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    Pacific Science Center Guide
    ◆Visit Pacific Science Center’s Stre
    Dn’t frget t stp by Pacific Science Center’s Stre while yu are here t pick up a wnderful science activity r suvenir t remember yur visit. The stre is lcated(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next t the Laser Dme.
    Our exhibits will feed yur mind, but what abut yur bdy? Our café ffers a cmplete menu f lunch and snack ptins, in additin t seasnal specials. The café is lcated upstairs in Building 1 and is pen daily until ne hur Pacific Science Center clses.
    ◆Rental Infrmatin
    Lckers are available t stre any belngings during yur visit. The lckers are lcated in Building 1 near the Infrmatin Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available t rent at the Infrmatin Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required.
    ◆Supprt Pacific Science Center
    Since 1962, Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passin(热情) fr discvery and lifelng learning in science, math and technlgy. Tday, Pacific Science Center serves mre than 1.3 millin peple a year and brings inquiry-based science educatin t classrms and cmmunity events all ver Washingtn State. It’s an amazing accmplishment and ne we cannt achieve withut generus supprt frm individuals, crpratins, and ther scial rganizatins. Visit pacificsciencecenter.rg t find varius ways yu can supprt Pacific Science Center.
    1.Where can yu buy a suvenir at Pacific Science Center?
    A. In Building 1.B. In Building 3.
    C. At the Laser Dme.D. At the Denny Way entrance.
    2.What des Pacific Science Center d fr schls?
    A. Train science teachers.B. Distribute science bks.
    C. Inspire scientific research.D. Take science t the classrm.
    3.What is the purpse f the last part f the text?
    A. T encurage dnatins.
    B. T advertise cming events.
    C. T intrduce special exhibits.
    D. T tell abut the Center’s histry.
    In the summer f 1885,nine-year-ld Jseph Meister was very ill.He had been wunded by a sick dg that had rabies,a very dangerus disease.His parents were tld that there was prbably nly ne man wh culd save Jseph's life—Luis Pasteur.
    When Pasteur was a yung by in France,he spent many hurs every day with the chemist(药剂师)wh lived in his small twn.At that time,the chemist had t make all the medicines himself.Yung Luis enjyed watching the chemist as he wrked and helped thse peple wh came t him each day.
    As a schlby,Pasteur wrked slwly and carefully.At first,his teachers thught that yung Luis might be a slw learner.Thrugh elementary schl,high schl,and cllege,Pasteur wrked in the same thughtful way.Then he became a cllege prfessr(教授)and a scientist,and he cntinued t wrk very carefully.
    Pasteur was studying abut the germs(细菌)that cause rabies when Jseph Meister became ill.In fact,Pasteur believed he had a medical treatment fr rabies,but he had never given it t a persn befre.At first,Pasteur was afraid t treat Jseph,but the pr child was dying.Pasteur gave Jseph an inculatin (预防接种) every day fr ten days.Slwly,the child became better.
    During his lifetime,Pasteur studied germs and learned hw they cause diseases in animals and peple.He develped vaccinatins(疫苗)that prevent many f these diseases.On September 28,1895,Luis Pasteur passed away,at the age f 72.The wrk f this great man has been f great help t mdern medicine.
    4.The stry f Jseph Meister is given t ______ .
    A. express the authr's sadness
    B. intrduce the subject f the text
    C. shw sme cmmn diseases in 1885
    D. warn children t stay away frm dgs
    5.Accrding t the text,yung Luis ______ .
    A. was nce badly hurt by a dg
    B. was very interested in medicine
    C. made a living by wrking fr a chemist
    D. had been thught highly f by his teachers
    6.We can learn frm Paragraph 3 that Luis Pasteur ______ .
    A. was always patientB. was clever but prud
    C. was a slw learnerD. was a humrus prfessr
    7.What wuld be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Germs and DiseasesB. Rabies:a Terrible Disease
    C. The Earliest Chemist in FranceD. Luis Pasteur:a Great Scientist
    Making emplyees feel happy and healthy at wrk is gd fr many businesses. But it isn't always an easy thing. A research suggests that just 33% f the U.S. emplyees cnsider themselves fully engaged (投身于) at wrk, while 16% are actively disengaged, and 51% are just shwing up.
    But there is an exceptin. When it cmes t emplyee engagement, it seems that emplyees in small cmpanies are ding better. Accrding t the same research, the largest U.S. cmpanies have the lwest levels f engagement, while cmpanies with fewer than 25 emplyees have the highest. And in ne recent reprt, 75 percent f small business wrkers surveyed said they were "very" r "extremely" satisfied with their rle as a small cmpany emplyee.
