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    Every year, TIME highlights inventins that are making the wrld better, smarter and even a bit mre fun. Here are sme select nes that will abslutely blw yur kids' mind.
    Spher Indi($124.99)

    Cding is a matter f prblem-slving and pattern recgnitin. Spher Indi teaches bth, n screen required. Instead, kids use different-clred cards t mve a rbtic car frm pint A t B—green cards increasing its speed, pink cards telling it t turn left, and s n. "We really wanted t bring these abstract cncepts int the physical wrld," says Jef Wiencrt, ne f the prduct develpers.
    Sprutel Purrble($49.99)

    Fr children wh are upset fr sme reasn, Purrble cmes t their rescue. An interactive ty equipped with seven sensrs that respnd t tuch, Purrble's heartbeat speeds up when it senses smebdy's playing with it. Kids can then cmfrt their cmpanin with gentle petting, slwing Purrble's rapid heartbeat t a purr(咕噜声)—calming themselves as well in the prcess.
    Thames & Ksms Mega Cybrg Hand($39.95)

    The effrt t get kids interested in science just gt a helping hand—a cybrg hand, t be precise. Kids build a rbtic arm that cpies their hand gestures, while they learn abut engineering and rbtics. Once assembled(组装) and slipped n like a glve, the device passes frces frm the user's fingers t the extended nes f the rbtic hand.
    Leg recycled brick(Unpriced)

    The Leg Grup, intending t make all Leg bricks frm sustainable surces by 2030, spent the past three years testing different recycled PET plastic materials, and finally develped its first recycled PET brick that is nearly identical t the usual brick. The Danish ty cmpany hpes t integrate the recycled blcks int Leg sets in the next 18 t 24 mnths.
    1.What d Spher Indi and Thames & Ksms Mega Cybrg Hand have in cmmn?
    A. They train kids in prgramming.B. They are invented by kids.
    C. They need fitting tgether first.D. They cmbine fun with learning
    2.Which inventin best suits kids wh need emtinal cmfrt?
    A. Spher Indi.B. Sprutel Purrble.
    C. Thames & Ksms Mega Cybrg Hand.D. Leg recycled brick.
    3.What makes Leg recycled brick special?
    A. It is envirnmentally friendly.
    B. It can be mass-prduced.
    C. It lks distinct frm the usual ne.
    D. It is a slutin t testing plastics.
    Fr my grandpa Tatay's 90th birthday,ur family threw him a surprise —we decrated the backyard with Philippines style and asked guests t wear traditinal Filipin cstume.While I was jazzed t put n a sarng-like skirt and wrap,my white husband Darren felt nervus in his barng,a traditinal shirt fr Filipin man."I hnestly feel uncmfrtable."he said.
    But I felt wearing a barng t Tatay's birthday party was a gd chice.I reassured him that it was just a way t express supprt and a sense f unity with my Filipin family.And we were wearing these utfits as an act f kindness t Tatay.He is lsing his memry,but barng is smething that remains in his mind.
    I culd understand Darren.Just ver this past year,a number f well-knwn peple have landed int ht water fr wearing the dress f ther cultures.They had been blamed by the media and the public.I wasn't sure whether wearing the clthing f anther culture is apprpriate.I turned t my friend Erich Matthes,an expert f philsphy,fr advice.
    "It was OK that Darren wre a barng t yur family party,fr he's been invited t d s.And it's an act f cultural unin,"he says."But it's nt OK if yu're wearing the clthing f anther culture as part f fashin pursuit,a cultural explratin r t intentinally ffend r make fun f the grup.If yu want t wear a qipa t a party hsted by Chinese friends,but yu are nt a member f this grup,yu shuld be mindful.It is imprtant t ask fr permissin and understand the cultural significance behind the clthing.Last,be aware that wearing anther culture's clthing cmes with great respnsibility."
    What the expert suggested hit a big pint hme fr me:What we chse t wear has real pwer.Seeing Darren in that barng,I knew that he was making an effrt t understand and cnnect with my family.And that,fr me,was a beautiful thing.
