“frm the cld”可知,此处指确保孩子们安全不受冻,故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我感到好奇,就把门推开。A. Curius好奇的;B. Wrried担心的;C. Amazed惊奇的;D. Embarrassed尴尬的。根据语境和“I pushed the dr pen”可知,上文提到作者看到门动了一下,故作者出于好奇,推开门查看情况,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:站在那里的是我的一个幼儿园小朋友,我还以为他那天没来呢!A. angry生气的;B. absent缺席的;C. special特殊的;D. nisy喧闹的。根据下文的“He had been drpped ff at schl late and was ____7____ t pen the dr.”可知,小男孩来晚了,又开不了门,所以老师以为他没来,此处absent符合语境。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他上学来晚了,没能打开门。A. curageus有勇气的;B. cntent满意的;C. unable不能;D. unwilling不愿意的。根据上文的“the heavy wden dr”和下文的“He must have been waiting there fr quite a while!”可知,门很重,小男孩打不开,所以才在门外等了很久,unable t d sth“不能/无法做某事”。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我二话没说,赶紧把他送到医院。A. invited邀请;B. cntacted联系;C. called打电话;D. rushed快速运输,速送。根据“Withut a wrd”可知,作者立刻把小男孩送到医院,故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想他需要时间来恢复,第二天就不会来上课了。A. recver恢复,康复;B. play玩;C. change改变;D. wait等待。根据前面的“He was treated fr frstbite n his hands.”可知,小男孩手冻伤了,所以需要时间恢复,此处recver符合语境。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,第一批到达的是我那被冻伤的小男孩。A. settle定居,安顿;B. gather聚集;C. arrive到达;D. react反应。根据下文“Nt nly did he run in with energy”可知,小男孩精力充沛地跑了进来,说明是来了学校,故此处指第一批到达学校的人,应用arrive。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他不仅精力充沛地跑了进来,而且他的笑声还像以前一样响亮!A. sneeze喷嚏;B. weep哭泣;C. cmplaint抱怨;D. laughter笑声。根据前面的“Nt nly did he run in with energy”可知,小男孩精力充沛地跑了进来,说明身体恢复好了,结合后面的“culd be heard as lud as ever”可知,此处应指“笑声和以前一样响亮”,laughter符合语境。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我给了他一个温暖的拥抱,告诉他我很高兴见到他。A. lucky幸运的;B. happy高兴的;C. curius好奇的;D. nervus紧张的。根据上文“He’d need time t____9____, and wuldn’t cme fr class the next day, I thught.”以及空前“I gave him a warm hug”可知,作者以为小男孩不会来学校,看到小男孩的时候给了他一个拥抱,应该是开心的,happy符合语境。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些年来,他的话一直伴随着我,提醒我要做得更好:“我相信你会打开那扇门。”A. needed需要;B. reminded提醒;C. asked问;D. signed签名。根据“me t d better all these years”可知,小男孩的话一直提醒着作者要做得更好,故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:那个寒冷的星期一早晨,他等了很久很久,才等到大人出现。A. shw up出现;B. pull up减速停车;C. hld up举起;D. line up排队。根据上下文语义可知,小男孩在门口等了很久,才等到大人出现给他开门,此处用shw up符合语境。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个五岁的孩子给我上了关于信念的有力一课。A. gratitude感恩;B. frgiveness 原谅;C. belief信念,信任;D. kindness善意。根据前面“I believe yu wuld pen the dr.”可知,小男孩说相信老师会开门,故此处指老师从小男孩身上学到了一些关于信念的东西,故选C。
    Every year mre f us try and reduce ur impact____36____the planet. A refill shp, r zer waste shp, gives yu a____37____(chse) t g green.
    Refill shps tend____38____(be) small independent stres that sell nn-packaged gds. Mst f the time they will be dry prduce like rice and nuts frm the lcal areas,____39____ means less carbn ftprint frm farm t plate. They can als be many ther sustainable (可持续的) prducts, like cleaning prducts and saps. Shppers nly need t bring____40____(cntainer) they already wn and refill them frm larger nes in the stre.
