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    Britain is arguably the great walking natin. Abut tw-thirds f us already head ut t stretch ur legs nce a week. The fllwing festivals ffer a wealth f rganized walks, but walkers shuld register in advance.
    Prestatyn and Clwydian Range festival
    Visitrs t Wales tend t mve west, t either the well-wrn tracks f Snwdnia r the Pembrkeshire Cast Path. There are 25 walks packed int the three days, with varius ptins available, including a half-mile Rman-themed adventure, an eight-mile walk explring the life f 18th-century Welsh naturalist and travel writer Thmas Pennant and a 21-mile Offa's Dyke challenge. All walks are free.
    Denbighshire, Wales, 19—21 May
    Otley walking festival
    This lcal festival has grwn frm humble rigins in 2000 int a busy schedule f 50 shrt-distance walks and events celebrating the lives and landscapes f Wharfedale in West Yrkshire. One might enjy the Five Pubs Walk, Walking With Wine, Fur Mre Pubs r Lst Pubs f Otley. All walks are free, thugh there is smetimes a small charge fr transprt.
    Otley, West Yrkshire, 24 June—3 July
    Dartmr ffrading walking festival
    Dartmr delights (使高兴) walkers because, while tracks are there t be fllwed, the lack f wire and ther barriers, and the relatively small number f farm buildings n the higher grund, create a sensatin f freedm. The six free wheelchair walks, starting daily at 11am, explre Dartmr's industrial histry, brnze age valuables and Victrian railway builders.
    Devn, 27 August—2 September
    Gwer walking festival
    With mre superb walking ptins inside a single landscape than perhaps anywhere else, the Gwer peninsula (半岛) smetimes feels as if it's all cast. The further infrmatin fr this nine-day festival, celebrating the10th anniversary f the Wales Cast Path (WCP), has yet t be finalized. Half f the walks ffered during the festival will be n the castal path. £10 adults, ver-sixes £6.
    Glamrgan, 2—10 September
    1.Which festival is friendly t the disabled?
    A. Prestatyn and Clwydian Range festival.
    B. Otley walking festival.
    C. Dartmr ffrading walking festival.
    D. Gwer walking festival.
    2.What d we knw abut Gwer walking festival?
    A. It has the mst superb walking ptins.
    B. Half f the walks last fr a whle week.
    C. It's aimed t advcate castal prtectin.
    D. The final details remain t be cnfirmed.
    3.What d the listed festivals have in cmmn?
    A. They are ffered free f charge.
    B. They require prir registratin.
    C. They take advantage f the cast.
    D. They are favred by antique enthusiasts.
    In 1975,a San Dieg hmemaker named Marjrie Rice came acrss a clumn in Scientific American abut tiling(瓷砖).There is a prblem which has interested mathematicians since ancient Greek times.After Rice's chance encunter with tiling,family members ften saw her in the kitchen cnstantly drawing shapes."I thught she was just drawing casually(随意),"her daughter Kathy said.But Rice wh tk nly ne year f math in high schl,was actually discvering never-befre-seen patterns.
    Brn in Flrida,she lved learning and particularly her brief expsure t math,but tight budget and scial culture prevented her family frm even cnsidering that she might attend cllege."Fr Rice,math was a pleasure,"her sn David nce said.
    Rice gave ne f her sns a subscriptin t Scientific American partly because she culd read it carefully while the children were at schl.When she read Gardner's clumn abut tiling as she later recalled in an interview:"I thught it must be wnderful that smene culd discver these beautiful patterns which n ne had seen befre."She als wrte in an essay,"My interest was engaged by the subject and I wanted t understand every detail f it.Lacking a mathematical backgrund,I develped my wn symbl system and in a few mnths discvered a new type."
    Astnished and delighted,she sent her wrk t Gardner,wh sent it t Dris,a tiling expert at Mravian Cllege.Dris cnfirmed that Rice's finding was crrect.
    Later,Rice declined t lecture n her discveries,citing shyness,but at Dris's invitatin,she attended a university mathematics meeting,where she was intrduced t the audience.Rice still said nthing f her achievements t her children,but they eventually fund ut as the awards munted.
