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    第一部分 听力(略)
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Our bradcasting camp will pen n August 1st. This unique pprtunity is designed t attract participants t the wrld f bradcasting and media prductin.
    Camp Details
    Duratin: 2 weeks
    Capacity: 50 participants
    Venue: Natinal Media Center, New Yrk
    Training Schedules
    Our camp will cver a wide range f tpics, including strytelling, audi and vide prductin techniques, live bradcast and studi peratins, scial media and digital bradcasting. Each day will be a blend (融合) f lectures, hands-n wrkshps, and interactive sessins with industry prfessinals.
    Benefits fr Participants
    Gain practical skills in bradcasting and media prductin.
    Netwrk with industry experts and fellw enthusiasts.
    Receive a certificate f cmpletin recgnized by leading media institutins.
    Opprtunities t shwcase talent thrugh live bradcasts and digital platfrms.
    Why Jin Us?
    Our camp prmises t be an enriching experience that nt nly equips yu with the necessary skills but als pens drs t a career in the bradcasting industry. Whether yu’re a student lking t explre yur passin r a prfessinal seeking t enhance yur skills, ur camp is the perfect platfrm fr yur grwth.
    Dn’t miss this chance t inspire yur passin fr bradcasting. Apply nw and let yur vice heard! Fr mre infrmatin and t register, click here.
    1. What des the bradcasting camp feature?
    A. A very lw price.B. Many relative tpics.
    C. The prcess f prductin.D. The ways t knw experts.
    2. Hw can yu sign up fr the bradcasting camp?
    A. By visiting a website.B. By registering n-site.
    C. By calling a teacher.D. By writing t the camp.
    3. What is the purpse f the text?
    A. T fcus n bradcasting.B. T intrduce scial media.
    C. T prmte the camp.D. T develp students’ hbbies.
    【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C
    【1题详解】细节理解题。根据Training Schedules部分中“Our camp will cver a wide range f tpics, including strytelling, audi and vide prductin techniques, live bradcast and studi peratins, scial media and digital bradcasting.( 我们的夏令营将涵盖广泛的主题,包括讲故事、音频和视频制作技术、直播和演播室运营、社交媒体和数字广播。)”可知,训练营将涵盖广泛的主题,包括故事讲述、音频和视频制作技术、现场广播和演播室操作、社交媒体和数字广播等,故该训练营特别的地方是融合了许多相关的话题。故选B。
    【2题详解】细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中“Apply nw and let yur vice heard! Fr mre infrmatin and t register, click here. (现在申请,让你的声音被听到!欲了解更多信息和注册,请点击这里。)”可知,点击这里获取更多信息和注册即点击该网站即可注册报名该训练营。故选A。
    Sme f the classrms at Taft Elementary in Santa Clara, Califrnia, have ne disadvantage in cmmn: They dn’t have windws. That’s true fr Lgan Earnest’s fifth grade classrm, and he felt it was affecting his students.
    “Mst f the day, they’re inside,” Earnest tld CBS News. “And they dn’t really get t see any trees, grass, r the blue sky.” He said the gray walls culd be depressing t the kids and may affect their attentin and even their attendance.
    This was cnfirmed by frmer schl psychlgist Ernest Rdriguez, wh said the lack f windws des affect kids, because research shws being in and arund nature eases anxiety and benefits students. Thugh n lnger a practicing psychlgist, perhaps he knws nw mre than ever the impact nature has n mental health. Rdriguez became a park ranger (公园管理员) n Suthern Califrnia’s Catalina Island and began fcusing n his passin—landscape phtgraphy.
    It was during his training t becme a park ranger that he learned a fact that kids wh have views ut windws t trees d better academically, emtinally and creatively. S an idea t bring nature int rms ccurred t him: Why nt bring landscapes in classrms—via the ceiling (天花板), because teachers dn’t typically use them.
    Rdriguez tk 360 degree shts f tree canpies (树冠) using his phtgraphy skills, then he printed them and fit them nt the classrm ceiling f Earnest’s fifth grade. “Beautiful,” ne student said as she entered the rm. Anther student said the trees brught him peace, “When yu lk up, it feels like yu’re sitting under a tree.”
    Earnest said he thught there wuld be many psitive effects n his students. “I think my attendance is ging t g up. The kids are ging t want t cme here mre frequently. Overall, I think the kids are ging t be happier,” he said.
