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    考试时间:110分钟 满分:140分
    一、听力测试 (共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,计 20 分)
    第一部分 听下面 10 段对话。每段对话后有 1 个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话, 听两遍。
    1. What will the man see in the Children’s Museum?
    A. B. C.
    2. Which sign des the man mean?
    A. B. C.
    3. What’s the weather like tday?
    A. B. C.
    4. What’s the by’s telephne number?
    A. B. C.
    5. Which instrument may the girl use t play music at the birthday party?
    A. A drum.B. A pian.C. A guitar.
    6. Hw ften des Mr. Smith eat dumplings?
    A. Twice a week.B. Twice a mnth.C. Once a week.
    7. What are the girl’s favrite TV prgrams?
    A. Sccer prgrams.
    B. Dance prgrams.
    C. Basketball prgrams.
    8. When is the bus leaving?
    A. At 6:20.B. At 6:30.C. At 6:40.
    【解析】W: Hurry up, Mary. It’s already 6:30.
    M: Oh, yes. The bus will leave in 10 minutes. We have t run there.
    9. Hw will they g t the z?
    A. By undergrund.B. By bus.C. By bike.
    10. Hw much shuld the wman pay if she buys tw scarves?
    A. 8 dllars.B. 15 dllars.C. 30 dllars.
    第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题。
    11. What sprt made Mr. Fat healthy?
    A. Cycling.B. Running.C. Basketball.
    12. When des Mr. Fat usually d sprts?
    A. Every afternn.
    B. On Saturday afternn.
    C. On Sunday mrning.
    【答案】11. C 12. B
    听第一篇短文,从 下列小题中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。
    13. A. climbing the muntainsB. playing the pianC. listening t music
    14. A. activeB. braveC. patient
    15. A. washing the dishesB. dnating sme mneyC. ding sprts
    【答案】13. C 14. A 15. A
    16. What did Frank d as a by?
    A. He sld cars.
    B. He made plane parts.
    C. He repaired bicycles.
    17. Hw lng did Frank use t wrk every day?
    A. 13 hurs.B. 14 hurs.C. 15 hurs.
    18. Why did Frank bught a small rm in 1938?
    A. T start his wn business.
    B. T save fd during the war.
    C. T start a family with his wife.
    19. Hw many peple wrked fr Frank’s cmpany by the end f the war?
    A. 638.B. 718.C. 728.
    20. Hw did Frank think f his early years?
    A. They were a waste f time.
    B. They were hard but taught him a lt.
    C. They were full f happiness and jy.
    【答案】16. C 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. B
    二、单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)
    21. — Wuld yu like t see ________ film YOLO with me tnight?
    — Srry, I have seen it befre. S I am nt ging t see it ________ secnd time.
    A. a; theB. the; theC. /; aD. the; a
    考查冠词辨析。根据空后“film YOLO”可知此处是特指,应填定冠词the;根据“secnd time”可知已经看过了,不会再看一次,用不定冠词+序数词,表示“又一次,再一次”。故选D。
    22. — D yu knw Chang’e-5 prbe (探测器)?
    — Of curse. I hpe we can wrk ________ the mn like it ne day.
    A. withB. underC. nD. in
    考查介词词义辨析。with和;under在……下面;n在……上面;in在……里面。根据“I hpe we can wrk”可知,此句是说希望有一天能在月球上工作。故选C。
    23. — Mary and her classmates are busy preparing fr their final examinatin.
    — That’s why yu can always see ________ learning in the library.
    A. themB. usC. herD. him
    考查人称代词辨析。them他们;us我们;her她(宾格)/她的(形容词性物主代词); him他。分析句子,可知空处代指上句中“Mary and her classmates”,作动词see的宾语,应用人称代词them。故选A。
    24. Last night smene ________ the shp and tk away lts f watches.
    A. brke utB. brke int
    C. brke ffD. brke dwn
    考查动词短语。brke ut突然发生; brke dwn抛锚;brke ff断交;brke int破门而入。根据“the shp and tk away lts f watches.”可知,是指破门而入。故选B。
    25. Cmmunity safety is ________ intrduced in this bk.
    A. activelyB. naturally
    C. clselyD. specially
    考查副词辨析。actively积极地;naturally自然地;clsely严密地;specially专门地。根据“Cmmunity safety in this bk.”可知是专门介绍了社区安全。故选D。
    26. — A rbt served us dinner last night. Dn’t yu think we are living in amazing times?
    — I can’t agree mre. The ________ makes ur lives easier and happier.