    4.Why did Rice ften draw shapes in the kitchen? ______
    A. T becme a mathematician.B. T explre the secret f tiling.
    C. T fill her leisure time.D. T shw her passin fr drawing.
    5.What can we learn abut Rice frm Paragraphs 2 and 3? ______
    A. She lnged t start a clumn.
    B. She was rejected frm a cllege.
    C. She was gd at designing patterns.
    D. She succeeded in develping a system.
    6.What is the text mainly abut? ______
    A. The magic f math.B. The effrts f Rice.
    C. The humility f Rice.D. The patterns f tiling.
    7.What can we learn frm the Rice's experience? ______
    A. Nthing is impssible t a willing mind.
    B. Actins speak luder than wrds.
    C. Every clud has a silver lining.
    D. Practice makes perfect.
    Fr decades,scientists thught f the brain as the mst valuable and cnsequently mst clsely guarded part f the bdy.Lcked safely behind the bld-brain barrier,it was bradly free f the harm f viruses and the battles started by the immune system(免疫系统).Then,abut 20 years ag,sme researchers began t wnder:is the brain really s separated frm the bdy?The answer,accrding t a grwing bdy f evidence,is n.
    The list f brain cnditins that have been assciated with changes elsewhere in the bdy is lng and grwing.Changes in the make-up f the micrrganisms (微生物) in the digestive system have been linked t disrders such as Parkinsn's disease.There is als a thery that infectin during pregnancy(孕期) culd lead t brain diseases in babies.
    The effect is tw-way.There is a lengthening list f symptms nt typically viewed as disrders f the nervus system,but the brain plays a large part in them.Fr example,the develpment f a fever is influenced by a ppulatin f nerve cells that cntrl bdy temperature and appetite.Evidence is munting that cancers use nerves t grw and spread.
    The intercnnectin between brain and bdy has prmising implicatins fr ur ability t bth understand and treat illnesses.If sme brain disrders start utside the brain,then perhaps treatments fr them culd als reach in frm utside.Treatments that take effect thrugh the digestive system,the heart r ther rgans,wuld be much easier and less risky than thse that must crss the bld-brain barrier.
    It als wrks in the ppsite directin.Study shws mice have healthier hearts after receiving stimulatin t a brain area invlved in psitive emtin and mtivatin.Activatin f the brain reward centre —called the ventral tegmental area (VTA)— seems t cause immune changes that cntribute t it.Wrking ut hw this happens culd help t destry cancers,enhance respnses t vaccines(疫苗) and even re-evaluate physical diseases that,fr centuries,have nt been cnsidered as being psychlgically driven.
    8.What d the researchers fcus n abut the brain? ______
    A. Its prtecting system.B. Its expsure t diseases.
    C. Its cntrlling functin.D. Its cnnectin t the bdy.
    9.Hw des the authr supprt his idea in paragraph 2? ______
    A. By explaining a thery.B. By prviding examples.
    C. By making cmparisns.D. By presenting cause and effect.
    10.Which best describes treatments that d nt crss the bld-brain barrier? ______
    A. Cheaper.B. Mre specific.C. Safer.D. Mre direct.
    11.What des the study suggest in the last paragraph? ______
    A. Brain health depends n immune changes.
    B. Brain stimulatin leads t negative emtins.
    C. The brain can help enhance psychlgical health.
    D. The brain may be key t treating physical diseases.
    Evlutin (进化) can perfrm extrardinary makevers;tday's airbrne sngbirds evlved frm the wingless,earthbund dinsaurs that wandered millins f years ag.But sme rganisms seem t be unchanged—in ther wrds,escape natural selectin.The celacanth,a mdern-day fish,is nearly identical t its 410-millin-year-ld fssils.
    Scientists have lng wndered hw these species d s.It has been assumed that natural selectin keeps sme species unchanged by selecting fr mderate r average qualities (stabilizing selectin) rather than selecting fr mre extreme qualities that wuld cause a species t change (directinal selectin).
    But a study published in the Natinal Academy f Sciences USA cntradicts this idea,shwing that evlutin cnstantly favrs different qualities in seemingly unchanging animals t imprve shrt-term survival.In the lng term,thugh, "all that evlutin cancels ut and leads t n change," says the study's lead authr,James Strud.
    Strud and his clleagues studied fur lizard (蜥蜴) species,all relatively unchanged fr 20 millin years.The researchers caught members f these ppulatins every six mnths fr three years.They measured each lizard's head size,leg length,mass and height,as well as the size f its sticky tes (脚趾头),nting which individuals survived.Strud expected t bserve stabilizing selectin at wrk preserving mderate qualities.Instead he saw clearer evidence f directinal selectin:sme lizards with unique characteristics,such as stickier tes,survived better.
    The study ffers "a gd explanatin fr why we see what we think is stabiliring selectin," says Tadashi Fukami,an eclgist studying evlutin at Stanfrd University.Many new qualities are evlving in the shrt term,but they dn't prvide a crucial advantage ver the lng term.In ther wrds,species staying unchanged may simply have fund the best pssible cmbinatin f qualities fr lasting success in their envirnment.S what happens when the lizards' envirnment changes mre dramatically?T help answer this bigger questin,Strud is still making trips t visit the lizards.
