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    The highly anticipated“ Stan Lee: Beynd the Bk” exhibitin pens Wednesday, May1, and runs thrugh late Octber at the University f Wyming's American Heritage Center(AHC). The exhibitin hnrs the legendary cmics creatr, authr and editr. The immersive exhibitin prvides visitrs with a glimpse int the extrardinary life and legacy(遗产) f Lee, and ffers a firsthand lk at his remarkable life n ppular culture, frm cmic bks t film and televisin.
    “Stan Lee: Beynd the Bk” will reveal Lee the persn, frm his childhd t his later years. Displays explre Lee's impact n the cmic bk industry, relatins with his fans, the creative prcesses he and his teams fllwed, develpment f cmic bk characters, and his invlvement in scial and plitical issues..
    Lee began a relatinship with the AHC mre than 45 years ag in 1977. The relatinship was persnal and fr the next 30 years, he crrespnded regularly with AH Cdirectrs and even visited the UW campus. Even thugh he never earned a cllege degree, he called UW “my university” because f this cnnectin. His dnatins nw make up a unique cllectin, cnsisting f 126 cubic feet f materials in the AHC.
    Frmreinfrmatinabuttheexhibitinandrelatedevents,visittheAHCwebsiteat 'shursareMnday--Friday,,
    1.What will yu see in the exhibitin abut Lee?
    A. His influence n educatin. B. His fans’ cmments n him.
    C. His cntributins t cmics. D. His engagement in internatinal affairs.
    2.When can yu pay a visit t the exhibitin?
    A. Wednesday at 8 a. m. in May. B. Saturday at 5 p. m. in June.
    C. Thursday at 6 p. m. in Octber. D. Friday at 11 a. m. in Nvember.
    3.In which clumn f a newspaper can yu mst pssibly read this text?
    A. Art. B. Industry. C. Sciety. D. Educatin.
    Ellie Hamby, a dcumentary phtgrapher, and Sandy Haze lip, a physician and lecturer, tured the wrld in 80 days, adventuring frm the beaches f Bali t the deserts f Egypt.
    The aged grandmthers started their ambitius adventure n January 11, accrding t the blg the tw have used t dcument their travels. Their first stp was a lcatin that escapes even many seasned travelers: Antarctica. Getting t the suthernmst cntinent first required crssing the Drake Passage, the knwn rugh waters between the suthern tip f Suth America and Antarctica’s Suth Shetland Islands. “Fr almst tw days, we were a rcking and rlling and a slipping and sliding thrugh the Drake Passage and we were hlding n fr dear life,” Hamby said in an interview with CNN. “It was just wild.” “But when we stepped ft n the grund n the Antarctic, yu frgt all f that,” she recalled. “The beauty f the Antarctic is just unbelievable t see the penguins and the icebergs and the glacier — just, this was amazing.”
    Since that first adventure, the pair have visited 18 cuntries acrss all seven cntinents, ften dressed in matching T-shirts. They've als accumulated (积累) a lving scial media fllwing wh track the “traveling grannies” n TikTk, Instagram, and Facebk.
    Hazelip tld CNN that she met Hamby after her husband died in 1999. The tw bnded ver their shared interest in travel and cmmitment t priritizing unique experiences ver cmfrt while abrad. Bth became clser after Hamby's husband died in 2005.
    Hazelip says the idea fr their trip riginated a few years befre they were each set t turn 80.
    “I just gt the idea because we had traveled previusly tgether internatinally,” she said. “And s abut fur years befre we were ging t turn 80, I mentined t her ne day, ‘ Ellie, wuldn’t it be fun t g arund the wrld in 80 days at age 80?’”
    4.What can we knw abut Hazelip and Hamby accrding t the passage?
    A. They started their adventure frm Bali.
    B. They recrded their travels n the Internet.
    C. They have knwn each ther since their yuth.
    D. They lng t travel t all seven cntinents ne day.
    5.Which f the fllwing best describes their jurney t Antarctica?
    A. Fruitless. B. Light-hearted. C. Well-planned. D. Risky.
    6.What cntributes t Hazelip and Hamby's clse relatinship?
    A. Shared lve fr travelling. B. The same family backgrund.
    C. Similar wrking experiences. D. Cmmn interest in scial media.
    7.What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T call n readers t travel arund the wrld.
