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    河北省廊坊六校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期末英语试卷 (原卷版+解析版)
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      河北省廊坊六校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期末英语试卷 (解析版).docx
    河北省廊坊六校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期末英语试卷 (原卷版+解析版)01
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    河北省廊坊六校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期末英语试卷 (原卷版+解析版)

    这是一份河北省廊坊六校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期末英语试卷 (原卷版+解析版),文件包含河北省廊坊六校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期末英语试卷原卷版docx、河北省廊坊六校联考2023-2024学年高二下学期期末英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What time will the man see Dr.Lin?
    A.At 2:00 pm. B.At 3:00 pm. C.At 4:00 pm.
    2.What des the wman agree t d?
    A.Take a train. B.Change the seats. C.Sit next t her mm.
    3. Hw many bags des the wman take alng?
    A.Tw. B.Three. C.Five.
    4.What des the man mean?
    A.The majr is unfit fr him. B. He is unwilling t take a test. C.He wants t be a news reprter.
    5What makes the man feel unhappy?
    A.His lnely life. B.His friend's refusal. C.His parents' verprtectin.
    6. Hw much shuld the man pay in ttal?
    A.$3. B.$6. C.$15.
    7.Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a supermarket. B.In a pst ffice. C.In a bkstre.
    8.What is the man?
    A.A taxi driver. B. A businessman. C.A tur guide.
    9.Where is the wman ging?
    A.T the airprt. B.T the bus statin. C.T the railway statin.
    10.What will the wman d?
    A.See a friend ff. B.Pick smene up. C.G n a business trip.
    11.What des Nick think f Dave Burtn?
    A.He is prfessinal. B.He is respnsible. C.He is implite.
    12.What is Nick prbably ging t d next?
    A.Give a reprt. B.Fill in a frm. C.Send a frm.
    13.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Clleagues. B.Brther and sister. C.Teacher and student.
    14.Why did the wman hardly recgnize the man?
    A.He's taller than befre.
    B.He's slimmer than befre.
    C.He has changed the clr f his hair.
    15.When did the man mve t San Antni?
    A.Tw years ag. B.Eight years ag. C.Ten years ag.
    16.Where des the wman live nw?
    A.In Hustn. B.In San Antni. C.In New Yrk.
    17. What is the hard thing t run a schl garden accrding t the speaker?
    A.Raising mney.
    B.Finding creative ways.
    C.Seeking supprt frm parents.
    18. Wh manages the elementary schl's large garden?
    A.Rn Finley. B.Susan Hbart. C.Tby Adams.
    19. What des Tby Adams say abut schl gardening?
    A.It helps students learn varius subjects.
    B.It ffers teachers a different experience.
    C. It helps calm students.
    20.What is the purpse f Rn Finley Prject?
    A.T make extra mney.
    B.T prmte a relaxing hbby.
    C.T change the culture arund fd.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Anyne wh has seen a waterfall up clse will agree that their majesty(壮观)is almst indescribable. These are the fur falls n the planet, each f which is wnderful in its wn way.
    Niagara Falls
    At 3,950 feet wide, Niagara Falls is far frm the largest waterfall arund, but it is the falls with the largest vlume f water traveling thrugh it and is undubtedly the best knwn waterfall n the planet. It receives smewhere between 14 and 20 millin visitrs annually. It has three separate parts: American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and Hrseshe, r Canadian Falls.
    Chutes Kngu
    Als knwn as Kngu Falls, Chutes Kngu measures 10,500 feet wide, making it the wrld’s third largest existing waterfall. It’s part f the Ivind River in Gabn, and is rughly 185 feet tall. Amng the mst pwerful waterfalls in the wrld, rughly 31,800 cubic feet f water f lw dwn it each secnd. It is lcated within the Ivind Natinal Park, which was set up t prtect the bidiversity f the Ivind River.
    Salt Para
    Salt Para, r Para Falls, is an 18,400-ft wide waterfall n the Ri Caura in the Blivar regin f Venezuela. These half-mn-shaped falls are frmed where tw parts f the river cme tgether and drp dwn almst 200 feet, each side f which is a green jungle island.
    Chutes de Khne
    Chutes de Khne—als knwn as Khne Falls—is the largest waterfall in the wrld. At 35,376 feet wide, it’s almst twice the width f its next largest cmpetitr. The falls are part f the Mekng River in Las, and ccur where the river divides int seven large channels and many mre smaller nes. It’s made up f several different rapids and falls, puring dwn frm a height f 69 feet.
