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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Cheap and even free vlunteering prgrams are everywhere. Dn’t wrry abut a budget that may stp yu frm vlunteering abrad! Kindred Spirit Elephant Sanctuary (保护区) is the right place fr yu.
    Vlunteer with elephants and bring them back int their natural habitat.
    Make a difference in the cnservatin effrts t save elephants living under awful cnditins.
    Help teach English t the cmmunities and raise awareness abut the captive (圈养的) elephant situatin.
    Wander the frests and bserve elephant’s natural behaviurs in their hme envirnment.
    Our Sanctuary
    Our sanctuary has rescued 5 elephants frm the turism industry and we have nw brught them hme t live ut their lives in the frest, in semi-wild cnditins. We need vlunteers t help us keep these elephants happy and healthy in their natural habitat. With vlunteer supprt. we hpe t return mre elephants t the frest sn.
    Yur tasks
    Perfrming research n the natural elephant behaviurs and the surrunding frest.
    Taking part in cmmunity prjects such as teaching English at the schl and t ther lcals.
    Carrying ut litter pick-ups with the kids t educate n waste management.
    Yur Rugh Schedule:
    Day 1: Pickup frm Chiang Mai at 9 am. Travel thrugh a natinal park and stunning muntains until yu arrive in ur unique village. Meet yur hmestay family and the ther vlunteers, and immerse yurself in hill tribe culture.
    Day 2: Wake up early t hike in the frest and find ur elephants. Spend the mrning recrding and learning abut these amazing animals and their natural behaviurs. Return t the village in the late afternn and take part in ur cmmunity & teaching prjects.
    Day 3: Anther early start t like t bserve ur elephants ne last time. Return t Chiang Mai in the afternn.
    1.Which f the fllwing highlights the vlunteer wrk at the sanctuary?
    A.Lking after captive elephants.
    B.Seeking elephants in natural frests.
    C.Learning lcal cmmunities’ flk arts.
    D.Saving elephants in pr envirnment.
    2.What shuld yu d as a vlunteer?
    A.Establish experimental bases.
    B.Prmte educatinal prgrams.
    C.Enhance cultural exchange.
    D.Start anti-pverty prjects.
    3.What shuld yu keep in mind if yu want t vlunteer there?
    A.Yu shuld have gd ability f hiking.
    B.Yu can chse yur wn transprtatin.
    C.Yu may camp n the muntain fr days.
    D.Yu must be familiar with lcal languages.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has been a frequent tpic f cnversatin fr mst f us ver the past year. As we dreamt f indr dining, vacatins, and hugging ur friends again, my friend Ana texted that her mther, living in Brazil, had been infected by the crnavirus. I wn’t g int details here, but the disruptin t life in Brazil have been especially upsetting cnsidering their scial and cultural nrms (规范).
    Ana is Brazilian, and I’m frm the US. While living in New Yrk City, we became fast friends despite the few awkward cultural differences I learned t deal with. She was cmfrtable with intimacy; I preferred t keep my distance. She liked the cmpany f many; I liked the friendship f few. It was awkward fr me t lean in fr a quick hug, nly t be embraced then kissed n the cheeks. T this day, I’m nt an excellent cheek kisser, but I try. She is ne f many peple ver the years wh have educated me, in a way, abut delighting in cultural difference.
    I called Ana t check n her mther and I was primarily curius abut hw scial and cultural nrms have been affected. It’s difficult, said Ana, because the necessary health regulatins are ppsite t “what we believe and everything we knw abut living in a cmmunity and displaying feelings f lve”, but she hasn’t given up hpe. I asked if the shifts made during the pandemic will change cultural nrms. “Abslutely nt,” said Ana. This is wh Brazilians are in nature and change desn’t happen vernight. They spend a lt f time and energy investing in relatinships, and the deeply rted scial cnventins wn’t change quickly.