    B. T recmmend Antarctica as a great turist destinatin.
    C. T emphasize the imprtance f a cmpanin during a trip.
    D. T share a stry abut an aged cuple's traveling experience.
    A new bservatin in Sumatra caught seasned scientists by surprise. An rangutan(红毛猩猩) knwn as Rakus treated a fresh wund with a medicinal plant, making this the first time an animal has been seen applying a bilgically active substance(物质) fr. its health benefits. This leaves scientists wndering: Did humans invent medicine, r des it pre-date ur species?
    These animals are knwn t be amng the mst intelligent nn-human primates(灵长类). They've been bserved using tls, cmmunicating vcally, and engaging in even mre cmplex behavirs like calculated reciprcity, which invlves aiding anther rangutan with the expectatin f being paid back. They can even use Skype with sme help frm humans.
    Rughly 60,000-70,000 f these creatures remain in the wild, abut 15,000 f which live n the Indnesian island f Sumatra. That's where the Suaq Prject, part f the Max Planck Institute fr Animal Behavir, bserves rangutans in their natural habitat.
    The researchers nted in June that Rakus had a small wund n his face fllwing a fight with anther mature male rangutan. Several days later, Rakus did smething n ne had ever seen a primate d befre. He began carefully picking the leaves frm a climbing vine(藤蔓) knwn as akar kuning. Lcal human ppulatins have lng used these leaves fr pain relief and t treat cnditins like malaria. Orangutans dn't usually eat these plants; indeed, Rakus didn't eat them. He chewed (嚼碎) them and then applied the resulting paste t his facial wund.
    This is the first time researchers have seen such behavir in 21 years at the Sumatran research statin. Wild rangutans are rarely injured, s this may be a rare but widespread behavir. Or perhaps Rakus is the nly ne that knws this trick. The researchers assumed that early humans may have learned abut certain treatment by bserving animals engaging in similar behavirs. And here we are, thusands f generatins later, still watching and wndering just hw smart they are. Increasingly, it lks like rangutans are ne cave painting away frm civilizatin.
    8.Why des the authr mentin Skype in paragraph 2?
    A. T supprt an idea. B. T draw a cnclusin.
    C. T explain a prblem. D. T present a suggestin.
    9.What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. Hw Rakus gt injured. B. Hw Rakus treated his wund.
    C. What Rakus ate in the wild. D. What Rakus explred in the frest.
    10.What can be inferred abut the new bservatin?
    A. It prves the medical value f a plant leaf.
    B. It shws a widespread behavir amng rangutans.
    C. It answers ne f scientists’ questins abut medicine.
    D. It adds evidence t shw the intelligence f rangutans.
    11.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Nn-human Primates Seen Using Tls in the Wild
    B. Orangutans Prved t Be the Mst Intelligent Primate
    C. A Prject Observes Orangutans in Their Natural Habitat
    D. An Orangutan Observed Applying Medicinal Plant t a Wund
    D yu ever get that feeling that there aren't enugh hurs in the day? That time is smehw racing away frm yu, and it is impssible t fit everything in. But then, yu step utside int the cuntryside and suddenly everything seems slwer, mre relaxed, like time has smehw changed.
    It's nt just yu — recent research shwed nature can regulate ur sense f time. Fr many f us, the cmbined demands f wrk, hme and family mean that we are always feeling like we dn't have enugh time. Time pverty has als been exacerbated by digital technlgies. Permanent(长久的,永久的) nline cnnectivity lengthens wrking hurs and can make it harder t switch ff frm the demands f friends· and family.
    Recent researches suggest that the cure fr ur lack f time may lie in the natural wrld which may change hw we experience time. These studies cnsistently shwed that peple reprt a sense f expanded time when they were in nature cmpared t when they were in an urban envirnment. Fr example, peple are mre likely t perceive (感知) a walk in the cuntryside as lnger than a walk f the same length in the city. Nature seems t slw and expand ur sense f time.
    It's nt just ur sense f time in the mment which appears t be changed but als ur sense f the future. Spending time in nature helps t shift ur fcus frm the immediate mment twards ur future needs. S rather than fcusing n the stress f the demands n ur time, nature helps us t see the bigger picture. This can help us priritise (优先处理)ur actins t meet ur lng-term gals rather than living in a state f “just abut keeping ur head abve water”.