    12.Why des the authr mentin the "celacanth fish" in paragraph 1? ______ ​
    A. T demnstrate the pwer f evlutin.
    B. T add evidence t natural selectin.
    C. T give an example f unchanged species.
    D. T prve species' extrardinary makevers.
    13.What's the fcus f paragraph 2? ______ ​
    A. Unslved mysteries.B. A cmmn belief.
    C. A sharp cntrast.D. Unique Characteristics.
    14.Hw did Strud cnduct his research? ______ ​
    A. By analyzing lizard fssils.
    B. By tracking research bjects.
    C. By illustrating stabilizing selectin.
    D. By categrizing qualities f lizards.
    15.What will Strud prbably d in the future? ______ ​
    A. Make trips t visit lizard experts.
    B. Summarize average features f lizards.
    C. Reveal the best cmbinatins f qualities.
    D. Examine lizards under extreme cnditins.
    D yu think yu need t shut at yurself t frce yurself t finish yur hmewrk?If s,think again. (1) ______ Research shws that practicing self-cmpassin (自我关怀) imprves ur mental and physical well-being and supprts lng-term success.
    Self-cmpassin is the practice f being kind and supprtive t urselves.The ppsite is being self-critical and mean t urselves when we make a mistake. (2) ______ These negative respnses are related t depressin,stress and reduced quality f life.
    A 2017 study fund peple wh practice self-cmpassin tend t handle stress better.Their bdies have less f a stress respnse when,fr example,they meet with difficulties at wrk r schl. (3) ______ Let's say they d prly n a gemetry test.Self-cmpassin helps them use the experience t make changes ging frward,like seeking ut a math tutr.
    ( 4) ______ We can start with mindfulness.First f all,practice bserving ur thughts — are they understanding r critical?Dn't judge urselves t severely then.Rather than getting caught up in hw we culd have dne better,frgive urselves and think abut what t change while remaining respectful,and lving t urselves.(5) ______ We can read a nvel,play a musical instrument r kick arund a sccer ball with friends.
    With practice,we can learn t treat urselves with kindness and uncnditinal lve — nt tugh lve.
    A.S hw d we develp self-cmpassin?
    B.It may be mre effective t be kind t yurself.
    C.It includes letting g f yur strict self-criticism.
    D.Mindfulness is the key t practicing self-cmpassin.
    E.But this apprach des nt make us feel r perfrm better.
    F.They have mre cnfidence t lk fr areas where they can imprve.
    G.Als,shw urselves kindness in ways that nurish (滋养) ur spirit and bdy.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    Lauren Schreder was vlunteering at a cmmunity fd bank at age 14.As she flled bags with (1) ______ grceries,she nticed that there were plenty f fd that came in cans and bxes,but she didn't see anything. (2) ______ and healthy t give t families in need.
    Inspired t make a (3) ______ ,she tld her parents that she wanted t start a vegetable garden n their farm,s that peple culd get the (4) ______ they needed.Althugh they were (5) ______ ,her parents made her aware f hw much wrk it wuld take.Still,the teenager was up fr the (6) ______ .
    Lauren managed t receive a(n)( 7) ______ frm a yuth rganizatin t pay fr seeds and gardening (8) ______ .She did a lt f research nline t find ut what plants(9) ______ and what didn't,what needed shade,and which nes needed mre water.Over the ht and dry summer,she (10) ______ her crps fr weeds and watered them by hand every day.Her first harvest resulted in 40 punds f prduce that she then(11) ______ gave away t lcal fd banks,a sup kitchen,and a nursing hme.
    Mre (12) ______ than ever,she relaunched her prject,dubling the size f her garden and (13) ______ her vegetable selectin.S far,she has spent ver 1,000 hurs wrking in her garden and dnated 7,000 punds f hme-grwn prduce.
    "I lve (14) ______ , "said Lauren,nw 17."Many peple help yu ut,but it makes mre (15) ______ when yu help ther peple ut."