    Unlike big cmpanies, small cmpanies are ften shrt f resurces but the emplyees can get mre surprises there. Small cmpanies ffer excellent career pprtunities t their emplyees. The bsses ften knw their staff very well and understand their persnal needs. Emplyees f small cmpanies are mre likely t receive free meals, paid leave, and they can even bring their pets t wrk.
    But f curse, there're many ther draws in small businesses. One f the tp draws is flexible scheduling (弹性工时). Anther is being able t really see the fruits f ne's labr. Besides, nncash award is als a big draw. This culd be smething small that reflects emplyees' interests and lifestyles.
    While a parental leave might lead t sme financial prblems, small cmpanies may d smething t imprve it. "It may be impssible fr a fivepersn team t be reduced t fur fr six mnths," writes Camilla Velasquez, head f HR management platfrm Justwrks. "But it culd be pssible t allw new parents t take n reduced hurs in a wrkfrmhme envirnment." This kind f methd has been realized in sme small cmpanies.
    8.What can we infer frm Paragraph 2? ______
    A. Emplyees can develp better in small cmpanies.
    B. Emplyees can earn mre mney in small cmpanies.
    C. Emplyees in big cmpanies are hard t be satisfied.
    D. Emplyees in small cmpanies are mre engaged at wrk.
    9.What des Paragraph 3 mainly talk abut? ______
    A. The benefits f wrking fr small cmpanies.
    B. The differences between small and big cmpanies.
    C. What challenges staff in small cmpanies may face.
    D. Why small cmpanies are shrt f resurces.
    10.What des the underlined wrd "draws" in Paragraph 4 mean? ______
    A. Chices.B. Attractins.C. Difficulties.D. Cmpetitins.
    11.What can be mst prbably inferred frm the passage? ______
    A. Small cmpanies may have mre emplyees with much happiness.
    B. Big cmpanies shuld learn frm sme small cmpanies.
    C. Emplyees shuld have their wn hbbies and lifestyles.
    D. Emplyers shuld pay mre attentin t the staff's needs.
    Many f us seem t have lives that fllw a certain way.Frm kindergarten all the way t getting married,every stage f ur lives seems t be preset(预置).And althugh this wrks well fr a lt f peple,accrding t British schlar Jay Shetty,there is n "right" schedule t live ur lives by.
    A few mnths ag,a vide f Shetty's speech"Befre Yu Feel Pressure"became ppular n the Internet acrss the wrld.In the vide,he sends an imprtant message that we shuld think "utside f the way" and have the curage t fllw ur hearts.As Shetty says in the vide,we dn't have t get stressed and put urselves in the race with ur peers(同龄人)r judge ur lives based n thers'. "Everything in life happens accrding t ur time,ur clcks," he says.
    In his inspiring speech,Shetty pints ut that UK authr gt her famus "Harry Ptter" series published at age 32,after being turned dwn by 12 publishers.Shetty als mentins that Chinese businessman Jack Ma didn't even start the Alibaba Grup until he was 35 years ld.S we shuldn't let anyne rush us.
    As physicist Albert Einstein nce said, "Nt everything that cunts can be cunted,and nt everything that is cunted truly cunts.The key t staying n ur wn tracks is t be patient and keep ur wn interest." In Australian nurse Brnnie Ware's best-selling bk "The Tp Five Regrets f the Dying",she recrded the dying regrets f her patients,and the tp ne n the list was: "I wish I had the curage t live a life true t myself,nt the ne thers expected f me."
    Indeed,we are all unique in ur persnalities and gifts,and there is n perfect fit fr all.We shuld listen t ur inner vices and ignre what the wrld has taught us,and what we have picked up frm peple arund us. "It is imprtant t allw peple t g back t being self-aware f their wn interests,needs and cncerns",Shetty tld the magazine. "It's discnnecting frm what makes sense t what actually mves yu and what makes sense internally(内在的)."
    12.What des Jay Shetty agree t? ______ ​
    A. All peple live their lives accrding t schedules.
    B. The stages f ur lives shuld be preset.
    C. Few peple have lives that fllw a certain way.
    D. We can live ur lives nt accrding t the given way.
    13.Fr what purpse des Shetty list three famus peple? ______ ​
    A. T shw everyne can be a winner.
    B. T shw great new life can begin anytime.
    C. T shw hard wrk is the key t success.
    D. T shw success des nt happen in ne's yuth.
    14.What can we learn frm Albert Einstein r Brnnie Ware? ______ ​
    A. The tp dying regret was nt living the life peple wanted.
    B. We shuld cunt and analyze everything in life.
    C. One shuld live a life as expected by thers.
    D. Everything that is cunted truly cunts.
    15.We can cnclude frm the last paragraph that ______ .
