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    Alternatives t plastic straws — What’s that straw made f?
    Plastic straws may seem harmless, but they pse a danger t the envirnment. Because they’re s small, they easily find their way int the cean. There they can harm animals that try t eat them. They may be small, but the millins f plastic straws that are used and discarded daily add up t a huge prblem. What can yu use instead f plastic straws?
    Bamb straws
    Fast-grwing and plentiful, bamb stalks are ideal fr making drinking straws. Multiple cmpanies nw prduce bamb straws, ften withut the use f chemicals. Bamb straws can be washed in a dishwasher r by hand and used again and again. When they d wear ut, they break dwn easily.
    Glass straws
    Glass straws can als be reused, and if they’re clear, it’s easy t see if they’re clean r nt. Sme cmpanies make bent glass straws, which means yu dn’t have t tip yur glass t drink with them. They are available in a variety f lengths, clrs and widths, s cnsumers have many ptins t chse frm.
    Metal straws
    Straws made f metal last a very lng time and are easy t clean. Steel is the mst cmmn variety, but thse willing t pay mre can get titanium r silver straws.
    Bttles that cme with straws
    Many water bttles cme equipped with built-in straws. Althugh that straw may be made f plastic, yu keep it and use it repeatedly. That means it prbably wn’t end up in a landfill r the cean any time sn. Water bttles can als replace dispsable cups, which cuts dwn n waste even mre. And they can be ecnmical if yu chse t fill the bttles with water rather than buying drinks.
    N straw
    Fr many drinks, straws aren’t required; peple can drink straight ut f a cup. And businesses can cut dwn n the number f straws they use by simply asking peple if they want ne. Many peple scarcely ntice whether they have a straw r nt.
    Plastic straws are far frm the nly way t enjy yur favrite drink. Giving them up is an easy way t help take care f ur planet.
    21. Accrding t the passage, which ne is the main reasn fr different alternatives t plastic straws?
    A. market requirementB. cnsumptin preference
    C. price factrD. envirnmental cncern
    22. Accrding t the passage, which ne f the fllwing statements is crrect?
    A. Yu can wash bamb straws nly by hand.
    B. There are varius shapes f glass straws.
    C. Titanium r silver straws are valueless.
    D. Straws are nt necessary fr all drinks.
    23. What’s the authr’s attitude t bttles that cme with straws?
    A. dubtfulB. criticalC. disappintedD. unclear
    【答案】21. D 22. D 23. B
    【21题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“Plastic straws may seem harmless, but they pse a danger t the envirnment. Because they’re s small, they easily find their way int the cean. There they can harm animals that try t eat them. They may be small, but the millins f plastic straws that are used and discarded daily add up t a huge prblem.(塑料吸管可能看起来无害,但它们对环境构成危险。因为它们很小,所以很容易进入海洋。在那里,它们可以伤害试图吃掉它们的动物。它们可能很小,但每天使用和丢弃的数百万塑料吸管加起来是一个巨大的问题)”可知,塑料吸管会对环境造成危害,所以这是塑料吸管的不同替代品出现的主要原因。故选D。
    【22题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Fr many drinks, straws aren’t required; peple can drink straight ut f a cup.(许多饮料不需要吸管;人们可以直接用杯子喝)”可知,并非所有饮料都需要吸管。故选D。
    【23题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“What can yu use instead f plastic straws?(你可以用什么来代替塑料吸管?)”以及Bttles that cme with straws部分“Many water bttles cme equipped with built-in straws. Althugh that straw may be made f plastic, yu keep it and use it repeatedly. That means it prbably wn’t end up in a landfill r the cean any time sn.(许多水瓶都配有内置吸管。虽然那根吸管可能是塑料做的,但你要保留它并反复使用。这意味着它可能不会很快进入垃圾填埋场或海洋)”可知,作者将带吸管的瓶子介绍为代替塑料吸管的一种方式,认可它的作用,但强调要保留瓶子中的吸管并反复使用,由此可推知,作者对于带吸管的瓶子的态度是批判性的。故选B。
    Travel the Wrld Virtually-Leave hme withut leaving hme
    Have yu ever lnged t take a trip, but yu just dn’t have the time r the financial resurces? If s, cnsider turing via virtual reality (VR), which has embraced turism with pen arms. This innvative technlgy is reshaping the way peple experience destinatins by breaking dwn gegraphical barriers and prviding unique jurneys. An AI tur is cst-effective and allws yu t see the wrld withut leaving the cmfrt f yur living rm.