    A. infrmatinB. technlgy
    C. discveryD. cmpetitin
    【解析】句意:——昨晚一个机器人为我们提供晚餐。你不觉得我们生活在一个令人惊奇的时代吗? ——我非常同意。科技使我们的生活更轻松、更快乐。
    考查名词。infrmatin信息;technlgy科技;discvery发现;cmpetitin竞赛。根据上文A rbt served us dinner last night可知,科技的进步让人们的生活更轻松和快乐了。B选项符合句意,故选B。
    27. —Wh is at the dr?
    —A deliveryman( 快递员) r________ wanting t sell his new prducts.
    A. everybdyB. anybdyC. smebdyD. nbdy
    28. -Guess What! The great mvie is n in the cinema.
    -Nthing new. I _________ it with my parents n the first day.
    A. sawB. see
    C. will seeD. have been
    【解析】句意:——猜怎么啦!那部伟大的电影在电影院上演。——这有什么新鲜的。我在第一天和我的父母一起去看了。根据n the first day可知此处用一般过去时,故选A。
    29. Many students didn’t realize the imprtance f study ________ they left schl.
    A. untilB. whenC. asD. after
    考查连词辨析。until直到; when当……的时候;as当……时;after在……之后。根据句中“didn’t realize”可知直到离开学校才意识到学习的重要性,nt…until表示“直到……才”。故选A。
    30. —Excuse me. Culd yu tell me ________ abut the lcal histry and culture?
    —Of curse. Yu can check it n this cmputer.
    A. that I gt the infrmatinB. what infrmatin did I get
    C. hw can I get the infrmatinD. where I can get the infrmatin
    考查宾语从句。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除BC;根据“Yu can check it n this cmputer.”可知此处询问在哪里可以得到这些信息,用where引导宾语从句。故选D。
    31. —Did yu watch the basketball match last weekend?
    —Yes, I did. It was cvered _________, and I think it was wnderful.
    A. livelyB. aliveC. livingD. live
    考查形容词辨析和副词用法。lively活泼的,真实的;alive活泼的,有生气的;living活跃的,逼真的;live直播地。根据“It was cvered”可知,现场直播,故选D。
    32. The structure f the sentence “The students visited the museum” is _______.
    A. S+VB. S+V+DO
    C. S+V+IO+DOD. S+V+DO+OC
    【解析】句意:The students visited the museum.这个句子的结构是什么?
    考查句子结构。分析句子可知,the students是主语;visited是谓语;the museum是宾语。故选B。
    33. ________ at the dr befre yu enter my rm, please.
    A. KnckedB. Kncking
    C. KnckD. T knck
    34. This mrning my bike is brken; then I fund my key left at hme: ________.
    A. Every dg has its dayB. Actins speak luder than wrds
    C. It never rains but it pursD. The early bird catches the wrm
    考查谚语。Every dg has its day人人皆有得意时;Actins speak luder than wrds事实胜于雄辩;It never rains but it purs祸不单行;The early bird catches the wrm早起的鸟儿有虫吃。根据“This mrning my bike is brken; then I fund my key left at hme”可知早上自行车坏了,钥匙也忘在家里了,真是祸不单行。故选C。
    35. —Oh, what a bad memry I have! I frgt t bring yur umbrella.
    —________. It is sunny. I dn’t need it tday.
    A. Never mindB. All right
    C. N prblemD. Yu’re welcme
    考查情景交际。Never mind没关系;All right好的;N prblem没问题;Yu’re welcme不客气。根据“It is sunny. I dn’t need it tday”可知对方说忘了带伞,此处是安慰对方,今天天气晴朗,不需要雨伞。故选A。
    三、完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)
    “D yu like my dress?” she asked a passing stranger. “My mmmy made it just fr me,” she said ____36____ tears in her eyes.
    “I think it’s very pretty, but why are yu ____37____?”
    With a shake in her vice, the girl answered, “Mmmy passed away after making this dress fr me.”
    Finally the wman realized ____38____ the child meant. She gently held the child in her arms. Then suddenly the little girl stpped crying, stepped back and began t ____39____. She sang s ____40____ that it was almst a whisper. It was the sweetest sund the wman had ever heard, almst ____41____ the sng f a very small bird.
    After the child stpped singing, she explained t the lady, “My mmmy sang that sng t me ____42____ she passed away, and she made me prmise t sing it whenever I started crying and it wuld make ____43____ stp.”
    “See,” she said, “it did, and nw my eyes are ____44____!”
    As the wman turned t g, the little girl grabbed (抓住) her. “Madam, can yu stay just a minute? I want t shw yu _____45_____.”
