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    这是一份重庆市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期5月期中考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),共39页。试卷主要包含了 答非选择题时,必须使用0等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。
    2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。
    3. 答非选择题时,必须使用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。
    4. 所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。
    1. What will the man d n Friday night?
    A. Eat ut. B. Study. C. Have a picnic.
    2. Why is Ms. Jenkins leaving the schl accrding t the man?
    A. She is bred f teaching.
    B. She enjys traveling everywhere.
    C. She wants t stay near her parents.
    3. What will the wman d by 7 'clck?
    A. Bk tickets. B. Pick up her tickets. C. See a film.
    4. Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a cafe. C. In a bkstre.
    5. What des the wman mean?
    A. Mary had the car filled up.
    B. Mary had car truble n the way hme.
    C. Mary's car ran ut f gas halfway hme.
    6. Wh takes the dg fr a walk every Sunday?
    A. The man. B. The man's father. C. The man's mther.
    7. What des the man d n Saturday?
    A. He des the husewrk. B. He prepares meals. C. He ges t the park.
    8. What is the man?
    A. A student. B. A manager. C. A prfessr.
    9. What des the man think f his life?
    A. Exciting. B. Interesting. C. Bring.
    10 Why is Mr. Smith leaving his psitin?
    A. T change a jb. B. T travel arund the wrld. C. T mve t anther cuntry.
    11. Hw des the man feel abut Mr. Smith's leaving?
    A. Surprised. B. Pleased. C. Disappinted.
    12. What will the man d n Friday afternn?
    A. Plan fr a meeting. B. Visit a lawyer. C. Attend a party.
    13. Which is the highest muntain in this area?
    A. Munt Karen. B. Munt Heather. C. Munt Brwn.
    14. What is the mst ppular activity in this muntain?
    A. Skiing. B. Seeing wildlife. C. Having snwmbile turs.
    15. Hw is the weather in the muntain in summer?
    A. A bit cld. B. Quite cl. C. Very sunny.
    16. In which seasn may the tur be?
    A. Winter. B. Autumn. C. Summer.
    17. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. A trip experience. B. Husebats. C. A bk n sale.
    18. Hw lng is the tur?
    A. One hur. B. Tw hurs. C. Three hurs.
    19. What des the speaker say abut her husebat?
    A. It is quite large. B. It is very ppular. C. It has everything needed.
    20. What is the speaker's new bk abut?
    A. The turs n husebats.
    B. The largest husebat in the wrld.
    C. The histry f husebats in Seattle.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题:每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Harvest Festivals Arund the Wrld
    The harvest seasn falls at different times f the year depending upn regin, climate, and crp, but festivals celebrating its arrival are held the wrld ver. The fllwing list highlights fur particular harvest festivals.
    Rice Harvest Festival in Indnesia (May 1 — June 30)
    The Rice Harvest Festival that is held in Bali, Indnesia, is a feature f the island’s Hindu culture. The harvest time, which fllws the New Year by abut ne mnth, is dedicated t the rice gddess and is a time f jyus celebratin. Sculptures f the gddess are placed in the fields in thanks, twns are decrated with clred flags, and special bull races are held.
    Yam Festival in Ghana (August r September)
    The Ewe peple f Ghana in Africa celebrate the end f the rainy seasn and the first appearance f yams, a staple crp. The duratin and exact days f the celebratin vary accrding t place, in hpes f driving away hunger in the cming year. Peple gather and hld huge feasts and activities such as dances and parades.
    Sukkth in Israel (September-Octber)
    Sukkth, the “Feast f Bths (棚子),” is held shrtly after the High Hly Days f the New Year celebratin. Special bths are cnstructed t recall the perid f the Exdus, recrded in the lcal religin, when their ancestrs lived in bths in the desert befre entering the Prmised Land.
    Pngal in India (January)
    The fur-day festival f Pngal is a celebratin f the rice harvest perid. Held after the winter slstice (冬至), it celebrates the return f lnger days f life-giving sunlight. Pngal is similar t ther festivals held in Suth and Sutheast Asia, but its name cmes frm a lcal wrd meaning “t bil” and is als the name given t a rice dish that is prepared during this time.
    1. What is special abut Rice Harvest Festival?
    A. Its cnnectin with Hindu culture.B. Its celebratin f the rainy seasn.
    C. Its respect fr their ancestrs.D. Its similarity t ther festivals.
    2. Where can yu jin the crwd and enjy lcal activities?
    A. In Indnesia.B. In Ghana.C. In Israel.D. In India.
    3. Which festival is highly religius?
    A. Rice Harvest Festival.B. Yam Festival.C. Sukkth.D. Pngal.
    The Miyun Reservir (水库) near Beijing plays an imprtant rle in prviding water t the capital. But nt many peple knw this majr prject was actually designed by a grup f university students as their graduatin prject. In 1959, under Jiang Nanxiang, the then headmaster f Tsinghua University, wh encuraged his students t cmbine thery with practice, students frm the Department f Hydraulic Engineering set abut the prject.
    This is ne f the stries tld in the new seasn f Century Masters, which fcuses n 11 nted educatrs, amng them Peking University head Cai Yuanpei, prmter f mass educatin Ta Xingzhi and physical educatin advcate Jiang Nanxiang, which aired n China Educatin Televisin in March, 2024.
    Prduced by the China Federatin f Literary and Art Circles, Century Masters is dedicated t peple renwned fr their mastery in different areas. Earlier seasns fcused n famus artists, architects and writers. Accrding t Chen Hng, the general directr fr the series, the new seasn seeks t preserve and prtect the educatinal practices, ideas and prgress f the subjects, and nurture yung peple in the prcess. “We want t crystallize the wisdm and sweat f cuntless educatrs, a precius heritage fr future generatins, and pen a windw t shwcase the cuntry’s prgress. Many f them als made great achievements in ther areas. This series, hwever, fcuses n their cntributins t educatin”, says Chen.
    Unlike artists wh prduce physical creatins, the cntributins f educatrs are ften theretical, and s are difficult t shw visually. T deal with this, the series brught the educatrs t life by illustrating their ideas thrugh snapshts (快照) f their wrk and life. The tw episdes (一集) abut Ma Yuehan, a pineer in advcating fr physical educatin at Tsinghua University, explre his habit f regular exercise maintained since childhd, his participatin in natinal and internatinal cmpetitins at university, and the way in which he benefited frm being in gd health.
    4. What d we knw abut the Miyun Reservir frm the passage?
    A. It was finished in the year 1959.
    B. Its histrical imprtance has nt been fully recgnized.
    C. It was designed by the headmaster f Tsinghua University.
    D. It is a prduct f Tsinghua University’s advanced teaching philsphy.
    5. What purpse des the new seasn f Century Masters serve?
    A. T intrduce Chinese experts f all fields.
    B. T dig int the all-arund achievements f great educatrs.
    C. T recrd the educatinal practices and ideas f nted educatrs.
    D. T call upn yung peple t cntribute t Chinese educatin.
    6. Why des the authr mentin the episdes f Ma Yuehan in paragraph 4?
    A. T highlight his educatinal cntributin.
    B. T serve as an example f the practice abve.
    C. T prve the imprtance f physical educatin.
    D. T shwcase his achievement in physical cmpetitins.
    7. What’s the best title fr the passage?
    A. Heres f Educatin in Century Masters
    B. Prtectrs f Heritage in Century Masters
    C. Physical and Academic Educatin in Tsinghua University
    D. Theretical and Practical Educatin in Tsinghua University
    Earlier this mnth, Bb Dylan released The Philsphy f Mdern Sng, a cllectin f 66 sngs, detailing their status in music and, smetimes, explaining what a given track might mean r d. The bk reminded me f the Harry Smith’s Anthlgy f American Flk Music, in which Smith intelligently summarizes each sng's narrative arc as if it were a newspaper headline. Dylan is less direct and mre tends t allegrical (讽喻的) lng speeches.
    Dylan has always had a slightly tense relatinship with the writers and jurnalists wh grammatically analyze his sngs fr meaning and, while reading The Philsphy f Mdern Sng, there were mments when I grew slightly red-faced, wrried that the bk might be an purpseful jke, making fun f all the drling (垂涎) critics wh have gne thrilled trying t illustrate the greatness and beauty f his wrk. Yet the pattern and rhythm f his descriptins will be quite familiar t anyne wh listened t “Theme Time Radi Hur”, the Sirius XM shw that Dylan hsted frm 2006 t 2009.
    Ultimately, bth prjects repeat, in a serius way, just hw difficult it is t study, investigate, and evaluate smething as indescribable and brain-scrambling (烧脑) as ppular music.
    The Philsphy f Mdern Sng picked a limited number f sngs, fr Dylan t define the masterpieces that defined him, and he did s determinedly. Much like Smith’s Anthlgy, Dylan’s bk is deeply persnal, despite its sweeping title. It’s bvius that Dylan did nt adjust his preferences t suit a cultural narrative r t play dwn his age. Yet that the bk cntains nly fur sngs perfrmed by wmen is bth depressing and astnishing. This might lead readers t questin Dylan’s character and, mre wrrying, t wnder abut the limits f his musical knwledge.