    Yu might argue that yu dn’t have a VR headset, but n matter. Tw travel styles are available: mnscpic and sterescpic. Mnscpic VR vides can be viewed n a mbile phne r a cmputer. By clicking n r dragging acrss the screen t rtate (旋转) the field f view, yu are able t explre an entire area. Sterescpic VR vides use VR headsets that make yu feel as if yu were actually present at a destinatin. The sftware in the headsets tracks yur head mvement, s by just turning yur head, yu can explre each new scene in a mre realistic way. N matter which methd yu chse t “travel,” these virtual travel experiences aim t give yu a credible experience.
    Besides inspecting an area that yu might want t visit but can’t, yu can virtually preview a place and make mre infrmed decisins abut it. Yu’re able t clearly see the exact lcatin f a htel r the distance frm it t surrunding attractins. Make n mistake, travel agencies, htels and destinatin marketing rganizatins are using this tl t their advantage. By creating virtual experiences, businesses can amaze their audience and aruse interest in specific destinatins r accmmdatins.
    VR in turism ges beynd leisure; it als plays a vital rle in educatin and cultural preservatin. By digitally dcumenting, archiving (把……归档) and sharing its infrmatin, the nnprfit CyArk is aiding in the preservatin f endangered cultural heritage sites thrugh VR explratin. T fster a brader understanding f the wrld, students can nw take virtual field trips t frmerly inaccessible histrical sites and cultural landmarks.
    24. Which f the fllwing is NOT the advantage f turing via virtual reality?
    A. reasnable expensesB. gegraphical limits
    C. pre-trip decisinsD. cultural awareness
    25. Which ne f the fllwing is the characteristic f sterescpic?
    A. Yu can explre the entire area n yur phne.
    B. Yu can actually be present at yur destinatin.
    C. Yu can explre each new scene by dragging acrss the screen.
    D. The sftware in the headsets is necessary and helpful.
    26. VR in turism can benefit the fllwing except ______?
    A. travel enthusiasts with a tight schedule
    B. disabled peple with accessibility challenges
    C. turism-related businesses
    D. students eager t experience practical field trips
    27. Where can yu prbably find the passage?
    A. a gegraphy text bkB. a turist advertisement
    C. a scientific websiteD. a health guide handbk
    【答案】24. B 25. D 26. D 27. C
    【24题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“This innvative technlgy is reshaping the way peple experience destinatins by breaking dwn gegraphical barriers and prviding unique jurneys.(这项创新技术通过打破地理障碍和提供独特的旅程,重塑了人们体验目的地的方式)”可知,地理限制不是虚拟现实旅游的优势。故选B。
    【25题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“Sterescpic VR vides use VR headsets that make yu feel as if yu were actually present at a destinatin. The sftware in the headsets tracks yur head mvement, s by just turning yur head, yu can explre each new scene in a mre realistic way. N matter which methd yu chse t “travel,” these virtual travel experiences aim t give yu a credible experience.(立体VR视频使用VR头显,让你感觉好像你真的在目的地。耳机中的软件会跟踪你的头部运动,所以只要转动你的头,你就可以以更逼真的方式探索每个新场景。无论你选择哪种方式“旅行”,这些虚拟旅行体验都旨在给你一个可信的体验)”可知,耳机里的软件是必要且有用的是立体VR的特征。故选D。
    【26题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Besides inspecting an area that yu might want t visit but can’t, yu can virtually preview a place and make mre infrmed decisins abut it.(除了参观一个你可能想去但不能去的地方,你还可以虚拟预览一个地方,并做出更明智的决定)”以及“Make n mistake, travel agencies, htels and destinatin marketing rganizatins are using this tl t their advantage. By creating virtual experiences, businesses can amaze their audience and aruse interest in specific destinatins r accmmdatins.(毫无疑问,旅行社、酒店和目的地营销组织都在利用这一工具。通过创造虚拟体验,企业可以让他们的受众感到惊讶,并引起对特定目的地或住宿的兴趣)”可知,D选项“学生渴望体验实际的实地考察”不是受益的方面。故选D。
    【27题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“Have yu ever lnged t take a trip, but yu just dn’t have the time r the financial resurces? If s, cnsider turing via virtual reality (VR), which has embraced turism with pen arms. This innvative technlgy is reshaping the way peple experience destinatins by breaking dwn gegraphical barriers and prviding unique jurneys. An AI tur is cst-effective and allws yu t see the wrld withut leaving the cmfrt f yur living rm.(你是否曾经渴望去旅行,但你只是没有时间或经济资源?如果是这样,可以考虑通过虚拟现实旅游,VR已经张开双臂拥抱旅游业。这项创新技术通过打破地理障碍和提供独特的旅程,重塑了人们体验目的地的方式。人工智能之旅成本低廉,让你不用离开舒适的客厅就能看到世界)”结合文章主要说明了虚拟现实旅游的好处以及操作原理。可知,文章选自科学网站。故选C。
    The Mystery f Dark Matter
    Astrnmers have lng knwn that the visible matter in the universe cannt accunt fr all f the gravitatinal frces that are hlding galaxies tgether. There simply isn’t enugh mass in stars, gas, and dust t explain why galaxies aren’t flying apart. The slutin t this prblem is t pstulate (假定) the existence f dark matter, a hypthetical (假定的) substance that can’t be seen but whse presence can be inferred frm its gravitatinal effects.