    4. What is the cmmn challenge shared by sme classrms at Taft Elementary?
    A. Lack f fresh air.B. Absence f windws.
    C. Insufficient lighting.D. Limited access t technlgy.
    5. Why did Ernest Rdriguez bring landscapes int classrms?
    A. T cnnect the students with nature.
    B. T prmte his phtgraphy skills.
    C. T imprve the teachers’ perfrmance.
    D. T create an exciting envirnment fr the students.
    6. Hw did the students react t Rdriguez’s pictures n the classrm ceiling?
    A. They did nt ntice the change.
    B. They failed t cncentrate n lessns.
    C. They preferred the riginal gray ceiling.
    D. They were in favur f the new additins.
    7. What’s Lgan Earnest’s attitude twards the change in the classrm?
    A. Cautius and bjective.B. Appreciative and supprtive.
    C. Cncerned but dubtful.D. Curius but unsure.
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. D 7. B
    【语篇解读】本文是记叙文,讲述了Emest Rdriguez将风景“带进”教室,让孩子们能够在没有窗户的教室里接触到自然的故事。
    【4题详解】细节理解题。文章第一段讲到“Sme f the classrms at Taft Elementary in Santa Clara, Califrnia, have ne disadvantage in cmmn: They dn’t have windws. (加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉市塔夫脱小学的一些教室有一个共同的缺点:没有窗户。)”可知,这个学校的一些教室面临的一个共同的挑战是它们都没有窗户。故选B。
    【5题详解】推理判断题。文章第三段讲到“This was cnfirmed by frmer schl psychlgist Ernest Rdriguez, wh said the lack f windws des affect kids, because research shws being in and arund nature eases anxiety and benefits students. Thugh n lnger a practicing psychlgist, perhaps he knws nw mre than ever the impact nature has n mental health. (前学校心理学家埃内斯托·罗德里格斯证实了这一点,他说缺乏窗户确实会影响孩子,因为研究表明,在大自然中和大自然周围可以缓解焦虑,对学生有益。)”以及第四段“It was during his training t becme a park ranger that he learned a fact that kids wh have views ut windws t trees d better academically, emtinally and creatively. (正是在他接受公园护林员培训的过程中,他了解到一个事实,即那些能看到窗外树木的孩子在学业、情感和创造力方面都做得更好)”可知,Emest Rdriguez 将风景“带进”教室是为了将学生和自然联系在一起。接触大自然对孩子们的身心健康有益。故选A。
    【6题详解】推理判断题。文章第五段中““Beautiful,” ne student said as she entered the rm. Anther student said the trees brught him peace, “When yu lk up, it feels like yu’re sitting under a tree.” (“太美了,”一个学生走进房间时说。另一名学生说,这些树给他带来了平静,“当你抬头看的时候,感觉就像你坐在树下。”)”引用的两个学生的评价可知,他们对教室天花板上的风景是很喜欢的。故选D。
    【7题详解】推理判断题。文章最后一段中Lgan Earmest的话“I think my attendance is ging t g up. The kids are ging t want t cme here mre frequently. Overall, I think the kids are ging t be happier (我想我的出勤率会上升。孩子们会想更频繁地来这里的。总的来说,我认为孩子们会更快乐)”可知,他对教室里的改变是持欣赏和赞同的态度的。故选B。
    Elephants’ imprtant rle in maintaining bidiversity and healthy ecsystems has earned them varius names including ecsystem engineers and frest gardeners. Hwever, African frest elephants — a species living in the rainfrests f central Africa — are increasingly recgnized by anther name: “climate heres”.
    African frest elephants help lessen climate change by increasing carbn strage in their frest habitats, meaning they help remve heat-trapping CO2 frm the atmsphere. They d this by influencing the frest structure, including by increasing the diversity and abundance f plant species. It’s estimated that ne frest elephant can increase the net carbn capture (捕获) capacity f the frest by almst 250 acres. This is equal t remving frm the atmsphere a year’s wrth f emissins (排放量) frm 2,047 cars.
    “As strange as it seems, all that eating and destructin help the frest pull mre carbn ut f the air,” says Alisn Pearce Stevens in the bk Animal Climate Heres. Elephants eat mre than 400 punds f fd a day, s they spend a lt f time searching fr fd. As they walk thrugh the frest, they d a lt f damage t the surrunding smaller trees, leading t the survival f trees that have the ability t absrb and stre mre CO2.
    In additin, their thirst fr fruits als helps t prmte frest grwth. This is because elephants disperse fruit seeds. In ther wrds, the seeds pass thrugh the elephant bdies until they drp back t the frest flr.