    A. peple shuld listen t thers' advice
    B. we shuld fllw the heart and d what we want t d
    C. what makes sense shuld nt be abut what peple care internally
    D. needs and cncerns are nt acceptable
    Fr centuries,peple have wndered abut the strange things that they dream abut.Sme psychlgists say that this nighttime activity f the mind has n special meaning. (1) ______
    Befre mdern times,many peple thught that dreams cntained messages frm Gd.It was nly in the twentieth century that peple started t study dreams in a scientific way.
    The Austrian psychlgist;Sigmund Freud,was prbably the first persn t study dreams scientifically.(2) ______ He believed that dreams allw peple t express the feeling,thught,and fears that they are afraid t express in real life.
    The Swiss psychiatrist(精神病学家)Carl Jung was nce a student f Freud's.Jung,hwever,had a different idea abut dreams.Jung believed that the purpse f a dream was t cmmunicate a message t the dreamer.(3) ______ Fr example,peple wh dream abut falling may learn that they have t high an pinin f themselves.On the ther hand,peple wh dream abut being heres may learn that they think t little f themselves.
    ( 4) ______ Fr example,psychlgist William Dmhff frm the University f Califrnia,Santa Cruz,believes that dreams are tightly linked t a persn's daily life,thughts,and behavir.A criminal,fr example,might dream abut crime.
    Can dreams help us understand urselves?(5) ______ Hwever,ne thing they agree n is this:If yu dream that smething terrible is ging t ccur,yu shuldn't panic.The dream may have meaning,but it desn't mean that sme terrible event will actually take place.
    A.The peple in men's dreams are ften ther men.
    B.His research shws that ne's dream is ften based n the reality.
    C.Mdern-day psychlgists cntinue t develp theries abut dreams.
    D.Psychlgists cntinue t try t answer this questin in different ways.
    E.Others believe that dreams can tell us abut a persn's mind and emtins.
    F.In his bk,Freud wrte that dreams are an expressin f a persn's wishes.
    G.He thught peple culd learn mre abut themselves by thinking abut their dreams.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    As a child,I think we all admire the idea that there are peple in this wrld wh can (1) ______ the impssible things—d things that (2) ______ peple cannt.Fictinal(虚构的)superheres are usually (3) ______ as the peple having extrardinary r superhuman pwer and are devted t (4) ______ the public.But there are real-life heres (5) ______ there.They dn't have fascinating pwer that we can nly dream f.I am talking abut unsung heres(无名英雄)in ur (6) ______ :the cashiers at ur (7) ______ grcery stres,mechanics wh fix ur cars,peple wh ck the fd in ur lcal restaurants,thse wrking in the frnt line f nn-prfit rganizatins,and the (8) ______ ges n.
    I try t express my (9) ______ every day t the peple wh make ur lives (10) ______ ,even when we dn't realize it.Just everyne in yur cmmunity is (11) ______ an unsung her t smene in their lives.
    Life is a (12) ______ at times and each f us has a stry t tell.Smene else is thankful fr less than what yu have.An unsung her f mine wh (13) ______ my day was a lady in the line behind me at the grcery stre wh said, "It desn't matter if the glass is full r empty;Just be (14) ______ that yu have a glass." Having a(15) ______ attitude means shwing gratitude twards the peple in yur life.
    21.A. accmplishB. acquireC. vercmeD. ccupy
    22.A. wealthyB. unusualC. rdinaryD. educated
    23.A. usedB. describedC. designedD. suppsed
    24.A. entertainingB. astnishingC. leadingD. prtecting
    25.A. stayingB. fightingC. wrkingD. existing
    26.A. cuntryB. cityC. cmmunityD. state
    27.A. lcalB. c-perativeC. natinwideD. cuntryside
    28.A. thingB. stryC. numberD. list
    29.A. gratitudeB. emtinC. delightD. praise
    30.A. fasterB. cheaperC. easierD. wrse
    31.A. graduallyB. prbablyC. naturallyD. slightly
    32.A. stageB. struggleC. discussinD. cnversatin
    33.A. madeB. ledC. spentD. enriched
    34.A. amazedB. cnfidentC. admirableD. thankful
    35.A. cleverB. satisfactryC. psitiveD. negative
    36.China did win again China did win again in an internatinal sprts event,namely the 56th Wrld Team Table Tennis Champinships,( 1)______was held frm September 30th t Octber 9th in Chengdu,capital f Sichuan Prvince.T the great jy f us,ur mtherland,China,in fact wn its(2)______(five) cnsecutive wmen's team title after sweeping Japan 3-0 at the Wrld Team Table Tennis Champinships n Oct ber 8th 2022.
