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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet学案设计

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet学案设计,共14页。学案主要包含了重点单词,重要语言点,阅读理解,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. discunt n.折扣vt.打折扣;打折出售
    2. case n.盒;箱;情况;案件;病例
    3. accunt n.账户;账目;说明;解释;叙述
    4. in shape 状况良好
    1. Laura needs an app that will help her get discunts.
    discunt (1)discunt n.折扣
    at a discunt打折
    at 以的折扣
    (2)discunt vt.打折扣
    ①We give 10 percent discunt (折扣)fr cash.
    ②The theatre gives a 10% discunt (打折) t parties f mre than ten.
    ③These shirts are sld at a discunt because sme sizes are nt available.
    ④There's a discunt (打折扣)fr these sample cpies.
    2. Xia B is lking fr an exercise app t help him get in shape.小波正在寻找一款运动应用程序来帮助他健身。
    in shape状况良好
    get/stay in shape保持良好身材
    be back in shape回到良好状态
    in the shape f 的形状
    in gd/bad/pr shape身体健康/不健康;状态好/不好
    ut f shape变形的,走样的;健康状况不好
    get int shape强身健体
    ①My grandmther is still in gd shape (身体健康).
    ②My rm is in the shape f (的形状)a square.
    3. Bth f Xia B's apps keep track f the steps he takes.小波的两个应用程序都记录了他所采取的步骤。
    keep track f 掌握最新消息;了解的动态
    lse track f 不了解情况; 失去联系
    n the right/wrng track思路正确/错误
    track and field田径;田径赛
    track dwn 追踪到;追查到
    ①As a dctr James has t keep track f (掌握...最新消息) the latest develpments in medicine.
    ②He finally managed t track dwn(追踪到;追查到) the bk he wanted.
    4. Laura needs an app that will add mney t her bank accunt.
    accunt n.账户;描述 v.认为
    pen an accunt开户 accunt fr是的原因;解释,说明
    accunt把考虑在内 n accunt f 因为
    n n accunt决不
    ①I pened a savings accunt (账户)at my lcal bank.
    ②We'll pen an accunt(开户)with yur bank sn.
    ③Take int accunt (把考虑在内) yur wn strengths and weaknesses.
    5. It's my wallet and my mbile phne case.这是我的钱夹和手机盒。
    case n.情况;病例;案例;容器;箱子
    in case万一;以防;以免 in case f 如果发生;假设;万一
    in any case无论如何 in that/this case假使那样/这样的话!
    in n case决不;在任何情况下都不(放在句首时,用部分倒装)
    as is ften the case (with...)对说是常有的事
    ① In case (万一;以防;以免) yu shuld need any help, here's my number.
    ②It wuld be safer t take mre mney with yu in case f (如果发生;假设;万一) emergency.
    ③In any case,(无论如何) if I culd d it again, I'd still make the same chice.
    6. Rather than ging ut t stres weekly r even daily, mre and mre peple rder things frm clthes t tys t fds nline and have them delivered directly t their hmes. 越来越多的人从网上订购从衣服到玩具和食物之类的东西并让人把它们直接送到家里来人而不是每周甚至每天去商店。
    rather than 而不是;与其; 不愿;与其说不如 (连接两个并列成分)。
    rather than连接的两个并列成分作主语时,谓语与rather than前面的成分在人称和数上保持一致。
    rather than 可以接不定式
    eg:I decided t write rather than (t) telephne. 我决定写信而不打电话。
    注意:rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带t,也可以不带t, 如上句。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带t 的不定式。例如:Rather than allw the vegetables t g bad, he sld them at half price.
    注意:常见的含rather than的句型:
    B wuld rather d A than d B
    wuld d A rather than d B
    prefer t d A rather than d B
    ①Liu Hulan wuld rather (宁愿做而不愿做)die than surrender befre the enemy.
