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    Grading Plicies fr Intrductin t Literature Grading Scale
    90-100, A; 80-89, B; 70-79, C; 60-69, D; Belw 60, E.
    Essays (60%)
    Yur fur majr essays will cmbine t frm the main part f the grade fr this curse: Essay 1 = 10%; Essay 2 = 15%; Essay 3 = 15%; Essay 4 = 20%.
    Grup Assignments(30%)
    Students will wrk in grups t cmplete fur assignments (作业) during the curse. All the assignments will be submitted by the assigned date thrugh Blackbard, ur nline learning and curse management system.
    Daily Wrk/In-Class Writings and Tests/Grup Wrk/Hmewrk(10%)
    Class activities will vary frm day t day, but students must be ready t cmplete shrt in-class writings r tests drawn directly frm assigned readings r ntes frm the previus class' lecture/discussin, s it is imprtant t take careful ntes during class. Additinally, frm time t time I will assign grup wrk t be cmpleted in class r shrt assignments t be cmpleted at hme, bth f which will be graded.
    Late Wrk
    An essay nt submitted in class n the due date will lse a letter grade fr each class perid it is late. If it is nt turned in by the 4th day after the due date, it will earn a zer. Daily assignments nt cmpleted during class will get a zer. Shrt writings missed as a result f an excused absence will be accepted.
    1.Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A textbk.B. An exam paper.
    C. A curse plan.D. An academic article.
    2.Hw many parts is a student's final grade made up f?
    A. Tw.B. Three.C. Fur.D. Five.
    3.What will happen if yu submit an essay ne week after the due date?
    A. Yu will receive a zer.B. Yu will lse a letter grade.
    C. Yu will be given a test.D. Yu will have t rewrite it.
    Live with rmmates? Have friends and family arund yu? Chances are that if yu're lking t live a mre sustainable lifestyle, nt everyne arund yu will be ready t jump n that bandwagn.
    I experienced this when started switching t a zer waste lifestyle five years ag, as I was living with my parents, and I cntinue t experience this with my husband, as he is nt cmpletely zer waste like me. I've learned a few things alng the way thugh, which I hpe yu'll find encuraging if yu're ding yur best t figure ut hw yu can make the change in a nt-always-supprtive husehld.
    Zer waste was a radical lifestyle mvement a few years back. I remember shwing my parents a vide f Bea Jhnsn, sharing hw cl I thught it wuld be t buy grceries with jars, and have s little trash! A few days later, I came back with my first jars f zer waste grceries, and my dad cmmented n hw silly it was fr me t carry jars everywhere. It came ff as a bit discuraging.
    Yet as the mnths f reducing waste cntinued, I did what I culd that was within my wn reach. I had my wn bedrm, s I wrked n remving things I didn't need. Since I had my wn tiletries (洗漱用品), I was able t start persnalizing my rutine t be mre sustainable. I als ffered t ck every s ften, s I prtined ut a bit f the cupbard fr my wn zer waste grceries. Perhaps yur husehld wn't entirely make the switch, but yu may have sme cntrl ver yur wn persnal spaces t make the changes yu desire.
    As yu make yur lifestyle changes, yu may find yurself wanting t speak up fr yurself if thers cmment n what yu're ding, which can turn itself int a whle husehld debate. If yu have individuals wh are nt n bard, yur wrds prbably wn't d much and can ften leave yu feeling mre discuraged.
    S here is my advice: Lead by actin.
    4.What d the underlined wrds "jump n that bandwagn" mean in the first paragraph?
    A. Share an apartment with yu.B. Jin yu in what yu're ding.
    C. Transfrm yur way f living.D. Help yu t make the decisin.
    5.What was the attitude f the authr's father tward buying grceries with jars?
    A. He disapprved f it.B. He was favrable t it.
    C. He was tlerant f it.D. He didn't care abut it.
    6.What can we infer abut the authr?
    A. She is quite gd at cking.B. She respects thers' privacy.
    C. She enjys being a husewife.D. She is a determined persn.
    7.What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Hw t get n well with ther family members.