    Chen Meng,a Chinese tp player in table tennis,gt past Miyuu Kihara frm Japan the11-6,11-8,11-8 in the first match.
    Wang Manyu,anther Chinese player,played (3)______ Mima It in the secnd match.It's remarkable ability t change the line f hitting gave her an early lead at the beginning f the first game.After the scre reached 9-9,Wang's frehand (4)______(attack) put her first,(5)______(bring) her an 11-9 victry.The secnd game was even(6)______( clse),t sme degree,than the first,as Wang and It (7)______(exchange) the lead multiple times.(8)______ Japan's ace(名将),It scred three straight pints frm 8-8 t tie the match 1-1.Wang Manyu dubled China's lead after getting past Japanese ace Mima It 11-9,9-11,12-10,11-5.
    Sun Yingsha,(9)______ current wrld number ne,sealed gld after defeating Miyu Nagasaki 11-7,11-7,11-8 in the third match.
    It was als a recrd- extending 22nd time fr China (10)______( lift) the Crbilln Cup(考比伦杯) in histry.
    取经 fetch sutras
    Dear Owen,
    S glad t knw yu are fnd f Chinese classics. _______________________________
    Hpe that yu will lve it.
    Li Hua
    I was still a thief when I met Anil. And thugh nly 15,I was an experienced and fairly successful hand.
    Anil was abut 25-a tall,thin fellw-and he lked easy-ging,kind and simple enugh fr my purpse. I might be able t get int his cnfidence.
    I gave him my mst appealing smile. "I want t wrk fr yu." I said.
    "But I can't pay yu."
    Perhaps I had misjudged the man.I asked,"Can yu feed me?"
    "Can yu ck?"
    "I can ck." I lied.
    "If yu can ck,then I can feed yu."
    The meal I cked that night must have been terrible because Anil gave it t a stray dg and tld me t be ff.But I just hung arund, smiling in my mst appealing way, and he culdn't help laughing.
    Later,he patted me n the head and said never mind,he'd teach me t ck. He als taught me t write my name and said he wuld sn teach me t write whle sentences and t add numbers. I was grateful. I knew that nce I culd write like an educated man there wuld be n limit t what I culd achieve.
    One evening he came hme with a small bundle f ntes,saying he had just sld a bk t a publisher. At night,I saw him put the mney under the mattress(床垫).
    It's time I did sme real wrk,I tld myself. After all,he desn't even pay me.
    Anil was asleep.I crept up t the bed. Anil was sleeping peacefully.My hand slid under the mattress,searching fr the ntes. When I fund them,I drew them ut withut a sund. Anil sighed in his sleep and turned n his side,twards me.I was frightened and quickly crawled ut f the rm.
    I began t run,hlding the ntes by the string f my pajamas(睡衣).But I slwed dwn and sat dwn in the shelter f the clck twer. I shuld g back t Anil,I tld myself, if nly t learn t read and write.
    I hurried back t the rm feeling very nervus._____________
    I awke late next mrning t find that Anil had already made the tea._________________
    1. 细节理解题。从文章第一段的"The stre is lcated(位于) upstairs in Building 3right next t the Laser Dme。"可知,在太平洋科学中心,人们可以到位于三楼的商店去购买纪念品。故选B.