    Getting ut int nature may sund like a simple fix, but fr many peple, particularly thse living in urban areas, nature can be hard t access. Green infrastructure such as trees and parks in and arund cities are essential t making sure the benefits f time in nature are accessible t everyne.
    12.What des the underlined wrd “exacerbated” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Changed. B. Reflected. C. Wrsened. D. Cntrlled.
    13.Hw des nature change ur sense f the future?.
    A. By changing ur fcus. B. By prmting immediate actins.
    C. By releasing ur stress. D. By reducing the demands n time.
    14.Accrding t the authr, what is a slutin t ur lack f time?
    A. Mve t the cuntryside. B. Decrease nline cnnectivity.
    C. Get int green space in urban areas. D. Learn t refuse the unreasnable demands.
    15.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Researches reveal ur pverty f time in nature.
    B. Being in nature can change ur perceptin f time.
    C. Explring nature will bring great benefits t peple.
    D. Peple tend t lead a green life in mdern urban areas.
    16.If yu have experienced awkward situatins, yu're definitely nt alne. ① Thus, it's helpful t have strategies t help us deal with things as gracefully as pssible. Here are my tp tips fr vercming awkwardness.
    ② Ding r saying smething awkward r embarrassing can make us feel like the entire wrld has nticed. This is caused by a phenmenn called the Sptlight Effect, where we think peple ntice and remember mre abut ur appearance and behavir than they d. Reminding yurself that “Nbdy will remember this tmrrw” can help yu react t an awkward mment mre wisely.
    Dn't take all the blame. ③ They're smething that yu create with ther peple. That's what makes them scial. If yu're feeling awkward r uncmfrtable, it's easy t take all f the blame fr that n yurself. Reminding yurself that yu can't cntrl everything in a scial situatin can make it easier fr yu t frgive yurself fr awkward situatins.
    Try t see the funny side. This is ne f the mst pwerful tls I've fund fr vercming awkwardness. Finding the humr in the situatin lets me feel better and helps the peple arund me feel mre cmfrtable. ④ Laughing, even at yurself, when smene's been hurt r upset can cme acrss as mean.
    Accept the risk f awkwardness. Learning smething new almst always cmes with the risk f getting it wrng. This means that if yu want t imprve yur scial skills, yu will prbably have t deal with sme awkwardness. Rather than trying t avid all awkward situatins, try t see them as part f hw yu learn. ⑤ In fact, being awkward can make yu mre likable.
    A. Be kind t yur past self.
    B. But be careful abut hw yu use it.
    C. This is part f becming scially skilled.
    D. It's nt pssible t avid them cmpletely.
    E. Remember that thers dn't pay much attentin t yu.
    F. This can be a real struggle when yu're feeling awkward.
    G. Scial situatins are almst always a shared respnsibility.
    Three years ag, Araba Maze was reading a bk t her niece n the frnt stp (门廊) f her Baltimre hme. But as the pages 1 , the number f lcal children 2
    arund fr “stp stry time” increased. When she had finished reading t them, they 3 her t read anther. “G hme and read,” she said. “We dn't have any 4 ,”they replied.
    Little did she knw, but thse decisive minutes f 5 time launched Maze's career as a(n) 6 and nline influencer wh champins a cause f getting bks int the hands f children with n 7 t libraries.
    Nw knwn as Strybk Maze, she started wrk at the 8 library, which wasn't that near since her neighbrhd is ne f the wrst ‘bk 9 ’in Baltimre. Using her 10 n scial platfrms, she gathered funds t set up a bk vending machine(自动售货机) fr kids n the street in 2023. Thrugh her effrts, she’s 11 ver 7,000 bks.
    Nw, Strybk Maze is 12 her largest prject yet—a bk trlley train. With the gal f 13 $100,000 n GFundMe, she hpes t have a clrful children's train that will tt-tt its way thrugh the bk deserts f Baltimre, 14 as many bks as can fit in the carriage(车厢).
    “As the wheels f the Bk Trlley turn, s d the pages f cuntless stries waiting t be 15 .”Maze writes.