    1. What is special abut Niagara Falls?
    A. It is the mst famus waterfall.B. It is next t a green jungle island.
    C. It is made up f fur separate parts.D. It is a half-mn-shaped waterfall.
    2. Where is Chutes Kngu?
    A. In Las.B. In Canada.C. In Gabn.D. In Venezuela.
    3. Which is the largest waterfall in the wrld accrding t the text?
    A. Salt Para.B. Chutes de Khne.
    C. Chutes Kngu.D. Niagara Falls,
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
    细节理解题。根据Niagara Falls部分“At 3,950 feet wide, Niagara Falls is far frm the largest waterfall arund, but it is the falls with the largest vlume f water traveling thrugh it and is undubtedly the best knwn waterfall n the planet.(尼亚加拉瀑布宽3950英尺,远不是世界上最大的瀑布,但它是流经水量最大的瀑布,毫无疑问是地球上最著名的瀑布)”可知,Niagara Falls是最有名的瀑布。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据Chutes Kngu部分“It’s part f the Ivind River in Gabn, and is rughly 185 feet tall.(它是加蓬伊文多河的一部分,大约185英尺高)”可知,Chutes Kngu位于加蓬。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Chutes de Kh ne部分“Chutes de Khne—als knwn as Khne Falls—is the largest waterfall in the wrld.(孔恩瀑布也被称为孔恩瀑布,是世界上最大的瀑布)”可知,Chutes de Kh ne是世界上最大的瀑布。故选B。
    It was a typical weekend fr Mitch White and his friends. They were ut celebrating a bachelr party, sailing the peaceful waters f the Minnesta River. They never expected that this single party wuld transfrm frm a relaxed cane trip int a painful rescue missin. With the sun setting, an unexpected bark changed everything.
    Led by Mitch White, the sn-t-be-married man, they searched fr the surce f the sund alng the banks f the river. Suddenly, a weak cry fr help came frm the mud. They were surprised t find that the head f a 13-year-ld St. Bernard named Ed was barely visible in the thick mud. Mitch said, “The dg wasn’t mving n its wn, s we shuld feed it and give it water.” The dg lked like it had used all its strength.
    The men tk up their ars (桨) and began digging, their festive md giving way t a fcused rescue missin. It tk them mre than half an hur t free the trapped dg as it was already breathing very feebly after pssibly being trapped fr 24 hurs. When they gt the pr fellw ut f the mud, he culdn’t walk, s they carried him back t the huse. Back hme with his wner, Gerge Niskanen, Ed began his slw restratin—a happy ending t a dangerus adventure. Gerge was thankful t the bachelr party heres.
    Nw, the peple f Carver, Minnesta, have new heres t cheer fr. Indeed, this incredible act f bravery and cmpassin redefined the meaning f a bachelr party. It became a heric tale f humanity, friendship, and the instinct (本能) t d what’s right.
    4. What can we knw frm the first tw paragraphs?
    A. A baby’s cry came frm the Minnesta River.
    B. Mitch White was abut t end his single life sn.
    C. A dg named Ed ran int Mitch White and his friends’ party.
    D. Mitch White and his friends planned t watch the sunrise by the river.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “feebly” in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Excitedly.B. Smthly.C. Quietly.D. Weakly.
    6. What d the lcals think f Mitch White and his friends?
    A. Ambitius.B. Creative.C. Curageus.D. Independent.
    7. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. An Unexpected Rescue at a Bachelr Party
    B. The Stry Between St. Bernard and Its Owner
    C. A Heart-Stpping Cmpetitin n the Minnesta River
    D. The Weekend Activities fr Mitch White and His Friends
    【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了Mitch White和他的朋友们在开单身派对时救了一只被困的圣伯纳犬,并被人们称赞的故事。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Led by Mitch White, the sn-t-be-married man, they searched fr the surce f the sund alng the banks f the river.(在即将结婚的米奇·怀特的带领下,他们沿着河岸寻找声音的来源)”可知,Mitch不久后就要结婚了。故选B。
    词义猜测题。根据第二段“Suddenly, a weak cry fr help came frm the mud.(突然,一声微弱的呼救声从泥泞中传来)”及画线词后“after pssibly being trapped fr 24 hurs.”可推断,这只狗被困24小时以上,它的气息已经很微弱了。故画线词意思是“虚弱的”。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Nw, the peple f Carver, Minnesta, have new heres t cheer fr. Indeed, this incredible act f bravery and cmpassin redefined the meaning f a bachelr party.(现在,明尼苏达州卡佛市的人们又有了新的英雄。的确,这一勇敢而富有同情心的令人难以置信的举动重新定义了单身派对的意义)”可推断,当地人觉得 Mitch White和他的朋友们是非常勇敢的。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段“When they gt the pr fellw ut f the mud, he culdn’t walk, s they carried him back t the huse. Back hme with his wner, Gerge Niskanen, Ed began his slw restratin—a happy ending t a dangerus adventure. Gerge was thankful t the bachelr party heres.(当他们把这个可怜的家伙从泥里救出来时,他走不动了,所以他们把他抬回了房子。回到家里,艾德和他的主人乔治·尼斯卡宁一起开始了他缓慢的修复工作——这是一次危险冒险的圆满结局。乔治很感激单身派对上的英雄们)”结合本文讲述了Mitch White和他的朋友们在开单身派对时救了一只被困的圣伯纳犬,并被人们称赞的故事。A选项“单身派对上的意外救援”最符合文章标题。故选A。
    If yu’re thinking abut grwing apples, nw is the time t test different kinds and talk with lcal grwers. This advice cmes frm gardening writer Lee Reich. His bks include The Pruning (修剪) Bk and Weedless Gardening. Reich grws an apple called Hudsn’s Glden Gem, and he des s fr ne reasn — the taste. He says the fruit’s wnderful taste makes it truly special.