    There are several candidate particles (粒子) that might make up dark matter. One f the mst ppular is the WIMP (weakly interacting massive particle). WIMPs are predicted by sme extensins f the Standard Mdel f particle physics, and they wuld interact with nrmal matter nly via the weak frce and gravity.
    A number f experiments have been carried ut in an attempt t detect WIMPs, but s far nne have succeeded. Hwever, new experiments are being develped that will be much mre sensitive t the presence f WIMPs.
    Althugh the evidence fr dark matter is very strng, there is still much that we dn’t knw abut it. Fr example, we dn’t knw what dark matter is made f, hw much f it there is, r whether it interacts with itself in any way ther than thrugh gravity.
    Despite these uncertainties, the cncept f dark matter is very useful fr explaining the prperties (性质) f the universe n a large scale. In fact, it has becme an essential part f ur understanding f hw the universe evlved.
    28. What is the prblem that dark matter slves?
    A. It explains why galaxies are flying apart.
    B. It accunts fr all the matter in the universe.
    C. It describes the prperties f visible matter.
    D. It prvides a hypthetical substance fr astrnmers t study.
    29. What is a WIMP?
    A. a massive star
    B. a substance made f gas and dust
    C. a hypthetical particle that interacts weakly with nrmal matter.
    D. a thery that explains the prperties f dark matter
    30. What is the current status f experiments t detect WIMPs?
    A. They have all been successful.B. They have all failed.
    C. They have been incnclusive.D. They are being develped t be mre sensitive.
    31. What is the main idea f the passage?
    A. Dark matter is a mysterius substance.
    B. WIMPs are the key t understanding dark matter.
    C. Experiments t detect dark matter have been unsuccessful.
    D. Dark matter is imprtant fr explaining the prperties f the universe.
    【答案】28. A 29. C 30. D 31. D
    【28题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段“There simply isn’t enugh mass in stars, gas, and dust t explain why galaxies aren’t flying apart. The slutin t this prblem is t pstulate (假定) the existence f dark matter, a hypthetical (假定的) substance that can’t be seen but whse presence can be inferred frm its gravitatinal effects.(恒星、气体和尘埃中没有足够的质量来解释为什么星系没有分开。这个问题的解决方案是假设暗物质的存在,这是一种无法看到的假想物质,但可以从它的引力效应推断出它的存在)”可知,暗物质解释了为什么星系会飞离。故选A。
    【29题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“WIMPs are predicted by sme extensins f the Standard Mdel f particle physics, and they wuld interact with nrmal matter nly via the weak frce and gravity.(WIMP是由粒子物理学标准模型的一些扩展所预测的,它们只会通过弱力和引力与正常物质相互作用)”可知,WIMP是一种假想的粒子,它与正常物质的相互作用很弱。故选C。
    【30题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“A number f experiments have been carried ut in an attempt t detect WIMPs, but s far nne have succeeded. Hwever, new experiments are being develped that will be much mre sensitive t the presence f WIMPs.(为了探测WIMP,已经进行了大量的实验,但到目前为止还没有成功。然而,正在开发的新实验将对WIMP的存在更加敏感)”可知,检测WIMP的实验目前正在被开发得更加敏感。故选D。
    【31题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段“There simply isn’t enugh mass in stars, gas, and dust t explain why galaxies aren’t flying apart. The slutin t this prblem is t pstulate (假定) the existence f dark matter, a hypthetical (假定的) substance that can’t be seen but whse presence can be inferred frm its gravitatinal effects.(恒星、气体和尘埃中没有足够的质量来解释为什么星系没有分开。这个问题的解决方案是假设暗物质的存在,这是一种无法看到的假想物质,但可以从它的引力效应推断出它的存在)”结合文章主要解释了什么是暗物质以及对于暗物质的研究。可知,这篇文章的主旨是暗物质对解释宇宙的性质很重要。故选D。
    Why are sme peple mre mtivated t handle difficult things? And is there a way t make ding difficult things easy? T answer this questin, we need t lk at this: dpamine (多巴胺). Dpamine is ften cnsidered a pleasure mlecule (分子). But that’s nt quite what it des. Dpamine is what makes us desire things. And it’s that desire that gives us the mtivatin t get up and d things.