    “Of curse,” she answered.
    Pinting t a spt (斑点) n her dress, she said, “Right here is where my mmmy kissed my dress and here,” pinting t _____46_____ spt, “and here is anther kiss, and here, and here. Mmmy said that she put all thse kisses there s that I wuld have her kisses fr everything that made me cry.”
    Then the lady _____47_____ that she wasn’t just lking at a dress, but a _____48_____ wh kissed away the hurt that her daughter wuld get. She thught the girl’s mther gave all the _____49_____ she had t her daughter and put it int this dress.
    She n lnger saw a little girl in a simple _____50_____. She saw a child wrapped in her mther’s lve.
    36. A. n B. with C. by D. f
    37. A. crying B. sleeping C. dancing D. walking
    38. A. when B. that C. what D. hw
    39. A. sing B. leave C. draw D. write
    40. A. quickly B. easily C. ludly D. sftly
    41. A. in B. like C. frm D. amng
    42. A. if B. because C. befre D. while
    43. A. me B. her C. him D. them
    44. A. wet B. dry C. red D. big
    45. A. smene B. anything C. anyne D. smething
    46. A. anther B. ther C. thers D. the ther
    47. A. hped B. realized C. explained D. heard
    48. A. brther B. sister C. father D. mther
    49. A. luck B. time C. lve D. mney
    50. A. sweater B. bluse C. skirt D. dress
    【答案】36. B 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. D 41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. D 46. A 47. B 48. D 49. C 50. D
    n在……上面;with具有;by被;f……的。with tears“充满泪水的”,表伴随着泪水,故选B。
    crying哭;sleeping睡觉;dancing跳舞;walking走路。根据“tears in her eyes”可知,小女孩眼中带泪,是在哭泣,故选A。
    when当……时候;that那个;what什么;hw如何。根据“Mmmy passed away after making this dress fr me.”可知,此时这个女人才明白小女孩的意思是什么,故选C。
    sing唱歌;leave离开;draw画画;write写字。根据“After the child stpped singing”可知,这个小女孩是在唱歌,故选A。
    quickly快地;easily简单地;ludly大声地;sftly轻柔地。根据“it was almst a whisper”可知,唱的声音很轻柔,几乎是低语,故选D。
    in在……里;like像……一样;frm来自;amng在……当中。根据“the sng f a very small bird”可知,是像小鸟的声音一样,故选B。
    if如果;because因为;befre在……之前;while当……时候。根据“My mmmy sang that sng t me”可知,应该是在去世之前才可以唱歌,故选C。
    me我;her她;him他;them它们。根据“whenever I started crying”可知,当我哭泣的时候,应该是让我停止哭泣,故选A。
    wet湿的;dry干的;red红色的;big大的。根据“whenever I started crying and it wuld make…stp.”可知,让我停止哭泣,所以是眼睛干了,故选B。
    smene某人;anything任何事;anyne任何人;smething一些事。根据“Pinting t a spt n her dress”可知,她在给这个女士展示裙子上的一些东西,故选D。
    anther另一个;ther其他的;thers其他的;the ther另一个。根据“and here is anther kiss, and here, and here”可知,她妈妈在她裙子上留下了很多吻,需要用anther来表示另一个,范围大于等于三,而the ther表示两者中的另一个,故选A。
    hped希望;realized意识到;explained解释;heard听到。根据“Mmmy said that she put all thse kisses there s that I wuld have her kisses fr everything that made me cry.”可知,此时女士才意识到这不是一个普通的裙子,故选B。
    brther兄弟;sister姐妹;father父亲;mther母亲。根据“her daughter”可知,此处指一位妈妈,故选D。
    luck运气;time时间;lve爱;mney钱。根据“She saw a child wrapped in her mther’s lve.”可知,这个女孩的妈妈把爱都给了女儿,女儿被妈妈的爱包裹着,故选C。
    sweater毛衣;bluse女式衬衣;skirt短裙;dress连衣裙。根据“D yu like my dress?”可知,这个小女孩穿的是连衣裙,故选D。
    四、阅读理解 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,计 30 分)
    51. The theme f the passages is ________.
    A. lveB. wine
    C. wisdmD. friendship
    52. What can we learn frm Du Fu’s pem abve?
    A. Du Fu ften missed Li Bai n rainy days.
    B. Du Fu and Li Bai drank wine tgether befre.
    C. Du Fu and Li Bai ften wrte plays and stries.
    D. Li Bai liked chatting with Du Fu abut seasns.
    53. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passages?