    17.A. appeared B. turned C. faded D. parted
    18.A. gathering B. playing C. wandering D. running
    19.A. frced B. reminded C. asked D. encuraged
    20.A. mney B. time C. bks D. plans
    21.A. waiting B. relaxing C. testing D. reading
    22.A. publisher B. librarian C. writer D. editr
    23.A. access B. keys C. directins D. attentin
    24.A. busiest B. biggest C. nearest D. ldest
    25.A. markets B. deserts C. banks D. museums
    26.A. ppularity B. luck C. cmments D. prfile
    27.A. saved up B. brught in C. passed dwn D. given ut
    28.A. attempting B. recrding C. chsing D. replacing
    29.A. dnating B. lending C. earning D. raising
    30.A. receiving B. brrwing C. prviding D. buying
    31.A. changed B. discvered C. written D. illustrated
    32.When custmers first walk int a restaurant, what's the first thing they usually see?
    They likely ntice pictures f the fd hung all ver the restaurant walls. Especially if custmers are ① (hunger), there is n dubt that sales will increase with attractive fd pictures n display(展示). But what is the psychlgy(心理) behind it?
    A large part f ur feeling f hunger first cmes frm ur eyes. Many studies have prved that we are scientifically mre drawn t smething ② lks appetizing(引起食欲的) rather than smells appetizing.
    ③ this science in mind, it is essential t create and display attractive images f yur fd prducts. Putting images f the fd right n the menu is the best way ④ (get) yur custmers t rder it. These images culd ⑤ (shw) right next t the descriptin n ⑥ self-rdering machine s custmers will knw exactly what they ⑦
    (rder) and what it lks like. Anther ⑧ (effect) way t market these fd images is n scial media. Nw mre than ever, custmers are active n scial media, ⑨ psting pictures f yur dishes is ideal.
    Peple eat with all senses, but yur restaurant will be mre successful by taking psychlgy int accunt and ⑩ (fcus) n sight.
    1.动物园基本情况; 2.游玩过程和感受; 3.游玩建议。
    1. 写作词数为 100左右;
    My Z Walk
    36.尽管有很多的挑战,但是为了探索宇宙的奥秘,她决定成为一名宇航员。(不定式作目的状语; determine)
    解析:细节理解题。由文章第一段“The immersive exhibitin prvides visitrs with a glimpse int the extrardinary life and legacy (遗产) f Lee, and ffers a firsthand lk at his remarkable life n ppular culture, frm cmic bks t film and televisin.(i文身临其境的展览让游客得以一窥 Lee非凡的生活和遗产,并目睹他在流行文化方面的非凡生活从漫画书到电影和电视)”可知,你在关于李的展览中看到他对漫画的贡献。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。由文章第一段“The highly anticipated “Stan Lee: Beynd the Bk’ exhibitin pens Wednesday, May 1, and runs thrugh late Octber at the University f Wyming's American Heritage Center(AHC).(备受期待的“Stan Lee Beynd the Bk”展览将于5月1日星期三在怀俄明外大学美国遗产中心(AHC)开幕,展览将持续到10月下旬)”和最后一段“The exhibitin's hurs are Mnday-Friday, frm 9 a.m. t 5 p.m., and Saturday frm 10 6 p.m.(展览时间为周一至周五上午9点至下午5点,周六上午10点至下午6点)”可知,六月的星期六下午5点可以参观这次展览。故选B项。
    解析:推理判断题。由文章第一段“The highly anticipated 'Stan Lee: Beynd the Bk’ exhibitin pens Wednesday, May 1, and runs thrugh late Octber at the University f Wyming's American Heritage Center (AHC).(备受期待的“Stan Lee: Beynd the Bk”展览将于5月1日星期三在怀俄明州大学美国遗产中心(AHC)开幕,展览将持续到10月下旬)”以及后文可知,文章主要介绍一个关于传奇漫画创作者Lee的展览。由此推知,可能在报纸上“艺术”版块看到这篇文章。故选A项。
    解析:根据第三段可知,在 Hazelip的丈夫去世前,他在Hazelip心里播下了一颗种子--他们应该开始在夏天带孙子们去旅行。这将她带到了赞比亚,加入一个由Hamby和她的丈夫在非洲南部运营的项目。由此可推断,Hazelip去赞比亚是为了完成丈夫想在夏天带他们的孙子旅行的心愿。
    解析:根据第四段中的"The tw bnded because bth f them lved traveling and were cmmitted t priritizing unique experiences ver cmfrt while abrad" 知,两人之所以走到一起,是因为她们都喜欢旅行,并且都致力于在国外优先考虑独特的体验而不是舒适感。由此可知,Hamby和Hazelip都喜欢旅行,有共同的兴趣,所以她们成了朋友。