    B. Hw t have ne's wn persnal space at hme.
    C. Hw t live a zer waste lifestyle in a husehld.
    D. Hw t cntrl the budget when buying grceries.
    A machine can nw nt nly beat yu at chess, it can als utperfrm yu in debate. Last week, in a public debate in San Francisc, a sftware prgram called Prject Debater beat its human ppnents, including Na Ovadia, Israel's frmer natinal debating champin.
    Brilliant thugh it is, Prject Debater has sme weaknesses. It takes sentences frm its library f dcuments and prebuilt arguments and strings them tgether. This can lead t the kinds f errrs n human wuld make. Such wrinkles will n dubt be irned ut, yet they als pint t a fundamental prblem. As Kristian Hammnd, prfessr f electrical engineering and cmputer science at Nrthwestern University, put it: "There's never a stage at which the system knws what it's talking abut."
    What Hammnd is referring t is the questin f meaning, and meaning is central t what distinguishes the least intelligent f humans frm the mst intelligent f machines. A cmputer wrks with symbls. Its prgram specifies a set f rules t transfrm ne string f symbls int anther. But it des nt specify what thse symbls mean. Indeed, t a cmputer, meaning is irrelevant. Humans, in thinking, talking, reading and writing, als wrk with symbls. But fr humans, meaning is everything. When we cmmunicate, we cmmunicate meaning. What matters is nt just the utside f a string f symbls, but the inside t, nt just hw they are arranged but what they mean.
    Meaning emerges thrugh a prcess f scial interactin, nt f cmputatin, interactin that shapes the cntent f the symbls in ur heads. The rules that assign meaning lie nt just inside ur heads, but als utside, in sciety, in scial memry, scial cnventins and scial relatins. It is this that distinguishes humans frm machines. And that's why, hwever astnishing Prject Debater may seem, the traditin that began with Scrates and Cnfucius will nt end with artificial intelligence.
    8.Why des the authr mentin Na Ovadia in the first paragraph?
    A. T explain the use f a sftware prgram.
    B. T shw the cleverness f Prject Debater.
    C. T intrduce the designer f Prject Debater.
    D. T emphasize the fairness f the cmpetitin.
    9.What des the underlined wrd "wrinkles" in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Arguments.B. Dubts.C. Errrs.D. Differences.
    10.What is Prject Debater unable t d accrding t Hammnd?
    A. Create rules.B. Cmprehend meaning.
    C. Talk fluently.D. Identify difficult wrds.
    11.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. Scial interactin is key t understanding symbls.
    B. The human brain has ptential yet t be develped.
    C. Ancient philsphers set gd examples fr debaters.
    D. Artificial intelligence ensures humans a bright future.
    As we age,even if we're healthy,the heart just isn't as efficient in prcessing xygen as it used t be.In mst peple the first signs shw up in their 50s r early 60s.And amng peple wh dn't exercise,the changes can start even sner.
    "Think f a rubber band.In the beginning,it is flexible,but put it in a drawer fr 20 years and it will becme dry and easily brken," says Dr.Ben Levine,a heart specialist at the University f Texas.That's what happens t the heart.Frtunately fr thse in midlife,Levine is finding that even if yu haven't been an enthusiastic exerciser,getting in shape nw may help imprve yur aging heart.
    Levine and his research team selected vlunteers aged between 45 and 64 wh did nt exercise much but were therwise healthy.Participants were randmly divided int tw grups.The first grup participated in a prgram f nnaerbic (无氧) exercise-balance training and weight training-three times a week.The secnd grup did high-intensity aerbic exercise under the guidance f a trainer fr fur r mre days a week.After tw years,the secnd grup saw remarkable imprvements in heart health.
    "We tk these 50-year-ld hearts and turned the clck back t 30-r 35-year-ld hearts," says Levine. "And the reasn they gt s much strnger and fitter was that their hearts culd nw fill a lt better and pump(泵送)a lt mre bld during exercise." But the hearts f thse wh participated in less intense exercise didn't change,he says.
    "The sweet spt in life t start exercising,if yu haven't already,is in late middle age when the heart still has flexibility," Levine says. "We put healthy 70-year-lds thrugh a yearlng exercise training prgram,and nthing happened t them at all."
    Dr.Nieca Gldberg,a spkeswman fr the American Heart Assciatin,says Levine's findings are a great start.But the study was small and needs t be repeated with far larger grups f peple t determine exactly which aspects f an exercise rutine make the biggest difference.
