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      重庆市璧山中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力) Word版含解析.docx
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      重庆市璧山中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(含听力) Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份重庆市璧山中学2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含重庆市璧山中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题含听力Word版含解析docx、重庆市璧山中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题含听力Word版无答案docx、1mp3、10mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等12份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共39页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When did the wman learn t draw?
    A. In the university.B. In high schl.C. In the childhd.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What did the wman tell the man?
    A. The pencil wasn’t sharp.
    B. He culd use her extra pen.
    C. She didn’t bring the pencil sharpener.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Why might the man be surprised?
    A. The wman was late.
    B. The wman arrived early.
    C. The wman wrked vertime tnight.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man think f Bill?
    A. He’s thughtful.B. He’s humrus.C. He’s careless.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the by prbably want frm the wman?
    A. Thirty mre dllars.B. Twenty mre dllars.C. Ten mre dllars.
    6. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. Plans fr the weekend.B. The man’s phne message.C. The best scial apps.
    7. Hw many peple des the man claim t usually text?
    A. 5.B. 6.C. 60.
    8. Where will Mr. White be at 11 ’clck?
    A. At the ffice.B. At the airprt.C. At the restaurant.
    9. What will Mr. White prbably d at ne in the afternn?
    A. Receive a guest.B. Have a meeting.C. Read a reprt.
    10. When will Miss Wilsn see Mr. White?
    A. At lunch time.B. Late in the afternn.C. The next mrning.
    11. What will be banned t wear in schl?
    A. Jeans.B. A tie.C. Dress pants.
    12. What time f the year is it?
    A. Fall.B. Winter.C. Spring.
    13. What hmewrk des the wman have fr the hliday?
    A. Finishing an English reprt.
    B. Studying fr a gegraphy test.
    C. Reading chapters frm her science textbk.
    14. Why did the man arrive late?
    A. He gt stuck in traffic.
    B. He was unable t find parking.
    C. He had t take a different rute.
    15. What was the weather like in the mrning?
    A. It was raining.B. It was sunny.C. It was cludy.
    16. What event did the man miss?
    A. A sprts event.B. A fd fair.C. A cncert.
    17. Where are the speakers?
    A. At a park.B. At a stadium.C. At a televisin statin.
    18. Hw many brthers and sisters did Jin have?
    A. Tw.B. Six.C. Seven.
    19. What was Jin’s first martial arts (武侠) nvel?
    A. The Bk and the Swrd.
    B. The Deer and the Cauldrn.
    C. The Smiling, Prud Wanderer.
    20. Wh gave Jin Dctr f Philsphy degree?
    A. Schw University.
    B. Cambridge University.
    C. The Central University f Plitical Affairs.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(共11小题;每小题2. 5分,满分27. 5分)
    By ur very rugh calculatins, Reader’s Digest has published sme 35,000 articles in nearly 1,200 issues. These small pages have held sme very big names, including U.S. presidents, wrld leaders, sprts legends, and, indeed, the biggest cntributrs f all, everyday Americans with a stry t tell. These are sme f ur prudest mments.
    Hw t Keep Yung Mentally by Mary B. Mullett
    This first article in the first issue highlighted inventr Alexander Graham Bell and his belief in lifelng learning: “The first essential f any real educatin is t bserve. Observe! Remember! Cmpare!” It was an apprpriate beginning. reflecting ur self-educated funder’s endless curisity.
    I’ve Cme t Clean Yur Shes by Madge Harrah
    The mrning f a family funeral, an acquaintance shws up unannunced and says, “I’ve cme t clean yur shes.” He spends the day quietly shining every pair in the huse. The writer ends with: “Nw, whenever I hear f an acquaintance wh has lst a lved ne. I try t think f ne specific task suiting that persn’s need. And if the persn says, ‘Hw did yu knw I needed that dne?’ I reply, ‘it’s because a man nce cleaned my shes.’”
    Strange Encunter n Ch Creek by Mrris Hmer Erwin
    A miner spends days camping in the Alaskan wilderness, wrking hard t earn the trust f a mther wlf stuck in a trap befre she and her fur pups starve t death. Eventually, he is able t free her. Fur years later, he encunters a wlf in the same meadw. Yes, the same wlf. When we shared this classic n rd.cm in 2019, it went viral and it has nw been read by many millins nline and in print.