    A. The tw pets bth lved writing pems t each ther.
    B. The tw pets didn’t knw each ther until the year 747.
    C. The relatinship between Li Bai and Du Fu brke easily.
    D. True friendship will be gne if tw friends live far away.
    【答案】51. D 52. B 53. A
    细节理解题。根据“ a lasting friendship.”可知,本文介绍的是李白和杜甫之间的友谊。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“When can we again hld a cup f wine”可知,李白和杜甫曾一起饮酒。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“They wrte many pems t and abut each ther.”可知,李白和杜甫经常给彼此写诗。故选A。
    In ur daily lives, we are ften s shy that we can’t deal with the situatin that we are nt used t. But what if smething unusual r unexpected happens? That’s what I experienced ne evening in April 2023 n my way hme frm wrk.
    As I was riding my bike hme in the evening, I saw a big dirty dg with range and white fur. It lked sad and lst, simply sitting in the middle f the rad by a pedestrian crssing (人行横道). It seemed unsure f what t d as it lay dwn and stared at the passing traffic. Nbdy seemed t ntice the dg either, nly passing him by at a distance.
    At first, I als crssed ver t the ther side, hping that smebdy else wuld care fr the dg. But, realizing that the dg might suddenly get up and walk int traffic, I decided t d smething t help the dg.
    When the light changed, I saw my chance. I used my bike t guide the dg t a street crner t keep it safe frm passing cars. Slwly but surely, I was able t encurage the dg t keep walking until finally, we bth gt t the street crner. I messaged a dg shelter grup t let them knw abut where the dg is. Yet, by the time I turned t it again, the dg was gne.
    Smetimes we dn’t knw what we will find r see in ur daily lives. Still, what matters is hw we deal with them. Althugh I am shy in these situatins, I am glad I fund the curage t help a dg in need, even if just fr a mment.
    54. Why didn’t the writer help the dg in the beginning?
    A. The writer didn’t want t hurt the lvely dg.
    B. The writer didn’t knw the small dg’s wner.
    C. The writer was t shy t deal with the situatin.
    D. The writer was t busy t help the dg in need.
    55. What is the crrect rder f what happened in the stry?
    a. I decided t d smething t help the pr dg.
    b. I used my bike t guide the dg t a street crner.
    c. I was riding my bike hme in the evening in April.
    d. I am glad I fund the curage t help a dg in need.
    A. c—b—d—aB. b—a—c—d
    C. b—c—a—dD. c—a—b—d
    56. What des the underlined wrd “messaged” in Paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Read a message fr.B. Sent a message t.
    C. Gt a message frm.D. Tk a message fr.
    57. The stry is mainly abut ________.
    A. smething unusual never happensB. it’s gd t lk after the pets
    C. nbdy seems t ntice the lst dgD. little actins help in big ways
    【答案】54. C 55. D 56. B 57. D
    细节理解题。根据“we are ften s shy that we can’t deal with the situatin that we are nt used t”以及“Althugh I am shy in these situatins”可知作者感到害羞,无法应对不习惯的情况,所以作者刚开始没有帮助那只狗。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“As I was riding my bike hme in the evening, I saw a big dirty dg with range and white fur”可知刚开始作者骑车回家,故c排第一位,排除B和C;根据“I decided t d smething t help the dg”可知之后作者决定做些事情帮助这只狗,故a排第二位,排除A。故选D。
    词义猜测题。根据“I messaged a dg shelter grup t let them knw abut where the dg is”可知是给一个狗收容所小组发了信息,让他们知道狗在哪里,故此处划线部分意为“给……发信息”。故选B。
    Luckily, the hrses accepted me as a superir frm f Yah and began t treat me kindly. The first thing they did was t teach me their language. As yu knw by nw, dear reader, I am very gd at languages. I sn learnt enugh wrds t cmmunicate quite well and I understd we were in Huyhnhnm Land.
    The Huyhnhnms cntinued t be impressed by my wisdm and my clean and smart appearance. Many ther Huyhnhnms came t visit me. All f them felt cnfused (困惑) because I was similar t the Yahs. But I did my very best t shw hw different I was frm these disgusting creatures (令人厌恶的生物).
    The first grey hrse I saw became my master and teacher. Tgether we had many interesting cnversatins. I tld my master that the greatest ambitin fr all Yahs was t have as much mney as pssible t buy bigger and better things. I als added that it was very difficult t get that much mney hnestly. As a result, mst f the peple lived a pr life while a few peple had lts f mney.