    But African frest elephants are seriusly endangered and cntinue t face threats. These mainly cme frm hunting fr the illegal internatinal trade in elephant ivry (象牙), but als frm habitat lss and fewer fd surces. The number f frest elephants fell by mre than 86% ver a perid f 31 years, and their habitats are thught t have reduced by 75%. Prtecting frest elephants and the frests they depend n means we are safeguarding their eclgical cntributins that we all rely n.
    8. Hw d African frest elephants help relieve climate change?
    A. They increase the diversity f wildlife species.
    B. They help t maintain the plants f the frest.
    C. They take in heat-trapping CO2 frm the atmsphere.
    D. They prmte the net carbn capture ability f the frest.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “disperse” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Cnsume.B. Preserve.C. Spread.D. Gather.
    10. What are the threats facing African frest elephants?
    A. Illegal hunting and habitat lss.
    B. The disturbed balance f the frest ecsystem.
    C. Natural disasters resulting frm climate change.
    D. Cmpetitin fr water surces with ther animals.
    11. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Preserving Frests: Elephants’ Cntributin
    B. New Rle f African Frest Elephants: Climate Heres
    C. Ivry Trade Threatens African Frest Elephants
    D. Frest Elephants Are Appraching the Edge f Extinctin
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B
    【8题详解】细节理解题。文章第二段讲到“It’s estimated that ne frest elephant can increase the net carbn capture (捕获) capacity f the frest by almst 250 acres. (据估计,一头森林大象可以使森林的净碳捕获能力增加近250英亩。)”可知,非洲森林象通过提高森林的碳捕获能力来帮助减缓气候变化。故选D。
    【9题详解】词义猜测题。根据划线词的上文“In additin, their thirst fr fruits als helps t prmte frest grwth. (此外,它们对水果的渴望也有助于促进森林的生长)”以及下文“In ther wrds, the seeds pass thrugh the elephant bdies until they drp back t the frest flr.( 换句话说,种子穿过大象的身体,直到它们掉回森林地面)”可知,大象喜欢吃水果,而水果的种子通过大象的排泄从大象体内回到森林地面,这帮助散播了水果种子,有助于促进森林的生长。故disperse 同spread “传播”意思相近。故选C。
    【10题详解】细节理解题。文章最后一段中“These mainly cme frm hunting fr the illegal internatinal trade in elephant ivry (象牙), but als frm habitat lss and fewer fd surces. The number f frest elephants fell by mre than 86% ver a perid f 31 years, and their habitats are thught t have reduced by 75%. (这些主要来自对象牙非法国际贸易的狩猎,也来自栖息地的丧失和食物来源的减少。在31年的时间里,森林大象的数量减少了86%以上,它们的栖息地被认为减少了75%)”可知,非洲森林象面临的主要威胁是非法狩猎、栖息地丧失和食物来源减少。故选A。
    【11题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是根据文章第一段“Elephants’ imprtant rle in maintaining bidiversity and healthy ecsystems has earned them varius names including ecsystem engineers and frest gardeners. Hwever, African frest elephants — a species living in the rainfrests f central Africa — are increasingly recgnized by anther name: “climate heres”. (大象在维持生物多样性和健康生态系统方面的重要作用为它们赢得了各种各样的名字,包括生态系统工程师和森林园丁。然而,非洲森林象——一种生活在中非热带雨林中的物种——越来越多地被另一个名字所认可:‘气候英雄’。)”可知,本文主要讲述了非洲森林象如何通过增加森林的碳捕获能力来缓解气候变化,被称作“气候英雄”,以及非洲森林象所面临的威胁;因此,最适合的标题是B选项“非洲森林象的新角色:气候英雄”,故选B。
    Space engineers frm the University f Glasgw have published new research shwing hw reflectrs (反射器) placed in rbit arund Earth culd increase the utput f future large-scale slar farms by reflecting additinal sunlight tward them even after the sun has set.
    In their paper, the researchers described hw they used advanced cmputer mdels t help determine the mst effective methd f using rbiting slar reflectrs t prduce additinal pwer. Their mdels shwed that putting 20 thin reflectrs int rbit 1,000 kilmeters frm Earth culd reflect sunlight t slar farms fr an extra tw hurs each day n average. The additinal sunlight culd increase the utput f the wrld’s future slar farms, particularly after sunset when electricity demand is high. The utput culd be scaled up further by adding mre reflectrs r increasing their size.