    Hw Hnest Are We by Ralph Kinney Bennett
    Our famus “wallet drp” set up the ultimate test f hnesty: If we left wallets in cities arund the cuntry hw many wuld be returned? Well ver half, it turned ut—67 percent. The mst hnest city? Seattle, whse upstanding residents returned nine ut f ten wallets.
    21. What d we knw abut the acquaintance in the stry I’ve Cme t Clean Yur Shes?
    A. He shws cncern by cleaning shes.
    B. He cleans shes at the wner’s request.
    C. He cmfrts the wner by telling his wn stry.
    D. He visits the huse where the wner is severely sick.
    22. Which article gained significant ppularity nline?
    A. Hw t Keep Yung Mentally.B. I’ve Cme t Clean Yur Shes.
    C. Strange Encunter n Ch Creek.D. Hw Hnest Are We.
    23. Where can the text be fund?
    A. In a histry bk.B. In a magazine.C. In a nvel.D. In a brchure.
    Fr Cruz, wh grew up in Peru’s muntainus regin f Cuzc, fg represents a massive pprtunity. As a by, he had t hike fr mre than an hur every day acrss rugh hills t cllect water frm the nearest surce. But ver time, he realized that during the rainy seasn, drps f water wuld gather in the large leaves f banana trees. One day, he and his father built a canal system with the leaves t cllect water. He mved t Lima at the age f 25.
    Shcked by the water shrtages and expensive water supply that sme f the city’s prest residents were suffering, Cruz set up EI Mvimient Peruans sin Agua in 2005. The idea was t deply the methd he learned in his hmetwn n a larger, better-adapted scale, which wuld prvide free, independently surced and easily accessible water t thse wh needed it mst. He began installing (安装) a traditinal fg catcher mdel develped in the 1980s. The nnprfit prvided the materials fr free, and the cmmunity built the infrastructure (基础设施) themselves.
    At the highest pint f Ls Tres Miradres, there is a curius set f large structures that is like a fleet f ships in the sky. They are s-called “fg catchers”. The 40 fg catchers there prvide enugh water fr 180 families, whether t bathe, clean, drink (after being filtered at hme) r t irrigate crps n small garden patches.
    Supprters believe that fg catchers have the ptential t imprve water supply fr cmmunities arund the wrld amid ever-challenging cnditins. German researcher Lummerich says, “They are cheap, easy t cnstruct. In a wrld searching fr water supply systems, it is ne imprtant apprach that can make an essential difference lcally. It culd make the difference between having water and nt having water available.” There are sme issues, hwever. Fr ne, fg catchers require space, which is nt always easy t cme by in cities. At the same time, fg catchers must be prperly cleaned and maintained t stay effective. Mst crucially, apprpriate climate cnditins are required. Fg isn’t everywhere.
    24. Why did Cruz set up EI Mvimient Peruans sin Agua in 2005?
    A. T raise mney fr the prest residents.B. T cnstruct the infrastructure fr the city.
    C. T build a canal system fr his hmetwn.D. T ffer water t peple wh need it badly.
    25. What des the underlined wrd “deply” in paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Emply.B. Abandn.C. Design.D. Explre.
    26. What is the prblem with fg catchers in urban areas?
    A. High expenses.B. Public ppsitin.C. Technical faults.D. Space limitatin.
    27. Which f the fllwing wuld be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. A practical applicatin f fg catchers in citiesB. The develpment f a climate rganizatin
    C. A creative methd f imprving water supplyD. The imprtance f infrastructure cnstructin
    T adapt t climate change, sme flwers are darkening their clr t prtect themselves frm the suns radiatin, new research shws.
    The study suggests that ver the past 75 years, the ultravilet (UV) pigments (紫外线色素) in flwers have increased in respnse t rising temperatures and the thinning zne layer (臭氧层). The flwers wn’t lk any different t humans, but insects cnsider the higher levels f UV pigments as a darker clr, which culd be cnfusing when they try t find ut clrful flwers t land n.