    When yu buy apples at the stre, yur chice is limited t the 12 r mre kinds available fr sale. Gardeners, hwever, have mre chices. They can plant any f mre than 5,000 different kinds f apples.
    Gardeners can als harvest their apples just as each kind reaches its mment f perfectin. Reich says his Macun apples taste much better than any Macun apples fund in stres. One reasn is that his can be left t ripen until they nearly fall ff the tree.
    Here are sme ther flavrful apples t plant. The Ashmead’s Kernel apple was first grwn mre than 200 years ag in a garden belnging t Dr. Ashmead in Glucester, England. The apple has a reddish, glden brwn clr. Inside, it has tasty, sharp flesh. Cx’s Orange Pippin is anther ld apple frm England. It was first grwn by Richard Cx in 1825. This apple’s range and red clr makes it unppular in the American market. But it is lved fr its strng taste. Ellisn’s Orange is anther British apple that came frm Linclnshire in 1911. It is a late summer r early autumn apple, glden yellw with stripes, with juicy flesh.
    Befre yu run ut t buy trees t grw the kinds yu lve t eat, Reich des have a warning: Apples are nt easy t grw in many parts f the cuntry. The plants require yearly pruning and insect cntrl. But if yu’re willing t learn hw t keep the unwanted insects away, a few kinds f trees chsen fr their taste will give yu years f gd eating.
    8. What can we infer abut Lee Reich?
    A. He is a teacher.B. He lves planting.
    C. He grws a very rare kind f flwer.D. His bks are abut hw t sell trees.
    9. Why are Reich’s Macun apples tastier than thse in the stre?
    A. They are naturally ripe.B. They are planted in the garden.
    C. They have been picked ut carefully.D. They are genetically mdified prducts.
    10. Hw many types f apples are mentined in the text?
    A. Three.B. Fur.C. Five.D. Six.
    11. What d yu need t d in planting apple trees accrding t the last paragraph?
    A. Water enugh.B. Read many relative bks.
    C. Pay attentin t light and nutritin.D. Prune the trees and remve insects.
    【答案】8. B 9. A 10. C 11. D
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了园艺作家Lee Reich对于种植苹果的一些建议。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“If yu’re thinking abut grwing apples, nw is the time t test different kinds and talk with lcal grwers. This advice cmes frm gardening writer Lee Reich. His bks include The Pruning (修剪) Bk and Weedless Gardening. Reich grws an apple called Hudsn’s Glden Gem, and he des s fr ne reasn — the taste. He says the fruit’s wnderful taste makes it truly special.(如果你正在考虑种植苹果,现在是时候测试不同种类的苹果,并与当地种植者交谈。这个建议来自园艺作家Lee Reich。他的著作包括《修剪书》和《无草园艺》。赖希种了一种名叫哈德森黄金宝石的苹果,他这么做的原因只有一个——味道。他说,这种水果的美妙味道让它真的很特别)”及下文对Reich种植苹果的一些介绍可推断,Reich喜欢种植。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“One reasn is that his can be left t ripen until they nearly fall ff the tree.(其中一个原因是,它们可以被放着成熟,直到它们几乎从树上掉下来)”可知,Reich的苹果比商店里的好吃是因为苹果都是自然成熟的。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第一、三、四段的内容可知,文中提到的苹果种类有:Hudsn’s Glden Gem、Macun、The Ashmead’s Kernel、Cx’s Orange Pippin和Ellisn’s Orange五种。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“The plants require yearly pruning and insect cntrl.(这些植物需要每年修剪一次并防治虫害)”可知,在种植苹果树时要注意修剪和除虫。故选D。
    A majr meeting f cmputer hackers (黑客) planned fr this summer is t include an event that will test the limits f artificial intelligence (AI) tls. The event, in August, will be held as part f the yearly DEF CON hacker meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. Organizers say the meeting prvides a chance fr hackers t hear frm leading industry fficials abut the latest develpments in cmputer security. It als includes hacking cmpetitins.