    The team develped an algrithm (算法) t determine hw the reflectrs culd be arranged t catch the sun’s rays mst effectively, maximizing the additinal sunlight reflected t slar farms arund Earth in the early mrning and late evening. The researchers suggested that 20 reflectrs culd prduce an extra 728 MWh f electricity per day — equal t adding an additinal large slar pwer farm t Earth withut the cst f cnstructin.
    Dr. Onur Çelik, ne authr f the paper, said, “Slar pwer has the ptential t speed ur race t reach net-zer, helping us t relieve the glbal impacts f climate change by reducing ur reliance n fssil fuels.” Mrever, the price f slar panels (太阳能电池板) has drpped quickly in recent years, increasing the pace f their adptin and paving the way fr the creatin f large slar farms arund the wrld.
    One f the majr limitatins f slar pwer, f curse, is that it can nly be generated during daylight hurs. Putting rbiting slar reflectrs in space wuld help t maximize the effectiveness f slar farms in the years t cme. Strategically placing new slar farms in lcatins which receive the mst additinal sunlight frm the reflectrs culd make them even mre effective.
    12. What is the purpse f placing reflectrs in space?
    A. T imprve cmmunicatin between Earth and space.
    B. T bring the effects f climate change under cntrl.
    C. T prduce electricity fr agricultural use.
    D. T increase the prductin f slar pwer.
    13. What may cntribute t the applicatin f large-scale slar farms?
    A. The increased demand fr electricity.
    B. The decrease in the cst f slar panels.
    C. The develpment f space technlgy.
    D. The requirement t preserve the envirnment.
    14. What can be inferred abut the future f slar farms?
    A. They’ll replace fssil fuels cmpletely.
    B. They’ll becme the main surce f energy.
    C. They’ll be mre cst-effective and efficient.
    D. They’ll rely mainly n rbiting reflectrs fr sunlight.
    15. Where is the text mst prbably taken frm?
    A. A news reprt.B. A maths website.
    C. A marketing brchure.D. A plicy brief.
    【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A
    【12题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“Space engineers frm the University f Glasgw have published new research shwing hw reflectrs (反射器) placed in rbit arund Earth culd increase the utput f future large-scale slar farms by reflecting additinal sunlight tward them even after the sun has set.(格拉斯哥大学的空间工程师发表了一项新的研究,展示了放置在地球轨道上的反射器如何通过在太阳落西后反射额外的阳光来增加未来大型太阳能发电场的产量)”和第二段中“In their paper, the researchers described hw they used advanced cmputer mdels t help determine the mst effective methd f using rbiting slar reflectrs t prduce additinal pwer.(在他们的论文中,研究人员描述了他们如何使用先进的计算机模型来帮助确定使用轨道太阳反射器产生额外能量的最有效方法)”可知,在太空中安装反射器的目的是增加太阳能的产出,故选D。
    【13题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段中“Mrever, the price f slar panels (太阳能电池板) has drpped quickly in recent years, increasing the pace f their adptin and paving the way fr the creatin f large slar farms arund the wrld.(此外,近年来太阳能电池板的价格迅速下降,加快了它们的采用速度,并为在世界各地建立大型太阳能农场铺平了道路)”可知,太阳能电池板价格的下降促进了大型太阳能发电场的应用,故选B。
    【14题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段中“Mrever, the price f slar panels (太阳能电池板) has drpped quickly in recent years, increasing the pace f their adptin and paving the way fr the creatin f large slar farms arund the wrld.(此外,近年来太阳能电池板的价格迅速下降,加快了它们的采用速度,并为在世界各地建立大型太阳能农场铺平了道路)”讲太阳能电池板价格的下降促进了大型太阳能发电场的应用和最后一段中“Putting rbiting slar reflectrs in space wuld help t maximize the effectiveness f slar farms in the years t cme. Strategically placing new slar farms in lcatins which receive the mst additinal sunlight frm the reflectrs culd make them even mre effective.(太空中放置轨道太阳能反射器将有助于在未来几年最大限度地提高太阳能发电场的效率。战略性地将新的太阳能发电场安置在从反射器接收最多额外阳光的地方,可以使它们更加有效)”可知,未来的太阳能发电场会是高性价比和高效率的,故选C。
    【15题详解】推理判断题。根据全文内容,结合第一段“Space engineers frm the University f Glasgw have published new research shwing hw reflectrs (反射器) placed in rbit arund Earth culd increase the utput f future large-scale slar farms by reflecting additinal sunlight tward them even after the sun has set.(格拉斯哥大学的空间工程师发表了一项新的研究,展示了放置在地球轨道上的反射器如何通过在太阳落西后反射额外的阳光来增加未来大型太阳能农场的产量)”可知,文章主要介绍了安装在太空中的反射器对太阳能发电场的积极影响,最有可能出自一篇新闻报道,故选A。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分.满分 12.5分)
    Adapting t different cultures is an enriching jurney that bradens ur pinins and imprves glbal understanding. Here are sme steps t help yu embrace (拥抱) cultural diversity.