    8. What d the tw bks, The Philsphy f Mdern Sng and Anthlgy f American Flk Music, have in cmmn?
    A. The writing style.B. The writers’ career.
    C. The bks’ subject.D. The creatin backgrund.
    9. Why might the authr feel slightly red-faced?
    A. Because he was n bad terms with Bb Dylan.
    B. Because he failed t listen t Dylan’s radi prgram.
    C. Because he was laughed at fr his cmments n Dylan’s bk.
    D. Because he may be amng thse critics taking advantage f Dylan’s wrks.
    10. What d we knw abut the bk The Philsphy f Mdern Sng?
    A. It presents a whle histry f American flk music.
    B. It ffers a review n Bb Dylan’s persnal music albums.
    C. It suggests a pssible lack f attentin t wmen’s music.
    D. It fllws the example f Anthlgy f American Flk Music.
    11 What’s the writer’s purpse in writing this passage?
    A. T questin Dylan’s expertise in flk music.
    B. T intrduce the newly-published bk by Bb Dylan.
    C. T blame Dylan fr his underestimating female musicians.
    D. T cmpare the tw bks f Philsphy and Anthlgy.
    Three scientists jintly wn this year’s Nbel Prize in physics fr prving that tiny particles (粒子) culd keep a cnnectin with each ther even when separated, a phenmenn nce dubted but nw being explred fr ptential real-wrld applicatins such as encding infrmatin. Frenchman Alain Aspect, American Jhn F. Clauser and Austrian Antn Zeilinger were quted by the Ryal Swedish Academy f Sciences fr experiments prving the “ttally crazy” field f quantum entanglements (量子纠缠) t be all t real. They demnstrated that unseen particles, such as phtns (光子) , can be linked, r “entangled”, with each ther even when they are separated by large distances.
    In quantum entanglement, establishing cmmn infrmatin between tw phtns nt near each ther “allws us t d things like secret cmmunicatin, in ways which weren’t pssible t d befre”, said David Haviland, chair f the Nbel Cmmittee fr Physics. Quantum infrmatin “has brad and ptential effects in areas such as secure infrmatin transmissin, quantum cmputing and sensing technlgy”. The kind f secure cmmunicatin used by China’s Micius satellite, as well as by sme banks, is a “success stry f quantum entanglement”, said Harun Siljak f Trinity Cllege Dublin.
    The Nbel Cmmittee said Clauser develped quantum theries first put frward in the 1960s int a practical experiment. Aspect was able t crrect an errr in thse theries, while Zeilinger demnstrated a phenmenn called quantum teleprtatin that effectively allws infrmatin t be sent ver distances. “Using entanglement yu can send all the infrmatin which is carried by an bject ver t sme ther place where the bject is.” Zeilinger said. He added that this nly wrks fr tiny particles. “It is nt like in the Star Trek films transprting smething, certainly nt the persn, ver sme distance,” he said.
    12. Which f the fllwing statements abut quantum entanglements is NOT true?
    A. Scientists were dubtful whether it exists in the real wrld.
    B. The Nbel Prize winner has put it int practical experiment.
    C. Tw particles can actually be cnnected regardless f distances.
    D. The mre distant 2 phtns get, the less entangled they’ll becme.
    13. Which has the clsest meaning t the underlined wrd “transmissin”?
    A. Affecting.B. Transfrming.
    C. Cmmunicating.D. Spreading.
    14. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The achievements these 3 scientists have gt individually.
    B. The explanatin fr infrmatin transmissin ver large distances.
    C. The clarificatin that science fictin is n equal t scientific thery.
    D. The reasn why these 3 scientists share this year’s Nbel Prize in physics.
    15. What can we cnclude frm the passage?
    A. Classical physics can be applied t tiny particles.
    B. Quantum physics is the fcus f mdern physical research.
    C. Particles, phtns, and quanta are all the basic cmpsitin f matter.
    D. Quantum entanglements can cntribute t mre cutting-edge technlgies.
    第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Wndering what yu can d t celebrate Earth Day n April 22? Yu’ve cme t the right place. We’ve gathered a cmprehensive list f Earth Day activities, bth fun and envirnmentally-cnscius, t help raise awareness and make a difference. If yu’re ready t learn mre abut jining the glbal celebratin, initiating real change, and ding yur part t save ur planet, read n!
    ·Walk r ride yur bike.
    ___16___ Plus, it’s a great way t invlve physical activity int yur daily rutine, benefiting bth yur physical and mental well-being. Even ne day can make a difference, but if yu can cmmit t walking r biking mre ften in the future, that’s even better!
    ·Use a refillable water bttle.
    Cnsider ging with a stainless-steel refillable bttle fr a super lng-lasting ptin. ___17___ Using a refillable water bttle, meanwhile, prtects the planet, saves yu mney, and prtects yur health.
    ·Plant a tree.
    Pick a tree species that’s native t where yu live. If yu’re unsure, ask an emplyee at yur lcal nursery r garden department. Chse the best planting spt t meet the tree’s needs, dig a prperly sized hle, and water the tree well t give it a gd start. ___18___ Try dnating t a reputable envirnmental nn-prfit that will plant trees n yur behalf instead.
    ·Visit a lcal farmer’s market.
    Eating lcally grwn fd is much better fr the envirnment. Fr example, lcally-grwn fd desn’t have t be transprted lng distances t end up n grcery stre shelves. ___19___
    · ___20___
    See if yur cmmunity is hlding an envirnmental fair. If yur cmmunity desn’t have ne planned, cnsider starting ne yurself! It’s the perfect day t get tgether fr a fun and educatinal celebratin f the Earth. Any mney raised can g twards a lcal envirnmental restratin prject r grup.
    A. Attend a lcal Earth Day event.
    B. Educate yur cmmunity n envirnmental awareness.
    C. Ging car-free fr the day will reduce harmful carbn emissins.
    D. That means yur mney wn’t be wasted n unnecessary spending.
    E. If physically ding this is unrealistic fr yu, there are ther chices!
    F. Nrmally, plastic water bttles end up in garbage cans after a single use.
    G. Yu’ll als be giving back t yur cmmunity by supprting lcal farmers.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Of curse, Bayu had seen this new cusin earlier n and ___21___ that she was the daughter f his Aunt Lin. He made haste t bw and, having greeted her, tk a seat. Lking at Daiyu clsely, he fund her ___22___ frm ther girls. Her dusky arched eyebrws were knitted and yet nt frwning; her ___23___ eyes held bth merriment and srrw; her very weakness had ___24___. Her eyes sparkled with tears; her ___25___ was sft and faint. In rest she was like a lvely flwer ___26___ in the water; in mtin, a pliant willw swaying in the wind. She lked mre sensitive than Bi Gan, mre ___27___ than Xi Shi.
    “I’ve met this cusin befre,” he ___28___ at the end f his scrutiny (审视).
    “Yu’re talking nnsense again,” said his grandmther, laughing.
    “Hw culd yu pssibly have met her?”
    “Well, even if I haven’t, her face lks ___29___. I feel we’re ld friends meeting again after a lng separatin.”
    “S much the better” The Lady Dwager laughed. “That shws yu’re ____30____ t be gd friends.”
    Bayu went ver t sit beside Daiyu and nce mre ____31____ fixedly at her…
    Then, t the cnfusin f them all, he asked Daiyu if she had any jade (玉).
    ____32____ that he had his wn jade in mind, she answered, “N, I haven’t. I suppse it’s t rare fr everybdy t have.”
    This instantly put Bayu int ne f his frenzies (狂暴). ____33____ the jade, he threw it n the grund.
    “What’s rare abut it?” he ____34____. “It can’t even tell gd peple frm bad. What ____35____ understanding has it gt? I dn’t want this annyance either.”
    21. A. decidedB. recgnizedC. bservedD. guessed
    22. A. distantB. freeC. differentD. absent
    23. A. wnderingB. speakingC. hesitatingD. pleasing
    24. A. lveB. terrrC. charmD. trick
    25. A. gestureB. figureC. mvementD. breath
    26. A. bathedB. mirrredC. plantedD. drpped
    27. A. delicateB. preciusC. aggressiveD. reserved
    28. A. assumedB. explainedC. declaredD. interpreted
    29. A. cmmnB. familiarC. prettyD. similar
    30. A. matchedB. cmmittedC. intendedD. meant
    31. A. graspedB. checkedC. aimedD. stared
    32. A. RealizingB. DubtingC. ImaginingD. Admitting
    33. A. Setting ffB. Tearing ffC. Wearing ffD. Cutting ff
    34. A. strmedB. threatenedC. identifiedD. criticized
    35. A. rmanticB. cmplexC. spiritualD. typical
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Recently ___36___ agreement has been signed between the China Wildlife Cnservatin Assciatin and the San Dieg Z in the US fr giant panda cnservatin, ___37___ selects tw giant pandas t be sent t the San Dieg Z fr a 10-year internatinal cnservatin partnership.