    细节理解题。从文章最后一段的"…and brings inquiry-based science educatin t classrms and cmmunity events all ver Washingtn State。"可知太平洋科学中心为学校提供科学教育,故选D。
    推理判断题。从文章最后两句It's an amazing accmplishment and ne we cannt achieve withut generus supprt frm individuals,crpratins,and ther scial rganizatins.Visit pacificsciencecenter.rg t find varius ways yu can supprt Pacific Science Center。可知,本文旨在呼吁个人、公司和其他社会组织对太平洋科学中心进行慷慨捐助,提供支持。故选A。
    【解析】(1)B.推理判断题。总览全文可知,作者旨在通过Jseph Meister的故事来引入本文的主人公Luis Pasteur。故选B。
    (2)B.细节理解题。根据原文第二段At that time,the chemist had t make all the medicines himself.Yung Luis enjyed watching the chemist as he wrked and helped thse peple wh came t him each day.那时,化学家不得不自己制作所有的药物。年轻的路易斯喜欢看着这位化学家工作,帮助那些每天来找他的人。可知,Luis在小的时候就对药物很感兴趣。故选B。
    (3)A.推理判断题。根据原文第三段As a schlby,Pasteur wrked slwly and carefully.At first,his teachers thught that yung Luis might be a slw learner.Thrugh elementary schl,high schl,and cllege,Pasteur wrked in the same thughtful way.作为一个学生,巴斯德学习缓慢而仔细。起初,他的老师们认为小路易斯可能学得很慢。在小学、高中和大学期间,巴斯德以同样深思熟虑的方式工作。可知,Luis Pasteur总是非常认真而且有耐心。故选A。
    (4)D.标题判断题。总览全文可知,作者主要介绍了法国微生物学家、化学家路易•巴斯德。D.Luis Pasteur:a Great Scientist(路易•巴斯德:伟大的科学家)为最佳标题。故选D。
    根据第二段的"When it cmes t emplyee engagement, it seems that emplyees in small cmpanies are ding better. "可推知,相对于大公司的员工来说,小公司的员工更能很好地投入到工作中。故选D。
    根据第三段的"Small cmpanies ffer excellent career pprtunities…"可知,这些都是在小公司工作的好处,故选A。
    根据下文的"flexible scheduling (弹性工时). Anther is being able t really see the fruits f ne's labr. "及"nncash award"等推测,该词义为"吸引人的东西"。故选B。
    本文主要讲了跟大型企业相比,小型企业的员工可以享受更多更好的待遇;再根据第二段的"And in ne recent reprt, 75 percent f small business wrkers surveyed said they were "very" r "extremely" satisfied with their rle as a small cmpany emplyee."可推测,小型企业的员工幸福感更强。故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。由文章第一段"Many f us seem t have lives that fllw a certain way.Frm kindergarten all the way t getting married,every stage f ur lives seems t be preset (预置).And althugh this wrks well fr a lt f peple,accrding t British schlar Jay Shetty,there is n "right" schedule t live ur lives by. (我们中的许多人似乎都按照某种方式生活。从幼儿园一直到结婚,我们生活的每一个阶段似乎都是预先设定好的。根据英国学者Jay Shetty的说法,尽管这对很多人来说都很有效,但我们的生活并没有"正确"的时间表。)"及第二段中"In the vide,he sends an imprtant message that we shuld think "utside f the way" and have the curage t fllw ur hearts.As Shetty says in the vide,we dn't have t get stressed and put urselves in the race with ur peers (同龄人) r judge ur lives based n thers'. "Everything in life happens accrding t ur time,ur clcks," he says. (在视频中,他传达了一个重要的信息,即我们应该"跳出常规"思考,并有勇气追随自己的内心。正如谢蒂在视频中所说,我们没有必要感到压力,让自己与同龄人竞争,也没有必要根据别人的生活来评判自己的生活。他说:"生活中的每件事都是根据我们的时间和生物钟发生的。")"可知,Jay Shetty认为我们不必按照既定的方式生活。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。由第三段中"In his inspiring speech,Shetty pints ut that UK authr gt her famus "Harry Ptter" series published at age 32,after being turned dwn by 12 publishers.Shetty als mentins that Chinese businessman Jack Ma didn't even start the Alibaba Grup until he was 35 years ld.S we shuldn't let anyne rush us. (在他鼓舞人心的演讲中,Shetty指出,英国作家在被12家出版商拒绝后,在32岁时出版了她著名的《哈利波特》系列。Shetty还提到,中国商人马云直到35岁才创办阿里巴巴集团。