    4.Why did the authr ask her husband t wear a barng at the party? ______
    A. T fllw the latest fashin.B. T give guests a surprise.
    C. T strengthen the family bnd.D. T make him lk attractive.
    5.What des the underlined phrase "have landed int ht water"mean in Paragraph 3? ______
    A. Have gtten int truble.B. Have lst their temper.
    C. Have bathed in ht water.D. Have becme mre ppular.
    6.What des Erich Matthes say abut wearing anther culture's clthing? ______
    A. It shuld be avided n any ccasin.
    B. It is necessary t cnsult befre wearing it.
    C. It cntributes t prmting cultural diversity.
    D. It helps make a deep impressin n the guests.
    7.What is the text mainly abut? ______
    A. The way t prepare a birthday party.
    B. The imprtance f cnnecting with family.
    C. The trend f dressing up in traditinal clthing.
    D. The attitude twards wearing anther culture's clthing.
    Tasked with phtgraphing ne f the wrld's rarest big cats,yu g deep int the jungle f Sutheast Asia and set up a camera trap.Back at base camp,yu lk thrugh the images it captures.identifying mnkeys,tters and finally what yu've been searching fr:the mysterius cluded lcpard.
    Nw yu can engage with all this withut having t leave the cmfrt f yur wn hme.A new mbile game Unseen Empire turns ne f the largest-ever wildlife camera trap studies int a playable experience.It is based n an nging,decade-lng camera trap study by Prfessr David Macdnald and his team at the Wildlife Cnservatin Research Unit at Oxfrd University.The game is divided int different levels,each level taking place in a different lcatin arund the wrld.As yu prgress thrugh the game,yu can update yur camera equipment t capture better images and unlck new lcatins t explre.
    Unseen Empire uses a significant number f real phtgraphs frm the study and allws players t identify species within this rapidly degrading envirnment.Players take n the rle f a researcher in a real scientific study and the phtgraphs can help them better understand wildlife cnservatin science.T understand the cluded lepard's habitat,6 millin camera trap phtgraphs captured in the study are used in the game.They are nt nly attractive but there's smething just incredibly raw and real abut capturing these animals' entirely candid (抢拍的) mments.
    While the game is free and desn't generate dnatins,the hpe is that Unseen Empire can prvide new ways fr peple t engage with endangered animals."If yu dn't have any encunter r experience with elements f nature,then what mtivatin can yu have t take a persnal interest in it?"says Macdnald.
    "I wuld like t think that engagement with this game will lead t a feeling f value,which will affect hw they think abut nature,"says Macdnald."S,in that sense,we'd like t be part f a revlutin n hw peple view the rle f humanity,alngside the wider envirnment."
    8.What is the purpse f the first paragraph? ______
    A. T shw lve f phtgraphy.B. T explain the rules f a game.
    C. T share adventure experiences.D. T intrduce a new mbile game.
    9.What des Paragraph 3 mainly talk abut? ______
    A. The apprach t setting up camera traps.
    B. The present situatin f wildlife cnservatin.
    C. The reasn fr using real phtgraphs in the game.
    D. The way f making the phtgraphs mre appealing.
    10.What can we learn abut Unseen Empire frm the last tw paragraphs? ______
    A. It is well received and highly prfitable.
    B. It raises funds fr the research int wildlife.
    C. It affects peple's attitude twards man and nature.
    D. It calls fr previus experience f wildlife phtgraphy.
    11.What is a suitable title fr the text? ______
    A. Unseen Empire:Mre Than a Game.
    B. Unseen Empire:The Surce f Knwledge.
    C. Unseen Empire:The Hme f Phtgraphers.
    D. Unseen Empire:The Best Way t Cnserve Wildlife.
    It has happened t us all:sitting n the sfa,tying with the idea f sending an ld friend an unexpected text,but wrrying that a message ut f the blue may seem unusual r just unwelcme.
    Hwever,research suggests such fears are unfunded,with thse n the receiving end ften far mre grateful than the sender may Liu,the lead authr f the research said the team began their research because they felt a lt f peple were lsing tuch with each ther due t their cncerns r fears.