    21.A. preservedB. dnatedC. selectedD. traded
    22.A. necessaryB. beautifulC. valuableD. fresh
    23.A. changeB. requestC. chiceD. prfit
    24.A. guidanceB. infrmatinC. nutritinD. service
    25.A. supprtiveB. dubtfulC. prtectiveD. mindful
    26.A. cmpetitinB. perfrmanceC. assignmentD. challenge
    27.A. invitatinB. fundC. pininD. certificate
    28.A. methdsB. prductsC. suppliesD. lessns
    29.A. wrkedB. develpedC. happenedD. imprved
    30.A. arrangedB. checkedC. preparedD. exchanged
    31.A. carefullyB. secretlyC. temprarilyD. generusly
    32.A. amusedB. relievedC. mtivatedD. exhausted
    33.A. expandingB. assessingC. presentingD. defending
    34.A. mving nB. weighing upC. shwing ffD. giving back
    35.A. effrtB. differenceC. mneyD. prgress
    36.Literally translated as the "Sngs f Heres" dance,Yingge Dance is 300-year-ld flk dance that riginated frm the Chashan area f Suth China's Guangdng Prvince. (1) ______ ( dress) in clrful cstumes,perfrmers wave wden sticks in their hands (2) ______ dancing in rderly frmatins t the music.Based n the stries f the 108 Heres f Liangshan Muntain frm the classic nvel Outlaws f the Marsh,it is a flk art cmbining a variety f frms,( 3) ______ martial arts and Chinese peras t dance.
    In recent years,Chashan Yingge Dance has (4) ______ ( gradual) cme int the public eye thrugh transfrmatins in perfrmance frm,style ptimizatin,and pening up f infrmatin channels.In the Spring Festival f the Dragn Year,Yingge Dance nce again (5) ______ ( dminate) the screens,( 6) ______ ( it) dazzling and fiery wave f ppularity cntinuing thrughut the hliday,even sparking (7) ______ brilliant cultural passin verseas.
    On the first and secnd days f the Lunar New Year,the Nanshan Yingge Team frm Guangdng's Puning made appearances at (8) ______ ( icn) British landmarks-the Burlingtn Arcade and Trafalgar Square-(9) ______ ( bring) New Year greetings frm Guangdng t verseas Chinese and freign friends alike.The perfrmances attracted ver seven hundred thusand spectatrs and received (10) ______ ( cver) frm ver a hundred media utlets.
    37.你校计划举办主题为"极简电子产品生活方式—A lifestyle f digital minimalism"的英语作文比赛,请你写一则通知,内容包括:
    Welcme t Jin the English Writing Cmpetitin
    After a busy week,Emily and her parents decided t g n a muntain picnic.They lnged t fully experience nature's beauty and enjy quality family time.Little did they knw,this uting wuld be filled with unexpected twists and turns (波折).
    Arriving at the muntain's base,they discvered a huse,in frnt f which Mike and his father had just finished lading a bat nt Mike's truck.Emily apprached them and asked fr the best picnic spt in the area.Knwing the muntain well,Mike suggested a lcatin abut tw hurs' walk away. "It's wrth the effrt," he assured them.
    Parking their car next t Mike's truck and carrying their picnic supplies,Emily and her parents set ff n the winding rad.Tall green trees n ne side,a flwing stream n the ther,the rad eventually led them t a breathtaking clearing dtted with clrful wildflwers.They enjyed their delicius sandwiches,fruits,and snacks,engaging in pleasant cnversatins.
    Just as they finished their meal and settled dwn t relax,dark cluds unexpectedly rlled in.It lked like rain.Panicked,they hurriedly set up the tent they had brught.N sner had they entered than raindrps began puring n the rf.Heavy rain envelped the surrundings,making it impssible t see anything.They had n chice but t patiently wait it ut.
    After what felt like a century,the rain ceased.Emily and her parents wasted n time packing up their belngings,ready t get dwnhill.Hwever,their excitement turned t wrry when they discvered that the small stream they had previusly crssed had turned int a wide and impassable river.With n cellphne signal,they were trapped withut a means f seeking help.T make matters wrse,darkness was appraching.