所以我们不能让任何人催我们。)"可知,Shetty列举名人的例子是为了表明伟大的新生活可以在任何时刻开始,不必拘泥于年龄或社会预期的时间表。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。由第四段中"As physicist Albert Einstein nce said, "Nt everything that cunts can be cunted,and nt everything that is cunted truly cunts.The key t staying n ur wn tracks is t be patient and keep ur wn interest." In Australian nurse Brnnie Ware's best-selling bk "The Tp Five Regrets f the Dying",she recrded the dying regrets f her patients,and the tp ne n the list was: "I wish I had the curage t live a life true t myself,nt the ne thers expected f me." (正如物理学家Albert Einstein曾经说过的:"不是所有重要的东西都能被计算,也不是所有被计算的东西都真正有价值。"保持在自己的轨道上的关键是要有耐心,保持自己的兴趣。"在澳大利亚护士Brnnie Ware的畅销书《临终的五大遗憾》中,她记录了她的病人临终的遗憾,其中排名第一的是:"我希望我有勇气过真实的自己的生活,而不是别人对我的期望。")"可以,推断出A选项最为接近,即人们最大的遗憾是没有活出自己想要的生活。故选A。
    (4)推理判断题。由最后一段"Indeed,we are all unique in ur persnalities and gifts,and there is n perfect fit fr all.We shuld listen t ur inner vices and ignre what the wrld has taught us,and what we have picked up frm peple arund us. "It is imprtant t allw peple t g back t being self-aware f their wn interests,needs and cncerns",Shetty tld the magazine. "It's discnnecting frm what makes sense t what actually mves yu and what makes sense internally (内在的)." (的确,我们每个人的个性和天赋都是独一无二的,没有完美的适合所有人。我们应该倾听自己内心的声音,忽略世界教给我们的东西,以及我们从周围的人那里学到的东西。谢蒂在接受该杂志采访时表示:"让人们重新意识到自己的兴趣、需求和担忧是很重要的。""它脱离了有意义的东西,脱离了真正能打动你的东西,脱离了内心的意义。")"可知,我们应该跟随自己的心,做我们想做的事情。故选B。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据上文Fr centuries,peple have wndered abut the strange things that they dream abut.Sme psychlgists say that this nighttime activity f the mind has n special meaning. (几个世纪以来,人们一直对他们梦到的奇怪的事情感到好奇。一些心理学家说,这种夜间的思维活动没有特别的意义。)可知,此处与前文关于梦境无特殊意义的观点形成对比或补充。E选项Others believe that dreams can tell us abut a persn's mind and emtins. (另一些人认为,梦可以告诉我们一个人的思想和情绪。)符合语境。故选E。
    (2)联系上文题。根据上文The Austrian psychlgist;Sigmund Freud,was prbably the first persn t study dreams scientifically. (奥地利心理学家;Sigmund Freud可能是第一个科学地研究梦的人。)可知,本空要说Sigmund Freud的研究结果,F选项In his bk,Freud wrte that dreams are an expressin f a persn's wishes. (弗洛伊德在书中写道,梦是一个人愿望的表达。)符合语境。故选F。
    (3)联系上文题。根据上文The Swiss psychiatrist (精神病学家) Carl Jung was nce a student f Freud's.Jung,hwever,had a different idea abut dreams.Jung believed that the purpse f a dream was t cmmunicate a message t the dreamer. (瑞士精神病学家Carl Jung曾经是弗洛伊德的学生。然而,Jung对梦有不同的看法。Jung认为梦的目的是向做梦的人传达信息。)可知,本空要说Jung对梦境的看法,G选项He thught peple culd learn mre abut themselves by thinking abut their dreams. (他认为人们可以通过思考自己的梦想来更多地了解自己。)符合语境。故选G。
    (4)联系下文题。根据下文Fr example,psychlgist William Dmhff frm the University f Califrnia,Santa Cruz,believes that dreams are tightly linked t a persn's daily life,thughts,and behavir.A criminal,fr example,might dream abut crime. (例如,加州大学圣克鲁斯分校的心理学家威廉•多姆霍夫认为,梦与一个人的日常生活、思想和行为密切相关。例如,罪犯可能会梦见犯罪。)可知,此处需要一个过渡句,引出现代心理学家对梦境研究的新进展或不同观点。C选项Mdern-day psychlgists cntinue t develp theries abut dreams (现代心理学家继续发展关于梦的理论)符合语境。故选C。
