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    这是一份浙江省金华十校2023-2024学年高二下学期期末调研考试英语试题,文件包含浙江省金华十校2023-2024学年高二下学期期末调研考试英语试题docx、浙江省金华十校2023-2024学年高二下学期期末调研考试英语试题听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共95分)
    第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    1. Why is the wman making the chair?
    A. T sell it fr mney. B. T give it as a gift. C. T practise her skills.
    2. What was the man's best recrd befre tday?
    A. 12.13 secnds. B. 12.23 secnds. C. 12.35 secnds.
    3. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Get sme Eurs.B. Wait fr her visa.C. Print ut her barding pass.
    4. Hw is the wman feeling?
    A. Anxius. B. Cnfident. C. Calm.
    5. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At the wman's hme. B. At a restaurant. C. At schl.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. Where is Carle ging tday?
    A. T the library. B. T the ffice. C. T a bkshp.
    7. What did Carle receive earlier?
    A. A letter. B. A bk. C. A library ntice.
    8. What type f perfrmance is the man ging t see?
    A. An pera. B. A ballet. C. A cncert.
    9. Why did the man buy the tickets fr his mther?
    A. As a Mther's Day gift.B. As a Christmas gift.C. As a birthday gift.
    10. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Where t find their cat.
    B. Why the Internet isn't wrking.
    C. Hw t cntact the telephne cmpany.
    11. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Brther and sister. B. Father and daughter. C. Teacher and student.
    12. What has happened?
    A. The telephne cmpany is being slw.
    B. The cat turned ff the Internet.
    C. The Wi-Fi bx is brken.
    13. Hw much des the man plan t spend n husing?
    A. $10,000. B. $5000. C. $2500.
    14. Why is the man mving?
    A. T be clser t his ffice.
    B. T live in a better neighbrhd.
    C. T have mre space fr his family.
    15. Where is the apartment prbably?
    A. In a beach area. B. In a dwntwn area.C. In a rural area.
    16. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Shw the man anther apartment.
    B. Help the man sell the apartment.
    C. Discuss with the man n price.
    17. Wh first nticed He Hui's talent?
    A. Her parents. B. Her neighbr. C. Her teacher.
    18. What did He Hui d after graduatin at first?
    A. Teach in a university.
    B. Perfrm n internatinal stages.
    C. Receive training frm a classical musician.
    19. Which pera is He Hui mst famus fr?
    A. Tsca.B. Madama Butterfly. C. Aida.
    20. Where des He Hui live tday?
    A. In Ankang.B. In Xi’an. C. In Verna.
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    April 27 brings Independent Bkstre Day, the biggest bkstre celebratin f the year when bkstres arund the cuntry hst events and ffer discunts. Here's a selectin f bkstres we lve writing abut.
    Bks n Main
    Bks n Main feels like yu're reading inside a treehuse in a Wiscnsin frest. It pened in June 2023. Lcal residents have a welcming place decrated with wd, leaves and cmfrtable furniture t gather and discver new and belved bks.
    Off the Beaten Path Bkstre
    First pened mre than 30 years ag, Off the Beaten Path has been thrugh three sets f wners and three lcatins. Current wners Mike and Danielle Skv say ne thing has never changed: The cmmitment t being a welcming and inclusive space. They partner with lcal schls, libraries and nnprfits t reach as much f the cmmunity as pssible.Changing Hands Bkstre
    T ppular t be called a hidden gem (宝石), this Arizna jewel recently celebrated its50th anniversary. It first pened in a 500-square-ft space in 1974. It hsts authr events,petry discussin grups and ffers a Trade Cunter where custmers can bring in gently used bks fr stre credit.
    The Last Chapter Bk Shp.
    The Last Chapter is an all-rmance bkstre in Chicag that pened in 2023. The stre hsts authr events alng with cmmunity mixers like Blind Date with a Bk, where yu wrap ne f yur favrite bks and swap it with a fellw bkwrm in hpes f finding a new favrite and a new friend.
    21. Which bkstre has the lngest histry?
    A. Bks n Main. B. The Last Chapter Bk Shp.
    C. Changing Hands Bkstre. D. Off the Beaten Path Bkstre.
    22. What sets Off the Beaten Path Bkstre apart frm ther bkstres?
    A. It wrks with lcal schls. B. It remains in the same place.
    C. It cllects gently used bks D. It creates a welcming atmsphere.
    23. What can peple d at Blind Date with a Bk?
    A. Receive wrapped gifts. B. Cmmunicate with authrs.
    C. Buy their favrite bks.D. Exchange bks with bk-lvers.
    Jasmine is n my Zm screen. She is pulling her hair. As she starts talking, the rate f the pulling increases. “My exam is n Friday,”she tells me,“What if I get a questin Ican't answer? What if I dn't get a gd grade?”