    This year, several majr AI develpers will take part in DEF CON. Amng them will be OpenAI, which launched its latest AI mdel, ChatGPT-4, in March.
    Recently released AI tls are built by feeding huge amunts f infrmatin int machine learning cmputer systems. The data trains the AI systems t develp cmplex skills and prduce human-like results.
    Experts have warned that such systems may bring majr changes t many different jbs and industries. It affects everyne frm managers t wrkers t husewives. They als fear the tls, knwn as “chatbts”, culd greatly increase the amunt f misinfrmatin in the news media and n scial media.
    Chwdhury an rganizer f the hacking event, says the results f the event can prvide helpful infrmatin t cmpanies lking at ways t safely use the fast-develping AI systems. She ntes that the hackers’ wrk will nt end after the gathering. They will spend mnths afterward creating reprts n their findings and identifying specific system vulnerabilities (漏洞).
    Jack Clark is the c-funder f AI develper Anthrpic. He says he hpes the DEF CON event will lead t deeper cmmitments frm AI develpers t measure and test the safety f their systems. Fr this t happen, thugh, AI systems will need t be examined by third parties bth befre and after deplyment (部署). “We need t get practice at figuring ut hw t d this. It hasn’t really been dne befre,” he says.
    12. What can hackers learn frm this meeting?
    A. The rules f AI tl cmpetitins.
    B. The applicatin f mdel ChatGPT-4.
    C. The future f hackers in the cmputer field.
    D. The latest develpments in cmputer security.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “They” in paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Experts.B. Managers.C. Wrkers.D. Husewives.
    14. Which f the fllwing statements des Chwdhury agree with?
    A. The current netwrk system is appraching perfectin.
    B. The activity f imprving netwrk security will nt stp.
    C. The reprts accelerate the develpment f AI.
    D. AI systems need t be inspected by the third parties.
    15. What d Jack Clark’s wrds imply?
    A. AI users must test the security f cmputer systems.
    B. AI develpers may verlk the shrtcmings f their wn prducts.
    C. AI systems develp cmplex skills and prduce results similar t thse f humans.
    D. The DEF CON event will encurage cmpanies t develp new prducts.
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Organizers say the meeting prvides a chance fr hackers t hear frm leading industry fficials abut the latest develpments in cmputer security. (组织者说,这次会议为黑客们提供了一个机会,让他们从业界的领导那里了解到计算机安全的最新发展)”可知,黑客们能从这次会议中了解到计算机安全方面的最新发展。故选D项。
    词句猜测题。划线词的上文“Experts have warned that such systems may bring majr changes t many different jbs and industries. It affects everyne frm managers t wrkers t husewives. (专家警告说,这样的系统可能会给许多不同的工作和行业带来重大变化。它影响着从经理到工人到家庭主妇的每一个人)”先提到专家针对这样的系统可能带来重要变化的警告,划线词所在句“They als fear the tls, knwn as “chatbts”, culd greatly increase the amunt f misinfrmatin in the news media and n scial media. (他们还担心,这些被称为“聊天机器人”的工具可能会大大增加新闻媒体和社交媒体上的错误信息数量)”提到他们进一步的担心:新闻媒体和社交媒体上的错误信息增多。由此推知,这里的担心也来自上文提到的专家,划线词指的是“专家”。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“She ntes that the hackers’ wrk will nt end after the gathering. They will spend mnths afterward creating reprts n their findings and identifying specific system vulnerabilities (漏洞). (她指出,黑客的工作不会在会议结束后结束。之后,他们会花几个月的时间创建关于他们的发现和识别特定系统漏洞的报告)”可知,Chwdhury指出黑客的工作仍将继续,会报告他们的发现和识别特定系统漏洞。由此可知,Chwdhury会同意“提高网络安全的行动不会停止”的观点。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“He says he hpes the DEF CON event will lead t deeper cmmitments frm AI develpers t measure and test the safety f their systems. Fr this t happen, thugh, AI systems will need t be examined by third parties bth befre and after deplyment (部署). (他说,他希望DEF CON活动将促使人工智能开发人员做出更深入的承诺,以衡量和测试其系统的安全性。不过,要实现这一点,人工智能系统在部署之前和之后都需要由第三方进行检查)”可推知,人工智能开发人员可能会忽视自己产品的缺点,因此其系统的安全性需要被三方检查和测试。故选B项。
    Writing a pem is abut bserving the wrld within r arund yu. ____16____, frm lve t lss t the gate at the ld farm. Writing petry seems difficult. Hwever, with the right apprach, yu can write a pem that yu can be prud t share with thers.