    (5)语境衔接题。根据上文Can dreams help us understand urselves?(梦能帮助我们了解自己吗?)可知,本空需要一个总结性的句子,根据下文 Hwever,ne thing they agree n is this:If yu dream that smething terrible is ging t ccur,yu shuldn't panic. (然而,有一件事他们是一致的:如果你梦见可怕的事情将要发生,你不应该惊慌。)可知,本空与下文构成转折,反映心理学家在这个问题上的不同态度。D选项Psychlgists cntinue t try t answer this questin in different ways. (心理学家继续试图用不同的方式来回答这个问题。)符合语境。故选D。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.accmplish完成;B.acquire获得;C.vercme克服;D.ccupy占据。句意:作为一个孩子,我想我们都很钦佩这个世界上有人能完成不可能的事情——做普通人做不到的事情。根据上文"I think we all admire the idea that there are peple in this wrld wh can"和下文"the impssible things"可知,英雄能够完成常人所不能完成的事情。故选A项。
    (2)考查形容词及语境理解。A.wealthy富有的;B.unusual不同寻常的;C.rdinary普通的;D.educated受过教育的。句意:作为一个孩子,我想我们都很钦佩这个世界上有人能完成不可能的事情——做普通人做不到的事情。根据下文"peple cannt"可知,普通人所无法做到的,超级英雄的能力形成对比。故选C项。
    (3)考查动词及语境理解。A.used使用;B.described描述;C.designed设计;D.suppsed应该,被认为。句意:小说中的超级英雄通常被描述为拥有非凡或超人的力量,并致力于保护公众的人。根据空前"Fictinal(虚构的)superheres"以及下文"as the peple having extrardinary r superhuman pwer"可知,小说中的超级英雄通常被描述为拥有非凡或超人的力量。故选B项。
    (4)考查动词及语境理解。A.entertaining使有兴趣,娱乐;B.astnishing使惊讶;C.leading领导;D.prtecting保护。句意:小说中的超级英雄通常被描述为拥有非凡或超人的力量,并致力于保护公众的人。根据下文"the public"可知,超级英雄维护正义和保护民众。故选D项。
    (5)考查动词及语境理解。A.staying停留;B.fighting战斗;C.wrking工作;D.existing存在。句意:但在现实生活中也有这样的英雄存在。根据上文"But there are real-life heres"可知,强调现实中也有类似英雄的人存在。故选D项。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.cuntry国家;B.city城市;C.cmmunity社区;D.state州,状态。句意:我说的是我们社区里的无名英雄:我们当地杂货店的收银员,给我们修车的机械师,在我们当地餐馆做饭的人,在非营利组织前线工作的人,还有很多。根据下文"the cashiers at ur (7)grcery stres"以及下文"Just everyne in yur cmmunity is (11)an unsung her t smene in their lives."可知,这里指的是我们生活中的社区,符合无名英雄存在的背景。故选C项。
    (7)考查形容词及语境理解。A.lcal当地的;B.c-perative合作的;C.natinwide全国范围的;D.cuntryside乡村的。句意:我说的是我们社区里的无名英雄:我们当地杂货店的收银员,给我们修车的机械师,在我们当地餐馆做饭的人,在非营利组织前线工作的人,还有很多。根据下文"the cashiers at ur"可知,此处指当地杂货店的收银员,适合描述社区内的商店。故选A项。
    (8)考查名词及语境理解。A.thing事情;B.stry故事;C.number数字;D.list列表。句意:我说的是我们社区里的无名英雄:我们当地杂货店的收银员,给我们修车的机械师,在我们当地餐馆做饭的人,在非营利组织前线工作的人,还有很多。根据上文"the cashiers at ur (7)grcery stres,mechanics wh fix ur cars,peple wh ck the fd in ur lcal restaurants,thse wrking in the frnt line f nn-prfit rganizatins"可知,上文列举了社区中的一些无名英雄,此处指名单还可以继续列下去,类似的例子(无名英雄)还有很多,the list ges n是一个固定表达,意为"类似的例子还有很多"符合语境。故选D项。
    (9)考查名词及语境理解。A.gratitude感激;B.emtin情感;C.delight高兴;D.praise赞扬。句意:我试着每天向那些让我们的生活更轻松的人表达我的感激之情,即使我们没有意识到这一点。根据文章最后一句"shwing gratitude twards the peple in yur life"可知,作者表达对这些无名英雄的感激。故选A项。
    (10)考查形容词比较级及语境理解。A.faster更快;B.cheaper更便宜;C.easier更容易;D.wrse更糟。句意:我试着每天向那些让我们的生活更轻松的人表达我的感激之情,即使我们没有意识到这一点。根据上文"mechanics wh fix ur cars,peple wh ck the fd in ur lcal restaurants,thse wrking in the frnt line f nn-prfit rganizatins"和"I try t express my (9)every day t the peple wh make ur lives "可知,前文提到的无名英雄对生活的积极影响,此处指那些让我们的生活更轻松的人。故选C项。
    (11)考查副词及语境理解。A.gradually逐渐地;B.prbably可能;C.naturally自然地;D.slightly轻微地。句意:你社区中的每个人可能都是他们生活中某个人的无名英雄。根据下文"an unsung her t smene in their lives"可知,表明这种可能性广泛存在,每个人可能都是他们生活中某个人的无名英雄。故选B项。