    Liu and her clleagues cnducted a series f experiments,based n hypthetical(虚构的)and real-life plts,invlving mre than 5,900 participants.In ne experiment,54 participants wrte a nte t a fellw cllege student they hadn't been in tuch fr a while.This nte was emailed t the latter by the researchers,wh asked bth the writer and the receiver t indicate hw much they felt the message was appreciated.
    The results shw that n average senders rated receivers' appreciatin at 5.57 n a seven-pint scale,while the receivers themselves rated their appreciatin at team said this and ther experiments revealed that peple receiving messages appreciate them significantly mre than the sender tends t expect.
    But Liu said questins remained."While we shw that peple typically underestimate hw much thers appreciate being reached ut t,it remains an utstanding questin hw we can actually mtivate peple t reach ut t thers mre,"she said."That's what we're ging t d next."
    Stephen Reicher,a prfessr f scial psychlgy at the University f St Andrews,said the results made sense."If the pandemic(疫情爆发) has taught us anything,it is that we have a pandemic f lneliness causing massive harm and we need t address it urgently as a matter f public health,"he said,"Feeling cnnected t thers has cnsistently been shwn t be gd fr ur physical and mental health.Such cnnectins can be remarkably effective in everything frm prtecting against depressin t recvery frm heart attacks."He added that simply feeling part f a grup was equally effective.
    12.Hw d peple prbably feel abut receiving messages frm ld friends accrding t the passage? ______
    A. Fearful.B. Appreciative.C. Uncaring.D. Intlerant.
    13.What aspect f the research des the authr mainly talk abut in Para 3? ______
    A. Its prcess.B. Its impact.C. Its result.D. Its purpse.
    14.What des Dr.Liu suggest? ______
    A. Interviewing the study participants.
    B. Making use f the findings.
    C. Clarifying the purpse f the research.
    D. Cnducting further research.
    15.What can we learn frm the last paragraph? ______
    A. The pandemic is t blame fr mental illness.
    B. Reaching ut t thers is beneficial t health.
    C. Jining a grup is preferable t getting cnnected.
    D. Peple need t imprve cmmunicatin skills urgently.


    36.Vlunteer travel,als knwn as vlunturism,refers t taking a trip(1) ______ purpse is t participate in an(2) ______ ( arrange) service pprtunity t give back t the lcal cmmunity and make a difference.Vlunteer travel dates back t the 1960s,when Alec Dicksn and his wife Mra frm the UK(3) ______ ( fund) Vluntary Service Overseas (VSO),an internatinal vlunteer rganizatin.Varius activities ranging(4) ______ cnservatin wrk t educatin and healthcare prjects can(5) ______ ( invlve) in vlunteer travel.These prjects are(6) ______ ( typical) rganized by nnprfit rganizatins r travel agencies that specialize in respnsible and sustainable turism.
    Vlunteer travel can help address scial and envirnmental issues,cntribute t lcal develpment prjects(7) ______ help with disaster relief effrts.Wrking vluntarily while explring new destinatins and cultures allws(8) ______ ( individual) t learn new skills and gain a deeper understanding f a cuntry and its peple.
    Vlunteer travel in rural areas is nw attracting mre urban visitrs as a break frm the fast and stressful pace f urban living.It has indeed been a grwing trend fr urban residents (9) ______ ( vlunteer) in rural areas.Fr thse wh are sick f urban pressure but can't decide whether t mve t the cuntryside,vlunteer travel can be(10) ______ alternative slutin.
    Dear Jenny,

    Yurs sincerely, Li Hua
    38.I've had the pleasure and gd frtune t live and wrk in several cuntries as an ESL(English as a Secnd Language)teacher.During ne assignment(任务),I lived in Prague in the Czech Republic.I ften tk weekend trips t nearby cities t explre the cuntryside.