    Yu may think, dear reader, that my descriptin f life in England and Eurpe was very unfair. But after living with the Huyhnhnms fr sme time, it became clearer t me hw equal their sciety was. I felt I wanted t live in Huyhnhnm Land fr the rest f my life. It was such a pleasant place.
    Over time I even began t cpy the appearance f the Huyhnhnms and made myself shes like theirs. I was happy t live with the Huyhnhnms fr the rest f my life but unluckily everything changed n ne fatal day. The Huyhnhnms didn’t think it was right that I lived like a Huyhnhnm.
    —Taken frm Gulliver’s Travels
    58. Why des the writer use “dear reader” in his stry?
    A. T make the stry interesting.B. T make the stry easy t read.
    C. T attract the readers’ attentin.D. T make the readers respect him.
    59. What des the underlined (划线的) sentence mean in Paragraph 2?
    A. Gulliver thught he was better than the Yahs.
    B. Gulliver thught he was strnger than the Yahs.
    C. The Yahs believed Gulliver was their wn master.
    D. The Yahs hped Gulliver culd treat them differently.
    60. What did Gulliver think f his life in Huyhnhnm Land?
    A. Tiring.B. Pleasant.
    C. Bring.D. Imprtant.
    61. What may happen after the last paragraph?
    A. Gulliver wuld leave fr Laputa in a big bat.
    B. Gulliver lived a gd life in Huyhnhnm Land.
    C. The Huyhnhnms wuld ask Gulliver t leave.
    D. The Huyhnhnms wuld ask Gulliver t stay here.
    【答案】58. C 59. A 60. B 61. C
    推理判断题。根据“The first thing they did was t teach me their language. As yu knw by nw, dear reader, I am very gd at languages. I sn learnt enugh wrds t cmmunicate quite well and I understd we were in Huyhnhnm Land.”可知,作者是在告诉读者自己很擅长学习语言,因此很快就学会了慧骃国的语言,目的是引起读者对后面发生的事情的兴趣。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据“But I did my very best t shw hw different I was frm these disgusting creatures.”可知,很多慧骃来拜访作者,但他们都感到很困惑,因为我和雅虎很像。所以作者尽了最大的努力来展示我和雅虎的不同,表现自己的智慧。由此可猜测,作者认为自己比雅虎优秀。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“I felt I wanted t live in Huyhnhnm Land fr the rest f my life. It was such a pleasant place.”可知,作者认为自己在这里生活很愉快。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据“I was happy t live with the Huyhnhnms fr the rest f my life but unluckily everything changed n ne fatal day. The Huyhnhnms didn’t think it was right that I lived like a Huyhnhnm.”可知,慧骃家的人认为我不应该像慧骃家的人那样生活。由此可猜测,作者可能会被赶走。故选C。
    Get ready fr an ut-f-this-wrld intergalactic (星际的) experience! Walt Disney Wrld Resrt in Flrida, the United States, annunced the pening f the Space 220 Restaurant and the new Star Wars htel.
    Offering a special dining experience, the Space 220 Restaurant will make visitrs feel like they’re sitting at a restaurant in space. The experience begins at the Future Wrld. There visitrs wait fr a space lift t send them t the Space Statin. Surprisingly, this Space Statin lks like the real ne in space. Of curse, the lift is nt real but a feature f illusin (幻觉) designed by engineers.
    When taking the lift, the visitrs will see the things n the grund getting smaller and smaller. During the prcess, the space-statin scene cmes int yur eyes. And then the visitrs will mve int a space statin-themed dining area, where they’ll enjy their meals surrunded (环绕) by panramic (全景的) views f Earth. On the vide, sme astrnauts will appear every s ften, wrking n the space statin r maybe just playing arund.
    Actually, befre annuncing Space 220 Restaurant, Disney annunced anther intergalactic experience: the new Star Wars htel. If yu stay in the htel, yu can watch mvies in its special theater, enjy its themed envirnment and delicius fd, and play a real-life rle-playing game.
    When yu travel in Flrida, the USA, dn’t miss the Space 220 Restaurant and the new Star Wars htel!