    The UV-absrbing pigments in flwers wrk like sunscreen and prtect sensitive cells frm harmful radiatin, Matthew Kski, a plant eclgist at Clemsn University, says. He and his team hped t determine if changes in pigments were a result f envirnmental change-and if s, what are the plants respnding t? The team cllected dried, pressed plants acrss Nrth America, Australia and Eurpe. In ttal, they studied 1, 238 samples frm 42 different species dating back t 1941. Then, using a UV-sensitive camera, they phtgraphed flwer petals frm each species. Next, they paired the phtgraphs with the histric lcal temperature and zne level data frm the time the plant was picked t see hw the pigment level changed ver time.
    The researchers fund that the changes in pigments differ between species, a result f the flwers structure. Flwers with pen, expsed pllen had mre UV-absrbing pigments when zne levels were lw and radiatin was high. But flwers with pllen surrunded by the petal respnded t temperatures, nt zne levels.
    As climate change cntinues t intensify these changes in flwers clr can affect plant-insect interactins. When the whle flwers get darker, insects might miss the flwers entirely. “This has a negative influence n plant reprductin,” Kski says.
    28. What is the cause f flwers clr changing accrding t the research?
    A. The impact f the climate crisis.B. The lss f natural habitats.
    C. The harm f nuclear radiatin.D. The thickening f the zne layer.
    29. Hw did Kski’s team get their findings?
    A. By cllecting phtgraphs f flwers frm different species.
    B. By analyzing hw levels f UV pigments change ver time.
    C. By cllecting abundant samples frm varius species.
    D. By analyzing histric lcal temperature and zne level data.
    30. What can we learn abut the change in pigments?
    A. It exists in flwers with expsed pllen nly.B. It respnds t temperatures and sea levels.
    C. It remains the same regardless f species.D. It varies depending n the flwers structure.
    31. What is Kski’s attitude tward the change in flwers clr?
    A. Cncerned.B. Indifferent.C. Unclear.D. Optimistic.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Hw t Travel Sustainably in Puert Ric
    Frm small, farm-surced restaurant menus t guesthuse stays, cmmunity turs and Puert Rican cultural wrkshps, Puert Ric is strengthening its sustainable turism scene. ____32____
    Fd trip in Old San Juan.
    Sign up fr a three-hur walk with Spn Fd Turs and get t knw lcals’ favurites fr cffee, snacks and meals served at family-run businesses. The mrning kicks ff at Dn Ruiz Cffee Shp. Try the mallrca, a kind f sweet pastry (油酥糕点), and wash it dwn with a cup f single rigin cffee harvested frm the 19th-century Ruiz plantatin. ____33____
    Learn Afr-Puert Rican culture in Líza.
    The seaside twn f Líza in the Pinnes regin, a 20-minute drive east f San Juan, is knwn as the heart f Afr-Puert Rican culture. Its utdr drawings feature Afr-bricua wmen in clurful headwraps and lse dresses, while the interir shines with an pen stage fr dancing. ____34____ At the back, a bardwalk attracts hikers and bikers.
    Jin Lcal Guest’s cmmunity experiences.
    ____35____ Funders Carmen Prtela and Mnica Perez’s aim is t direct visitrs twards culture and nature-rich cmmunities, in turn prviding the areas with a sustainable incme. Unique experiences include caving, taking a pttery wrkshp r kayaking Puert Ric’s lngest river. Lcal Guest als runs a nn-prfit prgramme, which matches small vlunteer grups with a variety f established cmmunity-based nging restratin prjects fr lng-term impact.
    An encuraging start frm larger htels, the new Puert Rican wned Finca Victria is a tw-and-a-half-acre btanical farm guesthuse lying in the hills at the heart f the island. A 10-minute drive t Vieques’ beaches, this ec-cnscius prperty prvides relaxatin, frm its natural wden huse t its rganic lcal farm-surced vegetarian (素食者) breakfasts.
    A Explre the farm-t-table dining scene.