    12.What des Levine want t explain by mentining the rubber band? ______
    A. The right way f exercising.B. The causes f a heart attack.
    C. The difficulty f keeping fit.D. The aging prcess f the heart.
    13.In which aspect were the tw grups different in terms f research design? ______
    A. Diet plan.B. Prfessinal backgrund.
    C. Exercise type.D. Previus physical cnditin.
    14.What des Levine's research find? ______
    A. Middle-aged hearts get yunger with aerbic exercise.
    B. High-intensity exercise is mre suitable fr the yung.
    C. It is never t late fr peple t start taking exercise.
    D. The mre exercise we d,the strnger ur hearts get.
    15.What des Dr.Nieca Gldberg suggest? ______
    A. Making use f the findings.
    B. Interviewing the study participants.
    C. Cnducting further research.
    D. Clarifying the purpse f the study.
    With gas prices rising and airprt security lines snaking lnger than ever,why nt bk yur next dmestic vacatin n a train?Cmpared t ther alternatives,it's cmfrtable and relaxing.Here is sme advice n hw t make a trip by rail as pleasant as pssible
    Plan ahead.Mst lng-distance trains,especially the sleeping car accmmdatins,sell ut very quickly. (16)But n matter when yu travel,it's a gd idea t make yur reservatins at least 90 days in advance.
    Use a travel agent.Cnsider turning yur travel plan ver t a travel agent and letting him duble-check all the details,make suggestins,and then handle the actual reservatins.A gd ne can smetimes find yu discunted tickets.(17)Then yu wn't have t walk thrugh several cars n a mving train three times a day fr yur meals.
    Bring a blanket.When yu're riding n trains,yu wn't be prvided with a blanket fr free even if yur trip is an vernight ne.(18)In the summer in particular,the air cnditining can make them quite cld.
    Arrive early.Mst trains perate just nce a day and sme run nly three times a week,s missing yurs can be a disaster.(19)Nte:The times listed n the schedules are departure times,nt arrival times.
    Have fun.(20)Read a bk,knit,d a crsswrd puzzle,r simply watch the wrld unfld utside the windw.T calculate yur speed as yu d,divide 3,600 (the number f secnds in an hur) by the number f secnds it takes yu t travel ne mile (the distance between tw milepsts).If it takes the train 53 secnds t travel ne mile,yu're ging 67.92 mph.
    A.Train trips aren't fr impatient types.
    B.Yu'll have views frm bth sides f the train.
    C.The temperature n rail cars is ften hard t cntrl
    D.That's particularly true during busy summer mnths
    E.Yu might have t wait lnger than 24 hurs t catch the next ne.
    F.Chances are the cst will be a lt less than the cst f ne bedrm.
    G.He may als bk yu in a sleeping car that's right next t the diner.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    On Oct.11,hundreds f runners cmpeted in a crss-cuntry race in Minnesta.Melanie Bailey shuld have(1) ______ the curse earlier than she did.Her(2) ______ came because she was carrying a(3) ______ acrss the finish line.
    As reprted by a lcal newspaper,Bailey was mre than tw-thirds f the way thrugh her(4) ______ when a runner in frnt f her began crying in pain.She(5) ______ t help her fellw runner,Danielle Lenue.Bailey tk her arm t see if she culd walk frward with(6) ______ .She culdn't.Bailey then(7) ______ t let Lenue climb nt her back and carried her all the way t the finish line,then anther 300 feet t where Lenue culd get(8) ______ attentin.
    Once there,Lenuc was(9) ______ and later taken t a hspital,where she learned that she had serius injuries in ne f her knees.She wuld have struggled with extreme(10) ______ t make it t that aid checkpint withut Bailey's help.
    As fr Bailey,she is mre(11) ______ abut why her act is cnsidered a big(12) ______ " She was just crying.I culdn't(13) ______ her," Bailey tld the reprter."I feel like I was just ding the right thing.
    Althugh the tw yung wmen were strangers befre the(14) ______ ,they've since becme friends.Neither wn the race,but the(15) ______ f human kindness wn the day.