    Suddenly,they heard the sund f a vehicle frm acrss the river.________
    Emily and her parents barded the bat.________
    根据Dartmr ffrading walking festival部分中的Dartmr delights (使高兴) walkers because, a sensatin f freedm. (Dartmr让步行者感到高兴,因为尽管有小路可走,但没有电线和其他障碍物,高地上相对较少的农场建筑,给人一种自由的感觉)可推知,这里对残疾人也是有帮助的。故选C。
    根据Gwer walking festival部分中的The further infrmatin fr this nine-day festival, celebrating the 10th anniversary f the Wales Cast Path (WCP), has yet t be finalized. (这个为期九天的节日庆祝威尔士海岸小径(WCP)十周年,其进一步信息尚未最终确定))可知,关于Gwer walking festival最后的细节还有待确定。故选D。
    根据第一段中的The fllwing festivals ffer a wealth f rganized walks, but walkers shuld register in advance. (接下来的节日提供了丰富的有组织的步行活动,但步行者应该提前登记)可知,这些节日的共同点是:要求提前登记。故选B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段After Rice's chance encunter with tiling,family members ften saw her in the kitchen cnstantly drawing shapes.(Rice偶然接触瓷砖后,家人经常看到她在厨房里不停地画形状。)和第三段She als wrte in an essay, "My interest was engaged by the subject and I wanted t understand every detail f it.(她还在一篇文章中写道,"我对这个主题很感兴趣,我想了解它的每一个细节。)可知,Rice对瓷砖这个主题很感兴趣,想了解它的每一个细节,可得出因为想探索瓷砖的秘密,所以Rice经常在厨房里画形状。故选B。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Lacking a mathematical backgrund,I develped my wn symbl system and in a few mnths discvered a new type.(由于缺乏数学背景,我开发了自己的符号系统,并在几个月内发现了一种新的类型。)可知,Rice成功地开发了一个系统。故选D。
    (3)主旨大意题。根据文章内容,主要讲述了主要讲述了圣地亚哥一位名叫马乔里•赖斯的家庭主妇在《科学美国人》杂志上偶然看到一篇关于瓷砖的专栏文章,凭借自己对数学的热情潜心研究,开发了自己的符号系统,发现了以前从未见过的图案。B.The effrts f Rice.(赖斯的努力。)符合文意。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据文章内容,主要讲述了主要讲述了圣地亚哥一位名叫马乔里•赖斯的家庭主妇在《科学美国人》杂志上偶然看到一篇关于瓷砖的专栏文章,凭借自己对数学的热情潜心研究,开发了自己的符号系统,发现了以前从未见过的图案。因此文章告诉我们A.Nthing is impssible t a willing mind.(世上无难事,只怕有心人。)符合文意,故选A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第一段的Then,abut 20 years ag,sme researchers began t wnder:is the brain really s separated frm the bdy?*(然后,大约20年前,一些研究人员开始怀疑:大脑真的与身体如此分离吗?)可知,研究人员想知道大脑跟身体是不是真的如此分离开,也就是他们是否联系紧密,故答案为 D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第二段 The list f brain cnditins that have been assciated with changes elsewhere in the bdy is lng and grwing.Changes in the make-up f the micrrganisms (微生物) in the digestive system have been linked t disrders such as Parkinsn's disease.There is als a thery that infectin during pregnancy(孕期) culd lead t brain diseases in babies.(与身体其他部位变化相关的大脑疾病清单很长,而且还在不断增加。消化系统中微生物构成的变化与帕金森病等疾病有关。还有一种理论认为,怀孕期间的感染可能会导致婴儿脑部疾病。)可知作者在第2段中举例支持他的观点。故答案为B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章第四段Treatments that take effect thrugh the digestive system,the heart r ther rgans,wuld be much easier and less risky than thse that must crss the bld-brain barrier.(通过消化系统、心脏或其他器官发挥作用的治疗方法将比那些必须穿过血脑屏障的治疗方法更容易、风险更低。)可知不穿过血脑屏障的治疗更安全。故答案为C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段It als wrks in the ppsite directin.Study shws mice have healthier hearts after receiving stimulatin t a brain area invlved in psitive emtin and mtivatin.Activatin f the brain reward centre —called the ventral tegmental area (VTA)— seems t cause immune changes that cntribute t it.Wrking ut hw this happens culd help t destry cancers,enhance respnses t vaccines(疫苗) and even re-evaluate physical diseases that,fr centuries,have nt been cnsidered as being psychlgically driven.(反过来也一样。研究表明,老鼠在大脑中涉及积极情绪和动机的区域受到刺激后,心脏更健康。大脑奖赏中心——被称为腹侧被盖区(VTA)——的激活似乎会导致免疫变化。弄清楚这是如何发生的可能有助于消灭癌症、增强对疫苗的反应,甚至重新评估数百年来不被认为是心理驱动的身体疾病。)可知大脑可能是治疗身体疾病的关键。故答案为D。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据文章第一段But sme rganisms seem t be unchanged—in ther wrds,escape natural selectin.The celacanth,a mdern-day fish,is nearly identical t its 410-millin-year-ld fssils.(但是有些生物似乎没有变化——换句话说,逃脱了自然选择。腔棘鱼是一种现代鱼类,与其4.1亿年前的化石几乎相同。)可知作者在第一段中提到"腔棘鱼"是为了举一个物种不变的例子。故答案为C。