    Jasmine is just ne f the students suffering frm test anxiety. The wrd “anxiety”riginates frm Latin, meaning narrwing. The “narrwing” describes what's happening inJasmine's nervus system. Basically, the sympathetic (交感神经) branch – fight-flight -has switched n, and her muscles have narrwed as if she's preparing t d battle r run away. Cmmnly knwn the “rest and digest”branch, the parasympathetic (副交感神经)nervus system plays an imprtant rle in thinking and learning by prmting a state f relaxatin and calmness. When the parasympathetic nervus system is stirred up, it reduces stress and anxiety, imprving fcus and cncentratin.
    There are three simple tls fr engaging the parasympathetic branch: breathing,grunding, and sensing. Breathing means a steady flw f breath; grunding means feeling the chair and the flr supprting yu; and sensing means turning n ne r mre f the five senses.
    In mre than 40 years f caching test-takers, I have bserved hw ften they hld their breath, hw nervus and ungrunded they are, and hw unaware they are f feeling the tuch f clthes n their wn bdies. N wnder peple are exhausted by the end f a lng test! When they use the three calming tls, they create the state necessary fr sitting still,thinking, remembering, reasning, and, finally, answering questins.
    We all face cuntless tests in everyday life. Unexpected, unwanted things happen t everyne. Wuldn't it be a whle lt better if we faced the tests by being calm? In case yu're wndering, the answer is “Yes!”But the real questin is: Instead f frcing students t prgress thrugh endless cmparisn and cmpetitin, why dn't we teach them hw t stay calm?
    24. Why des the authr mentin Jasmine in the first paragraph?
    A. T shw.. students’ hard life.B. T intrduce a prblem students face.
    C. T cmpare different attitudes twards tests.D. T analyse students’behavirs during vide calls.
    25. What change wuld the engagement f the parasympathetic nervus system bring?
    A. Imprved attentin.B. Wrsened anxiety.C. Tightened muscles. D. Quickened respnse.
    26. Frm the last paragraph we can infer that the writer thinks it imprtant_________.
    A. t take sme tests t make prgress
    B. t attach imprtance t cmparisn and cmpetitin
    C. t learn t avid unexpected and unwanted things in life
    D. t prepare students with the ways t keep calm during tests
    27. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. What d students face in tests?B. Hw t deal with test anxiety?
    C. Hw t engage the nervus system?D. What is the rigin f the wrd“anxiety”?
    “Big Tree,” an ld suthern live ak, sits in a park just utside Orland’s business district. It's been struck by lightning at least three times and has survived many hurricanes—— and it grew frm a seed arund the same time Juan Pnce de León's ship first landed n Flrida's eastern cast.
    Over 400 years ld, the tree is s impressive that members f a Michigan-based nnprfit flew t Orland in February t climb the tree and cut branches and leaves. The researchers are nw in the midst f the prcess t grw new rts frm the cuttings. The reasn: T clne the histric tree, stre its DNA and plant ptentially thusands f clned trees acrss the Sutheast.
    In rder t clne an ancient tree, researchers must climb it t find a piece f live tissue. The freshly cut branches and leaves are taken t the grup's lab in Michigan, where,in climate-cntrlled rms, researchers wrk t prmte grwth frm the cuttings.
    The mst cmmn methd is by rted cuttings. In this methd, a tip f a tree's branch is dipped (蘸) int hrmnes, placed int a fam plug (泡沫塞) and set inside a mist rm. Then, the waiting begins. A sign f life can take several mnths t a year t shw,if ne cmes at all. In anther methd called tissue culture, researchers take a quarter-inch f branch, dip it int a mixture made up f a dzen hrmnes and ther chemicals, seal(密封) it in a cntainer and wait t see whether it will grw rts.
    Experts lauded the grup fr its creative methds and reprductin in large numbers,but they dubt whether the clnes will grw as the riginals d. Sctt Merkle, a prfessr f frest bilgy at the University f Gergia, said,“There are s many variables that there's n certainty that they will be able t survive and perfrm better than ther trees that yu plant n the same land”. He added that the age f histric trees makes them difficult t study.“I think it's a great thing that they're ding… I just dn't knw hw realistic it is.”