    ②I prefer t d sme sprts rather than (宁愿做而不愿做)stay at hme.
    1.Tm always ges jgging in the mrning and he usually dcs push-ups t t stay________(好身材).
    2.Yu have been sitting n my hat and nw it is badly________(变形).
    3.After a night's rest, he was_________(回到良好状态).
    4.I’ve __________(不记得) hw many times I’ve seen that mvie.
    5.My aunt is gd at bargaining and she always buys things________(打折).
    6.We'll_________(享有折扣) if we pay befre the fifteenth f the mnth.
    7.It is said that bdy language_________(占) 55 per cent f a first impressin
    while what yu say just 7 per cent.
    8.I_______(开账户)after I made $ 1, 000 by ding a part-time jb during the summer vacatin.
    9.I'll be ut fr sme time.___________(如果) anything imprtant happens, call
    me up immediately.
    10.Anybdy shuld________(无论如何不) be allwed t stay here.
    Emji (表情符号) and Wrkplace Cmmunicatin
    In Asia,messaging platfrms are grwing rapidly,with users in the hundreds f millins,bth at wrk and play. 16 . It's been reprted that 76 percent f emplyees in sme western cuntries are using emjis at wrk.
    Written cmmunicatins can ften read as cld and dull. Using emjis can add humr and feeling, keeping intentin clear. 17 , encuraging better and mre frequent cmmunicatin.
    In any given ffice,emplyees can range frm age 22 t 70 and beynd, and finding cmmn grund in cmmunicatin style can be a challenge. 18 . While the
    yunger generatins prefer t cmmunicate visually, fr thse used t wrking with traditinal tls like email, it may feel like a learning curve (曲线). The gd news is that it's simple t learn and can be wrth the effrt.
    There is als the matter f tne (语气). Wh hasn't received an email s annying that it ruined an entire day? 19 .Emji can help cmmunicatin feel friendlier,and even a serius nte can be sftened with an encuraging smile.
    20 , and emji can cntribute directly t that psitive that psitive utcme. And when yur emplyees begin adding smiling emjis t their business cmmunicatin, yu’ll knw yu have succeeded in imprving yur wrk culture.
    A. Messages with emjis feel mre cnversatinal
    B. Even a frmal email can seem cld and unfriendly
    C. Sending smiling faces t clleagues may seem strange
    D. The ppularity f these platfrms is spreading glbally
    E. Giving emplyees the tls enables them t cmmunicate hnestly
    F. Studies shw that friendlier cmmunicatin leads t a happier wrkplace
    G. An easy way t bring all wrk generatins tgether is with a chat platfrm
    TikTk is an app fr making and sharing shrt vides. The vides are tall, nt square, like n Snap chat r Instagram’s stries, but yu navigate thrugh (浏览)vides by scrlling up and dwn, like a feed, nt by tapping r swiping side t side. Vide creatrs have all srts f tls at their dispsal: filters as n Snap chat (and later, everyne else); the ability t search fr sunds t scre yur vide. Users are als strngly encuraged t engage with ther users, thrugh “respnse” vides r by means f “duets” — users can duplicate vides and add themselves alngside.
    Hashtags play a surprisingly large rle n TikTk. In mre inncent times, Twitter hped its users might cngregate arund hashtags in a never-ending series f prductive pp-up mini-discurses. On TikTk, hashtags(话题标签)actually exist as a real, functinal rganizing principle: nt fr news, r even really anything trending anywhere else than TikTk, but fr varius “challenges,” r jkes, r repeating frmats, r ther discernible blbs f activity.
    TikTk is, hwever, a free-fr-all. It’s easy t make a vide n TikTk, nt just because f the tls it gives users, but because f extensive reasns and prmpts it prvides fr yu. Yu can select frm an enrmus range f sunds, frm ppular sng clips t shrt mments frm TV shws, YuTube vides r ther TikTks. Yu can jin a dare-like challenge, r participate in a dance meme, r make a jke. Or yu can make fun f all f these things.