    Pick a specific theme r idea. This can make it easier fr yu t narrw dwn what images and descriptins yu are ging t use in yur pem. Fr example, yu may decide t write a pem arund the theme f lve and friendship. ____17____.
    Avid cliché(陈词滥调). Yur petry will be much strnger if yu avid cliches, which are phrases that have becme s familiar that they have lst their meaning. ____18____. By ding s, yur reader is surprised and attracted by yur writing. If yu feel a certain phrase r image is t familiar t yur reader, replace it with a mre unique ne.
    ____19____. Petry is made t be read ut lud. S yu shuld write yur pem with a fcus n hw it sunds n the page. Pay attentin t the structure f yur pem and yur wrd chice. Ntice hw each line f yur pem flws int ne anther and hw placing ne wrd next t anther creates a certain sund.
    Get feedback(反馈) frm thers. Yu can als share yur pem with ther pets t get feedback frm them and imprve yur pem. ____20____, where yu discuss yur pems with ther pets and wrk n yur petry tgether. Or yu may take a petry writing class, where yu wrk with an instructr and ther pets t imprve yur writing.
    A. Write fr the ear
    B. D writing exercises
    C. A pem can be abut anything
    D. Yu may jin a petry writing grup
    E. G fr creative descriptins and images in yur pem
    F. Strng emtinal mments make fr beautiful and interesting pems
    G. Then yu may think abut the mments where yu experienced them
    【答案】16. C 17. G 18. E 19. A 20. D
    根据空后半句内容“frm lve t lss t the gate at the ld farm(从爱到失去再到老农场的大门)”举例了写诗时可以选择的各种主题内容,由此推知,设空句应包含概括性词汇“任何内容”。选项C“A pem can be abut anything(一首诗可以是关于任何事情的)”中含有“anything”,同时,在句意上讲述的是“诗歌主题”,与前文“Writing a pem is abut bserving the wrld within r arund yu.(写诗是关于观察你内心或周围的世界。)”在主题上衔接紧密。故选C项。
    根据前文“Fr example, yu may decide t write a pem arund the theme f lve and friendship.(例如,你可能决定围绕爱情和友谊的主题写一首诗。)”提出了一个选题,这是写诗的第一步,由此推知,设空句应是接着讲述下一步。选项G“Then yu may think abut the mments where yu experienced them(然后你可能会想起你经历过的那些时刻)”讲到了选题后的下一步,即对该选题经历的情景思考,同时,“Then”使得该句与前文构成顺序关系。故选G项。
    根据后文“By ding s, yur reader is surprised and attracted by yur writing.(这样做,你的读者会对你的写作感到惊讶和吸引。)”讲到了某一个做法的效果,由此推知,设空句应是讲述了这个做法。选项E“G fr creative descriptins and images in yur pem(在你的诗中使用创造性的描述和形象)”提到了做法:使用创造性的描述和形象,这样是会让读者感到“惊艳”,同时,该做法呼应了主旨句“Avid cliché.(避免陈词滥调。)”。故选E项。
    设空为该部分小标题,应是该部分的核心主旨。根据后文“Petry is made t be read ut lud. S yu shuld write yur pem with a fcus n hw it sunds n the page.(诗歌是用来大声朗读的。所以你应该写你的诗,重点是它在页面上的发音。)”可知,该部分强调了诗歌是用来读给读者听的,即“为听而写”。选项A“Write fr the ear(为耳朵而写)”贴合该部分主旨。故选A项。
    根据空后的非限制定语从句“where yu discuss yur pems with ther pets and wrk n yur petry tgether(你和其他诗人讨论你的诗、一起创作你的诗的地方)”可推知,主句应是提到了一个可以集体讨论和创作的地方或组织,选项D“Yu may jin a petry writing grup(你可以加入一个诗歌写作小组)”中讲到的“诗歌写作小组”符合分析,同时可以与后文“Or yu may take a petry writing class...(或者你可以参加一个诗歌写作班……)”构成并列选择关系。故选D项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    In a heartwarming turn f events, a tw-year-ld girl wh had gne lst in Newberry Cunty was fund safe and sund after a careful search. The yung child had last been ____21____ at abut 3:00 pm, lying beside her mther, but was reprted ____22____ later in the day.