    28. Accrding t the passage, what d the researchers aim t d?
    A. T clne an ancient tree frm its riginal.B. T save thusands f trees acrss the Sutheast.
    C. T analyse the effects f climate n tree grwth.D. T study the reasn fr the survival f“Big Tree”.
    29. What d we knw abut the tw methds mentined in paragraph 4?
    A. Tissue culture is the mst frequently used methd.
    B. There is a chance that the branch will fail t grw rts.
    C. In the first methd the live tissue is sealed in a cntainer.
    D. A mixture f hrmnes and ther chemicals is needed in bth methds.
    30. What des the underlined wrd“lauded”in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Jined.B. Charged.C. Praised.D. Cntacted.
    31. What's Sctt Merkle's attitude t the grup's wrk?
    A. Cautius. B. Critical. C. Apprving. D. Unclear.
    Free-riding means peple can benefit frm a service withut paying anything. It als arises if peple can get benefit withut making equal cntributins. S a free rider always enjys the benefits f a resurce r service while letting smene else d the wrk r d mre wrk.
    There are several effects f the free rider prblem. The first is the Tragedy (悲剧) f the Cmmns, a situatin in which individuals with access t a public resurce act in their wn interest and, in ding s, finally use up the resurce. Fr example, imagine that a grup f peple share a piece f land where they all graze (让……吃草) their cattle. If each persn just tries t maximize their wn shrt-term gain, they will let their cattle graze as much as pssible. Hwever, if everyne des this, the land will quickly becme vergrazed and will nt be able t supprt any cattle.
    Anther effect is that the free rider prblem can lead t a situatin in which peple d nt have access t imprtant gds and services. This is because prviders may nt be able t get back the csts f prviding the gds r services if t many peple free ride.Imagine that a city decides t build a new hspital thrugh dnatins. If t many peple rely n thers t dnate, rather than dnate themselves, then the hspital may nt be built at all. This means that peple wh need medical care in the area may nt have access t it.
    There are several slutins t the free rider prblem. Gvernment addresses the prblem by cllecting tax dllars t supprt public services. Theretically, taxes are related t incme,s fair cst-sharing can be achieved. Cmmunities can turn their public resurce int a private r club resurce, charging fees t make sure everyne wh uses it cntributes t it.This will limit veruse and, ver time, may even lead t altruistic (利他的) behavir. That is, many peple may like the idea f making a small cntributin t a resurce that they use.
    32. Which f the fllwing may best shw the nature f free-riding?
    A. Less is mre. B. Many hands make light wrk.
    C. Let Gerge d it. D. Jack f all trades and master f nne.
    33. What is ne f the effects prduced by the free rider prblem?
    A. Peple tend t maximize their lng-term gain.
    B. A grup f peple have t share gds and services.
    C. Individuals veruse a shared resurce fr persnal gain.
    D. The csts f prviding the gds and services are rising.
    34. Hw is paragraph 3 mainly develped?
    A. By referring t a study. B. By giving an example.
    C. By making a cmparisn.D. By explaining a definitin.
    35. What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A. T draw peple's attentin t public services.
    B. T stress the imprtance f making dnatins.
    C. T infrm the readers f the free rider prblem.
    D. T call n the gvernment t slve the free rider prblem.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    It's natural t cmpare yurself t thers, and even envy them, if yu hp n yur scial media fr a few minutes. With just a few clicks, yu're flded with vacatin phts,updates, and ads.36In this article, we'll teach yu hw t avid certain triggers (触发因素) s yu can stp cmparing yurself t thers.
    Identify yur triggers and avid them. T stp cmparing yurself t thers, pay attentin t the peple r events that trigger yur behavir. D yu feel dissatisfactin with yur life after lking at high-end gds?37Write dwn yur cmparative thughts as sn as they happen s yu can limit yur expsure t these situatins.
    Appreciate thers instead f envying them.38If yu have friends wh are highly achieving peple, yu might cnsider that their netwrks are full f peple wh might be able t help yu becme mre successful in yur life. Instead f envying their success, be supprtive and use their success t yur benefit.
    39Instead f fcusing n yur“weaknesses,”reflect n the areas yu can imprve.Take classes, wrkshps, r lessns t imprve yur skills, and dn't be afraid t ask ther peple fr help alng the way. By putting yurself first, yu can prmte yur self-cnfidence and find yur place and value.