    TikTk assertively answers anyne’s what shuld I watch with a fld. In the same way, the app prvides plenty f answers fr the paralyzing what shuld I pst? The result is an endless unspling f material that peple, many very yung, might be t self-cnscius t pst n Instagram, r that they never wuld have cme up with in the first place withut a nudge. It can be hard t watch. It can be charming. It can be very, very funny. It is frequently, in the language widely applied utside the platfrm, frm peple n ther platfrms, extremely “cringe”.
    1.What des the wrd “cringe” in the last paragraph means?
    A.be afraid f smethingB.be satisfied with cmpletely new things
    2.What activities can yu participate in n TikTk?
    Ⅰ. imitate interesting dance actins Ⅱ. editing yur favurite TV prgramme perid
    Ⅲ. creating yur wn challenges Ⅳ. making a jke
    A.Ⅰ,Ⅲ and ⅣB.Ⅰ,Ⅱ and ⅢC.Ⅱ,Ⅲ and ⅣD.Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅳ
    3.Hw d the writer start the article?
    A.By asking cntinuus questins.B.By intrducing what is TikTk.
    C.By intrducing TikTk vides.D.By giving examples f usage f TikTk in life.
    4.What is the writer’s attitude twards Tiktk?
    A.Psitive. B.Wrried.
    C.N attitude since it is an argumentatin.D.Bring.
    1.假定你是李华,是学校机器人俱乐部 (rbt club) 的主席,俱乐部即将举办机器人设计比赛。请你给外教Mr. Brwn写封邮件,邀请他担任比赛的评委。
    I fetched my mail as usual. Suddenly a clrful flyer (传单) jumped int my sight. In the middle was a drawing f an ld-fashined phne, like the ne my great-aunt Sara wned 40 years ag and at the bttm was a phne number. Running ver it, I culdn't help laughing.
    "Is that mail funny?" my ten - year - ld daughter, Jenny, asked.
    "Nt really," I admitted. "It's abut the wake-up service. Outdated already."
    "What's that?" she frwned (皱眉). I explained hw, befre smart-phnes, peple smetimes paid smene t wake them with a call.
    "Wh sent this flyer?" she pressed.
    I shk my head. "Prbably smene lder and he culd need sme mney," I said.
    Her eyes lit up. "Can we rder a wake-up service?" she asked.
    "N kidding. With smart phnes at hand, wh will need it? And it's nt cheap at all. $ 2.5 per day." I picked up the flyer and headed fr the recycling bin.
    "Wait!" she shuted.
    "I feel srry fr the wake - up man, if he needs sme mney," she said in tears. "Can't we rder?"
    I lked at the flyer with its drawing f an ld - fashined phne. I remembered, again, my great - aunt Sara and her ld phne. As a kid, I used t visit her ver Labr Day when Jerry Lewis wuld hst his charity (慈善) event fr the disabled kids. Aunt Sara wuld grasp my hand tightly and then reach fr the telephne, dialing the number n the screen. Hlding the receiver between us, we'd annunce t the peratr, "We'd like t help thse kids."
    But nw here was my wn child, shwing the same heart I had nce been encuraged t have, and hw culd I ignre (不理睬) her? I ggled the flyer's telephne number. The number belnged t a man called Raymnd.
    Paragraph 1:
    Jenny dialed the number.
    Paragraph 2:
    "Ring, ring, ring" went the phne at 6 'clck sharp.