    One weekend,I tk a three-hur bus ride t visit a city with a fine castle and wnderful museums.Befre I gt ff the bus,I checked the schedule in rder t cme back t the statin timely;I was nly planning a day trip and did nt intend t stay vernight.
    After a wnderful day seeing the sights,I had a brief dinner and had plenty f time t walk the half mile t catch the 6:15 bus.When I gt there,n ne was in line fr the bus t Prague.Finally,I discvered the last bus fr the day had left at 5:15.
    This was a serius prblem.Abut a mnth earlier,my pcket was picked and I lst abut ﹩1,000.T avid having the same thing happen again,I nly carried enugh cash t cver my expenses fr the day.I certainly did nt have enugh mney t stay in a htel.But with n transprtatin t Prague and being a psitive persn,I decided t try asking.
    I first fund the Yuth Htel,but it was cmpletely full.Setting aside 5 crwns fr the bus fare,I had 9 crwns t spend.Every htel I tried t check int charged 22 t 25 crwns,until I had nly ne mre recmmendatin.If it was t expensive,I'd have t spend the night n a park bench,an uncmfrtable idea fr smene almst 60 years ld.
    The htel lked much nicer than I expected.It wuld surely cst mre than 9 crwns.The desk clerk spke sme English,s I tld her my stry.
    Paragraph 1:
    The clerk listened carefully,and then asked me t wait.__________
    Paragraph 2:
    I was deeply mved by the manager's kindness and genersity.__________
    1. 根据Spher Indi($124.99)部分中Instead, kids use different-clred cards t mve a rbtic car frm pint A t B—green cards increasing its speed, pink cards telling it t turn left, and s n.(相反,孩子们使用不同颜色的卡片将机器人汽车从a点移动到b点,绿色卡片增加它的速度,粉红色卡片告诉它向左转弯,等等)和Thames & Ksms Mega Cybrg Hand部分中Kids build a rbtic arm that cpies their hand gestures, while they learn abut engineering and rbtics.(孩子们在学习工程学和机器人技术的同时,制作了一个能复制他们手势的机械臂)可知,这两个发明的共同点是寓教于乐。故选D。
    2. 根据Sprutel Purrble($49.99)部分中Fr children wh are upset fr sme reasn, Purrble cmes t their rescue.(对于那些因为某种原因而心烦意乱的孩子,Purrble会来拯救他们)及Kids can then cmfrt their cmpanin with gentle petting, slwing Purrble's rapid heartbeat t a purr(咕噜声)—calming themselves as well in the prcess.(然后,孩子们可以用温柔的抚摸来安慰他们的玩伴,将Purrble的快速心跳减缓为咕噜声——在这个过程中也能让自己平静下来)可知,Sprutel Purrble最适合需要情感慰藉的孩子,故选B。
    3. 根据Leg recycled brick(Unpriced)部分中The Leg Grup, intending t make all Leg bricks frm sustainable surces by 2030, spent the past three years testing different recycled PET plastic materials, and finally develped its first recycled PET brick that is nearly identical t the usual brick.(乐高集团打算到2030年用可持续资源生产所有的乐高积木,在过去的三年里,他们测试了不同的可回收PET塑料材料,最终开发出了第一块与普通积木几乎相同的可回收PET积木)可知,乐高积木的特殊之处在于它有益于环境。故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段I reassured him that it was just a way t express supprt and a sense f unity with my Filipin family(我向他保证,这只是一种表达支持和与我的菲律宾家人团结的方式)可知,作者要求她的丈夫穿巴龙,主要是因为它有助于表现出家庭的团结。A.T fllw the latest fashin.追随最新时尚;B.T give guests a surprise.给客人一个惊喜;C.T strengthen the family bnd.加强家庭纽带;D.T make him lk attractive.让他看起来有魅力。故选C。