    Over the years, Ana has shared many stries that emphasize the differences in ur upbringing. I delight in ur differences, even if kissing n the cheek makes me uncmfrtable. We find ur cmmnalities, like talking with ur hands, being expressive, and valuing cmmunity. And we learn frm ur differences. COVID disrupted many things, but thrugh all f this, Ana said, we must cnstantly be adjusting, understanding, and ding what’s best fr ur cmmunities and the peple we lve.
    4.Which f the fllwing wrds can best replace the underlined wrd in Paragraph 1?
    5.What can we learn abut Ann frm Paragraph 2?
    A.She is gd at educating ther peple.
    B.She prefers t stay alne in her wn cmfrt zne.
    C.She enjys the clse cntact with thers.
    D.It tk a lng time fr her t make friends with me.
    6.Why desn’t Ana think the pandemic will change scial and cultural nrms?
    A.Because the Brazilians are brn t be sciable.
    B.Because the scial cnventins are easy t change.
    C.Because the health regulatins cnsist with her beliefs.
    D.Because Brazilians rarely value investment in relatinships.
    7.What wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A.My Attitude twards Friendship
    B.Scial and Cultural nrms in the Pandemic
    C.The Influence f COVID-19 n Life
    D.My Acceptance f Cultural Differences
    China’s yung peple have created yet anther wrd t reflect their grwing disappintment with the stressful wrk culture. The new lifestyle ht wrd, tang ping, is an actin rather than a feeling — deciding t just g by, using a minimum effrt at an unsatisfactry jb.
    Wendy said that her lying-dwn philsphy culd be summed up as “Putting the peacefulness f the bdy and sul first.” “Accrding t the mainstream standard, a gd lifestyle must include wrking hard, trying t get gd results n wrk evaluatins, struggling t buy a huse and a car, and having babies,” she said, “Hwever, I am lking frward t ‘lying dwn entirely’— quitting my jb and living ff my savings.”
    Tang ping has cme under fire frm Chinese state media. “N matter what, yung peple must have cnfidence in the future,” read a newper. “China is the wrld’s mst ppulus cuntry, with rich labr resurces and a huge market advantage. The nly happy life is a hard-wrking life. “The lying-dwn cmmunity bviusly isn’t gd fr the cuntry’s ecnmic and scial develpment,” said Guangming Daily. Hwever, the newper added that tang ping shuldn’t be ignred withut reflectin: if China wants t encurage hard wrk in the yung generatin, it shuld first try t imprve their quality f life.
    “The state is wrried abut what wuld happen if everyne stpped wrking,” said Huang Ping, a literature prfessr. “But humans aren’t merely tls fr making things,” he said. T lie dwn is a reasnable chice rather than a negative attitude. Fr sme yung peple, it’s a way fr them t reduce pressure. “When yu can’t catch up with sciety’s develpment— say, high huse prices — tang ping is actually the mst practical chice.” he said.
    Lying dwn can be seen as the ppsite f invlutin (内卷), referring t scieties becming trapped in cntinual cycles f cmpetitin. “In a relatively gd scial envirnment, peple may feel invluted, but at least they’re trying” he said. “If it’s wrse, peple will tang ping.”
    Alternatively, the mre mtivated amng the yung generatin have accepted FIRE—“Financial Independence, Retire Early” — in the hpe f smeday escaping the severe cmpetitin nce and fr all.
    8.What is Wendy’s gal in life?
    A.T keep up with sciety’s develpment.B.T depend n her savings t live.
    C.T get prmted in her cmpany.D.T be highly evaluated at wrk.
    9.What d state media think the yung shuld d?
    A.Imprve their quality f life.B.Reflect n China’s develpment.
    C.Base their future n hard wrk.D.Live a happy life by lying dwn.
    10.What des Prfessr Huang think f the “lying dwn” style?
    A.It means lw quality f life fr the yung.
    B.It prevents the develpment f sciety.
    C.It mtivates the yung t welcme their future.
    D.It remves the heavy life pressure frm the yung.