    Usually, refill and zer-waste shps____41____(lcate) in cmmunities. Buying frm within walking distance, clearly,____42____(be) mre sustainable and kinder t the planet and yur cmmunity. If yu’re walking dwn the street t yur lcal refill shp, then yu’re ding great. But if yu’re driving hurs away t find such a shp, then the transprt may cancel ut any benefits f____43____yu buy. Remember, it’s the whle prcess nt just the end prduct.
    Mre____44____(imprtant), refill shps encurage us t think abut ur daily habits. They make us pause and think abut hw we can make____45____ psitive difference t the envirnment.
    【答案】36. n 37. chice
    38. t be 39. which
    40. cntainers
    41. are lcated
    42. is 43. what
    44. imprtantly
    45. a
    考查介词。句意:每年都有更多的人试图减少我们对地球的影响。impact n…“对……的影响”,固定搭配,故填n。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:补给店往往是小型的独立商店,出售非包装商品。tend t d“倾向于做”,故填t be。
    考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:通常,再填充和零废物商店位于社区。be lcated in“位于”,且句子是描述一个事实,使用一般现在时的被动语态,主语shps表示复数意义,故填are lcated。
    考查冠词。句意:它们让我们停下来思考如何才能对环境产生积极的影响。make a psitive difference“产生积极影响”,固定短语,故填a。
    第四部分 写作(共三节,满分40分)
    46. Gu Shujing develped a calendar which is as ______ as the Gregrian calendar.
    47. Befre a hurricane strikes, make sure yu have ______ fd, water, medicine and batteries.
    48. Hwever, neither the stry nr the details f Franklin’s experiment are ______true.
    49. Fld, freshwater ______ and water pllutin are cnsidered as the main water prblems in China.
    50. With mst ______ t climb Qmlangina resulting either in ttal success r failure, is there als a scientific reasn behind this risk taking?
    51. The factry needed sme kids fr ______ help, s I wrked there fr three whle days with my friends.
    52. Vasc da Gama’s ______ jurney t India pened up the sea rute frm Western Eurpe t the East by way f the Cape f Gd Hpe.
    53. Unusual animal behavir can bradcast weather. If yu see birds flying lw, ______ yur umbrella.
    54. The sun shne brightly, and I clearly ______ bjects at a distance f ver a hundred yards.
    55. T make yur dream cme int ______, it takes a lt f determinatin and effrts.
    【答案】46. M 47. E
    48. D 49. H
    50. C 51. A
    52. L 53. F
    54. G 55. O
    考查形容词。句意:在飓风来袭之前,确保你有足够的食物、水、药品和电池。空处应填形容词作定语,修饰并列的名词“fd, water, medicine and batteries”,结合“Befre a hurricane strikes”可知,sufficient“足够的”,形容词,符合题意,故选E。
    考查名词。句意:洪水、淡水短缺和水污染被认为是中国的主要水问题。空处应填名词作主语,结合“the main water prblems in China”可知,shrtage“缺乏”,名词,符合题意,故选H。
    考查名词。句意:大多数攀登珠穆朗玛峰的尝试要么完全成功,要么完全失败,这种冒险背后是否也有科学原因?空处应填名词作With的宾语,结合“t climb Qmlangina”可知,attempts“尝试,企图”,名词,符合题意,故选C。
    考查形容词。句意:工厂需要一些孩子临时帮忙,所以我和我的朋友在那里工作了整整三天。空处应填形容词作定语,修饰名词help,结合“fr three whle days”可知,temprary“临时的”,形容词,符合题意,故选A。
    考查形容词。句意:Vasc da Gama最初的印度之旅,开辟了从西欧经由好望角通往东方的海上航线。空处应填形容词作定语,修饰名词jurney,结合句意可知,initial“开始的,最初的”,形容词,符合题意,故选L。
    考查动词。句意:不寻常的动物行为可以预报天气。如果你看到鸟儿飞得很低,拿起你的伞。空处应填动词原形构成祈使句,结合“If yu see birds flying lw”可知,grab“拿,抓住”符合题意,故选F。
    考查动词。句意:阳光灿烂,我清楚地分辨出一百多码外的物体。空处应填动词,且是过去式,结合“bjects at a distance f ver a hundred yards”可知,distinguished“看清,辨别”,动词的过去式,符合题意,故选G。
    56. 假如你是李华,你校英文校报组织征文比赛。请你以身边激励你的人为题,写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    The persn wh has inspired me
    【答案】 The persn wh has inspired me
    The persn wh has inspired me is my uncle. Yu will nt find anything unusual until yu learn mre.