    21.A. designedB. fllwedC. changedD. finished
    22.A. delayB. chanceC. trubleD. excuse
    23.A. judgeB. vlunteerC. classmateD. cmpetitr
    24.A. raceB. schlC. twnD. training
    25.A. agreedB. returnedC. stppedD. prmised
    26.A. curageB. aidC. patienceD. advice
    27.A. went awayB. std upC. stepped asideD. bent dwn
    28.A. medicalB. publicC. cnstantD. equal
    29.A. interruptedB. assessedC. identifiedD. appreciated
    30.A. hungerB. painC. cldD. tiredness
    31.A. wrriedB. ashamedC. cnfusedD. discuraged
    32.A. gameB. prblemC. lessnD. deal
    33.A. leaveB. cureC. btherD. understand
    34.A. rideB. testC. meetD. shw
    35.A. secretB. displayC. benefitD. exchange
    36.During China's dynastic perid,emperrs planned the city f Beijing (1) arranged the residential areas accrding t scial classes.The term "hutng", (2) (riginal) meaning "water well" in Mnglian,appeared first during the Yuan Dynasty.
    In the Ming Dynasty,the center was the Frbidden City, (3) (surrund) in cncentric (同心的) circles by the Inner City and Outer City.Citizens f higher scial classes (4) (permit) t live clser t the center f the circles.The large siheyuan f these high-ranking fficials and wealthy businessmen ften (5) (feature) beautifully carved and painted rf beams and pillars (柱子).The hutngs they frmed were rderly,lined by (6) (space) hmes and walled gardens.Farther frm the center lived the cmmners and labrers.Their siheyuan were far smaller in scale and (7) (simple) in design and decratin,and the hutngs were narrwer.
    Hutngs represent an imprtant cultural element f the city f Beijing.Thanks t Beijing's lng histry (8) capital f China,almst every hutng has its stries,and sme are even assciated with histric (9) (event).In cntrast t the curt life and upper-class culture represented by the Frbidden City,the Summer Palace,and the Temple f Heaven,the hutngs reflect (10) culture f grassrts Beijingers.
    38.When I was in middle schl,my scial studies teacher asked me t enter a writing cntest.I said n withut thinking.I did nt lve writing.My family came frm Brazil,s English was nly my secnd language.Writing was s difficult and painful fr me that my teacher had allwed me t present my paper n the sinking f the Titanic by acting ut a play,where I played all the parts.N ne laughed harder than he did.
    S,why did he suddenly frce me t d smething at which I was sure t fail?His reply: "Because I lve yur stries.If yu' re willing t apply yurself,I think yu have a gd sht at this." Encuraged by his wrds,I agreed t give it a try.
    I chse Paul Revere's hrse as my subject.Paul Revere was a silversmith (银匠) in Bstn wh rde a hrse at night n April 18,1775 t Lexingtn t warn peple that British sldiers were cming.My stry wuld cme straight frm the hrse's muth.Nt a brilliant idea,but funny;and unlikely t be anyne else' s chice.
    What did the hrse think,as he sped thrugh the night?Did he get tired?Have dubts?Did he want t quit?I sympathized immediately.I gt tired.I had dubts.I wanted t quit.But,like Revere's hrse,I kept ging.I wrked hard.I checked my spelling.I asked my lder sister t crrect my grammar.I checked ut a half dzen bks n Paul Revere frm the library.I even read a few f them.
    When I handed in the essay t my teacher,he read it,laughed ut lud,and said, "Great.Nw,write it again." I wrte it again,and again and again.When I finally finished it,the thught f winning had given way t the enjyment f writing.If I didn't win,I wuldn't care.