    Admitting cultural differences
    Acknwledge and accept that each culture has its wn way f life. Admit that n culture is superir r inferir; they are simply different. ___16___.
    Seeking cultural understanding
    Yu shuld understand the fundamental aspects f the culture yu cme acrss. ___17___. Engage in cnversatins with lcals t gain insights int their daily lives and values. This apprach will nt nly enrich yur knwledge but als deepen yur appreciatin fr the culture.
    Explring lcal fd
    Fd is a windw int a culture’s sul. Try the lcal cuisine t experience the diversity f flavrs and cking styles. ___18___, each bite can ffer a cnnectin t the culture’s heritage (遗产).
    Sharing yur wn culture
    Remember, cultural adaptatin is reciprcal (相应的). While yu’re learning abut thers, yu als have the chance t share stries and aspects f yur wn culture. ___19___.
    In a wrd, adapting t different cultures is abut embracing the diversity with an pen heart and mind. ___20___. By ding s, yu can enrich yur life with new viewpints and experiences.
    A. Whether it’s seafd r dessert
    B. If yu want t knw sme delicius fd
    C. This exchange can imprve understanding
    D. Learn abut their histry, traditins, and s n
    E. Language is a pwerful tl fr cultural adaptatin
    F. It invlves respect and a willingness t learn and share
    G. It helps set the stage fr a psitive attitude t new experiences
    【答案】16. G 17. D 18. A 19. C 20. F
    【16题详解】根据前文“Acknwledge and accept that each culture has its wn way f life. Admit that n culture is superir r inferir; they are simply different.( 承认并接受每种文化都有自己的生活方式。承认没有文化的优劣之分;它们只是不同而已。)”可知,此处强调承认文化没有优劣之分,只是不同而已,设空处应该进一步阐述传承差异带来的积极影响。G选项“It helps set the stage fr a psitive attitude t new experiences(它为对新体验的积极态度奠定了基础)”符合语境,指出承认文化差异有助于形成对新体验的积极态度,与前文内容呼应。故选G。
    【17题详解】根据前文的“Yu shuld understand the fundamental aspects f the culture yu cme acrss. (你应该了解你所遇到的文化的基本方面。)”可知,此处强调你应该了解你所遇到的文化的基本方面。D选项“Learn abut their histry, traditins, and s n(了解他们的历史、传统等等)”强调了解他们的历史、传统正是对“基本方面”的具体化,与上下文内容一致。故选D。
    【18题详解】根据本段小标题“Explring lcal fd(探索当地美食)”以及上文“Try the lcal cuisine t experience the diversity f flavrs and cking styles. (尝试当地美食,体验不同的口味和烹饪风格)”强调通过探索当地美食体验不同的文化。A选项“Whether it’s seafd r dessert(无论是海鲜还是甜点)”为让步状语从句,与下文“each bite can ffer a cnnectin t the culture’s heritage (遗产).(每一口都能让人联想到当地的文化遗产。)”相衔接,指出无论当地的食物是海鲜还是甜点,品尝一口都能让人联想到当地的文化遗产,进一步强调了探索当地美食有助于了解当地文化,符合语境。故选A。
    【19题详解】根据前文“While yu’re learning abut thers, yu als have the chance t share stries and aspects f yur wn culture. (当你了解别人的时候,你也有机会分享你自己的故事和文化。)”可知,此处强调文化适应是相互的。C选项“This exchange can imprve understanding(这种交流可以增进理解)” 指出这种交流可以改善理解,正好说明了分享和了解是相互的,并能增进理解,与前文内容一致。故选C。
    【20题详解】根据前文“In a wrd, adapting t different cultures is abut embracing the diversity with an pen heart and mind. (总而言之,适应不同的文化就是要以开放的心态去接纳多样性。)”可知,此处强调适应不同的文化就是以开放的心态和心灵去拥抱多样性。F选项“It invlves respect and a willingness t learn and share(它包括尊重和愿意学习和分享)”进一步阐释了适应文化多样性所需的品质,即尊重和愿意学习、分享,与承接即前文所提到的以开放的心态接纳多样性。故选F。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Kristin Schell is the funder f The Turquise (青绿色的) Table. It’s a mvement fr rdinary peple wh want t ___21___ a cmmunity right in their wn frnt yards.