    11.What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A.A healthy sciety desn’t invlve cmpetitin.
    B.Yung peple prefer invlutin t tang ping.
    C.Severe cmpetitin is the main cause f lying dwn.
    D.Mre active yung peple favur severe cmpetitin.
    Next time yu are struggling with the crsswrd, try putting the kettle n. Drinking a cup f tea can imprve creativity, a study suggests.
    Researchers gave men and wmen either tea r water and then asked them t cmplete a wrd assciatin game, which was used t measure a frm f creativity knwn as cnvergent thinking (聚合思维).
    In the game, the participants were given sets f wrds such as “same, tennis, head” and asked t find a meaningful link between them. The answer, in this case, wuld be “match?”. After analysing the results in a way that ruled ut the ptential effects f a persn’s intelligence and language ability, the researchers, frm Peking University in China, fund that thse wh drank the tea perfrmed significantly better in the wrd assciatin game. The tea drinkers scred an average f 13. 89 in the wrd assciatin game cmpared with 12. 94 fr water drinkers.
    The researchers said it was nt clear why tea has this beneficial effect. Tea cntains caffeine and theanine, which can imprve attentin, but the 100 participants in the study drank nly a small amunt f tea—90ml, n average—and caried ut the tests very sn after cnsuming it, meaning any effect wuld have been ignred. “This result shwed that the tea drinking event itself—rather than the bilgical cm-pnents f tea—played a psitive rle,” the researchers said.
    “Previus research has fund that peple tend t assciate tea drinking with a specific set f persnality traits, such as smart, creative, elegant, cnfident, and stable. It may be that when participants are stimulated (刺激) by tea, the mental representatin f a tea drinker is als activated, and they uncnsciusly think that they shuld be smarter and mre creative,” they added, “Future research shuld fcus n specific mechanisms (机制) and clarify which variables mderate the impact f tea cnsumptin n cnvergent thinking.
    12.What did the participants have t d in the study?
    A.Pair the wrds with each ther.
    B.Guess the meaning f the wrds.
    C.Find a cnnectin between the wrds.
    D.Tell the differences amng the wrds.
    13.What helped a participant get a higher scre accrding t the researchers?
    A.The actin f drinking tea itself.
    B.The participant’s intelligence.
    C.The participant’s language ability.
    D.The bilgical cmpnents f tea.
    14.What can be inferred frm the previus research?
    A.Drinking tea makes peple mre active.
    B.Drinking tea is ppular amng the yuth.
    C.Peple tend t drink tea mre than befre.
    D.Peple drinking tea are ften thught smart.
    15.Which f the fllwing can be the best title f the text?
    A.Drinking Tea Is Gd fr Health.
    B.Drinking Tea Is A Ppular Trend.
    C.Drinking Tea Makes fr Creativity.
    D.Drinking Tea Matters A Lt in Life.
    Several factrs can influence yur first impressin f smene, including their physical features, vice and speech, surrunding envirnment, etc. It takes time t get t knw persnal characteristics that really cnvey (传达) smene’s nature. 16 These tips can help.
    Stay cnscius (有意识的) f bdy language
    Bdy language can cnvey quite a bit abut hw yu feel in a given situatin. A few tips t cnsider: pen up yur psture (姿势); make sme eye cntact; and listen intently. 17 If eye cntact feels uncmfrtable, try just fcusing n yur psture.
    Shw yur interest
    Expressing interest in what smene has t say can help bst yur chances f making a gd impressin. Try a thughtful cmment that keeps the cnversatin mving and makes it clear that yu’ve been paying attentin. 18 Peple generally want t knw they can trust yu.
    Dress fr the ccasin
    Previus research suggests that bdy language plays mre f a part in first impressins than clthing. But yur persnal style can play a rle, t. There’s nthing wrng with expressing yurself thrugh yur clthing. Just knw that certain situatins d call fr a slightly mre frmal lk. 19
    Make small talk
    20 But it can ften pay ff when it cmes t leaving a psitive impressin. Even simple cmments, like “I really like this new prfessr” r “Thse are great shes”, can start a cnversatin they’ll remember later.