    My uncle is in his frties and he wrks in a lcal hspital. As a dctr, he is bth kind and patient with patients. Besides, he is s careful that he has never made any mistakes. He says, “As a dctr, I can’t be t careful.” What’s mre, he cares fr the ld wh have lst their nly children. T my surprise, my uncle has decided t dnate nt nly all his mney but als his bdy after his death. Hw brave and kind- hearted he is!
    All in all, I have been inspired by my uncle. I realize that he has a heart full f lve.
    另外:what’s mre→in additin
    总之:all in all→in a wrd
    原句:My uncle is in his frties and he wrks in a lcal hspital.
    拓展句:My uncle, wh wrks in a lcal hspital, is in his frties.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] The persn wh has inspired me is my uncle. (运用了wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] What’s mre, he cares fr the ld wh have lst their nly children. (运用了wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    57. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    After schl ne winter day, Mm reminded Jack t build a snwman in the yard befre his father came hme frm wrk. Delighted, the by eagerly put n his cat and hat and set ff.
    Outside, in his frnt yard, Jack started with a very small ball f snw. It was a big jb fr a 9-year-ld by like him. At their neighbr’s windw, his new neighbrs, Cindy aged 7 and her mm, were watching him play.
    Curius and excited, the girl pressed her face against the windw, watching Jack’s snwball grwing. Her mther seemed t have read her mind and encuraged her t jin the by.
    The by and the girl began their teamwrk sn. While Jack picked up a big snwball and made it the snwman’s bdy, Cindy was cllecting snw t make the snwman’s head. Then they tried hard t put ne snwball nt anther. It rughly lked like a snwman! Tired but amazed, the tw gt n their knees and appreciated their great wrk.
    They patted the snwman and talked abut what t d next. It was time t make the snwman mre lifelike and beautiful. After a discussin they rse t their feet and entered their each huse.
    In a mment, the tw met in the yard again and began the decratin.
    【答案】In a mment, the tw met in the yard again and began the decratin. Armed with buttns, carrts, and twigs, which were carefully selected frm their respective hmes, they set abut giving their snwman a persnality. With the bright range carrt nse perfectly centered, and cal eyes that sparkled under the winter sun, their creatin tk n a cheerful expressin. Twigs, gathered frm the nearby wds, served as arms, extending warmly as if t welcme all wh passed by. As they stepped back, admiring their handiwrk, the snwman std prudly, a testament t the friendship frged between tw yung suls n a cld winter day.
    ①拥有,配备:armed with/equipped with
    ②着手/开始做某事:set abut ding sth./set ut t d sth.
    ③用作,充当:serve as/act as/functin as
    ①欢快的表情:cheerful expressin/jyful lk
    ②自豪地:prudly/with pride
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Armed with buttns, carrts, and twigs, which were carefully selected frm their respective hmes, they set abut giving their snwman a persnality. (运用了which引导的非限定性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】With the bright range carrt nse perfectly centered, and cal eyes that sparkled under the winter sun, their creatin tk n a cheerful expressin. (运用了with复合结构和that引导限制性定语从句)
    听力1-5CABAA 6-10 BCBCC 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 ACAAB
    A. temprary B. sensitive C. attempts D. entirely E. sufficient
    F. grab G. distinguished H. shrtage I. gradually J. demnstrate
    K. flexible L. initial M. accurate N. threat O. reality

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