    ( 1)续写词数应为150个左右;
    ( 2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    A few weeks later,when I almst frgt the cntest,there came the news.__________
    I went t my teacher's ffice after the award presentatin.__________
    1. 文章出处题。根据原文标题Grading Plicies fr Intrductin t Literature Grading Scale(《文学概论》评分准则)以及小标题Grading Scale(分级标准)可知这篇文章是从Essays(论文)、Grup Assignments(小组作业)、Daily Wrk/In-Class Writings and Test/Grup Wrk/Hmewrk(日常作业/课堂写作和测试/小组作业/家庭作业)以及Late Wrk(迟交作业)四个方面来介绍文学课程的评分方法。由此可知这段文字可能取自课程计划。故选C。
    2. 细节理解题。根据原文小标题Essays(论文60%)、Grup Assignments(小组作业30%)、Daily Wrk/In-Class Writings and Test/Grup Wrk/Hmewrk (日常作业/课堂写作和测试/小组作业/家庭作业10%)可知一个学生课程的最终得分是由:论文、小组作业、日常作业/课堂写作和测试/小组作业/家庭作业,这三部分组成的。可知学生的期末成绩由三部分组成。故选B。
    3. 推理判断题。从文章最后一段Late Wrk部分的If it is nt turned in by the 4th day after the due date, it will earn a zer.(如果在截止日期后的第四天还没有交,就会得零分。)可知,如果你在最后期限的一个星期后交论文将会获得零分。故选A。
    1. 根据划线部分前文Chances are that if yu're lking t live a mre sustainable lifestyle, nt everyne arund yu will be ready t(如果你想过一种更可持续的生活方式,可能不是你周围的每个人都准备好)及第二段中的I've learned a few things alng the way thugh, which I hpe yu'll find encuraging if yu're ding yur best t figure ut hw yu can make the change in a nt-always-supprtive husehld.(在这个过程中,我学到了一些东西,我希望如果你在一个不总是支持你的家庭中尽最大努力去弄清楚如何做出改变,你会感到鼓舞)可知,如果你想过一种更可持续的生活方式,可能不是你周围的每个人都准备好加入这一运动。由此推知,划线词组jump n that bandwagn与Jin yu in what yu're ding.(加入你正在做的事情)意思接近。故选B。
    2. 根据第三段A few days later, I came back with my first jars f zer waste grceries, and my dad cmmented n hw silly it was fr me t carry jars everywhere. It came ff as a bit discuraging.(几天后,我带着第一罐零废物杂货回来了,我父亲评论说,我到处带着罐子是多么愚蠢。结果有点令人沮丧)可推知,作者的父亲不赞成用罐子买食品杂货。故选A。
    3. 根据第四段中的Yet as the mnths f reducing waste cntinued, I did what I culd that was within my wn reach.(然而,随着减少浪费的几个月的持续,我尽了自己力所能及的努力)及Perhaps yur husehld wn't entirely make the switch, but yu may have sme cntrl ver yur wn persnal spaces t make the changes yu desire.(也许你的家庭不会完全改变,但你可以控制自己的个人空间,做出你想要的改变)可推知,我们能从作者身上推断出她是一个意志坚定的人。故选D。
    4. 根据第一段中的Chances are that if yu're lking t live a mre sustainable lifestyle, nt everyne arund yu will be ready t jump n that bandwagn.(如果你想过一种更可持续的生活方式,可能不是你周围的每个人都准备好加入这一运动)及第二段中的I've learned a few things alng the way thugh, which I hpe yu'll find encuraging if yu're ding yur best t figure ut hw yu can make the change in a nt-always-supprtive husehld.(在这个过程中,我学到了一些东西,我希望如果你在一个不总是支持你的家庭中尽最大努力去弄清楚如何做出改变,你会感到鼓舞)可知,文章主要讲述了作者如何在家庭中过零浪费的生活方式。故选C。
    【解析】【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍的是在辩论中战胜人类的名为Prject Debater的软件程序以及它的优缺点。
    根据第一段Last week, in a public debate in San Francisc, a sftware prgram called Prject Debater beat its human ppnents, including Na Ovadia, Israel's frmer natinal debating champin.(上周,在旧金山的一场公开辩论中,一个名为Prject Debater的软件程序击败了它的人类对手,其中包括以色列前全国辩论冠军Na Ovadia。)和第二段的开头Brilliant thugh it is, Prject Debater has sme weaknesses.(尽管“辩手计划”很聪明,但它也有一些弱点。)可知,作者在第一段提到Na Ovadia的目的是展示Prject Debater的聪明。