    What fllwed was a remarkable chain f events that led t her safe ____23____.
    Arund 6:00 pm, the situatin tk a hpeful turn when a deer ____24____ in the area heard the cries f the lst child. ____25____ quickly, the hunter ____26____ an emergency call t the Newberry Cunty 911, reprting the child’s ____27____.
    Newberry Cunty 911 peratrs sprang int actin, ____28____ advanced mapping technlgy t ____29____ lcate the crdinates (坐标) prvided by the hunter. This _____30_____ infrmatin was then immediately sent t a Suth Carlina Law Enfrcement Divisin (SLED) helicpter and the cunty’s devted first respnders, wh were already n their way.
    With the lcatin data _____31_____, a search team was quickly sent t the _____32_____ area, situated nearly a mile away frm the child’s hme. The hunter and the tw-year-ld were fund, safe and _____33_____, in the dense frest. The _____34_____ f these respnders finally led t a heartwarming _____35_____.
    21. A. recgnizedB. seenC. checkedD. saved
    22. A. safeB. deadC. missingD. sick
    23. A. rescueB. arrivalC. jurneyD. departure
    24. A. lverB. raiserC. prtectrD. hunter
    25. A. LeavingB. AdaptingC. ReactingD. Writing
    26 A. placedB. frgtC. answeredD. presented
    27. A. prgressB. lcatinC. needD. identity
    28. A. intrducingB. prvidingC. develpingD. using
    29. A. creativelyB. mstlyC. accuratelyD. likely
    30. A. uselessB. crucialC. wrngD. cheap
    31. A. in handB. in returnC. in secretD. in rder
    32. A. parkingB. crwdedC. playingD. wded
    33. A. uneducatedB. bredC. unharmedD. cnfused
    34. A. purpsesB. effrtsC. wrdsD. stries
    35. A. giftB. mvieC. traditinD. reunin
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. D
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后一次有人看到这个小女孩是在下午3点左右,躺在她母亲的身边,但当天晚些时候报告失踪。A. recgnized识别;B. seen看见;C. checked检查;D. saved拯救。根据“a tw-year-ld girl wh had gne lst”可知,此处指最后一次有人看见小女孩的时间。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. safe安全的;B. dead死亡的;C. missing丢失的,失踪的;D. sick生病的。根据“a tw-year-ld girl wh had gne lst in Newberry Cunty was fund safe and sund after a careful search.”可知,小女孩失踪了。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:随后发生的一系列事件使她安全获救。A. rescue营救;B. arrival到达;C. jurney旅程;D. departure离开,出发。根据“a tw-year-ld girl wh had gne lst in Newberry Cunty was fund safe and sund”可知,此处表示安全获救。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:下午6点左右,当该地区的一名猎鹿人听到走失孩子的哭声时,情况出现了转机。A. lver爱好者,爱人;B. raiser饲养者;C. prtectr保护者;D. hunter猎人。根据“the hunter ____6____ an emergency call t the Newberry Cunty 911,”可知,此处是信息词hunter的词汇复现。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:猎人反应迅速,拨打了纽伯里县911报警电话,报告了孩子的位置。A. Leaving离开;B. Adapting适应;C. Reacting反应;D. Writing写。根据“when a deer ____4____ in the area heard the cries f the lst child.”可知,听到小孩的哭声,猎人立刻做出反应。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. placed放置,请求;B. frgt忘记;C. answered回答;D. presented出席,呈现。根据“an emergency call t the Newberry Cunty 911”可知,猎人拨打了纽伯里县911报警电话,place a call为固定搭配,意为“拨打电话”。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. prgress进步,进程;B. lcatin位置,定位;C. need需要;D. identity身份。根据下文“lcate the crdinates (坐标) prvided by the hunter.”可知,猎人报告了孩子的位置。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:纽伯里县911接线员立即采取行动,使用先进的测绘技术精确定位猎人提供的坐标。A. intrducing介绍;B. prviding提供;C. develping发展;D. using使用。根据“advanced mapping technlgy”可知,911接线员立即采取行动,使用先进的测绘技术。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意同上。A. creatively创造性地;B. mstly主要地,大部分;C. accurately精确地;D. likely可能地。根据“advanced mapping technlgy”可知,因为使用了先进的测绘技术,所以精确地定位到地点。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这一重要信息随后被立即发送给南卡罗来纳州执法部门(SLED)的直升机和该县忠诚的第一响应者,他们已经在路上了。A. useless没有用的;B. crucial至关重要的;C. wrng错误的;D. cheap便宜的。根据“lcate the crdinates (坐标) prvided by the hunter.”可知,小女孩的位置是重要信息。故选B。