    62. The picture in the passage is helpful because it shws ______.
    A. what the Space 220 Restaurant lks like
    B. why the Space 220 Restaurant is ppular
    C. hw the Space 220 Restaurant was built
    D. when the Space 220 Restaurant was pened
    63. Which picture shws the structure f the passage? (① = Paragraph 1, ...)
    A. B.
    C. D.
    64. Paragraph 4 mainly wants t tell us ________.
    A. the new Star Wars htel ffers peple a special theater t watch films
    B. peple can play a new rle-playing game in the Space 220 Restaurant
    C. the new Star Wars htel was annunced after the Space 220 Restaurant
    D. peple can enjy the nice natural envirnment in the new Star Wars htel
    65. Which part f a magazine may this passage be taken frm?
    A. Fashin.B. Sprts.C. Culture.D. Travel.
    【答案】62. A 63. B 64. A 65. D
    细节理解题。根据“If yu stay in the htel, yu can watch mvies in its special theater”可知,新的星球大战酒店为人们提供了一个特殊的电影院看电影。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据“When yu travel in Flrida, the USA, dn’t miss the Space 220 Restaurant and the new Star Wars htel!”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了美国佛罗里达州华特迪士尼世界度假区新开发的游乐项目,属于旅游类文章。故选D。
    五、词汇运用(共 10 小题;每小题 l 分,计 10 分;每空一词)
    66. Every April, ________ f visitrs cme t Yangzhu t enjy its nice views. (千)
    【解析】句意:每年四月,成千上万的游客来扬州欣赏美景。本题考查固定短语thusands f“成千上万”。故填thusands。
    67. Yangzhu gvernment has already _________ the best service fr the visitrs. (提供)
    【解析】句意:扬州政府已经给旅行者提供了最好的服务。prvide sth fr sb表示“给某人提供某物”。根据句意可知扬州政府给旅行者提供最好的服务;根据语境可以判断时态为现在完成时,由助动词have/has+动词的过去分词构成。故填prvided。
    68. My parents ________ me plan t g t the Slender West Lake t enjy the flwers. (和)
    69. At night, yu can see sme ________ frm freign cuntries at the firewrks shw. (音乐家)
    70. During the trip, all the visitrs are in ________ that Wuting Bridge are their favurite. (同意)
    【解析】句意:在旅途中,所有的游客都一致认为武亭桥是他们的最爱。根据“all the visitrs are in”和汉语提示可知,名词agreement“同意”符合句意,be in agreement“达成一致”。故填agreement。
    71. We ________ the bat n the river and the wind blew acrss the face. (rw)
    【解析】句意:我们在河上划船,风吹过水面。根据“the wind blew acrss the face”可知,本句时态为一般过去时,动词rw“划船”应用过去式。故填rwed。
    72. The flwers ________ were s clurful that I culdn’t wait t take phts. (them)
    【解析】句意:这些花本身是如此五颜六色,以至于我迫不及待的拍照了。反身代词themselves此处作the flwers的同位语,表示这些花它们本身,因为flwers是复数,故填themselves。
    73. When yu have prblems, lcal peple wuld like t help yu ________ them. (slve)
    【解析】句意:当你遇到问题时,当地人愿意帮助你解决问题。根据“help yu”可知,此处为help sb d sth“帮助某人做某事”。故填slve。
    74. In the park, I saw a girl standing ________ by the river and watching the fish in it. (quiet)
    75. My tickets t the Slender West Lake are ________ nw, but I will keep them fr ever. (use)
    【解析】句意:我去瘦西湖的票现在没用了,但是我会永远保留着它们。位于be动词之后,此处需要用形容词,根据“but I will keep them fr ever”可知,应该是没用了,但是会永远保留,useless“无用的”。故填useless。
    六、阅读表达(共 5 题;每题 2 分,计 10 分)
    Let’s g back in time t Baskerville Hall. When I see the prtrait (肖像) f Hug Baskerville in the dining rm I knw that Stapletn is a Baskerville, t. Indeed, Stapletn is a sn f Rdger Baskerville, the yunger brther f Sir Charles. Rdger runs away and disappears. N ne knws that he marries and has a child. The child is Stapletn and his real name is Rdger Baskerville, like his father.
    There Stapletn discvers that nly tw peple—Sir Charles and Sir Henry, separate him frm the Baskerville frtune. Sn he gets clse t Sir Charles Baskerville. Old Sir Charles tells Stapletn abut the legend f the hund (猎犬 ) and prepares the way fr his wn death. Stapletn knws that the ld man’s heart is weak. And he als knws that Sir Charles believes the legend f the hund. And s he gets the idea t frighten Sir Charles t death with a hund.
    Stapletn buys the huge dg in Lndn and takes it t Devn by train. He walks acrss the mr with it t make sure n ne sees him with the dg. He finds a hiding place fr the animal in the ld tin mine (锡矿). And he keeps his hund there while he is waiting fr his chance.