    ___38___ (ensure) the well-being f the giant pandas in the US, in March, experts frm the China Wildlife Cnservatin Assciatin ___39___ (travel) t the US t participate ___40___ in-depth discussins and technical exchanges with the San Dieg Z regarding panda care, living envirnment, and health requirements.
    In line with the agreement, bth parties are ___41___ (active) prgressing with the preparatins fr the pandas’ jurney t the US. China ___42___ (select) a pair f pandas, Yun Chuan (male) and Xin Ba (female), frm the China Cnservatin and Research Center fr the Giant Panda, and has arranged fr experienced caretakers and veterinarians t accmpany them t the US.
    The San Dieg Z is ne f the wrld’s tp five ___43___ (z). In 1996, the tw parties fficially started panda cperatin, with Bai Yun and Shi Shi ___44___ (becme) the first pair t live at the San Dieg Z. Currently, the z has gathered a prfessinal team with expertise in panda care, daily nursing, and related scientific research, ____45____ (gain) thrugh study and exchange prgrams in China.
    第四部分 写作(共3节;满分50分)
    第一节 单词填空(满分10分)
    46. It is generally assumed that taking regular exercise enables yu t becme mre e_________ (精力充沛的) (根据中英文提示填空)
    47. A lt f teaching e_________ (设备) has been sent t the earthquake stricken area. (根据中英文提示填空)
    48. She shwed special cncern fr the cllege students and attached much s_________ (重要性) t the educating them. (精力充沛的) (根据中英文提示填空)
    49. As he wrks in a remte area, he visits his parents nly _________ (偶尔地). (根据中英文提示填空)
    50. He has a number f interests, r_________ (包括) frm playing chess t swimming. (根据中英文提示填空)
    51. Everyne c_________ (鼓掌) us when we went up t receive ur prize. (根据中英文提示填空)
    52. Sme peple think clning is i_________ (不道德地) reasnable and shuld be frbidden. (根据中英文提示填空)
    53. I'm writing t make a c_________ (投诉) abut the quality f the TV set that I bught in yur stre. (根据中英文提示填空)
    54. Be my hme at 6 ’clck s_________ (整), nt a secnd befre r after. (根据中英文提示填空)
    55. The kids in the kindergarten are taught that it’s n use crying ver s_________ (洒出的) milk. (根据中英文提示填空)
    56. 假定你是李华,英国交换生Frank写信给你,希望你推荐一个中国成语,作为鼓励他学习中文的座右铭。请你回封信,推荐成语“愚公移山”,内容包括;
    1. 简介成语故事和寓意;
    2. 推荐理由。
    注意:1 写作词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。
    生词:成语 idim; 座右铭 mtt; 愚公移山Yu Gng Yi Shan
    57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The schl’s hall gt very nisy with excitement as students, teachers, and parents filled the seats, eagerly awaiting the start f the annual schl talent shw. Backstage, the perfrmers paced nervusly, their hearts punding with anticipatin and their minds filled with a mixture f excitement and fear.
    Amng them was Sarah, a shy but talented singer whse passin fr music burned brightly within her. Ever since she was a lnely yung girl, Sarah had fund cmfrt in music. With nthing but her vice t accmpany her, she wuld sing fr hurs n end, puring her heart and sul int each nte, each lyric, each breath.
    Sarah’s talent did nt g unnticed. One day, while she was singing sftly t herself during a lunch break at schl, Mrs Carline, the chir directr, happened t verhear her. Immediately, she saw smething special in Sarah—a talent that deserved t rise and shine.
    Over the fllwing weeks and mnths, Mrs Carline tk Sarah under her wing, ffering guidance, supprt, and encuragement every step f the way. She encuraged Sarah t step ut f her cmfrt zne, t embrace her gift, and t share it with the wrld.
    Under Mrs Carline’s instructin, Sarah began t push herself harder than ever befre. She spent hurs each day practicing her singing, hning her skills, and perfecting her craft. She sught ut pprtunities t perfrm in frnt f thers, gradually building up her cnfidence and vercming her fears.
    When the mment finally came, with a deep breath, Sarah stepped ut nt the stage, the sptlight blazing dwn upn her like a thusand suns. Fr a mment, Sarah was frzen in place. But then, with a determined smile, she raised the micrphne t her lips and began t sing.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置答题。
    Paragraph 1:
    Then a sudden technical failure caused her backgrund music t cut ut.
    Paragraph 2:
    When she stepped ff the stage, Sarah recgnized a familiar figure amng the crwd.
    1. 答题前,务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。
    2. 答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。
    3. 答非选择题时,必须使用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上。
    4. 所有题目必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。
    1. What will the man d n Friday night?
    A. Eat ut. B. Study. C. Have a picnic.
    2. Why is Ms. Jenkins leaving the schl accrding t the man?
    A. She is bred f teaching.
    B. She enjys traveling everywhere.
    C. She wants t stay near her parents.
    3. What will the wman d by 7 'clck?
    A. Bk tickets. B. Pick up her tickets. C. See a film.
    4. Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a cafe. C. In a bkstre.
    5. What des the wman mean?
    A. Mary had the car filled up.
    B. Mary had car truble n the way hme.
    C. Mary's car ran ut f gas halfway hme.
    6. Wh takes the dg fr a walk every Sunday?
    A. The man. B. The man's father. C. The man's mther.
    7. What des the man d n Saturday?
    A. He des the husewrk. B. He prepares meals. C. He ges t the park.
    8. What is the man?
    A. A student. B. A manager. C. A prfessr.
    9. What des the man think f his life?
    A. Exciting. B. Interesting. C. Bring.
    10. Why is Mr. Smith leaving his psitin?
    A. T change a jb. B. T travel arund the wrld. C. T mve t anther cuntry.
    11. Hw des the man feel abut Mr. Smith's leaving?
    A. Surprised. B. Pleased. C. Disappinted.
    12. What will the man d n Friday afternn?
    A. Plan fr a meeting. B. Visit a lawyer. C. Attend a party.
    13. Which is the highest muntain in this area?
    A. Munt Karen. B. Munt Heather. C. Munt Brwn.
    14. What is the mst ppular activity in this muntain?
    A. Skiing. B. Seeing wildlife. C. Having snwmbile turs.
    15. Hw is the weather in the muntain in summer?
    A. A bit cld. B. Quite cl. C. Very sunny.
    16. In which seasn may the tur be?
    A. Winter. B. Autumn. C. Summer.
    17. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. A trip experience. B. Husebats. C. A bk n sale.
    18. Hw lng is the tur?
    A. One hur. B. Tw hurs. C. Three hurs.
    19. What des the speaker say abut her husebat?
    A. It is quite large. B. It is very ppular. C. It has everything needed.
    20 What is the speaker's new bk abut?
    A. The turs n husebats.
    B. The largest husebat in the wrld.
    C. The histry f husebats in Seattle.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题:每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Harvest Festivals Arund the Wrld
    The harvest seasn falls at different times f the year depending upn regin, climate, and crp, but festivals celebrating its arrival are held the wrld ver. The fllwing list highlights fur particular harvest festivals.
    Rice Harvest Festival in Indnesia (May 1 — June 30)
    The Rice Harvest Festival that is held in Bali, Indnesia, is a feature f the island’s Hindu culture. The harvest time, which fllws the New Year by abut ne mnth, is dedicated t the rice gddess and is a time f jyus celebratin. Sculptures f the gddess are placed in the fields in thanks, twns are decrated with clred flags, and special bull races are held.
    Yam Festival in Ghana (August r September)
    The Ewe peple f Ghana in Africa celebrate the end f the rainy seasn and the first appearance f yams, a staple crp. The duratin and exact days f the celebratin vary accrding t place, in hpes f driving away hunger in the cming year. Peple gather and hld huge feasts and activities such as dances and parades.
    Sukkth in Israel (September-Octber)
    Sukkth, the “Feast f Bths (棚子),” is held shrtly after the High Hly Days f the New Year celebratin. Special bths are cnstructed t recall the perid f the Exdus, recrded in the lcal religin, when their ancestrs lived in bths in the desert befre entering the Prmised Land.
    Pngal in India (January)
    The fur-day festival f Pngal is a celebratin f the rice harvest perid. Held after the winter slstice (冬至), it celebrates the return f lnger days f life-giving sunlight. Pngal is similar t ther festivals held in Suth and Sutheast Asia, but its name cmes frm a lcal wrd meaning “t bil” and is als the name given t a rice dish that is prepared during this time.