    1.[答案]in shape
    2.[答案]ut f shape
    3.[答案]back in shape
    4.[答案]lst track f
    5.[答案]at a discunt
    6.[答案]get a discunt
    7.[答案]accunts fr句意: 据说肢体语言占第一印象的55%,而你说的话只占7%。
    8.[答案]pened an accunt
    9.[答案]In case
    10.[答案]in n case
    16.D关联逻辑法解题。根据空前一句可知,信息平台在亚洲增长很快,而空后提到据报道,在一些西方国家,76%的员工在工作中使用表情符号,故可判断选项D“这些平台的普及正蔓延至全球”承上启下。空前一句中的platfrms与选项D中的platfrms相呼应,空前一句中的in Asia与空后一句中的in sme western cuntries与glbally相呼应。
    17.A词汇锁定法解题。空前一句中的emjis与选项A中的emjis相呼应,mre cnversatinal (更适合交谈)与空格后的mre frequent cmmunicatin (更频繁的交流)相呼应。句意:使用表情符号可以增加幽默感和感情,保持意图清晰。带有表情符号的信息让人感觉更适合交谈,鼓励更好、更频繁的交流。
    18.G关联逻辑法解题。空前的frm age 22 t 70 and beynd与选项G中的all wrk generatins相呼应。句意:在任何特定的办公室,员工的年龄从22岁到70岁甚至更大,在交流方式上找到共同点可能是一项挑战。将所有年龄的工作人员聚集在一起的一个简单方法就是使用一个聊天平台。
    19.B关联逻辑法解题。根据前一句“Wh hasn't received an email s annying that it ruined an entire day? (谁没有收到过如此令人生气的电子邮件以至于它毁掉一整天呢?)”和后文介绍表情符号的优点可知,这里是陈述电子邮件的缺点,所以选项B“即使是一封正式的电子邮件也会显得冷冰冰、不友好”与上文语意承接,故为答案。空前的email与选项B中的email相呼应。
    表示上下文之间递进关系的词语有besides , in additin, what's mre, mrever, furthermre, even wrse等。例如19题,根据选项中B的even可以看出,该选项与上文有递进关系。
    20.F关联逻辑法解题。根据下文and emji can cntribute directly t that psitive utcme可知,表情符号可以直接促成这种积极的结果。纵观各项,只有选项F提出了这种积极的结果:研究表明,更友好的交流营造更快乐的工作场所。a happier wrkplace与that psitive utcme相呼应。
    cmmunicatin n.交流messaging platfrm信息平台
    dull adj.无趣的;呆滞的;迟钝的intentin n.意图;目的;意向range 范围从到; visually adv.视觉上;sften v (使)缓和; (使)变柔软a psitive utcme积极的结果;cnversatinal adj. (谈话的风格、用语等)非正式的,口语的;谈话的
    While the yunger generatins prefer t cmmunicate visually,fr thse used t wrking with traditinal tls like email, it may feel like a learning curve.虽然年轻一代更喜欢视觉交流,但对于那些习惯使用电子邮件等传统工具工作的人来说,这可能感觉像是一个学习的过程。
    分析:本句是主从复合句。while引导的是让步状语从句,it may feel like a learning curve是主句。used t wrking with traditinal tls like email 是形容词短语作后置定语,修饰thse。
    1.词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段第三句话“The result is an endless unspling f material that peple, many very yung, might be t self-cnscius t pst n Instagram, r that they never wuld have cme up with in the first place withut a nudge.”(其结果是无休止地对素材进行解构,许多非常年轻的人可能过于自觉而无法在Instagram上发布这些素材,或者如果没有推动,他们根本不会想到这些素材)以及后面的内容“It can be hard t watch. It can be charming. It can be very, very funny.”( 这可能很难观看。它可以是迷人的。也可能非常有趣)可知,在其它平台上,人们无法发布在TikTk上发布的视频素材,因为他们觉得有些素材可能有趣,或者迷人,也可能他们觉得令人害怕。所以“cringe”的意思为“畏惧的”。故选A。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章第三段第二、三句话“Yu can select frm an enrmus range f sunds, frm ppular sng clips t shrt mments frm TV shws, YuTube vides r ther TikTks. Yu can jin a dare-like challenge, r participate in a dance meme, r make a jke. ”( 你可以从各种各样的声音中进行选择,从流行歌曲片段到电视节目、YuTube视频或其他技巧的简短瞬间。你可以参加一个大胆的挑战,或者参加一个舞蹈模仿秀,或者开个玩笑)可知,在TikTk上,人们可以编辑喜欢的电视节目的视频,模仿舞蹈和开个玩笑。故选D。