    考查介词短语辨析。句意:掌握了位置数据,一个搜索小组很快被派往距离孩子家近一英里的森林地区。A. in hand在掌握中;B. in return作为回报;C. in secret秘密地;D. in rder按顺序。根据“Newberry Cunty 911 peratrs sprang int actin, ____8____ advanced mapping technlgy t ____9____ lcate the crdinates (坐标) prvided by the hunter.”可知,此处表示掌握了位置数据。故选A。
    考查动词和形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. parking停车;B. crwded拥挤的;C. playing玩;D. wded树木繁茂的。根据下文“in the dense frest.”可知,此处指树木茂密的地区。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:猎人和两岁的孩子在茂密的森林中被发现,安全无恙。A. uneducated未受教育的;B. bred感到无聊的;C. unharmed未受伤的;D. cnfused感到困惑的。根据上文“safe and sund”可知,他们没有受伤。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些救援人员的努力最终促成了一次温馨的团聚。A. purpses目的;B. effrts努力;C. wrds单词;D. stries故事。根据“With the lcatin data ____11____, a search team was quickly sent t the ____12____ area, situated nearly a mile away frm the child’s hme.”可知,救援人员付出了努力。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. gift礼物;B. mvie电影;C. traditin传统;D. reunin团聚。根据“In a heartwarming turn f events, a tw-year-ld girl wh had gne lst in Newberry Cunty was fund safe and sund after a careful search.”可知,小女孩最终与家人团聚。故选D。
    Recently, Ma Xiahui, a famus Chinese erhu ____36____ (perfrm) and cmpser with the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, held ____37____ erhu cncert with the theme f “Erhu Hlding Hands with the Wrld, New Music Trend, New Cultural Tur” in the Delegates’ Rm at the UN headquarters in New Yrk City.
    Attendees frm different backgrunds and participants in the Wrld Madam Glbal Awards Ceremny were ____38____ (deep) mved by the unique charm f traditinal Chinese musical instruments ____39____ (display) during the cncert.
    The cncert began ____40____ the sng “Wman Flwer”. In the first mvement, “Seven Clrs f Erhu, Walking with Beauty, Clrful Silk Rad,” meldies frm Chinese and Western sngs created an “ink painting” f the Silk Rad.
    In the next three ____41____ (mvement), a classical repertire (曲目) including “Butterfly Lvers”, “Thughts n a Silent Night” ____42____ “The Spirit f My Erhu” attracted the audience. Next ____43____ (cme) the theme sng frm the mvie “Cruching Tiger, Hidden Dragn”, ____44____ beautifully celebrated the classic dialgue between erhu and cell (大提琴).
    “This beautiful and _____45_____ (inspire) cncert wnderfully mixed classical, Chinese, and crss-cultural themes. It was a feast (盛宴) fr the ears and suls,” multimedia artist Ranjit Bhatnagar said.
    【答案】36. perfrmer
    37. an 38. deeply
    39. displayed
    40. with 41. mvements
    42. and 43. came
    44. which 45. inspiring##inspiratinal
    考查名词。句意:近日,中国著名二胡演奏家、作曲家马晓晖随上海民族乐团在纽约联合国总部代表厅举办了以“二胡与世界携手,新乐潮,新文旅”为主题的二胡音乐会。不定冠词a修饰单数可数名词,空处需填名词,结合“Ma Xiahui”可知,表示“演奏家”。故填perfrmer。
    考查副词。句意:来自不同背景的与会者和世界夫人全球颁奖典礼的参与者都被音乐会上展示的中国传统乐器的独特魅力所深深打动。修饰动词were mved需用副词deeply,作状语。故填deeply。
    考查介词。句意:音乐会以《女人花》这首歌开始。begin with为固定搭配,意为“以……开始”。故填with。
    考查连词。句意同上。“Butterfly Lvers”,“Thughts n a Silent Night”和“The Spirit f My Erhu”为并列关系,需用连词and连接。故填and。
    考查定语从句。句意同上。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词the theme sng,指物,在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词which引导。故填which。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是某国际学校学生会主席李华。为丰富学生们的课外生活,你校邀请了一个交响乐团来校举办一场音乐会。请你用英语写一则书面通知,内容包括:
    参考词汇:交响乐团symphny rchestra
    The Student Unin
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    In rder t enrich the campus life f us students, ur schl has invited a symphny rchestra t hld a cncert at the schl’s Cncert Hall frm 7: 30 pm t 9: 30 pm next Sunday.