    (12)考查名词及语境理解。A.stage阶段;B.struggle挣扎,奋斗;C.discussin讨论;D.cnversatin对话。句意:生活有时是一场斗争,我们每个人都有一个故事要讲。根据下文"at times and each f us has a stry t tell"可知,生活不易,生活有时是一场斗争。故选B项。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.made使得;B.led引导;C.spent花费;D.enriched丰富。句意:我心目中的一位无名英雄让我这一天都很开心,她是杂货店里排在我后面的一位女士,她对我说:"杯子是满的还是空的都不重要;只要感谢你还有杯子就行了。"根据空前"An unsung her f mine"以及下文"my day was a lady in the line behind me at the grcery stre wh said, "It desn't matter if the glass is full r empty;Just be(9)that yu have a glass.""可知,此处作者描述了对自己有着积极影响的人,make ne's day是一个习语,"使某人一天非常开心"符合语境。故选A项。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.amazed惊奇的;B.cnfident自信的;C.admirable令人钦佩的;D.thankful感激的。句意:我心目中的一位无名英雄让我这一天都很开心,她是杂货店里排在我后面的一位女士,她对我说:"杯子是满的还是空的都不重要;只要感谢你还有杯子就行了。"根据上文"It desn't matter if the glass is full r empty"可知,杯子是满的还是空的都不重要;只要感谢你还有杯子就行了,呼应上文提到的感恩态度。故选D项。
    (15)考查形容词及语境理解。A.clever聪明的;B.satisfactry满意的;C.psitive积极的;D.negative消极的。句意:拥有积极的态度意味着对你生活中的人表现出感激之情。根据上文"Smene else is thankful fr less than what yu have."以及"It desn't matter if the glass is full r empty;Just be(14)that yu have a glass."可知,此处指拥有积极的人生态度,感恩自己所拥有的,符合上下文的感恩和正面情绪。故选C项。
    (3)考查介词。句意:中国乒乓球顶级选手陈孟在第一场比赛中以11:6,11:8,11:8的比分击败了来自日本的木原美裕。play against"与……比赛",为固定搭配,故填against。
    (10)考查动词不定式。句意:这也是一项纪录---中国历史上第22次打进考比伦杯。time后跟动词不定式作后置定语,强调了不定式的动作已经发生,所以用动词不定式的完成形式,故填t have filled。
    37.【答案】Dear Owen,
    S glad t knw yu are fnd f Chinese classics.(表示高兴)
    Jurney t the West written by Wu Cheng'en is a must-read fr yu. Set in the Tang Dynasty, it describes the tugh jurney f a mnk Xuanzang t fetch sutras frm India with sme animal spirits, including the Mnkey King.【高分句型一】(作品简介)
    The stry is nt nly entertaining with magical tricks, but inspiring in terms f curage and persistence. 【高分句型二】Additinally, yu will enjy being expsed t abundant Chinese flk stries. Hnestly, its mixture f fantasy and reality is my favurite.(推荐理由)
    Hpe that yu will lve it.(表达希望)
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Set in the Tang Dynasty, it describes the tugh jurney f a mnk Xuanzang t fetch sutras frm India with sme animal spirits, including the Mnkey King.
    分析:句子里,过去分词Set in the Tang Dynasty作方式状语。
    The stry is nt nly entertaining with magical tricks, but inspiring in terms f curage and persistence.
    分析:句子里,和nt nly 呼应, but后省略了als,表示"不但…而且"。
    38.【答案】I hurried back t the rm feeling very nervus. It is much easier t steal smething than t return it undetected. I pened the dr quietly, then std in the drway, in cluded mnlight. Anil was still asleep. I crept t the head f the bed, my hand cming up with the ntes. 【高分句型一】I felt his breath n my hand. I remained still fr a minute. Then my hand fund the edge f the mattress, and slipped under it with the ntes.(作者把钱还回去的过程,以及不想被Anil发现的紧张情绪)
    I awke late next mrning t find that Anil had already made the tea. He stretched ut his hand twards me with a nte between his fingers. 【高分句型二】My heart sank. I thught I had been discvered. "I made sme mney yesterday," he explained. "Nw yu'll be paid regularly." My spirits rse. "Tday we'll start writing sentences." he said. He knew. But neither his lips nr his eyes shwed anything. I smiled at Anil in my mst appealing way.(Anil和作者谈心,两人都心照不宣,Anil要给作者定期报酬,作者改过自新。)
    高分句型一: I crept t the head f the bed, my hand cming up with the ntes.
    高分句型二:He stretched ut his hand twards me with a nte between his fingers.

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