    1. What is special abut Rice Harvest Festival?
    A. Its cnnectin with Hindu culture.B. Its celebratin f the rainy seasn.
    C. Its respect fr their ancestrs.D. Its similarity t ther festivals.
    2. Where can yu jin the crwd and enjy lcal activities?
    A. In Indnesia.B. In Ghana.C. In Israel.D. In India.
    3. Which festival is highly religius?
    A. Rice Harvest Festival.B. Yam Festival.C. Sukkth.D. Pngal.
    【答案】1. A 2. B 3. C
    细节理解题。根据文章Rice Harvest Festival in Indnesia (May 1-June 30)的介绍中“The Rice Harvest Festival that is held in Bali, Indnesia, is a feature f the island’s Hindu culture. (在印度尼西亚巴厘岛举行的稻谷丰收节是岛上印度教文化的一个特色。)”可知,稻谷丰收季与印度教文化有关。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据文章Yam Festival in Ghana (August r September)中“Peple gather and hld huge feasts and activities such as dances and parades. (人们聚集在一起举行盛大的宴会和活动,如跳舞和游行。)”可知,在加纳的山药节中人们举行盛大的宴会有跳舞和游行,所以在加纳的山药节中可以加入当地的活动。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Sukkth in Israel (September-Octber) 中“Special bths are cnstructed t recall the perid f the Exdus, recrded in the lcal religin, when their ancestrs lived in bths in the desert befre entering the Prmised Land. (建造特殊的棚屋是为了纪念当地宗教记载的出埃及记时期,当时他们的祖先在进入应许之地之前住在沙漠中的棚屋里。)”可知,以色列的Sukkth与宗教密切相关。故选C。
    The Miyun Reservir (水库) near Beijing plays an imprtant rle in prviding water t the capital. But nt many peple knw this majr prject was actually designed by a grup f university students as their graduatin prject. In 1959, under Jiang Nanxiang, the then headmaster f Tsinghua University, wh encuraged his students t cmbine thery with practice, students frm the Department f Hydraulic Engineering set abut the prject.
    This is ne f the stries tld in the new seasn f Century Masters, which fcuses n 11 nted educatrs, amng them Peking University head Cai Yuanpei, prmter f mass educatin Ta Xingzhi and physical educatin advcate Jiang Nanxiang, which aired n China Educatin Televisin in March, 2024.
    Prduced by the China Federatin f Literary and Art Circles, Century Masters is dedicated t peple renwned fr their mastery in different areas. Earlier seasns fcused n famus artists, architects and writers. Accrding t Chen Hng, the general directr fr the series, the new seasn seeks t preserve and prtect the educatinal practices, ideas and prgress f the subjects, and nurture yung peple in the prcess. “We want t crystallize the wisdm and sweat f cuntless educatrs, a precius heritage fr future generatins, and pen a windw t shwcase the cuntry’s prgress. Many f them als made great achievements in ther areas. This series, hwever, fcuses n their cntributins t educatin”, says Chen.
    Unlike artists wh prduce physical creatins, the cntributins f educatrs are ften theretical, and s are difficult t shw visually. T deal with this, the series brught the educatrs t life by illustrating their ideas thrugh snapshts (快照) f their wrk and life. The tw episdes (一集) abut Ma Yuehan, a pineer in advcating fr physical educatin at Tsinghua University, explre his habit f regular exercise maintained since childhd, his participatin in natinal and internatinal cmpetitins at university, and the way in which he benefited frm being in gd health.
    4. What d we knw abut the Miyun Reservir frm the passage?
    A. It was finished in the year 1959.
    B. Its histrical imprtance has nt been fully recgnized.
    C. It was designed by the headmaster f Tsinghua University.
    D. It is a prduct f Tsinghua University’s advanced teaching philsphy.
    5. What purpse des the new seasn f Century Masters serve?
    A. T intrduce Chinese experts f all fields.
    B. T dig int the all-arund achievements f great educatrs.
    C. T recrd the educatinal practices and ideas f nted educatrs.
    D. T call upn yung peple t cntribute t Chinese educatin.
    6. Why des the authr mentin the episdes f Ma Yuehan in paragraph 4?
    A. T highlight his educatinal cntributin.
    B. T serve as an example f the practice abve.
    C. T prve the imprtance f physical educatin.
    D. T shwcase his achievement in physical cmpetitins.
    7. What’s the best title fr the passage?
    A. Heres f Educatin in Century Masters
    B. Prtectrs f Heritage in Century Masters
    C. Physical and Academic Educatin in Tsinghua University
    D. Theretical and Practical Educatin in Tsinghua University
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. B 7. A
    细节理解题。由文章第一段“The Miyun Reservir (水库) near Beijing plays an imprtant rle in prviding water t the capital. But nt many peple knw this majr prject was actually designed by a grup f university students as their graduatin prject. In 1959, under Jiang Nanxiang, the then headmaster f Tsinghua University, wh encuraged his students t cmbine thery with practice, students frm the Department f Hydraulic Engineering set abut the prject. (北京附近的密云水库在向首都供水方面起着重要作用。但没有多少人知道这个重大项目实际上是由一群大学生设计的,作为他们的毕业设计。1959年,在时任清华大学校长蒋南翔鼓励学生理论联系实际的指导下,水工学系的学生们开始了这一工程。)”可知,密云水库是清华大学先进教学理念的产物。故选D。
    推理判断题。由文章第三段中“Accrding t Chen Hng, the general directr fr the series, the new seasn seeks t preserve and prtect the educatinal practices, ideas and prgress f the subjects, and nurture yung peple in the prcess. “We want t crystallize the wisdm and sweat f cuntless educatrs, a precius heritage fr future generatins, and pen a windw t shwcase the cuntry’s prgress. Many f them als made great achievements in ther areas. This series, hwever, fcuses n their cntributins t educatin”, says Chen. (据该系列的总导演陈红介绍,新一季旨在保留和保护学科的教育实践,思想和进步,并在此过程中培养年轻人。“我们要凝聚无数教育家的智慧和汗水,为子孙后代留下宝贵的遗产,打开一扇展示国家进步的窗口。”他们中的许多人在其他领域也取得了巨大的成就。然而,这个系列关注的是他们对教育的贡献。”)”可知,新一季的《世纪大师》记录著名教育家的教育实践和教育思想。故选C。
    推理判断题。由文章第四段中“Unlike artists wh prduce physical creatins, the cntributins f educatrs are ften theretical, and s are difficult t shw visually. T deal with this, the series brught the educatrs t life by illustrating their ideas thrugh snapshts (快照) f their wrk and life. The tw episdes (一集) abut Ma Yuehan, a pineer in advcating fr physical educatin at Tsinghua University, explre his habit f regular exercise maintained since childhd, his participatin in natinal and internatinal cmpetitins at university, and the way in which he benefited frm being in gd health. (与创作实物作品的艺术家不同,教育工作者的贡献往往是理论性的,因此很难用视觉表现出来。为了解决这个问题,该系列通过对教育工作者工作和生活的快照来说明他们的想法,从而使他们栩栩如生。马约翰是清华大学倡导体育教育的先驱,这两集节目探讨了他从小养成的规律锻炼的习惯,他在大学期间参加国内和国际比赛,以及他从良好的健康中受益的方式。)”可知,第四段中提到马约翰的事例是为了说明如何通过快照来展示教育家的生活和工作片段,从而让观众理解他们的思想和贡献。这是对上文提及的处理教育家贡献难以视觉化展示这一挑战的具体实践案例。故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第二段中“This is ne f the stries tld in the new seasn f Century Masters, which fcuses n 11 nted educatrs, amng them Peking University head Cai Yuanpei, prmter f mass educatin Ta Xingzhi and physical educatin advcate Jiang Nanxiang, which aired n China Educatin Televisin in March, 2024. (这是《世纪大师》新一季讲述的故事之一,该节目聚焦于11位著名教育家,其中包括北京大学校长蔡元培、大众教育倡导者陶行知和体育倡导者姜南翔,该节目于2024年3月在中国教育电视台播出。)”可知,文章主要介绍了《世纪大师》新一季聚焦于11位著名教育家的故事,包括他们的教育实践、理念及其对国家进步的贡献,因此A选项“Heres f Educatin in Century Masters (世纪大师中的教育英雄)”符合题意。故选A。
    Earlier this mnth, Bb Dylan released The Philsphy f Mdern Sng, a cllectin f 66 sngs, detailing their status in music and, smetimes, explaining what a given track might mean r d. The bk reminded me f the Harry Smith’s Anthlgy f American Flk Music, in which Smith intelligently summarizes each sng's narrative arc as if it were a newspaper headline. Dylan is less direct and mre tends t allegrical (讽喻的) lng speeches.
    Dylan has always had a slightly tense relatinship with the writers and jurnalists wh grammatically analyze his sngs fr meaning, and, while reading The Philsphy f Mdern Sng, there were mments when I grew slightly red-faced, wrried that the bk might be an purpseful jke, making fun f all the drling (垂涎) critics wh have gne thrilled trying t illustrate the greatness and beauty f his wrk. Yet the pattern and rhythm f his descriptins will be quite familiar t anyne wh listened t “Theme Time Radi Hur”, the Sirius XM shw that Dylan hsted frm 2006 t 2009.
    Ultimately, bth prjects repeat, in a serius way, just hw difficult it is t study, investigate, and evaluate smething as indescribable and brain-scrambling (烧脑) as ppular music.