    B. Stay at an rganic farm n Vieques.
    C. Here’s a guide t travelling Puert Ric sustainably.
    D. It isn’t just a typical dance but a heritage.
    E. In-seasn fruit juices and desserts are als part f this fd trip.
    F. A wmen-led tur cmpany, Lcal Guest ffers special experiences.
    G. Yu culd nt find a restaurant serving deep-fried pies filled with meat.
    第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分40分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
    Nne f my friends are ging t the art camp. Despite my ___37___ fr drawing, I decided nt t g because I had a hard time jumping int smething with n ___38___ faces arund.
    Sitting under the bright sun, I thught abut the art camp and wished I felt a little braver. T distract myself, I started sketching a pine. ___39___ myself I was happy t skip the camp, I drew the pine’s strng trunk and ___40___ the graceful branches, making sure the upper nes ___41___ gently tward the sun, At this time, Mr. Westn, my neighbr ___42___, “Yu’ve dne a great jb capturing the strength f that tree n paper.” He added, “Actually, yu have t spread ut the ___43___ near the surface s the tree can get enugh water and grw tall. If yu ___44___ the rt ball t deep, the tree withers (凋零). I learned that rt grw ut, nt dwn frm my experience f planting pine trees.” “That ___45___,” I said. I made adjustments t the rt part and then added shading t the branches t give them depth. “Yu have a gd ___46___,” Mr. Westn said, and then ndded gdbye.
    I thught abut what Mr. Westn tld me as I ___47___ at the twering pine. I’d never realized hw ___48___ a tree’s rts stretch utward. It made me think abut art camp and my wn rts. I wasn’t stretching them ut at all. ___49___, I was planting myself int ne deep spt because it felt safer. I ___50___ realized that if I wanted t grw, I had t start reaching ut t. That night, I tk a deep breath and filled in the ___51___ fr art camp.
    37. A. anxietyB. enthusiasmC. recgnitinD. expectatin
    38. A. pleasantB. curiusC. familiarD. regular
    39. A. InfrmingB. TeachingC. CnvincingD. Reminding
    40. A. addedB. cuntedC. submittedD. nticed
    41. A. pressedB. pulledC. liftedD. arranged
    42. A. came upB. came acrssC. checked inD. checked ut
    43. A. trunksB. leavesC. branchesD. rts
    44. A. pressB. plantC. hideD. fllw
    45. A. makes senseB. makes utC. makes itD. makes up
    46. A. eyeB. nseC. muthD. ear
    47. A. glaredB. staredC. aimedD. kncked
    48. A. wideB. lngC. highD. far
    49. A. OtherwiseB. TherefreC. InsteadD. Besides
    50. A. surprisinglyB. slightlyC. suddenlyD. frtunately
    51. A. statementB. presentatinC. appintmentD. applicatin
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The lin dance is ne f the mst famus Chinese cultural traditins. While it is held during festivals, yu can als see a lin dance when a new cmpany is pened r an activity ___52___(rganize). The dance is believed ___53___(bring) gd luck and wealth and drive away bad frtune.
    The dance begins with the lin walking style, where the eyes f the lin are pened. Lettuce and celery (芹菜) are hung up n the drway f the new cmpany. The Chinese ___54___(prnunce) fr these wrds are similar t thse fr making mney and wrking hard. Lucky mney is tied t the lettuce ___55___ part f the pay fr the lin dance perfrmers.___56___ (prfessin) lin dance cmpanies ffer this service and there are different prices fr different levels. Mst dances include at least tw lins and ___57___ drummer. Each lin is perfrmed by tw peple,___58___ use their feet t cpy the lin feet’s mvements. Famus Chinese lin dancing bands truly wn wnderful ___59___ (flexible) and skill, which take years f practice t imprve. While staying in China, ___60___ (keep) yur ears pen fr drums s that yu can head ver t the shw fr ___61___(yu).