    During the cncert, yu will definitely enjy the wnderful perfrmances f musicians, which can nt nly help yu release the pressure f studying, but als cultivate yur passin fr music. Please arrive ten minutes earlier. When enjying the music, be sure nt t make nise.
    Lking frward t yur active participatin.
    The Student Unin
    肯定地:definitely→ abslutely
    精彩的:wnderful → fantastic/amazing
    培养:cultivate → develp
    欣赏:enjy→ appreciate
    原句:In rder t enrich the campus life f us students ur schl has invited a symphny rchestra t hld a cncert at the schl’s Cncert Hall frm 7: 30 pm t 9: 30 pm next Sunday.
    拓展句:In rder t enrich the campus life f us students, ur schl has invited a symphny rchestra t hld a cncert which is scheduled t be at the schl’s Cncert Hall frm 7: 30 pm t 9: 30 pm next Sunday.
    【高分句型1】During the cncert, yu will definitely enjy the wnderful perfrmances f musicians, which can nt nly help yu release the pressure f studying, but als cultivate yur passin fr music.(运用了which引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】When enjying the music, be sure nt t make nise.(运用了when引导的状语从句的省略)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    With a wave f the wden stick in my hand, the buffales (水牛) mved frward. I guided them alng the rad’s edge, thrugh the heart f the village. We walked past hmes and villagers bending ver t tend t their crps. We eyed the green fields, where the buffales culd eat grass. This was the life in a small village. We had little, but I had a big dream.
    Up ahead laughter drew my attentin. A grup f students came int view. Their unifrms cntrasted sharply with my faded trusers and wrn-ut shes. I held my stick tightly, stepped frward and asked, “Culd yu shw me yur bks?”
    The students lked frm my face t my stick. They quickly pened their bags and shwed me their bks. Illustratins f peple and places stimulated my imaginatin. “Smeday, I’ll g t schl, t,” I declared, returning their bks. They lked at each ther with a taunting (嘲弄的) smile and left me t my buffales.
    Mnths passed. Every day I rse t my husewrk and buffales. Until, ne day I gt my chance. Uncle Peter came t visit. He and my father sat utside, talking.
    Finally, Uncle Peter cnvinced my father that I shuld g t schl. The fllwing week, I went t primary schl. Armed with my wn bks, I set ut t learn everything. I read textbks, asked questins, and even read newspapers and magazines fr my father and his friends. By the end f the year, I prved t be ne f the best students in the schl.
    When I was in middle schl, I tld my classmates I wanted t study literature at University f Karachi, a big city ver 150 kilmeters away. Everyne laughed and made jkes.
    I turned t writing prse (散文) and petry as an utlet fr my emtins and creativity. The challenges life set befre me didn’t discurage me; rather, they became stepping stnes tward realizing my dream t be a writer.
    The day f ging t university was appraching, but my father culdn’t affrd my further educatin.
    Nw, when I reflect n the laughter and dubtful lks frm thers, their pinins hld n weight.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    The day f ging t university was appraching, but my father culdn’t affrd my further educatin. I was nt discuraged and decided t find a part-time jb t fund my educatin. This was where my lve f reading newspapers and magazines came int play. I tried my luck with a leading daily newspaper and succeeded in finding my emplyment. Thrugh this jb, I made enugh mney t cver my tuitin. And the mst wnderful milestne f all was that I did make it t University f Karachi where I gained a degree in literature and had my first bk published.
    Nw, when I reflect n the laughter and dubtful lks frm thers, their pinins hld n weight. What truly matters is that I nurtured the dreams ignited by thse bks and persevered. Just as I guided the buffales with my wden stick, I navigated thrugh challenges and hardships, steering my life curse. I’ve prven that with a little luck, a willingness t wrk and kind mentrs, dreams can cme true. Life may nt always be easy, but it’s imprtant t never stp dreaming.
    ①决定:decide/make a decisin/make up ne’s mind
    ②成功做某事:succeed in ding/manage t d
    ③重要的:matter/cunt/be imprtant
    【高分句型1】This was where my lve f reading newspapers and magazines came int play.(运用了where引导的表语从句)
    【高分句型2】And the mst wnderful milestne f all was that I did make it t University f Karachi where I gained a degree in literature and had my first bk published.(运用了that引导的表语从句和where引导的定语从句)
    听力1~5 ABCAC 6~10 CBACB 11~15 CBABB 16~20 CABAC

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