    3.细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一、二句话“TikTk is an app fr making and sharing shrt vides. The vides are tall, nt square, like n Snap chat r Instagram’s stries, but yu navigate thrugh vides by scrlling up and dwn, like a feed, nt by tapping r swiping side t side.”(TikTk是一款制作和分享短视频的应用程序。这些视频很高,不像Snap chat或Instagram上的故事那样是方形的,但你可以上下滚动来浏览视频,而不是点击或左右滑动)可知,文章是通过介绍TikTk中的视频开始展开的。故选C。
    4.观点态度题。根据第三段第一、二句话“TikTk is, hwever, a free-fr-all. It’s easy t make a vide n TikTk, nt just because f the tls it gives users, but because f extensive reasns and prmpts it prvides fr yu.”( 然而,TikTk是一个免费的平台。在TikTk上制作视频很容易,不仅因为它为用户提供了工具,还因为它为您提供了广泛的理由和提示)可知,作者在这提到了TikTk的优势,说明他很认可TikTk,对它的态度时积极的。故选A。
    1.[答案] Dear Mr. Brwn,
    I'm Li Hua, chairman f ur schl rbt club. I'm writing t invite yu t be the judge fr the rbt designing cmpetitin rganized by us. The cmpetitin, whse aim is t prmte students' creativity, will be held in the schl hall. It starts frm 2 'clck and lasts abut 2 hurs n the afternn f January 25. Every cmpetitr is t present his wrks and give a brief intrductin t it.
    I wuld appreciate it if yu accept my invitatin. Lking frward t yur reply.
    Li Hua
    [解析]本题是一篇英文信件,要求考生以李华的身份给外教Mr. Brwn写封邮件,邀请他担任比赛的评委。写作背景:你是学校机器人俱乐部 (rbt club) 的主席,俱乐部即将举办机器人设计比赛。写作要点已经给出,属于提纲类作文,内容包括:①活动目的;②时间、地点等。提示中的内容比较泛泛,需要适当补充。本题对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
    [点评]本篇作文要点齐全,结构完整,条理清晰,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,熟练地使用了语句间的连接成分,使整个文章结构紧凑,很好地完成了写作任务。例如:I'm Li Hua, chairman f ur schl rbt club.运用了同位语;I'm writing t invite yu t be the judge fr the rbt designing cmpetitin rganized by us. 运用了不定式作目的状语和宾语补足语;The cmpetitin, whse aim is t prmte students' creativity, will be held in the schl hall. 运用了非限制性定语从句; I wuld appreciate it if yu accept my invitatin. 运用了 I wuld appreciate it if...特殊句式。
    Paragraph 1:
    Jenny dialed the number. T her surprise, the vice was quite yung, sft and friendly. "Can I rder the wake-up service?" Jenny asked. "Sure. At yur service all the time," Raymnd replied. "Hw abut 6 'clck tmrrw?" N prblem. I will call yu every five minutes until yu get up." Suddenly a strng sense f warmth and jy filled her heart like the sunshine.
    Paragraph 2:
    "Ring, ring, ring" went the phne at 6 'clck sharp. In n time Jenny jumped t her feet and picked up the phne. "Gd mrning," came the same vice. "Mrning," Jenny was t excited t cntinue the cnversatin. "Uh, huh..." she rubbed her eyes and asked, "Hw shuld I pay yu?" "Apple pay." "What?!" Jenny screamed. As if having read her mind, Raymnd said calmly, "Technlgy cannt really replace humans and humans cannt live withut technlgy either. By the way, $ 2 ut f $ 2.5 will be given away t a charity fr kids. Thank yu fr yur kindness! Have a gd day!"