    Ten years ag, she and her husband ___22___ t their new huse in Austin. One day, Kristin needed furniture fr a party and ___23___ new picnic tables in a furniture shp. After the party, she ___24___ ne table turquise and put it in the frnt ___25___, just a few feet frm the sidewalk.
    Neighbrs began t stp by t ___26___ themselves fr a chat. Kristin invited them t jin her at the table fr cffee r tea. It was a ___27___ way t cnnect with thers. Cnstructin wrkers in the ___28___ tk their lunch breaks at the table. A babysitter walking by sat dwn t ___29___. Kristin encuraged thers t paint tables turquise and put them in their frnt yard t. A mvement was brn.
    “Hspitality (好客) desn’t ____30____ mean entertaining peple with a big meal r a big party. At the picnic table. all I have t d is ____31____.” She likes hw it enables her t take a ____32____ step tward easing ____33____ and building relatinships in her neighbrhd. “Peple’s ____34____ need is t knw they are lved and that they belng,” she says.
    A decade after the beginning, thusands f Turquise Tables exist in all 50 states and in 13 cuntries arund the wrld. Kristin thinks they are ____35____ tables.
    21. A. describeB. imagineC. createD. discver
    22. A. perfrmedB. mvedC. returnedD. traveled
    23. A. fetchedB. searchedC. madeD. bught
    24. A. paintedB. ccupiedC. lstD. pressed
    25. A. stepB. wayC. huseD. yard
    26. A. intrduceB. recgnizeC. identifyD. examine
    27. A. mdestB. strangeC. braveD. simple
    28. A. theaterB. neighbrhdC. familyD. cmpany
    29. A. playB. sleepC. restD. sing
    30. A. alwaysB. evenC. alsD. still
    31. A. g upB. shw upC. make upD. fill up
    32. A. mysteriusB. rundC. smallD. strng
    33. A. illnessB. quietnessC. lnelinessD. seriusness
    34. A. ldestB. tallestC. widestD. greatest
    35. A. friendshipB. freedmC. familyD. membership
    【答案】21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. D 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. C 34. D 35. A
    【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了Kristin Schell创建的青绿色桌子(Turquise Table)运动,这是一个鼓励普通人在自家前院建立社区联系的行动。
    【21题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是一场普通人的运动,他们想在自己的前院建立一个社区。A. describe描述;B. imagine想象;C. create创造;D. discver发现。根据“a cmmunity right in their wn frnt yards”可知,他们想在自己的前院建立一个社区。故选C。
    【22题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:十年前,她和丈夫搬到了奥斯汀的新家。A. perfrmed表演;B. mved搬家;C. returned返回;D. traveled旅行。根据“t their new huse in Austin.”可知,她和丈夫搬到了奥斯汀的新家。故选B。
    【23题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天,克里斯汀需要一个聚会用的家具,她在一家家具店买了新的野餐桌。A. fetched取来;B. searched搜索;C. made制作;D. bught购买。根据“in a furniture shp.”可知,她在一家家具店买了新的野餐桌。故选D。
    【24题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:聚会结束后,她把一张桌子涂成了青绿色,放在前院,离人行道只有几英尺远。A. painted涂画;B. ccupied占据;C. lst丢失;D. pressed按压。根据“turquise”可知,她把一张桌子涂成了青绿色。故选A。
    【25题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:聚会结束后,她把一张桌子涂成了青绿色,放在前院,离人行道只有几英尺远。A. step步骤;B. way道路;方式;C. huse房子;D. yard院子。根据“just a few feet frm the sidewalk.”可知,她把一张桌子涂成了青绿色,放在前院,离人行道只有几英尺远。故选D。
    【26题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:邻居们开始过来做自我介绍,聊聊天。A. intrduce介绍;B. recgnize认出;C. identify识别;D. examine检查。根据“themselves fr a chat”可知,邻居们开始过来做自我介绍,聊聊天。故选A。