    (2)段落大意题。根据文章第二段It has been assumed that natural selectin keeps sme species unchanged by selecting fr mderate r average qualities (stabilizing selectin) rather than selecting fr mre extreme qualities that wuld cause a species t change (directinal selectin).(有人认为,自然选择通过选择中等或平均质量(稳定选择)而不是选择会导致物种变化的更极端质量(定向选择)来保持某些物种不变。)可知第二段的重点是一个普遍观点。故答案为B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章第四段Strud and his clleagues studied fur lizard (蜥蜴) species,all relatively unchanged fr 20 millin years.The researchers caught members f these ppulatins every six mnths fr three years.They measured each lizard's head size,leg length,mass and height,as well as the size f its sticky tes (脚趾头),nting which individuals survived.(斯特劳德和他的同事研究了四种蜥蜴,它们在2000万年里都相对没有变化。研究人员在三年内每六个月捕捉一次这些蜥蜴。他们测量了每只蜥蜴的头部大小、腿长、质量和高度,以及粘性脚趾的大小,并记录了哪些个体幸存下来。)可知斯特劳德通过跟踪研究对象进行研究。故答案为B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段T help answer this bigger questin,Strud is still making trips t visit the lizards.(为了帮助回答这个更大的问题,斯特劳德仍在走访这些蜥蜴。)可知斯特劳德将来可能会在极端条件下研究蜥蜴。故答案为D。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据前文D yu think yu need t shut at yurself t frce yurself t finish yur hmewrk?If s,think again(你认为你需要对自己大喊大叫来强迫自己完成作业吗?如果是的话,再想想。)可知,提到可能通过对自己的大吼大叫来促使自己完成作业的这一情况,后文提到Research shws that practicing self-cmpassin (自我关怀) imprves ur mental and physical well-being and supprts lng-term success.(研究表明,练习自我同情可以改善我们的身心健康,并有助于长期的成功。)可知,研究表明对自己鼓励和关怀有利于自身长期的成功,说明对自己好一点可能在促使自己完成一件事上更加有效果。B项"It may be mre effective t be kind t yurself."(善待自己可能会更有效。)符合语境。故选B。
    (2)语境衔接题。根据前文提到Self-cmpassin is the practice f being kind and supprtive t urselves.The ppsite is being self-critical and mean t urselves when we make a mistake. (自我同情是对自己友善和支持的实践。相反的是当我们犯错时,自我批评和对自己刻薄。)可知,人在犯错误的时候很容易进行自我批评,且后文提到 These negative respnses are related t depressin,stress and reduced quality f life.(这些负面反应与抑郁、压力和生活质量下降有关。)可知,对自己的批评可能会导致抑郁、有压力且可能会影响生活质量。E项"But this apprach des nt make us feel r perfrm better."(但这种方法并不能让我们感觉或表现得更好。)该项提到自我批评并不会让自己感觉良好。符合语境。故选E。
    (3)语境衔接题。根据前文提到A 2017 study fund peple wh practice self-cmpassin tend t handle stress better.Their bdies have less f a stress respnse when,fr example,they meet with difficulties at wrk r schl. (2017年的一项研究发现,练习自我同情的人往往能更好地应对压力。例如,当他们在工作或学校遇到困难时,他们的身体对压力的反应就会减少。)可知,以及后文中提到Let's say they d prly n a gemetry test.Self-cmpassin helps them use the experience t make changes ging frward,like seeking ut a math tutr.(假设他们几何考试成绩很差。自我同情可以帮助他们利用这段经历做出改变,比如找一个数学导师。)可知,该段提到练习自我同情的人能更好地应对压力,而且能够进行自我同情的人会根据自己的情况做出适当的可以改变自己的行为。F项"They have mre cnfidence t lk fr areas where they can imprve."(他们更有信心去寻找自己可以改进的地方。)符合语境。故选F。
    (4)联系下文题。根据后文提到We can start with mindfulness.(我们可以从正念开始。)可知,由该段内容可以判断,该段提到了进行自我同情的练习方法。A项"S hw d we develp self-cmpassin?"(那么我们如何培养自我同情呢?)符合语境。故选A。