    [点评]本书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:I will call yu every five minutes until yu get up.运用了时间状语从句;Suddenly a strng sense f warmth and jy filled her heart like the sunshine.运用了并列句; "Gd mrning," came the same vice. 运用了倒装句;As if having read her mind, Raymnd said calmly...运用了省略句; Have a gd day!运用了祈使句。
    Unit 3 The Internet Perid 5 Listening and Talking& Assessing Yur Prgress & Prject
    Listening and Talking cnsists f tw parts. The first part is listening. Xia B and Laura are discussing hw t chse the apps. Xia B is lking fr a sprts app t help him t exercise faster. Laura wants t have a rich app.
    Listening is divided int tw parts. There are three listening sessins in the first part. The first listening is required students listen t the tape and find ut what apps Laura and Xia B want. The secnd listening ask students t listen again, and judge whether the sentence is right r wrng accrding t what they have heard. Listening fr the third time requires students t listen nce mre and tick the sentences they hear. Underline the wrds are used t express predictin, guess and belief. The difficulty f the listening part ranges frm simple t cmplicated. Ask the students t find ut the detailed infrmatin in the listening materials, listen t them and learn the wrds that express predictin, guess and belief.
    In the secnd part f listening and Talking, the text requires students t read sme descriptin f apps. Then rle-play the cnversatin. The tpic is t ask students t use the expressins they have learned in listening activities and rle-playing dialgue, and t discuss which app wuld mre ppular r mre useful.Cmbine listening with dialgue practice, and cmbine the knwledge related t app with situatinal dialgue t imprve students' ral expressin ability and stimulate students' critical thinking ability.
    Assessing Yur Prgress cnsists f three parts. The first part is language knwledge detectin, which designs tw activities. Activity 1 is fill in the blanks with the crrect frm f wrds in the bx. The main purpse is t further expand and cnslidate the keywrd learning in this unit. Activity 2 Ask students t fill in the blanks with wrds in the crrect frm. The main cntent f this article is that the Internet is bringing great changes t mdern life. The purpse f this part f teaching is t deepen students' understanding and applicatin f the target grammar structure, frm, meaning and functin f the unit. The secnd part is abut self-reflectin. Thrugh well-designed questins, let students review, think and evaluate the learning cntent f this unit, and guide students t pay attentin t the changes f their emtinal attitudes and values in the learning prcess.
    The third part, prject activity. The theme f "Cmparative English Learning Website /app" is t guide students t pay attentin t learning resurces n the Internet, cmmunicate and explre with students, find websites r applicatins that are suitable fr them and help them learn English. Cultivate students' cperative learning ability.

    1. Be able t crrectly understand and use the keywrds and phrases learned in this unit.
    2. Students can understand the listening materials n the tpic f talking and chsing apps, and can btain useful infrmatin frm them.
    3. Students shuld master the functins and cncept items f this unit and express their guesses, expectatins r beliefs.
    4. Students can rle-play with their partners, talk and cmpare mre useful/ppular applicatins.
    5. Students can cmmunicate with their partners t cmpare different English learning websites/applicatins.
    Help students t cnslidate the key vcabulary and grammar knwledge f this unit.
    Cultivate students' creative thinking and critical thinking, cmplete prject activities and imprve students' lgical thinking ability and ral expressin ability.

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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions学案设计: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002236_t4/?tag_id=42" target="_blank">Unit 4 History and traditions学案设计</a>,共11页。学案主要包含了重点单词,重要语言点,阅读理解等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet学案: 这是一份必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002235_t4/?tag_id=42" target="_blank">Unit 3 The internet学案</a>,共8页。学案主要包含了重点单词,重要语言点,单句语法填空等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 3 The Internet Period 5 Listening and Talking& AYP & Project学案
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