    While a first impressin can set the tne (基调) fr future interactins, it’s als wrth keeping in mind that first impressins are largely uncnscius. Just apprach every new meeting with kindness, cmpassin, and a willingness t grw.
    A.What abut learning a lessn frm it at present?
    B.It’s all t easy t accidentally say smething incnsiderate.
    C.And keep any cmments r praise yu ffer hnest and genuine.
    D.Besides, the “right” dress desn’t always have t be fancy r new, either.
    E.Are yu in search f ways t leave the mst favrable first impressin pssible?
    F.Yu dn’t need t d all f the abve every time yu’re interacting with smene.
    G.Small chat abut the weather r ther everyday tpics can smetimes seem bring.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Jel Byers and his wife, Meldy Amng, were heading hme in their helicpter (直升机)when he received a call fr help frm a stranger. The caller’s brther and her 21 were trapped n their rf in Waverly because f the rising fldwater.
    The caller 22 Jel Byers t cme t their aid. Byers lked west twards Waverly at the strm cluds. Aware f the danger t 23 in such bad weather, thugh, he 24 put the brther’s address int his 25 . Sn, he and Amng were in the air, 26 fr what they were abut t see in Waverly.
    Upn arriving, he fund the water belw was 27 . Peple were hlding n t anything that didn’t mve—rfs, trees. The flding als 28 cell phne service, meaning Byers culdn’t use his phne t lcate the 29 he was lking fr. He flew n anyway.
    As Byers drve the helicpter, Amng began 30 peple n rfs and bridges—anywhere Byers culd 31 and get them nbard. A rescued man pinted t a teenager. The teenager held nt a branch with ne hand and the ther held a dg she’d saved earlier while bth were 32 in the current (水流). With n place fr Byers t land, he 33 the helicpter until it hvered (盘旋) just abve the water line. The rescued man jumped ut and swam t the tree, where he helped the teen and the dg t the 34 .
    Thugh the experience was 35 , Byers admitted it was fun.
    24.A.Immediately B.secretlyC.graduallyD.creatively
    26.A.Unprepared B.intendedC.relievedD.recgnized
    30.A.debating with B.adapting tC.cmmenting nD.searching fr
    Sitting inside the Shenzhu XVI cecraft, Gui Haicha, the first Chinese civilian n a ceflight, tgether with the ther tw astrnauts, 36 (launch) by a 20-stry-tall Lng March 2F carrier rcket, 37 tk ff at 9:31 am n May 30, 2023 at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.
    Brn in 1986, Gui’s 38 (enthusiastic) fr science has been develping since childhd. He had a set f encyclpedias (百科全书) frm which he gained a lt f basic ce knwledge. Years later, Gui Haicha attended Beihang University, 39 (majr) in cecraft design and engineering.
    Gui then pursued pstdctral research verseas and published abut 20 SCI academic papers in tp internatinal jurnals. After returning t China, he received Beihang’s invitatin t teach 40 an assciate prfessr.
    In the spring f 2018, Gui was tld that China’s manned ce authrities had made a decisin 41 (select) the third grup f astrnauts, including the first ceflight engineers and science paylads specialists. “I have been 42 fan f ce explratin fr many years and smetimes dreamed abut ding my research in ce. S excited was I n hearing this news 43 I signed up withut much thught. Eventually I was 44 (successful) admitted fllwing several demanding runds f 45 (prfessin) tests,” he recalled.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    36.假定你是校英语俱乐部负责人李华,你校举办的英语学习网络论坛邀请到了著名诗人William Smith在线做主题为“Hw t Write and Enjy English Pems”的专题讲座。请你在讲座前作简要发言,内容包括:
    1. 表示欢迎和感谢;
    2. 介绍嘉宾和活动流程;
    3. 对听众提出要求。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 开头结尾已给好,不计入词数。
    Dear fellw students,

    Nw let’s welcme Mr. Smith!