    (2)猜测词句题。根据第三段Just ver this past year,a number f well-knwn peple have gtten int ht water fr wearing the dress f ther cultures.(就在过去的一年里,许多知名人士因为穿着不同文化的服装而惹上了麻烦。)可知have gtten int ht water的意思是"惹上了麻烦"。A.Have gtten int truble.惹上了麻烦;B.Have lst their temper.发脾气了;C.Have bathed in ht water.在热水中洗过澡;D.Have becme mre ppular.变得更受欢迎。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第四段Last,be aware that wearing anther culture's clthing cmes with great respnsibility.(最后,要意识到穿着另一种文化的服装伴随着巨大的责任。)可知,穿着文化服装可能意味着肩负着文化责任。故选B。
    (4)主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了我的爷爷Tatay的90岁生日,我们的家人给他一个惊喜---我们用菲律宾风格装饰了后院,并要求客人穿着传统的菲律宾服装,并对穿其他文化的传统服装进行了谈论。A.The way t prepare a birthday party.准备生日聚会的方法;B.The imprtance f cnnecting with family.与家人联系的重要性;C.The trend f dressing up in traditinal clthing.传统服饰的装扮趋势;D.The attitude twards wearing anther culture's clthing.对穿另一种文化服装的态度。故选D。
    【解析】(1)目的意图题。根据第一段Tasked with phtgraphing ne f the wrld's mst precius big cats,yu g deep int the jungle f Sutheast Asia and set up a camera trap.Back at base camp,yu lk thrugh the images it captures,identifying mnkeys,tters and finally,what yu have been searching fr:the mysterius cluded lepard.(为了拍摄世界上最珍贵的大型猫科动物之一,你潜入东南亚的密林之中,设置好摄像机陷阱。回到大本营后,你开始观看摄像机捕捉到的画面,认出了猴子、水獭,最终,你看到自己一直寻找的动物:神秘的云豹。)和第二段 all this withut having t leave the cmfrt f yur wn hme.A new mbile game Unseen Empire turns ne f the largest-ever wildlife camera trap studies int a playable experience.It is based n an nging,decade-lng camera trap study by Prfessr David Macdnald and his team at the Wildlife Cnservatin Research Unit at Oxfrd University.The game is divided int different levels,each level taking place in a different lcatin arund the wrld.As yu prgress thrugh the game,yu can update yur camera equipment t capture better images and unlck new lcatins t explre.(所有这些都不需要离开你自己舒适的家。一款新的手机游戏《看不见的帝国》将有史以来最大的野生动物相机陷阱研究变成了一种可玩的体验。这是基于牛津大学野生动物保护研究所的大卫•麦克唐纳教授和他的团队正在进行的长达十年的相机陷阱研究。游戏分为不同的级别,每个级别发生在世界各地的不同地点。随着游戏的进行,您可以更新您的相机设备以捕捉更好的图像,并解锁新的地点进行探索。)可知,第一段的目的在于引出话题,从而展开对游戏的介绍。A.T shw lve f phtgraphy.以示对摄影的热爱;B.T explain the rules f a game.解释游戏规则;C.T share adventure experiences.分享冒险经历;D.T intrduce a new mbile game.介绍一款新的手机游戏。故选D。
    (2)段落大意题。根据第三段 Unseen Empire uses a significant number f real phtgraphs frm the study and allws players t identify species within this rapidly degrading envirnment.Players take n the rle f a researcher in a real scientific study and the phtgraphs can help them better understand wildlife cnservatin science.(《看不见的帝国》使用了大量研究中的真实照片,并允许玩家在这个迅速退化的环境中识别物种。玩家在真实的科学研究中扮演研究员的角色,照片可以帮助他们更好地理解野生动物保护科学。)可知,本段主要讲游戏中使用真实照片的原因。A.The apprach t setting up camera traps.照相机陷阱的设置方法;B.The present situatin f wildlife cnservatin.野生动物保护的现状;C.The reasn fr using real phtgraphs in the game.在游戏中使用真实照片的原因;D.The way f making the phtgraphs mre appealing.让照片更吸引人的方法。