    In fact, yur brain cnsiders smething mre imprtant than thers mainly depending n hw much dpamine it’s expecting t get. If an activity releases t little dpamine, yu wn’t have much mtivatin t d it. But if an activity releases a lt f dpamine, yu’ll be mtivated t repeat it, ver and ver. S which behavir releases dpamine? Any activity where yu expect there’s a pssible reward releases it.
    And in tday’s digital sciety, we are flding ur brains with unnaturally high amunts f dpamine n a daily basis, even if we dn’t knw it. Sme examples f high dpamine behavir include: visiting scial media websites, playing vide games, etc.
    And yu might think, “Oh s what? It’s nt like it’s harming me in any way.” But yu’d be wrng. Our bdies have a bilgical system called hmestasis (体内动态平衡). Whenever an imbalance ccurs, ur bdy adapts t it. Basically yur brain gets used t having high levels f dpamine and thse levels becme yur new nrmal. Thus yu develp a dpamine tlerance. This can be a huge prblem because the things that dn`t give yu as much dpamine dn’t interest yu any lnger. That’s why peple tend t prefer playing vide games r surfing the Internet, cmpared t studying r wrking n their business.
    But it is pssible t make ding difficult things feel easier. Separate yurself frm the unnaturally high amunts f dpamine, r at least expse yurself t it far less frequently. Only then will nrmal, everyday, lw dpamine activities becme exciting again and yu’ll be able t d them fr lnger. That’s why yu might want t limit yur phne and cmputer usage, alng with ther high dpamine-releasing behavir.
    We are all dpamine addicts t a certain extent. And that’s a gd thing because dpamine mtivates us t achieve ur gals and imprve urselves. But it’s up t yu t decide where yu’re ging t get yur dpamine. Are yu ging t get it frm things that dn’t benefit yu? Or are yu ging t get it frm wrking n yur lng-term gals? The chice is yurs.
    32. Accrding t the passage, dpamine is what __________.
    A. determines ur mindsetB. mtivates us t act
    C. enables us t tackle difficult tasksD. causes ur emtins
    33. What des paragraph 4 mainly tell us abut?
    A. The adaptability f ur brain.
    B. The prblem f dpamine tlerance.
    C. The imbalance f the dpamine levels.
    D. The bilgical system called hmestasis.
    34. What des the authr suggest t make ding difficult things feel easier?
    A. Reducing the usage f digital devices.
    B. Making difficult things mre exciting
    C. Frcing ur bdy t adapt t dpamine.
    D. Expsing urselves mre t scial media.
    35. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Being addicted t dpamine benefits us.
    B. Dpamine can be made use f t better urselves.
    C. Dpamine is t blame fr ur imprper behaviur.
    D. Wrking n lng-term gals releases mre dpamine.
    【答案】32. B 33. B 34. A 35. B
    【32题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句“Dpamine is what makes us desire things. And it’s that desire that gives us the mtivatin t get up and d things.(多巴胺让我们产生欲望。正是这种欲望给了我们起床做事的动力。)”可知,多巴胺可以给我们行动的动力。故选B。
    【33题详解】主旨大意题。根据第四段前两句“And yu might think, “Oh s what? It’s nt like it’s harming me in any way.” But yu’d be wrng.(你可能会想,“哦,那又怎样?这对我没有任何伤害。”但你错了。)”和第六句第七句“Thus yu develp a dpamine tlerance. This can be a huge prblem because the things that dn`t give yu as much dpamine dn’t interest yu any lnger.(因此,你会产生多巴胺耐受性。这可能是一个大问题,因为不能给你那么多多巴胺的事情不再让你感兴趣。)”可知,第四段主要是讲多巴胺耐受性会带来的问题。故选B。
    【34题详解】细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句“That’s why yu might want t limit yur phne and cmputer usage, alng with ther high dpamine-releasing behavir.(这就是为什么你可能想要限制手机和电脑的使用,以及其他高多巴胺释放行为。)”可知,作者建议通过减少使用数码设备让做困难的事情变得容易。故选A。
    【35题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“And that’s a gd thing because dpamine mtivates us t achieve ur gals and imprve urselves.(这是一件好事,因为多巴胺会激励我们实现目标,提高自我。)”可知,多巴胺可以用来提升自己。故选B。
    Using needles t help life’s energy flw
    Fr thusands f years, the Chinese have relieved pain and cured disease thrugh acupuncture (针灸). Evlving frm the discvery that using stne needles t prick (刺) specific pints n the surface f the bdy culd relieve pain and symptms, ____36____, in line with the philsphy that prmtes the harmnius cexistence f humans with nature.
    Accrding t Recrds f the Grand Histrian, written by Sima Qian abut 2,100 years ag, Bian Que, a highly skilled physician during the Warring States Perid (475-221 BC), was famus fr having saved a prince frm “death” by using needles t stimulate (刺激) the Baihui acupint n the head f the uncnscius man.