    Talk t a trusted friend r family member. When yu habitually cmpare yurself t thers, yu can feel even mre inadequate r discuraged. Discuss yur cmparative behavir with a lved ne t release any negative beliefs and help yu prcess yur emtins.40
    第一节 (共15个小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    ——When an animal passes, it leaves hles that need time t repair.
    Neki was my best friend. I met her41in my 20s. One cld mrning, I was walking t wrk when a tiny face pked(探出) thrugh a bush. She was42 . I picked her up and warmed her. But since I had n spare time fr a cat, I put it dwn andcntinued43 . Secnds later, pin-like claws(爪) attached themselves t my 44 . Orange eyes peered up int mine. I had n45 . I tk her hme. She slept next t me fr the rest f her life.
    When Neki died, I didn't think I wuld be cnsumed with46 . She was nly a cat, after all. But the ache I felt was real. I47myself at wrk but still was n the verge f tears at the me re thught f it. My wrk greatly suffered.48 , my cntract ended. But being fired was49because it was in this stillness that I began the healing.
    I tried t50the srrw at first but it frced me int islatin. Then I learned t talk abut my grief penly and51it with my family. This made me feel52and strnger. I granted(准许) myself the time t53Neki’s bjects. My hme felt empty but the expectatin f Neki's presence remained. All I culd d was54 .
    Slwly, the ache eased. After a year, I surprised myself ne mrning when I wke up and didn't55t see Neki. She finally rested in my memry.
    41. A. in time B. in persn C. by chice D. by accident
    42. A. tremblingB. starvingC. stretching D. resting
    43. A. weeping B. praying C. walkingD. cmplaining
    44. A. face B. ankleC. kneeD. shulder
    45. A. clue B. ptin C. chance D. intentin
    46. A. fear B. tensinC. guilt D. sadness
    47. A. enjyed B. prved C. pushed D. challenged
    48. A. Similarly B. Unsurprisingly C. TemprailyD. Unrealistically
    49. A. the last strawB. a mixed blessing C. a ht ptat D. the bttm line
    50. A. hide B. avidC. erase D. ignre
    51. A. argueB. cnnect C. share D. leave
    52. A. mved B. satisfied C. healed D. inspired
    53. A. clear away B. give back C. srt ut D. take apart
    54. A. wait B. cry C. stpD. recall
    55. A. affrd B. pretend C. manage D. expect
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Fr the 23-year-ld Zhang Liang, physical disability has never been a barrier t stp him frm achieving success.
    Zhang, frm Anhui prvince, has stegenesis imperfecta, a rare genetic illness56 makes bnes extremely weak, since he was a child.
    57frequent fractures (骨折) meant he culdn't walk independently, he remained ptimistic and hardwrking. In 2022, Zhang rde a twister car t take the natinal cllege entrance exam, tuching the hearts f many peple. His effrts paid ff. He perfrmed well in the exam and58 (admit) t Anhui Plytechnic University.
    Getting rid f the twister car and walking independently was always Zhang's dream.After entering the cllege, under the59(guide) f his prfessr, he, alng with sme classmates,60(frm) a small scientific research team t design a set f61 (wear)devices that help disabled peple perfrm varius daily activities. With the supprt f warm-hearted peple, they finally cmpleted the design62 (use) the 3D printing technlgy. Assisted by63set f devices, Zhang finally managed t walk.
    He als participated in the recent cllege students’ career planning cmpetitin in Anhui prvince and wn the secnd prize. “My gal is t becme a respnsible businessman 64the field f human intelligent exskeletn,”Zhang said at the cmpetitin. He hpes t use his prfessinal knwledge and practical experience65(help) mre disabled peple with intelligent equipment.
    第一节 (满分 15分)
    假定你是李华,是校留学生文艺社(the Internatinal Student Arts Sciety)的负责人。你的任期即将结束,请在换届选举活动上发表离任演说,内容包括:
    第二节 (满分25分)
    The mre yu trust and believe in angels, the mre they will pur their blessings upn yu.
    It was ur first day t explre the city f Mscw n ur wn, withut a friend r tur guide leading the way. My husband and I had cmpleted a week-lng tur and felt cnfident that we culd wander thrugh the streets by urselves nw. We had enjyed a full day f. explratin when suddenly the sky turned frm clear blue t gray.“It's time t head back!”I said.
    As we went n alng the rad t ur htel, Kvart, the strm cluds cvered the entiresky, and the first raindrps began t hit ur heads.