    The Philsphy f Mdern Sng picked a limited number f sngs, fr Dylan t define the masterpieces that defined him, and he did s determinedly. Much like Smith’s Anthlgy, Dylan’s bk is deeply persnal, despite its sweeping title. It’s bvius that Dylan did nt adjust his preferences t suit a cultural narrative r t play dwn his age. Yet that the bk cntains nly fur sngs perfrmed by wmen is bth depressing and astnishing. This might lead readers t questin Dylan’s character and, mre wrrying, t wnder abut the limits f his musical knwledge.
    8. What d the tw bks, The Philsphy f Mdern Sng and Anthlgy f American Flk Music, have in cmmn?
    A. The writing style.B. The writers’ career.
    C. The bks’ subject.D. The creatin backgrund.
    9. Why might the authr feel slightly red-faced?
    A. Because he was n bad terms with Bb Dylan.
    B. Because he failed t listen t Dylan’s radi prgram.
    C. Because he was laughed at fr his cmments n Dylan’s bk.
    D. Because he may be amng thse critics taking advantage f Dylan’s wrks.
    10. What d we knw abut the bk The Philsphy f Mdern Sng?
    A. It presents a whle histry f American flk music.
    B. It ffers a review n Bb Dylan’s persnal music albums.
    C. It suggests a pssible lack f attentin t wmen’s music.
    D. It fllws the example f Anthlgy f American Flk Music.
    11. What’s the writer’s purpse in writing this passage?
    A. T questin Dylan’s expertise in flk music.
    B. T intrduce the newly-published bk by Bb Dylan.
    C. T blame Dylan fr his underestimating female musicians.
    D. T cmpare the tw bks f Philsphy and Anthlgy.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. C 11. D
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Bb Dylan的新书《现代歌曲的哲学》,并将其与Harry Smith的《美国民间音乐选集》进行比较。作者认为,Dylan的书虽然充满个人色彩,但反映了他对歌曲的深刻理解和思考。然而,书中女性演唱者的歌曲数量过少,可能引发读者对Dylan性格和音乐知识局限性的质疑。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Earlier this mnth, Bb Dylan released The Philsphy f Mdern Sng, a cllectin f 66 sngs, detailing their status in music and, smetimes, explaining what a given track might mean r d. The bk reminded me f the Harry Smith’sAnthlgy f American Flk Music, in which Smith intelligently summarizes each sng’s narrative arc as if it were a newspaper headline. (本月早些时候,鲍勃·迪伦(Bb Dylan)发行了《现代歌曲的哲学》(The Philsphy f Mdern sng),收录了66首歌曲,详细介绍了它们在音乐中的地位,有时还解释了某首歌曲的含义或作用。这本书让我想起了哈利·史密斯的《美国民间音乐选集》,在这本选集里,史密斯聪明地总结了每首歌的叙事弧线,就好像它是报纸的标题一样。)”可知,《现代歌曲哲学》和《美国民间音乐选集》这两本书都与歌曲有关,有着共同的主题。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“Dylan has always had a slightly tense relatinship with the writers and jurnalists wh grammatically analyze his sngs fr meaning, and, while reading The Philsphy f Mdern Sng, there were mments when I grew slightly red-faced, wrried that the bk might be an purpseful jke, making fun f all the drling (垂涎) critics wh have gne thrilled trying t illustrate the greatness and beauty f his wrk. (迪伦与那些从语法上分析他的歌曲的作家和记者的关系总是有点紧张,在阅读《现代歌曲哲学》的时候,我有时会微微红着脸,担心这本书可能是一个有目的的笑话,取笑那些流口水的评论家,他们激动地试图说明他的作品的伟大和美丽。)”可知,作者在读这本书时担心它可能是在故意嘲笑那些热衷于展示迪伦作品伟大和美丽的评论家,而他自己可能也是其中之一,因此感到有些尴尬或脸红。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“Yet that the bk cntains nly fur sngs perfrmed by wmen is bth depressing and astnishing. This might lead readers t questin Dylan’s character and, mre wrrying, t wnder abut the limits f his musical knwledge. (然而,这本书只收录了四首由女性演唱的歌曲,这既令人沮丧又令人惊讶。这可能会让读者质疑迪伦的性格,更令人担忧的是,他们会怀疑他的音乐知识是否有限。)”可知,《现代歌曲哲学》这本书可能会表明缺乏对女性音乐的关注。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“The bk reminded me f the Harry Smith’s Anthlgy f American Flk Music, in which Smith intelligently summarizes each sng's narrative arc as if it were a newspaper headline. Dylan is less direct and mre tends t allegrical (讽喻的) lng speeches. (这本书让我想起了哈利·史密斯的《美国民间音乐选集》,在这本选集里,史密斯聪明地总结了每首歌的叙事弧线,就好像它是报纸的标题一样。迪伦不那么直接,更倾向于寓言式的长篇演讲。)”和第三段中“Ultimately, bth prjects repeat, in a serius way, just hw difficult it is t study, investigate, and evaluate smething as indescribable and brain-scrambling (烧脑) as ppular music. (最终,这两个项目都以一种严肃的方式重申,研究、调查和评估像流行音乐这样难以形容、让人绞尽脑汁的东西是多么困难。)”可知,这篇文章讨论了鲍勃·迪伦的《现代歌曲哲学》和哈利·史密斯的《美国民间音乐选集》。它在主题、写作风格和女性音乐的表现方面对这两本书进行了比较和对比。作者的主要重点是突出这两部作品的异同。故选D项。
    Three scientists jintly wn this year’s Nbel Prize in physics fr prving that tiny particles (粒子) culd keep a cnnectin with each ther even when separated, a phenmenn nce dubted but nw being explred fr ptential real-wrld applicatins such as encding infrmatin. Frenchman Alain Aspect, American Jhn F. Clauser and Austrian Antn Zeilinger were quted by the Ryal Swedish Academy f Sciences fr experiments prving the “ttally crazy” field f quantum entanglements (量子纠缠) t be all t real. They demnstrated that unseen particles, such as phtns (光子) , can be linked, r “entangled”, with each ther even when they are separated by large distances.
    In quantum entanglement, establishing cmmn infrmatin between tw phtns nt near each ther “allws us t d things like secret cmmunicatin, in ways which weren’t pssible t d befre”, said David Haviland, chair f the Nbel Cmmittee fr Physics. Quantum infrmatin “has brad and ptential effects in areas such as secure infrmatin transmissin, quantum cmputing and sensing technlgy”. The kind f secure cmmunicatin used by China’s Micius satellite, as well as by sme banks, is a “success stry f quantum entanglement”, said Harun Siljak f Trinity Cllege Dublin.
    The Nbel Cmmittee said Clauser develped quantum theries first put frward in the 1960s int a practical experiment. Aspect was able t crrect an errr in thse theries, while Zeilinger demnstrated a phenmenn called quantum teleprtatin that effectively allws infrmatin t be sent ver distances. “Using entanglement yu can send all the infrmatin which is carried by an bject ver t sme ther place where the bject is.” Zeilinger said. He added that this nly wrks fr tiny particles. “It is nt like in the Star Trek films transprting smething, certainly nt the persn, ver sme distance,” he said.