    根据上文This can lead t the kinds f errrs n human wuld make.(这可能会导致人类不会犯的错误。)可知,wrinkles指的是前面提到的errrs,错误。
    根据第三段What Hammnd is referring t is the questin f meaning... Indeed, t a cmputer, meaning is irrelevant.(Hammnd所指的是意义的问题,而意义是区分最不聪明的人类和最聪明的机器的关键。计算机使用符号工作。它的程序指定了一组将一串符号转换为另一串符号的规则。但它并没有具体说明这些符号的意义。事实上,对于计算机来说,意义是无关紧要的。)可知,根据Hammnd的说法,Prject Debater不能理解意义。
    根据最后一段Meaning emerges thrugh a prcess f scial interactin, nt f cmputatin, interactin that shapes the cntent f the symbls in ur heads.(意义的产生是通过社会互动的过程,而不是计算的过程,这种互动塑造了我们头脑中符号的内容。)可知,从最后一段我们能了解到社会互动是理解符号的关键。
    【解析】(1)D.推理判断题。根据第二段"Think f a rubber band.In the beginning,it is flexible,but put it in a drawer fr 20 years and it will becme dry and easily brken," says Dr.Ben Levine,a heart specialist at the University f Texas.That's what happens t the heart.("想想橡皮筋。一开始,它是灵活的,但把它放在抽屉里20年,它就会变得干燥,很容易破碎,"德克萨斯大学的心脏专家本•莱文博士说。这就是心脏的变化。)可知,莱文想通过提到橡皮筋来解释心脏的老化过程。故选D。
    (2)C.推理判断题。根据第三段的The first grup participated in a prgram f nnaerbic exercise—balance training and weight training—three times a week.The secnd grup did high-intensity aerbic exercise under the guidance f a trainer fr fur r mre days a week.(第一组每周参加三次非有氧运动——平衡训练和重量训练。第二组在教练的指导下每周进行4天或更多的高强度有氧运动。)可知,两组在研究设计上的不同在于运动类型的不同,故选C。
    (3)A.细节理解题。根据第三段的The secnd grup did high-intensity aerbic exercise under the guidance f a trainer fr fur r mre days a week.After tw years,the secnd grup saw remarkable imprvements in heart health.(第二组在教练的指导下每周进行4天或更多的高强度有氧运动。两年后,第二组的心脏健康状况有了显著改善。)可知,莱文的研究发现了通过有氧运动,中年人的心脏会变得更年轻,故选A。
    (4)C.推理判断题。根据最后一段的But the study was small and needs t be repeated with far larger grups f peple t determine exactly which aspects f an exercise rutine make the biggest difference.(但这项研究的规模很小,需要在更大的人群中重复进行,以确定日常锻炼的哪些方面会产生最大的影响。)可知,妮卡•戈德堡博士建议进行进一步的研究。故选C。
    1. 根据前句Mst lng-distance trains,especially the sleeping car accmmdatins,sell ut very quickly(大多数长途火车,特别是卧铺车厢,很快就卖完了)以及夏季是旅游高峰期的事实,可知表示"在夏季的旅游高峰期尤其如此"的选项D符合前后的语境,That代指sell ut very quickly,故选D。
    2. 根据主题句Use a travel agent.(使用旅游代理商。)以及后句Then yu wn't have t walk thrugh several cars n a mving train three times a day fr yur meals(这样你就不必为了吃饭而一天三次在行驶的火车上穿过几个车厢),可知表示"他也可能会给你在餐厅旁边订一个卧铺"的选项G符合前后的语境,He是关键词,故选G。
    根据后句In the summer in particular,the air cnditining can make them quite cld(特别是在夏天,空调会使它们里面很冷),可知表示"车厢上的温度通常很难由自己控制"的选项C符合前后的语境,the air cnditining和The temperature n rail cars是关键词,故选C。
    据前句Mst trains perate just nce a day and sme run nly three times a week,s missing yurs can be a disaster(大多数火车每天只运行一次,有些火车一周只运行三次,所以错过你的火车可能是一场灾难),可知表示"你可能需要等待超过24小时才能赶上下一班"的选项E符合前后的语境,a disaster和wait lnger than 24 hurs t catch the next ne是关键词,故选E。
    根据后文的内容:“玩得开心。读一本书,织毛衣,做个填字游戏,或者只是看看窗外的世界。要计算你的速度,用3600除以你走一英里所花费的秒数。如果火车行驶一英里需要53秒,那么你的速度是67.92英里/小时。”可知,作者建议在火车上读书、织毛线活儿,或者计算火车的运行速度等来玩得开心,享受旅途,所有这些事情都是需要耐心的,A选项Train trips aren't fr impatient types. 火车旅行不适合没有耐心的人。符合语境,因此应选A。
    【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了在一次越野赛中,Melanie Bailey背着另一个受伤的参赛者过终点线并接受医疗检查的善行义举。