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 "I wuld like t think that engagement with this game will lead t a feeling f value,which will affect hw they think abut nature,"says Macdnald."S,in that sense,we'd like t be part f a revlutin n hw peple view the rle f humanity,alngside the wider envirnment."("我认为参与这个游戏会产生一种价值感,这将影响他们对自然的看法,"麦克唐纳说。"因此,从这个意义上来说,我们希望成为一场革命的一部分,这场革命的主题是人们如何看待人类的角色,以及更广泛的环境。")可知《看不见的帝国》影响着人们对人和自然的态度。A.It is well received and highly prfitable.它很受欢迎,利润很高;B.It raises funds fr the research int wildlife.它为野生动物研究筹集资金;C.It affects peple's attitude twards man and nature.它影响着人们对人和自然的态度;D.It calls fr previus experience f wildlife phtgraphy.它需要以前的野生动物摄影经验。故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据文章最后一段 "I wuld like t think that engagement with this game will lead t a feeling f value,which will affect hw they think abut nature,"says Macdnald."S,in that sense,we'd like t be part f a revlutin n hw peple view the rle f humanity,alngside the wider envirnment."("我认为参与这个游戏会产生一种价值感,这将影响他们对自然的看法,"麦克唐纳说。"因此,从这个意义上来说,我们希望成为一场革命的一部分,这场革命的主题是人们如何看待人类的角色,以及更广泛的环境。")可知文章主要介绍了《看不见的帝国》这款新型手机游戏和它给人们带来的影响。因此A.Unseen Empire:Mre Than a Game.(《看不见的帝国》不仅仅是一个游戏。)符合题意。故选A。
    【解析】(1)观点态度题。根据第一段It has happened t us all:sitting n the sfa,tying with the idea f sending an ld friend an unexpected text,but wrrying that a message ut f the blue may seem unusual r just unwelcme.(我们每个人都遇到过这种情况:坐在沙发上,想着给老朋友发一条意外的短信,但又担心一条突如其来的信息会显得不寻常或不受欢迎。)和第二段Hwever,research suggests such fears are unfunded,with thse n the receiving end ften far mre grateful than the sender may expect.(然而,研究表明,这种担心是没有根据的,接收方的感激之情往往远远超过发送方的预期。)可知,人们可能对收到老朋友的信息感到感激。A.Fearful.害怕的;B.Appreciative.感激的;C.Uncaring.不关心的;D.Intlerant.不宽容的。故选B。
    (2)段落大意题。根据第三段Liu and her clleagues cnducted a series f experiments,based n hypthetical(虚构的)and real-life plts,invlving mre than 5,900 participants.In ne experiment,54 participants wrte a nte t a fellw cllege student they hadn't been in tuch fr a while.This nte was emailed t the latter by the researchers,wh asked bth the writer and the receiver t indicate hw much they felt the message was appreciated.(刘和她的同事进行了一系列实验,基于假设和现实情节,涉及5900多名参与者。在一项实验中,54名参与者给一位已经有一段时间没有联系的大学同学写了一张纸条。研究人员通过电子邮件将这封信发给了后者,并要求写信人和收信人说明他们对这封信的感激程度)可知,第四段主要讲了调查的过程。A.Its prcess.它的过程;B.Its impact.它的影响;C.Its result.它的结果;D.Its purpse.它的目的。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第五段 But Liu said questins remained."While we shw that peple typically underestimate hw much thers appreciate being reached ut t,it remains an utstanding questin hw we can actually mtivate peple t reach ut t thers mre,"she said."That's what we're ging t d next."(但刘表示,问题依然存在。她说:"虽然我们发现人们通常低估了别人对伸出援手的感激程度,但我们如何才能真正激励人们更多地向他人伸出援手仍是一个悬而未决的问题。""这就是我们接下来要做的。")可知,研究者接下来会进行进一步的研究。A.Interviewing the study participants.采访研究参与者;B.Making use f the findings.利用这些发现;C.Clarifying the purpse f the research.阐明研究的目的;D.Cnducting further research.进行进一步的研究。故选D。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段Feeling cnnected t thers has cnsistently been shwn t be gd fr ur physical and mental health.(与他人的联系一直被证明对我们的身心健康有好处)可知,Stephen Reicher想要传达的信息是和他人联系有益健康。故选B。