    (5)语境衔接题。根据前文提到Rather than getting caught up in hw we culd have dne better,frgive urselves and think abut what t change while remaining respectful,and lving t urselves.(与其纠结于我们该如何做得更好,不如原谅自己,想想在保持尊重和爱自己的同时要改变什么。)可知,要与自己和解,要尊重自己爱自己,后文提到We can read a nvel,play a musical instrument r kick arund a sccer ball with friends.(我们可以读小说,演奏乐器或与朋友踢足球。)读书运动和演奏音乐都是让自己身心健康的好方法。G项"Als,shw urselves kindness in ways that nurish (滋养) ur spirit and bdy."(同时,要善待自己,以滋养我们的精神和身体。)符合语境。故选G。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.preserved保存;B.dnated捐赠;C.selected挑选;D.traded交易。句意:她在食品厨房做志愿者,将人们捐赠来的食品杂货进行装袋时,注意到很多罐装、盒装食品。根据上句Lauren Schreder was vlunteering at a cmmunity fd bank at age 14可知Lauren Schreder14岁时在社区食物银行做志愿者,说明她所处理的是人们捐赠的东西,故选B。
    (2)考查形容词及语境理解。A.necessary必要的;B.beautiful漂亮的;C.valuable有价值的;D.fresh新鲜的。句意:(她却)没有看到任何新鲜健康的食品被提供给有需要的人。根据下句she tld her parents that she wanted t start a vegetable garden n their farm可知她告诉父母,她想在他们的农场里开辟一个菜园,她发现人们捐赠的食物没有新鲜的,故选D。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.change改变;B.request请求;C.chice选择;D.prfit利润。句意:她受到启发,决心改变这种情况。根据下句she tld her parents that she wanted t start a vegetable garden n their farm可知她告诉父母,她想在他们的农场里开辟一个菜园,说明她希望被捐赠者能吃到新鲜健康的食物,这是对现状的改变,故选A。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.guidance指导;B.infrmatin信息;C.nutritin营养;D.service服务。句意:她告诉父母,她想在家里的农场里开辟一块菜园,这样人们就可以获得他们所需要的营养了。根据上文but she didn't see anything. (2)and healthy t give t families in need可知(她却)没有看到任何新鲜健康的食品被提供给有需要的人。说明她想捐赠有营养的新鲜蔬菜,故选C。
    (6)考查名词及语境理解。A.cmpetitin比赛;B.perfrmance表演;C.assignment任务;D.challenge挑战。句意:(即便如此),她还是愿意接受这个挑战。根据上句her parents made her aware f hw much wrk it wuld take可知他们跟她解释种菜有多么辛苦。说明她下定决心挑战自己,故选D。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.invitatin邀请;B.fund资金;C.pinin看法;D.certificate证书。句意:她设法从一个青少年组织获取了资金支持。根据该句的pay fr可知她得到了资金,故选B。
    (8)考查名词及语境理解。A.methds方法;B.prducts产品;C.supplies工具,用品;D.lessns课程。句意:她将资金用于采购种子和农具。根据该句的pay fr seeds and.可知她采购种子和农具,故选C。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.wrked管用,奏效,可行;B.develped发展;C.happened发生;D.mattered重要,要紧。句意:她上网做了大量研究,了解如何种菜。根据下文的what plants needed shade,and which nes needed mre water可知她上网学习哪些种菜方法可行,哪些不可行,故选A。
    (10)考查动词及语境理解。A.arranged安排,排列;B.checked检查;C.prepared准备;D.exchanged交换。句意:在炎热干旱的夏日,她每天除草、水动浇水。根据空后her crps fr weeds可知她检查菜园是否长了野草,故选B。
    (11)考查副词及语境理解。A.carefully小心地;B.secretly秘密地;C.temprarily临时地;D.generusly慷慨大方地。句意:她将第一批收获的蔬菜慷慨地捐赠给了当地的食品银行、救济厨房和养老院。根据空后gave away t lcal fd banks,a sup kitchen,and a nursing hme.可知她将第一批收获的蔬菜慷慨地捐赠给了当地的食品银行、救济厨房和养老院。故选D。
    (12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.amused好笑的;B.relieved放心的,宽慰的;C.mtivated受到激励的,积极的;D.exhausted筋疲力尽的。句意:她感到前所未有的激励,再次开启了种菜计划,她把菜园的面积扩大了一倍,还增加了选择的蔬菜品种。根据下句she relaunched her prject,dubling the size f her garden and (13)her vegetable selectin可知她再次开启了种菜计划。说明她受到了激励。故选C。
    (13)考查动词及语境理解。A.expand增加,扩大;B.assess评价,评定;C.present展示,赠送;D.defend保卫,防御。句意:她把菜园的面积扩大了一倍,还增加了选择的蔬菜品种。根据下句S far,she has spent ver 1,000 hurs wrking in her garden and dnated 7,000 punds f hme-grwn prduce.可知到目前为止,她已经在自己的花园里工作了1000多个小时,并捐赠了7000磅自产农产品。说明她把菜园的面积扩大了一倍,还增加了选择的蔬菜品种。故选A。
    (14)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.mving n维续前进;B.weighing up称重,权衡;C.shwing ff炫耀;D,giving back归还,回馈。句意:"我很乐意回馈社会。"根据下文的"Many peple help yu ut When yu help ther peple ut."可知此处意为回报别人的帮助,故选D。
    (15)考查名词及语境理解。A.effrt努力;B.difference不同,影响;C.mney钱;D.prgress进步。句意:但是当你回报别人的帮助时,这更有意义。make a difference有意义。故选B。