    【27题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一种与他人联系的简单方式。附近的建筑工人在餐桌上吃午饭。A. mdest谦虚的;B. strange奇怪的;C. brave勇敢的;D. simple简单的,简便的。根据“Neighbrs began t stp by t ______ themselves fr a chat. Kristin invited them t jin her at the table fr cffee r tea.”可知,邻居们开始过来做自我介绍,聊聊天,因此这是与他人联系的一种很简便的方式。故选D。
    【28题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. theater剧院;B. neighbrhd附近;C. family家庭;D. cmpany公司。根据“Cnstructin wrkers”可知,附近的建筑工人在餐桌上吃午饭。故选B。
    【29题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个路过的保姆坐下来休息。A. play玩;B. sleep睡觉;C. rest休息;D. sing唱歌。根据“A babysitter”可知,路过的保姆也能来休息。故选C。
    【30题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:好客并不总是用一顿大餐或一个盛大的聚会来招待人们。A. always总是;B. even甚至;C. als也;D. still仍然。根据“mean entertaining peple with a big meal r a big party.”可知,好客并不总是用一顿大餐或一个盛大的聚会来招待人们。故选A。
    【31题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:在野餐桌上,我所要做的就是出现。A. g up上升;B. shw up出现;C. make up化妆;编造;D. fill up填满。根据“Neighbrs began t stp by t ______ themselves fr a chat.”可知,邻居们都前来跟她聊天,因此对于克里斯汀来说,她的代课之道就是出现在野餐桌前。故选B。
    【32题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她喜欢它能让她在缓解孤独和建立邻里关系方面迈出一小步。A. mysterius神秘的;B. rund圆的;C. small小的;D. strng强大的。根据“tward easing ______ and building relatinships in her neighbrhd.”可知,克里斯汀的小小的野餐桌是她在缓解孤独和建立邻里关系方面迈出一小步。故选C。
    【33题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. illness疾病;B. quietness安静;C. lneliness孤独;D. seriusness严肃性。根据“It’s a mvement fr rdinary peple wh want t ______ a cmmunity right in their wn frnt yards.”可知,克里斯汀通过涂画青绿色桌子和邀请邻居们聊天由此来缓和孤独和建立邻里关系,因此此处指的是缓解邻居们的孤独。故选C。
    【34题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人最大的需要是知道自己被爱着,有归属感。A. ldest最老的;B. tallest最高的;C. widest最宽的;D. greatest最伟大的。根据“they are lved and that they belng”可知,人最大的需要是知道自己被爱着,有归属感。故选D。
    【35题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:十年后,在美国50个州和世界上13个国家都有成千上万的绿松石桌。克里斯汀认为它们是友谊桌。A. friendship友谊;B. freedm自由;C. family家庭;D. membership成员资格。根据“Neighbrs began t stp by t ______ themselves fr a chat. Kristin invited them t jin her at the table fr cffee r tea. It was a ______ way t cnnect with thers. Cnstructin wrkers in the ______ tk their lunch breaks at the table. A babysitter walking by sat dwn t ______ .”可知,在野餐桌前,邻居们开始过来做自我介绍,聊聊天,周边的建筑工人也可以来此用餐,路过的保姆也可以休息,这个餐桌增强了邻居之间的关系,缓解了他们的孤独,因此这是“友谊之桌”即友谊的象征。故选A。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Grain Buds(小满) is the eighth f the 24 slar terms n Chinese lunar calendar, and the ____36____ (tw) slar term f the summer. After Grain Buds, the differences in temperature between nrthern and suthern China ____37____ (gradual) decrease, while rainfall increases. Summer is becming a nticeable seasn.
    In nrthern China, grains f winter wheat start t fill, ____38____ are still nt ripe and full. That is where Grain Buds r xiaman in Chinese, gets ____39____ (it) name. Wuld yu like t knw what peple d during the perid f Grain Buds?
    In many parts f China, a traditin ____40____ (bserve) where peple cnsume fish during Grain Buds. Due t the significant increase ____41____ rainfall during this slar term, rivers are filled with water and abundant fish and shrimps. It is ____42____ gd time t fish and enjy the fresh catch.
    With high temperatures and humidity(潮湿) during the Grain Buds perid, there is an ____43____ (increase) risk f skin diseases due t the heat. T prevent such diseases, engaging in physical activities ____44____ (be) extremely imprtant during the ht summer days. Activities like walking, jgging, and practicing t’ai chi are recmmended ______45______ (stay) healthy and active.