    In 1940, I wrked in the checkrm f the railway statin. I saw everybdy that came up the stairs.
    Harry was a yung man wh came t the statin and waited at the head f the stairs fr the passengers frm the 9:05 train.
    I remembered seeing Harry that first evening. He wasn’t much mre than a thin, anxius kid then. He was all dressed up and I knew he was meeting his sister, wh he hadn’t seen fr many years.
    Well, the passengers came up and I had t get busy. I didn’t lk tward the stairs again until nearly time fr the 9:18 and I was very surprised t see that the Harry was still there. His sister didn’t cme n the 9:18 either, nr n the 9:40, and when the passengers frm the 10:02 had all arrived and left, Harry was lking pretty upset. Pretty sn he came clse t my windw s I called ut and asked him what his sister lked like.
    “She’s small and dark. She is nineteen years ld and very neat in the way she walk,” he said. “She has a face that has lts f spirit. I mean she can get mad but she never stays mad fr lng, and her eyebrws cme t a little pint in the middle. She’s gt a brwn fur, but maybe she isn’t wearing it.”
    “I culdn’t remember seeing anybdy like that,” I tld him.
    He shwed me the telegram he’d received: ARRIVE THURSDAY. MEET ME AT THE STATION. MAY. It was frm Omaha, Nebraska. “Well,” I finally said, “why dn’t yu phne t yur hme? She’s prbably called there if she gt in ahead f yu.”
    He gave me a sick lk. “I’ve nly been in the twn fr tw days. We were ging t meet and then drive dwn t the suth f the city where I’ve gt a jb. She desn’t have my address.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    When I came n duty the next day, Harry was still there and I asked mre abut his sister.

    One day, after abut tw weeks, I thught I culd say smething encuraging t him.

    1.D 2.B 3.A
    4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D
    8.B 9.C 10.D 11.C
    12.C 13.A 14.D 15.C
    16.E 17.F 18.C 19.D 20.G
    21.D 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.D 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.A 30.D 31.A 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.C
    36.was launched 37.which 38.enthusiasm 39.majring 40.as 41.t select 42.a 43.that 44.successfully 45.prfessinal
    36.Dear fellw students,
    We feel hnred, and wish t express ur heartfelt appreciatin t Prfessr Smith fr his graciusly agreeing t give us this nline lecture n “Hw t Write and Enjy Pems”. S let’s shw ur warm welcme!
    Prf. Smith is a well-knwn pet, and he will illustrate the cnntatins f pems in structure, imagery, and rhyme by sharing his wn pems. Thus, it is a great pprtunity t imprve ur
    writing prcedures and skills and I am sure it will be f significant benefit t us all.
    I hpe all in attendance will participate psitively and fllw his instructins as requested. Yu may als take ntes if necessary. There will be a five-minute questin-and-answer sessin fllwing the lecture, which will allw yu an pprtunity t ask questins and actively take part in the discussin.
    Nw let’s welcme Mr. Smith!
    37.One pssible versin:
    When I came n duty the next day, Harry was still there and I asked mre abut his sister. “Did she wrk anywhere?” I asked. He tld me his sister May was a typist and he had telegraphed her frmer bss. The bss tld him May had left her jb. Harry still anxiusly met every train fr the next three r fur days. Of curse, the railrad lines made a rutine checkup and the plice lked int the case. But nbdy was f any real help. I culd see that they all figured that May had simply played a trick n him. But I never believed that, smehw.
    One day, after abut tw weeks, I thught I culd say smething encuraging t him. “If yu’ll just wait lng enugh,” I said, “yu’ll see her cming up thse stairs sme day.” He turned and lked at the stairs as thugh he had never seen them befre. The next day when I came t wrk, Harry was behind the cunter f a stand. He lked at me rather sheepishly and said, “Well, I had t get a jb smewhere, didn’t I?”

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