    Accrding t TCM, there are a dzen meridians (中医经脉) in the human bdy, ____37____. Cld, infectins r diseases can result in the blcking f the energy, and s stimulating the acupints can unblck stagnant (停滞的) qi, restre nrmal circulatin and imprve health.
    Tday, acupuncture is still widely used in China. Li Ming, a 41-year-ld wh wrks in media, says that acupuncture really helped treat the dry eyes she had been suffering frm since 2009. After trying many ther ways, ____38____.
    ____39____, and after mre than 130 visits, her symptms significantly decreased, and her eyes became mist enugh fr her t restart her wrk in 2013.
    In 2010, UNESCO put acupuncture and mxibustin f TCM n the Representative List f Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity. ____40____, but als a medical technique widely used and researched tday.
    A. a friend suggested she turn t a dctr at Beijing Tngren Hspital wh excelled in treating the cnditin with acupuncture
    B. Yet, the practice is nt just cultural and histrical
    C. acupuncture has becme a necessary part f traditinal Chinese medicine
    D. where they can enjy the basic pleasures as a human
    E. Li’s treatment lasted ne and a half years
    F. where the qi, r life energy, circulates t nurish (滋养) the rgans
    G. Hwever, it is cmmnly believed that a successful surgery is the end f cmplete cure
    【答案】36. C 37. F 38. A 39. E 40. B
    【36题详解】根据上文“Fr thusands f years, the Chinese have relieved pain and cured disease thrugh acupuncture (针灸). (几千年来,中国人一直通过针灸来缓解疼痛和治疗疾病。)”可知,本句承接上文,说明针灸在中医中的重要地位。故C选项“针灸已经成为中医必不可少的一部分”符合语境,故选C。
    【37题详解】根据上文“Accrding t TCM, there are a dzen meridians (中医经脉) in the human bdy (根据中医,人体有十多条经络)”可知,本句承接上文,解释说明经脉的作用。故F选项“在这里,气或生命能量循环,滋养器官”符合语境,故选F。
    【38题详解】根据上文“Tday, acupuncture is still widely used in China. Li Ming, a 41-year-ld wh wrks in media, says that acupuncture really helped treat the dry eyes she had been suffering frm since 2009. After trying many ther ways (今天,针灸在中国仍被广泛使用。41岁的李明在媒体工作,她说针灸确实有助于治疗她自2009年以来一直患有的干眼症。在尝试了许多其他方法之后)”可知,本句主要说明李明在尝试多次之后的采取的治疗方法。故A选项“一位朋友建议她去找北京同仁医院的一位擅长针灸治疗的医生”符合语境,故选A。
    【39题详解】根据后文“and after mre than 130 visits, her symptms significantly decreased, and her eyes became mist enugh fr her t restart her wrk in 2013.(在130多次就诊后,她的症状明显减轻,她的眼睛变得足够湿润,可以在2013年重新开始工作)”可知,本段主要说明了病人的治疗过程。故E选项“李的治疗持续了一年半”符合语境,故选E。
    【40题详解】根据后文“but als a medical technique widely used and researched tday (也是一种今天被广泛使用和研究的医疗技术)”可知,后文提到了如今的应用,推测本句是在说明过去的应用,B选项中nt nly与后文but als组成nt nly…but als…句型。故B选项“然而,这种做法不仅仅是文化和历史上的”符合语境,故选B。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    The view frm the tp was breathtaking. It was 2023 and I had just climbed the Hvannadals Peak in Iceland, almst seven years after becming ____41____ frm the chest dwn after a climbing fall. My tw teammates and I were n ur way t becming the first all-disabled team t crss Eurpe’s largest icecap, unsupprted and ____42____.
    Frm ur start pint at the western edge f the Vatnajkull, we faced a ____43____, tugh landscape. We wuld need t ____44____ thrugh strm-frce winds and wrk as a team t vercme the ____45____ f ur spinal crd (脊髓) injuries. This was ging t be the ____46____ challenge f my life. The plan was t ____47____ frm the base f the ice cap t its highest pint, the Hvannadals Peak. ____48____ tgether, we started tward the frzen hrizn, dragging tw sledges laden with equipment behind us. Just 10 minutes int ur jurney, I was already beginning t feel the ____49____ n my shulders and arms as I used my upper bdy t ____50____ my sit-ski up the steady slpe. The ____51____ f ur equipment was a cnstant frm f resistance as it dragged stubbrnly thrugh the snw behind us.
    After 11 ____52____ days, and cuntless falls, slips and setbacks, ur team f three ____53____ the eastern edge f the Vatnajkull glacier. We had vercme the dds, brken thrugh ur physical limitatins and achieved success.