    12. Which f the fllwing statements abut quantum entanglements is NOT true?
    A. Scientists were dubtful whether it exists in the real wrld.
    B. The Nbel Prize winner has put it int practical experiment.
    C. Tw particles can actually be cnnected regardless f distances.
    D. The mre distant 2 phtns get, the less entangled they’ll becme.
    13. Which has the clsest meaning t the underlined wrd “transmissin”?
    A. Affecting.B. Transfrming.
    C. Cmmunicating.D. Spreading.
    14. What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. The achievements these 3 scientists have gt individually.
    B. The explanatin fr infrmatin transmissin ver large distances.
    C. The clarificatin that science fictin is n equal t scientific thery.
    D. The reasn why these 3 scientists share this year’s Nbel Prize in physics.
    15. What can we cnclude frm the passage?
    A. Classical physics can be applied t tiny particles.
    B. Quantum physics is the fcus f mdern physical research.
    C. Particles phtns, and quanta are all the basic cmpsitin f matter.
    D. Quantum entanglements can cntribute t mre cutting-edge technlgies.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. A 15. D
    推理判断题。由文章第一段中“They demnstrated that unseen particles, such as phtns (光子) , can be linked, r “entangled”, with each ther even when they are separated by large distances. (他们证明了看不见的粒子,如光子,即使相隔很远,也可以相互连接或“纠缠”在一起。)”可知,量子纠缠现象证明了即使粒子相隔很远也能保持连接,并没有提到距离越远纠缠程度会降低。故选D。
    词句猜测题。由文章第二段中“In quantum entanglement, establishing cmmn infrmatin between tw phtns nt near each ther “allws us t d things like secret cmmunicatin, in ways which weren’t pssible t d befre”, said David Haviland, chair f the Nbel Cmmittee fr Physics. (诺贝尔物理学奖委员会主席大卫·哈维兰说,在量子纠缠中,在两个相距不近的光子之间建立共同信息“使我们能够以以前不可能做到的方式进行秘密通信等事情”。)”和“secure infrmatin (安全信息)”可知,“secure infrmatin transmissin”指的是安全信息交流或传递,transmissin在此上下文中指的是信息的“交流或传递”。A. Affecting影响;B. Transfrming转换;C. Cmmunicating交流,沟通;D. Spreading传播。故选C。
    主旨大意题。由文章最后一段中“The Nbel Cmmittee said Clauser develped quantum theries first put frward in the 1960s int a practical experiment. Aspect was able t crrect an errr in thse theries, while Zeilinger demnstrated a phenmenn called quantum teleprtatin that effectively allws infrmatin t be sent ver distances. “Using entanglement yu can send all the infrmatin which is carried by an bject ver t sme ther place where the bject is.” Zeilinger said. He added that this nly wrks fr tiny particles. “It is nt like in the Star Trek films transprting smething, certainly nt the persn, ver sme distance,” he said. (诺贝尔委员会表示,Clauser将20世纪60年代首次提出量子理论发展为实际实验。Aspect能够纠正这些理论中的一个错误,而Zeilinger则展示了一种被称为量子隐形传态的现象,这种现象有效地允许信息跨越距离发送。“利用纠缠,你可以将物体携带的所有信息发送到物体所在的其他地方。”齐林格说。他补充说,这只适用于微小的颗粒。他说:“这不像《星际迷航》电影中那样,在一定距离内运送东西,当然不是运送人。”)”可知,最后一段分别介绍了Clauser、Aspect和Zeilinger三位科学家在量子纠缠领域的个人贡献,如将理论发展为实验、纠正错误以及展示量子隐形传态等。故选A。
    推理判断题。由文章第一段中“They demnstrated that unseen particles, such as phtns (光子) , can be linked, r “entangled”, with each ther even when they are separated by large distances. (他们证明了看不见的粒子,如光子,即使相隔很远,也可以相互连接或“纠缠”在一起。)”和第二段中“Quantum infrmatin “has brad and ptential effects in areas such as secure infrmatin transmissin, quantum cmputing and sensing technlgy”. The kind f secure cmmunicatin used by China’s Micius satellite, as well as by sme banks, is a “success stry f quantum entanglement”, said Harun Siljak f Trinity Cllege Dublin. (量子信息“在安全信息传输、量子计算和传感技术等领域具有广泛和潜在的影响”。Trinity Cllege Dublin的Harun Siljak表示,中国的墨子号卫星以及一些银行使用的那种安全通信,是“量子纠缠的成功案例”。)”可知,量子纠缠不仅在理论上得到证实,而且已经开始在诸如安全通信和量子计算等前沿科技领域展现出实际应用潜力,即量子纠缠可以为更尖端的技术做出贡献。故选D。
    第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Wndering what yu can d t celebrate Earth Day n April 22? Yu’ve cme t the right place. We’ve gathered a cmprehensive list f Earth Day activities, bth fun and envirnmentally-cnscius, t help raise awareness and make a difference. If yu’re ready t learn mre abut jining the glbal celebratin, initiating real change, and ding yur part t save ur planet, read n!
    ·Walk r ride yur bike.
    ___16___ Plus, it’s a great way t invlve physical activity int yur daily rutine, benefiting bth yur physical and mental well-being. Even ne day can make a difference, but if yu can cmmit t walking r biking mre ften in the future, that’s even better!
    ·Use a refillable water bttle.
    Cnsider ging with a stainless-steel refillable bttle fr a super lng-lasting ptin. ___17___ Using a refillable water bttle, meanwhile, prtects the planet, saves yu mney, and prtects yur health.
    ·Plant a tree.
    Pick a tree species that’s native t where yu live. If yu’re unsure, ask an emplyee at yur lcal nursery r garden department. Chse the best planting spt t meet the tree’s needs, dig a prperly sized hle, and water the tree well t give it a gd start. ___18___ Try dnating t a reputable envirnmental nn-prfit that will plant trees n yur behalf instead.
    ·Visit a lcal farmer’s market.
    Eating lcally grwn fd is much better fr the envirnment. Fr example, lcally-grwn fd desn’t have t be transprted lng distances t end up n grcery stre shelves. ___19___
    · ___20___
    See if yur cmmunity is hlding an envirnmental fair. If yur cmmunity desn’t have ne planned, cnsider starting ne yurself! It’s the perfect day t get tgether fr a fun and educatinal celebratin f the Earth. Any mney raised can g twards a lcal envirnmental restratin prject r grup.
    A. Attend a lcal Earth Day event.
    B. Educate yur cmmunity n envirnmental awareness.
    C. Ging car-free fr the day will reduce harmful carbn emissins.
    D. That means yur mney wn’t be wasted n unnecessary spending.
    E. If physically ding this is unrealistic fr yu, there are ther chices!
    F. Nrmally, plastic water bttles end up in garbage cans after a single use.
    G. Yu’ll als be giving back t yur cmmunity by supprting lcal farmers.
    【答案】16. C 17. D 18. E 19. G 20. A
    标题“Walk r ride yur bike. (步行或骑自行车)”表明本段的建议与低碳出行相关,后文“Plus, it’s a great way t invlve physical activity int yur daily rutine, benefiting bth yur physical and mental well-being. (此外,这是一种将体育活动纳入日常生活的好方法,对你的身心健康都有好处)”进一步介绍低碳出行的好处,因此空处是初步介绍低碳出行的好处,C项“Ging car-free fr the day will reduce harmful carbn emissins. (一天不开车将减少有害的碳排放)”符合语境,契合标题,后文是对其递进。故选C。
    前文“Cnsider ging with a stainless-steel refillable bttle fr a super lng-lasting ptin. (考虑使用不锈钢可重复使用的水瓶,这是一个超级持久的选择)”建议使用可重复使用的瓶子,后文“Using a refillable water bttle, meanwhile, prtects the planet, saves yu mney, and prtects yur health. (与此同时,使用可重复使用的水瓶可以保护地球,节省你的钱,保护你的健康)”进一步解释使用可重复使用的瓶子的好处,因此空处是初步介绍使用可重复使用的瓶子的好处,D项“That means yur mney wn’t be wasted n unnecessary spending. (这意味着你的钱不会浪费在不必要的开支上)”符合语境,承接前文,后文是对其递进,其中的That指代前一句中的ging with a stainless-steel refillable bttle。故选D。
    前文“Chse the best planting spt t meet the tree’s needs, dig a prperly sized hle, and water the tree well t give it a gd start. (选择最好的种植地点来满足树木的需要,挖一个大小合适的洞,给树浇水,让它有一个良好的开端)”具体描述如何亲自种树,后文“Try dnating t a reputable envirnmental nn-prfit that will plant trees n yur behalf instead. (试着把钱捐给一个信誉良好的环保非营利组织,他们会代你种树)”提到另一种替代亲自种树的方案,因此空处和无法亲自种树相关,E项“If physically ding this is unrealistic fr yu, there are ther chices! (如果这样做对你来说是不现实的,还有其他的选择)”符合语境,承上启下,其中的this指代前一句的内容,后文是对ther chices的介绍。故选E。
    前文“Eating lcally grwn fd is much better fr the envirnment. Fr example, lcally-grwn fd desn’t have t be transprted lng distances t end up n grcery stre shelves. (吃当地种植的食物对环境更好。例如,当地种植的食物不需要经过长途运输才能最终出现在杂货店的货架上)”从环境的角度解释吃当地种植的食物的好处,空处作为段末句,可能会和其他角度的好处相关,G项“Yu’ll als be giving back t yur cmmunity by supprting lcal farmers. (你也可以通过支持当地农民来回馈社区)”符合语境,从回馈社区的角度阐明好处,承接前文。故选G。
    根据后文“See if yur cmmunity is hlding an envirnmental fair. If yur cmmunity desn’t have ne planned, cnsider starting ne yurself! It’s the perfect day t get tgether fr a fun and educatinal celebratin f the Earth. Any mney raised can g twards a lcal envirnmental restratin prject r grup. (看看你的社区是否正在举办环境义卖会。如果你的社区没有这样的计划,考虑自己创建一个!这是一个完美的日子,聚在一起庆祝地球的乐趣和教育。筹集到的任何资金都可以用于当地的环境修复项目或团体)”可知,本段主要和举办并参与社区的环境义卖会相关,空处是段落标题,需统领段落内容,且需和其他段落标题一样使用祈使句的形式,因此A项“Attend a lcal Earth Day event. (参加当地的地球日活动)”符合语境,契合段落内容,其中的lcal和后文的cmmunity呼应。故选A。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Of curse, Bayu had seen this new cusin earlier n and ___21___ that she was the daughter f his Aunt Lin. He made haste t bw and, having greeted her, tk a seat. Lking at Daiyu clsely, he fund her ___22___ frm ther girls. Her dusky arched eyebrws were knitted and yet nt frwning; her ___23___ eyes held bth merriment and srrw; her very weakness had ___24___. Her eyes sparkled with tears; her ___25___ was sft and faint. In rest she was like a lvely flwer ___26___ in the water; in mtin, a pliant willw swaying in the wind. She lked mre sensitive than Bi Gan, mre ___27___ than Xi Shi.