    解析:根据第六段中的"And despite the challenges internatinal travel presents, the best friends said they finished their trip withut any arguments"可知,尽管国际旅行会带来挑战,但这对好朋友表示,她们在没有任何争吵的情况下完成了旅行。由此可知,Hamby和Hazelip在旅中遇到了一些挑战。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“a walk thrugh the cuntryside felt lnger than a city walk f the same distance”可知,在乡村散步比在同样距离的城市散步感觉要长,即感觉时间过得慢。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“cmpared peple’s experiences f time when they perfrmed different types f tasks in cities and natural envirnments’曰知,是通过比较做研究。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据“It shwed that peple reprted a sense f expanded time when they were in nature cmpared t when they were in cities. Fr example, a walk thrugh the cuntryside felt lnger than a city walk f the same distance.”可知,在乡村散步比在同样距离的城市散步感觉要长,所以与在城市时相比,人们在大自然中的时间感有所增加,故此处画线部分意为“增加”,和Increased意义相近。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“spending time in nature helps t mve ur fcus frm the immediate(百的mment twards ur future needs. S rather than fcusing n the stress f the demands(需求)n ur time, nature helps us t see the bigger picture”可知。时间在大自然中有助于将我们的注意力从眼前转移到未来的需求上,因此,大自然帮助我们看到更大的图景,而不是关注时间需求带来的压力,所以自然是通过转移我们的注意力帮助我们感知未来。故选
    32.答案:①hungry②that③With④t get⑤be shwn⑥a⑦are rdering⑧effective⑨s⑩fcusing
    My Z Walk
    I recently had the pleasure f visiting Hangzhu Wildlife Z, a renwned park that ffers a unique glimpse int the lives f wild animals in their natural habitats. S fantastic was the trip that I'm eager t share it here.
    Frm the mment I stepped int the park, I was impressed by the lush landscapes. During the guided tur, I saw majestic lins basking in the sun, playful mnkeys swinging frm branch t branch, and gentle giraffes reaching fr leaves with their lng necks. It was nthing shrt f magical. If yu are als an animal enthusiast, I strngly recmmend yu plan a visit there! Just remember: keep a safe distance frm the animals and never attempt t feed r tuch them if nt allwed.
    Have yu visited any wildlife parks befre? Share yur unfrgettable experiences belw!
    建议:recmmend- suggest
    原:S fantastic was the trip that I'm eager t share it here.
    拓展句:The trip was s fantastic that I'm eager t share it here.
    【高分句型1】I recently had the pleasure f visiting Hangzhu Wildlife Z, a renwned park that ffers aunique glimpse int the lives f wild animals in their natural habitats.(运用了that引导的限制性定语从
    【高分句型2】S fantastic was the trip that I'm eager t share it here.(运用了s+形容词位于句首引出的部分倒装)
    34.答案:The talented/gifted singer has been awarded several times fr his riginal wrks/sngs in/ver the past/last 3 years.
    35.答案:The nvel published last mnth received/g a psitive respnse/psitive respnses frm teenagers .
    The nvel published last mnth has received/gt(ten) a psitive respnse/psitive respnses frm teenagers.
    36.答案:In spite f/Despite many challenges t explre/find ut/uncver the mystery(mysteries) f space(the universe) she determined/ was determined t be an astrnaut.
    T explre/find ut/uncver the mystery(mysteries) f space (the universe), she determined/ was determined t be an astrnaut in spite f/despite many challenges.
    37.答案:The/This village is surrunded by rlling muntains/hills, creating a breathtaking/an amazing landscape/sight.
    38.答案:He fund himself surfing nline/the internet and checking/reading messages the whle mrning(all the mrning).

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