    第三节(共20小题; 每小题0.5分,满分10分)
    62. The strm s__________ (严重地) damaged the crps, causing a significant drp in the harvest. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    63. She made a s__________ (大量的) dnatin t the charity, helping them t cntinue their wrk. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    64. His a__________(有雄心的) plan t climb the highest muntain in the wrld was met with bth admiratin and skepticism. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    65. The lecture given by the prfessr yesterday caused a __________ (无法抗拒的,巨大的) respnse amng teachers and students. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    66. Regular exercise can help t s__________ (加强,巩固) yur muscles and imprve verall health. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    67. She has an e__________ (特别的,罕见的,不寻常的) talent fr music and has wn numerus awards fr her perfrmances. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    68. The a__________(协会,关联) between smking and lung cancer has been cnfirmed in medical studies. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    69. His c__________ (一致,连续的,始终如一的) hard wrk and dedicatin have earned him a prmtin at wrk. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    70. The view frm the tp f the muntain was simply a__________(令人惊叹的) with a panrama (全景) that stretched fr miles. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    71. The d__________ (耽误,延误) in the delivery f the package caused frustratin fr the eagerly awaiting custmers. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    72. She was d__________ (绝望地,孤注一掷地) searching fr her lst dg, psting flyers and asking arund the neighbrhd. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    73. The scientist needed t measure the chemical reactin p__________ (精确地) t ensure accurate results. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    74. He is an i__________ (有影响力的) figure in the wrld f plitics and has shaped many plicies. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    75. The cmpany annunced that the regulatin was p__________ (永久的,永恒的), affecting the lives f many emplyees. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    76 The team’s d__________ (支配,统治) in the league was s cmplete that they have wn all the champinships in the past five years. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    77. Despite the unimaginable difficulties, the s__________ (专家) in this field have spent many years wrking ut a practical slutin t the prblem. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    78. The new plicy aims t s__________(刺激) ecnmic grwth by encuraging investment and innvatin. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    79. Regular exercise can e__________ (提高,增强) yur physical fitness and mental well-being. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    80. The weather frecast predicts that heavy rains will f__________ (频繁地) hit the regin ver the next few weeks due t the cming f the mnsn seasn (雨季). (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    81. He is very s__________(敏感的) t criticism and tends t take it persnally, which can affect his perfrmance. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    82. 假定你是李华。上周六你校组织高二年级学生参加了8公里远足活动。请你给校英文报写一篇报道, 内容包括:
    注意: 1.写作词数应为80左右;
    2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
    An eight-kilmeter hike
    83. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Le Ajayi, aged 15, and Jim Green, aged 14, were gd friends. Every autumn the tw families wuld g tgether n a trip t the Rcky Muntains. This year, under the guidance f park wrkers, they camped n the hillside. After putting up the tents (帐篷), the tw bys annunced t climb Cathedral Muntain nearby n their wn next mrning and prmised their parents t return befre dark
    Early the fllwing day, the friends set ff with a bag packed with fd and water. Alng the winding path, they admired a sea f clurful leaves spreading beneath their feet. As they gt near t the tp, the path was rcky and less-traveled. After three hurs, they reached the tp and enjyed the beautiful view frm the muntaintp. Lst in the breathtaking scenery, they felt refreshed frm tiredness. Hw wrthwhile the trip was
    Having gt enugh rest, Le and Jim decided t climb dwn. Suddenly, truble began. On ne very dangerus part f the muntain, Jim fell three metres ff the side f the path. Le climbed dwn t where Jim was and fund him badly injured and nt able t mve
    “Help!” Le shuted. NO REPLY. “Help! Help!” Le almst cried. But still n replies. “If nly I had brught my mbile phne in the bag,” Le thught, regretful and sad. Taking a deep breath, he tried t calm himself dwn. Then he nticed Jim was bleeding. S he cleaned the dirt and bld frm Jim’s face and hands, and then tried t help Jim stand up, but Jim’s right leg was hurting t much. They had t wait and hpe that help wuld cme. While they waited fr help, Le gave Jim his fd and water and let him lie n his jacket. Le used an extra shirt t keep Jim warm and they rested tgether against a rck. Hwever, as darkness started t fall, the weather turned cld and windy and help still didn’t arrive.
    Feeling lw, Jim tld Le t leave him alne and g back himself.
    Seeing this, Jim asked Le t leave him alne again.

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