    【答案】36. secnd 37. gradually 38. but 39. its 40. is bserved
    41. in 42. a 43. increasing 44. is 45. t stay
    【38题详解】考查连词。句意:在中国北方,冬小麦的谷粒开始灌浆,但还没有成熟。grains f winter wheat start t fill(冬小麦的谷粒开始灌浆)和are still nt ripe and full(还没有成熟)之间是转折关系,故填but。
    【40题详解】考查一般现在时的被动语态。句意:在中国许多地区,人们在小满期间吃鱼的传统。主语a traditin(一个传统)和bserve之间是被动关系,所以此处要用被动语态be dne,此句描述的是客观事实,所以此处要用一般现在时,主语a traditin是第三人称单数,故填is bserved。
    【44题详解】考查主谓一致。句意:为了预防这种疾病,在炎热的夏天参与体育活动是极其重要的。此句描述的是客观事实,所以此处要用一般现在时,主语engaging in physical activities(参与体育活动)是第三人称单数,故填is。
    【45题详解】考查不定式。句意:建议散步、慢跑和练太极等活动保持健康和活跃。此处作目的状语用不定式,故填t stay。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,学校英语俱乐部将举办以“Prtect the Endangered Species”为主题的海报制作比赛,请你给外教Andy写封邮件,邀请他做评委,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 评选时间和地点;
    3. 表达期待。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Andy,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Andy,
    I hpe this email finds yu in gd health and high spirits. I am writing t invite yu t be a judge fr ur cmpetitin f making psters n the theme f “Prtect the Endangered Species” rganized by ur schl’s English Club.
    The cmpetitin will be held n the 9th f July in the schl lecture hall frm 2 pm t 4 pm. We have als arranged fr sme snacks during the event. Yur presence and cntributin wuld be an hnr fr us. We believe yur valuable feedback and guidance will inspire ur yung participants t think critically and creatively.
    I hpe yu can accept ur invitatin. Lking frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When I was a high schl student, I lived in an urban neighbrhd, where pprtunities t take part in agricultural activities were rare. My understanding f farming mstly came frm what I had learned in bks. I was a hard-wrking persn, always eager fr a chance t explre agriculture.
    Finally, the pprtunity I had been lnging fr arrived. Earth Day in the secnd year f my high schl, my class rganized a visit t a lcal farm t learn abut farming. I was thrilled abut the idea and culdn’t wait t share the exciting news with my parents. The next day, I went shpping fr tls with my father, such as trwels, watering cans, glves, and ther necessary items.
    On the day f the event, my classmates and I gathered at the meeting spt early in the mrning. The weather was perfect, and everyne seemed particularly happy. Armed with ur tls, we gt int the car and headed ff t ur destinatin.
    Upn reaching the farm, we were split int several grups by ur teacher. One grup was in charge f planting the seeds, ne fr watering the plts, and ne fr weeding and maintaining the farm. At the teacher’s signal, we all sprang int actin.
    Hwever, it was the first time that many f us had participated in farming, s we were unsure where t begin. I was amng them. Frtunately, ur teacher was a knwledgeable wman with experience in farming. T guide us, the teacher began planting vegetables herself. After bserving her methd, we all jined in and gt ur hands dirty. In n time, we had planted a variety f vegetables. I paid clse attentin, keen n absrbing every detail. Eventually, I learned the skills f planting vegetables.
    The experience was nt just abut learning hw t plant; it was als abut understanding the imprtance f sustainable living and the rle each ne f us can play in prtecting ur envirnment.It was a hands-n lessn that made a significant impact n me.
    Inspired by the experience n the farm, I decided t put my knwledge t gd use.
    As the harvest seasn apprached, there were many vegetables in the backyard.
    【答案】Inspired by the experience n the farm, I decided t put my knwledge t gd use. I started a small garden in my backyard, where I planted the same variety f vegetables I had planted n the farm. With each passing day, I carefully watered the plants and weeded ut the unwanted grwth. My parents were surprised and prud t see hw dedicated I was t this newfund hbby. My little garden nt nly prvided us with fresh vegetables but als taught me valuable lessns abut patience and perseverance.
    As the harvest seasn apprached, there were many vegetables in the backyard. The sight f my hard wrk cming t fruitin filled me with jy. I invited my classmates and teachers ver t my huse t share the bunty f my garden. We harvested the vegetables tgether, laughing and chatting as we did s. It was a mment f celebratin, nt just fr the bunty we had gathered, but als fr the knwledge and friendship we had gained frm ur experience n the farm.

    [英语][期末]陕西省榆林市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末试题(解析版): 这是一份[英语][期末]陕西省榆林市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末试题(解析版),共21页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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