    I realised that this jurney was abut embracing the pwer f resilience (复原力), finding strength in tugh mments and discvering that I was just as ____54____ as I always had been. N lnger did I cnsider myself disabled r injured, because, if I culd reach the ____55____ f a remte ice cap, I culd vercme the frustratins and setbacks f day-t-day life with resilience and perseverance.
    41. A. survivedB. enabledC. paralysedD. repeated
    42. A. unfldedB. unassistedC. undneD. unwrapped
    43. A. fantasticB. frzenC. wateryD. rlling
    44. A. battleB. breatheC. turnD. leaf
    45. A. resistanceB. prspectsC. limitsD. difficulties
    46. A. widestB. tughestC. ablestD. laziest
    47. A. cntinueB. claimC. accessD. climb
    48. A. Carrying nB. Setting ffC. Resulting inD. Dressing up
    49. A. stressB. painC. serviceD. weight
    50. A. maintainB. seekC. selectD. press
    51. A. weightB. chainC. agencyD. signal
    52. A. dynamicB. hard-filledC. energeticD. efficient
    53. A. shulderedB. resundedC. apprachedD. reflected
    54. A. qualifiedB. suitableC. able-mindedD. cmpetitive
    55. A. peakB. sptC. landmarkD. ple
    【答案】41. C 42. B 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. B 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. A 51. A 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. A
    【41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:那是2023年,我刚刚登上了冰岛的Hvannadals Peak山峰,这距离我在一次攀岩事故后胸部以下瘫痪已经过去了将近七年。A. survived幸存;B. enabled使能够;C. paralysed瘫痪;D. repeated重复。根据下文“frm the chest dwn after a climbing fall”可知,作者因攀岩坠落而从胸部以下瘫痪。故选C。
    【42题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我和我的两名队友即将成为第一支在无人支持和无人协助的情况下穿越欧洲最大冰盖的全残疾人队伍。A. unflded展开的;B. unassisted无协助的;C. undne未完成的;D. unwrapped解开的。根据上文“unsupprted”可知,此处指无支持且不借助外力帮助的全残疾人队伍。故选B。
    【43题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:从Vatnajökull冰川西缘的起点开始,我们面对着冰冻的、艰苦的地形。A. fantastic奇妙的;B. frzen冰冻的;C. watery多水的;D. rlling起伏的。根据上文“crss Eurpe’s largest icecap”及下文“strm-frce winds 可知,他们是在冰川上,这里指冰冻的、艰苦的地形。故选B。
    【44题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们需要与风暴级别的强风作战,并作为一个团队合作来克服我们脊髓损伤带来的限制。A. battle战斗;B. breathe呼吸;C. turn转向;D. leaf翻页。根据下文“thrugh strm-frce winds”可知,这里指对抗恶劣天气条件,在暴风雪中战斗。故选A。
    【45题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们需要与风暴级别的强风作战,并作为一个团队合作来克服我们脊髓损伤带来的限制。A. resistance抵抗;B. prspects前景;C. limits限制;D. difficulties困难。根据下文“f ur spinal crd (脊髓) injuries”可知,这里指的是由脊髓损伤带来的身体上的局限性。故选C。
    【46题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这将是我生命中最艰难的挑战。A. widest最宽的;B. tughest最艰难的;C. ablest最有能力的;D. laziest最懒惰的。根据上文内容以及下文“challenge f my life”可知,这里指的是这次挑战将是他们所面临的最艰难的一次。故选B。
    【47题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:计划是从冰盖底部攀登到它的最高点,即Hvannadals Peak。A. cntinue继续;B. claim声称;C. access访问,进入;D. climb攀登,爬。根据下文“frm the base f the ice cap t its highest pint”可知,这里指从冰川底部攀登至顶峰。故选D。
    【48题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:一起出发,我们朝着冰封的地平线开始行进,身后拖着两辆装载着装备的雪橇。A. Carrying n继续;B. Setting ff出发;C. Resulting in导致;D. Dressing up打扮。根据下文“we started tward the frzen hrizn”可知,这里指开始他们的探险之旅,一起出发。故选B。
    【49题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:仅仅在行程开始后的10分钟内,我就已经开始感受到肩膀和手臂的疼痛,因为我使用上半身的力量来保持我的坐式滑雪板稳定地向上坡行进。A. stress压力;B. pain疼痛;C. service服务;D. weight重量。根据下文“n my shulders and arms”可知,这里指由于努力拉动雪橇而产生的肩膀和手臂上的疼痛。故选B。
    【50题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:仅仅在行程开始后的10分钟内,我就已经开始感受到肩膀和手臂的疼痛,因为我使用上半身的力量来保持我的坐式滑雪板稳定地向上坡行进。A. maintain维持;B. seek寻找;C. select选择;D. press按压。根据下文“my sit-ski up the steady slpe”可知,这里描述的是用上半身力量保持坐式滑雪板前进的动作。故选A。
    【51题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的装备重量成了持续不断的阻力,因为它固执地在我们身后的雪地中被拖拽着。A. weight重量;B. chain链条;C. agency代理处;D. signal信号。根据下文“f ur equipment was a cnstant frm f resistance as it dragged stubbrnly thrugh the snw behind us”可知,这里指的是装备本身的重量。故选A。