    【小题5】be invlved
    【小题9】t vlunteer
    【解析】(1)考查定语从句。句意:志愿旅行,也被称为"义工旅行",是指以参加安排好的服务机会为目的的旅行,以回馈当地社区并发挥作用。空处引导定语从句,先行词为a trip,和名词purpse之间为所有关系,应用关系代词whse引导。故填whse。
    (3)考查动词时态。句意:义工旅行可以追溯到20世纪60年代,当时来自英国的亚历克•迪克森和他的凄子莫拉创立了海外志愿服务组织(VSO),这是一个国际志愿组织。空处为本句谓语动词,主语Alec Dicksn and his wife Mra和动词fund之间存在主动关系,根据时间状语the 1960s可知,时态为一般过去时,故填funded。
    (4)考查固定搭配。句意:义工旅行包括各种各样的活动,从保护工作到教育和医疗保健项目。range frm…t...为固定搭配,意为"从...到...之间变化"。故填frm。
    (5)考查被动语态。句意:义工旅行包括各种各样的活动,从保护工作到教育和医疗保健项目。空处为本句谓语动词,主语"varius activities''和动词invlves之间存在被动关系,所以用被动语态。情态动词can后面用动词原形,故填be invlved。
    (7)考查连词。句意:义工旅行可以帮助解决社会和环境问题,为当地的发展项目做出贡献,并帮助救灾工作。根据句意可知,空前cntribute t lcal develpment prjects和空后help with disaster relief effrts之间存在并列关系,应用and连接。故填and。
    (9)考查动词不定式。句意:城市居民到农村做志愿者确实是一个日益增长的趋势。分析句子可知,此处为句型:it+be+fr+sb+t d sth,表示"做某事对某人来说是的",其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语。故填t vlunteer。
    37.【答案】Dear Jenny,
    Thank yu very much fr inviting me t visit the museum with yu this weekend.(感谢邀请)It sunds like a great plan and I appreciate yur kindness.But unfrtunately I wn't be able t jin yu this time because I have t rehearse an English drama with my classmates.【高分句型一】I feel srry fr letting yu dwn and hpe yu can understand my situatin.(表达歉意并解释原因)I wnder if it is pssible that we reschedule it fr anther time.【高分句型二】(另约时间)
    Thank yu again fr yur kind invitatin,and I'm lking frward t hearing frm yu sn.
    Yurs sincerely, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:But unfrtunately I wn't be able t jin yu this time because I have t rehearse an English drama with my classmates.
    高分句型二:I wnder if it is pssible that we reschedule it fr anther time.
    38.【答案】The clerk listened carefully,and then asked me t wait.A wman came ut and intrduced herself in very gd English.She was the htel manager and asked what she culd d t help me.Again I tld my stry,and made an ffer.I prmised if I culd stay vernight,I wuld give her my 9 crwns and mail the rest t her the next day.【高分句型一】She said I was welcme t stay,and that she wuld accept what I had in my pcket as the ttal payment fr a rm.Then she added, "If yu need sme mney fr dinner,I will be happy t give yu sme f my wn s that yu can have a prper meal."(描写店员将作者的遭遇告诉了经理,经理答应他的要求,并主动提供帮助他吃晚餐。)
    I was deeply mved by the manager's kindness and genersity.I culd barely manage t express my deepest gratitude.As a result,I spent the night in a clean and tastefully decrated rm,nt n a cld,hard park bench.As sn as I gt back t Prague,I wrte the manager a nte f thanks fr her thughtfulness.【高分句型二】She reminded me that kindness and unselfishness are internatinal characteristics.It has been the mst wnderful trip s far!(描写作者很感动,回去后写了一封信感谢经理和作者的感悟。)
    高分句型一:I prmised if I culd stay vernight,I wuld give her my 9 crwns and mail the rest t her the next day.
    高分句型二:As sn as I gt back t Prague,I wrte the manager a nte f thanks fr her thughtfulness.
    分析:本句运用了由as sn as引导的时间状语从句。

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