    He paints the dg with phsphrus (磷), and gets it t jump ver the small gate and run after Sir Charles. The huge black creature is a dreadful sight. Sir Charles runs away screaming and falls dead n the path frm shck (震惊). Then Stapletn takes the hund back t its hiding place, s Sir Charles’s death is a mystery t all.
    —Taken frm The Hund f the Baskervilles
    76. When des Hlmes knw Stapletn is a Baskerville?
    77. Wh separates Stapletn frm the Baskerville frtune?
    78. Where des Stapletn buy his huge dg?
    79. Why is Sir Charles’s death a mystery t all?
    80. Hw d yu like Stapletn?
    【答案】76. When he sees the prtrait/picture f Hug Baskerville.
    77. Sir Charles and Sir Henry.
    78. In Lndn.
    79. Because Stapletn takes the hund back t its hiding place.
    80. He is bad.
    根据“When I see the prtrait (肖像) f Hug Baskerville in the dining rm I knw that Stapletn is a Baskerville,”可知当他在餐厅里看到雨果·巴斯克维尔的肖像时,他知道斯台普顿也是巴斯克维尔人。故填When he sees the prtrait/picture f Hug Baskerville.
    根据“There Stapletn discvers that nly tw peple—Sir Charles and Sir Henry, separate him frm the Baskerville frtune”可知查尔斯爵士和亨利爵士将斯台普顿与巴斯克维尔的财富分开。故填Sir Charles and Sir Henry.
    根据“Stapletn buys the huge dg in Lndn”可知是在伦敦买的。故填In Lndn.
    根据“Then Stapletn takes the hund back t its hiding place, s Sir Charles’s death is a mystery t all.”可知斯台普顿把猎犬带回了它的藏身之地,所以查尔斯爵士的死对所有人来说都是个谜。故填Because Stapletn takes the hund back t its hiding place.
    开放性试题,言之有理即可。根据“And s he gets the idea t frighten Sir Charles t death with a hund.”可知他萌生了用猎犬吓死查尔斯爵士的想法,可见他是一个坏人。参考答案为He is bad.
    七、缺词填空(共 10 空;每空 l 分,计 10 分)(每空一词)
    As part f Yangzhu culture, Yangzhu cuisine (美食) is the best knwn fr its lng histry. Since the a____81____ times, Yangzhu has been the center f Huaiyang cuisine. The earliest knwn r____82____ can be fund in The Bk f Histry (尚书). Huaiyang cuisine appeared in the Spring and Autumn Perid, d____83____ in the Han and Tang Dynasties, and flurished (繁盛) in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
    Fr many years, Yangzhu snacks have been well knwn fr their great variety with different fillings and beautiful s____84____. Sme f them are like balls, stars and s n. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Yangzhu city was praised as “a place whse pastry shps were the finest under heaven”. Yangzhu snacks wn high praise frm visitrs b____85____ at hme and abrad.
    Amng the famus masters during the middle f the Qing Dynasty, Beauty Shaw in Yizheng was the b____86____ at making Yangzhu snacks. The snacks she made were said t be as v____87____ as gld because they are all small, cute and as white as snw and they are hard t buy. Beauty Shaw is als c____88____ as ne f the tp ten masters f ancient China.
    Fuchun Teahuse was built in Yangzhu in 1885. It has b____89____ a famus Chinese restaurant fr its lng histry and high quality. It is als famus fr i____90____ self-made tea Kuilngzhu.
    If yu cme t Yangzhu, dn’t miss Yangzhu cuisine!