    【52题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:经过11天艰难的日子,无数次跌倒、滑倒和挫折之后,我们三人终于接近了Vatnajökull冰川东缘。A. dynamic动态的;B. hard-filled充满艰难的;C. energetic精力充沛的;D. efficient高效的。根据下文“and cuntless falls, slips and setbacks”可知,这里描述的是经历了一段充满困难的时间。故选B。
    【53题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:经过11天艰难的日子,无数次跌倒、滑倒和挫折之后,我们三人终于接近了Vatnajökull冰川东缘。A. shuldered承担;B. resunded回响;C. apprached接近;D. reflected反思。根据下文“the eastern edge f the Vatnajkull glacier”可知,这里描述的是他们接近冰川东缘的情景。故选C。
    【54题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我意识到这次旅行是关于拥抱复原力的力量,发现艰难时刻的力量,并且认识到我仍然像以前一样有能力。A. qualified有资格的;B. suitable合适的;C. able-minded有能力的;D. cmpetitive有竞争力的。根据下文“as I always had been”可知,这里强调的是个人的能力没有因为残疾而减少,和以前一样有能力。故选C。
    【55题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不再认为自己是残疾或受伤的人,因为如果我能到达一个遥远冰盖的顶峰,我就能以韧性和毅力克服日常生活中的挫折和阻碍。A. peak顶峰;B. spt地点;C. landmark地标;D. ple极点。根据上文“frm the base f the ice cap t its highest pint”可知,这里指达到冰盖的顶峰。故选A。
    Cai Mingcan, a 47-year-ld artist in Chngqing, Suthwest China, wh ____56____ (preserve) Tngliang dragn dance fr 30 years, is glad t see it gaining ____57____ (ppular), especially amng the yung.
    Tngliang, a district in Chngqing, claims ____58____ (be) the hme f the cuntry’s best dragn dance perfrmance, a natinally ____59____ (list) intangible cultural heritage. One f the best practitiners in the area is the Natinal Tngliang Dragn Dance Trupe, ____60____ was hnred as such by the Chinese Dragn and Lin Dance Sprts Assciatin in 1999.
    Cai, the nly prfessinal artist amng a ____61____ (hand) f city Tngliang dragn dance inheritrs, became cach f the trupe (巡演) in 2012. The trupe f mre than 50 perfrmers ____62____ (cnsist) f the natinal team and three ther teams. The Tngliang dragn dance has been shwcased at such majr events as China’s Natinal Day celebratins.
    The Tngliang dragn dance dates back t the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) dynasties, ____63____ peple prayed fr rain by wrshipping the rain-bringing dragn kings, wh in Chinese mythlgy lrd ver the seas and cntrl the weather. The traditin gradually turned int a flk ____64____ (recreatin) activity during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, typically during the Lantern Festival.
    “The dance has cntinued t thrive and even has prfund meanings in the cntemprary era,’’ said Cai, _____65_____ (add) that in Chinese culture, the mythical creature is assciated with pwer, nbility, fertility, wisdm and auspiciusness (兴盛).
    【答案】56. has been preserving 57. ppularity 58. t be 59. listed 60. which 61. handful 62. cnsists 63. when 64. recreatinal 65. adding
    【56题详解】考查时态。句意:47岁的蔡明灿是中国西南部重庆市的一名艺术家,他已经保存铜梁舞龙30年了,他很高兴看到它越来越受欢迎,尤其是在年轻人中。根据后文fr 30 years可知表示动作发生在过去,持续到现在不间断,定语从句谓语动词preserve用现在完成进行时,定语从句主语wh指代先行词Cai Mingcan,助动词用has。故填has been preserving。
    【58题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:重庆市铜梁区号称是全国最优秀的舞龙表演之乡,舞龙表演已被列入国家非物质文化遗产名录。短语claim t d sth.表示“号称……”,be用不定式形式。故填t be。
    【59题详解】考查形容词。句意:重庆市铜梁区号称是全国最优秀的舞龙表演之乡,舞龙表演已被列入国家非物质文化遗产名录。形容词listed (列入文物保护名册的)作前置定语,修饰名词短语intangible cultural heritage。故填listed。
    【60题详解】考查定语从句。句意:国家铜梁舞龙团是该地区最好的舞龙团之一,1999年被中国舞龙舞狮体育协会授予最佳舞龙团称号。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词the Natinal Tngliang Dragn Dance Trupe,先行词指物,关系词替代先行词在从句作主语,用关系代词which。故填which。
    【61题详解】考查固定短语。句意:蔡明灿是铜梁市少数龙舞传承人中唯一的专业艺术家,2012年成为该团的教练。短语a handful f表示“少数”。故填handful。
    【62题详解】考查时态。句意:这个由50多名演员组成的剧团由国家队和其他三个队组成。cnsist f无被动形式,陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为The trupe f mre than 50 perfrmers,谓语用三单形式。故填cnsists。
    【63题详解】考查定语从句。句意:铜梁舞龙可以追溯到隋朝(581-618)和唐朝(618-907),当时人们通过崇拜带来雨水的龙王来祈求下雨,龙王在中国神话中统治海洋并控制天气。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) dynasties,关系词替代先行词在从句作时间状语,用关系副词when。故填when。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假如你是李华,上周五你参加了学校组织的游学活动,你对此感受颇深,请据此写一篇英文日记,内容包括:
    参考:游学:Study Tur
    【答案】April 22, 2024 Mnday Sunny
    Last Friday, I had the chance t jin a schl study tur that had a strng impact n me.