    (1)考查动词及语境理解。A.designed设计;B.fllwed跟随;C.changed改变;D.finished完成。句意:Melanie Bailey应该更早完成比赛。根据下一段的"carried her all the way t the finish line,then anther 300 feet t where Lenue culd get ____(8)____ attentin"可知,Bailey在比赛中背一名参赛者,所以完成比赛晚了,因此句子表示"Melanie Bailey应该更早完成比赛"。故选D。
    (2)考查名词及语境理解。A.delay延误;B.chance机会;C.truble麻烦;D.excuse借口。句意:她的延迟是因为她背着一名竞争对手冲过终点线。根据上文"Melanie Bailey shuld have ____(1)____ the curse earlier than she did"和上一题的解析可知,Melanie Bailey应该更早完成比赛,她的延迟是因为她背着一名竞争对手冲过终点线。故选A。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.judge裁判;B.vlunteer志愿者;C.classmate同学;D.cmpetitr参赛者。句意:她的延迟是因为她背着一名参赛者冲过终点线。根据第一段的"hundreds f runners cmpeted in a crss-cuntry race"可知,她是背着一名参赛者冲过终点线。故选D。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.race比赛;B.schl学校;C.twn城镇;D.training训练。句意:据当地一家报纸报道,当Bailey跑到比赛的三分之二多的时候,她前面的一名选手开始痛苦地哭泣。根据第一段的"hundreds f runners cmpeted in a crss-cuntry race"可知,此处是说"当Bailey跑到比赛的三分之二多的时候"。故选A。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.agreed同意;B.returned回来;C.stpped停止;D.prmised答应。句意:她停下来帮助她的同伴Danielle Lenue。根据下文"t help her fellw runner"可知,她停下来帮助她的同伴Danielle Lenue。故选C。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.curage勇气;B.aid帮助;C.patience耐心;D.advice建议。句意:Bailey扶着她的胳膊,看看她能否在她的帮助下向前走。根据上文"Bailey tk her arm"可知,此处表示看她是否能在她的帮助下向前走。故选B。
    (7)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.went away离开;B.std up站起来;C.stepped aside让路;D.bent dwn弯腰。句意:然后Bailey弯下腰,让Lenue爬到她的背上,一路背着她走到终点线,然后又走了300英尺,到Lenue接受治疗的地方。根据下文"let Lenue climb nt her back"可知,Bailey弯下腰,让勒诺爬到她的背上。故选D。
    (8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.medical医疗的;B.public公众的;C.cnstant持续不断的;D.equal平等的。句意:然后Bailey弯下腰,让Lenue爬到她的背上,一路背着她走到终点线,然后又走了300英尺,到Lenue接受治疗的地方。根据上文"began crying in pain"可知,Danielle Lenue很疼,所以是要接受治疗,medical attentin意为"医疗救助"。故选A。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.interrupted打断;B.assessed评估;C.identified识别;D.appreciated感激。句意:Lenue在那里接受了检查,后来被送往医院,在那里她得知自己的一个膝盖受了重伤。根据下文"later taken t a hspital"可知,她是先接受了检查,再被送往医院,也就是先接受评估。故选B。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.hunger饥饿;B.pain疼痛;C.cld感冒;D.tiredness疲劳。句意:如果没有Bailey的帮助,她可能会在极度的痛苦中挣扎着到达那个援助检查站。根据第5空前的"began crying in pain"可知,此处表示"如果没有Bailey的帮助,她可能会在极度的痛苦中挣扎着到达那个援助检查站"。故选B。
    (11)考查形容词及语境理解。A.wrried担心的;B.ashamed惭愧的;C.cnfused困惑的;D.discuraged泄气的。句意:至于Bailey,她更困惑的是为什么她的行为被认为是一件大事。根据下文"I feel like I was just ding the right thing"可知,Bailey觉得自己只是做了正确的事情,所以她对她的行为被认为是一件大事感到困惑。故选C。
    (12)考查名词及语境理解。A.game游戏;B.prblem问题;C.lessn课;D.deal交易,局面。句意:至于Bailey,她更困惑的是为什么她的行为被认为是一件大事。根据下文"I feel like I was just ding the right thing"可知,Bailey觉得自己只是做了正确的事情,所以她对她的行为被认为是一件大事感到困惑,a big deal意为"非常重要的事"。故选D。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.leave离开;B.cure治愈;C.bther打扰;D.understand理解。句意:我不能离开她。根据上文"She was just crying"以及Lenue爬到她的背上,一路背着她走到终点线,然后又走了300英尺。可知,Bailey看见Lenue哭喊,所以觉得不能离开她。故选A。
    (14)考查名词及语境理解。A.ride短途旅程;B.test测试;C.meet体育比赛;D.shw展示。句意:虽然这两个年轻女子在那场体育比赛之前是陌生人,但后来她们成了朋友。根据第一段"hundreds f runners cmpeted in a crss-cuntry race"及空前的"the tw yung wmen were strangers befre"可知,当时是一场比赛,句子表示"这两个年轻女子在那场体育比赛之前是陌生人"。故选C。