    “Shuld we grab a taxi?”I yelled, the rain being s lud that I had t raise my vice.
    “N, we can make it,”my husband bmed back. “It's nly a twenty-minute walk.”
    As the rain and wind increased, s did ur ftsteps. The streets had turned int raring rivers that quickly saked ur shes. Suddenly, the biggest eruptin f thunder I had ever experienced sunded directly abve us! I thught my heart truly stpped fr that mment.
    We hurried frward, but it wasn't lng befre we realized that we had been walking much lnger than it shuld have taken us t reach ur htel. Where n earth did we take the wrng turn? We had nt bught internatinal phne cards, s we culdn't call fr help,and the streets were empty.
    Suddenly we nticed sme lights n at a gas statin. Great, at least we culd ask smene there fr help! As we apprached it, tw men were refueling their Chevrlet car.We asked them hw t get t Kvart. They didn't reply but managed a friendly n d and smile. We went n t explain the situatin with the few awkward Russian phrases we had just learned. They listened intently, but it was bvius that they were becming increasingly cnfused. We had t try ur luck back n the street, praying deep dwn, “Please, send angels t lead us back.”
    第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    1-5. BCAAB 6-10. CABCB 11-15. ABCAB16-20. ACACC
    第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    21-23 CAD 24-27 BADB28-31 ABCA 32-35 CCBC
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    第三部分语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15个小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
    41-45 DACBB46-50DCBBA 51-55 CCAAD
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
    56. which/that 57. Althugh/Thugh/While 58. was admitted 59. guidance 60. frmed
    61. wearable 62. using63. the64. in 65. t help
    第四部分写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    Gd mrning, everyne! I am Li Hua. It has been my privilege t serve as the President f the Internatinal Student Arts Sciety fr the past year and I wuld like t share a few thughts with yu.
    I can still remember the diverse activities we rganized tgether. Whether it was the vibrant cultural festivals, attractive art exhibitins, r thrilling perfrmances, ur team has cnsistently demnstrated exceptinal talent and dedicatin. As the President, I have been deeply mved by ur unity. We learned t appreciate thers'differences and wrked tgether fr shared gals.
    As I step dwn frm this rle, I want t extend my heartfelt wishes t every member f yu.May yu carry frward ur finest traditins while bldly innvating. Thank yu!
    第二节 (满分25分)
    Then a familiar Chevrlet car pulled up beside us. It was the same car we had seen earlier at the gas statin. The driver rlled dwn the windw and waved at us with the ther man beside him,saying a few wrds in Russian. Althugh we didn't understand the language, we quickly resrted t gestures, wanting t grasp the last straw. Suddenly, my husband gt an idea. He rummaged thrugh the bag, pulled ut the htel card and pinted frantically t it with the repeated wrd“Kvart”, hping they wuld understand. Thankfully, the driver ndded and the ther man typedKvart int his phne map and and shwed us, as if asking us fr cnfirmatin. Seeing this, we ndded desperately and gave thumbs-up signs.
    Finally they understd what we meant. And mre frtunately, they ffered t escrt us back t the htel. The driver started the engine and the ther man beside him ccasinally glanced at us with a reassuring smile. We felt safe and secure, thugh the streets were still deserted and the rain was relentless. After what seemed like an eternity, we arrived and the rain began t let up. The driver parked the car and pened the dr fr us. We thanked them prfusely, but they just smiled and left. We walked int the htel, feeling exhausted but grateful. Angels had led us back t safety,and we knew that it was because we had trusted and believed in them.
    A. Build yur self-cnfidence.
    B. Wrk n imprving yur abilities.
    C. D yu have a psitive thught abut yurself?
    D. Cnsider the advantage that thers can bring yu.
    E. Yu might be surprised t hear they feel the same way as yu.
    F. Is there smene wh always makes yu feel bad abut yurself?
    G. But it desn't mean yu have t“keep up”t live a cntent and meaningful life.
    Gd mrning, everyne!
    Then a familiar Chevrlet car pulled up besides us.
    Finally they understd what we meant.

    浙江省金华市十校2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题: 这是一份浙江省金华市十校2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题,文件包含浙江省金华市十校2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题原卷版docx、浙江省金华市十校2021-2022学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    浙江省金华市十校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末调研考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份浙江省金华市十校2022-2023学年高二下学期期末调研考试英语试卷(含答案),共21页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    浙江省金华十校2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期末调研试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份浙江省金华十校2022-2023学年高二英语下学期期末调研试题(Word版附解析),共21页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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