    【答案】81. (a)ncient 82. (r)ecrd 83. (d)evelped 84. (s)hapes 85. (b)th 86. (b)est 87. (v)aluable 88. (c)nsidered 89. (b)ecme##(b)een 90. (i)ts
    句意:自古以来,扬州就是淮扬菜的中心。根据“Yangzhu has been the center f Huaiyang cuisine.”结合首字母可知,此处表示古代,ancient“古代的”,形容词作定语。故填(a)ncient。
    句意:已知最早的记录可以在《尚书》中找到。根据“can be fund in The Bk f Histry”结合首字母可知此处表达最早的记载,recrd“记载”,名词作主语。故填(r)ecrd。
    句意:淮扬菜出现于春秋时期,发展于汉唐时期,盛行于明清时期。根据“appeared in the Spring and Autumn Perid,…and flurished (繁盛) in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.”可知,此处表达了淮扬菜的从出现到发展再到鼎盛的时期,结合首字母提示,空处为develp“发展”,此处用一般过去时。故填(d)evelped。
    句意:多年来,扬州小吃一直以其丰富多样的馅料和美丽的形状而闻名。根据“well knwn fr their great variety with different fillings and beautiful s”可知此处表达以其丰富多样的馅料和美丽的形状而闻名,shape“形状”,此处应用复数形式。故填(s)hapes。
    句意:在清代中期的著名大师中,仪征的肖美人是扬州小吃制作的佼佼者。根据“Amng the famus masters during the middle f the Qing Dynasty”可知,此处表达制作扬州小吃最好的,best“最好的”,形容词最高级。故填(b)est。
    句意:据说她做的零食和金子一样贵重,因为它们都很小,很可爱,像雪一样白,很难买到。根据“they are all small, cute and as white as snw and they are hard t buy.”可知,此处表达它们像黄金一样珍贵,valuable“珍贵的”,as+ adj./adv. +as结构意为“和……一样”,空处为形容词原级。故填(v)aluable。
    句意:肖美人也被认为是中国古代十大大师之一。be cnsidered as“被认为是”,固定短语。故填(c)nsidered。
    句意:它还以自制的葵龙珠茶而闻名。分析句子,空处应为形容词性物主代词,its“它的”表示Fuchun Teahuse的。故填(i)ts。
    八、书面表达(计 30 分)
    A. 句子翻译(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分)
    91. 在你们学校一楼有美术室吗?
    【答案】Is there an art rm n the grund/first flr in yur schl?
    【解析】句子是there be结构,句子用一般现在时,主语是an art rm,be动词用is,在疑问句中把is放句首;状语是n the grund/first flr in yur schl“在你们学校的一楼”。故填Is there an art rm n the grund/first flr in yur schl?
    92. 我的书包和你的书包真的不一样。
    【答案】My schlbag is really different frm yurs.
    【解析】分析句子可知,本句为肯定陈述句,时态为一般现在时。形容词性物主代词my“我的”作定语修饰名词schlbag“书包”;be different frm“与……不同”为形容词短语;副词really“真地”修饰形容词different;名词性物主代词yurs“你的”作宾语。故填My schlbag is really different frm yurs.
    93. 这个电脑游戏是去年为青少年们设计的。
    【答案】This cmputer game was designed fr the teenagers last year.
    【解析】这个电脑游戏:this cmputer game;去年:last year;为……设计:be designed fr…;青少年们:teenagers。根据“去年”可知,此处需要用一般过去时,主语this cmputer game是单三,故用was,故填This cmputer game was designed fr the teenagers last year.
    94. 我们三人中,Tm 完成了最少的家庭作业。
    【答案】Tm finished the least hmewrk f us three.
    【解析】我们三人中:f us three;完成:finish;最少的家庭作业:the least hmewrk。根据语境可知,此处需要用一般过去时,故填Tm finished the least hmewrk f us three.
    95. 我如此用功学习以至于我取得了很大的进步。
    【答案】I wrked s hard that I made great prgress.
    【解析】根据语境可知,句子用一般过去时;此处是结构s adj./adv. that...“如此……以至于”,用功学习:wrk hard;取得了很大的进步:make great prgress。故填I wrked s hard that I made great prgress.
    B. 写作(计 20 分)
    96. 最近你校英语报社正举行以“我为父母做件事”为题的演讲活动。假设你是李华,请你根据下列提示,围绕这一话题,写一篇英文演讲稿,谈谈你为父母做这件事的过程和感受,内容包括以下要点:
    1. What thing did yu d fr yur parents?
    2. Why did yu d it? (at least tw pints)
    3. Hw did yu d it? (First, then, ...)
    4. Hw did yu feel after ding it?
    2. 必须包括所有要点内容,并适当发挥;
    3. 词数在 100 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);
    4. 不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。
    Hell, everybdy!
    I am Li Hua. Last weekend, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Hell, everybdy!
    I am Li Hua. Last weekend, I made a fruit salad fr my parents. They were happy. My parents wrked s hard that they had n time t have fruit, and I wanted them t relax. What’s mre, I wanted t d smething fr them because I wanted t tell them I culd d smething by myself and I culd lk after them well.
    It was interesting t make a fruit salad. First, I washed the fruit carefully. Then, I cut them int small pieces. Next, I mixed them with salad cream. Finally, I put sme sugar in it. It lked clurful.
    I felt prud and happy when I saw them smile. I think I can d mre things fr my parents in the future.Tips t help yu be happier
    Enjy the simple things, such as reading a gd bk, ____13____, r spending time with clse friends.
    Be ____14____, such as ding sprts.
    Help thers, such as helping friends r the elderly, r ____15____.

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