    (15)考查名词及语境理解。A.secret秘密;B.display展示;C.benefit利益;D.exchange交换。句意:两人都没有赢得比赛,但展示出的人类善良赢得了胜利。根据第二段的"let Lenue climb nt her back and carried her all the way t the finish line,then anther 300 feet t where Lenue culd get ____(8)____ attentin"可知,Bailey背着一个参赛者过终点,并背她去接受检查,这展示了人类的善良。故选B。
    【小题4】were permitted
    (3)考查过去分词。句意:在明朝,中心是紫禁城,由内城和外城围绕成同心圆。此处为非谓语动词作状语,the Frbidden City与surrund之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,故填surrunded。
    (4)考查动词时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:更高社会阶层的公民被允许居住在离圈子中心更近的地方。结合句意可知,此处在讲述过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时,主语为Citizens,谓语动词用复数形式,且与permit之间是被动关系,故填were permitted。
    37.【答案】Dear Michael,
    Recently,a newly grup study rm has been pen t us students in ur schl library.(点明主题)
    Lcated n the third flr beside the nline reading rms,it is available frm 8 am till 9 pm thrughut the weekdays.Thse rms are equipped with mdern electrnic facilities,all f which are linked t the Internet.【高分句型一】(功能介绍) It's extremely cnvenient fr us t d sme team prjects.【高分句型二】Why nt ask ur grup members t g and experience it?(提出邀请)
    I'm lking frward t yur early reply.(期待回复)
    Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Thse rms are equipped with mdern electrnic facilities,all f which are linked t the Internet.
    高分句型二:It's extremely cnvenient fr us t d sme team prjects.
    分析:本句使用了it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式t d sme team prjects。
    38.【答案】A few weeks later,when I almst frgt the cntest,there came the news.I was infrmed that I wn the first prize in the writing cntest and that there wuld be an award presentatin in tw days.I was s happy t hear the news that I immediately shared it with my teacher. "I knew yu'd win!I am prud f yu.Yu made it!" he said excitedly.Then came the big day.When I was invited t the stage t receive the award,I expressed my thanks t my teacher.I said, "It's yu wh make me fall in lve with writing,my scial studies teacher.Withut yur recgnitin and guidance,I culdn't have written this article.Again thank yu very much!"(作者获得比赛一等奖,在颁奖典礼上作者表达了对社会老师的感激)
    I went t my teacher's ffice after the award presentatin.My teacher was waiting fr me.Hlding my hands,he said "Cngratulatins!Yu are a gd writer,s keep writing." 【高分句型一】"Yu knw I didn't like writing befre,but nw I am crazy abut it!I will try my best t create gd wrks." I said seriusly.Since then,I have written many gd wrks and nw I am a famus writer.I we my success t my scial teacher wh is a beacn in my life n the rad t writing.【高分句型二】(老师鼓励作者继续写作,自此作者坚持写作取得了成功,作者将这一切归功于自己的老师)
    高分句型一:Hlding my hands,he said "Cngratulatins!Yu are a gd writer,s keep writing."
    分析:这句话使用了现在分词短语Hlding my hands作状语。
    高分句型二:I we my success t my scial teacher wh is a beacn in my life n the rad t writing.

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