    “I’ve met this cusin befre,” he ___28___ at the end f his scrutiny (审视).
    “Yu’re talking nnsense again,” said his grandmther, laughing.
    “Hw culd yu pssibly have met her?”
    “Well, even if I haven’t, her face lks ___29___. I feel we’re ld friends meeting again after a lng separatin.”
    “S much the better.” The Lady Dwager laughed. “That shws yu’re ____30____ t be gd friends.”
    Bayu went ver t sit beside Daiyu and nce mre ____31____ fixedly at her…
    Then, t the cnfusin f them all, he asked Daiyu if she had any jade (玉).
    ____32____ that he had his wn jade in mind, she answered, “N, I haven’t. I suppse it’s t rare fr everybdy t have.”
    This instantly put Bayu int ne f his frenzies (狂暴). ____33____ the jade, he threw it n the grund.
    “What’s rare abut it?” he ____34____. “It can’t even tell gd peple frm bad. What ____35____ understanding has it gt? I dn’t want this annyance either.”
    21. A. decidedB. recgnizedC. bservedD. guessed
    22. A. distantB. freeC. differentD. absent
    23. A. wnderingB. speakingC. hesitatingD. pleasing
    24. A. lveB. terrrC. charmD. trick
    25. A. gestureB. figureC. mvementD. breath
    26. A. bathedB. mirrredC. plantedD. drpped
    27. A. delicateB. preciusC. aggressiveD. reserved
    28. A. assumedB. explainedC. declaredD. interpreted
    29. A. cmmnB. familiarC. prettyD. similar
    30. A. matchedB. cmmittedC. intendedD. meant
    31. A. graspedB. checkedC. aimedD. stared
    32. A. RealizingB. DubtingC. ImaginingD. Admitting
    33. A. Setting ffB. Tearing ffC. Wearing ffD. Cutting ff
    34. A. strmedB. threatenedC. identifiedD. criticized
    35. A. rmanticB. cmplexC. spiritualD. typical
    【答案】21. D 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:宝玉早已看见了一个袅袅婷婷的女儿,便料定是林姑妈之女。A. decided决定;B. recgnized认出;C. bserved观察;D. guessed猜测。根据上文“Bayu had seen this new cusin earlier n”和下文“that she was the daughter f his Aunt Lin”可知,宝玉是在看到黛玉后,猜测她是自己姑妈的女儿。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:细看时,真是与众各别。A. distant遥远的;B. free自由的;C. different不同的;D. absent缺席的。根据下文“Her dusky arched eyebrws were knitted and yet nt frwning; her ___3___ eyes held bth merriment and srrw; her very weakness had ___4___. Her eyes sparkled with tears; her ___5___ was sft and faint.”可知,此处着重描写了黛玉的神态气韵,她格外美丽动人,由此推知,宝玉认为她与别的女孩子不同。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两弯似蹙非蹙笼烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目。态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。A. wndering好奇的;B. speaking富于表情的;C. hesitating犹豫的;D. pleasing令人高兴的。根据下文“held bth merriment and srrw”可知,黛玉的眼睛传达着丰富的情感,因此是一双富于表情的眼睛。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:两弯似蹙非蹙笼烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情目。态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。A. lve爱;B. terrr恐怖;C. charm魅力;D. trick诡计。根据上文“Her dusky arched eyebrws were knitted and yet nt frwning; her ___3___ eyes held bth merriment and srrw”可知,此处是夸赞黛玉出众的神态气韵,由此推知,她的娇弱别有一番魅力。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:泪光点点,娇喘微微。A. gesture手势;B. figure人物;C. mvement运动;D. breath呼吸。根据下文“was sft and faint”可推知,能用轻柔和微弱形容的应该是黛玉的呼吸,从侧面反映她的娇弱。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:闲静似娇花照水,行动如弱柳扶风。A. bathed沐浴;B. mirrred映照;C. planted种植;D. drpped掉落。根据上文“In rest she was like a lvely flwer”和下文“in the water”可推知,此处是把安静时候的黛玉比作映照于水面之上的娇花。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。A. delicate纤弱的;B. precius珍贵的;C. aggressive侵略性的;D. reserved保留的。根据下文“than Xi Shi”可推知,黛玉的纤弱之姿应该是胜过西施。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:宝玉看罢,笑道:“这个妹妹,我曾见过的。”A. assumed假设;B. explained解释;C. declared宣称;D. interpreted解释。根据上文“I’ve met this cusin befre”和下文“at the end f his scrutiny (审视)”可推知,宝玉是在看了黛玉一番后,宣称自己见过黛玉。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:宝玉笑道:“虽没见过,却看着面善,心里倒像是旧相认识,恍若远别重逢的一般。”A. cmmn普通的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. pretty漂亮的;D. similar相似的。根据下文“I feel we’re ld friends meeting again after a lng separatin.”可知,宝玉觉得自己和黛玉好似远别重逢,因此黛玉是看起来很熟悉。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:贾母笑道:“好,好!这么更相和睦了。”A. matched匹配;B. cmmitted承诺;C. intended打算;D. meant意味着。根据上文““That shws”和下文“t be gd friends”可推知,此处用固定短语be meant t d表示“注定要做某事”,表示贾母认为宝玉的一番话说明他和黛玉两人注定要做好朋友,可以和睦相处。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:宝玉便走向黛玉身边坐下,又细细打量一番。A. grasped抓住;B. checked检查;C. aimed瞄准;D. stared凝视。根据上文“nce mre”可推知,宝玉是在看完黛玉后,又凝视着黛玉,短语stare at表示“盯着看,凝视”。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:黛玉便忖度着“因他有玉,所以才问我的”,便答道:“我没有玉。你那玉也是件稀罕物儿,岂能人人皆有?”A. Realizing意识到;B. Dubting怀疑;C. Imagining料想;D. Admitting承认。根据上文“that he had his wn jade in mind”可推知,黛玉是在心里料想宝玉为什么这样问,然后给出回答。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:宝玉听了,登时发作起狂病来,摘下那玉,就狠命摔去,骂道:“什么罕物!人的高下不识,还说灵不灵呢!我也不要这劳什子!”A. Setting ff出发;B. Tearing ff扯下;C. Wearing ff逐渐消失;D. Cutting ff切断。根据下文“he threw it n the grund”可推知,宝玉是先把自己的玉扯下,然后摔到地上。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:宝玉听了,登时发作起狂病来,摘下那玉,就狠命摔去,骂道:“什么罕物!人的高下不识,还说灵不灵呢!我也不要这劳什子!”A. strmed怒骂;B. threatened威胁;C. identified识别;D. criticized批评。根据上文“This instantly put Bayu int ne f his frenzies (狂暴).”可知,听了黛玉的回答后,宝玉非常生气,因此是怒骂起来。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:宝玉听了,登时发作起狂病来,摘下那玉,就狠命摔去,骂道:“什么罕物!人的高下不识,还说灵不灵呢!我也不要这劳什子!”A. rmantic浪漫的;B. cmplex复杂的;C. spiritual精神的;D. typical典型的。根据上文“It can’t even tell gd peple frm bad.”可知,宝玉认为这块玉无法识人好坏,因此是觉得它实际上不灵,spiritual understanding表示“灵性的领悟,灵性理解”。故选C。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Recently ___36___ agreement has been signed between the China Wildlife Cnservatin Assciatin and the San Dieg Z in the US fr giant panda cnservatin, ___37___ selects tw giant pandas t be sent t the San Dieg Z fr a 10-year internatinal cnservatin partnership.
    ___38___ (ensure) the well-being f the giant pandas in the US, in March, experts frm the China Wildlife Cnservatin Assciatin ___39___ (travel) t the US t participate ___40___ in-depth discussins and technical exchanges with the San Dieg Z regarding panda care, living envirnment, and health requirements.
    In line with the agreement, bth parties are ___41___ (active) prgressing with the preparatins fr the pandas’ jurney t the US. China ___42___ (select) a pair f pandas, Yun Chuan (male) and Xin Ba (female), frm the China Cnservatin and Research Center fr the Giant Panda, and has arranged fr experienced caretakers and veterinarians t accmpany them t the US.
    The San Dieg Z is ne f the wrld’s tp five ___43___ (z). In 1996, the tw parties fficially started panda cperatin, with Bai Yun and Shi Shi ___44___ (becme) the first pair t live at the San Dieg Z. Currently, the z has gathered a prfessinal team with expertise in panda care, daily nursing, and related scientific research, ____45____ (gain) thrugh study and exchange prgrams in China.