    本文是一篇记叙文。14岁的女孩Lauren Schreder为了让有需要的人吃到新鲜食物,在自家农场开辟菜园,种植出大量的蔬菜捐赠给当地的慈善机构。
    (5)考查一般过去时。句意:龙年春节,英歌再一次占据了各大银幕,其耀眼而火热的人气在整个春节期间都在持续,甚至在海外引发了一股灿烂的文化激情。根据In the Spring Festival f the Dragn Year可知,事情发生在过去,故时态用一般过去时,谓语用dminate"占据"的过去式。故答案为dminated。
    (6)考查代词。句意:龙年春节,英歌再一次占据了各大银幕,其耀眼而火热的人气在整个春节期间都在持续,甚至在海外引发了一股灿烂的文化激情。此处使用形容词性物主代词its,作定语,修饰wave f ppularity。故答案为its。
    (8)考查形容词。句意:大年初一和初二,来自广东普宁的南山英歌队分别出现在英国标志性的伯灵顿商场和特拉法加广场,为海外华人和外国朋友带来了广东的新年祝福。此处使用形容词icnic"标志性的",作定语,修饰British landmarks。故答案为icnic。
    (9)考查现在分词作状语。句意:大年初一和初二,来自广东普宁的南山英歌队分别出现在英国标志性的伯灵顿商场和特拉法加广场,为海外华人和外国朋友带来了广东的新年祝福。本句谓语为made,此处为非谓语动词,且the Nanshan Yingge Team与bring"带来"为主动关系,应用现在分词,作状语。故答案为bringing。
    37.【答案】Welcme t Jin the English Writing Cmpetitin
    Attentin all students,
    We are thrilled t annunce ur upcming English writing cmpetitin whse theme is "A lifestyle f digital minimalism".【高分句型一】The purpse f this cmpetitin is t encurage students t explre the benefits f simplifying their electrnic prduct usage and embracing a minimalist apprach t technlgy.(介绍比赛目的)
    Participants are required t write an essay discussing the cncept f digital minimalism,its impact n daily life,and practical strategies fr implementing it.【高分句型二】Essays shuld be riginal,well-structured,and demnstrate a clear understanding f the theme.(说明参赛要求)
    We lk frward t receiving yur insightful cntributins.(盼望)
    Best regards, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:We are thrilled t annunce ur upcming English writing cmpetitin whse theme is "A lifestyle f digital minimalism".
    高分句型二:Participants are required t write an essay discussing the cncept f digital minimalism,its impact n daily life,and practical strategies fr implementing it.
    分析:这句话使用了现在分词短语discussing the cncept f digital minimalism,its impact n daily life,and practical strategies fr implementing it作定语修饰an essay。
    38.【答案】Suddenly,they heard the sund f a vehicle frm acrss the river.It was Mike and his father returning frm their fishing trip.Upn seeing Emily and her parents stranded,Mike immediately jumped int actin.He quickly tied a rpe t his truck and threw it acrss the river. "Grab the rpe and we'll pull yu acrss!" shuted Mike's father.With trembling hands,Emily and her parents grasped the rpe and were slwly pulled t the ther side.(Mike和他的父亲捕鱼归来,用绳子将他们拉过河流)
    Emily and her parents barded the bat.Mike's father skillfully navigated the bat thrugh the turbulent waters,while Mike prvided cmfrt and reassurance.【高分句型一】As they made their way dwn the muntain,Emily and her parents were filled with gratitude. 【高分句型二】The experience had been unexpectedly challenging,but they had cme ut strnger and with newfund friends.The memry f that day wuld frever be etched in their hearts.(这次经历虽然充满了挑战,但也让他们结识了新的朋友,留下了深刻的记忆)
    高分句型一:Mike's father skillfully navigated the bat thrugh the turbulent waters,while Mike prvided cmfrt and reassurance.
    高分句型二:As they made their way dwn the muntain,Emily and her parents were filled with gratitude.

    2024年辽宁省重点高中协作校高考英语模拟试卷(二)(含详细答案解析): 这是一份2024年辽宁省重点高中协作校高考英语模拟试卷(二)(含详细答案解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,语法填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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