    We visited Baji Brnze Museum, an amazing place where bjects with a rich histry were exhibited frm 2:30 t 4:30 in the afternn. The well-preserved brnze ware as well as jade and gld vessel impressed me. The primitive style and superb carvings shwed the skills f ancient craftsmen. Explring the exhibitin gallery felt like traveling back in time. I learned abut the daily lives f the peple wh lived there thrugh ld bjects.
    This study tur made me appreciate ur culture mre and sparked my interest in explring ther histrical places.
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    On 5 July this year, I was at hme alne in Abingdn, Oxfrdshire, playing an nline game. I didn’t think a rainy Mnday night wuld ever g wrng. Thunder (雷声) crashed in the distance as I sat n my sfa. Rain was drpping n the windw and a cl wind blew n t my shulders frm the pen windw behind me.
    At 10 p.m., I heard a thunder which was s lud that l thught it was an explsin (爆炸). Then it was as if smething extremely heavy suddenly drpped n my bdy. I culdn’t mve a little; then I felt ht and cld at the same time. Wrse still, I felt heavy and faint. Next came the smell f burnt meat- I lked dwn at my right arm and saw that it was burning. I cried at nce and rushed upstairs in shck and sharp pain t lk fr my neighbur, Arn, t get help.
    He was frightened when seeing me and came t my rescue immediately, catching a wet twel (毛巾) ver my arm and trying t judge what had happened. He ran t the living rm, thinking the TV might have explded, and was puzzled when everything seemed t be fine. He rang his dctr friends hurriedly, and they advised him t take me t the hspital in n time. I, t, was trying t find ut what had happened, hlding my arm in great pain as it cntinued burning. I culdn’t think straight and clearly because I felt at a lss ttally till we gt t the hspital. When we entered the emergency rm, Arn said, “I think she might have been struck by lightning.”
    Everyne in the rm lked at me with cncern and the rm went quiet.
    I was s lucky and grateful t survive the lightning strike.
    【答案】Everyne in the rm lked at me with cncern and the rm went quiet. When the dctrs tk the twel ff and saw the burn n my arm, they cnfirmed I had been struck by lightning, saying “withut Arn sending yu here in time, the situatin wuld be wrse.” Withut delay, they fund ut the best way t treat me. Arn kept me cmpany, giving me cnsiderate care and cmfrt, which was a great relief t me. After a treatment f ten hurs, I came t recver and was ut f hspital.
    I was s lucky and grateful t survive the lightning strike. I think I was frtunate because I had my nice neighbur Arn and ther friends, wh were there all the time. I was very grateful t my neighbr, wh didn’t hesitate t give me a helping hand selfishly. Every time I think f the experience, I feel a strng sense f happiness and appreciatin surging int my mind.

    [英语]2023_2024学年陕西宝鸡渭滨区高二下学期期末英语试卷(质量监测)(原题版+解析版): 这是一份[英语]2023_2024学年陕西宝鸡渭滨区高二下学期期末英语试卷(质量监测)(原题版+解析版),文件包含英语2023_2024学年陕西宝鸡渭滨区高二下学期期末英语试卷质量监测解析版docx、英语2023_2024学年陕西宝鸡渭滨区高二下学期期末英语试卷质量监测解析版pdf、英语2023_2024学年陕西宝鸡渭滨区高二下学期期末英语试卷质量监测原题版docx、英语2023_2024学年陕西宝鸡渭滨区高二下学期期末英语试卷质量监测原题版pdf等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共48页, 欢迎下载使用。

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