    【答案】36. an 37. which
    38. T ensure
    39. traveled##travelled
    40. in 41. actively
    42. has selected
    43. zs 44. becming
    45. gained
    考查定语从句。句意:近日,中国野生动物保护协会与美国圣地亚哥动物园签署了一项大熊猫保护协议,将选择两只大熊猫送往圣地亚哥动物园,进行为期10年的国际保护合作。空处引导非限制性定语从句,对先行词the China Wildlife Cnservatin Assciatin作补充说明,先行词指物,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which作引导词。故填which。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:为了确保美国大熊猫的健康,今年3月,中国野生动物保护协会的专家们前往美国,与圣地亚哥动物园就大熊猫的护理、生存环境和健康要求进行了深入的讨论和技术交流。句子主干成分完整,空处作句子的目的状语,表示“为了……”,应用ensure的不定式形式,且句首单词首字母应大写。故填T ensure。
    考查时态。句意:为了确保美国大熊猫的健康,今年3月,中国野生动物保护协会的专家们前往美国,与圣地亚哥动物园就大熊猫的护理、生存环境和健康要求进行了深入的讨论和技术交流。空处作句子的谓语,结合时间状语“in March”可知,此处在叙述过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时。故填traveled/travelled。
    考查介词。句意:为了确保美国大熊猫的健康,今年3月,中国野生动物保护协会的专家们前往美国,与圣地亚哥动物园就大熊猫的护理、生存环境和健康要求进行了深入的讨论和技术交流。固定短语participate in表示“参与,参加”。故填in。
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:中国已经从中国大熊猫保护研究中心挑选了一对大熊猫云川(雄性)和鑫宝(雌性),并安排了经验丰富的饲养员和兽医陪同它们前往美国。空处作句子的谓语,结合“has arranged”可知,时态为现在完成时,且主语为China,助动词用has。故填has selected。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:1996年,双方正式开始熊猫合作,白云和石石成为圣地亚哥动物园的第一对大熊猫。空处作with的复合结构中的宾语补足语,becme“成为”和其逻辑主语Bai Yun and Shi Shi是主动关系,应用becme的现在分词形式。故填becming。
    第四部分 写作(共3节;满分50分)
    第一节 单词填空(满分10分)
    46. It is generally assumed that taking regular exercise enables yu t becme mre e_________ (精力充沛的) (根据中英文提示填空)
    47. A lt f teaching e_________ (设备) has been sent t the earthquake stricken area. (根据中英文提示填空)
    48. She shwed special cncern fr the cllege students and attached much s_________ (重要性) t the educating them. (精力充沛的) (根据中英文提示填空)
    49. As he wrks in a remte area, he visits his parents nly _________ (偶尔地). (根据中英文提示填空)
    50. He has a number f interests, r_________ (包括) frm playing chess t swimming. (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他有许多爱好,从下棋到游泳都有。根据首字母和中文提示可知,空处应用动词range,构成固定短语range frm… t…,表示“范围从……到……”,且句子已有谓语动词has,空处为非谓语动词,range和interests逻辑上是主动关系,应用range的现在分词形式,作后置定语。故填ranging。
    51. Everyne c_________ (鼓掌) us when we went up t receive ur prize. (根据中英文提示填空)
    【详解】考查动词时态。句意:当我们上去拿奖品时,每个人都为我们鼓掌。根据句意和汉语提示,应填calp“鼓掌”,根据从句went up可知,用一般过去时,故填clapped。
    52. Sme peple think clning is i_________ (不道德地) reasnable and shuld be frbidden. (根据中英文提示填空)
    53. I'm writing t make a c_________ (投诉) abut the quality f the TV set that I bught in yur stre. (根据中英文提示填空)
    54. Be my hme at 6 ’clck s_________ (整), nt a secnd befre r after. (根据中英文提示填空)
    55. The kids in the kindergarten are taught that it’s n use crying ver s_________ (洒出的) milk. (根据中英文提示填空)
    56. 假定你是李华,英国交换生Frank写信给你,希望你推荐一个中国成语,作为鼓励他学习中文的座右铭。请你回封信,推荐成语“愚公移山”,内容包括;
    1. 简介成语故事和寓意;
    2. 推荐理由。
    注意:1. 写作词数80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。
    生词:成语 idim; 座右铭 mtt; 愚公移山Yu Gng Yi Shan
    【答案】Dear Frank,
    In respnse t yur letter inquiring abut a Chinese mtt, I strngly recmmend t yu the idim Yu Gng Yi Shan, which can definitely keep yur willing heart t learning Chinese!
    This idim actually riginates frm a tuching legend, which literally tells us hw Old Man Yu led his family t remve the tw muntains blcking the drway f their huse, accmplishing this missin impssible with the help f Gd. I believe the idim is an ideal mtt fr yu because it highlights the mral that if we keep trying and never give up, we will eventually achieve ur aim, hwever hard it is, which is a universal value applicable t language learning. Mrever, by embracing this legend, learners can immerse themselves in Chinese culture and gain insights int the beliefs and histrical narratives that shape Chinese sciety.
    I’m fully aware hw challenging it is fr a freigner t learn Chinese and I’m deeply cnvinced that the understanding f this idim will fuel yur enthusiasm fr Chinese. Attached t the letter is my humble calligraphy f the fur characters “Yu Gng Yi Shan”, which, I guess, can figure as a reminder.
    Hpe yu enjy it!
    推荐:recmmend→put frward
    原句:Hpe yu enjy it!
    拓展句:I hpe yu can be fnd f it and lk frward t sharing with yu the feelings after learning it.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】In respnse t yur letter inquiring abut a Chinese mtt, I strngly recmmend t yu the idim Yu Gng Yi Shan, which can definitely keep yur willing heart t learning Chinese! (运用了which引导定语从句)
    【高分句型2】This idim actually riginates frm a tuching legend, which literally tells us hw Old Man Yu led his family t remve the tw muntains blcking the drway f their huse, accmplishing this missin impssible with the help f Gd.(运用了which引导定语从句,hw引导宾语从句,现在分词作定语和状语)
    57. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The schl’s hall gt very nisy with excitement as students, teachers, and parents filled the seats, eagerly awaiting the start f the annual schl talent shw. Backstage, the perfrmers paced nervusly, their hearts punding with anticipatin and their minds filled with a mixture f excitement and fear.
    Amng them was Sarah, a shy but talented singer whse passin fr music burned brightly within her. Ever since she was a lnely yung girl, Sarah had fund cmfrt in music. With nthing but her vice t accmpany her, she wuld sing fr hurs n end, puring her heart and sul int each nte, each lyric, each breath.
    Sarah’s talent did nt g unnticed. One day, while she was singing sftly t herself during a lunch break at schl, Mrs Carline, the chir directr, happened t verhear her. Immediately, she saw smething special in Sarah—a talent that deserved t rise and shine.
    Over the fllwing weeks and mnths, Mrs Carline tk Sarah under her wing, ffering guidance, supprt, and encuragement every step f the way. She encuraged Sarah t step ut f her cmfrt zne, t embrace her gift, and t share it with the wrld.
    Under Mrs Carline’s instructin, Sarah began t push herself harder than ever befre. She spent hurs each day practicing her singing, hning her skills, and perfecting her craft. She sught ut pprtunities t perfrm in frnt f thers, gradually building up her cnfidence and vercming her fears.
    When the mment finally came, with a deep breath, Sarah stepped ut nt the stage, the sptlight blazing dwn upn her like a thusand suns. Fr a mment, Sarah was frzen in place. But then, with a determined smile, she raised the micrphne t her lips and began t sing.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置答题。
    Paragraph 1:
    Then a sudden technical failure caused her backgrund music t cut ut.
    Paragraph 2:
    When she stepped ff the stage, Sarah recgnized a familiar figure amng the crwd.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Then a sudden technical failure caused her backgrund music t cut ut. The sudden silence eched thrugh the hall, and Sarah’s heart skipped a beat. Panic threatened t verwhelm her, but she remembered Mrs Carline’s wrds: “The true pwer f yur vice lies nt in the accmpaniment but in the emtins yu cnvey.” Gathering all her curage, Sarah clsed her eyes, tk a deep breath, and cntinued singing. Her pure, unwavering vice resnated thrugh the nw silent auditrium, capturing everyne’s attentin. Enchanted, the crwd began t clap, building int a rapturus applause.
    When she stepped ff the stage, Sarah recgnized a familiar figure amng the crwd. It was Mrs Carline, her eyes glistening with tears f pride and jy. As they embraced, Sarah felt a surge f gratitude fr the wman wh had believed in her when she didn’t fully believe in herself. “Yu did it, Sarah,” Mrs Carline whispered, her vice chked with emtin. Surrunded by her peers, teachers, and parents wh were nw beaming with admiratin, Sarah knew she had discvered a strength within her that culd cnquer any fear. And as the applause cntinued, Sarah felt a sense f belnging and accmplishment that she wuld carry with her fr a lifetime.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Gathering all her curage, Sarah clsed her eyes, tk a deep breath, and cntinued singing. (运用了现在分词Gathering作状语)
    【高分句型2】Enchanted, the crwd began t clap, building int a rapturus applause. (运用了过去分词Enchanted作状语、现在分词building作状语)
    【高分句型3】As they embraced, Sarah felt a surge f gratitude fr the wman wh had believed in her when she didn’t fully believe in herself. (运用了wh引导的定语从句)

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